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Durham Chronicle (1867), 12 Nov 1908, p. 9

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luus Sales (on «a «and Competition in DURHAM. PBCIAL SAL! CARTHUR I at t McLachlln ELEGRAPHY "“090. ONT. him: Oil. Harness Oil, 3 Grease and H001 rue-m, go to to! Sharpie N N. MUHDUCK . SA UNDERS HEAT SCHOOL S In 9V9! I'ICQ “rest 6’ W1 thu- price $2.50 for M; EXT FOR “.H _. SCOTT r gains of il‘ 1’s! cal. Shorthand l'ktv‘aobio r worth $1.3 her cheaper n, .giving in HATS MACHINERY wr given ill l {or ting itself, uh HP)" them hundered : I‘ h a Harness-3 ska less Cream SQM‘OI'I \Vhips, Oils, Gm 'O'N, HinRPPS Sfl-in" them h "M ”mi-lattes .3 <, Hinge-rs Sewing unlnan's Pianos lit-s nukes “find mil). um um Bugg lg h Housa Block “'9 do,“ «I then on! W. Toronto. Johnston. 30¢ IQ‘S. (m unit). as Bad)... otfiee unio- ion . Enter Write for it. Ynu can 'nd i t ion. “Writ. 0f Flows. SeWing Ma crada of practical bu t. for. and 5., Osttivo. low. anew 1., Willie McDonald. - Sr. P'. IIâ€"~Srerling Lamb. Jr. Pt. IIâ€"George Wilson, John Cum x. Adrian Noble. Sr. Iâ€"Arcbie Wilson. Avcmge attendanceâ€"29. MARION MORTON, Tucker. S. S. NO. 6. BENTINCK. Sr. IV-Archio McDoucdl. Gunp- holl Clark. Frank TwuniOyo J r. IVâ€"Peul Hopkins. Irene Br“- ‘On. Katie Phillips, Fred Torry. 31'. IIIâ€"anhio Honda. Maxim “uh. Wiuie Britten. Jr. IIIâ€"En Rama. W11“! 3"" “El, Bury Cox. Jr. 1 [. snerson LJr. ilkâ€"Howud McDougall. ROY Earn": Jahu Clark. John Smith, d“ uunney. Diantha Redford S'r 1iâ€"â€" Bertha Houses, Perry Cu- wel Imn Urierson, Jessie Clark Celia ‘I )nesvz Cora Lunacy. “Jr. {iwCarlyle McDonud, cum 0 -I. _ Jr. W «Mabal Smith. Mu Gmr son {Ru :zip McDonald, Marjorie Clurk, RObr’r' l’utherbough Sr’ ill-bladyl McDonnld, Clan Hone» Mcé Cu If. ICC Juni Iâ€"John McVaIn, Alfie Fort- ney. \hf'rage attendance 18. MISS \LICE LAWRENCE. WM!- 3. S. N0. 10. E. AND G. Jmer Ilâ€"L'dia Thom am, Katie Build. Annie hubby, lire-d Pet- er, M. Blythe. “5",“? I I'iU’t II-Roy Stewart. Lily Weltz . F. l‘len V bewil- Ste“ :,, Nelson ' Keller, Ella Lew'u. S. 8. N0. 14, NORMANBY Jllhi‘ 1 1' IVâ€"Charlea Halliday. S‘ninr Illâ€"Janie Deter, Jacob Ste- WLHt, ”null-e Peter. Junir Illâ€"Mary Blythe, Thomas 31:1“ . 7 higher; Hallway, Elgar BC LENAHAN AND McINTOSH. . . IIIâ€"Nellie Hartford. w; ' :iâ€"Islay McCuaig. :3 z [I - W'hila McCuaig, Alma - \ MAM Tucker. m Ilâ€"Eva HOOper, Neu' short.- . .Yx‘t'dhn McKinnon. ‘ Iâ€"Ckarlie Tucker. :L r Iâ€"-Rodney Hams, Archie . i.1\111burne Hartford. - Attendance 24. 35.55 LIZZIE BINNIE. teacher. I‘ t~~’ ‘ ! . K . n:â€" Maggie Hamel-d, Kate? Add McLean. I l\'-â€"[du McCuuig, Gel-fie Mc-i Mules McKinnon, Joe KW: [1: Furniture, our stock is complete and worthy of i us; w-tinn. See for yourself and be convinced. Wu aim have a fine assortment of We «m HUI‘ floor for your. inspection. Every Stove fm‘h' guaranteed. . Headquarters FOR Hardware, Stoves, Tinware Furniture, Etc. NOV. 12, 1908 5‘. .\'O. 10, BENTINCK. «Pearl Wilson. IIIâ€"Flossie Hooper Gladys Bwrnie Hartford. , are prepared for the hunting season with a full m Guns, Rifles, Revolvers and Cartridges 0f wnt kinds. Honor Rolls. ave a. fine line of McClary’s famous Stoves Ranges and Heaters Caroline Keller, Alice Lamps Lanterns Globes, Etc. Furniture Guns Revolvers and Ammunition (G uelp h Herald.) A threshing engine ran over Mr. George H. Young, a resident. of Paisâ€" ley block, yesrerday afternoon. and use. result he is now dead. The engine crushed in his chest and seriously injured other parts of his body. Mr Young was working at a threshing on the farm of Mr. Chas Tuck. Mosborough. and had backed ,the separator into position inwthe barn, with the assistance of" the thresher engine. Then, thinking ail Iwas safe, and the power was shut 03. he crawled under the engine to 6x 3‘ loose not on abolt. Suddenly, with- ;out the least warning, the engine started and caught Mr. Young before. he could escape. The ponderou» wheel ren over his chest. crushing it with ire tremendous weight. and serv ionsly bruising other parts of the body. How the engine started is not known. though two theories are advancedâ€"the starting lever had not caught in the can. and had slipped down, starting the engine, or that the unfortunate victim had not shot 0! the power properly. ' 5 Be as careful as you can you will ’occasionally take cold and when you gdo, get a medicine of k110wn rela- :{bil ty. one that has an . established 3reputation and is certain to effect 3a. quick cure. Such a med cine is Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy. It has gamed a world w.;de re utation by ’ita remarkable cures otp this most ’common ailment, and can always be depended upon. It acts on natum’s plan, relieves the lungs, aids eXpec-l toratiOn. opens the secretions and aids? nature in restor7ng the system to a healthy conditlon. During the man . years m which it has been in gene-tax: use we have yet to learn of a single’ caes of cold or attack of the grip {having resulted in pneumonia when this remedy was used, which shows conclusively that it is a certain pre- ventive of that dangerous memes. Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy con- tains '10 opium or other. narcotic and; may be gsven as confidently to a. baby an to an adult. For sale by all drug stores. I Jr. I Aâ€"Walrer Bowe. Jennie Vickers. Average attendanceâ€"25. M. E. MORTON, Teacher. Jr. 1â€" Robbie Britton. John Joe Burns Edna Cox, Sarah McCaHum. Ethel Squire. Jr. Pt II-Clara Hnndry, Etta Twamley, Dannie Nubn. Gilbert Noble. Sr IaEdgar Boyce. Johnnie Mc Dougall. Jr. Ileennie Britton, Neilie McDougall. Ran Over by Traction Engine. How to Care a Cold. has 24 hoursâ€"no yam we: 1‘17 "Pfitnllh’nt" Extractor. m“; Ii Mickus had gone up to 051-1571“ her on a business transaction. A medi- cal man who was called Opinei that death 'wu-s due to an attack of core- bral apOplcxy brought (.1) by his climb of four flights cf stairs, and the jury brought in a verdict that! dfatlh m due to anrnl (OJ-nan. I Known Twin Citv auctionmerL to}: place Last evening under peculiar cir- cumstances. He was found dead in bed at the home of Mrs. Stubel, a first cousin, in Berlin, last evcn'ng. In her evidenoe before a conzner’s jury, she said he came to see her at ten o’clock Thursday morning, and soon after that became ill and re- mained in a. semi-conscious audition? until her husband on his return at] AAA ‘ ‘ ~___ H..- ‘ul 111nm auv LC“ and bnce t-atstes 300 “Salads." will see that it its not only finer in flavor but that am one pound makes many more cups, it is econamical to use. Short remarkw appreciative of the generosity of Mrs Gaulco were made ny Manor Malcolm, Messrq. John 'l‘olmie, Hugh Clark. M P. P., J J. Hunter, ex Mayors Barker. Mao Kendrick. Temple. Cook and Henry, Rev. Mr Ferguson and Mr. Prior. Theinspm-tor thought, that: there were few heapicals in Ontario more agreeably situated than this one. The building in questim. i». 4 w od brick, situated just on mi~ the northern limits of the iOwh, ull the heights easr of (Quiet!) sin-en There is also a separate building on a manual elevatim. a short distance behind the (manual proper. for the creetme t: ..f tuberculosis cases. Dr. Bruce Smith spoke of the ragu lations in regurd co the estub.u-huwm of hospitals, and the aid that might be looked for from the Gown.“ pm. when certain conditions h n two-l) complied with. After a few brief remarks, in which she left the arrangements in the hands of the Citizens“ hoping for prompt action on their part. she handed the key of the building to the Mayor. Mrs. Gualco Presents Hospital to the Town. 0 I i Kinoardine, Nov. 6.-â€"Upwu,rds of! sixty citizens of the township of} Kincardine who assembled lat-ll. night; on invitation “hill“ the hospitablm walls of Villa Kalisz, the handsome residence of Mrs Gualco, were treat- ' ed to a very agreeable and genuine; surprise uhen [our noerese an -. nounced that the object of calling; them together was to present to the! town and surrounding coumry a! brick house with sevwal acres of‘ ground for hospital purposes. Iogeth I or with an endowment fund ofj 25.000. Mrs. Gualco also stated: that she had conferred With the Pro . vincial Government. and the Provimf ciel Inspector of Hospitals, Dr. Bruce Smith. had been sent to advise in the matter. In case of a burn or scald what would you do to relieve the :pain'! Such injuries are liable to occur in any familÂ¥ and everyone ahould be grepared or them. Chamberlmim’s alve applied on a soft cloth w-ll re- lieve the pain almost instantly, and unless the injury Is a very sew-re one willl cause the parts to haul witlwout Leaving u scar. For sale by all drug stores. The parents of the bov who met such a tragic death at the factory. sent. a beautiful wreath. and a letter from a Hamilton minivan-r of the church Kirk attended was read at. the burial service at Mansfield. This was a touching and cunsolmorv letter and evoked much comment â€"~Orauge- ville Sun. 4 O Young Willie Kirk was employed in a leather factory and was a gene:- lal favorite with his fellow-emplovees and employers, but one day. about a; year ago, he got into a heated argu ‘ o - , j mane overa trifling matter With a! working. The boy died from the’ wounds Kirk was arrested and Was. subsequently acquic'ed. but. from the. day of the sad happening Willie K1“: was achaltged boy. Ha grieved iu-_. cesaantly over what he had done and’ day by day his health gave way by. the strain. a _. -_-.. v- nuvu “I who used to live in Mulmur. but! some time ago took up his residsnce! in the Ambitious city. . l On Monday the body of William Kirk was brought from Hamilton to Mansfield and interment tool: place there beside the grave of his mother. There is something peculiarly pa- thetic in the death of this young man. H_e was a son of Theta Kirk. Berlin Auctioneer Dead. GIFT TO KINCARDINE What Would You Do? GRIEVED TO DEATH. THE DURHAM CHRONICLE u'cl Patterson, nmrby, and Mrs. Has- tie of Truverston mmrn giver sudlvm Oath. Those of her own family who mourn the loss uf a wife and mother are her sorrowing husband. Mrs. Jas. Hustim of Drom-:re, James on the 01.1 homestead and John “A Winnips‘g, who arrived home in time for the interment of. the remains In Dro- more cemctcry. She had reachej her 64th year. The fun-29ml was a larg.) one cut w” ich hm pastor, Rev. Mr. Kcndull offlclzxt-ei It is wit” fmelings vrnénglnqd w th fixed. gladnass and sorrow t"~ut we 1‘14”“ 'ta “Tl the death of Mr. “'11:. Johns." after - Will fl a twelve months of int-«1197 1).". "“er it without any hOpC cf recvocry. Al-' He though his sufferings were a1119Vi=uted “Way‘ by -911 -t‘.z;sut could b0 done by the [,gstgbim R t'ad by all who knew her. 'For same Insntl‘s she has been unwell and she stay-3d with her (Laughter at Drcmorc w‘wcre she could receive medical treatment, but had returned home a few days previous to her suddL-n cull feeling qutle w-ell. During the night shc‘mndep rcqu-C‘st that the famigy rise early in order t nut they might go to Amen Church the next morn- ing where she was accustomed to at- tncnd regularly. Litle d'd she then think that boo-[ore the rising of an- other "sun the d=:-uth summons would come '10 her. Her maiden name was Miss Moffut. Two sisters, Mrs. Szflm- We are very sorry we were unable to get our budget out last week mo pay our tribute of reap-act to the late Mrs. John Allan, whose h:spi- tality and k'ndncss has berm shared by us all. She was highly esteemed by all who knew her. She was a kind, neighborly, inoffensive woman w‘~c.so removal will be much regret- air or anything else in town any ‘harmfibut the officials thought they were and chimed damages. They confided the matter to us and say they are treating it as u good fake, and so do we. We always tell a g 0:! joke to readers of the Chronicle. T‘.‘~ere was a goodly number“ fr: t‘is part over to enjoy the Omng‘e- m‘ men’s “At Home” in Varney Lodge last Thursday night. A goo-d‘tlmae is r»r-:ported. I Mr. Donald Watson is mama-hing ,tor the lease of the Dennet hume- fate-ad and we would like to sac Mm (get it as it would awe him so much driving back and forth. 1 One evening last week some of cur young maple were driving dawn Main Street. Mt. Forest, in the full enjoyment of one of the best driv.‘ng horses in our tsrwnship, Just split- ting the air right wide Open. but un- conscious that they were doing the conscious that they were doing the Mr. John Lawrence, .Jr. has pur- ohasgd the tavrm'owncd by Mr. James Wilson noa'r Cement Lake for the sum bordering,on $4,500. Jinn isj now amongst tha largest land awn- «ers ‘in the township. E VAEEEEEE EE Escmmmn EEE HHEUMATISM mMKlQNEYJHUMBUUUEH mauEEEs __ v----- v- .-v sunny-Iv .’§$cluo It i5 a wonderful mixture in the treatment of Lame Back and Urinary Troubles. It cures Rheumatic Pains in n few hours. The ingredients can be bought separately and mixed et home, or any druggist can fill the prescription. We are pleased to be able to publish for the benefit of our readers the prescription of a celebrated specialist. This is the result of years of scientific investigation and experience, and is taken from a reliable publication. Thxs is an exact cop} of the'originalk- Corner Concems. CAN BE MADE AT HOME? The fact that the beechnuts are very plentiful this year is said to he a sum sign of a severe winter. Ot'h- ers are inclined to lay stress on’the unusually large number of chip- ‘munks to be seen disportlng them- selves in the woods these days. This they ‘aay is an unmistakable indiu- tion that there will be plenty of cz'ld‘ air "ere the roses bloom again.” We haven‘t taken the trouble to look the records in regard to the effects which the beechnuts and the chip- munks have upon the weather, be- lieving an we do that the winter will be cold enough at .any rate to war- rant the discarding of straw hats and muslin waiistaâ€"Orangeville Sun. Two young women were cycling on a countrv road. not long ago when something happened to one of their wheels, tuBV got 03 and 80- m-avored to “tinker" if them-caved; and as they were at the work a. man came along. _â€"--'-- ”Oh. .VFS." he said. ”I’ m sure I can fix that all right.” So he want at, it, like a man uacd m such accidents, and soon had it '03:: I help you ‘9” ha asked. with great courtesy. and they explained 1he trouble as well as they could. Send your name und . and you will to- 001.70 3 free sum lo 01' SLOOUX'B OOHPO POLND PENNY YAL TEA. A" what harmless Vegetable uliar to w omen Mr. Henry Pollock is rejdicing over the recovery of his dear wife whd who was so near death’s d.or last week. '_ 'U' 2,-"â€" -vâ€" .rv-‘muv a}, Pa isley. Mr. Isaac Sit-rs returned home last week from Mal and hunt In Saskat- c‘hcwan, where be secured a 300:1 horn-octrad in a favorablw lirality. Mr. Wm. Chapman, who is here on a vial from Alberta. spent last week at Owen Sound and Shallow Lake rc- nwwing 01d acquaintances. We are pleased to congratulate Mr. and Mrs. Sharpe on the arrival of a young son, the first of that kind in via l'ttle family. Miss Ewart, of Cheeley is vsiitfng the Sirrs’ family for .a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Chapman and dauglter, Maud, of Mt Forest spent Thanksgiving ‘wtih the Sirrs' family. Miss "Jennie Irwrn. of B. S. No. 12 Spent Thanksgiving with her family "‘1‘” ’ noon to Maphwood cometary ,tbe remains were followed to last nesting-plane by a lurgne ’ course of msurning friend: an tovea. Rev. Dyna; his putox ducted the services: at the hon lat the grave ado. Bountiful : wmaths were laid on the cash The Union Sunday 80110:)! Enter- tainment ’laat Thursday night was t great success. They had a- urge crowd . W1 tea good testable. 3nd yorowd. good tea and good eatablm as well an a choice and nriei pro- gram with such talent M Mr. “rm.l Ramage and daughter” Junta Cole ridge. Maud Hamilton, A. Clark, the Misses Brown and Reid Durham Mftbpdist Male Quartethe accompan- ied by Mr. Allan Ell, Rev. Dyneo and a heat cf home talent. Mr. Wm. Sins. 11".“: Suyuintevdent gave an ac- count of we school and Mr. Wm. Allan held down the chair. The pro- ceeds amounted to $25.00 Owing to want ‘of time our report 19 not so. lengthy' as we would wish it. I the remain: we” followed to their last mstincqplace by a hr‘ge con- course \of msurning friends ani vela- tovea. Rev. Dynas, his pastor can- ductei the service; at the home and at the grave idle. handful floral wmaths were laid on the casket by numbers of the family and by their neighbor, Mrs. James Allan. How Man He!ped. . J‘f" Mr. Murphy, 3 Quebec cumnm lumber merchant. testifivs tho: sold the Deportment of Marine I plies at odvoncos of from toll twenty-five per cent. over ordin 7 rotuil price. to other customers. 'I it no pro-election roorbnch It in odmiuion of o witneu in tho inn gotion which Judge Canola it a ducting into the old" of the Don: moot. Ono. would oxpoot tint olq cotton» like the Gonna.” q to oblo to buy gt wholuolo .' hand of n prion for above . Illa quotation to null p Search over the whole glabe Ila; you‘ll not find the equal of Ne‘ru me. An aching tooth it relieves «'7 once Fill the cavity with battix dipped in Nerviline and rub t‘l, gums with Nerviline also. It the fan is swollen and core bathe’ with Nd wine and then hind on: hot nannz‘ This can't fail because Nerviline kil the pain outright. Jud an gosd' It. camohe, neuralgia or nut: neck: ‘.. 25 cent bottle of Nervfllne’cureu l1 ache. of the whole family. Try Owen Sound Nov 5 ~In the te rifio gala that swept Georgian Bl? on Tuesday right Ibe mg (Hmiuton with: Inrge sww broke from h moorings u Liou’ a “Hui (1 ck, In; Was dashed on tha rocks and smash to pieces. The tug Cm ford wi n ecow, also bxrke loose. but w sowed. as she was in a more protocug position. The Gludsmu was valui- nt about 84 000 and the soon .5 Ibouc $1 500. Both were owned if Pedwell . Lompke. sawmill own. at Lion' a Head Iniounwmu of t disasmr was brought down evening by the fisbeiies protect steamer Edna Ivan. rug and 800w Smashed to P100! OF FARM. STOCK IMPLEME The undersigned auctionor-r has ozivcd instructions from Mr. T! Long to sell by public auctsm at] 49. Con. 2, Gl'cnelg, N. D.. R.. on W n-osday. November 18th, the folk inkâ€"l @9511) heavy draug‘ht work r .l New Milliner H redit Auction Sale Miss Margaret Bu The undersmned 1190 a to! announce that. 81105 has‘ opened up :1 new minin-s erV and faxugvguods m 11%»: 101311119111 m 91 vthinu in' the line of 11131111-“. 111‘ fancv goods and hand painted china 111:1) be procured at ream 111111313 rates. DASHED ON THE ROCKS; I57' its nutritious qualities, its purity and 1ts uniform good- ness. In its preparation no process tending to im- prove its quality is omitted or slighted. Tell vour? J fixer that Vou want Roval ousehold because the makers guarantee it. care used in selecting th‘ wheat before it is groum and the searching tests 0 expert chemists aflerward: that give Royal Household Flour Quilvie Flogr was Co., Ltd. 2" lore Public Robbery (Speck! Doupuich lo the Globe ) To Care Toothache.

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