West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 12 Nov 1908, p. 2

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RES 0]" GOOD LAND ON DUR- Aroad, with fair buildings. PrLce DRES IN BENTINCK, ON DUR- 1 road. we” loomed. owner giv- up. Wm be sold cheap to quick ahaser. .CRES IN EGREMONT, NEAR more. good frame buildinga, terms of hard wood bush, 80-'d rl land. Price $3000. Farms for Sale. bND AND 3121) DIVISION OF .No. l, E. G. 3., in the Town- ’of Glenelg. 100 acres known as oKinnon Farm. at the Rocky oen. Immediate passession giv- For particulars apply M J P. rd. 311 07tf. .â€"_‘_‘- Wtâ€" Six milrefis from Durham.f title. page-union at once. Good . Must be sold. For particu- Opp]! to J. P. Telford, Durham. i 222 05t!| farms in New Catarié, nnar Liskeard for saleâ€"large dis- t for cash. Map of the 100:11'15' terms iven on ap lication to . Telfor , Solicitor or vv-ndor. -‘A All. .CREB IN GLENELG. GOOD. no barn with stone basement.. t oiau dwelling house, onlyl. '13 AND 14. CON. 3, N. D. 12.: 150m. 213, 15 acres bush. frame ham; ““1011 watered. must be gold. A H. urday son, Durham. 227a, (1:181:31)- I? AND 28, IN THE 18TH CON- ; Treas. >11 of the Township 0’ Norman-; -. ntaining 250 acres, the eat-ate late Thos. Fulton, Cne stone' ing and one frame dweiling.. ______ , bank barn, also good framc A ONE . “"111 be sold in block or di- have . to suit purchaser. Terms! one . known on application. Hugh.‘ will '11. Administrator, Hamndun.’ 3:11;. I further particulars and terms 'ment apply to W. F_. DUNN, _ } LOT 19. CON. 2, E. G. R. EG- nt. 3 miles north of Holstein. Suing 100 acres. about 90 acres ed and in 00d state of culti- :1, good br ck dwelling, large p basement barn, well fenced well watered. 00d orchard. file from schoo and 1 mile Son. 2. Bantinck, coutgining hundred acres more or less. place i; well fenced ani under. Iod state_ of cultivation. On, premises 9 a frame barn 60:60.; under-ground stone stabling, (having she-d. ohm-p pen an.“ tonne; a comte house with' Lp kitchen, summer kitchen and! :d a‘ned. and cistern. (3on hard: »r close to the boom. Good: lng orchard: TM.) (arm 19‘ ~11 a! one Of the beat grfin n in the county. Two and a! mile: from the town of Dur-l .' Thu farm I: offered (or -I one half down; balance at aft vent. Intelsat. Address alt nkationi to the BrOpriotor. A. Anna. M ‘ p Valley 'IJ'II. 10-224 ’arms for Sale. lBLE FARM FOR SALE 11 an tne Aldrcfd farm, _I_.ot ”Ehfiâ€"rbi Easy' terms. For mlars applv to John H. m, Holstein P. O. -A-‘ A A mute INA GLENELG, EX;- 3:13, “‘1? .33 323231? 51:11:31". lent barn and out buildings. IBER OF IMPRQVEDAVALU- BBB IN BENTINCK, BUILD- and soil good, everything in class shape. Price $5000. RES ON THE GARAFRAXA 200 clear, 50 tons hard wood well watered, first class n33. .Will be told cheap to of» catatc. {icing fair 'bunding'a, good ', a splendid farm with a few of good timber Price $4000. 'arms fur Sale. To Rent. 1)! THE 31'. COND coxcrgs GOOD DOUpLW ‘1?- 328 IN BENTINCK, GOOD excellent building 1183, 16 acres wood bush. mall payment P1100 $690.1 38 IN NORMANBY, FIRST Durflam, ’ Ont But there are people who are constantly looking for opportunities to lend money on good security. If you want to borrow a few dollars. or a few thousand.our Want Ads. will put you in touch with those who have money to nun! A'P‘; Money is Tight 6251mptf. V‘WHIOF. ‘ ‘ . 718 06tf. FOR U. 8. S. No. 2, EGREMONT _.....__: and Normanby, county of Grey, male or female, holding f'rs't or 5 «round class certificate. A pli- A. , cationa, stut'ng Salary, qual; 'ca- . D. 3.5 tions, eXperience and enclosing tes- ‘e harn.‘ timonah will be received up to Sat- A 3;. urdny, November 2131:. Duties to 227“. commmce at the beginn‘ng of the __ - . New Year. W'm. Bradley. Ste.- H coy- Tue-213., Orchard, Ont. 11-53t lion an! ’3 spnlv ’ 1“va w-»- w m 'WOOD FURNACE FOR SALE â€"- 48 ' inch fire bog, 1Clare make, 1tom- rcgisters an a] pipes. Appy to Edward Krcss, furniture ware- rooms Durham. GOOD COMFORTABLE DWELLING with an acre of land, good on: Hard, good well, goal out build- ings and other conveniences. Also for sale a good mate colt, rising three years. harness, wagon, sleigh. guantity of hay, wood, garden and lrmmg im laments, etc. Apply to F. . POR ER. NOVEMBER 18. AT LOT No. 49. CON. 2, N. D. R.; the farm stock and implements of Mr. Thomas Long. Twelve months’ credit. D. Mc- ‘l‘O WHOM I'l‘_ MAY CONCERN HUNTERS AND OTHERS FOUND trespassing on the following lots gill b! plosgougedg Lot; 57 a_nd 62, MY 3 HUNDRED ACRE FARM AT Guano“, will rent one or more years. taking mod of rent in un- pronomoms. We; toil, water, orchard and timber :11 good. Ap- ply to J. Ritchie, Port Arhur. TWO STOREY DOUBLE FRAME house, situated on the West side of Garafraxa Street, in upper town, large lot with stable. first class well. also cistern. Apply on prem- ises. Angus Camercn. 312a. A COMFORTABLE COTTAGE AND 10 acres of land, Opposite Mr. Thos. Ilaskins. convenient to Durham: Cotta e contains six rooms. 3300 wood ed good table, hen muse, never falling well. Excellent place for gardening. Apply to Aaron Toilet. 2-6tf. Dunn; Dfirham. . ONE HUNDRED ACRE FARM. I huvc two applicat'ons for a 803d one hundred acre farm. I will sell on comm'ss'cn. No ml , no charge. Parties wfshin to fell kingly _commun;cate with . F. . GOOD SOLID BRICK TWO STOR- ey dwelling, alongside Presbyterian Manse preperty in upper town, Durham, corner of Durham and El- gin streets. Seven rooms, pantry, closets, cement floored cellar, etc. Good airy location in 370d locality. Good frame stable, hard and so. water, one acre of land. Snap for quick purchaser. For further par- ticulars agply to John W. Mc- Kechnie, wner, Rocky Saugeen 8106tt. ‘Tw‘elve months’ creditfâ€"fl Phail, auctioneer. Con 8. E. G. R; 7106378, '4, "5" $1.13 0.00:1. 1,N. D. R; lots, Con" 1, Ind lot 8. Con. 8,»:26. D. 8., and lot: 001: and”; - g. "Glenn-lg; Take notice that I will not be re- npogdb1p_ tor 9!)! fight qr _:lebt_u __â€"v _ gitzaotd on. ILL «coinâ€"t; {5855 _ 4-4,...A _LA___ “NUMBER OF TOWN LOTS ON Queen and Countess Streamâ€"good location, grices reasonable. Apply to Thos. mith, or at the Post 0'- fice. 620th WARNING T0 TRESPASSEBS Teacher Wanted. Property for Sale. Farm ‘Wanted. SALE REGISTER. For Sale. II“!!- Tnoius McGIBR. A.ORUTCHLEY. JOHN BELL. 0. runs. . Mr. and Mrs. W. G. McCullocb spent Sunday last with friends ,at Hampden. Mrs. Alf. Corbett spent a. few days last week in Toronto. Miss Martha Torry, Durham, spent, the holiday with her brathers and sisters around here. ROBERT BRIGHAM, LICENSED Auotioneer. Allan Park. Bales may be arranged by telephon ng to th: store at Allan Park, or orders left at the Chronicle office. AllAnles FOR ALL OXFORD CREAM SEPAR- ator re. its. users are requested to write . D. Vickers, 605 Parlum‘ent 4‘ A- ‘ Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Kennedy visit- ed the latter’e sister. Mrs. Mark Murven, Allen Park, one day last week. Mr. Bert. Wilson, of town. spent a week ago Sunday with his uncle, Mr. Thos. Remy. ty of Toronto. Graduate Roya College Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Dentistry in all its Branches. Ofiice.â€"Calder Block. over Post Office d tioneer for the County of Grey. Sales promptly attended t0. Orders ma be left at his Implement Wareroome, Mc innon’r 11d stand. or 1t the Chronicle. Ofliee. Dr. W. C. Pickering Dentist. ')FFICE: Over J. J. Hunter’s er, Conveyancer c. Insurance Agent. Money to Loan. Issuer of Mar tinge Licenses. A general financial busi ness transacted. Office over Gordon’s new Jewellery Rtore, Lower Town, Durham. Any amount pf monev to loan at 5 per cent. on farm oropertv. Mr. Willie Vickers Sundayed with his sister, Mrs. Herb. Chittick, Lum- lash. L. R. C. P.. LONDON. EEG. RADULA'I'E of London, New York and Chicago. - mums 01 Eye. Ear Nose and Throat. Will be at Knapp House, Durham. the 2nd ’i-Xatuzdav in each month. Hoursâ€"1â€"6 p.m. w. F. Dunn, ARRIS'I‘ER, SOLICITOR, CON voyancers. Notary Public. Etc. Money to Loan at Lowest Rates. )flicezâ€" McIntyre Block, over Standard Bank. Dprham. Ontario. Mr. Herb. Hunt was in Toronto the fore part of this week on business. Mrs. James Turnbnll is having poor health this fall. Hope to hear of her enjoying good health soon. 2-4 0.11).. 7-9 9.11:. Telephone No. 10. Mr. Frank Vickers. of Toronto. is spending n few days with his par- ents, Mr. 1nd Mrs. J. W. Vickers. The monster tea. meeting held here lest Mondoy night was n great. suc- cess. Abundance of good things to etc. A. good progrun. The proceeds 884 50. THE CHRONICLE FFICE AND RESIDENCE A short distance auto! Knawp’s Hotel. lamb ton Street. Lower Town, Durhun 06cc hours from 12 to 2 o’clock SPECIALIST .- EYE, EAR, THROAT NOSE Ofiioe: 13, Frost St., Owen Sound. neon and George Streetsâ€"Normal Mgth ist_Church _Office_ hour_s_â€"9_-11;.m.. 1 (ice in the New Hunter Block. Office hours. 8 to 10 a. m.. to 4 p. m. and 7 1.09 p. m. Specinl attention given to diseases of women and children. Residence op- oouite Preshvterian Church. (auto Assistant Roy. London Ophthalmic Hos In... 3nd to Golden Sq. Thrmt 5nd Nose Hon. HYSICIAN AND SURGEON, OF- 6co in the New Hunter Block. Office promp'tly'attéhde‘d ‘to. ’ 10-22-3mp Nov. 9. ’03. CREAM SEPARATOR REPAIRS 0n. lamioson laclaurin. I. G. Hutton. M. 0., D. I. OHN CLARK. LICENSED AUC street, Toronto. J F. GRANT, D. D. 8.. L. D. S- [ONOR GRADUATE, UNIVE RSI- ARRISTEIZ, SOLICITOR. ETC. A. H. Jackson. 0mm PUBLIC, COMMISSION FFICE AND RESIDENCEâ€"COR BUSINESS CARDS DURHAM. ONT. (Lower Town.) Gives All the News All the “flue. rm January IDIO, One Dollar. Medical Dz’rectorv. Arthur Sun, I. D. Dental Directory DR. BRO EVEN Legal-“D7rea‘0rv . Mzscellaneous. J. P, Telford. DR. BURT. Vickers SUBSCRIBE NOW THE DURHAM CHRONICLE 10-29-3mp The man at the desk had a the boon ugcnt in ma mnak narg'ngu-c. "1V6 no (10th .tne work you are selling :5 ml r.g-xt and a good 011%," he «Laid, "but I am qu-te sure I 510ml; want it. 1 2m v.13 1 “ave to shut you 'ogl', but this .8 my busah'oss day mu 1 “avnt tune to Linen to you. Yog gou‘t mind :t, do you?” ‘ ”Have you ever loved and lost!” sig...cd the swan. “Nope," ruapowdcd the maiden, promptly. “i’Vc won ev.ry bI'CiLCJ ox premix eat I cut brougut.” Mary had a little lambâ€" You‘ve heard this Lact before: But hitvte you heard she paged but .1 a 6 An [had a little more? JV“ uuu b Luluu. .L, “U JUUB “I don t mum bong turned down," amawaed th‘c book ug-c'nt. ”I’m mud to that. You’re the fourteenth. atraigut, sano I struck the buzldmg. But you re the first one that’s done it badly, and t...utâ€"Lhat 's‘or... oi breaks me all up you know. Good day, it.” Wshemulou 'fm withdrew the ra sh! promise be had made and although .tue boat continued to mmwn .n the? becaltned atvttc tney cared not a' single care. I Mr. Stubb, in astoxl;sizmcnt,«7(jra- cious IYLuI‘Ju._ That tramp uao‘ bwn singng .n tue bum; yard Lur the Lle half hour. Mrs. Stubbâ€"Yes Joan, it ~s all my fulllt. . " Mr. Stubbâ€"Your fault? Mrs. btubbâ€"Auuued 1L .5. I t} ought I was giv.ug Jun .11 dxsh 01‘ ‘00 lud oatmeal, and illat'vdd a; hat. 1 boJ- ed up tine bird .sufld. There is a (to-run number of the Brit-“ Houbx; UL Coxumaus, u reserv- ed (1111 (1111; ppl"0u w..u uud nun making a. ratur lukewarm suit to my .yopng woman 0. his «moo... An Englishman thuc-ssing his first baseball was struck by .. ..ot. one 01f tuc but. 011 coming to) he 3:5.de faintly, "What was .t'f ’ 'A foul,’ thev told .im, “,only a foul.” “My word,’ he exclaimed, ‘I thought it was a mule.” WU" h lad, entered 1 branch ““9“?“ who in 0. wave of mu: An Italian went to the c;vil service commisasoucr's 1‘0.an to be CXaUlJl- ed 101‘ a labour: posit.0n. He an- swered most. 01‘ the quxSLious cyrerâ€" Jy. Finally tnsy tasked 11-111 A hu had ,ever open naturalizud. H-e seem- ed a bit puzzled, but. at last. 11‘s Lace ligigtgd up._ At a dinner one day some men wcr: discussng tnu menus ‘m 1.11:1”-11‘; speck-s 0. game. One 1)1'u£n-rrcu oun- vus-nuck duck, unocau woodcuck, ..n.1 anotuer still thought a qua-1 the mos. duliuaous anther; UL 1041. Lu; 4-5mm- .sion and. Lu: (1111».1‘ ‘Llid'gd {about U“, dame, tinm. At a dinner. recently, W'Jliam J.‘ Bryan was Joking about his rupeated‘ atttempts to be electied Pres'iien't, gl- ttough Mr. Bryan considers thcm no Joke at that. “After a time,” .he Stud, ‘1 shall be in tne p05-t10n of the man. somewhat wome not. wear, woo came into a dance in Texas. The floor manager the floor manager kioked h;m mg and he ronea down a night at. a! At the bottom of the main be con-. dilated that matter. "I know whot it means: be M. “Tppy ug’t tool ma. "Wan-n “A.“J- ,_ “Au, {know wlmta you mean. Scratowa do arm. 1x35, Lasta vak." One day tue member brought some flowers, saying, “Muy L Ulu-l‘ 30.1 m handful 0; flowers?” Ihereupon th-u dccsplrutc lady re- pliud, ”1 move to 3.1111ou by omit- lug all alt-er the word hand.” eagle .survcd bu u siLVLr iollur.” The little aallbont was bee-Mined. Can’t you wlitsl’e and rose the wind? be 213301. “1111 axruid to try.” she answered. “What 'are you alraid of?” he axked. “I'm afraid you m.g_h.t attempt to kiss mu wmeu 1 got my 1.113 pygmy-d. ’ suo said. “I’ll do nothing of the kni,” he promisLd. “Nothing doing then," she declared. “139. kids, no puckcr.“ bu ‘ muhmg a. ratur lukewarm suLt to flue young woman 0. his «mum, This had QOUL: on a 10113 t we, dur- ing .wh-ch the membur had -ryquuub Jy taken tuc lady to attund. uhe House, with the ruins whcruof she bccame. :-.0u1'..:\'un-t gcqggiutud. me‘ The three-year-old chili of the king and queen of Span has bwn 112:.de Jaime Lquoldo Alejandp Ls- abcliuo Ennquc Alogrto Aumio Victor Juan 1[fadro rwulo Mun... It is not known wumthoe-r .t 18 a g.rl or a. boy, as the Jumble o; lea-4m locks more like an cXplOBDD m a printng 011% than Lke the name of a person. ttoâ€"omrrow. ' ' Enthusiastâ€"Dunno. I’ve arranngd . to get married__to-morrow. Perm-up! M . «400,000 “Could I paint your old cow!” ven- ftqggd _t_.w_e city artst,» HUIOBOUB A! D "ROBOTAL .Br' sâ€"How do you the these cxgar Griggsâ€"F rat rate. What are they made of! "Sartinly, strungâ€"err laughed .tbc!_â€"_____,â€"â€"==-â€"â€"â€"_______'___â€"â€"- ‘. v4...â€" 0 $3.1.‘ar3k‘hi‘idflirflgfw ffnfrfl agiahatbn land asked for a blank. A gruen and :me will look so much Lke pad was handed to her and 3116 bur- t” 3w“ the “aways can: 25w uwr'rr‘iledly wrote a menace. It did not and milk her on the lily.” _ i359,“ to satisfy her, however, for she "-‘--*~‘-â€"~ Ptorsa it in two piece! and 93°06'91“ .Tbe thr'e“¢‘-ylear-old chili of the 'to write another. On read'ng it over kmg and queen or Spa-n 1”“ bwn the eaecond message seemed equally 116de Jaime L'O‘oldo Ale' nd-o Ls- . . abolino Enr.qu~.-:L pAlUgl‘to lineage “D’thtory‘ 3312.3“ the pen 3 Victor Juan tl’odra rwulo Man-M. 1t third t.me ashue agrbatedly wrote an- is not known \Vmuth'él‘ .t us a g-r1 other message and smil'ngly handed or a boy. as theHJum-ble o; lemma it to the clerk. It read a»; {onwar-1 'nn‘vn -u‘nn.‘~u ':‘-A V‘Thét isn’t the worst ” answered the candid .nventor. “1’ou ru lucky if the whole a.rsh-p doesn’t fall on "m! “Waiter, is this 93% {r-csb?" “Yusssm , yessah. aid this ma,“ n- in' gau.” "H’m.- Waite-r, was the hen under oath when she oaokbed?” I 0311 poatpone it. “Isn’t there danger.” sun the amid man, “oi droyping tb.ngs now an ailfiyp. o_n _t_hc':__peopl«e béjow?" "I’VJ no doubt .the work you a |hmg_..5___u1_l g.g-1t and a good on '1‘. mm is a ourtvlku Golfâ€"Will you come around again JJhrult It curves dandruff in two weeks by [-yrrcu ulu- killng the dandruff microbes; it soucmk“ 11.1 stOps falling hair; it cums all scalp 11th-e mos dieauscs, or moneff back. 1 M, Jacusg It is a most p insant lair drfiBSS- stOpped ' Dai “The queen had remained inactive during the conflict and had taken no part in cleaning up the nest; when all was again in order a worker ant approached her and after a short antenna conversation began to tug at her wings. Apparently this was to give the royal sister to understand that she must now discard them and assume the responsibilities of egg laying. the work for which she had been most carefully reared. “The young queen Was not inclined to give up her gauzy appendages. howeyer, so presently the worker » THE STANDARD BANK "Another black smelled her oppor- tunity and caught. the hind leg of the enemy, who was thus greatly handicapped in her movements. Still. she succeeded in killing booh black ants. although. she could net free herself from their death grip until I came to her assistance. “This was the case when the ant with the red thorax was confined with the black ants How vicious both species were. how they snapped at and hit each other! One black ant succeeded in grabbing an antenna (or feeler) of her antagonist. to which she held as the big red ant dragged her from place to place. “Strange how ants recognize hath friends and enemies through the sense of smell rather than by the sense of Biubt. No sooner do two ants meet than they cross noses, so to speak. in order to sscertsin who is who. If the insects find that they belong to diflerent communities war is at once declared. Maofnrlane 8:. Co. desire to an- nouoe Vto the readers of the Chronicle that they have secured the agency for Parisian Sage, the marvelous dandruff cure and delightful hair dn'a‘;-=si11g._ Im'pelled by curiosity. the clerk pieced the other two messages to- gether. = The first discard read.â€" “You need not co’zwe. I never wish to see your face again.” The aecond was hardly less empha- tic, {or it run,â€" HNot long after this I discovered a winged black queen promenading un- der the apple treeâ€"very likely a blood sister of the others, for when I placed her with them she was non “tacked. as was a large ant. with a red thorax that later I introduced among them. Marfcl'rlane Co. are @116. to state that Parisian Sage is a mg (1]) guar- ant 36d .huir reatorer. "Uu the mormng of Angust 11.” says a writer in Suburban Life. “I gathered a few black ante and a number of their small, brown, egg shaped cocoons from an ant hill in mv yard and placad them in ashadow glass box. an artificial nest. where I watched their behavior. “If you think I will never forgive you, you are much mistaken. It is a most. p1 unsant lair dress- ing, soapecmlly for Indies, as it makes the hair soft yand lustrous The price is only 50 cents for :1 larg h ttle at Mnfifarlane 8a COW: (Er bygx- press, a oha es prepai 10m 11'- oux Mtg. 00.. rfort Erie, Ont. “Darling come back. W'lll meat you at the eight o’clock train." The Value of Economy ANTS ARE GOOD FIGHTERS. dOne Dollar starts :3 wlclount. Md DOPOSits of $1 an upward are reoeiv . oney ma be wi at any time without notice. y thdraw: DURHAM BRANCH iiself earn Interest. Important Announcement. W '0” OF CANADA Tlie practice, once begun, of laying aside a portion of your income, no matter how small, every week or month, will soon become a fixed habit. The result in a few years will probably surprise, and certainly gratify you. Start 3 Savings Account 10-day with Many people fail to save, because they do not realize the importance of small economies. 8:331:33“ .130 nt Mount For... undâ€" Ayton. of Canada ”4.400.000 80 Branch“ {n Your Money Works for You J. C. TELFORD: Manager. DURHAM BRANCH , John 8.117. “W muc- ALIO ‘1’ W eltborate toilets “The black onto have what appear to be good netured wrestling matches emong themselves. They aro- cou- euntly on the move doing somethinm carrying the unwieldv cocoons from one plece to mother. regurgira'ing food {or e companion or making Ad'fifli‘iflg F0? trunnion! min." cents per Line for 1}“. Mt“ ° tion; 3 C(‘n‘h’ lH‘!‘ lilu‘q quent insertion minion nwamm» 1' curds. not exceeding one inch $44.... 1 Advertisements without «pm-iii. .: be published till forbid and MM : gm" .1 Transient noticesâ€""L: at. ” ‘ Il-‘mx m! ' etaâ€"50:01!“ for first iusm‘iiun, ;.. . . ., anbooq qent insertion. All advertisements ordered in an .1 50 mid for in advam e. 000“.“ rates for Hair. \ adv v r: M nithd oq application to the um. . . “During this time the other nuts ceme end touched her caressingly with their antennae. and one Mat so far as to ufl'er her food {mm its mouth. It was: a clear case of max- ing. They wanted this queen number to deposit eggs and found a Lew colony I do not. know what argu- ments finally overcame the q'mn's reluctance to give up her {rm-dam. The next dey 1 saw that she had yielded to the entreaties of boar sis- tere. She was winzlese and deposit- in; very minute eggs. All ndvér'tisemvuts. tn runny} in, current week. should be brought m um TOMA! morning- The Job . . 4‘13.“ 1 P I'f. H Department fink-a fur turnm work. resumed her efl'ortq to low-on ”mm, but with no Show of animmirx' Fail- ing to accomplish her p11" she next caught the queen by her :u‘rruna und led her gently about the mat and then held her in a corner for at least twenty minutes. ' ° Tm: mexmr mu 1". sumpuon any address. fr:-:- «.2 pumaTEtft. ht“ o o 31 wlwrymir. payablr “Judd”: 41.50 any bochnrged if not. no paid, 1}". dam to whfiob every subscription is paid i2~ denut'ud' the number on the fiddresa lalw]. N“ 0’ h . 0 continued to oil arrears are paid, .-x(.'é,lltwar‘¢za option of the proprietor. IS PUBLISH ED EVERY THURSDAY Munxmu It the Chronicle Printing House 9 Ga,“ street, f," IHE DURHAM CHHUN Winter Millinery Display DURHAM, ONT On Friday, November 1?}. am? following days. we will >le \\ a selection of winter millimry entirely different style: wzu new ideas in Fur, \‘vlu' .nn Ribbon Trimmings. We invite the ladies of Durham and surrounding country in 2 i~ it our Show-rooms and impw“ our winter millinery. EDITOR AM) I’mwmn W. IRWIN in completely star-kn! “it! NEW '1 YPE. thm- aflmdiuu MM meem. . first ill.» with nub... ’rofeuio. per anon, H‘tionu will ”'“Wdin‘l’, "F0! Sale." h for act m9! gets mun 18D! a nd 60 I] I. '. 12. 1908 The W pm cha 11 days MERC 33 Recon 100 Men it 13‘ Rem O all-m Suits, Sllvs S] N-N‘l "13H 5(H

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