West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 29 Oct 1908, p. 1

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O 000000000000000 mlies (:whmere KW!!!“ and plain. 5c. and 0%, 5 pivcps light and dark fig: Wolth 1256.10?” )pim es Hannelette in 10% fun: y color‘a,125c. g. lay-'5‘ l'nderwearâ€"-all all”. ed and wool. all new 1 '2: .. and upwards. . Mic-9’ Vests. in hm dimn sizel, 25c. D match ......... SSELL ”’ ’urit ’ALL TERM than M- lalkenonBIsiImM meg; Shorthand )V bton Street. KaflS asseysHarris 1plements inc Oil and Coal 0" may: \thing tlw farmer wants inthi . Hunt line can befound ill 1. Sawym "‘00 Cour... - SW. 0" men-ml. Telegflph’. liar any clay. Writ. I. M ITUATIONS I THE! IURHAM CHRONICLE I III ,y 25° De Lav The Best in tho world mm. arm-row. (30h :rs 3 anxietyâ€"all sizes and qualitivsâ€"we never hid I hath-r range“ at. 25¢. per pdr. 's' Suitsâ€"strong, nobhy Units, $2.25 for :53 m values I. .0...- Specials [or Ladies rings for Oxford 80W Sn our platform node. Machine RepoiH‘aOh Specials {or Boys .e- Leaf Lod‘or Ills taught bv the on" w Ontario. who 3'.“ A muou's Scuoot. H and all modal a which 0mm InonL with mam “no. «wait our 1nd“ u um. 00: “r. J . MCFaddClh Massey Thresher! {I and Massey-M Separators i H culors. 150‘ stmng. grainhalg, thing tu keep tho It '1' for f1 II' for d ry â€"-all sizes and m K to see them.... -all sing M ilflretns' 25. “Verified 30 I” M) ‘21 12 10 ‘20 00 to 20 to 20 to 35 to 50 to 90 to 35 to 85 to 35 to 5} to ‘25 to 13 to to to t0 t0 t0 to. to to up. 48 [“983 we!) DUH‘I f1” [0 read MCCk‘er’s ad. Big u-gains during month of No- list of N The house of Quality. vemhm'. [or saleâ€"- '1, “3 Mrs. 1 amen Wear. W it fur the big closing out, quit bu-iz; ~< \x-li's of Alex. Russell, the Big 5w . Stock now in the hands of ti:- .\ :ional Salvage Company, of Torouzw u; immediate disposal. Billie 0119114. \‘4 dmsday, November 4th 31: opens 9 am pl' bias ban 0261' The Willa mm Smith Editm ’wlt' ms statue. un- aur ~-;|-_:htene(l at. a. passing The Dundalk Herald announced that? ”’3’ .ml linlted. 31,..Ifiidlaw|it remained neutral during the latel ”mm! m the gate, and pol‘tioal campaign in East Grey. but Y" a'iv';llltllll8. called to thelhas 3-7911" considerable Space to .re-' .. ... b _. Al t port.ng toe meetings of both BldES.‘ ‘ I "'_ ' ””‘f'e‘s‘s‘ )0“ Several other local papers, eSpeofally ”' Wk) tramcamealongqm places where there is only one. :r ,l y f”: ”“91" Wh” might. beihave been amilarly silent. We are‘ Wk ‘. ' r *w- Durham hill that. he not incl’med to blame them for do-‘ 7 ‘ "1‘”58 OVH‘. the driver .33 so. In a country such as this in‘ "15““ “histh of his engine to which metropolitan papers may easily "W- ‘ ~ «4' M'l‘em'hes and shrieks find their way into every home. the gnu - MW placed the hog (la-{07d nary Ideal newspaper has neough Bdrm, - v .1“. mem. packing c0m_i‘to do to attend to local bus'ness In [any , ”ml‘ in the shade The“ place where there are two or more‘ My. 7::‘1 mind it and 'ust hadpaperss supposed to be .on diluent Tun» , _ \~ hiwnagtwahga s’su 'IaLdas of politics. the situation is! plim ,‘ , \ j. 3, - ”’, y p'gulte different and the pubho expect my; .mll‘i the “best, In the matwr‘fliem to give opinions on political“ “in...“ . “" “’“k gate “Dd all find questions. To unravel a lot of politics» Wm ,‘ Q \ .-». the road at full speed. ’13 one of the easiest ways for a local. half: .; mu saw him coming be newspaper man to supply hmselt l m ‘ mm. nll his back and was'avith oOpy .should there be a scarcity; U“ ‘ ‘ ‘ “my (lmvn Mill street. at a 0‘ 10°31 “W5 but in th? humble °9’. ml‘m‘ \ri‘... “f guingfor the doctor, lnion of the ‘writer it is not wise; ' to keep dabbling in politics all the! 4all W a , ~ ’I'M't‘l t he (.00 f to , 1 t 0 38‘ lgear round. In any event whether I all!) ‘ . mi: ”mung the owner. The local paper indulge: in politics either ”I. \l‘ '1‘. um the Sidewalk In front 11 the time or periodically nan eflort‘ ‘ ‘ "W", Where “9' Slipped ehould be made (to my mmewh‘em‘ an . la: 5.15331”! was captured. Mr. Lud- um um truth m "a“ the arty! the “‘7‘“ l” N “Vice “ka 0"“ that remarks and gum: untrufln thatf the Hlaml tell and didn’t. go through re to'o often indulge! In IIII'IIIB en PM" lass window, and second Mien m. The man who d..â€" l I r ‘21}.- -.~\ splendid draught colt, 5 h‘. .,1.1,â€"â€"A(}eo. Ritchie. Edge Hill. ’nth MK VOL. 42â€"440. 2172. x. Mann, gardener. of Orange~ h.“ issued a writ against the _'iu1' l’nx-tland Cement Co. for gm tn his garden, causal. as he ... m- (-exiwut dust and smoke th- Aunt. It \\ ll N EWS AROUND TOWN ('nnm-il have been improving Inlitinn nf some of the back by having them gmvcled. I o»!’ thu (-rnssings have also been A. m rpm-nay, and not a mom- l“ mu. Pithvl‘. aid the 3lst Regimental Band . hulding a concert the latter Nuvemhel‘. t' (3 date and mark it well, 1 y, November. 4th at 913m. vhufng out sale of the Alex. £3,000 stock of general mer- You can’t Miami to miss H. “lillfklOCk, 0f the W'ey- k. lie-mid, formerly of the vald. is one 0f the active w Hm Conservative party in J «luring the campaign.â€" m! Publisher, Toronto. ' Hunks for saleâ€"At this ixzvr‘ary services of Eben- ulint church, thre’e mlles in: will be held on Sun- ' Mfr 1.51:. when Henry of Elmwood, L3 eXpected to ' Munday evening a tea 3: be held, to which all are \ guod program wil be pro- .«slon 15 and 25 cents. -A good mlloh cow. Ap- Lauder. at the Gunnery. 'mlm'ky train came along. ying people Who might. be :hv Durham hill that. he crass over, the driver ' whistle of his engine to "5 Hf SCI‘PBChQS and Sh'ieks i hzwe placed the hog (18' \\'nsley Smith, a well- ;ulwr 1mm, of Battleford. hat umnth to Miss Annie “.Yhum, of Dunkirk, N.Y., way \Vest, Mr. and him. a few days in Toronto.â€" E’axhlisher, Toronto. Mr. pupil at one time of the “ paper. mill is still running full uming out the finished .- mte nf over 1300 barrels “.ll‘l‘illg accidents this VHS to eclipse all former The Chronicle till January 1910, for $1.00 to New Subscribers Only worm Apply at once A. Brown.-â€"2 works installed in m. gimp and deuce on Garatraxa atreet. We finvfibe 'you to ball an! use our. entirely new aeleetion of trimmed millinery for the holiday truceâ€"Miss Dick. Furniture for sale privately. in- cluding household goods. woven and many other articles. Apply to Mrs. Chas. (Lutz. 3 The rainfall on Saturday and Sunday is just what the country needed. and grass and trees have assumed a new brightness. The Presbywerian Guild are having .a. Halloween Social on 'Frlday evening, October 30th. Everyone invited. Ad- mission 100. E Alex. Russel], the Big Store entire $25, 000 :tock of clothing and 811036 :for men, “omen and children, dry goods hardware, crockery and groc- .erias wll be thrown on the market :for what they will bang.; Wait for We will send the Chnnicle to any address in Canada for the balance of the year for 100. Till January lst, 1910, for $1.00. Sdbscribe now. Big discount sale of clothing at, H. H. Morklm’s. an is the opportunity. 2‘ 3; discount on every suit. in the store to make room for our inmwnse stock of ovorcoats.â€"-The House of Quality. We are pleased to welcome D12? Mr. R. Mch'quodale, of Fleshertun, Maclaurin back to Durham. After spent Sunday i" town. “3 31111983 last spring he thought it! Mr. J. A. Sirrs returned from the udv‘i:<able to take a rest and spent' Weston Monday last. the summer at Port Sanfixeld, Mus-i koka. 11913 now much improved and; Mr. Gen. McDonald, of Hamilton, able to go to work. 4 was in town over election day. The month of October has. so far, behaved itself wonderfully well. Though we have hnda few cold and chilly days. the weather conditions have been all that could be desired. It may change any time now, so we won’t brag. To cure acute indigestion. take one cup of hot water, dissolve in it baking snda as large as a. pea and a pinch of salt. Take this half an hour before breakfast. Eat a light breakfast. After dinner take the inside skin of a fuwl’s gizzard. dry and pinch up a piece the size of a pill and take it. For supper take a. cup of boiled milk. Girl The Durham branch of the \Vomen’sl . Institute held their October nieeting‘ Messrs at the home of Mrs. J. McGirr. It Alex. MC was decided that all members pay one Fred Gla cent extra per month to help defray ing to s all necessary expenses. The next Muskoku meeting will be held on Nov. 5th at Mr. J, the home of Mrs. '1‘. Grashy, south of was a ca‘ Durham. A report of Chatsworth last. H Convention will he given by delegates. a trip to All are welcome. | weather '53 Opening date, November 4th at â€" For general house is having the water to ‘1 Rev. Mr. Newton spent a day last week thh friends in Mount Forest. Lostâ€"At t’ 3 funeral of Mrs..Lang- nil], on Sunday 18.91:, a buggy knee spread; The finder will dblfge. Mrs. Lauder at the creamery by return- ?ing the game to her. 1rp is being raised and the o'emu' :lar‘geud. The Payne preperty 'on Countess atreet, which was repently purchas- ed by Mrs. J. W. Irwfin. is at present under-going improve-menu. The hOuae Wanbedâ€"ZS extra .aalea people for the big closing out, quit business sale of the Akx. Russell stock. now in the {hands of the National Salvage 00.. of Toronto. Apply Saturday morn- Mr..Allz-1n McFarlane was in De- ?trut last week. Broadway overcoats, the new high grade clothing which we now contra-l, possess the following extra tea- ture3,â€"All fabrics are thoroughly ahrunk and examined before being made up. It embodies the best shrunk linen canvas, best felt, sile- 3ia and body linings, best hair cloth, wool pads and stays. It is well tacked, stayed. and tailored to fit the form, with perfect fitting collar. The most correct cut, best wearing qualities and more stylish than any other. The House of Quality. II. II. Mockler. ing 1.0 a.m., at the Hahn House. Inquire» for IWm. Baht, sales man- agar. Mr. and Mrs. \Vm. Bm-gman, of iHanover, were in town Monday and gave us a call. Mr. Art. Mullwnin was in Stratford (m \Vednesday uf last week. Mr. \V. D. Mills. of St. (.‘athm'ines, was in town the fore part of the week. Mr. \V. E. MoAlister is spending the hunting season in Muskoka. He left on Tuesday. Miss Effie Barclay left on Friday morn‘ng last to spent a few weeks Math her sisters in Toronto. Mrs. \V. J. Irwin, of Hamilton, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Shaw. Mr. Roht. Lawson, of Miltun, is vis- iting in town, and intends to move his family here shortly. Mrs. Adam Brown (nee Jessie Bye: s), of Parry Sound Harbor, is vnsitiug at the parental home here. Miss McKechnie, of Rocky Saugeen, left laat week to visit friends in Toronto. Messrs. \V. Ualder, Peter Paterson. Alex. McLachlan, h. H. Mockler and Fred Glass leave this Thursday morn- ing to spend the hunting season in M uskokzt. l The annual meeting of the above Society will be held in Durham on iSaturday, Nov. 7th. at 7 o’clock p.m., lfor the election of officers and other important business. The members iavnd public are cordially invited to iattend. Also please take notice that ithe following premiums will be given 1to members of the Society. Each imember can select one premium. lst, fiBulbs’for house planting; 2nd, Bulbs I;for,fall planting in the garden; 3rd, '6 Fruit trees or shrubs if obtainable. " Members will please send in their choice ot once, by card or otherwise. :i A. W. H. Lsnmm, Gums. Fm'rn, ’ President. Sec. Trees." Mr. J. G. Matthews, of Murkdale. was a caller at this office on Saturday last. He just returned recently from a. trip to Michigan. where he says the weather has been very dry, no ram having fallen since June. Mrs. D. A. Dunsmoor and two chil- dren, who Spent nearly three months with her father. W. K. Reid, and. other relatives and friends return- ed last Thiursday to her ‘home in Calgary. Mr. W. K. Reid, in him work last watt; vent through Grand Valley. Ora1.g9vllle. Brampton and Toronto, maki'mg the "trip in his usual way, on the bicycle. On his return he came by May of Waterdown and Guelo'c. Durham Horticultural Society Notice. DURHAM, 0NT., THURSDAY, OCTOBER 29. 1908. PERSONAL: One of the Eldest pioneers in this vicinity passed away on Thursday night last in the person at Mrs. Wm. Lungrill, who «lied at the home of her son Samuel at; the ripe old age of eighty-uue years. The deceased lady, whose maiden name was Hannah Hutton, was born in the County of \Vicklow, Ireland, on the 20th of August, 1827. In 1845, at the age of eighteen, she came to Cana- da. with her parents and settled near Durham. She was married in 1851 to the late Thos. Lawrence, who died in 1859. leaving three sons, John, who died a few years ago, and Thomas H. and Charles. who still reside in the township of Bentinnk. a short distance from Hutton Hill. In 1861 she nm-n'ied Mr. Wm. Lang- rill. who di4 d about. 12 years ago, leav- ing only one son, at whose home the deceased spent. the years of her second Widowhood and the remaining years of her life. For about, twang-mu) ywu's after the first marriage nf lht' decensvd, she was a residn-nl of the tnwnship of Gleuvlg. huL moved nhmltvthirty-five years ago in Lot, (51, (Jun. 3, Bentinck, un which fen-m she remained till the time of her death. lu rvligion she was originally an Episcopalcan, but for forLy years 01‘ more she. has been an ardent member of the Methodist; church. She was a pioneer. as above stated, and was l)le:se(l with a strong consti- tution, which enabled her in those early days to hear the burden and: endure the hardships that are incident to pioneer life. She was an industri- ous and affectionate Wife and mother, and though she passed the allotted time some years ago, her death is mourned hy all the members of her sorrowing family. Intennent took place on Sunda) afte1 noon last. when her mortal remains were laid away in the Hutton Hill cemetery in the 1 presence of a large number of sorrow- { 1119; friends and relatix es. Here we are again Mr. Editor, hap- ing you will appreciate a few item-'3 of news from the same old place. Liberal candidate for South Grey 1! again returned. Mr. 3311 made a. good run and reduced the majority to a 128. Mr. James Atkinson I)“ purchased the Farr pmperty at u handguns flame. Messrs. Fred and Murray Ritchiec who left for the great West on {one of the excurisons some three months ago, arrived home last Monday, look- ing as if that country agreed with them. . » I Mr. John Staple’a sale on October 2131: was well attended and things wnet well under the swinging of the :hammer by Mr. M. Kenny. MRS. WM LANGRILL DEAD We extend our heartieat congratu- lations to Mr. and Mrs. John Wilson. of Lambton street. who joined heart and hand some two or three weekl ago. ' We wish them a long gnd {happy life. Mr. John Staples has got the found- ation of his new barn about complet- ed and is preparing to get the timb- ers out. The new wall is Inger than the old one. size 60 x 60. We are sorry to learn that Mr. Bell is still unable to do my work. Mr. Wm. Weir has recently created a fine new monument to his “16’: memory in the cemetery here. A Beautiful marble monument MI recently been erected to tho memory of Mr; and am. Hamlin. DARKIES’ CORNERS )1 RS. \" M . LA V( ‘- H i LL. J. J. HUNTER “Progress” Brand Men’s Tweed Pants, from $1.00 up Men’s Overalls, .......... from 50c. up Men’s Smocks, . S. F. MORLOCK Men’s and Boys’ Hats and Caps, from 25c. Ladies’ Blouse Waist-s, ................. from 250. Ladies’ Corsets, ........................ 25c. to $1.25 Ladies’ and Children’s Undervests, Ready- made Skirts and J ackets.. Come and examine for yourself. Don’t forget the place. PROGRESS BRAND CLOTHING Sole Agent for Progress Brzmd Clothing. THE BUSY 87036 N THE 308' DOMEI. Cash and one price the only way is go to the corner store, J. 6’ J. HUNTERS’ ...from 500 We are showing all the latest styles in Men’s and Boys’ fall Overcoats. O u r stock is composed of extra large range of Men’s Raglan- ettes, U lsters, and Reefers, made from all-wool, beaver, milton, frieze and tweedsâ€"they come in great variety of patterns in all the leading colors, in- cluding and ' Tweed Mixtures at prices to suit i‘l every man’s purse. Men’s and Boys‘ Underwear We carry an extra large smck of Men’s and Boys’ Underwear, including Pen- mans’ unshrinkable. Nova Scotia wool, fleece lined, natural wool and union knit shirts and drawers. A great chuice in Men’s and ons’ fall and winter Cape at moderate prices. Men's and Boys’ Boots $1.00 PER YEAR; Black Grey Brown from $1.00

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