listens lassey-Harris 'nplements 'th lakey ‘ , The Best In the world 'rything the farmer wants in the bleuwnt line can be found in our I'D-r00) us. Sawyer Massey Thresheï¬ De vaal and Massey-Harris Separators hr rings for Oxford Sepm'atota See our platform scales Machine Repairsâ€"Cash \V I1 won Street. Market‘ Report. William John-ton, It., has out an anctloneern’ license and his card in mm issue. He â€.maka a good man for the DunuAI. Nov. 18 191* bout .......... 3 85 to Wheat . 80 to .............. 35 to Oil and Coal 0" always in stock W. J. McFadden, ’0‘. it'll: . ‘lI‘l‘ "here. For our-acute of Camrhozone from 00 E21 RUST. BURNETT 40 12 A great «lispiny of n vu’s caps have just ar- Finn]. Fresh Gmceries Always on Hand We have a. good line of fall shoes both ï¬ne and heavy, leather lined, felt lined, just the slim» lor full and winter. CO It will pay you before buying a fall suit to come and examine our suits, ‘Regent’ brand. Our new winter styles in “Regent†Over- coats have just arrived. These are designed and made by the most expert men in the business. They have such perfection of ï¬t and ï¬nish as will appeal at once to your best- judgment. Agent. Hï¬glest P"°-':e for Produce 89 21) 90 60 U! “I did not say, s'r,†she raspon dsd, flushing to the routs of he hair. “Um,†mm the lawyer rubbing hisjccpt the lawyer. ' chin. "How much did you say the; â€"â€"â€"-+â€"-â€" amount was the defendant owed you 3" ‘ Wantedâ€"Ties ani telegraph poles. “Fiftazn dollars.†I Cedar, elm, cherry or hemlock. Ap- “And for how 13113 was that?†[ply to J. N. Murdock, Middaugh "'i‘hréae weeks.†:ch'ae Plock- 11'“ “That’s five dollars a wack, isn’t _ it 'e" I “Yea sir.†. Advertisers must get their change “Three weeks at five dollars a’ot copy in nut later than Monday week is fifteen dollars. I believe .you , afternoon to ensure a: Uhange the said ?" {current week. We cannot afford to “Yes. sir.†disappoint more than seven thousand The witness was patient but hegweekly readers to accommodate one t6miter was not imxiroved nn-ior thn . or two advertisers who may happen strain. €to come in late. When the paper “Isn‘t that an extravugrnnt prise fails to appear on time our readers to pay for hazard in your locality. are diaplmped. “Will you be knd enough to say, ma'tld m 7†“Its none of ycur business.†“Objection sustain-Cd.†smiled the judge. If there is anything exasperating in th's lit»: it is the. barrister who d--‘"lights ta; bully an! otherwise des- pitdully use a witness, more par- 'tlcu‘urly when that witness is a wo- man. It is on this account *that th-fl'l: is u g'nera! rejoicing when that kind of a lawyer is smote hip and thigh by one of his suppdseily h lg.l 53 victims. Of such is the fol: lmving tale,â€" “How old did 'yJu say you wena. mad'tm?†inquired the lawyer. with no reason an earth, for an elderly lumdltldy is no mone anixc-ns to 1038 a board bill théa‘n a young one. 'I'hi: wqmun was in the box, and she was a very nice-mannered, re- sy-fctublc woman, who kept a cheap hf'ul‘dillg-hOUS?‘ 3111 it was the «dc- sire of one of her guests to be dis- hcnmt that ha! brought hur t) Shh-s ccurt to make him pay his brard hi“. s Men‘urly man. It rt h»: '3 is Overcoats Footwear - . COD LIVER OIL TON - - .§ RUN DOWN - --_--_â€" - IE: Clothing He‘s Opinion of Him LPS Family eases and worries weigh heavily upon the mother ad site clone knows how much she needs some- , thing to apply the elements of health and vigor she islceking. OXOMULSION is the best food to build Up“ and restate bet lost may“. it is pleunnt to tnke and be- iv (ins its work of (coin: up the system nt once. No mother should be without it. Good for Mother. it is .. egodly good for Fstbet sod Children. and no home should be withoutit. Insist on having Oxotnnlsion for no other emulsion Is inst agood. Forsde by all Draggsu III twosizes.35e. and 3| .00. Pro- psredodybyTLero-ddon Co. oat-eroiSpsdins'sndeoebe Stress. Tomato. YOUR CHILD'EN NEED OXOMULSIOH. "I thought not, I thlsrught not,†nint'Trupt-"d the lawyer, bending over and rubbing th hands. The lawyer g1ve a little start ofl surprisu thc-n became indignant at the very thought of a witness talk-l ing Ike Hunt “Dent h .noetious, madam,†he; said,nssuu1;ng. a tone of warning: “This 's 11 serious matter. I have: askcd if your. prlms were not «exs‘r-i Htunt. 11nd you have seen fit to; answer ligthly, madam. Now, ma-' dam, I ask you in all earnestness if you mean to tell this c131urt that; your prices are moderate, and that if I should come to your house 121 board 'you w'uld charge me five. dollars 1:). week? Answer directly.‘ madnm,†and the barrister .squtred his shoudcrs anl 11151511de an im- perial mmncr. - 1 ' Th9 witn as was not «at all abashed.i “No, air,†she said, simply. ‘I. 'I'h-sn 'the court‘forgut about it's d.igu‘.ty and everybody laughed ex- cept the lawyer. “He didn't pay it sir," answerid the worm beginning-to turn. “No, .sir,†continued the witness, “I should not charge you at all. I should make you pay in aivanaé.†madam 9†inquirezl’ éth-c lawyer v-erzely. wcu 1d. Wantedâ€"Ties ani telegraph poles. Cedar, elm, cherry or hemlock. Ap- ply to J. N. Murdbck, Middaugn chlae PIOCk. 11-5t THE DURHAM CHRONICLE MOTHERS 1 Mr. John Mingun, who his suc- zc;.-d;-d his honored father as Elder ,wus chasm to \VUIOJDG the old [friunda-L. He that such an 0c- ‘Ousidll as th-s was. one which Lushâ€" ;(d the hzurts of all the peoplï¬ It mus u great pleasure to see in our 'de8t a few of the old anjasters. i'l‘hm many of the old pitneers h-nd ircturngd. Those had once shared in ;the foundation w3rk of the congre- ‘gutiou and by their pr'BBEDOG to-n-ight ishowc-é where th:-ir .nt-erest mum; iNo w;,-lcome c;uld be warmer th'zn iwas extended to these. He stated that the greeting come from young and old, and from ever organtzer ‘of the church and how that the .iriz'nds would enjoy t emsehves t) ’the utmost. 5 Mr. Charter Smith. of Durham,cu‘d j"The aw...“ tones of the music we :have board are not more harmtnious :than the friendsh‘p of our hearts t'3-. [night I have just been talking to; iWflliam Hunter, the oldest of my iccmpanlnns. F:r fifty years we have' had the most intimate relations and! not a Single thlng has come between: us. I remember well the old church, and even the first servce which Wits. held in Mr. Dz‘:rl:ly’s barn. We young: peeple were rea y to have a smile now and then. as for example when Rev. Greig used to get annoyed It,- the marling of the numerous dsgs gathered around the stove. Thane were many ml? We Va? nel- dom MW .3 live do r hill. very-- thing ,we had to sell. was ohMpJn‘d .m in exchange for trade. We were dxty male. mm a many. But HAM PDEN J UBILEE SERVICES. terms. The sermon was on the text, "What is your Lie" Jaunus 4-14, and was .11 that. «tumult stylu and doc- trine, tor whx-b ML'. 110018 1.5 8) well knu-“n. b‘ w toruids u Jungthy rc- port of t addruas. The weather which had been‘quite favorabbu provod to \be the very. best tor this, tux; Lnal muggy of th; cclc- brutiun. lbw) 1110-11 WJ-u at the full and the air awmud Lise than at a summu' night. tumm- u Vcl‘y large: crowd ‘bcgan mrly no ome tugutucr. aniLutuns had Lnaun- canu'd to fauna-r -m..-mb-c;s to return In the old church 11mm, and til-guard not w-Lh on: “con-aunt bggn tJ make cxcusm" Amcng those who sugnul UL: wait- ors’ bu-vk Won) .thc winning,â€" luv. J. R. Craig‘c, 'l‘orontu Rev. W. C. DJddï¬, Rockwvod; “/11le Hunter and Mrs. lluutg, prompw; 111::;:r cangrtgutiou of leo-f vatr hu.l-=d with plarmure the jubil-ae. of 113111194311 church. Bring :19.s;ciat.,.d for 80 many ygtiu‘s in thz. B\l]_Dp.L'[ 01:“ the sums minster, any evidume of: LrQSpn‘ity by our partner meets with than h"~urticst of cougrmtulw.d.-i1‘u.! Wv: huv': nat yet the hon-5r of‘ ranching the ammo length of h'stcry‘ but um Gaming along as fast azs’ tn: ycurs roll around. livwever, we? han, in :1 mcxlsul'e had a part. in! yuur own life and wurk by an 111-! tunata ucqua ntance with nzaz‘ly all? of your membflrs. ' But .cr-u w: were favored with Sui-01135 in exyrcss vc pun-3. Mr. Jus. hyt‘, the) "hard of Lb! glen.â€r!eu;l u luau which 1)» d'.c'L.:.t-J to the occaslu-n. In makng a few intr '-- ductury I‘».‘111313.'k'3 he stated thu; his cmdit on with farm life l)~;:‘sx1 JUb‘L titty ymrs "ago. GREETING FROM CON G REGAT ION “3:: haw,- always recognized the fact that the Uumpd‘ n cmngrrgati‘m was [.,-1'tun-nb3 in £112-: stamp of (€191: who i rmyd tho "Snatch hlrcok" and bcmmu the strong up- h-‘Vldurs of the 1’131-sbytcriul 05:11:49. Nathing but a gojd report coulJ 05m: 51mm such a budy of p90ple. and to day we share the pride which all must 13801 th now rejsdce m th's celebration. 'l‘h-e ï¬ssion on behalf bf Hanover church th‘:r.c-f0:-e wish you every proslm-rity and extend the warmcst gm ting on this occasrsn. Austin L. Budge, Moierator, Duncan Campbell, S--SSiI-ll Clerk. Hanover. Nov‘umbcr {1:11. 1908. But whm the cups of tea hid been draincdzmd the hum of rem-ms-. cgnt cauvwsation .s.lenced by the claw voice of Mr. AL'chi-e Park, th had bgacn 01103311 to fill th: chair, a unique program bugnl its com-'33 of thm; hour-.3“ duration. Th3 Him-Jver I’l‘;'sbyt~l‘iull Char. under the leader- ship 31' Mr. G. S. Sohw ndt, was pres- ent in force) and vzlrled the enter- tqum‘nt. with wall renderel L111t11€'m:~‘, '1‘h».:y .1133 ng-u a Malc Qua'tguc in {-x3-:ll-11t vuica and exn'ezas on; the following tukng ptxrt, L's-51‘s. Gr-‘Jcn 911d \Vhisjulurt t:':119rs,_u11d qusrs. We a;- with pleasure the return of many forer mambcrsund friean. ’l‘h;:y will ans many changes in the ubamc: of thos: wn'J hzve caused from the labors and the signs -1 ug-a’which hlVL‘ come-over thee onse th-;_ 3'}:th of _th~:;- ammunity. But 1': ug-e'which hAVL‘ comexovcr tbsse once the youth of the;- onnmunity. But 1': will 1);: fcund that other thugs chmg; not. and the weeds of the suul are ever the Sflmc. E. U. Young, 0mm Sound; thn Itchul, Plum-villa; Chart“- b‘mth, Durham; Guorgu 'J‘uuubull, 31"., Dur- num; -Andr.c.w Darby and MP:- Audrew Dbe, Du:h.uu; AL-xauier Bxuntun, Quay-u Hill; Dr. Suplcs, and J., 1i. Adams, Hanover; Au'druw Meyer and Mrs. Meyer, Allan Park; J., ,Mcym', Weston; Andrew Derby, Hunuv-ar; Mrs. A. Duk'by, sr., LII-.111- ov_ur;_ John lï¬-cnry, D1'--wox‘e; Mrs. ‘9 Mugs-c tu-nd Schwindt, buss-s. Mr. A. Bruutun, of Quwuu Hill, ruspndei by sing mg a Scotch song and an aqua)- ly xitt ng (noon). But what was smart-r to the ear than music was the vmi-d story and commenL upcn tn: old days. At th) appointud hour refreshments Wore ï¬JI‘Vud to the lu.‘ge f'wmily thus asstblud. The crowd was very great. Aisha, platform and pulpl werau filled, and stand ng room hand to gut witth don.’ Almost all the old pmplu were present and hard braced themselves for the night jour- eny and lll't-U hour (:11,te1'tuiuxu~.:ut. but th'J int-wrest never l-L-ssonaed for a m,- mgnt. It was on a large scale like oth-ler tumily r-cunlonu which must IlJ-dbl be 01 short durutlul, and thus fill-Cd buth thrJ gludnem and gravity of 1.1m Thu joy ul ll hourly gl'u‘utillg puns-d 'th length mu, lll'J 3-141111: parting, with tho thtmght that it m-xy bu Dover to meet .11 whit: 1117f: ugln. W. H. Cruwthur, W-ulland; W. J. Byers rand Mrs. Byu-Z'B, ’l‘ox‘oxm. Miss Jumhsan, liunomr; W. H. Hugh-gs, Hanover; (M. Winger, Ayton; Min-- gurtt Maurns, Unnowr; Mrs. Robt. Morrloe, Durham; Mrs. Mark “Ellis. Allan Burk, Edward Hoy, and Juan- :1th Hey, Durham; James Thomas McRonuld and Mary S. Mcliunuld, Durham, Mrs. Ammo-211d, Alum l’urk; Jean Darby, Durham ; Bessie Grier- san, Durham; Wm. Fulton and Mrs. Fulton, Louise; ,W-m. J. Durby, Dur- ham; Mrs. B. Millcr, liunuv:-'.'; plqo. PDI‘ViB and Mrs. l’ul'vls, .513, llcunovcr. (Continued from Luge 2 ) MONDAY BE UN ION THE SPEAKERS 3f£nture insures an e1‘1.cicnt cung: guLon. A drawing min sbur, popu- Iui‘ music. and good 0 ngruguton as; inquqntly disa wanting, but where (Ax-hayon; does $118 «I her own part. with devotion t3 tbs: Muster ubere iw'll be 81169333." 1 kn. Mr. Dwdla had alsu a subject assigned to h m. It was during his minstry that the Christian Enduav- or Szm'stzty Was urgwmjzud and h» was .askud to Spunk on the y.-ung eOpIC's mw msnt, past and present. Le also inldad to thc lateness of the hut ut In a shar't (address spoke with such fine tug-1.113 and insight. thlt lcne (might my thugt‘thsz- Spraker was !O-h.n In “L L -L'--- _ i" .- d ____‘=, .. “v“.- “1,â€qu Dc- vmtetsd from bein here. He ooncfnd- (d "by, asktng al to have another h.-arty greeting ere th depart, and than oallad u you Mr. dds t) read a portion cf garlpture and Rev. Mr. Cra‘gne solemnly recited the well- known psalm, “The Lord hath been our dwell’n place in all genera- tion †and t 9 work of 2“?†m- mf‘fl M “Mk m2â€"‘..L-_. gradunt'lly diff cultivï¬ became 1638. W: gut off war home on clothes. I huvc awn Mr. John (uper drive to church with h a ox tream. «and in a} igh mad»: by hrmi. Women were known _to_ gn- many {nibos ylth u Lâ€"fâ€"n- thi hoavy hotshot in hand. and bring homo the what.) prunoeds in a Lttle lhundlac. Is that not truu Mrs. D3:- 3' Mr. Geo. Turnbull. of Durham, alid. “I heard Rmv. Mr. Cuuoron preach at 'tho inducton of Rav, Mr. Grolg from thfl t'Xt. Mut't. 10-41. “'fic‘:h‘8t riot-ivoth u prOphet In the name or a prOpblitt revolves o prophets re- Wu!‘d.' I 'hvwo nuvor forgotten that] ammun. I was :at th-:.- first two moat-f .ng in thu old church. You remem-i 11:1- thut th- 1‘: wus other wttraot onsï¬ in th' o'mgrrgut on «at that lt-imo beâ€" :«idr-s gmd sum ms by the Initiator, (Mr. 'I'urnbull was l_ko Jacob of x-ld looking [Jr a wlm, whom he found in t .9 person ct the eller's daughter, ins Mlligm, both of whum stll live). Mr. John Nichol, of Prioeville, "I think that I am one of tho earliest H'ttlurs. having come in 1855. [was of the number who formed the first c-ngr~;gution. I Would Lk-e to mcn- tiun the names of the two elders, James Millgun and John Young. BJth were fine old gentlemen .1111 have gone to thou- reward. One thing I would say, I joinod the church whm l was a young man, and I have never regrettei the fé'xhémhér boxâ€"vâ€" he tos'k uq one. by one and explamtud the dthculuw and rewards of the Christan hie." Mr. E. 0. Young, of Uwcn Stund, “Thu ‘13 a duty 01 l'-‘flll:;nlbl‘ullo.;. We (14 not. rkrmt-mber all [at at is well to lorgi aunt- th 1133. lt is only who Divu; who 0.111 truly [orguL The Wdl'ld is not pirl't-lct and p:‘.'fecti';n was not ours. But “-4 rtull-muel' the piuus m-xl.st1‘y at -ur Lil'bt pastor. l (knew him Utttgr than th: mum at. you bccluuuu as a lttl; buy 1 used to opal) tllu gates f-r him. You re-,- msmmr that ho was in sane th ugas; 'l Lmld mun, luv-tr luuklllg thug pECplc in the lane from the pulpit, but flx-ud his tycs upon the ossilng. But 1 kucw hlm tu be a grand mud nubh suul. “7. had ll: {ups organ in Lllu Church. but Una human Vulcan [3qu such a pr;- ocntor as Mr. Mnthzr we inherlt-ed unluiv. Whm hu lad m such a lsfllm as Old llulldl'-..d, thu thlq c. urch all-11111 ta be (SL'L‘tl'il‘JCJ. l c..n' yd. half Mr. Coupe: sing’Jlg b'xss‘ l’mm hi3 Sat in u‘uut pf us, and ,othâ€"’ 61's of h 5 family tzlkulg thy tenor. 1!: Il.'\’-:l' saw bvttcr di.sc_pline thln Illl th: old church. On one occasion 1' was zlttx'uutcd by 3 Spider add his? \V‘ll lull UL Ilia-7.. but lt Was not] lung helm“; u atl‘qug hand had me; by th; 0911211; slime: ng,me to [1103 s-l‘mtan. It Was my l'xthrr. \V-q hudï¬ by th; Gallau‘, ,dirmn ng,ms to tile? arrmun. It was my f'xtlrr. \VA: haul; Lng tasks ta pl‘vupilru but 1 am thankful “my far all ..[ Lh:m.' ; Mr. .hlm M -y:_-I', of \ch-stm, $3111.; '3 cannut t;ll you h-'w glld l mu? :. n-.- 1151': to-night. l thunk the; \: «mmitts for g vmg mu this chance! t4 thamk'yuu. Tho; xxx, ligation lf Inna: of Dying to church was whenl tn; 01d collwtisen box came around.f It had :1 Lung handle and was a fine. insrtumcnt Lu wu‘ku u sl-Jepy mem-’; b.1'. Tin-n I shall ncwr ioxgct Mr.‘ Mather and his infallible tuning: fJI‘k. Other 'nnrmorix-xa thne arJund tlm Sundu' wiluol Hmi ur t'nm'h r, Mr. John {mung All hznor to thaw man. We are what we are to-day! larglcly due to what they were. Our; futhsrs met and ov.-rcome, s; shoull w.- stick to our p s: and wLn out.†RfV. Mr. Om gw hv'd been :mkei t0 apl'ak on the subject, â€W'hnt, are the chm-311th) in an chlojent conga?! gution.†Owing 'to the many ad- dl'f'flss alrmdy given he dd not go into his speech an full. his “(Ur-sag hCW'cV'Ul, had a. lively veal of humr‘ in .t and struck a line not; u â€" .~~.. ‘ C I caurug mrnt rand a1v-c:. ll»: m‘d, ozrc‘ thmg that striking ma", .18 how much We owe to Htendfnsfnmu in marmml UV" 0 Mr. Andrew Derby, of Durham, “1 can still hear the old preoentm. Mr. Mather. I am v-er much indebt- ed to the Sunday school whare Mr. John Young was our teacher. It was undu' Rev. Mr. JumL-sjn that, a few of us young mm bgau t., do samuoth'mg for the Master. There were about fifwen _ot us and l step. {Gilt to t ' [m tract of land Hut-Jen on - u imore or less. I t when they will be ham: or by counsel 31‘ solic 1.0:, temnoe thereto Upon [my hen-o beard. J. 8 BLACK, Clerk. Towns)“. u: t once uortiul‘ly alum: » 1 ~ ly â€mt Of said Lot r «.J dirtauoe of sxty-six (6(5) 2. a. 1" (asterly on a Spiral cum 2 : I“ ' J a. distance 0f 93VL‘llty-h..\ "mi 19‘ f ‘encenorth-easterly on '1 curV'I-d ~ to the left. having .1 “A m ’1 Lsousand and twentyâ€"fix.- .14 I 3 distance of one bulls“). â€:11 . ty-Ieven (1087) rm to .L s' .z. “Pin“ curved txlence mm -4 «I on I! Bï¬l'al curve to t « . ‘H‘ tanoeo one hundred and up? 1 (188) 1M; thence northw , r . *1) a, “night line “1109? CUUI» H Indy-one (61) degrees, forty m. minutmeastadmtanoe 01 W) droj and twenty-five (2:35) 2' l ' 0‘“ 0‘ beginning; said 9†1‘.- f ain “8 two and fiftyfum -n 4’91““ (2-54) acres. mur: 0.. 15-" ALL PERSONS int I’- >1 *3 lands may or mig t h 91‘- “tected b aucf: prOpOS J 1 “attired o attcni .11 1-m- t Utah-n (13), why}; ,- 'undrvird and aunt: ‘_",-. ly from t'(‘. \x’tstrh a! Lot. tirtnc-n (l3) uh '2 along mid nort, .U'ly Qn easterly along said )Hz," a distance of one nun}: .1 (170) font; t‘numc s-ul» it (*tmignt l'ne whoa: m- Bixty-one (61) d-;-gr.-.s. ' minute-s west. :1 dsL-H’ hundred and tightv-fyx a point on at Spun} curw u Spiral curve to tE-e rt}. of one hundred and xigi. («-‘Eit: thine-C On at ('lll'\ . rig 1:. having a I'.adiu:-~ -‘. sand and nin-‘ty-onc <34". distance ‘Of one ULUS u dred and ten (1110) z t on a spiral curvc; t «'1 on a spiral curve tu l. tanoe of mventy-mw (’1: westerly limt of said Lu! Corporation of the 1 ' Glenelg. PUBLIC tumor; 15 he .. thlt the Municipal C 151“) 130'an 0t Gl‘gneig \1‘“. lit a in; to 00.1.6“) .11 my 1W0“, in tafl aagd lawns)“, U; “Luv Tuesday. he 15m my at U j ‘00.. 1u08, at t‘le Lyn" UK “.1?“ in LAO [urcuuvm 0mm .1 1 d ‘ . Ll). 10::va “9. 5.114%: â€N- an! pcrncnu u L.» La 3 \ U allowance bitwpgu . ‘U"“"~-‘;i no and tzl‘w. ball“! 01 UL. U’ Road. TOWDS iv cf ul'i‘WBMN diversxon t unof U‘, h Low 1 12 in the sand thud (-JMwW scrimd as follows... way in 1.:u ten-u}; name-lyr- A htt‘ilu «._; (66‘) bait widx. in L twelve (12) and (Jun t area (3)5410: of tn. Towns; 1;: of Glené‘lg. more particuluqu d. lex.â€"â€" Cowman-jug t (: narthu-rly lim ts FIF'lLYâ€"A htXuct Ux 111.4 of it u «1‘ ‘..‘LL’£‘ Ulg ,.._t IV“ :- ,. malice betwueu Conlc‘ W1 N anddtnxl’ee (3). mum m _ Boa . “OW'nï¬,iv UL Unhgl r, , of Grey. being more 1u.,.Lw5hï¬;d;“; Grim 35 (allows, Bngllulxg 11a .* on Lye southerly 111141 ‘1 sad ‘13“. allowance w..ich yum ‘i‘ drfl and 8.1mm (207) Incl emu trom 't 10 westu‘ly limt 01 L ‘ .5 teen (13) CODMSSiUh 1 _ 11¢ N). but"; of tne Durham Rum, “mu “Mun†along Clad §OUt.L(;l‘l)' l‘lll‘l a l“ ‘ _ W131. lowanoe; hence 11011114..»th k“ straight 1.1}0 who»; cuutbc b â€A“ sixty-one (bl) six-guys “Hum“ (11) minutes east, .1 dummy; of One hundred augl «eighty (100) fut u anus; t.zence.wwtuly along “a northerly limx 01 had ullowmg‘ d’ ance of {we hundnd and an†(5‘3) fett; tuLnC‘: bJI1U~ ‘7 -- a spiral CPI"? tu t ‘c rum. ;. «NM turee (73) dggl‘vcb‘ (:n and e’mty-fuur m» (184.8) (act; t um- I (52) degrees, tmuty (. one flaundred and [A tenths, (112.2 1v t; twenty-live (25) d g; hundred and 'Lightxh txs (“8.8! f-cct erly l'un.t of Said L‘ t zcnoc south mighty ( ty-one (51) miuuus ‘. ncrtmerly limit. a; two-tun :3 (2;.2) fut. twenty-ï¬ve (25) d gr nine and fourâ€"tum and 1 Wuflty-l't - relief by C ‘ Thu lin'mcnt “d“? and ‘Iorencss 6°. “ of ï¬fty (50) feet; thence south £11" on a (“11‘th “.11. 1,01.“ having a 01' two 1h. eight hpndqe1_(2800) nu. a d can; :nuuarel (2800 (at, a data}; of am: hundrei an “Hy-ugh 1. feet to he southuly 1mm :1 (‘3? road allowanoe; tncncc (amm- ul :1; said pantherly limit 01 bu“ rim! '3]. Iowanoe, a distance of 3.); 1.1mm: and five (605)_ {at to the point a beginwng; sand trm ~1 1un con. tam ng Din-Lty oneâ€"Lumiuium (0440’ of an new more or ltï¬S- SECOEDLXâ€"A tum (v: 1.1.4 A it'r-cgular swarm on 1. and twplve (1:). mm sautn 401 thc Uurhux A131.) [0 Ho W to Treat a Q" ~pr;-;LI N 0 (ICE. J I] Nov cont NC H Township ‘ ts clev ifi'éd line mm and 06 souzh' of t; st (Lift!- disunu .Vx (185’ grh' 0" s smth north- thou- “‘51 ‘ence for f 1f- 8.8) :41) 3) ll w'ty‘eï¬ in leathf'l out 30 to ohms" {4" If I1 \1 : Quality. w "an ï¬ve a do “W ’0' until Christ (Hus. llnr ()ll any dun If. T. Moran wish “it he in! Opened L a at the Garuirux ‘ â€no“! the pit! â€ts of Durham II 3.17.. Sheppard. wy-known :19“ 2-1. 1! fl. is dangeumsh i=7 kill! one time mlilu: dhter was editm- fl. Christmas F .fl MKS jm“ h the (pfOIK H \' m are a mlmh“ W now budin.‘ fl tim-e‘ this w» u w. are t‘Dld. 1 Hum in the ooumn‘ ’0‘8‘“ twin. illb‘h'mi ‘wm u th‘t‘LUerp. mum's died the NWW 1nd HOpkin'R A Provincial Insyw’ --†a vicinity a phort Hu- my with WW ' tun. with a View 1 II Innoval. Ten<i°r‘> 1k th'rtiuetb alum ' fl Ontario Agricuhuv ham Union will ‘9» “Mural Col‘mg. may. Tuwjny and 'mb!‘ 7th. 8th md 1. Provincial “'impr with!!! well xx.“ Itch (are round Hg; I'll on the railrmd ‘3 Incident that. mpg; m results occurn-d .«. . to Mr. James 1.:m man of eightytln .- When lowering 1: “flat, the ('l‘Ushill‘J z~ WWI residence Wm ‘ “m1“. FN'IH Hr ht l'OQd below was :4 ~ “and l. half 01‘ 50. |' “WI! stepping â€11' the- “Inn: um \h.1 11m “himself to 8m 11 Mi w yifluhid up. Hm. ‘mingg Illd th’ll 3'. - might meet with . flu‘ It is not thought ‘00:, but they 191': 1m Wonwhere safety : Winnâ€",éï¬Ã©hkf‘" ‘ h Progressix e t 7 râ€"va‘WU|V\ ..‘- “maintkeo‘h hi111~1 1 deViCPB and [11:11? 1 ‘ “aperts to 11mm ‘ “ache 83111111111 g- ' Theagri1‘1111111.1‘. 1 May 1111111111 .11. .1 1: .. ' umad111111...= ‘ â€for L110 (1.111.111 11. ,. .,’ Ifll‘icultlu'al 11.1111: h money {111'1115111~ H"; ““1 as gum] 111311-11. V ‘ yHeruM 11111] \\'1-.-; m “Elle Lillw j.:1-’.~ :1 Without :1 [1111 1- 11111 hotny nf11111 31. v ' ' publioat‘hnh. A o magazinv 11111! 11,;1 flame 001111111111] V W in phntm fut \l‘ m a Fred W. K.-!.~o~}' ‘7‘! i. \tht (mv p4 ~ [In-nu and \Vva}' s: H. Mine in (‘allm‘u ".1 Wit. Send nm' (it ’0‘! Will ï¬nd H mm council immm of UM H. M N0. 2176. and amrda y the Durham ’au'mel ll 0 I ng m \\ H