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Durham Chronicle (1867), 29 Oct 1908, p. 8

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t1” i! Ii Hardware 2’5! The Blt’CtltfllS are over. . The right man is elected for South (irey. The right man is still selling Hardware in Durham in the same Old Stand to the same Old Customers in the same old way. The days are getting shorter and the nights are get- ting longer. Make your home attractive and com- fortable by buying one of our Fancy Lamps. We have an immense stock of Lante rns, suitable for every purpose. .\o man should drive at night with- out having one of our Dash Lanterns. You can suit your taste in Guns and Ammunition at our storeâ€"cheaper than the cheapest. Furs are likely to be valuable a little later in the season. Buy some of our Mink Traps and get iamong the lucky ones. lNo kitchen is complete without one of our Meat Choppers. A great variety to choose from. In Plow Lines, Trace Chains, Sweat Pads, Plow Harness and Halters, a selection to choose from. lessens dentist’s fees and pro. motes health. This can only be accomplished by a good brush and a gmnl dpntefrice. “’9 have all the popular tooth prep- arations and are very proud of our stock of tooth brushes. a clear sanitary brush, reg. 35c quality fur 2: . All kinds of These Values Stretch Your 66$ $99 Of course you want to make your dollars do their duty! \\ 0. xx .1111, to hvlp Vonâ€"its to our interestâ€" l‘hese values are to 3 0111' interest. New semi-fitted Coats, fine kersey olutlu, beautifully talk red. trim- med with svlf-strappings, silk braid and silk velvet, colors: black, navy, brown and Myrtle, Special $13 50. New, Innsv fitting (,‘nnts. fin? key-99y cloth, Ppnnletip shoulders, ham’lsn'nvly Lrinnued with silk ln- .icls and silk velvet, (‘nlm's : navy, black. Hl'UWll and myrtle. spt-cial $12.50. GENI'INH BFCKSKIN G LOVESâ€"every pair guaranteed $2.00 l’inm Shell (.‘m'duyan (anvrrâ€"boil. scorch, wind. Wear, rip, crack, tear prunt'. guaranteed, $1.50. Blonkn Mitts for temnsters etc" 50c. 600, 75c, $1.00, $1.25. Men's l'ndvrwwu' at 500 to $1.25 a-piece. JAMES IRELAND fun all sim- s M people; the; 50 gm ments m-P made on the same scale as m 3| Hi)” us. (hvr six. garments 101° big penple. little gar- nwnts fur the (-hlhlrvn. I! 'i'iw wn Bah-«t ('1'5';1HUII.~‘. I’lulTy lhxiflns, Gibson Collars. Queen liii'lxx'm-ih NHL. tlh- prvtnvst (‘HHPCUUII yvt, all prices from 100 to L All kinds of Underwear H.B.§(. Goods for the men Only 5W the kind NEW’ \'lCNETIANSâ€"-H in. all-won] venetian, black, navy, brown, wine and myrtle, special 7.39. NEW' H\\'E!)E Fl warm. blm-k. hmwn The nic-wt 27n- Gloves you mmhl find. soft, all-W001, pretty shades, black. vromn. navy, hrnmn, red. 23. Proper Care of the Teeth 10c Extra Special Flannelette Bargain DRUGS AND CHEMICALS at rock bottom prices. 9w, all-woul (.‘hevrom, (film's Near and good, different widths of .ripv. spe'vial values 600. 850, $12". ll DARLING’S DRUG STORE. Hui TH E S.\ NITARY 3 van!» at this mix a. It is l \d. wide. light and (1 wk colms, \..u :llsVnVs pay 121.0 fm, gnud Weight, lememhe; only 500 th: mice 10(‘. Jno. A. Darling The People’s Druggist Lovely New Neckwear tsâ€"â€"â€"Hwn°d Hf thvm? gum 'antt’f’d for l \‘intc'r Shit". llw hes! evm' sold at, $1. New Dress Goods New Wool (Doves FINISH Ladies’ Coats Phone: 3, Durham GLOVES 5th.â€"linv(i, \‘(wy dressy and 'uwn. .30 something needed in every fam- ily. “('9 have just received a large lot of very fine scrubs, to clear at 2 for 50. Try‘a glass of our delicious ICE CREAM SODA Cooling and refreshing. whole, ground and mixed, strict- ly pure. and prices away down. Hand Scrubs Pure Spices GIVE SATISFACTION year. ‘Big’ Shirts HUMOBOUS AND ANECDOTAL brow?” growled the business man. :"C‘i'ft you ace I’m bald? A worthy Old Quaker lad and her "‘ 0111' lady, 119143135": son John were once call upon to "Bald 1100. 93091“ when she’s dress- enterta'n a number of ladies at 0d np.” . I ' m dnner ‘dur'ng quarttrly meeting. A3 "Ye-I, 8.1‘. But_ vou may have a John began to carve the broled home a lttle chmldâ€"” ! o‘v'oken, he entered upon a flowery “We fave. It’s one month old speed} of Welcome, but in the midst and qu.te bald.” I ‘ “Of courae at that age,” sa’d the of his fluttering utterances. his mother. “rho was SOIDC‘Vhat deaf‘ pC‘dl‘C‘r. “But. be periiated, ‘maybd ppm-d u from the other end of the you keo a dog?” . table, “ ou needn’t be raising them “We 0,” said the busmess man. u? Johén. 'I’m afrad ghey’r'e a lot “A hairleas Chinese dog.” 0 tough old hens. every one of The puller dived into another poc- I'rJ- t1 Is ’1 e well trai ned? asked the man. [Pretty well, re had the boy. What breed is e? Dunno. Hasn’t 11¢ any ped greefi The ‘boy has tated. Then a. great 1gb}; came over him. .fl‘ 1‘ ,‘_._-L ' "0'11 who It was cut off by! a street car when he was a pup.’ The lgneat occan liner rolled and gtc‘ed. “Henry” faltered the young 1' de. “do you still love me ?” ‘More t‘nan ever, darling,” was Hear ’8 fervent answer. Il‘hcn was an eo- qunut slenoe. “Henry" 8110 gasued. turnng ’t er pale ghastly face away, "I though that would make me feel better, but .t doesn't.” ’ An Exl‘.ert.â€"“I need a man [or the informal: on bureau. He must be one who can answer every quest on. even t‘e most unexpected, w.thout losing hls‘ head. ” “l’m ju~t He man you want. I am t e lather of eght ch’l ldxen." r-. , .. .,.., . ,, “Is t"'.s Mr. Rockford?” said the \.carâ€"\VL1], MM)‘ I “"1" ‘91) sur- t'zll 'nsurancc Hg nt as he slimy-3d p!‘ =ed 'to see Jo .n walk out 1.11 the ‘ . y . . _, mddle of the surmon yesterday. qu ’tl) unto the olfloe. filial") -â€"At , Sir, I do ’Ope you’ll {9);â€" "\"”".~', tfilt’S my name.” cuac my poor husband. ’E’saterrlble “Mr. Rockford, 1 represent the one for walk mg .n ms sleep.” Commercial Insurance Company, :1ndâ€"” 0H. 's 1.11 2111;01'111‘111. “11111" .n r all n(.1t .gu aly nth at t e mll.’ ” Tuut :etth-d it. A lttle boy and a little girl were looku‘g at a p.0Lure UL Adam and Eye.“ “i 11â€"6'i10t know," said the other, “I could tell I twey had the; clothes An aged Scot told I: a 18 “as «'0 mg to make to t e Holy Land. "Winch is Adam and which is Eve.” in (1 one. » “Do 5011 kncw unyut .3. an ”1:1 Lhaxt get-x 11p 1k) :1 co“ 7" 5.1;1108 reigned (or :1 momcnt, t (.11 on: ‘littlc 'tot tun dly 1'4;qu :zer hand “W at ,5 t"! askm th". I: .mher. "A calf" was the whiSpered erp’ly. “And whlve 1 In there, ” said the pil- grim complacent”, "1’11 read tnc ',l'en Commandm‘nh' aloud Imc the toy 0’ Mount Snap” \ ‘ loung man, somew‘nt 'DIan'JSSLd. -\ e~, t ut’s rght. But --r.r~â€"don’t out t e “Irene” very deep. Colonel Runaey, of K'ontucky" was dessperutuly woundud at the battle 01 Lookout Mountu n, and after the Ul- gagement. he asked Unit a Cllel‘gynwn be sent (or. Hs ordcrly knew Lu ott'cer’rs rcl-gious «mention, and 33 returned to tue dy ng man‘s bed side oomsderably disturde by the tact mat he could dlscover no minister of time Colon-3133 ow_u depogninutpu: The clans \\ as discuss 115.: :m'mnlsâ€" a '4 prla nd the cow’ method of U rang to er f: -t, the tzucher asked, a hale 01' may?’ \owcâ€"All r g. t it. “Who is gt In “'1‘..e 1101‘.~.a-:., 0L coursg you .(1 0t "S;u1ndel'~.~',’ sad t'"-e m'nist-3r. ‘tuk’ my ugvse. BAG at home and keep erellerâ€"You any the inscription you W361 engraved on the Lnside of tins rLug is to be "Marcellus to Irene”? Alderman Tracy, of 0' (311.510. has 1'. 30:1 “.0 nus wast 11;: ~11» day 0. has tut er’s ori'c al position. “My [at er nu .u (1 w .1 companion “ .4 ;.u aldcx'm‘m.” “Mug.” .1) r‘ed [11-3 othex L‘ov, ‘that’s npt.1..ng. gv_1y_ ,puther [Lows t'ue whastlc "Beg pardon, gun," an d the orderly, saluting, “but I couldn’t find a'i’res- hymenau anywinerss, and I “ :15. SON};- wuut healatcd ’bout bringing the onâ€" ly avaJuble man.” . “Why 30, Tom?” demanded the Col- oneL “'Caues ’he was a. ’1’.scopallan, suh.’ TLe dy;ng bon-vlvant smiled wanly. "‘BLng (mm ’lon , 'l‘om.” he gaap- ed, “blung him rig t ’long. lie ougnt to be pretty ‘smart. It’s true 1 was bawn an’ rwzaed a Presbytkrlan, but then, yo paee, when I come to con- sider an the things I‘ve done, I’m unfrad I’ve lived Pretty much 0! an EpgsOOpalian life.’ A lady telling, her age remarked (that she was born on the second day of April. Her husband, who was present, observed, "I always thought on were born on the first. of Apnl." ‘Eeo l'e might think so," respond-3.1 {the ad . “m the choice I made of a thusban ." In the forum. of Bronchitis. PM Con-nuptial and all deadly disease: which finely fallow“ youdonot takethe proper remedy to mothe system to aeondition of halth. OXOMULSION the food that builds will - and protect you against such diseases. ltisalike beneficial for you and your children. It checks the wasting and I ' '\ .' t l ‘ .4‘ 4/ .' . -, .. / .c ., / a A’ .. 2’ Q : - , I >- < ‘0 , 'o ‘ \’ ‘fl 5" W 3:" prodmeeaouad healthy flesh. Doctors recommend it. for it a?” E r is not a secret preparation. It is the best emulsion made. iii/{77" ‘4‘” and pleasant to take. Insist on having OXOMUL‘SION. W/ 1r" Fog “I: by all druggista. in two sizes, 35c. and $l.00. Prepared only by ~"’ “’ The Oxomulsion Co.. Corner Spadina and Phoebe Streets. Totem N0 HOME SHOULD BE WlTHOUT OXOMULSION. First; scholarâ€"What’s the ’lcctri- clan dom’ over at the school house? Second sonohrâ€"Puttin' in an ’l«cc- trio switch. First scholarâ€"Gee mully. If they's goingto do the licking be electricxyl A gentlemanlyrlooking pegller en» bered a business man‘s off-we '1)an couguul nghtly to attract . attcnq tion. The occupant of the office kept at his work until he reached a con-i venient napping~ plaoe and then turn--: ed arbuptl to his taller. "Well.”f what can do for you?” ' “I am introducing," hm? pedler be-. [an “a patent electric hau' bru.shâ€"” «Mm: do I want with a hair} 3cm. "‘qnd me up two big» of bats :mj ’9 H THE DURHAM CHRONICLE a." an m :i Ltmt 8.1;1108 reign-ed one ‘littlc 'toL minister that u pJngmugJ 3 : an-Buk flo favor te hmnehold "3 b'llm 5% now 3:10;)h‘d as ”We Doctor” jhy lmd n': rart'ea in surveying vari- 1’ 1 on: parts of t“? Dom'nfcn lands. 9. Mr. Henry Hull wrfitlng from Fort "\Vllizxm .-aysx, “Having proved '1 ow '! benef c'al Zam-Buk is in cases of cuts. H skn Injuries and ddseases, I deter- ” m'nc-d to keep a supply band . BeTng \engaged to go on a Survom thought Lqit would be a most useful thing to '1 take along. I obtwned a supply in Fort \V-lllam. and very well It wms I dd 30. I may say that retty neard 1y every day it waa oal ed into re- syuqisi'tion bv one or ct‘er of the party u '.for cuts. Bruises, burns or some in- -'jury or other. It is wonderful how it quickly Zam-Buk takes the sorenes: .o.’ out of cuts burns. bru'ses and injur- so. fez. and on our survey it earned gold- e' en onn'on.s from all who had occas- >t ion to use it. I have found it very :r.fcne‘ for skin disease and I can {strongly recommend A: as a house- y, .hold balm.” During the Abyvss‘n'nn W'ar a- com- pany of the Naval Br'i ode assisted the troons ln tranSpor work. The sailors '1 ad grant difficulty in man- :figing the mules, and Mr. Geo. A. . cnty, who acted as o. corres ndent during the war, tells that e saw 3a =a'.lor lending a mule, wfitih anoth- er walking beniiind trying to «oz-r .t've animal by its tail. “l-Ialloa, Jack,” cried a soldier. “Where are you going ?” “Don’t know repled Jack, “I‘am only towing this ’ere craft. Ask my mate behind; he's do- tk-e steering) pedlu 1'. “But. be persiatgd, ‘maybe you keo a dog?” “We o,’ said the busmess man. “A liairleis Chinese dog k'lghxel pLdIer dived into another poc- “Allow me,” he said, “to show you the latest thing in fly pap-er.” Zam-Buk cures outs, scalds, burns. bruises, eczema, {scalp scores, ring- worm, abscesses, chapped places. cold sores, blood poisoning, ohncnio abou- lees, etc. As an embrocat on it re- .lieves rheumatism. neuralgia, and ‘soiatio. All druggists and stores sell at 50 cents a box, or from Zam~Bnk 00., Toronto, for price, 3 boxes for $1525. Send 1 cent stamp for da’nty ' sample box. -v‘.vâ€"----â€" J “And I bear that you curry 110 ’n- placed before the farnfcri of Canada; “Iriincf‘.” cont'nur-cd the wily agent. Better cows. mean less work and “N“, I do'” “Md 'n<11r--” . 'mare imcome. F'nd out the poor “Now, a; I was levying, a man “nth ‘ coWs by t”is individual testing, get: a [(111.53 llldllitl‘y R'IOIlld CA'BI't.:l’lD.ly, rd of t on], the" give that feed .Vav- proti-ct lzinlaslf from fxres. I am no ed to the bitter cows. .and watch the ‘1 I’m-f0“ to 381ch yo.“ a fine I‘ll-t9. lmn'; balance grow. ‘ Mr. ltuckfordâ€"" ' “But I don’t have any firm.” -â€"__..._._. l / “You cant tell Mr. Rockford. N0 _ A on": know'e. w- at to-morrow may fo9 W11. be Shortened. i." bring. A de;truct~ive conflugratiom‘ would wipe out your immenae .in-E Thoze who fal to observe the fund- du~try and on would be punk-$3.!:mu-nml rules of lz-calth, capecnlly Now, by to Eng out a newt policy‘t‘ose who neglect const pathn,â€"will wt mu. you can ave yourselfthous-i‘suve short, Ives. Costiveness ruins anls' upon t' ourands 01] d ‘llnrs. Your l mlrh, degtroys vitally, weakens the indul-xtry will be safe all for the and [momn a. \Vlw' no: use Dr.l{:1m- .zzmull amount insurance tl.at-â€"” !bl.«od, canals dvsfrepsia, nervousness “But I don’t Dbl-Ed ’nsuranoe. I! lt’on's l’.lls and. be cured. Take one don't have any fir-es.” persisted thefor two [1113 before ret'rlng and [pro rictor. {you’re well next morn 113'. No gripe “ at your lnduatry may be burn-‘or pain. no lteaduche and nausea lng up rig‘ t now," repl‘e-id the agent‘ w‘nen you u-‘e Dr. llrun lion’s l.’-|ls.â€" tr umulmntly. {ti-y cure mienthicully. Postxclv “Let ‘hcr burn. It’ll be the f‘rs qt“? ‘bes‘t laxatLve known. 25 cents at L9..-“ -. anuju l__--...-___ A“'__ ----_L ---_ “Can you conce vr ” a'eked the pro- f‘j'HSOI‘, “an '(t’ernal vacuum. a por- t'on of wace unoccupied, an empty, vo'd, into w 60h nothing ever enters, from which nolthing can 8W I come w‘flch maintains .mviolnte and for cv-ér its own eternal emptin.-s_s?” “I cum" r0 pl- 2d t‘c .tudC-nt iinmfd'at-T’ly. “I “lave-p a [01111th 11 pk cn.’ .timf), u. stem: quarry every went upfall dc'alér‘ m tlumes. ’ l T HE GOV ERNME‘IT‘ AND 53AM BUK Survey out From Fort. Wllliam Takes This Wondorfnl Balm. ‘ Mr. Laqcolles Scott one of the lead- ing Government unaylsis, says, “1 have no hesitat'on in certifying the enttlre.p.urit.y of Z‘gun-‘Buk_wl}dc_h-in my OpTfiTox} Ia excellently adapted for sk'n injumes and diseasés.” New Millinery The undersigned begs to announce that she has opened up a new millin- ery and fancy goods par- lor, where everything in the line of head-wear. fancy goods and hand painted china may be procured at reasonable I Give the fowls plenty of fresh water. far a com-5 It is cot-prising how much fowls wili de assisted ; drink if they have it fresh and where WOE‘k- The they know right where to find it :y m man-3 wheneVer they want it. This is espec- r. Geo. A° ' ially true of the laying hens. Eight fres ndent‘ times out of ten a hen when coming gilt) :nxgé otf the nest after laying will go direct g to «tea to the water and drink long and deep. “1131103, This thirst is produced by the muscular Where are effort put forth in delivering eggs. 10“' tamed; During the effort great combustion 1: ti“? ’er'e: takes plme toprodnce the. energy, thus ‘1; he 8 do- ‘ deploting the tissues of water. SO do , not neglm‘t the water. Busy hens are not Only the best egg fizducers. but their eggs show the t fertility. In order to keep them at Work strew the floor of the pen with hay or straw and scatter the grain in this. Another word about the chicks in regard to~ early rum! ibg. Get them to most as early as nu» ‘hlv. Do not make rough roasting p :les. The smoother Hwy are the easier it is to keep them five from live. Given good rare. just. sansihle care, as common sense will ordinarily dic- tate. poultry will return a, good profit, on the time and money expended thereon. Neglected they .vill produce nothing but loss and disappointment, as they should. Chickens cannot be healthy that are cuddled upin 3- tiny bit. of a brood C(Inp, sweltering in the heat of the zzttmnspberc, as well as that; of their own budies. Good lave-rs will always be found among the hustlers. if they are active 'hey are, almosr, invariably healthy. Exercise creates in them an appetite. devvlnps ham: and muscle, stimulates healthy circulation and promotes digestion. Make arrangements for fattening all birds, either (-ockerels or old hens, be- fore they are marketed. If you have not a feeding crate or two, rig up an old packing box, or better still have a ood solid crate which will last you or years. Another district averaged only 664 pounds mlk per cow, while in a .x 9 rd the average wws 562 pounds. Some herds were as low as 412 pounds m 1k. 13 1-2 pounds fat, as an average of 'nne cows. '1‘:2;8 is less thun one (t'u‘d of the yield of the herd noted ahme at lnnerkp. .Three t'mes the labor, 'rldarly three tunes the feed, :t‘1ree trues the stable room. for no prolit. As I have frequentlyxemark- ed "before, this cow-testing work is t e heat lubor-sav ng proposition yet plchi-d before the farmcri of Canada; Better cows mean less work and mare iwcome. F'nd out the poor OO\VS by t-is individual testing, gel: rd of t em, thin give that heed <av- ed ‘to the batter cows and watch the heat; balance grow. ’ One of the recent regular umtnthly'2 tests in the Inn-erkip, Ont., Cow-test- ing Association, showed that 160 cows gave an average yield of 833 pounds m 1k, testing 3.4, thus containing 34.6 pound fat. One excellent herd aver- age is from ten cows each,g;ving 1,- 390 pounds (11 1k, 3.3 test. The high- est yield in the herd was 1,850 pounds m lk for the month. In about one of the twelve herds recorded are s'ngle cows giving 1,000 pounds mlk or more. ed in a desperate diapute over the {diatribuflion of the large estate left (by their father, are dead, each hav- llng inflicted a fatal wound on the other. The brothers were Jaw-uh and ‘Matvingly, aged 38 and 35 years res- pectively, and among the mast pros- perOu-s farm-(rs of this, Preston uoounty» During a quarrel yesterday Joseph stabbed Thomas. ~' The lutterl ntaggem‘ed to the house where The laeoured a ahot gun and returned to the ovens and fired a shot at Joseph. inflicting a wound that can.- ed almost instant death. A moment later Thomas hell dead from the 10:! of blood due to hm brfiher’a knitel wounds . . 1:1 t' e launch w th the boy were 11's puxents, Mr and Mrs. John M. Seaman 1111;! James Buzns. . _The boy -\ Anni. =«e3 the fral craft. 1n the darkness It'e steamer was unable to lOCélU‘Qh’J occunants of the launch, who were int :e water several hours before Hey were poked n) h the crew of the steamer Mary . E phicke. In tle launch wae a largn bid tick and when they were so suddcnly pre- 0.1:;t21ted into the \sattr, the two men placed Mrs. Saamun uron 1 3;. Had 'it not been for this t ey eclare that the whole party wouli {he}? gone do_wn. fl‘lge three were all Sault Ste. Marie, MIch., October 23. ? Mellote Sharph Clyde Seaman, aged 17, was drawn-3 . r m \ ed olf Nne M11: Point in May Lake’fldm‘j‘sj {il'f‘jp mt night, when the launch in which SW“ ”‘”“ ‘ of. t‘e boat, but; went to 5136p and dd 'not see thc freighter as 1t ap- )roac ed. There were no lghts in . ‘e stern of the launch and th- 01.11)- «2ta.n‘of tjfe Donaldson; was unable to s-z-m; to the homftul as soon as the Elpmcke reach this place. Mrs. Seaman is in a serious condition tum exposure and grief over the death of her saon. . Greedy dealers endeavor to pan off a substtute for Putnam’s Corn Ex- ‘Lractor‘ Insist on “Putnam‘s" only â€"'.t cures coma and warts thorough- Ely. The imitation may fail. _.o and thrcc others were 1de was run dawn by he steamer John A. Danuldv‘on. .Cranesville, W. Va., October 21.. â€" Two brothers who yesterday enagag- Brothers Kill Ono Another in Fight Float for Hour on Bed Tick. AROUND THE PARK. Beware of Substitutes ! run and returned; fired a shot at? wound that caul- euth. A moment. and from the long 3 brqther’l knilol DURHAM FOUNDRY Millwrights, Machinists, Iron and Brass Founders. and Steam Fitters. . MANUFACTURERS OF Cutting Boxes, Horsepowen, Wind Snickers. Stock raisers’ Feed Boilem Geo. \Vhite (c Sun Chill» C. SMITH S: SONS Special attention to Gaso- line Engine repairs. Agent fur Percival Persian and List N STOCK (m MADE TO ORDER Engines and 1% u‘lcr Repairs promptly executed. RIGHT PRICES AN D GOOD WORK. Implements Automobiles. Tics, 1’. Repairs for all ms! Repairs for all nmkm (rhinm For the next 15 days w. to clear out, our (‘llti overalls and will gm. bm'guins in these hum. Regular 75c and m. at. o o o o o o o ' COMBINED sum Reguhu' 82"} “HP. [u (319:!!- A full line of Chair» (irocefieifll ways in smck, Which Will h‘ Gold at right prives, trade a cash. DURHAM. arness, Rugs. \Vhips Stoves, Furnaces. Hi1 Machines, "villi/.1“ Our put record and (ur1”""“"‘ “ "' Work camps as as HIV .4... ‘ ' w‘n‘ll 8011001 of “'t'sh‘l‘l. ~ 1.1.43"- a hive three depart mm? - . * ' Connor-old. Shorth8"d Talon-nah“? Our graduates are in drum College teachers as We” unto. Individual instru IOW. Luge “(alogllv h‘c‘v "mMIfl uplift. Ynu (In ‘t 0‘" ht'lc upâ€"to~datc sch M0088 College. Tommn. FM It“. 8““90““request. \‘ THE GREAT SCHQQE. FARM MACHINERY McLaughlin's l PRAOTIOAL EDUCATION Sash 59’ Doors JUHN N. MURDUEK Machine Oil. 114111938 0119 Ame Grease :md HOOf Ointment, go to C. Smith Sons Elllgtt Jtâ€"McLach'i" S. SCOTT Frost 59’ Wood Toronto \V it AG E NT 1’0 R CENTRAL All Kinds of ()VERALLS Middaugh Hon PUNCIPA U‘ gt 5 The Hit to clean SH A“ Fill 1m Swarm \V W ’NTARIO shing 1hr )lows. Anwricu. wing 3“ “l SQ Wing km so Block GM Q.â€" ‘ ”Ch to salt tith blah: digestion. nw . gwallowo bun: ‘an the thro: v.38” improve< \x. I): bought it. The latest vogue 'u tnd for band C These prices Imw'uu are large, yet. m: whzn. “'ajhillg (‘OIH‘ rm m mat-«d of iut 't lie blucing. ‘1'“ eat your mo .1 < ‘3 it 30!].‘3'5' t' ;- 't 'hdesxne {or you in . hunp of butt: i ~‘ While boilmg x F“ boiling over. ‘ {1’s best i'mzz' ’ Sto makeac 311‘; her mother ' lower will he 3;. lbher if It is ho It‘ 1 hit water instead ‘ h ktEp flea out n; the wndows ‘1‘. of carboLc av -‘ ‘Wéng-mac‘ .rL n M innd {01‘ .\ ‘Or a. cushion am no miect “ill 1 - ”8 from a (1151; G “bookcases a! r lt.,lne dsl'r‘l‘kl aven cf on t ~.tth¢ b00k3 11ml ~flwu‘e that h” “- Iceland mu 1 I... $101 a pa :0 We dishea first than first in l the Ilbumcn n “Whittier to \V Min and d! o HOUSEHOLD HELEN 29. 1908 20‘ tC‘ W1“: 11 ulltmd of :11- ..§ ‘hWrIul “It chinney is = * Wont! ottsalt Lhr The Winter Biggest and ter lupport ltkks. $11.1 III-a marble buiaa Oltarda. sauces 1 luau: do the at: “‘qu mid hal‘ am of b:il’.ng ! mybe remo M the \M‘J Allow us 1( WhiCll We ( quantit ins THE R1 Palm! 8." HM 9.3“ Tl 750. BIGG

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