West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 29 Oct 1908, p. 3

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Jamieson Maclaurin A. H. Jackson. RY PI'BLIC, COHQISSIQB; (mu-5am“. , ic'. 1.0M Muney to Loan. lull" d '3'“ £81153. A canard than“ 5" Met , I. C. P.. LONDON. ENG. ?ULATE of London, '0' '3‘ 4m! ('hicaxo. m 0! Eye. Ear N000 and M l'. Knapp House, Durham. 3..“ Vin mu'h uwuth. Hoursâ€"14“.. CAR, THROAT NOSE K IAN AN D SURGEON, 0'- in th_a New Hunter Block. 0“ "bun. Ontario. lataut, Rn)‘. LondOI 0,33.” l“. to Gohlwn Sq. Thrust Old I“. h INTER. SOLICITOB, GON- M'r‘r“. Nuhlr)‘ Public. B“. m L’ lu-‘dvst Rates. bfrizxfyru Block. 0"" SW ° Tn: (3330mm.- ‘ .ptxon :lny add"... {not . o . mpel'yfll’. . ay be charged it not 3:, uvrry gunhwripthl ‘8 ” .o-r om the whims I350]. ‘ ! to .I” afloat: m ”H, .L‘ I-I-I- “â€" m w a. m.. to 4 p. n. gm” £65 pocial attention given to d” x and children. Rosana. OD- osbvterian Church. IQ’Y‘P' De II/dl Dm’dorv. ’broniclc Mad [ml Dirertorv r. w. 0. Pickering Dentist. GRANT. D. D. 8.. L. D. 8. R GRADUATE. UNIVERSI- nor for the County of GM. Attendodwgo. Onion-Oi up meat ”woo-I. . or u the Chm-high nent HAM. Hutton, M. ' 13. Prod, S$., Owen m CLARK. LICENSED ERY THURS!) DR. BRO‘WN or! rtlwr Gun, Lc’fdl (0178510,? . at 3nd Miscellaneous. o proprietor w. F. Dunn, stinger. .da J. P. Telford. \V. IRWIN SPECIALIST I m... sumcrron. BT0- L‘V!‘ U mdon'i [10' JW iv .m. Durham. AnyI-“fl luau at 5 per cent. on m DR. BURT. [‘nronto Sauna: fl m PUBLISH-n "or transient film «at.» pet lila for the inn; 3 cents porn-m minion measure. 1 .ing mm inch M.” without ”walla lit {uprbiol and 65.3“. â€"-" L( at." ‘='olid."‘ first insertion- 25n- Over J. «t J. Hunter’s. 0ST. (Lower Tm) r: unto. Grad“... Immune ofOntano. in all its Branch“. Block. ova! Pat in onion Printing ”0““ Street, W TYPE 93 for tut east of Knapp’g “on: Lower Town, y... tu 2 o’clock 8dr JI'OII ’etely bi RESIDENCE AY mpmmon. 1 charged u . ‘ iFouId." “For n tion. 25 can“ tor n. ed by "n.89l‘8 m v ml vertigo-gm. In. office. «near. r-"SIITO insert”. b am in not later than y flocked with g i. thus aflordilm ning out First-ab vfor ")0 fir 8““ per line m), u.“ lull] in h_ n 1103mm; Sm?“ Lamp: The 100 M 100 1(1) m GT in newsdcalera. mm 3. 80. 3mm New Ygrk “(In :0. @FSkWuhmmomD. hmiiiv Table Covers, 6-4 size, 1.15 “ “ 84 size, 2.75 ”M Lu-(n'21t9d4-piece glass Table 5,» x. at $1.50, $1.75 and 82.“). Ultl tlm'nl‘atf’ll 7 3908 8“” water ”4‘, $1.95 an 32% each. amps. all sizes (tom 25c. up to 3.25 1:19: He'rry BOWIS. Cake Plates, Water Pitchers, etc. PL’ :‘v’i PS [ml at. charm). Lathe 3:3 5mm: flmeman. M.â€".‘-- BC The People’s Grocery and Provision Store Al FOR ALL KINDS OF ALSO The Big Peaches Pears and Plums In Full Swing «1'an sanding asketch and desert hum v :m -rr:un our Opinion (to. w other a: . , ~. 1-! yr: haMy panama laoofommunlcav ,a 41'." mmlontlnl. "AN 8 on FM . . u: :«t a 'ency for securing ms. 1-. . 'c rum ‘t rough annAg noun Mrs. Beggs Sons 8D GY.’ EZ’UE WHITMORE. Durham He Se": Cheap 11 1 size, Flannelette Blank- . $1.25 each. - ml] and winter Vests and ,.m-rs from 250. up. - hlark sateen Undmkirta, .4. ma $1.75 each. “,4 white wool Boas, 3b,, , ml “54:. each. '_‘.'u-. and 5300. Dress Goods. l‘nulignn Jackets, D. 3.. 1,“) 13.3. and $1.50 each. . vv' __â€" Wynn; must'mtzd'ioekfy_ Ernest Ell» '; .f__zmy scientific Joan: Terms 10! .. . 1 year. posture Pravda. Sold b! mfzn'tPl‘S from 81.35 to 330(1) ° H. BEAN Call and see Us 1 want to make money and (slenel 6.1.131”, Should an: “-5835 _ wuze 5: Bloor Sta. 3. A. I‘m: um-_ iri. H. Mfller, SAVE MONEY ? "him'ss with H. H. MILLER HA In m-r Conveyance:- lle offers: :lunwtg, Frame Dwelling, Bank .. .1 fag, ought to bringMOOO nl' Iii‘ . Mm to inform mv customer! ‘ lmhlic in general that lam ‘ .- furnish an Pumps and at - Well Drilling, Re Curbing ' -~\ Curbing done with cement .. All orders taken at the Old f0" HWL" McGuwan’s mill will be “’5 attended to. All work guar- b0 ,u. "Live and lotlive” prices. 3" Durham Road. Bentinck. good nk Ham, Fair Dwelling. snap 1‘ he Hanover Conveyancer. ,' - vi-‘J â€" --vvâ€"-â€"'â€"' m: tfirough Mann '1 without. chime. in A Car of Mixed Chop Just Arrived. m good Buildings, alone wor- m 5‘3'0) asked tor the farm furd 1’1). in: Int 1n Durham for 9310 :1110101’ anything a man can r thruw a. stick at. ..:11t and wld onCommission ' :1 Debts collected 0.13. R. 1 man Tickets for sale 3300 r11 m1 Cement 00., phced in sale, cheap. rompt, never negligent. Mg, splendid locatioq, extra 3, cheap at 37500, Will take m Bi: Discos-t Offer. Easter to August 31“ $30.00. Bi 731110. Full Calder Block |GOUNTYDISTRIGT| the man aroea and got his hands on Hundred dollar-35 wh_ch he made off with. The authorities have been put on the trail and it is honed the thlet ‘le be captured.â€"Hanover Post. An.1£nglls.h emigrant dn’fted Into Dobbnton a few days ago and callad .5 LL- 1 7 ‘ “ - *â€" - “â€"J- “uv “n“ “1"“ at the house of Mr. James Thom - son and asked for lodgin . r. Thompson hang of a k;nd 'spoai'tion granted hi'm the request, bu}; the Miss Gertie Walmsley, employed in Ballaohey, Lasidlaw Co’s. millinery department, met thh a pcculm misp- hap on Tuedsay, a needle penetrating: get forg‘ a§m_ {ind ryqyaug-mg» Lnuu. fl _ -'.-.fi--- wlvtvi The needle had been left sthking, up- right in the sewing table, and m reaching over for .aomethin the young lady’s arm struck it wit} con- ;derablve force. Unsuccessful efforts were made by her companons and also by the doctor to extract the needDe.â€"Pai.aley Advocate. car I- “swab“ UL 511‘; ”(It)“ must W'WB Mr. David Mason ma install :1 in the Bosltnon of leader of the 32nd Regt. and. Mr. Mason’s tam rary leader- :3hlp of that organiza ion has hem most satisfactory and the band feel {that they might go farther and fare worse in the choice of a leader. A member of the band for about a quarter of a century, Mr. Manson has sufficient musical eXperience to emin- ently qualify him for the position.â€" Bruoe l‘imes. WJnagl Daxaidagn, gnfi (fit time most respect; res en 3 o 0 an town- ' ' . ship, died at the residence of his son.i W111 Stay In l‘eeswater George, on Tuefida)’. Septembea‘ 27“- Some \Vingfiuam citizens thfnk that Mr. Dav dson had reach“; his 86th u would be a good gdea for we (LP. year and had been in failms health R. company ‘ln rebuilding the round some t‘me. Deceased was a generous louse 10 make the}; town. instead of and kind neLg‘h'bor and was 'held in Beeswa'ter, ,t..-e road termmal. It h'gh esteem by all who knew him. nus even been suggested that some He haves 1:0 mourn hi! 1033 two inducement be held out to the com- dauguters and two sons, Mrs. Jus. puny ‘to make the change. The road Daean and T. W. Davidsonof Orc- uu'tnor ties, however, do not thunk gon: rs. W.. Hampton. of Manâ€".tobn. a change at all adeaable. and and Georle Dawd-‘OD 119‘” \‘Vkll-l'cuns- are maxing prep;.r.1t 0115 101‘ .n- ford. The funeral tOOk place to other. bulking on the site of the one St- Luke‘s com-Jt-ery, Williamsford, recently deatroyed. Thgre is some RGV- W- G. Rally of Chatsworthmon- apoculatlon as to the kind of bulld- dudt-ng t .e scrvfies, and was larg-e- (mg to be put up. In v-ew 01 Le ly attendL-dnâ€"{Cfiatsworth News. (mg tuat they have 10.5.1: three round- This ailment is usually caused by rheumatism of the muscles of ‘ tho.- smal! of the back, and is quickly cur- ed by applying Chamberlain’s Lini- ment two or turce times 4 day and massaging the parts at each applict tion. For sale by all drug stores. D. McN'ohol, Monitreal, vice presi- dent of the C. P. R... and J. =Oborne, Toronto, general sumrntendent. went through Hanover on Thursday lint on t‘:;e;r first tour of inspection over the new C. P. R. brunch. (thew arr ved here just at the time of the fatal acc dent of Conductor Clark. Per-ops; not often do the men at the .‘vend of aff'nrs view the gruesoml fatal t'e-‘u w“.ich seem to be insapn- able from ralrmdlngâ€"ure not oftfin evewftznesses of t“e accidents which “t‘e boys" at the front are some- t'mes subjected to. These men were v :1-ny affected and no doubt the name of Hanovor will_ nomaxn l‘on'g Mr. James “'hyte had the misfor- tune to 102.9 one of his horses. Ah cut 1 tin o’clock ho heard a noise outside and [ound t‘ at his mart. had hrokl‘n t.rough the covering of the well. It is suppDSCd t' at she was trying to ranch her colt wh'ch was shut up in nnot'rer fi-tld. Mr. \Vhyte immedi- at‘ly cud-savored to secure ,hcr from fullng, but after u. strug 1e she went to the bottom, falling a out thirty! fo-t. {There wan no water in tha wail and in a short time the neigh- bors asszmblcd. {I‘hey constructed a Windlass and Caytae'n Snider went down and hitchcA th" chnfn, but in raising her the unfortunate brute 3N1) (1 through the nose and it was d:-cf -d not to Trenew the :i‘ttem' t as .he caaing had been broken. his. was well because ere a. rule “as: brought to Lapatch her shcbreath- Ied her lit-“t. -..Mr. Whyte has bad ’sevxeral losses and every'bod shows his pl‘é’87nt misfortune. -â€" ampden 'Cor. in Hanover Post. I An acc'dent occurred out in the country, a short distance from this vllagc on Wednesday last, which goes to vertify the truth of the \old adage which says that in the must lie we are in death. 0n the after- 'noon of that day Mr. Charles HOpf 'went to the bush and while trying gm (1 slodge the limb of a tree that was ‘tang'ng onto another, making 'a death trap for cattle or other a .- 1thereunder. the f118118.118 limb broke ‘looae sooner than he antic: ted. and ‘in its descent struck Mr. opf on the (thigh, ru tur'ing a large artery. Some of Le members of the turn ly re w-Lth him made all haste (in redoving Mm to his home and ' medk'cal aid. Drs. Brown. A ‘1“-44111“! 911.1 MfiiIDSQ 0f lian" ”W“.â€" in t‘. er memories and be recall-211' w th u shud ler as they r :m-nmlber. t‘ e fat? that gxllant Clarke met 1' eie.â€"1’ost. At} mqeglpg of the baqdhlratheek 32nd Regt’s New Baud Leader. " More Than Enough is Too Much. C.P.B. Ofiicials Visit Hanover. Do’bbinton Man Robbed Cant’t Find the Needle. Holland Pioneer Dead Killed at Aim!!- Loy A Horse. Lam e Back health a mature man (13 just enough ‘food to ate and supply energy The habitual consump- food than 'is necessity vases is {he prime cause mbles. rheumatism and be kidneys. If ttr‘oubled .03. refine our diet. J -M mane to ‘oontrol Three young men of our qluet little «3133” gutted Out on Saturday with e ‘to look for game. We do rut know whether it was for beer or Ind ans for which they were looking. but before the had brought down e t‘- er, one of t {oung men received a bullet through he arm just ubov-e t‘e elbow. One of them Jwas. man- ipulafilng the rifle, and in some way it was (1 so arged with the above re- sult. We are very glad to announce that the young pfat ent is progressing n’.,cely but a rifle in the hands of boys L3 9. rather dangerous play- tthg aâ€"Gorrie Vidette. I One of the oldest rues'dents of the village passed away last Saturda ev- en ng in the person of Thos; 0mm! He was a few days over 82 years of age and for some time had been verly feeble. A native of Dumfriesshlregi Scotland. {he came to this country 52 years ago, saiL'ng on the same vessel as corned Mr. James Johnston. black- sm'Jtn, across the Atlantic. For a number of years he lived at A rL waste he worked at his trade. ’ng a carpenlterl. Lather he moved to the Township of Garrick, and for many years owned and worked a farm near BMaklava. He came to Teeswat-er between seven and eight years ‘ago 'wmh his wife, who dye-:1 .sx years ago. He since then has liv- ed thh his son, Andrew. and a daugh‘ter, Mrs. Moore, ‘who are the only survaing members of the fami- ly.â€"Teeswater News. "While in the arm in 1863 l was taken with chronic iarrhoea,” says George M. Felton, of South Gibson, Pa. “I have since. tried many reme- d'ea but without any permanent (r3- l‘ef, until Mr. W. A. Miles Jof this lace ersuaded me to try Chamber-. olic, holera and Diarrhoea Remedy one bottle of which sto ped it at once.” For sale by all Brag Stores. are making prep-..r.1t on» tor tn- sorrow ‘by the many friends and alc- otlzera buildng on the site of the one qualmtanoes of the demoeased l..dy. recently destroyed. There is some Mrs. Gordon was well known in town speculation as to the kind of bulld- and was weld Ln the most aflectionate 5113 to be put up. In v-ew 01' Le ostaern by all wno knew her. It was fast tuat they have lost three rouud- known that she was ill, but her dvuuth houses here w.-thin nine years one calm; as a gr-mt sur1,r..se.; About six would (:Xpect the company to put up weeks ago Mrs. Gordon caught a chill :somttuing Ema-proof. Those In a. wluclrdev-cloped 'jnto gleulisy. Her posit on to know somethtng of the condo-hon gradually eo'ame worse m nds of the otflcials however, thllok and last week Drs. M-ddlebro and lt.:ut the bu ldlng to be erected thl Lang .t'ld a. consultaton/ which re- bc t; e same as the one burned down. sultgd in tlleLr informing the sorrow- -â€".Ncws. 5 jlng family t" at there was little nape . ”â€"M ;for t:yc.r lovcd one’s recovery. Mt-E-r. Lamb Breaks Wmuow Pane. t u, howcvu‘, Mrs. Gordon ”emeJ ‘ to -mprove and was mucu brightxr. l Tllere is at least one business man and’cyueerler than $119 had been the iin town w..o has lost all conudence 1’13“" gng montn. In fact on the very Mn txe inst-knew or the laum. All. day 0‘1 1181‘_ itath it seemed to the“ gl’ttJ Gratf. one of our local butciutrs “lk‘mb'v‘” 01 tie famJy that she (JH'Ilud a ptt laUIL) and on inur-day; W uuld 139 Sllal.‘cd to them, but about 0; last \Vuck 1L decided to promenade! seven 0910015 In tile evening She was t -o 3111.11 street. ln lts u'a‘mls 1L “C-Zi‘d Witl 11 V'901’5'Ilt ht 0t, coughjng got ln company witn some llttl'; girls “(id passed .u-way. “10 11113-11911 name and. LOIAOW'LU than .nto the Stalk, or 0‘ t“: 44031133‘1 was ‘70”?th U111!- Mossrs. Cra-g and S;xngst:.-1'. lt evl- by and '5-1‘0.Ԥ'33 ‘L daughter of the dsntly dd not receive tnc courteous lfito JOSC‘D-l (unbyl. {She was born fire-(tumult t .at ls usually Ill-stud . 1” Derby t“'f5"115”-P fifty-1N9 years‘ag‘o out cusLOUICI‘S and in its Jun), to and was warned to.Mr. 0"35'1';S b01- ex t, altlllllllLd tLe screen {2,001- againscldonf ln 1877. She is suurVLVed by one 0L t.:c large \Vllld0\\'-1.-ilill-1‘:‘aevun 30113 and tWO daughterSJâ€"S. S. .- H- ‘ , . :11! n “hunt“: 1‘1”) fingf f‘) : 13.11193. ‘n -\ '\.\l‘- “xi There is at least one business man in town w..o has lost all mundane»: in txd m.ck11-szs m the lumu. \‘u. 1’ t. r Gxa;,f one of our local butc lLr3 (mnud u pgt 18.1110 and on luur dug, 0; last wik A dweid~d 10 p1 om nauJ t.u Ma.11.str».»ct. In 1th u'amls at gut 111 company witu some: llttl: girls and whoww tux/m .utu my. Stall, o. Messrs. Crag and Smngstur. 1t av;- dmtly dsd not receive we courteous ttmutuluu tat is usually meted out customers and in its -mrry to ex t, slumxmd he screen door against on; at he large \vandow'-1,un-'z§ :br'eouxk gng it into pircoca. Tue cost to Mr. Grad to I‘Uplum; the gin» was about 1:54.00. Tue iamb has; 5-110;; bum k.lLLu.â€"'1’ura L.udcr. A team 01' 1 arses belonging _t0 \Vm.| Ly‘ttle of Brunt, took. Maggi. at «an woummg gravu tram on tuu Bend on Enduy and mm away. Couraing‘ OV'JI‘ LA; Build thuy cUlLJ-pd W11“: Alux. Ernmats team and caused the latter to suck tuetr lwerty inuig'nt.1 Alux. trlud to 5t0p than but nuns; broke in his hands. The exuitmetnt' .iturwd Leave Rudollms team 04,! and 101‘ a Lcw taunt-4:5 tut-cu YURI-5 ways were in progress at. the Bend. But all’s well tLat tends well, and' wucn the dust m «excxemcn'c mus char-.11 away,'t:.'e damage was mum); to 001115st 0. u f-uW bus 01' brokun. ‘maruuas.â€"Bruoe Times. ' I ”"While in the ar m! in 1863 I was nlnv-An: A :n-‘fiknnn ,’ aanu Because you have contracted ordi- nary colds and recovered from them without treatment of any kind, ':lo nut for a moment imagine that cams are not dangerous. thryone snows that lpneumonia and chronic caterrh have their origin in a common coldCon- sumption in not caused by a cold but the cold prepares the system tor the reception and deve10pment of the germs that would not otherwise have found lodgment It is the same with infectious diseases, Dipatheria, scar- lot [over measles and whooping cough are more likely to be contract- ed when the child has «a cold, You will see from this that more real lurks in a cold than ig_any other of: 'J‘“- U vâ€"vrwâ€"v ”1f laced end to end, produce a pyrap !mfg 5,600 000 feet in height, or 193 itimea higher. than the hicheut moun- ‘taln in the world. Can you grasp {the magnitude 0! the demend for. ”Dal-An, 'I‘AQ' ' n 4 1 « the con mon ailments. The easiest and q‘uickest way to cure a cold is to take bhamberlain‘s Cough Remedy. The many remarkablt cures effected by this preparation have made it I a staple article of trode over {a large A arc of the world. For :cale by all rug stores. Two more barns went up 'n smokel the past week entaiang heavy loss to the owners thereof. The f-rst rc-1 ported was that of Mr. Rimmer. on the Keth farm. Egremont, on the Arthur townLne, a few miles this sde of Conn. The cause we unier- stand was bush time which raged fiercely in that neighborhood last week. It is said Mr. Blmmer had no insurance and that all has season‘s crOp gnd implements were burned. The second loss was the barn of Chas. F-rctzley, also a temnt on a farm Ian Normbyn but the cause of the [re is not known. All the contents were also destroyed in this case, but no report has been recanted as to the insuranceâ€"Mt. 'Forst Represen- Mount Everest of the Himahyaa ”is the hlghest mountain eak an the world, being over 29.0 0 feet high. The 18,000,000 packets represent ng one year’s output of “Salada” Tea would n- j L. A-) _-“'-CAA. Q numâ€" the Lve. Th’o Hunting Benson’l Hero. For Chronic Diarrhoea. Why Colds Are Dangerous. Dead at Eighty two Exmbcmcnn (jam; 6 Two Barns Burned. I I THE DURHAM CHRONICLE f That’s the way cmm s comeâ€"strike thhout warning. Not lug so sure to instantly reLevc as Nervuin-aâ€"Just a. few drops .11 sweetened water ls all that’sa‘equlred to stOp the pain. Pol- aons Nervlne is a true comfort to every turn ly, for a atomaqh and bowel derangement -t is an absolute speolic. Guaranteed to have at least :f-ve tunes tne strength of anypther Fpan releving medicine. â€" perfectly ;.sufe, pleasant and uselul for external * limirmft 00. F01: a reliable honeeholq Master Jim Tanner had a narrow] escape from drownz‘n in the cmtern at his father’s res" co the other. day.» The ci-wern with an open tap is located 1n the back yard and his fa‘t’tler was pling wood near the! catcrn. Jim fell in while his fath-. er was some (instance away. Fortun-i ately Mr. Tanner immediately discov-. ered what had happened. but it was wt» great difficulty that he man-1 aged to get his son out alive as the; water was deep enough to cause' drownfn . and the raising of the laid; out of t :e c-3tern through the nar- row Openng was a very difficult taskâ€"Mount Forest Represent-ve. Mrs. William Noelands (passed away‘ away at the resrlvenoe 0: her arm-in»1 law, Mr. S. G. King, on Thursday last, was one of tue oldest. resLdents, beta in years of llfe and length ‘0! time in which she had lived In this vicinit . The (hemmed was born in Irelan in 1816, and WW?- aged '92 years and 4 mout '8, and for 61 years 0'; mar long 1-va had lived in Grey county. Wmen tin years of age she omfigrated «to Canada with her fath- ers IamJy and first Sitkfli near Brampton, \v.1ere .ahce was married in 1834 to tue lat-e William Neelando. wth whom she later moved to the township of Derby with the earliest \3:¢tl1‘{s. Here they lived on the .lzomastcad at Inglls Falls for many years and here occurred her hus- band’s death about twenty-sewn years ago.â€"O. S. Advertiser. The news of the death of Mrs. Chas. Gordon, wife of the town clerk,which occurred at seven o'clock on Monday everfingt was reoedv-ed wit}: smog-e fnedolvne-oase Nerviline su'plies all «tzmt’s necessary. Large ‘50 bottles sold everywhere. Bumped Prom Drowning. When a Harsh Catarrhal Cold Fastens on the Breathing Organs a Life is Threatened. There are times when a Hyomei puttt is worth a life and having it at land will save a lie, no safer precaution can be ,suggested than calling at MnefarLane’s drug store and getting a. supply for use In fol- lowing cases. When a child shows the first sign of croup a breath of Hyomei through the inhaler w.ll check the trouble permanently. When through catching,cold you seem to be choking up, difficulty to breathe, pain or soreness over the lungs and other, symptoms of pneu- monia. the Lustant rehef from lIyomei air L3 marvelous. It peneltrates quickly to the inner recesses of the bronchial tubes and lungs where no liqu.d or moist medi- cine can reach. ‘ When an asthmatic condition pre- sents unusual wheezing and Oppress- ed breathing. Hyomei will bring rest; Complete outfit $1.00. Joseph Ritchie of Parkhfll, is dead as tue result of be-ng caught 11) a. threshing engine belt. Edmund Mered th, K. C., Chief oounael for Pr1vate Moir, predicts his 111119 coming trial in London. Neil Mines was found not guilty! of burglary before Judge 1an! eat \Voodatock. London has bad but five street acquital on the charge of murder. at fatahties in thirteen years. Dorohester game wardens are after some of £110 sportsmen of that place for spearing £1811 by torchhight. con- trary to the law. Barrie L3 to have an all day eleotm light aérvioe and in addition power w.ll be supplied for manutac- raptuILng and domestic purposes in nuts up to five horse power. The new system goes into effect on Nov- ember 15th. L3 to inhale Cemrhozone. It de- ‘atdrys the germ. gives tenet in a few minutes. cures thoroughly. Doc- tors recommend Caterrhozone because safe and efficient. Sold by Ill deal- era for $1.00. Try this uannteed cure for Summer Caterr Admin. Hay Fever. It never tells. . L . ing, nose colds, and headrac'hes. These are the first stages of Hay. Fever. wh.oh increases «in severity until: trust qomeg. gray spre cure lgpovyn Everytwhem you ace pcâ€"Ople with gore, runn :33 eyes, ‘oatgrrgml sggez- Passed Foursoure and Twelve. Death of Mrs. Charles Gordon. As Unexpected as Burglm CANADA‘IN BRIEF ERGENCY DANGER Hay Fever Sufleren. The following time Enblo Will be in ofioct until further notwo: Rand down 6.30n.m. 2.55pm. 1v Wnlk‘r‘n or 10.” p. m. 1.25 pm 6.47 6 59 711' 729 741 757 810 3.11 Maple Hill 9 48 Hanover 9 36 Allan Pk. 9 24 Durhtm 9 07 M’Willinms 8 54 Pricuville 8 38 or. Sa'no'nJ. lv8 25 ash-bone” 83888:: Rand up 1.08 12 56 12 44 12 27 1214 11.58le 1145 7 3 50 Durhtm 9 07 12 27 7 41 4 00 M’Williune 8 54 12 14 7 57 4 22 Pricuville 8 38 11 583.!) 810 4 35 er. Sa’ge'nJ. lv8 25 1145 Connecting with trains to end from Toronto. Through conch between Durhun and Toronto. Speed. comfort and safety. Try the people'e line.â€"â€"no long waits nt J unotione. Cometonl for tickets and information. With the opening of the new anadinn P: cific Line another milestone has been roach ed in the history of ouqtown. ,_ “We are nlsoA nu for Allnn and Dominion aminuhipa. C. P. ocean linen nnd Dominion Expreu. Icahn-Inn. £5 00. For Bargains in Men’s and Boys Suits Odd Pants Rain-Coats Canadian Pacific Railway Time Table. The school is thoroughly equipped in teaching ability, in chemical and electr‘cal supplioo and fittings. etc., for full Junior Leaving and Mario ulauon work. The following competent on! m in charge : THOS. ALLAN. lot Clan Certificate, Pm. MISS DONALDA MCKERRAUHER, B.A. Clusica, Moder. a. and Engllch. Intending students should enter at the begin- ning of the term if possible. Bonrd can be ob- telnedet reasonable rates. Durham is e heelth end active town, making it emoet deeirebc oboe of residence. MISS GERTRUDE HODGE, B.A.. Science. History and Geography. C. L. GRANT Umbrellas Sweaters Hats and Caps Overalls Shirts Smocks Collars and Ties Boots and Shoes Everything in the Gent’s Furnishing line. This is your chance and should take advantage of it. DURHAM SCHOOL. MOMOM Having decided to give up the Gent’s Furnishing? Business in 0 my entire stock will be cleared out at Reduced prices on some broken lines of ladies’ Oxfords and Slipl which we want to dispose of. Call and see if your size is here, it save you money as well as do us a favor. While They Last Now is a good time to leave your order for a pair of fall shoes. ‘ have a large stock of factory goods in heavy and line goods. Are you thinking of going West ? get our prices on trunks. vnli: telescopes, etc., before purchasing. Custom work and repairing done as neatly and quickly as possit The Down Town Shoe Store to Stinson’s Ice Cream Parlor, where you get the‘ Best Ice Cream, Ice Cream Sodas, Sundaes, etc. Call in on your way home and get a quart tO‘ treat the family. Come with the Crow STAFF AND EQUIPMENT. Bakery The Model Fool, 81.00 per month. Chsirmsn. You get the Benefit of Quality J. S. MCILRAITH . ROSE, Durham COST PRICE I Geo. fl. Stinson Eggs taken as Cash C R AMAGI. Secretary so‘osO §Os.‘0 SHOP open every sfternoon. All REPAIRING promptly and orly attended to. 4%...W. [L 0M Pumps of all Kinds Galvanized and Iron ’9 ing; Brass, Brass L. and Iron Cylinders. 1 Pumps from $2 man W. D. CONNOR l5 KING 5? EAST BOOK-KEEPING SHURTHAND TYPE\VRIT[NG COMMERCIAL LA‘V COMMERCIAL CORRESPONL ENC E PLAIN BUSINESS \VRITING ORNAMENTAL WRITING and in placing all its grand Each student, is taught separata his own desk. Trial lessons a: week free. Visitors welcom. HDAY and EVENING cl. Groceries, Flour, Feed and Seeds, Fruits and Confec- tionery, Wish to thank 0111 customers for three years prosperous business, and to say in changing our system of business from credit to cash, we hope 13C do a mOre satisfaction business to both ourselvel and our customers. A Business Colle; Handkerchiefs Suspenders Hose and Hut-Hose Underwear Sweatens Overalls Smocks Boots and Shoes w. T. CLANCY. P13 Manufacturer of And Dealer in â€" LEADS XN Mount Forest Bakery The

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