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Durham Chronicle (1867), 12 Nov 1908, p. 10

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V] e have sold our store and the purchaser takes :pcs session on the fir st day of December. Every- :th.ng in the stoze. Groceries, Dry Goods. Boots and Shoes. Granite and Tinware, Dishes, Rub- ‘bers. Hardware and Clothing must he sold Before the Last of This Month. This stock has Not been in the store for years but has all been purchased during the past year and you can ldepend on getting New Goods. Come early and ,take advantage of the Great Bargains of which the following are only a few samples: -- Planar... 1.05 Pam for .................. 1.35 and many others. low Currants. 4 ms. for. law mm. 4 be. for. . hckage Tea, 330 for” ickaaze Tea. 25c for. ... Mind Collee, 40:2. for Tb . . . .tdines. 3 80395 roceries - L ‘ J Ilwi‘J‘ .‘A‘J‘ {CV‘ * a .o A ‘ - 1.. J\ ? r ' - p r . p r 5". «915..-».N4. } >NHMNHNH“ E9H§H4b§ {‘1 l‘l'..linl-'l.- I- 'I!; member: Everything Must be sold this month Produce taken 1n exchange tar”). reg. 10¢ a package; for . TEAKLE, Allan Park ROBT. BURNETT Fresh Groceries Always on Hand A great display of men’s caps have rived. We have a good line of fall shoes both fine and heavy, leather lined. felt lined, just the slum for fall and winter. It will pay you before buying a. fall suit to come and examine our suits, ‘Regent’brand. Our new winter styles in “Regent” Over- coats have just arrived. These are designed and made by the most expert men in the business. They have such perfection of fit and finish as will appeal at once to your best judgment. Highest Price for Produce \Vrappers. $1.10 for ......... Dress Goods 500,!01' ......... Table Linen, 50c for“ . Table Oil. 46 wide. for pet-yd Corsets, 81.0) for ............ Corsets, 75c for .............. Prints._reg. 125 for. ...... Yarn. all colors. per m. ...... .40 Laces and Embroideries at unheard of prices .................. Dry Goods, Etc. Footwear Overcoats Clothing Rubbers of all kinds for everybody at great reduction in prices. Caps 000000000000000000 .21 .91 Men’s fine Boots. $4.11) for... 3.10 Men’s fine Boots. 33.0.) fun. 2. 25 And Boots and Shoes for every- body at greatly reduced prices. for ...... . ............. 2 95 Axes. Q» for .............. .72 Bate? Augur Bjts. all sizes at less than cht price ................. Cow Chains, la: and No each ...... And many other articles 000 nu- merous to mention ....... . ..... Women's Oxford Ties, $1.65 for Royal Canadian Boots and Shoes \Vomen's fine Shoes, 33.. . 2.1 0 \Vomen’s fine Shoes, $2.23 for Hardware just ar- THE DURHAM CHRONICLE “'ringers. $3.75 The home of Mr. J. G. Little, nenr‘ Warehnm. was the scene of n very pretty wedding on Wednesdny, No- l vemher 4th, when, u 12 30. p.m.. hie! only daughter. Margaret, was united? in the holy bonds of matrimory col Mr. Willinm Murray Gnndin, 0U Hesthcote. The ceremony was per-g immediate relntives Ind friends.l The bride, who wns given nwny by her (other, wns nttired in crenm tof- feu, made in Princess efl'ect nnd trimmed with Irish point. bee. and curried n honqnet of white cnrnstions. She was nttended by the groom's cousin. Miss Cnrrie Hnrlhnrt, of Thornbnry, who wore n gown ol’ silk eolinne over silk nod mind Ininh The Womens’ Institute here hell an enjoyable bcx s:cial in the town hell on Wednesday evening of last week at which Mr. W. Heath occu- pied the chair and conducted a pleas ingiy rendered proaram which opened with a piano duet bv Mrs. Blackburn and Miss Idunshaw Miss Maud Boyd gave a pretty piano solo. and little Elda Karetedt sang a solo swee-‘ly. Miss Glaiys Cornfield and Master Gordon McKinnon gave a duet which was a very taking num ber. MaSter R. N. Cornh’eld and little Miss Marguerite Runstadler were costumed for a dialogue. °Graudpa and Grandma’ and were as cute as could be. They brooch! down the house. A May Pole drill by twelve boys and girls was a pretty number. Messrs. Wilcock. Heath. Cornfield and Dr. Murray gave a pleasing quartette. Miss Haubury. of Dundalk gave two well rendered recitatious which were well received Miss Wolfe. of Hamilton, who pos- essesa rich. well trained voice of wonderful power. delighted her aud- ience with beautifully rendered solos one of which was an operatic song in Italian. Mics Wolfe was compelled torespond to hearty encores given her. Addresses were given by Dr 1 Caldwell and Rev. G. C. Little. and both addresses were of a humorouel and pleasing character. At the close} of the program the mating began and! the gentleman having found the lady I with the box corresponding to his number, together they partook of the daiutiee. and enjoyed social confab. The proceeds were about 816. I J. H. Packham. District Organiser. uresided, and invited to the platform Mrs. (Rev ) Kemp. of Walter’s Falls and Mrs. Thos. Roland. ex District Organizer. After opening exercises, l which in part consisted of a Bible reading by Mrs. W. H. Thurston. of. Flesherton. Mrs. Wm. Breeze. of j Chatsworth. was appointed Secretary 1 and Mrs. Thurston Guardian COI'I’GP pondent. Words of welcome were then given by Mrs. W.A. Armstrong which was fittingly replied to bv l Mrs. (Rev) Edge, of Owen Sound Reports of auxiliaries and mission bands were presented and showed that successful work had been done during the year. “The auxiliary as a spiritual force in the church” was the subject of an excellent paper by Miss F. I. Irwin, read by Mrs. J. H. ‘Rutherford. of Owen Sound, who followed with an instructive and in-’ teresting ‘Map Talk’ on the general‘ . work of the W- M. S. Mrs. Newtou’ ' Large, of Owen Sound gave a beauti- 3 .fully rendered solo. .. .. At the? ,aiternoon session Mrs. Packham. gagain presided and devotional exer. 2 gcises were conducted by Mrs. (Rev )‘g iCaldwell. of this place. The minutes ; of former session were adopted. after . ‘which 'The W. 311.8. in rural dis», ‘tricts‘ was dealt with in a well pre-: 'pared paper by Miss Sewell. 'Thei :value of missions as an educational agency~ in training the young’ was. the subject assigned to Mrs. Edge.‘ lwho dealt with it in an able manner.‘ Mrs. (Rev.) \Vellwood,of Chatsworthl gave a splendid paper on 'The W.\I.S. and systematic giving’ and Mrs. (Rev ) Kemp gave a very interesnng i lustrated address based on Matt. 6- 14 to the home miss on band who: sang: ‘Jesus wants me for asunbeatn’ The Organizer's address Was pl'aCti-l Cal and replete with good things An appropriate letter of condolence was presented to Mrs. Beland. who was recent 5‘ bereft of her si ter. Mrs. Chas. Gordon. of Oxeu Sous-d . Mrs Large again gave a Streetlv rendered so'o Mrs t’ackham was r»- elrc'e-i Organizer. and an invite ‘ tic-n from D 4.3.313 for nun:r place of: meeting was accepted. The sesisnz. c osed with praise service led by Mrs} tuna: tl .. At the evening; n ewEr: there was a good sizel’ audience arid Rev. Dr Caldweili :chr-ied the chair A pleasing pro-3 gram was rendered. consisting of a, selection M the choir. solo etch by ‘nr R. \Viicock. Dr Murrav Mrs. nge and Miss Rawe. D‘._ll""i‘dlk «isur tn' ‘tlrs Largp and Mi“ Rowe and qii‘dl’lE‘TTP iv: .‘deurs \V. Heath. 'W I{.C3rnfieid. R. ‘.\’i,r-rr:k and Dix,‘ .‘.l=.'.rrav. The “faker {01' tilt", HV~ I”: ingnas Rev. \V. N. Chan"... Owen Swnd. who gave iz. aw pv‘ihi‘ pleasing, corn-‘ncing and masterful“ s'yle an inSpiricg address on "Final; cpptrtunitx‘ and the power.’ It was:- . . -. . . l a s;).o’°ndl'l nnale for the CODVPHH'JDS and ’ he ladies are t J he congratuia'ed upon securing Mr. Chantler for the occasion. . -‘r -- A.-- The 15th unnnl convention of the Women's Iissionnry Societyoi Owen Sound District was held in the Moth. odist church on Tuesdnv of lost week end was successful. There wen 3 good nttendonce of delegntes from Owen Sound, Welter’s Falis. Chats- worth. Markdnle. Dundalk and the Flesherton auxiliary. end the ses- sions held were interesting and pro- h’tchle: At the morning session Mrs. ' 61100188 81 V60 9 given by Dr C. Ludo. and of t humorous groom ea .ura. enpported by Mr W. Little, brother of the bride. The bridal party en- tered the room to the “rein. Ill Mendelssohn'e wedding mrch, play- ed by Miae~Ida OibOl‘flfl, of Portlaw. After the ceremony at very choice wedding dinner um served. The happy couple left on the evening train for Toronto a a other pointe, ,lamid showers of r... and confetti. lAs organist. Sahhnth whool worker. la consistent Inflln')" and faithful worker in Mount Zen Methodist church. the hride wil he'greatly gmissmi. The groom lfi Well and fav- orably known. having had charge of the Eugenia circuit prior to the pres- gent pastor Rev '1‘ Ludlaw. M. A. On their return \lr anl Mrs. Gan din will reside at Huathcote and the heartiest wishea of the community follow them to their new home. The hr de received a large number of‘ valuable modding preeenta. _ “'\I s A. Mr. and Mrs. John E. Wright, of the west back line. celebrated the sixth annlvgrsury of that walling day on Friiay evening last. About fifteen relatives and riends were present and after partaking of the weddmg rents-t. spent the evening very enjOya le. El On 'lhursday evening last the home Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Sherwo;d, near Port Law, was the, scene of a phras- ant gathering of about thirty rela- tives and (thank. assembled to hon- or them on the twentieth anniversary of their wedding day. A dainty wedding supper was served and the evening, untJ a late .hour, was Spent in a very pleasant manner. Congmtu- lations man were extendei to Mr. and Mrs. herwooi, who waived numerous valuable presents fitting the occasion. ! The Methodist parsonage here was the scene of a quiet marriage Wed- neada afternoon of last. week. When Dr. aldwell joined in wrdlock Mr. James HOppS of Flesmrt-m, to Miss Eva Shier, daughter of Mr. ani Mrs. Francis Sax-r, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Francis Saber, near Port Law. The brid:, who was prtthy gowucj in cream waking-re tr.u1med “1th lace, was attcudci by Miss Lee-nu McLeod of 1.1.15 plauc. LII. S_:mu{l SLier was bgst man. The young couple have aittled in their new home oqntne Armstrong farm near mek’s m1 . Mr. and Mrs. Bw. McKenzic, west. of Ucyluu, “cl'c bcrem «,1 Luiig' Law 8111 uwutus old Gauging-.1} bind, 1.“ Thursday last. Inc nun-Lina wcre intu‘r-zd at. 3141154413 on kinday. Mr. and Mrs. 11-;th 1).,‘5413. nu 11m, lubt L....r ”Hunt. SJU, tutu, .1.ij 311' a m, on Erna): lz.'c-x';'m..ut at. 'strtuu; Aumxuus Liam» sym- ut.i1\: w.th tn- bxrcu parcuts. Uu'un Tuanksgxing service W19 L10 in (11’s.: DG‘JL-DL £1111th uu 31011- a". '1‘»; 5.11114: \\m§ pl-.ub-4 uy Mrs. .Brwze .A a» 1140-: t. Mr. Andy I‘IIA‘L-‘d .YLLIC “£11 H mu-) Atkmx, c; 10rnto,.s elicit), the guait .f Mr, J03. at. W Mame: Kmeafl' ll, OI legu :11 Sound; Mrs. A; g t 1'. 51:5. Gil=r~f [‘Libedenu, at Cale-5 ron. Mr. Fred Rab, ', Mrs. \\'. Boy!” . Mrs. E. \Vnitteu,‘ at Toronta. Mr. Alex. Stem-1n. h-s home gn the 1 Ftdny Ian. Ar- .nothcr d the few 5 who fi'.st settled The (housed who as born near Ding-i utlund. Fifty-right» 3 to Cunt. than“g routu, is a vLsLt- Can‘t swcrtb, was Ln Tor 1 Mann: plant ILLUU. USE “A. ULLcl‘Uu 0‘»: Society and Miss \V 1;.1 on Island I'd Lamhton Street . 11mm Oil ud Coal Oil alums in stock W. J. McFadden. The teacher and pupih of 12 are making pl‘f‘pfllfltinns 0011”“ lt Christmas hfilida Irwin is thorough in all 1| takes in land tn d0. 'Hu- m cert is expected to he «=va .,,~ order. Rubber rings If you want ewn «1m t the you r)llndhaug1in: , lings’ Drug Store. P: xv The Best in the world Even'thing the hm . \ ‘ Implement line « m m :-- - ‘ ' \V The King of Ram; " buck's Happy Thc Ina-1y. hi! ability as an artist The leaders of Ifij school are making 1 their annual concert .-. November the 20th. Massey=Havris Implements THE CHRONICLE Mr. James Hopking now completed. Mr. I; on the finishing (until... "m'aoo’oo Th :‘xange Gives All the News All the TI" January IQIO. One I Happy Machine Rt '99 O!!! epar SUBSCRIBE NOW Nov. 12 if One Dollar. H‘ m if ill Time. Rains an... [to very latest in N“ ‘. Wu trade at l’rmi \\‘ Wt be paid I!“ M. Bugg is ha .10 at her pm-Im-s in a. Gmfraxa no: 21 days Y‘ game at Grant ~ Fwndâ€"‘A fi‘Vt‘Mh'Y we same by prun! “fill“ for this 1.“!in Mr. F. \V. K. F ”@911 (I ilk l \ “wise "mm at. M t bu‘: ‘ (“1! ’ Stanfield’s. “her day if hv t1 weouly had thi pudou’t want I u is Worn out. 'We congratul:m- «human, upon \\ hem: of Dixinin “Toronto lo-(hn 5'0“ desenvd ln ”congregatinn \\ K He is now In. hoe to 2'in ful‘u Y0“ an save a (1mm - i An interesting T netbyterian Chur‘ ‘ (n thin issue. I "if Hanover 1‘ Id: local inter s ”woefiAll out gfmief Carson \\ :1 ~ Moular inrlim- . and in Viulatiw' . ‘0‘ the (mum-ii. . .. thalaw, and my. ‘0 pedestrizuu h. we have pr extra 009%. tbs u had free as In: An Alnm'ivun m bill for gas «In NH “0013, «hunt !«-I .d already hun- ‘inery on tln- >5.“ “a. has been a . hbe obutined n; 1 .L'pment plnspo bxdn in cam: 01 3 . likelihood. pn' dam Ind prumno “bad. If su‘uv “My be 8 inuw .l liven up the r: .- 'the past few nn 1 'My Itl’lngt‘m. \. We do not mnlil Manual-t Hz: Wmidw -: t t h“ 111”“)! 1.. ! («heathen \n' “ . feels ”u = - ly. and n. w flair. he dun-H in enthu- FMPI‘R. 'I‘IH- I'hen injuud. bdnawm mm ‘ value WU) slm.‘ " *‘ NIH'PM‘H? :‘i bunny \“ilh I‘m 5 M for other pl .t mt prim‘ .‘H st rem, In uudvr“ is hav il dulla until N0. 2175 OU H am H \\

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