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Durham Chronicle (1867), 17 Dec 1908, p. 12

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Man’s Heavy Rubbers Laced and buckled, one and two buckle rubbers, laced, all heighths from two holes to nincholes. These are all snag: proof ,and rolled edged The “Maple Loaf" Brand. A Great Variety of Rabbers Now on Display E B111; tlw kindlv influence of (‘ln'ishnns has penneated the) centuries iiiâ€"(from tin» lu-ginning «1f the Christian em till 110“, and this good influence Twill be felt tn the «and (1f t.i111v.\\e haw an excellent stock, (not gi-gaMS) i‘Buitable for Christmas gifts. HANDM-zmnn-JI-‘s, in great prnfnsitm of the latest designs and the best of quality. DRESS Hnims. of the newest styles. See our pangunas. They are eye openers. 8001‘s AND Slums gnlm'e, from the strongest to the finest. SLIPPERS in the newest styles and of the best quality. Rtnmzns .xxn Ovmmmns of the best quality. MEN’S FINE L‘HAMBRAY SHIRTS of the latest patterns, best quality. MEN’s HATS of the best quality, newest styles. SUIT CASES AND TELESCOPES in great variety. Produce taken as cash at the Highest Price: Christmas Groceries Now Highest Price for Butter, Eggs and Fowl Christmas Cheer Comes Once a Year ROQT. BURNE . McKechnie, Durham, Ont. BROADWAY and FASHION GROCERIES â€" A COMPLETE S TO C K NEW GOODS CONTINU ALLY ARRIVING A LL GOODS SOLD AT SALE PRICES Our Stock of Clothing is complete and is composed of the Celebrated Brands They speak for themselves. Mail Orders Carefully Filled In THE DURHAM L'HRUNICLE £50?! w Mr. W. Phai‘ll‘pa, Coll'ngword Roxd. has bud a very complete system of waterworks installed Ln his house and barn. The necessary power supplind by a the new wind mill netted .1 few days ago. The moving picture hem last week under the auspices of (thetb'md here, d'd not mttmat large crewdxs The tom] prscaads were undwr $30. Mr. W .Bussell, of Rock Mills. has 163.921! the Jerry 'I‘-homps:-n farm on the 41th line. wCupnod by Mr. Albert. thkburn, who will move to his own farm on the ,Collingwoad Road. Mr. Ed. Thompsm bna‘s purchaazd a tin? new W;ll;.s Piano. delvemd to him last w» ek. ‘ The Baptist Sunday School here will hold their annual tea and fan- t~srrminment on Msndny nexrt. The W.M.S. of the Methflist church held their monthly meet'ng alt the home of Mus. W. Moore on Thursdly afternoon of Last week, when, at the conclusion of bus'wess, a ten cent tea. was served and an enjoyable sociable hour was spent. There was a good attendance of members per'esent. Th'i‘l'e was a Large congrtgation wt; thr? “communion serv'oe in the Presby- tnian church on Sunday. and MM? .s:rV-ice Conducted by the pastor «was imprf'vs've. E'ght new msmbera wrr3i add 'd to 'the church. After the .sc-r-, vioe the-m'n'ster and eldz'rs Vinita]? the home of Mr. J. Brown. to whom the snar'nnent was adminfsicrfd. Mr. Brown has been for warm? 'time undn-r affl'ction which deprives him of the church .s’-rvice. but wh'ch is borne w th chr 9', ian ri-sjgrnm ion. _..._.~.â€" .-â€".__‘ 'I 11‘, League mvact mg on Monday ev- en'ng was in the hands of (the Lit- erlrg Comm t‘tee who providsd an w ' . Longfellow, and the study u! the past W'N 'néfer'estfng. Mrs. T. M. Bannon, Toronto lfne, 29 WT); 51]. Mr. \V. Moare. ,sr.. of _th‘s village is. .119.) vsry ill. - Mr. Cecil Legatve of H19 St'mdru‘d Bank. 3 ngw'n Iajd off work having 311“!“ r-r-d .1 not her h'EmIL-rlwg‘e. M 1‘s. A. Pa rtr dgc of Rock 'M'lls, who has bfocn very .11 for SGVCPIII mmnt hs Ts rr-ga 'njng her h-erlzli h. Riv. ('1. C. L tlle will exchange pul- p [:9 ““211 Rev. G. Ballnntyne and con- du t mn‘vr'rsury ssrvloes wt Maxwell nixt Sunday. Mr. Ballan’tyne will preach the nnn'Vuercm-y sermon to {he l’r"'sbyt9r'an Sund-Iy School lure. [’ndf'r the ausp'oes of Mzmvt Z'cm Miithod st church '2 80cm] was held at the home 01 Mr \V. J. Hender- s'm. whch was well attendul and pI‘OVT'd verv enjoyable. Rw. Dr. Cmdw.ell of th .9 plloe, and R 'v. 'l‘hz:.s. La (11am, 0f Eugenia, ex- chmga-d pulp ts on ‘Sundz'ay evening. Mrs. J. Runstudl-r'r was ‘11 Guelph last. week 11 (Lelogwte to the Womm’s [mt int .9 Convenj‘g'ion. Mr. '1‘. Fsh-iar of the ~41 h 1119 re- turnfd a few gl'ws ago ‘from M'les- stone. S.lsk., where he spent 'thG p.23“ f6 w months. ' Mrs. E. Paul of Eugen H. ’s Vjsiting her drughur. Mrs. R'Ch’d. BmHnm. Mr. \\'. Louqu 0: M Mord. shame for 1 v ‘9 t 0v.:r the Xmas holidays. Mrs. T. K-.‘~rr. of Alton. V's'ted over Sutlll‘dly and Sunday with her mo- ther. Mns. Haste. Mr. and Mrs \V. \V'ICock' and fiam 1y Spent cm enjoyable evening last week nit. n famly gathering at thos home of thfie'r sm-‘n-lnv, M. J. Parslow. Durlr‘lm Road. Mr. Pars- low‘s cuus'n. Mr. James Parslow, of B. C.. was also pr..:sent' M:,ssrs. F. Chard “1151 A. Glc1;r'st r‘EpI‘CSTHt'Sd Chalmers church M the Laymsn’s M‘ssfonmry Conventjon in Omngwelee on Tmeadny. \lrs. \V111.Alvxnnde1°and two g1 and ohildrcn were the guests at the fc1111w1sd.111ghte1°. 311.3 Ruht Lawson [)111°.°l1u11. ‘ \Ve desire tn extend our Christ/"ms wishes and‘happy New \ ear greuLings to the Editm'HI r. Irwinnund company. Sunday, 6th inst.., Miss V. Keeler, Miss E. Hutton. student, Mr. and Mrs, C. P. Kinnee, Durham, were the guests of Miss (,7. H. Hutton. C. H. s ent 13th with Mr. and Mrs. Buckler, upham, NEVER TOUCH OR TA STE LIQUORS. Habakkuk u chap. 15 verse :â€""\Voe unto him that giveth his neighbor drink, that puttest thy bottle to him, and makest him drunk.” \Voe is an awful curse that God pronounces to befall any one who persists in doing what He commands to be left undone. Sometimes church members seem to forget that what God sa 8 He will carry out, shall be done; a. 0 that He rules the universe. Although we have good laws, still there is room for im- provement, and if all our honorable men, who are at the head of our won- derful Dominion, and men who have a less honored position, would consult the book of books, the Bible, whata grand counti-{Ithis fair land of ours would be. nto him that 'veth his neighbor. Who is my neigh r? We learn from the Bible that they are Master Fwd (luff. Abumleen. callvd the other day on his sdwnl chum Master “'11). \ ollett. Miss Bessie ‘Vehber was the guest recently of hex-Sister, M rs. Sirrs, town. Mr. Henry McCaslin spent a day lately with his brother-in-law, Mp. Bell, Glenelg. Mrs. “"111. Cuff gave a quilting hee not lung ago. This is where the ladies love tn meet their tl'iends, and espeo- ially at Mrs. Cliff’s. as she always prepares a sumptuous dinner. Mrs. J. llmrd "s visitning friends 11 Toronto this week. (Continued frmn PM!M FLESH E R 1‘0 X. Hutton Hi!l. of Rock M'lls, .1] for several her new“ I). '9" nlmse who in nnv wav we can assist. 'rieud m- ~trnmgvr. that may came into an sphere of life. Drinkâ€"this is understand m be. any kind nf intoxi- cants. made from gram or fruit that, have hevn fernwntrdfi- Proverbs xx chap. lst verse. “St.an drink is rag. ing. and whvmwvvris deceived thereby is nut wisv." Proverbs XXIII chap. . r . ~_L fiL--.. I‘ll, "lax;- - ---- I“ I " ' â€" v - 31st, and 32nd verses. “Look not than ““0“ 0‘1 3394 upon the wine when it is red. when {t 0'- $203A3~ ltd givethits color in the cup. when 3‘ 36. The (mat moveth itself arigbt." "A“. the 138? 't read and 'ip' hiteth like aserpent and stingeth like to ,chargg a an adder.” That. puttesc the bottlei o. 20. (r q to him,â€"this signifies one glass or one! t ‘ p “ "i m treat. It, does not; say bottles or! “r“ 0f ”“3 Y drinks. So, with these warnings and g 0‘ 1909- M‘s predictions. is the giving away or sell- ; elected .1 ud‘ 1. ing of liquor right? And makest hnn . pay each d‘r drunk,-â€"-as many people advocate ' d’rcctors‘ n” moderate drinking, just one glass. lfl g‘neril 9t m it takes five glasses to make one lose; v i ' ‘_ their senses entirely. then with one! \ as l'rf:("‘t‘ glass he or she. would he, one-tiftlum‘lkf "_ if” drunk. The Bible says. “that not all." I “'08- 10""3" I drunkard shall enter the kingdom of: for S2-;5‘>‘0.01 heaven.” Is it right to see. llUWzCE'nts p”. I”, much liquor one can take without he- : factun M St. ing altogether stupid? if there was a , nnount ”1 ’- poisonous reptile. on the corner of the l a; ,3 U . street or some plaee Hear. would men ‘ "1' 8-"" “ 1“ and women tamper with it to see if it t “IE JV‘ " 1.9 would hurt or k]! them? \Ve all ‘ Q..lfs w s s_ shout no! But, every person wouldithxm for n y make a supreme. effort and hanish it,‘ hqur (1 _ H, from the eountrv f n'ever. Then why , ll; {11* 1‘ 1'4- not treat the demon drink in the same i ' ' manner? as it is far more. vicious and dangerous than any reptile. It is! thousands of times worse. as it not I amount I" ll. only ruins the happiness here in thisl was d St r lm? life but destroys hotl) body and soul. 1 patf()ng. A! If people only thoioughly compre- th‘ d “WWWQ bended that these words which are ti; spoken by God are true. Matthew 1 \‘ehap.18thverse. “For verily I say “1 ”Fwd m. unto you, till heaven and earth pass, TFWS- Th? 1 one jot. or one tittle shall in no wise m’f't it; in 0 pass from the law till all he fulfilled." tranmct/on 0 Still we are astounded when people turtlmr same who name. Christs name msnst on ‘0" vi t , having the law made so as to he ahle ‘ l ‘ 1a m“ to secure liquor some. plaee if not over to h" m ”1'7 the bar. lineal Option isasteptoward d V d “d i’“ I the right way. but total plohihition would he the surest way of saving men and women from heingdrnnkards. (D manu’ Ictnt‘ d was r? al zed year. Mr H ’mws thew are uf want and sm-ruw. \Vherv thv sunlight. ne'e ° appears: ()nly g'19f. and wow, and pallur. ‘Mid tlw fluw nf burning tears. There no kindly wm'd is spoken. Nune In tell nf qus’ love. Nnne to bind the heart, that?» hmkvn, None to point to realms above. 'l‘lwre are hearts so sad and Weary. \ank and faint, and saw npprmt, Hung'ring fur tho wm-ds nf (-mnfm-t. nging fur Ihe hunlll uf rvst. Th“!!! are (-hildren lulu-1y, (frying Fur :l; parent’s watt‘nful mun: Fur the want fund Ihey're «lying. Sinking low in (199}! (impair. _ Thor? :n'e fathers. mmlwrs. "ruthprs Bnuml in chains uf sin and Ammo. Nullling but the poxun' hf Jesus Can the guil'y how-ts rewlaim. Liquur hath wrmlght this mm and ruin Hullh’cl those hnuws of daily fmul, I’Mt’rml evvry Inuhlv impulse. I“£\'\I.V ll‘ "'1‘ I'll}, Illr‘l. 1‘ way true desiw fm gund. Chums :-- Cu) in Jesus’ name and help them 7‘ (in with Lender Imp and care, ° (in reclaim the lust. and fallen. Go with eminent. pieading p1 4y 9:. When the Stomach Rebels. Headache Indigestion and Nerve Pain Fol lowsâ€"Mi o-na Brings Belief Just as soon as you are done eatâ€" ing the healthy stomach commences to tchurn the food around and mixes it thoroughly with the juices of the stomach. It the food in not churned it lays heavnly on the stomach. turns sour and causfs all kinds of d'stress'ng symptoms. such as headache. ind ges- tdon, stomach pain, and dyspepsia. Mi-oâ€"nu helps the stomach to prOper- ly mix the food. John S. May, of Isabella Street. Bellwille, 0nt., says.â€"“For over seven months I was in constant agony with a muss of nervous dyspepsia and in- digestion that medical skjll could not relieve. l was weak and had lost much weight through loss of appetite and muttering. My win would 1111 ms with gas «and. I flaelfing om Oppres- sion across the 10mm!) wt! 0.1! up L1. .- and the depressive teellng lett me. I can enjoy my meals without the least of worry of atter. suffering. I have gained in Weight and can sleep HOMES THERE ARE 0!“ \VAXT AND SURFHHV. STOMACH LOMFORT. 000511. MTSS Ella Cram- ,.t°‘ on 1' Sunday. The hotel prC-{rsrf ”Id to Mr. Frank J possess‘on abmt the possess an about ‘the first '11:: annual meet'ng of moot Creamery Co. was hall here on the 8th in! tendanoe was {not large, mprmmtative. Mr. D. A] coupled the c}...'r. f rout'ne of bus'ness “'18 1‘» t'nancilasl stancmem show. oefpts of $294.79 3nd 1 0'. $203.43. ltav'ng : Mia read and approved. It ‘ to charge nonâ€"ex“- Iro'hqki of 20:: per 'hundr d f r t‘ ture of ther hu‘k’l‘ for of 1909. M'QSTF. Sc m and elector! .dud‘torfi. I' “'15 pay «such d‘rer‘tor $1.00. d'rectors' mom'n: .W-H gtneral stIHm'h' n' ‘91 was prfsentfd :\ .0119“! makf 0‘ hntzr-r‘ ' v‘ ‘t Rev. J. L‘t‘tle went week to address H ‘mm: {gun‘s of local opt 'on u at the mm 0‘” $4.27» ;.2. manufmtuwd. 'md :};~ was r'mlzed thu‘flcr amount rml‘zod :‘rr ; was <1 str butad mun?!) patrons. At 1h.“ r-lrw (:1va d rectors 111?: zlld the year. Mrjl). Alla ed presdirnt. and W. Trans. The erd of m-fet aga'n on the 11": trmactfon of Lustr- further ante tint on somwhat (xtens've I" to b“: made ft wrsd d V (1 -nd he Dd ‘d 201‘ A numbir from entern'nmnet' h?! the 10th 'ns .. .m ly of th' prr-grur 1908, 105728 pom for $24580.01 or . c-fnts per pound feature at $2.77» vamountrd t3 8:: Mrs. R. Pett grrw vvsnt'on held ?n 31., Dt-oemher 9th .md gate for the Dur_h Ladm’ Inst'tme. “"9. are very czrr‘y t H. \V'lk'nson lit-mgr .s: glad to repcrt H12" 3‘» HtSH't trouble. we hi‘ can“ of her 'Hrmss. \V'“ dd not all on Fr'day n'cht Ivsly ours attm “'h ttlaufzt-r's. 'n th'nk 'thgv had A Law from Eb‘nmcr box 11".? 11th. TJWy 'nsL I‘ 's 13 pounda Mr. and MN. .\. farewell d'nner M friends on Sm-d‘ \- {ng up hone? 1" 2 them prca’n: (*u's. ate ne'p'hhorho'd v H. “'. L-‘eqon. 0' \ and moth/fir of Mr and Mrs. Jag. Burt. C. Ramfige of Unr MTS. (I. Bfllrd. if Mr fr'cnd. Mrs t‘fnd'd church hfr plans on lllcndny after” ‘ wood outcry. We “"1““ to tho banned friends. 3.1:. Arthru Sewello 05 drying a team {or Mr. he mud M up early as Mwalk! \Vlh-l't and l- plaon. v .s tfd the on Sunday nf‘tix Rxev. Jam'eqon I" mm on Sunday 'I on time text, Luka out into the (109p MN! 1-? nets for a drnup'm. H. M1 along the l'ne Of I mt" a deeper study of (L-dk ! Rev. Kendsell w H M‘ ary sermon on Suvvl 30 3.11).. 'n the V'U‘H‘") pleat!!!“ v'ait from Mr Wllton and family 011 v Mr. J, \V. le-th trip to Holstein .. Don‘t tcrg~et to H“ n'ght or you will 1 Why! The Xmas meat '3 go‘ng to 1)? A large number 1‘ Mr. and qul Mm. Blyth 1mm arnex orchdrd iend, M. rn Mrs fl 0] Iowa... NOT \1 rdon ram ndfd th(A M- ”I”. Guelnt. ranch of the Q1 vut fat milk monglt th. he mean rmized to: .. wagelect. on er \\'. .[r. at ary W3! UH W '1! 01' ltd ? hrflk' Some 0- 3’ are bat I0 ver. 11;. 9 the M “I OU tom s. but Mt: the Tat h“ ; MI. 131“. mu The! 0W! Mc- LU" N .h”l« for ”10 “p.” . ”9" to J' N- M63719 . Smith The Very loin-M Christmas tradv u \'00 can 63 "‘ photos from IN “'. Kelm‘Y-“H Wantcdâ€"Ti‘“ 3 Cedar. elm. 0i" 9" to J. N. 800'” Pluk. ‘rad? Chl'ltlna$ I (2 the mare 91? marked d'JWD 3"" Thursday the 23" Quality. H. H. M The 24th Amm W tertafinmen't w .11 ‘n grey Methodist ‘7' night. rum. D ' a gplend'd prozr‘ m mfgt'ng o! (131 (3 «gotta. .0108. etc. To Employer” to ”rare the ’11 unemployed 0f m w gather n during the early has been decdid Chart)“ to OPP" MW“ fn Toront be‘nc amt broul Prov'noe to the 5 (man! all new“ to (ac-upstate '11 3| {arne‘ly b0?“ lug help of any 1 sk'lkd w’il am“: “Tomato Fr-re Ii: 71 V‘ctor'a s‘r"? [(ady has hundr wflling to und r k'nd that may bi prefer work rattu ‘Klp of the N”: v.11 oons'duerably it; of appeals h“ sums of money t4 xcth as w [101' Sale We had the I from Mr. J. am {an “and I! Btn‘nsula. “I Mrs. 3:: 11m “Ct.“ whmov that “3'! 1““ Umbra! t0 Yt Ed tor «:V 'n than 1' . 'in and (IN: to h’fl!‘ [‘1 Q D oont'nu“. 3 . u'fll and d miryo U “’11 ..‘p It 'I uh h~Grlfl. \vh WViCt’ 0f sum: \\ It clam-ch «m December 27! h. NEWS A‘ “p Wanted â€"â€" ‘. . Qrum and ‘ I'l'IA‘ App 42â€"N0. 2180: ht his 0VOY ||U\\ ll (I 'm

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