West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 12 Nov 1908, p. 7

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)t-Waler to Me u see how the mected to the nâ€"no waiting -no carrying stairs.” 'cr, 8! John. MD” Haulage.“ adv 20: H , LOCAL AGEN‘ Lity to secure )ots and Shoes tifv rn on the tap disbes,wash- akmg. 1) SA TISFACTORILY. "30 Bay :53 . a ‘52:.41 W (:l... anges c -3 (in A. Webster Ft! RATH lashed Store Of "'1‘ either ach- OU ll )t- irv stock '3‘ Shoes per cent. In- time to get ristmas pres- }HWUSE prices. anbe water The Jeweler Noarth. «mm for 0111' tnms Stock dm'idvd t0 H igh-t 71888 .h'KVt’] 191'). , (Wncks and ' III; ’fll”’1 Reduction 1m t.:v’l r‘ d dec 1": '(" 1:0 d. You I circulationâ€"NM Y) SIG! ‘nd :0” nt cape". [cgaor my: ng I! urological Inst. - uuud tO'prfiIt tree. ,g a Specialty m the men. s - uld do thin. too flip Ewan“ max: We wish to inform the public of Durham, Grey County and vicinity that Wednesday, Nov, 11th, Thursday, Nov. 12th, Friday, 13th, and the last day of the sale, ending Saturday, Nov. 14th, these four days will positively be the last four days of the National Salvage (lo’s sacrifice sale of Alex Russell’s clothing, dry goods, shoe, hardware and grocery stock. For these last four days of' this quit l’HNiness, closing out sale the prices on every article left will be absolutely smashed to smithereens. The entire balance of this stock of clothing. dry goods. shoes, men, women and children’s wearing apparel. hardware, groceries, etc. have now been divided into sperial lots, and remarked at a terrific reduction, which will sell out every article at the most unheard of low down prices ever placed on good quality clothing, dry goods, shoes, etc. Every artich- will be disposed of by Saturday night, Nov. 14th. If you have any regard for the value of your money, if saving a full dollar on every two dollars boughtâ€"means anything to youâ€"then drop everything and make arrangements to be here for the last final four days terrific clean-up and final disposal of Alex. Russell’s entire stoi-k. Former wholesale cost of the goods have not been considered at all, as'the National Salvage Company have remarked the balance of this entire stock, which has b on put to slaughter at prices that will amaze you, Our reason for making this great sacrifice on the balance of the stock is that we don’t propose to pack or ship any goods away. We want to save cost of freight, packing, etc , and we are going to sell every article in the store in these last four remaining days of the sale. Everything must go, regardless of former cost or value. it will pay you to come one hundred miles to attend this last four days’ sale of Alex. Russell’s stock, and in justice to yourself and your pocketbook you really cannot afford to stay away. Let all who possibly can get to this sale before it closes on Saturday night, Nov. 14th, as the money you save in this sale on wearing apparel, etc, is practically so much money earned for you. All preparations have been made for these last four days ofthe sale, in order to serve the immense crowd of people who will naturally want toOattend this sale befoie it close, Saturday night, Nov. 14th. Act quickly, and come before t o late and secure the greatest bargains in clothing, dry good~. safes, men, women and children’s wearing apparel, hardware, 2 re ~ies, etc., that has ever been your priVilege to partake or. 1.. is really a pity and a shame to sacrifice such a good quality stock, such as Alex. Russell carries, but it had to be done, he was forced to quit business in Durham Therefore we have taken the balance of the stock and cut it down to the lowest possible limit at about 40 cents on the dollar in order to sell everything in these last four remaining days of the sale Wednesday, Nov. 11th, Thursday, Nov. 12th, Fri- day, Nov. lath, and the last day of theTsale, which Will breakall previous selling records, big baturday, ‘Nov. 14th. Those needing clothing, dry goods, shoes, .etc., this sacrifice sale is in reality a veritable God send, as it is right at the time of the year when you are thinking of replenishing your needs for the Fall and Winte r. Make your arrangements to be here on one of the last four days of this stupendous, closing out, .forced, quit busmess sale of Alex. Russell’s entire stock, now being closed out at Durham, Ontario. The sale positively ends Saturday night, .Nov. lilth, and that day Will long be remembered as the most terrific day s sacrifice of good 2 lit clothin dr ' goods,shoes, etc. a sacrifice such as was never qui y g, 5 k in the entire provmce of Ontario. l‘he before made on any stoc . last four days of the sale, commencmg Wednesday, Nov. 11th, and ' ' a ni ht, Nov. 14th these last few days will produce endlng SatUld y. gr _.,.:,....:,. nln;hinm (ii-v minds- shoe. hardware Of the National Salvage Co.’s SALE OF ALEX. RUSSELLS STOCK now being closed out at Durham, Ont. ., at 400. on the $. " " " Not a Dollar’s Worth of the Stock will be moved away Only4days more ‘VIII [Ullg W lbwvu‘vv-VVâ€" --- " shoes, etc. a sacrifice such as was never quality clothing, dry goods, - before made on any stock in the entire province of Ontario. The last four days of the sale, commencing Wednesday, Nov. 11th, and ending Saturday night, Nov. 14th, these last fOlll days will produce such an avalanche of majestic clothing, dry goods, shoe, hardware 2‘ - ‘orains, as will take the town by storm. and it will arouse such a response from the people that commercial circles will J ‘ ld-be competitors will fairly gasp! It will ke of low prices on good quality clothing, be a bargain earthqua . dry goods, shoes, etc., that Will be remembered in the town of Dar. ' ' ity for the next ten years. Make no mistake, be find Alex. Russell’s store, now in the hands of the National who are now closing out the stock at Durham, her that Saturday, Nov. 14th, is the last day of the sale Make your plans accordingly, and secure clothing, dry are groceries, etc , at one half their actual value. THE DURHAM CHRONICLE. maria-ins to can TM". W35 Yg‘fit'id- stun, Masher John Weir, who recent- ly underwent an Operation for ap- ;,~mdic'tis. Mia. E. E. Edge spent a week with frimds In Owen Sound. Our teacher. Mia- Woodmw, spent Thanksgiving at her home in Bel.- cansfield. Miss Mary Edge who is atteniing the Owen Sound Collegiate Institu- tion, was home for the holidays. Tlue Edge Hill Sunday School held their annual social in the Grange hall on Friday evening last. The woather was a little unplea‘ant but still a good crowd gathered and the hall was comfortably filled. T-ca was saved about eight, when all d'd ample justice to the dainties. gen- w rously and abundantly provided by the ludbes After tn Mr. R. T. Ed- wards u :3 given olarge of the pro- gram :md most acceptably discinrg- ed the duties «devolving upon him in that position. The pnsgram was in- Mrs. John Litth of Dundalk. was via ting her mother. Mrs. B. .Ector, over Thanksgiving. Miss Jan-a 'Ritohie and Mrs. John Weir wgnt to F_e1:gu_s__on Mammy Miss Hincks. of Prioevilln was the guest of her friend. Mrs. W. J. Ritchie, the beginning of the week. tuna-sting and varied, consisting of r‘ecitatlons, dialogues, sing ng an! instrumental music. The hall was nicely rheooratod for the scccaajon with flags, auto” among them was the fine large ting belonging to the pubic school, which was kindly lzoanzd for tire evening by the trustees. The sup-:I'int‘cndunt's report showed an av.;r.:2ge alttqndanoe for this yin.“ of 41, with tan p1‘£°8=;-nt every day. The cullcctiun taken up during the even- ing umountvd to $4.75 and is t; be aunt to t .e Muskoka Emu: ll spitm] far consulnptivrs. The CiLSll buLuux on hand is $32.06. The chllircn WLI‘C‘ given the usual trcmt of cundxs, and wt: :5 of twinks given t) the antr- mun mud tw- t'c-nchtrh: of th: Sun» day 80:001. The max-ting cisqi by singing: (Lil Suva to King. Miss ”Mamie Hurby left for U‘cylon wnzrc she intends to remain for same time. Master John W'eir, we are sorry to any, ims undergone an Operation.- in Fergus llosliftal over. a week 3g". but we are pleased- to learn at time of writ'ng, Monday, that he is im- proving noely. Hoping t) tear of .is woody recovery. ‘ Messrs. Moore McFadic-n. of Pick- ering, and Dan, ,of Torcnto, 5mm the Thanksgiving holiday at the parental home here. 'l‘f'e first heavy snow fall of thegund 1 SJuS'll {cell on Fridmy and Saturdayféem'f) last to the depth of at l-caa; («xx-gang“... inc as. , f (}84.8). Tine Sunday School sscitll hall in t‘-:: school here a week ug‘; Friday nig‘ t wax; :1 huge success. A [inc [1‘ gram was 1’°-..nd-erz::\l consist 111 at music, d'uloguzs and recitations. 'l‘;e Rev. Mr. N..:\\'t-»n, of the Baptist 0 urch, Wits pl‘éstnt. 1‘12. C. L. Grunt acted ms clairman, 2111 ex- 0 .:lll ant ord-:~r was mu inta'n-ej 5 Mr. Abraham Crutchley bought a fine ‘yuear-Old colt [um Mr. William Matthews recently for a bandwme figure. [Lady unjuycl t‘ycmsplves immensCIy. Proceeds aunountal to somcwhere aha-mt $11.00. Mrs. JC-ssiph Pollard, Ci Ditt'iot. Ts at present the guocst of her mothcz, Mrs. Wm. Hewitt, and OUfir friends. llullowc'cn pnssxl off V'C'I‘y quigt- Mr. Robert Lindsay 111331 the frame 01' his fin-e lurge implement build’ng 11 week ago Tuesday. It “nut together nicely and was fin- is wd in good time. Miss "Mamie IIurby left for C£ylon wficrc she mtends to remain for liar; biveu away about thruc' months. 'l‘uough not an) lurga as the linin- bsr pigg'ery of poltical faint, y;t, Mr. James Ross, of the mill, is ert‘ct- ing qu.ta u large and well laii out build ng for the housing cf his lung; Lot-1d of hogs. Mr. rand Mrs. Douglas Currex‘ of 'l‘oront . came up on b‘riduys' ox- ouraion 'to v-sit the dittortnt mano- era of tie Hustle fumJy. "l is sun: woo-ks buck s;nc-3 one if our clover, youtis, My. JuSUDh Mc- Grud; was happily. we'd-id to Mass Bridget Maddox), 0t Danny, a lady of gc.d tamily. and heiress to 2w 'dCl'wB of as line land as is m to; tUW'IlS",vip. We have been unable to gain KLtuLls, ,but tine neighborhodis u unit in wishing “Joe" and 11-5 brido a joyous Lte Lgetber. Mr. Joseph Cook, of Maple tock a train t-J Procville on Friday luat and was met there by Mr. B. Cock, bf Ceylon. with whom he visit- kd until Saturinay. then drdve down lxul‘c where he spent until Tamra? visting his aster. Mrs. Thomas »t'-:(noe 1111],.lands may or might. be ; r<quired :wlicn they Will be heard in {or by counsel or solicitor. wit“ ro- , gfieerenoe thereto upon petitioning to \ tanoe of mvnty-ono ('31) int 1 {Mai wcsttrly limit of said Lot H“ You (11):.l . Inorthorly Mom: said ouster- lg llmt of said Lot «John (11), a. dutuuce of s’xty-six (66) feat; thence (anti-Hy on :1 Spiral mum). to t left. a distunoe of soventy-sLx (76) feet“? Homenorth-easterly on a curved lint 3 to the left. having a lad us (a; time"? thousand and twgnty-five (3025) feet. " a distunoe of one Luusunl and clgh- ' ztyrscven (1087) Lost to u point. an a. I I .siural curve; thence nox'tli-onsterly ion a itanoe otiirul curve to t e 1 ft. :1 d'sâ€" ' 0 one hundred find eighty-three3 (183) I'd-t: thunoe north-easterly on y a. straig.;t line whoa: course is nurth nifty-one (61) d'L‘gr-O'is. forty-Jut- (ll); mmuteseaStadistanc-v of two hun- - idr-cz-j and twenty-five (225) feet to the 4 mint of beginnin ; said sup oon- ,.‘ am ng two and iifty-four In“ bun- c. dre-itlvs (2.54) acres. more or li‘ss. 'j ALL PERSONS interesttd «:r whose; mju i rially Inch prepoge by-law. on o atteni at such mI-ctin‘ perm affected b unheard. ' mm. and a3» this up!“ at w, J.§ ‘P‘ated the 12th day at Nave-nun: --- “I- __..A‘â€" C“. Cook, “7'. J. Graenwafid, T. Glcncrlss, Tue-mas Cook. of Mnrkdabg CharICS MoClocklin, Thomas Graenw:od uni your humble scribe. Uncle “Joe” is a hustler. never grow: old in heart, and is about a: uprg‘nt a citizen ‘3 we have ever met. in most papa- lar wherever known. We had the pleasure of atteniing‘ the annual Sunday school uncert at; Ed Hill on Erna evening last an can mod hear y oongratulnte‘ t‘he‘ school on the excellence of its. procr‘an; of sang. music. recitation; program at I and .116103‘13: roughout the Darkie’s Corners. 1 raverston. Edge Hill. 'd 11‘ w as mm the «evaning, and 31 themselves inn amountd to son 1nd {very- immensely. som :- w here ALND for cstubhi'sfinu‘ Is a high-u way in Len tend, the ‘ioll-wing. name'ly,â€" A strip cf laud sxty-aix '(66) fat widm, in Lots thirteen (18): *twelve (12) and eleven (11) Concession ‘.t“ree (3)80uth of the Durham: RJad‘. ‘Towns ip of Glcnelg, C-unty of Gre , 'morc- .particulrauly dcscrLbcd as to- |lows,â€" Commencing at a pint QT ithe northerly limits of Bit-{d D13 It‘iLrbCi-n (13). which point as two,; Hundred and sewn (207) feet easterr. Hy from the west‘erlv limits of said}; ELM. tlirtoen (13) when measured." ‘along mid northerly limits: thenoo.°j ,easta-rly along said north-(11' Units. :3 distance of one hun 1rd an seventy . H170) fat; thence smlh-westerly our Ia straigat line whose courseiaamth. Sixty-one (61) dwgrz~._s, [oruane (41)' minutes west. a d'st:nnce of three hundred and eighty-[we (385) {wt to"? .a point on m. splrul cum”; t "no" on“ M sniml curve to tfe right, a disallow; |cf one hundrei uni term-1-x: (185)“ ‘L'Et: t"€noe 0n :1 curwd line to the: mg t. having a radius oi three thou-‘2 yarn! and nin'ty-one (301'1) {Mitt In: mg tu much .0 mt; Lowusmp “I in tune Bald 'Lowusmp 01' Grunts. rue-day. tue 15th may of nun-um A.D.. 1.418, at. (an; hum: 01 b-“ .01 ‘ In two (annual, oomukr a Uy-UW L" flapping up. 8.11.113 and convewiu purtgons d the hgnway or I'd!" allowance luthcu conccssi us at? and tame, mutt: o; (In Uurhi' Bud, Townan :1 (Handgun 0! t ' diverswu tuerwl uwu Lots 11 I 1:: in twe. and (hit: LUUCAWQU. 4-5 or“ as follows.â€" FIBSTLYâ€"A tmct oi land of riggular 84‘1““ bng pitt UL Abud lowanoe betwwu UUHC.:SM u Lu'o \ and turw (3). south 0L Lu» Uurhu Road, Township w Glam-£8. .Uoun 0: Grey. being more pa.t90ul'u‘ly Milk-d as follows. Begmumg it‘s 9. on two southeru {uni -L Sud [‘0‘ allowance “awn 90ml; 1: t.w:., nu due! and sewn (40") mt dust-er tram t.“ “'(ibtwl‘ly Ham 0; LA Lhd A ken (l3) Cuumssion [ul‘LL‘ (A). 0.11‘ at tux; Durham Road. wmu quusur along mid sautxrly LuuL a unit. lowanone; tueqoc nox‘th-wuerly an . straigwt an whose UOUl'b'.‘ us nugt" sixty-one (61) do-guss wuyxuc (H m'mutw east. .1 distance of o lmndml and eighty (160) [wt to (.h nu‘..t~.rly “mi of said and allow anus; t. can: westerly along uh; nurtuerly limit of road allowanog '1 dibtancae of twat unwind and mght "1 (050) (at; tuuuua, mum-“dug“; 01‘ a spiral curvc (a t #3 .xgnt, u deumc“I 0t titty (50) (061.; males" south-was“; uly uu u curved luv. £0 Lw ugh“, having a radms of two unusaufil (13.4 hundred (2800) tut. u dbtfille 01' one nundrel and lilLy-c.ghL (15M tut to tue wuthuly limit L1 sah rOud allowance; t, .cucc {utterly at 11' said southerly Lmit of m“ thud a]. ,lawuucw, u dbtunoe of 8.1; Lunlr; - and live (605) mt to the point 0; bxg'um 11g; amid tract «4' 1.1111 con tuin 11g uLn-1y Ull'C-Ltllldl'gjthb (0.90; 01' an more more er Lbs. ' SECUXULYâ€"A “wt -.t 1.1:41 0‘ BUBLlC NOTICE is uere'oy 3N. that the Munipipal Council of t: _L'uwnuip oLGLcnelg .wa'l. at. a mail Corporation of the Township Glenelg. inhgulu; 5.2m"; in Lats :1:.vcu (11‘ and tuxlve (12), Caucasian Lute (3:1 smt: 015 the Durham lt-ud. lown ‘..' 3 iv of GIL-nag. County xi Uh y. ,be ing he road ullmsunuc as wlu‘ne fur public use by Le 'luwnshp c Glands, in November. 1874. and Whig] may be d£8cribvd us followmâ€" C; 11L.:ucing at he north-w: sthy .113! of said Lot (Jenn, (11); then 3mm sixty-three ((33) dgroes e I; 'we hundrx J “NJ hut- . u cig t-tcnths (316.» fut; (hen nurtu mightyâ€"Usu \oZ} dub/1W5, ' tagn (15) minuts «amt {no 'undrg 11111:: and 11111149111 15 10W”) lust t 11109 113111.11 H.111 -tV10 (52) dag twcnty (20) 11111111111131.511‘19nty 11in. 1111111101 111 s (7?. ’)1 “then s..11t'1 s V 111V'-tl1.' v; ( 3)d:â€"g1(~;s 1113 one bundled and C11 nty- 1110 " 011;.-t;11t!1 (122.1) f ”1; 111 1111 gout. 111111114110 (82) (11.1. 5. TA n (15 minut s ,11(-.st 1110 .1 11111111! .-.111 on‘ and o117â€"tc11t‘u (201.11 f .1; 111111516" 11;.1t'1 sixty-1hr»? 163) d1g;'is west on? "undrui and 11111t_1'-- 111:1. (1’8 bet to :1 point 11 t! c northerly Lmi of said Lot elcwn (ll);t19n ssuth nighty (80) 1111111115, [Hyâ€"on (91) 111111111: 8 szt 11101;; and north . erl lim 1:. a dist-111109 of one 111111111“ an (:13 (wen and e ght-benths (118.04 test to he point 111;.111311 1111 113:8:1 tract of [and co11t1i11ng 1ne anii fift'scn 0111;-'1undreitbs(l.15) acrei. more or less. 1 (£524. 4) In“. ('t. L' L116 (.108 (8) d gut» c and .; Egg-[aux n (1‘84. 8) t umc (5:!) dagrems, twenty one Luudud aul t t 111:! s, (112... ’ [engt tvscnt‘yâ€"iive (2 )) (1'5 nuudlwci and (ightm \l Dated the 12th day of Novcmbon, A.D.. 1903. J. 8 BLACK. Clerk. Township of Gleuelq Mr. W. L. Falk‘mghnm brousl home a load d time new furnitu‘ last wk. The " [services being ed in' ion b the Mines t having Iple :1 m1“: Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bob the baby y, visited the Firth dead the “at of the week. N O l‘lCE.

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