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Durham Chronicle (1867), 12 Nov 1908, p. 8

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can. um Group in Children. DARE‘LiuG’S DRUG STORE. fl GENI'INE BUCKSKIN GLOVESâ€"every pair guaranteed 32(1) Pint” Sh?“ Cardovan Glovesâ€"boil. ‘scorch. Wind, wear. rip, crack tear proof. guaranteed. 81.54). ' ’ Broukn Mitts for teamsters etc.. 500. ($00, 75c, $1.00, 3125. Men's l'nderwear at 50c to 81.25 aâ€"piece. for :i!‘. sizes of people. the” .oc gar mPnts are maie on the same scale as thv :31. W films. Us er size garments fur big people, little gar- ments for the children. JAMES IRELAND The very latest. Premiums. Flnlfy Ruffles. Gibson Collars. Queen Elizwheih Rutfs. the pwuwst (-nflectiun yet. all prices from 100 to m C - . H.B.K. Goods for the men I.“ nodal and popular Business School in '00th Untario. Widely ox fie-«d. broadly mutated. gym. .- betic. Intuitive “Ad. The syn. .3» of m Gndwu emizont. mm]. ‘ The very soc-co of pattern. living basin... ”nuns. zonogmphy. Tolegmphy and Commercial 00qu Only 500 yards at. this p! the kind You always pa; yards at the price 10?. NE\\' S\\'EI)E FINISH warm. black, brown, grey, : .wn, coats-‘5 ~m any sumac". Ior who mm to study at we. remind inatrnction. hut ny 1. Wm: tor hundoom analogue. 3.). '11:: tor handsome catalog 9.). MON, PRINCIPAL. The nicest 25c Gloves you c0 kl find, soft, all-wool, pretty shades, black. vremn. navy, brown. :. d, 25. ‘ New, all-wool Chevmns. col- ms My w and guod. iaferent widths of ”ripe. special values 60c. 85 $1 :25. NE‘V VENETIANS~~H i 10c Extra Special Flannelette Bargain wine and myrtle, special 7 New semi-fitted Coats, tine kersey cloth. beautif: ‘ y tailc red. trim- med with self-strappings. silk braid and silk velx . colors: black, navy, brown and Myrtle. special $13.50. New, loose fitting Cnats, fine kersey cloth, 9 - tilette shoulders. handsomely trilmned with silk hr .ids and silk w- at. colors : havy, blav-k, brown and myrtle, special $12.50. KISSES COATS very stylish model trimmed .vith silk braid in Mikado effect. navy and brown. $8.50. Of cnurse ynu want to make your dollars do their duty 3 We want to help youâ€"its to our interestâ€" lese values are to your interest. These Values Stretch Your “$ $99 little girl 1! subject to colds." 'u'g. Wm. H. Serig. So. 41 Fifth Wheeling, \V. Va. "Last " ch. hfi u level! apell uni coach, but I cured her rhin'n Couch M no aid of I. doctor, and ' a of this syrup. This lessens dentist?) fees and pro- motes health. This can only be mmplished by a good brush and a good dentefrice. We have all the popular tooth prep- arations and are very proud of our flock of tooth brushes. THE SANITAR f clear sanitary brush, reg. 350 quflity for 25¢. All kinds of .1“ shirt<-â€"Hpflrd nf them. . guaranteed for 1 gm. ‘Big' Shirts )1. 11.1111 “inn 1 Shin. the hem m e] snld at $1.2.) Proper Care at the Teeth DRUGS AN D CHEM ICA LS at rock bottom prices. )7" All kinds of Underwear counselor than. when d- bee- Baghdad. in. ‘in any subjects. for Lovely New Neckwear Jno. A. Darling The People’s Druggist by All drug dares. New Wool Gloves New Dress Goofs Ladies’ Coats Phone: 3, Durham -. It is l yd. wide. light and dark colors, 2:0 for. good weight, rcluembu' only 50‘) all-u 001 venetian. '. Eack. navy, brown LU‘ ES ' -!ined. very drpssy and T‘:is d'stressing disease results from a disordered condition of the stomach, and can be curei by taking Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tabl:t3. Get a free sample at all drug stores and try it. ‘ There died at Grace HOSpital, To- ronto. cn Saturday. Jessie Margaret. widow of the late Rev. Geo. Key: of Orang ville, in her 59th year. The deceased lady had been ill for acme time and a few weeks ago was removed from her hsme in Orange- ville to the hospital in the h:pe than the would be restored to good health but she passed pmoefully away on Sunday. The remains were brought to Chataworth on the nodn tra'm on Tuesday and taken to the Eng- lish shurch where service was held and thence to St. Paul's cemetery. and laid beside those of her hue- band who predeceased her only nine months ago. B... G. A. Rix, along with the cons and daughters of the demoed muted the min! to that lot refills-pm out I,“ to Orangevnh on the aim train. Bu. W. 6.3.1111!“ tbfi Rev. 1!. Bi! vith tin burial .1” both at ti. boll. 33d [rumâ€"chap- worth Try a glass of our delicious ICE CREAM SODA Cooling and refreshing. ‘Qfil ° something needed to every fam- ily. \Ve have just receivean large lot of very fine scx abs, to clear at 2 for 5c. whole, ground and mixed, strict- ly pure and prices away down. The Late Mrs. Sick Headache. Hand Scrubs Pure Spices GIVE SATISFACTION Later in the afternoon the pres;- dent donned r'is khak. r.d ng unltorm and rougn rider hat, and went for a horse back ride. rema'ming out un- til 5.: p.m. There was a jolly [urnly dinner at the W'hxe House this evcn- ing. No guests were present. \Vashington, October 27thâ€" PresL-T dcnt Roosevelt observed his fiftieth anniveraxy toâ€"duy very amply. He} attended Lia excouLve duties as man-i al, and except 10: u r-;C-pti0n of a' drk’gation 110m ta: hungw antral»: of New York, in the east room of the: \Vhite House, and the raccyc 0; a large number at cougmulutoryg messages, some floral tributus and silt: from the members of the family. we day was the same to him as any’ other day. l -â€"-_ “I nearest that you will accept my an 'al congratulatLons upcn we occasion of your b-rtnday. tog-ther with my best w.shes for your welfare and prosperity.” We ofler One Hundred Dollars Reward for any case of Court}: that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENLY a: 00., Toledo. 0. We the undersigned have known F. J. Cheney for the ha 15 gears. and believe bun perfecdy honorable ia a business transactions and finan- uauh" able to carry out any obligations made by e Waumm. Kan“! Av. Mann: Wholeeale Dmuieta, Toledo. 0. Ball's Mall Cure is taken internally, soda My open the hood and mucous surfaces the snug freed-onus“: free Prioe75 King Edward of Great Br-ta1n sent one 0: the first. of the congratulttory, megsages received.1t 39.41,:- But Mucfurlane 8: Co., the drug- girts, held out lip-1X: to all distress- cd. They 3-11 u rcmejy culled Hyomai wzich is guaranteed [or _ catarrh. colds, cougas. br-uchit s, asthmx uni croup. llyom-ei, pronsunoed H;g_h-o-me, 13 In dicated x.r, full of the healthy vir- tuzs of the mountiu [Llldok Lu; breathe in the d-l.gntful mti-ceptic' air, and as .t pabSJJ over the 111-; flamed and germ add-.11 Luann-an”; it alluya the inflamation, kills the; gsrms and drives out me mlsmzasa.i A complete Hycmui until. including; a “rd rubou' inhaler, couts but $1.0u,' and an extra bottle of Hyamei. it; afterwards nyuLd, costs but 50 cu»; See Mactarlane Co. about it (:34ng Ilia is the lust lcg;blc entry, al- t1 ough Pratt had 1.r-V'iu.;.:‘.ly 3.211113 fat. and int u rugquest hat no.if--t cation oi 1-.-5 (Lam be ssnt L0 n.3' brotq; 3. i "For many y.urs I have bcen a 11.} sufferer from Droncfiul catarrh,aud J. had d:25p::ir'-d cf unyth'ng like a â€"C cur-c. .111de of my plm nut burp. is; C “nun 1 tint 115m Hyumei, “hich 1-. t. brcug’ it comp] te r; 11: t 11y; mei? has haven u \-1 itable godsend ”â€"Rev. Charles 1} :tle), Sandina, Ohio. T..Ou3;u;. L wtarrh su.£'-'.“;;;shavc given 111: ... u;spuir. Tux-y have triej stamacg dusing, smurfs. Sprays uni d.uc--<.-s wichuut sue-ems, and usw “be-5 [a ligve cutu'x'.z to b:- ‘mcurable. ] t “I cant .sLand the p309. Have 1:ft my grub and blankts. Am gong blind “'td sun and h-adxches, Lps and tongue are cr xck-ed and 'blctding. Must gut “utter 10-day .r 111 CLIb‘d “bio water to-day Must SBt OVU‘i fiuntâ€"Nicnolâ€"Thut the Ream, t 16 next rang e to lind my tralblck ‘Cl 1k and Asxssgr bu pail $3.00 t ings ab and look bad. we 1.,1' s:l.-cting jul'o;‘s.â€"C.1r1'.--d. "Cant lind my ual. No watLI' \\’.Jir_.\IoLI.11uxlâ€"L.4: thJ 01;“; 5.; now for two days. Am about all in. [mm $30 00 on fithfy â€"Carmei. Will be able to uold out through to-j \V .ilâ€"{N -01. blâ€"lhut Angus Me- moxrow. "AM. at 09 paid $34.30 Lu.‘ buJng “I can t stand the puoe- ”aVD 13“: bridgv- at Lut :3, umvel roamâ€"Car- my grub and blankts. Am going 11,4. ' EARE YOU w Pratt, afttr being informed that .the trip was a dangerous one, start- ed for Mojave, and for several {Lays succeeded in find ng water. He fin- ally entered a region entirely (les- tituta of masture and lost his way. Here the pugs; of the diary contu 11 entries fast becom 11g illeg;ble, tLat read as follows,â€" L03 Angles, October 27,â€"Dying of .t‘irat in the desc-rt wast of Demth Valley, B. F. Pratt. a prospector of the Grapevine d‘atr'ct, whose body was found in the Argus Mountains by another mind, left the record of his sufferings on tize pages of a dLary found by his s‘de. Forrozone makes y3'u feel better at once, it's go:d for men. for w3men, for o‘ildrten â€" just the thing for .everybcdy aaeking better health. Sold by all dealers, 50 cents per box. or six boxes in $2.50. mended Ferrozone. The change it cffiactcd in my system was noticeable almost instantly. I gradually toak flea“.- The ’all-gone‘ lcit me. In less than six wee-km I was fully recover- ed from what looked to me like an ever-lasting s'ckncss. I will always recommend Ferrozzne, feeling with ainoer-ty that it is an honest, power- ful, health-giving tonic.” ‘ Try Fen-ozone ts-dayl The nouishment and vital. energy it supplies is wonderful. A case in point is well exem litied in t =e following letter tram 1V :3. V. J. Wilder- wife of a well-known citi- zen of Pitts‘tleld. who writes, “I had a norvous diSerc: twat. ampletely prostratsd me. I couldnt sl---p, and would lay and toss abut all night, garinng in the morning mone tired than over, head heavy, eyes dull, and ever bone -;md 11111531.- ::c inst. L (1'3 to get along withult wfling in a doctJr, but was finally driven to ‘i. . He treated me for. a-me t: 9, but with no pgroeptLble improve- ment in Ely health. Sage on? reosz Later on it will be harder to get strong than to-day. What are you doing to get well? B'cords His Terrible Suffering: A is 6111 Phlagfi MINISTER. Teddy's erthday. How’s This ? THE DURHAM CHRONICLE Nu sis, -'. \ Means Good neaun, Cheerfumeas, i nmmtwu, reruaccuuy anu Damn-.58. . Mi-o-xm \nll cure your dyspepsia or any otuer stomach trlvuble by build- Ting uu t “e flabby walls and makmg I: ~. rum-“ch so Stl‘ ng that. i; w.ll .diguat food mmomt pepsin or other ulth- Gull 111d. Australia. has just: passed a con- sox'iption law, and according to its providons all 1111166 hum _twelve to (iguteen years old are subject. tone - vioe eacn ' wear in the cadet corps, and 111 males from eignitéen to twenty-five are subject to servxoe annually in the army of the Com- wealt'm. Cadets must give eight- een days’ attendance, ani adults five days a yeapr Those who decline ser- vice 'may not vote. cannot, enter into the Government employ in any de- partment, and cannot receive an 01:! age pension . The hw also provides for the penalization of employers who reium to allow @9135?“ to enter the service of the Government, Th1. _. “‘vvrlw“ I'll UU‘ suffix-ed greutl y. At ment of the winter sea have to face a. heavily account. and have max meet. Despite these. financ applicant is receiving ation and patients a rich endowmenu to: exist. but by the genen of the masses of the i that all some about since the visit talfor Consumptim at the American battleship fleet. and , Qonbribuuon- my: um; gwakened Australia; to the Mr. Geo. Linder, corner cf Mill and Park streets. Elmira, Unt., says, “For uuvut tun years 1 Lawn bcen severely troubi-.d witn stomuCh Chub '3 and ‘n- digmtfin so bad that I build not reâ€" tain my food after wrung. I pJuli not eat meat or mrcdy anything and uud bwdachcs and cmstip..t-un. I sgcux‘cd a packag; of Miâ€"u-ua w-tu tut} reault that now after taking two hoses I am entirely cured and can eat anything, (Lgest perfectly ani am toeling Lne. MJ-o-na. always over- came my constipation. 1 am gnly too glad to publicly endorse and mum- MJnd Miâ€"O-na, Wé‘uLtuu uaaets must give eight- ecn days’ attendance, anzl adults five days a year Those who decline ser- vice 'may not vote, cannot, enter into the Government employ in any de- partment. and cannot receive an old age pension . The law also provides for the penalizatlon of employers who refuse to allow employes to enter the service of the Government... Th1; {has all come about since the vln't o: the American battleship fleet. and unquestionably it wet: the reeenoe ottheahipsotwarlnherwam ‘AL“ I‘m‘h-A‘ A_-_.‘__ ‘0- n , Mwmnane 6: Cu. are twu agents fvr Ali-(run .11 Durham and th._y'wy to every reader of the Chronicle. WhOx stomach is weak, wh) has in- md.gc:tion or dyspepsia, that M.-3~na is guaranteed to cure or mmey back. \v'uirâ€"MGMJIuD â€" Twat Thomas Laudw ‘Dc ind $1.55) 101‘ L2-g-.~.t.-uug (Lad uf d-viut-on, 11-1; 5, Lou. 1:.â€" CLLI'liJi. Luutâ€"“Zuâ€"Tzut ccmmA-sme all exiwnditurj '0': pail as lvllowsrâ€" ’1’.-L.s. Nichol 35.1.72, Wm. Wcm 35.00, J. A. Millun twin), E. w. let ;~Lu.0v. Tue piloe is only 50 0:11th a large box and ona tux is all you need to prove tuat you are an the right. road to neulth and bnppmess, ; In emu words Miâ€"g-ua cuxwes dyso [up-id by removgng the cause. McMillanâ€"Hunt-s'l‘hat cheques be issuad for tine balance of war-:1 appro- pviuth in mard 2, amounting t.» $64.13 as s'own in dmml‘in list an- hands-Carried. «Nicholâ€"Hunt â€" That Jerry Mc- ASSJy be paid $14.00 for culvert at Lot 17, Con. 8,â€"Carried. Weirâ€"Hunt - That Laohlin Mc- :Lao.;lin be paid $15 on orieruf Police 3Trustues of Pricev.lie.,â€"Curried. \Vkir MCMJlullâ€"Tudt the follow- ing accounts be p114], for mark at subway on Lot 5, Call. 9, viz.,,Gco. IvluMilluuâ€"Huntâ€"That the mayo” 01‘ J. a. 31...»; 1‘... t..\: MCLul‘miCd d»- \i..t-uu 0-; .wcmstfi uni ~.'llg."u.:~s-1 an t..; rwiuu’cs .am that Lb- LIL-n; Us paid 1p- .00 £01 1118 s.-rviccs in 10.11:- iug Up -uforluution.â€"C.U'LSud. 5 Communications were at! £01101".â€" fFrcm E. K. Hunt. mport m eXpeudi- iture on McNully deviation with if:- tuils; Comm-sscners of ward 2 ani 3, mparts on balance of apprOpria- tiuns; Jo.:n Kclly, statement...t muni- "igul funds in bank; William Mcâ€" Lgodn claim [or repairs t2) culvert: T»: Rave, report on repairs t3 bridge: Police Trustees. l’ricevfille. for $15.00; Tue Clerk. report on Mcâ€" Cormick «devgutiou; Mr.. Angus Mc- Cumick ward! on the oxuncil to urg; is. claim {or a .subway across dwiatlcn through his Landd The council met October 17th pur- .‘suant to adjournment. All. the members presmt. The Reeve in the chair. Minutes of last meeting mad «and c’onfirmed. Huntâ€"Siduolâ€"That Jam-.8 Hush“: be paid $1.25 for repair to scraper. â€"Can‘icd. Weirâ€"Huntâ€"Tnat gravel accounts b4 paid as Lollows,â€" J-Jun MoArthur $4.40, W. 11. Patterson, “Lou, Jam-cs Wilmn 2.50, 6.0. '1'\\'uml':y554.SU.â€"â€" Currkd. \‘v'wi.l'â€"LICMZ-11un â€" Tum \Villam Melba! ’ch paid $2.00 for repairs 1:) culvert at Lot 45, (Jon. 2, 5‘. D. it, and taut. 64111le Jacxsuu be laid $1.- 50 for repair of bridge at Lot 28. Can. 1, Gravel roud.â€"Uarxied.' Bcurt, Jasepn MoNquy, Wm. Mr- Nw‘ly,‘ JOUII and James McNally, ‘75-: (man; E. W. Hunt $1.00,-‘aud the Reeve and Clerk $230 each.â€"Carriei. Weirâ€"Huntâ€"l‘uut the account for r-Jpa'u of b.“ -dge at Lot 56 C311. 3, E. G. R... amountuxg. to $5.75 be paid. -Cur1i,d. C-uunoil adjourned t; It.t 'l‘t 10 (1.111. is 1' Ti; Force of Trained Men. A GOOD SIUMAu'd. Glpnelg Council. .1. 8. BLACK, Ckrk. ‘\ ‘J‘VV ~I.l;1'~.r upwards of three thousand patients in the earlier stages of the disease, whilst in the two sister institutions, on the banks of the Humber, those in the more ad canced stages are tleated. This work in Muskoka is one of pure philanthtopy. From the day the first atient was admitted to the Muskoka E‘ree Hospital for Consumptives in April. 190:2, not a single applicant has ever been refused admission because of his or her inability to pay. The Government contribute 81.50 per week per patient. The cost. of maintenance is $9.25 a week. The difference in the cost of maintnnnnnn It is poor consolation to needy con- sumptives to say that the Government should make provision for the thous- ands who suffer and die from tuber- eulosis in Canada eveyy your: You can be cured permanently â€"- quicklyâ€"cheaply. use Ciatarrhozone. It is uaranteed to cure the worst 0:133. t kills the germ, steps the gnawing, givcs relief in a few m'n- uti‘S. Flues-mt, harmless, and so sure to cure that no sufferer can afford t) be without it. tives in Canada were it not. for the two Hmues for Consumptives in Muskuka that during the past, eleven years, against many odds, have cared for u_p Wards, of three thousand patients in If you havn’t used Catarrhozcne g: t it to-day from ymr dealer. Prioe $1.00 and guaranteed for Summer Ast um and Hay Fever. THEIR HOPE, Muskoka’s Brave Buttle for Needy Consumptivcs. 'w-' 'The Government should do a great deal more than they have yet dreamed of doing. But they are not doing it, and in the meantime twelve thousand die annually in the Dominion, from this dread disease. As the situation _is today, what _A--‘J Lâ€" L‘â€" ‘ The chances are that there will be another smallpox cutbreak this wint- er. Indeed, the outbreak has start- id already down in Garrick. Small- [ox is a cold went-Her. dLseaye. 1t flourishes in the fall and winter, but gets out cf business during the sum- mer months. It was bad in Garrick last winter and was lying 10W all summer. With the advent of the reel wr-ut’ier it has begun to get busy and several families are under quarantine. Also two sch-3018 have bean clos~3d.â€"Walkerton Telescope. t .ing seems wrong. You’re getting worse. Stay it ts-day. end your misery ‘by bu.ld,ing up with Ferro- zone. It’s a fosd tonicâ€"supplies nut- rim-ent and buili-ing maternalâ€" g-ve weak organs and exzausted nerves to strength they require. With Ferrozune y-u wt mars, digest more, get fatter. Vibalit courses (through your veins. the fee ing of ysuth pre- dominates, vLm. strength and health l‘---turn for goad- NOt! ing I‘e‘jUVCnate-B and restores so quicklg as herrszone. You‘ll try it to-day, 0' cents at all dealer 3. You are sleeplessâ€"no energyâ€" bad digestion â€" irrntable ngrvgs â€" every- _,-LL._» ... Sugar and milk together boil Until in water cold They make a soft elastic ball Between the fingers rolled Remove at once from off the fine: Lit Latand until lukewarm Where no rude jar nor shaking up Can do it any harm. Then beat to the consistency 0f good, rich country cream; Vanilla adj and cinnamon, And butter’:s golden gleam. Salt, muts and ginger st: in last; {Pqu'r all in buttered pan: When cool and hardening..cut In squares as many as you can. H- milton’a P Ilaâ€"they stimulate and strengthen the kidneys. assist other organs ‘to d) Natures work, cleanfi t“? 3 stem and thereby maintain per- fact ;eulth. .Grm-t benefit and oer- tzxin cure is guaranteed for all wo- men who use Dr. Hamilton’s Pills. The Autumn of We You Feel Blue as Have You Hay Fever? Smallpox m Garrick- THE PEOPLE St. Nicolai. Toronto \Vindmills. Mellow Sharpless Cream Separate" Harness, Rugs, \Vhips, Nils, Greases, Stoves. Furnaces. Singvn Sewing Machines, Heintzmnn‘s Piztnns McLaughlin’s Famnm Buggies Automobiles, Ties, Pulas. bought pet AGENT FOR Geo. White Son Threshing I, chines. Agent for Percival Ayr. America, Persian and Listnwvll plows. Implements 0.1100!) to right (if {ht-1:: Cannon to left of tlmn Cannon in front of (hm: VALUES we are giving “ meAPS. Medina.“ regulm p! i( . -‘ w(‘cl5}l We defy Competition in Volleyed and Hum Hiltory is. repeating amid a." the Cannonading of Tremendous Sales Charge of the Light Brigade C. MCARTHUR loweosr. 508. 25cTeaf0r......., Bargains _in _eve.v-yt hing . . Un'H'HS s we Wlll gwe Boys’ Sweaters. reg. M; f. Men’s Caps. reg. 750 l(|[-_ .. Boys’ Caps, reg. 50y 1m; , . Some Caps will he m-Ed I... '8 {081 ashamed l!) (mu: Palm lund Overalls :1L H your own price. Underwear worth $12.; and other clmqwr 1i 1].. er prices. [Adies’ all-wuol hmwy ('uu worth 81.2.1fnr. Prints and Flamwlvum at When We say‘ ‘.-B ugain “Boal‘gairm. n \\ t (inf up flI‘St and [he 11‘ 6 cut our regulax M 11' much as passihle. 1111. we go Below Cost. For 10 DAYS heginuiu Our gndustes are in do In College tau-herd as m i unto. Individual inst! low. Large cumlung fr: win win for you a gnud c learn it quickly under su" fit our 86.1001. Cindi“; Cm TELEGRAPH 5w Our put ream-d and ( ur 1m--- 2w rm work Iumpa In as tlw 19w mu trashing school of “Ram-m « 1,: am. We have three dopa rt mrut - . ~- Oommerclni. Shorthand Telegraphic W. H. Shaw. Pres. 'l' Bargains THE GREAT SCHOOL FARM MACHINERY Machine Oil. Harness Oil, Ame Grease and Boot Ointment, go to S. P. SA UNDERS STRATFORD‘ ONT. JOHN N. MUHDUCK Elliott Gs McLachlin Frost 6’ Wood SPECIAL SALE TELEGRAPHY value ever 5”“ DURHAM. CENTRAL 1y for 1‘5 any. All Kinds of Middauzh House Block PRINClPaLa The Harnessmnka Nov me‘ 1.“ lines at 10'. E 8ch 'ositivo. Hardware, f Furni .. We 11 ave ° a fine lin (~‘ (if S toves I. B.No.14, xmm' “not I\â€"Charl1:~ H . .‘ “Dr IIIâ€"Janie 1’ t 1..5 GOOI‘k Peter. ‘ tor IIIâ€"Mary Blbt - .rt. Ne!wn 1(11 1 .311: LewiI- l' Hâ€"L d‘a T' “mum Annke Ulla), “3‘. Ella Blythe. K0!“ part IIâ€"Roy 81- s 0 Elm Lt‘Vib. l' I â€" Caroanc Ki LENAHAN A In»: IIIâ€"Flossie H 0p ‘3 Dannie Burch-2d. , "'1' IIIâ€"N61“? H.::t' ' . , "1' lIâ€"Islay Mot. . . «r I! -â€" wm. my. ‘ s “4%! Tuck”. II-Eva Boom r \. “8100131 310 lxihh I-Chflrlie TU( t\---o / h‘r [â€"Rodmx H ! .9 o unborn; II :11 ‘5!“ ' ‘ Be attendanm :a Ins mun: 31.x»; 3- 8- NO. 10. BEN: :\ ‘V-Putl “'ilL-on. Wâ€"lnbsl Smith. .\‘L “‘9 UcDonald, .\I m. PlthOtbough. On our flOOI‘ fur .V'W fully gum-amped, We are prepam; line 0! Guns. Rm different. killcls. We also 1le \w- In Furnitm'v. inspection. : 'm‘-80'Ird 31\ ;"‘-\-,_"~ I. John Clark I. 2: ‘ hLIIIInoy. Dlllll'tlnx lk ' ‘ fl~nortbn Hour» 1 .~ p405! Grierson .}l‘\~o 1 MC, 00" LR h! o \ 'Ilâ€"culyle M(h x“. ‘ Willie MOD mnii k uâ€"Sterling Lamb h" ' uâ€"George \Vileou. Mme Noble. “‘0 Wilson. -. I"! Lamb, Arthur ~ " Noble. 2‘- I0. 6. BENTINCK. ‘0 chougall. ' ' k'l'wuniey. “Q m MELt‘UI‘ ID!“ IVâ€"Idu MM'H I. (1mm McKLm I0! Iâ€"John Mcann. \T? Anrfl‘e ‘attendanm it. I ALICE LAVVRLNL'L. t" F W:â€" Maggie 11am. s. 8. N0. 10. I Honor Rails. -â€"Glndy| Mel m MI Hopkins. Irem will”, Fred Torry ”I”. Hondry. M 1908 itinon. ' s “ford, Wimp Noble. Guns Revolve and A m Globes. Head amps anterl urnitL H

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