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Durham Chronicle (1867), 29 Oct 1908, p. 4

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OCH' ‘é “pr. U at I. ficfarlane (Ho. hi3, t is thought, exceeded 1 gave Mr. Miller a major‘ty T sanguine QXpectat on of Mr. Fa just because treatment put at! until too late. kache, sluggish action kidneys etc., denote that ething is wronw. Then the time to take ’ arrs rudney Dj ills ’ is EFFEVTIVE Remedy ,: 1:98 the development of Ficus kidm-y troubles gum-5s. It. u-gulatvsand Bdney troubles often start Ht]! giving much disconn- It. In the incipient stages ~19 consider the appar- h slight ailment trifling )d are apt to neglect them- rlves. The kidneysâ€"the .ters of the blandâ€"should gver be neglected. Thou- .nds of cases become hope- {stores the organs to their ’rnml conditiun, and RWIN. Editor and Proprietor. lectiona are over and all good will ab'de by the results. Mr. bu been elected in South Id the Laurkr Government 13 rd by a somewhat reduce-d y. Things have just turned lut the way we eXpecte-d. but Ld be untrue to say there p surprises even "11 the local ‘lvere. Durham’s majoriyt of PMr. Ball “’a§ a surprlse to lutives and L'beruls alike, HAM CHRONICLE f whom expected from 90 to »r was it less of a surprise liberals of Hanover, to see Iler’a major ty in that town p only 105 when acme of them I to get two hundred at 163.3. prutives got a sun r'se too. i CXpGth'd to see Mr. Miller Iggists and Booksellers s all bladder inflanmtion. It 150 in his own town. Some Coniervativea in Hanover. ', evidently made a very care- nate of the atuat’on and put 101"; major ty at best at 118 [I a few who where consid- ' ., . ' I . pr h;s fronds, and was also Here we are again after a few ice to the supporters of Mn! W961“ playing truant‘ and as the no Conservatives felt that f thrmhing nad elections are over, we would go largely Liberal, on:1"‘0mi50 to be on hand with our of the large Catholic voteibudg'tfi as often as possible. I 110pe iaturally lncl'ncd towardsthe Mr. Editor and the readers of the $6! a coâ€"relig'onliat premier-JCHroniclo will forgive me for ne- out gave ‘ majority to Mniglacting to have the happen'ngs of unusual thing in what is u+|our hamlct chronicled for the past nfiderul a Lberal township,' few weeka. . tlat seldom failed to give ity in that way The peeplle tounship have their reasons ng 3% they d'd, mi it may‘ r'ned U at the Salary Grab .ndals form d an importantE n 'oLang ng the usual result pple are more indep'en‘lmt;l ' political lean nga, md to the result of any election ownhsip {I no easy matter. tine]: the [Lends of Mr. Mill- dinppointed at a major'ty Mr. Ball, when they were on a mtjoroty of 7D to '75 Milk! .mho Bot 84 at 'the .HAM. OCTOBER 29, 1908. eedleSs idney roubles .btful THE ELECTION. One Price only 25 Cents. sow BY contest with Mr. MoK'nnon :0 townhnip of Sullivan gave I: a! 8 to Mr. Miler. This 5 putt!” were counting on t cub claiming ubout 60 THE (tor. It seems in thin al- C'utswortb ....... Egremont .......... Glen-91g ............... Normanby ........ Sullivan ............. A; the official returns will not! be in before Thursday and we go to preas Wednesday, the detailed statga mont is held over until next week. '1‘} i3 week we-‘give the majorities by anic‘pal'tiea as they are now 3n our poascssion. There are in all pro- babil ty some mistakes, but the 're- sult will not be altered. The majorit'ea are as follows,â€" Hanover . ........ Durham .......... Bentinck ........ paign. not even a'hmdow of suspic- ion roat ng aga‘nst him. his agents, party work'ri. or political or per- wnul friends. The campaign left a good imprcas'on of Mr. Ball as an hon-eat man and a gentleman. whose chance later on may be fraught with grouter aucoess. -l. .1â€" New Brunsmick ................. 5 Prince Edward Island ..... 3 Manitoba ............ . ................ 3 Saskatchcwa n .................... 1 election that Mr. Miller got a uni- ority of 21. ' Total magorit Miller. . Ball ............... Ontario Quebec ................ . ................. Nova Scotia ................ New Brunswick . ................ Prince Edward Island Manitoba ............... .. ............. Saskatchewan . .............. Alberta ............... ......... Brit's}: Columbia ......... . Fron'a the start we realized that1 Mr. Miller was a bar-6 ‘worhor and an untir'ng canvas”. and tint it required a good man to beat him. He made a bold and winn'ng fight. owtainty of his Iuooess not being Mt until a very few m’nuet'a hefore be the victor sure, Mr. M'ller. him- %‘I' acknowledging that he felt a. littln unflasy and d'd not know whether he was going to win or 1088. Mr. Miller it a good platform man with the advamge of {our yoar: parliamentary exptrfenoe, Mr. Ball entered the contest against great cdd 4, but made an excellent fight for ["01 on. To cut down the majority from 316 to 100 is a victory in itself but a victory to which no emolu-N m'T‘ntH are attractsd. Mr. Ball, how-l ever, conducted a good clean cam? Brit' ah Columbia Yukon ................... OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Miller’s major'ty Quebec .................................. Nova Scotia ....................... Ontario Th3 man who winds an election bet im'n’ginei 't a good thing to bet “on {'1 grtions. VV'hat about the natured 0; inion of the fellow that 103883 Liberal major'ty ...... Normanby, usually good for :1 Con- 9"rvntive majority failed this tale. and, includ 11;; the village of Neustzadt gave a majority to ‘Mr. MLller. The towna‘vip prOper have Mr. Ball a small majority, but not as many as he should have received. A man l-as sunk pretty low when' he hangs around waiting to get pay for M's‘ vote. They’re not in London W's-2t Huron or Brockvillc, Either. Mias Ethel Pettigrew, who has been do]: for the put two or three {weekx is getting along nicely. and (will soon be up and around again. ‘ Miss mam Lauder who was confined to 'her bed for a new any}; is up and rground ma. . Liberal major'ty ........ El :ctLom‘s deferred ...... Mias NettLe Pollock from Toronto, '14 Lowe and we are very plansed to hear that 'she intends to remafn for acme time. - Miss Mary Brown v's'.ted last week with her aunt, Mrs. Wm. Clark. Miss L'zzle'Allen of Hamilton, is via ting her mother, Mrs. D. Allen, and while we are glad to have hen again In our midst, we are sorry. to hear of her not being very! well; She is we hear suffering with loin- t‘ioa. We 'hOpe that »'.t will not be of long duration. . STANDING IN LAST HOUSE STANDING BY I’RUVINVES 1 good man to beat him. a bold and winn’ng fight. of his Success not bemg a very few m'nuet'a before ELECTION NOTES Varney. O... '0'. .66 a 8 follows,â€" Ball M ill-9r 105 Con. 48 CM. 47 ll 74 .50 Lib. 39 54 132 140 219 131 118 38 52 ll Tim-re is an old say’ng that trouble nn‘ver comes single handed. Th's 13 truf‘ to the home of our much re- cannctfld D’Aigla'hor, Mr. John K’rr. About three weeks ago Mr. Kcrr 'trook blood poimn'ng ’n his hand, w‘ich has made 't necessary for (Hm to carry his arm “n a vsl’ng' ever sine», and last week Mrs. Kerr htad t‘e misfortune to fall and ‘break a bone in her hand, and now azhe, too, J'afi hue-r arin in u sl’ng. and to make- it‘ worm in both cams it is the {right arm‘; “’9 are sure t‘mt we exnross 't‘wa rnttiments of the whole commun- fitv WE‘cn we say that we home they may soon be bfivtter. Mr. and Mrs. A. Sew-ell. of Listo- wr-I, via'ted a few days at the latter’s “am“, Mr. John McCalmon. We hear )t‘ney are moving to your town fcr the winter. - Mr. J. W. Blythe was at Mt. For- eat on t‘we 20th as a representive for t‘~c Varney circu't In the organiz- ing of a Laymnns’ M’ss‘om-ary move- mzmt society for the Mt. Forest d's- .‘trrict. Mr. Wm. S'rrs and your corr- mmnidaen’t has the honor of repre- ..=v~.r~:ting Varney in the above society for the next year. Organizer Robcrt Burm'ngram paid Varney’ L. 0. L. a visit Qn 'nhuraday. Jt‘ve 15. and lectured for an hour and. a half to quite a large aud’ence. Miss. Tracy Gordan and Wm. Lang mdt-ntained them w'th their saweet manic. D'étr’d Master Bro. Wm. Logg-att acted as chairman. Mina Mabr‘l Pc-tt‘grew of Torontd, ia '}~ome for the past two weeks help- ing to care for fist-fr, Ethel. on this 9th attending the Layman and Woman‘s Minimally meeting. Mr. Campbol paid our school his offio’al via": a few days ago an; found things {11' general in apple pie order. Mr. W'm. Clark landed home from t'we West on Monday, looking hale and 'hral‘ty. Thwt country mu<t agree with hTm or he muat have had a snap of h. job. Will d'kes the country and will lfkcly return next wring. “Gcimg home to lunéh one day I was surprised to find a Workman n'n- gaged in .re'pair'ng the gate. As I had not notified the owner, I “'ai somewhat fisurpriszd at his unwant- ed zeal in making unaol'oltel repairs. I ask the wrokman who sent him to do the work and he replfiuad. “Mr. Brown who owns the house.” “But," said I ‘he doesn’t own it. “Oh, no,’ said be. “Mr. Brown owns the house. He owns a lot of houses and I do all his Iiron worm Here is a postal the sent me telling me to go and repair a iron got-e at No. â€"â€" Eighth atreuet. There can’t be any mistake." “In the course of his work he hdfi been obliged to take up some of 'the bricks in the walk and whzn he re- luid them there was half a brick leift over and not needed. This he had tosxd into the street. “That evading two boys came r'nc- ing down the street on ‘bicyclas. Thiy were moving at a ‘ruupid rate. S mul- tunecualy the clergyman of a nearâ€" by c} urch :tul‘t(d to ‘cross the street. The Varney L. 0. L. will hold an At Home in their hall on the 5th of Nov., when the members and their fam'lies and a few inv ted friends (are look- ing forward to spend'ng a pleaasant time together. Members all some and time together. Members all come and “I examined the carzl carefully. The number of the house was the same as mine and at first glance the atreet appemaed to be Eigh¢h, but 'on closer acutiny I saw t1 at it was F..tth straet. “I explain-(d the matter to the workman, but a; he had half com- pl-t’.d the job I told him to go ah-Cad and finish .1: and I would pay 'him He did so uni went away. “When he was half way across and in front of my house he saw the two boys bearing down upon Hm Ike a whirlwind, He dd what any per- son of good judgment and strong nerve would do. He figured and wanLd for them to pass. "Somrythfing happened in front of my houae very recently that at m’: to thinking,” Add a New York mun of business the other day. "I rent and occupy a tome on Eighth street. The front yard is en- closed by an iron fince wits: an Lron gate which (had been broken and not yet mpaired. Uflyfl “As tl-ey approached they diVi:l*€'(l,'I . M't one going a little to the r.gbt and|Saluf tne. other a little to the left. Juan: Mun as they were directly Opposite 111111.106 the bicycle of one of the boys struck Hill the piece of brick the workman had The ltosscd into flit-e street, and the boyi’l‘bu‘ was thrown upon the clergyman with B. such force as to knock the latteriJasp down; Hi3 skull was fractured anzl'be“l he was dial before he could be ‘re-l moved to his home. i- B: “As I have said the affair set me to t1 inking. Here Was a man [brougg t to an unitmely dcath be- cause some other man whom he had never seen and whom he had never (heard in IWrit'ng the figure ‘5’ made :Lt look like the figure '8.’ And I wondered if there might not be some- iwhere in the world some unknown Call” 80111-8 Other man Whom he nan 'â€""""'â€" ""' "VV‘V'Jv 9‘ "HIGH 116V. never seen and whom he had never L' W' Thom ’8 agent. 10‘9““ in ° 9 . . . (hoard in .writ'ng the figure '5' maie ‘ .m’ Ch‘ld’“ 9 A“! “'0’“ 1° deepening , , , an and ebont the city under M at look lure the more 1.’ And I Thom whoi . '. ’- . 4 , , z . a meeting wnh success wonderod If there mxght not be .3ome- ; in his work end is enjoying home life where m the world some unknown in the classic cit one who held my fate in his hands y. and who even mm 'with a stroke .ot Mrs. (30%) Little entertoinad a (bi! pen might not be' oigning mynumbor of elderly friends et death val-mm. 'the mouse on Fridey evening lut. “It made me feel red creepy tor_"nd‘ 701'! GDjObele time wu spent. IMA’QI A-_- ’I moveral duys.” KILLED BY FIGURE 5. THE DURHAM CHRONICLE was at Mt. Bored Two hunting parties leave this week to spend the r'rer hunting sea. ;son near Parry Sound. Those who ‘leeve early in the week for a few E days’ fishing first are Messrs. George Mitchell, 100. \Vright. Mark Wilson. .Sam Pedler, John McKee and P. 'iMunshew. They will be joined by Joe Hudson, of Brooklin. and \V. Hill and -- Mothers, of Markdale. The second partv will be Editor i'l‘hurston. Geo: Stuart. Geo, Cairns. Jobnstonâ€"Chnrdâ€"A pretty wed- ding took place st the home of Mr. and Mrs Front Chord, eat of the village. on Wednesdsv evening of Inst week, when their denghter Nel- lie become the bride of Mr. George Johnson. Jr. Toronto line. About forty guests witnessed the ceremonv which who performed by Rev. G 0. Little. B. A., pnstor of Chnlmer’e church. this place. Miss Annie Johnson. sister of the groom. plnyed the wedding merch. The bride, who was given away by her father. was prettily gowned in blue silk with everlsce trimmings. She wee nt- tended by her cousin. Miss May Blackburn, who wore a. dark cloth skirt and blue silk wsjst trimmed Mr. Mark Wilson had a narrow escape from death on shipping day last week. While on hlS way to the city with stock, leaving ()rangeville. he was standing on the platform and the train reaching a good speed gave a sudden Jerk which hurled him 03. Falling. he grasped the railing. but was unable to save himself and sustained sevete bruises in one arm, side and foot. He continued his journey to Toronto. but was very sore for several days. It wssa close call. and Mr. Wilson is thankful for having escaped so well. A telegram on Monday to Mr. R. J. Sproule conveyed the sad news of the sudden death on Sunday of Mr. E. W. Attwood. of Walkerton. Mr. Attwood. who. during the past eight years, was here frequently assisting Mr. Sproule in office work. was a cultured christian gentleman and had made numerous friends, who were deeply moved with the news of his sudden demise. Mr. Sproule attendâ€" ed the funeral on Tuesday. Rev. L. F. Kipp. who will be ab- sent' ten days. goes this week to Ottawa to attend the annual Baptist Convention of Ontario and Quebec. Mr. Kipp. who is an excellent news- paper correspondent, will represent the Globe and other newspapers at the Convention. Bornâ€"On Tuesday, the 20th inst.. to Mr. and Mrs. Lee, of this place. : son. At a musicale given afew evenings ago by the Winnipeg School of Music, we notice Miss Maud Henderson, daughter of Mr. R. N. Henderson. took part on the programme. render- ing a piano solo. We are pleased to learn of Miss Maud’s progress and success in the musical art. Rev. Mr Sheppard. of Markdale. occupied the Presbyterian pulpit on Sunday. Mr, Shepperd’s theme was “Redemption through Christ." and the old truth was presented in an earnest. thoughtful and helpful man- ner. Mrs. McKinnon moved last week to Mrs. Chas. Stewart’s couage on Elizabeth street. Mr. W. Moore has had his residence and shop covered anew with paroid roofing laid by Norris Bros. w.th overlace. The groom’s brother. Mr. Will Johnson. was best man. After the marriage, which took place at 5 o’clock. a dainty wedding supper was served, and the evening was spent in a very enjoyable social man- ner. The young couple, who are very highly respected, went the fol- lowing day to their new home near Rock Mills. and we join their numer- ous friends in best wishes for prosperity and happiness The bride was the recipient of a large number of beautiful Wedding presents, The groom’s gift to the bride was a gold locket and chain; to the bridesmaid a locket chain and to the groomsman a tie pin. Mr. John Rnnstadler is having a new coal furnace installed in his residence Mr. Richard Allen’s tender being the lowest, was accepted iast week by the Baptist church committee for the improvements to be made forth With on the church shed, which will be enclosed. Mr. Geo. Stuart has rented the late Mrs. Neil’s residence and will move in soon. Mr. John English, who has sold his farm near Rock Mills to his son Alex . had a successful sale last week of his stock and implements, Mr. and Mrs. English leave this week to reside near their daughter in Idaho. Mrs. Silas Phillips will accompany them to spend the winter with her lrothers in Idaho. Mrs. Phillips was given a farewell supper one evening last week at the home of her son Wilfred. ~-- "-qu vu 1.5.1: B. Genoa and W. Hammond and Jasper and Charlie Stuart. of Kim- barley. By the Stratford Daily Herald we learn that a project is on foot to establish a Shelter in that city to aesist in carrying on the work of the Children’s Aid Society. of which Rev. "V 'â€" '_vv Maura. Elmo Bltkoly snd‘ Leslie Flesherton. , Miss Florence Ricbnrdeon returned leer week from visiting friends in Toronto. An announcement was made in the Holstein Leader that that paper hid changed hands or rather would change Land! on the 2nd of Novem- Miss Allie Wilcock has returned from an extended visit with relatives at Bufls o and Silver Creek, N. Y. Mrs. W. A. Armstrong spent part of Inst week with friends in the city. Mrs. W. H. Thurston is visiting friends in Toronto. Mrs. A. M Gibson. of Toronto, is Spending: few days with Mrs. D. Mc'l‘avish and other old friends. Mr. and Mrs. Brown :re visiting their son, John J., on the old home- stead. t z‘ .- «a mum at. forum Norrie returned last week from a few weeks sojourn in Manitoba. Mr. Will Orr. of Toronto. won the guest of Dr. Murny a few days last week. Miss Carrie Rutledge, daughter of Mrs. Robt. Rutledge, of this place. who has been night superintendent of nurses at one of the hospitals at St. Paul’s. Minn. has secured the position of superintendent in the hospital at Missoula, Mont. at a larger salary than formerly received. Mrs. (Dr ) Fred Murray. of Toronto. who underwent an operation in the hospital last week for removal of a cyst. is recovering satisfactorily. Mr. Percy Trim'ole, we are pleased to report. shows slight improvement in his condition, though the lower limbs yet remain paralyzed. bar. Tle name of the new preprie- tor was not given, but the preaentJ editor says, “He is a very genital? and energteio chap, and we see suc- cess staring him in the face.” “'th a penetrat ng vision Mr. Seim must' have. Mr. Claude Eakiu is very ill with an acute attack of rheumuism. OXFORD Cash or produce for butter or eggs. â€"Mr.l. A. Begs: Bout. For” all Oxford Creun Separator re- paim. uteri m toque-ted to write Listowel flour is good. Try a bag. -Mra. A. Beggs Sons. All kinds of chap and feed handled» [ambton Street. Mrs. A. Begs! 8: Sons. ’ Our Mr. Gamemn has charge 0f the Repairing depart Inc-m. :m! «- vlmw highly recommended, having had extra large experimn-w MI Hm \\ .w-h- es, clocks and jewelry. Extra large stock of fine Silverware just arrived. at huh->1 1.2: 2- Extra. values in Diamond Rings. Pearl Rings. \Veddiug Rings, En. gagement Rings, Birthday Rings.--â€"Huudreds of Rings 1.) VIN-me from. Grand stock of Watches, Clocks, Chains, Charms, Lm-lu-u Links, Brooches, Stick Pins. Bracelets, Necklets, vtv. Haul-LOW 0mm in the result of a long experinwm to ON; a soothing lotion for the skin combined with recognized Hillise m an elegant and wine form. It is a healing, soothing, emollient preparation, with a pleasing 0d and when applied is readily absorbed by the skin. It. is “Mire; for. from all oily or sticky ingredients which render many suuh ‘y me Plies in l tions disagmeable and unsuited for use. p 9m“- Hazel-Lemon protects the skin from the effects of mm and ,1,“ windy weather, and is especially valuable in correcting 31.... ill-emf: resulting from the used cheap soaps, which are usually """lu‘l'ated and harmful. Hazel-Lemon 0mm cures chapped and roughenml skin “"11"", . . h etc. No Ladies’ toilet table is complete without it. An paration for Gentlemen’s use after shaving. \Vatcomakers, Jewelers. Opticians and Engravm's. Dun-hum. Hm GUN’S DRUG STORE New Fall Goods HaZBI-lemon Bream REPAIRS. R. B. Keeler Son Solid Gold Rings Satisfaction Guaranteed SEPARATOB Silverware Repairing AT KEELERS Put up only at WHAT IT IS DunnAu. Oct. ‘28. Fell Wheat .......... 8 Spring Whest ........ Onto . . . . . . ........... Eggs ................. Pocstoes per beg. new. Flour per cwt ........ ‘2 Oatmeal per ssck. . . .. 2 Chop per cwt ......... 1 Live Hogs. per cwt. .. 3 DressedHogs per own. 4 Hides per lb ........ Sheepskins .......... Wool ............... . Chickens ............. The Bait in the world Everything the fm'nwr “my -~ Implement line can lw 1.»; .1 i \Vare-rooms. Sawyer 6: Massey Tin w‘m ‘- De Laval and Maasv} - 11.11: Separatm's Rubber rings for ()xfnul \\ j.:‘-‘ See our platform mm in Machine. Repairs ~ (knit II achlnc Oil and Coal Oil ahxa} w in W. J. McFadden. Massey=Ham~is Implements GM“ Shorthand M 000’... -;- Stenugmphy. (‘um‘ ht. lamb]. Telegraphy. a, “1- “'dm for particulars Loose- Leaf Ledger SITUATIONS FALL Tum FROM 5597- ‘ WalkenonBusiness Collefie Market Report. VU-ufl-g UVU. -L‘. LU but .......... 8 85 Whott........ 83 0000000000000. 5;.) 00000000000000 H2 0000000000000. 48 7 00 50......00 no.0... 0000. ............. 0000.00.00... ill" all modern uflir which ensure rapid In“, 'ith loading huni 'u 5- un" our ‘l‘fldlfllra. hath; bv the only taav‘ne w h 0 attended Amnon's SCHOOL Oct. 29‘ '. pRINCIPAI» . 1908 ,. ‘908 2O 50 90 35 83') 5 Cut! in stock Agent- if in the 82 20 5} 85 85 t I LQNotlce “ ,tore‘j-Cl 0 SC d. 29. 1908 Paid f3“ GI‘UL â€"~ 50

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