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Durham Chronicle (1867), 10 Dec 1908, p. 12

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Laced and buckled, one and two buckle rubbers, laced, all heighths from two holes to nine holes. These are all snag proof and rolled edged The “Maple Leaf” Brand. A Great Variety of Rubbers Now on Display J. McKechnie, Durham, Ont. Men’ : Heavy Rubbers Produce taken as cash at the Highest Prices Christmas Groceries Now In Highest Price for Sutter, Eggs and Fowl RDBT. IURNE BROADWAY and FASHION GROCERIES â€" A COMPLETE S TO C K NEW GOODS CONTINUALLY ARRIVING ALL GOODS SOLD AT SALE PRICES mrmmm Wflmm E’LF‘VTWL I: They speak for themselves. Mail Orders Carefully Filled Overshoes From one buckle to four buckles. Felt Shoes Men's Felt Shoes a Specialty. All Felt Soles and uppers, Felt Shoes with leather uppers, and ll‘elt lining and Felt soles. We have another shoe with Felt lining, and with rubber soles and heels. THE DURHAM CHRONICLE! z -11 WW tvu UV MAMA 5W '0 "WV - well pleaesd with the evening: en- 0000 M0999 _ ., 'th . Mam ab lit ng 'Brown sang companimeut art well, a1 atfions whit the evening: of jibe progr uvs ‘4‘ n gIr\ Illa Ull‘l OIIIIIIIICI "ll till“ [ rairie wilds. Ml". Tucker. Hf \Vondstock, is, at; Mr. Campbell. in his address, paid high tribute to Miss MacKenzie, of the . . . . , public school statf here. in that she p‘rpsent. Vls‘lllllg lllS (tollslns. the has been successful [or two years in bckhardts. passingune hundred percent. of her Miss May SN)”. after Spemling alpupils. thus proving herself m heuue couple of months visiting friends in l of the most capable teal-hers in his Prieevilln and pl'lnlmfiinl‘lll. has again 3, Inspectorate and in the county. He returned to this neighlnn-hnnd. lalso reviewed the standing of South The fowl supper given under the‘(.h-eywiththenestotthe enmity. and ,mflnqggmem of -L.0.L No. 1192 on stated that thus ridmg’s candidates lwndnocdav night of lost Week was Showed more uniformity in their lrlght royally obq‘rved. It is :1 well- answm's to the several questions. a 'known fact that 1hr,- memhers o.’ 11 ’2 showing that denoted the thorough- 'n 'VOI‘ d“) unvthing hy halves. Th's'uess with which the teachers of this n r n'\ '9'. °. . . . . f.1..t .u q nllv ...\me11.- (d on th ts ruling perlurlnc'd the“. work. i occa'alon. wh qh was an out and «mt ‘guccr'ss. 1 ho ev'cnt (took place in the‘ The presentations of the medals and ! hauqé regently v Hunted by Mr. 1 scholarships Was the must Interesting TJ.1m.‘-s Hopkins. wh'ch was an (deal feature of the evening to the recip- Spot for the occ.‘=.s'rn. The do:rs wrre' ien.s. These consisted of l>r. Jamie- swung! 007% Ht seven o‘clock. when , son's medal to he awarded to the pupil . 1 -. ‘ . l . . , ”19; memhms "md frzenda and 0t“? whusueeeeded m tamxw the highest gu-sts to the number of absut two hundr'd assCle'Pd to do ample jus- standing in South‘Gveyohy a candidate tie". to the fowl and other fest‘v?-'f0r Entrance. lhe wmner “its Ml.“ ties wh ch were przp..r:-d “n .1 grand llyla helsey. and the. presentation, Ill exile. It w-ls about ten o’clock bgfore the absence ot Ur. Jamlesou, was made up crowds were all sfrv-ed. and we by M". U- 14- Grant. thafpk w_-.'_« are safe 7n saying that As noon: pupil was entitled to two ‘Sll; stunt on beamed on every coun- _ _ )rizes the medal given nv the School Vnanco. Much CT'E‘ld-lt .3 due to the I“ ’ 7 . . ~ . . ladies for the n-entness and exactness? daard t” the. pupil mtown .ohtmuing ‘ with when Overvth'ng was arranged. the highest lllah‘S. Mass leau Craw- LThe contract for teething the hungry .ford. who stood second on the list, was 2 W8 tors was no ob 8y ,_ ne, however» made the teenplent. and the medal was lthey performed their dut'es to thelgiveu by Rev. W. L. Newton. latter and their work was s'mplyl 3 . - , . Epsrfect in every detail. Much thanks 50h0'3”"'9‘3 we"? also awarded to , , f _. the High School department for one . ‘0 . .. r 9 ' l 9 o o . 3 list as}; dhuonst): hifmflgpsk 815$]? £3: 1 year s free tuition. The wrnner from , their hosp'tarty and their efforts to l P301111 1 00 Form 11 being Miss Vaddie ;make the affair a (success. The prmlbaldwell, of Durham, and from Form i ram was short and well select-{(1.3 [I to Form [11 Miss Eva Benton, of r. James M30613, Rho acted as clean»; Dromore. moan. oommenc e rogmm y at . . Ishort address, and coiiducted 1m; A?" be med“ ““4“ by PP'WW 3 art without a fault. The Boomer; an to the candidate ‘4‘le the i rot, three in numbz-r, were on hand. highest standing "3 the Entrance to l with the: "01135 and “mg-red some - Nonmal Enmination was won by Miss lexoellent music. The Muse: Brown Sadne Mae Ferguson, ofswinton Park. :of Dromore, aim took rt and have 'not lost any of their! as mnsf- .___..___ rims and recite”: they playsd their . ert well. Miss Verna Hopk'ns gave Good com-Idiom. for CW .4 recitat'on which was well received ‘ 'b the audience. Mr. Will Weir ave The nail flan- m‘. r . :: shoort address atnhc'lei contaattglgted in m 1:: hand I“ m .0“. c rangemen on r u r ’03. can - nmd en ' c - Er. Thomas Ritchie gave a few 88109 dun. A «an in W 11: Hon: on the violln and although a to- «unmet or or .h’ttle out at practice can still show tom m h noon, The gunk y is ab'llt an an ex tt‘violinlst. or 0 out M. on b Eases M'a Hopk'ns 31°54 Emma rink? Emmi; the Mb: i; rowng sang a. song withnus’c u- the sole r ; . - ‘ gong." Alum Pam” aim and conttbtitegt their and 01 M“. Vb ' III O‘trloi it f'r we, venoone nae-are hu’ no .m, m. gtions whtah gilded miewhst -co 1'. F. m at . I.- Ir u- (â€"vuâ€"'-_v ..v v a? tfie {Jam the tloor was’zlafi 3'52 3}“ 253'3" E and the remaining part of the nightiBemedy for my was spent 111 music and dancing out“, alwa s m thmmall hours at thn morning, when "remeiy graham: in1!.9°nart9d.t° maturew'lve home“ 9.83”“ ‘ m "I I Tho annual meeting of the Presby- gteriun Lad'ca‘ 'A'd was, held at Mrs. A. S. Van Dusszn’s on Tuesday of last } week, when officers were elected for the ensuing year as fol- .low.s.â€" Hon. President, Mrs. G. A. L'Eittlos; Pras'dnemt, Mrs. A. 8. Van Dug-Tn; Vice President, Mrs. J. 3Radlcy; SEJC.‘TIOE§35., Mrs. J. Black- ‘burn; Vi.s't’.ng Committee. Mrs. A. Stewart. Mrs. Fred Tucker and Mrs. Smith. The Secretary’s annual re- port showed that over $100 brad been ‘raisud dur‘ng the year and that v.21u- mblc amsiatan‘ce had been g'ven the Mkmnpmg Board on mans-'2 and church shad improvements. Members on the roll 43, an increase of e'ght during .the year. A loss of one was sustal'Jl'f-d by 't‘hso drawn of the late Mrs. “’m. Nrail, one of the oldest mrmbars of the soaiaz'ty, and to whom tistt'ng reference was m'rdoe. oficn will be an invent ve to” rod-3w? ed mtervest n tha limbr ry and read- ing‘ room. ht Mt. Zibn. Ami-:1 tr ' ,6 , . .' ' " ' r ‘ unluuu lll‘ll \â€" [A]. nunlxlul my p;;(: P‘”E~“"" Eng‘XOS' dfigtzi f1?! :33 V’gggg'fr “1': hertz than to a chant-"mu 5 address. he I'v- suround [11:3 will] unly’ft'ng in )luegnces'tmmed tron) exm-essmg himselletally ' ‘ g." at length, and, ulcvra few remarks, that I cannot r-vor. rue-pity.” The writ- - . _ . _ er. who does net wiflh h's name d's- | Mlle" thehlstmuuheruuthe program, €10,9'd‘ is a Fleaherton bay now.apinno selecliun by Mus: Russo-U, of 12v 11g munv m loss distant His words Bolton, whu tlnu-uughly delighted the of .lpprvi'i‘t'lit'om of an uld. friend andtandience, and was tendered a. must fxpr-T'SSC‘d desire to luncf t thc young ? ho-zu-by expression of approval on her P701”? 0f ”1'3 VilllS‘Q, €011!th bllt b3 ’ skxlful manipulation of [he ivm'ies. a recirltod. We trust 113 “sncrmm . . . 0 Ben will be an incentive t5“ renew-I A first-91w Prowl» covenant: of Miss May Soon, aftur spending a couple of months visiting friends in PriPPViHH nnrl Chatswm'm. has again returned to this neithmrhnnd. Mrs. John Lawrence. Jr., we are sorry to say, was quite ill for a. time. bntnt. time. of writing is improving nicely. - Mr. Ohmic» Reid has returned home after spending the summer on the [1‘ HI]? wilds). Mr. Ray Tef’ft, of Hanover. visited the Eckhardt family last, Week. t Mt. Zinn. After a tip to up Vat he settled in Toronto, t ve ara :a o, and a year latter settle at ton. MI. W common “is" homo over Sunday and Monday, but returnod on Tuned-3y to Milton to look after his brother‘s: ufimfrs. Mr. Geo. Mitchell was .mlled to Toronto on Friday by tho daath of his brother-Sn-law, Mr. J. . A. Modfil, who passed away on Thursday «evening after a very .Ahcrt Illness. The funeral took place to Mount Pleuniant Cemetery, the city, on Sat-- urday. Mr. Model was married about to ht earn ago to 'M'sa Ruth MJtCh- d , w o survives hm. Mrs. Medici, {who vista! here about three weeks The following 'nterncsting r:::.?iv.ed last week by Mr. Rit'h.1rd.son.â€" Dc-nr S'r,-â€"-You may be surprised to get a letter from me, but .9::vc:ra'l wrne’k ago I noticed letter village boys cvsk'ng _th‘lt the lbrary b“. started again. Cd with the local Cond tLonS. but “VT?! has b39311 any move mad: or is “’1"le to be TIL-1019 of n Dract (al 113-? I would' feel‘ turn: tor the young- maple. b3 plcasad to forxmrd $25.00. I I lint"? .1 July}; #0: +1 \.0 I1;:.lfll (pf) rnlf lnnvn . . com-V munmatTon. whch cxnluns itselfnvas Mo Ko‘ «1' in the Advance from one of. I am not a0qua1nt-, ifi COMHEN CEMEN '1‘ EXERCISES. The town hall was Jammed to the doors on Friday evening last, when the Commenceuwnb Exm-cises of the, Durham Public and Model School were held. in connectiun with which an excelieuc and talented prugmm was rendered. Mr. (J. L. Grant was chairman, hut believing the pcuplt‘ haul gstthvred there mure _t,0_list.en_ u)_t§he program Continued. from Riga 4. ganist. Mrs. D. Me'l‘nv's'h: Examiner. Dr. Carter; R'ep. Council. I-I'Orbert Sm th. so, him the sympathy at numerous trusndn n her sudden and pom oer- cavement. Miss Margaret McAuley, who visit- ed her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Mc- Aulcy, here last week, kit on Blat- urday for Ethelbcrfi, Minn, where Thu-'3 Chosen Friends Soc ety held election of arrears last week yfor the awning vear as follows,â€"Ch neat Ccun- cillor. Mrs. W. P. Crossl'ey ' V-‘ce Councillor. W. A. Armstrong; Re- cordmr and Trmsur: r. W. I]. Bunt: Assistant Recorder, Mrs. Herbert Smith; Pr'lat'8. Mrs. Freud Tuckssr: Marshall. Charlf's Stafford: W'rden 1v: S‘ntinnl. Emerson Ballam ; Or- Mrs. W'.__II. Bunt: Guard, T.A. l‘ke- nan work in the c ty and is therefore well tuttod tor the work Abe has undertaken. she can as medical Imagining to tho (clans, under the Pre ytc-r- tan Home MLaslonnlry Society. Mina McAuley, Who in a 1me nurse and a graduate of the Toronto Bible Training School, hams had consum- able exmrpanpe :n patios. and chjst- ___._‘A evenings program be program the 11c McWilliamsville. ’FLESHERTON‘. 1m. At the closets: sf; floor wag cleared 1 at er Med? cal to Grand we saw reliance of may mohtern I who have trial it are mllins ta nus an other. Mu. F. F. Stat-char. o! 5, W. VI" sitar-"I Mn ggvcr n_ _ L1..- _ As no «me pupil was entitlt‘d to two prizes. Ihe medal given my the School Board to the pupil in town obtaining the bigness mums. Miss Vivian Craw- ford. who stood secuud on the list, was umue the necipient. and the medal was given by Rev. W. L. Newt-on. Addresses of a congratulatory tmtm e. and dealing with the. importance or the educnulnguf the young were du- livered by N. \V. (huupbell, B.A., lnspectoruf Schuuls for this riding, and Rev. Dr. mewtmn-sun. Miss 'Wilda Freem n. Chatsworth, spent over Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Robb. Aljoe and family. A first-class program, consisting of solos, recitaticms, dialogues, choruses and songs, was ann rendered, during which time not a dull moment. was experienced by the large gathering, which, if the round after round of applause be any critvrion to go by. was thoroughly sen isiivd. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Burhnn and Miss Dell. Lauder visited in Walkerton the beginning at the week. Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Wilson. of Chas- Iey. wane the guests of M in MucKenzie. Upper Town. on Saturday. Growing tautâ€"yes, into wwkness, but without direngtih. Tired, of course she lavâ€"pale and than to.-. She doesn’t eat enough and dgests tar. too lLttle. Thuin condriminon is so common, but how seldom .notloei by fond parental. Give her Ferrozone then watch her mp time improveâ€" see her cheeks and bps grow rujdy -watch her npirits :38. This 31min ls simply the result of eat ng and digs-sting enou- h and thereby nour- ishing blood, rlafn and. nerves. To a woman Ferrozone renoores strength she has lostâ€"to a girl it brings stren th perhaps she never knew. You‘l try Ferrozone. 50 cents at all Mr. W. Mountain, of Milton, spent from Satiudny till Tuesday visiting at. the parental home nod with c tber friends. Mr. Rod. Mnant-lnne, who returned a Week ago from the West. left. Hominy morning for Flint. Mich., where he will spend the winter. Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Scott and son, of Fielding. Sash, are guests of the farmer‘s grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. Aljoe, and other friends in town. Mr. Scott is looking well and, we believe, doing well. He will spend only a few days before leaving to visit his wife’s relatives near Ottawa. Messrs. D. J. McNah and Percy Davis left Tuesday morning for Victoria Harbor, where they will enter the employ of the C. P. R. in the bridge building department. Pity rm. Poor Girl The annual meeting of Sum!) Urey Rifle Association will hr huh! in Mr. J. P. Telfnrd’s nt’h‘vu un Sutmduy evening. Dev. 19th. at thv hnm' Hf“ p.m.. for the pan-pm uf c'lo't'Iihg 1111100116 {01' ensuing year and rnmplvt- in“ bmiuess of the pust yun'. All interested in the :Lsmcieniun are re- spectfullv requested to he presunt. SOUTH GREY RIFLE ASSOCIATION by local applicatiuna. as thuy can: at much tin (1th portion of the «a r. I here. is only we way t0 cute deafness. and that is by wtmu'tnu'ou- sl remedies. Drums» ts mum-d by an iaflmel condition of the mucous lining at the Eustachian Tube When this tllbt‘ is mtiauml gnu Inn 3 rumbling sotrd or impm'twt homing and when it. III QDUNLV t‘ltltie-l “value-rs n ”w )t'hll". and unless the Inflammation can m- takutt nut and this tube restored tn its Dul'lllal ('nmlitmu. heanug uill .N‘ destroyed ful't‘Vt‘l’; IHIH' t'a-t's mt't to! “It In mutt-d by t‘atunh. v lm-h ,, tmttnrg but“ inflamed condition of tha lltll- nth nttrtmws We will give Hue Hundred In «of Dvafnesa (caused In (.lldrlh :llwd 0) Half a Catalllu Ulr Two weeks ago We gave a repon «I Bentinck Council. In one [mm it showed that Mr. Grim-sun was M $21fur letting and inspecting Unit. Mr. Griersuu called the attention if the Chronicle to the item and stud that it shnuld have been $1.1M in“ of $21.(ll. \Ve Intended in nmkethe correction lust isme. hut in louki over the copy of the minutes we {0113 that we had followed «:pr (runway, and wrote to tell Mr. (il'ivrsnn that the error was nut uurs hut I'm-got to make a note in the Cln-nuivlv about it. Since then We received notiwfmm the township clerk, and in Justine to Mr. Griersnn we cheerfully x-ust..ify the error, which, it" left, might militate against him. It. Wm vvilloâ€"qnly an oversight on the part nt' :hv «me who copied the. minutes sent In us. hedth npitfiy grew hm." time I m quite m1. I strong woman and mm '1'. A. Slocnm's medicine," “I owe my lite tops W mumony could mlcfiln'.‘ the.” an Mrs. Wm at On_t-. on August 21 imam n' H lulu npuuy grew better and ’ ' " time I was quite well. Twit?!“ a. thong women and owe my life to]: 1‘. A. Slocum'e medicine.” ° PSYCHINE is indeed a Health glut end the Greatest of Tonlcs. conmnlu' exceptionally Life-Giving pronem Send for a Free Trial and mention this advertisement PSYCHINE ls sold by :11 drugglstl and stores in bottles in and 31. ' to 'try your medicine, 13d“; Wfihin two months from uk CHINE I gunned 30 pounds, L_-ILL _-_9 Sold by Drnuints, 77w. Take 3dr. Family l‘illu tor mmatipflion Jun Courses h all Bllsilu~~ ' lid High School subjects. tntnod by our managc-nwn: ! Olhetinonurio. (it? I (Irman dittesu Businuu 4.‘..)l'«-;-.- flute Secretaries. ()fliu- A -. s: Private Secretaries. ()fliu- A ‘ The embodiment at Hm I. loam SVtten‘II hum h SUiGDOG. “e "Mite CHYIIPI' Deflation“ laIIuI-d in ““16“”. WALKERT O N Business College JANUARY 4th WINTER TERM GEO. SPOTTON, mum-w u .- A Kennedy School grad- um in nbooiutely sure of a 8004 position. workegs.‘ We can fill «miy I» fraction of that numbed» The KENNEDY SCHOOL ADELAIDE 97., E. TORONTO We have over 1,50lbcalls 3 our for abenographers‘. okeepera. and nflim’ How to Get A Positlon Deafness Cannoz be Cured More Young People COMMERCIAL STENOGRAPm TELEGRAPHY A CORRECTION F J. CHENEY Act nuon 3 OPENS 'll‘ rs for all“ one hat cannot he 11 Mr cine-ulna. 0.. Toledo 0. I The TOW!) (3 )ul “(lit and \ummi it.“ y”. ‘\1 (he I M tln- (' “M for the nu) IND during mos. b Inge alumna! 7;: ~ We ammm ',.;j. w during 1% At ale (3‘08? (if M the huge aIIIwIIII m during IN I ”the close ”I I.;- :. 350 members III Nu m aficial» in ~ ‘the evening :H II; ; '0?! sumptunm cl -‘ f. u where all I III )m h a Ihortly afh‘l‘ lIzi- f -~0fl in the‘ I131“. _ I’ ‘mufuturing ( mu mym. Them- W What a} pm ”I d Within tn 101.11“ I indusm . \\ III< frnm 'H I i to Imy «mi building It I Up-mdatv JV“ “'ebster’s. A few lm‘ic .~ W. at (ix-am “'9 M“ c‘mn'i! liner? at. 5““"l' Modock. “'1- a re g 1 \‘ grow I . 0:152:13 f o .n Rug Found. U Olld Ahetdm'n. ‘ I by paying expvnm cud telling «m \\ l. to “2 J. Fulkithfl ForSaleâ€" 3” i from Prizv 5‘ Guelph. Am“) u'd.â€"Zpd. 8. 8. No.1. NH" in “.1180“: N! ”501 |~ hum provided. Adm Additiuual l A Cbristmw occasions t H town’s lwnvt; might Well h [WWL and l 005in titted 42â€"4“). 217‘ H The 1t H

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