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Durham Chronicle (1867), 17 Dec 1908, p. 1

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In my life to pay testimony meal!“ 3!: Mn. Wm. M n L August 21, 1903, "'1 Valli“.-- “ever. A {ti ‘ rout medicine, “:1!” ‘ two months km “a“ ’3? I. 9““ 30 Pounds. m ' 2""! “rs" bets" ml in . .2 ’9‘! 3207 WP gave o ‘_ â€" “'l""" (,‘ouncu. In one man :hat Mr. Grierson was rtting and inspecting rsnn called the attention niche to the item and m Inuld have Men .11]! i “'9. Intruded to make 1591‘ In last, issue. but in looki . Pop" of the minutes we {003 mu "mowed copy count”. w tn tell Mr. Grin-sou that was not ours but. form! to htt‘. in thv Chronicle about II. n we- receivvd notice from the rim-k. and in Junk-a to Mt. ‘ we c-hm-rfnlly unify the tic-h, if left. might militat- him. It, was vvidrntly an inn tho part 0! the one who i- Illilllltt's sent, tn us. RE Y RIFLE ASSOCIATION s‘TENOGRAPflY LCOMMERCIAL ELEGRAPHY Lore Yuung People w to Get Positlon have. over L511) call! 8 1' fur stenugl'aphcflu .-keepem. and OM :ers. “'9 can fill only min!) of that number- Kennedy School M is absolutely sure of! . position. mm" scum -_ _- ,h I. I to "Oth Monk] m 27. 1904, um ' ’50 hid. “ Go. a then ill with ADELAIDE 87., I. A CORRECTION . élz'ARY 4th SP! 71"“ m. PRINCIPAL. 'ilw HS‘OHHK LKERTON less College TER TERM THE .RUHAM CHRONICL [Nil "ifs "if Life In "'«I Basil July 3'11]. for motiflm A ;t anon 3 OPENS T1 ) RUN TU n». as 003 call M moi the 100' m‘r. “no? in only 1). fl. am 1 t '10 um flows is caused a, a 1"... tons lining of the Ind-abh- tube is inflamd you have I mpt-rh-rt Mating. and when [Nahum-:9 is the team“. and ltinll can be taken out and . n « nurmalconditiou. booting “wow; lulu~ wit-om 1H“ 0‘ “I vh. ‘- lm-h is nothing but u pf the mu- nus outboa- H mum-d "on." for anv can Iny catarrh) that cannot ho m-h Cure. Sand for eiuculau. ‘annot. be Cured H l-TNEY . (30., 7M1). mt Juu'plriJn.’ Thu. ml by 03190. b- :oment than any t demand h! on! Core,” frank-I). in, Aézista-u. etc. thfi moot O: "o 0th I 3.“ a ”pond “'9' lir .\| .\l l: ' l"mnul.â€"â€"Between Hutton Hill ma- \h-ulm-n. Owner may have 8mm? by m ying expenses, proving property an I 'w'aling on What night lost. Apply t. W, .l. b‘nlkidgbam. Vickers. \ ('hristmas Tree wm w m:- 5. ‘ .\'n. l. Normanby, on Dem? m “(:11mn's school house. A ; ' ‘THWH Council met on Tuesday up the business of l “1- ' .UHi wound liv- \ .- up. At the close, Mayor Calder? Mi 1 the Council and thanked} ”h" 3' w the. very curdial support 8W9" ; 1m. wan-inn 1mg, He referred also to ”v "H‘ge :uumint of expenditure in- "Hr-ml during the year just closing. 4“ 7?!" «'1099 of his remarks he “1"in th“ members of the Council and the t‘m'h nfiivials to spend the remainder ”f H.“ vvvning at. his home. where a “'U' sumptuous dinner was served. and where all enjuyed themselves. un’ til ~imrtly after midnight. AE 3110 m-“Zun in the hall. a proposition "1:" a mumt'acturing concern was r93; ty the- Mayor. The concern refer? 0 “Muir. what apponred to be a verygf'o: 1” 'P'Nitinn to locate here and estah 18 - . 7-..“-.. :\«'..Eiliulml local matter on page 4. \\ \\ VOL. 42â€"700. 2179. thv-ir' industry, which would 801W”! "“hnmtly frum 2!) to 40 hands. They phPHWd to buy out the old Cream ”Imam:- building at a nominal price “'1'! inwst about m1“) in the indus- t“." "'1 vermin conditions that Will be “"T'Pl'u-d to later on. The Council lnnkwl favorably on the ofler and ap- Pm "Mi a depumtion to sound investi- Rate their present budne’s with «view t“ bringing in a region uid placing ”19 matter before the town if its ‘Dparent advantage. would W them in 00‘” .0. J7. ... z' y i, \ . .4 ._. . 1. stt'l’ 'I. Hats off to Joe Brown! For a decade past, Durhamites, old and young. a move was made to have a modern skating edifice erected. the “move” fl Not only has he erected a rink, in the ordinary meaning of the er two hundred feet in length, and seventy-five in Widt length on buth sides, and seven rows :1 club rooms, etc.. make it on .u-rnsions t l M' n’s benefm‘tm'. might well be pruud of. 0v loam-03H. and has two rows of seats the entire 1 ‘. wily titted up ladies and gentlemen’s dressing moms, tn-dute jewelery of all kinds n shuwing of handkerchiefs Blur-Inck's. w Indies” long cuats cheap. .it Grant’s. mlv 34) Bronze Turkeys, bred l’rizu Stock. prize takers at h. Apply to (3. M. Blyth. Orch- m- vlmu'ing all our Winter mil- :LI sweeping redufiiuns.â€"S. F. N EWS AROUND TOWN llll IS ll't' giving :‘i for X '5. school house. being prepared. Admission 1t) cts. A good Lunch g spa-in] bargains in Xmas huyers.-â€"S. F. Wm be held in BfifiHAM’S NEW RINK at at to l Xmas gifts at VVebster’s. Every- ; thing np-tn-date. = Winter in here and I am prepare: for it, with a full stock of stoves and rangzmâ€"Kate Corhrane. 12-373 Sc buys a $1 worth of albums, dolls and toys at Macfzu-lane’s. The newest, styles in ladies’ mid Misses’ mantles at S. F. Morlock’s. Dress gnods and waistings in prof“? - inn at rock button: prit es, at. Grant’s ply to J. N. Murdock, nurmaugu chcae Block. 11-5t The baa you buy may be good, but you Inlay be quiet sure “It is 51 it is “Salami." It In infinite-1v more de- licious and decldely more economical nun other teas because it goes farther. The regular meeting of Court Dur- ham, No. 446, C.O.F., will be held in (‘alder’s Hall on Friday evening, Dec. 18th, at 7 p.111., for the election of officers for the ensuing year. A full attendance is requested. Jas. Lloyd, Chief Ranger. The Morley Twine 00., of Sioux City, in which Messrs. James and Alex. Allan, \V. G. Pettigrew and Archie Baird have been engaged for some time, has enlarged the capitaliza- tion from $200,000 to when). These gentlemen intend to return again shortly and continue their work. \Ve reterred briefly last week to the l illness of Mr. Edward Lynn, of Allan Park, but a resident of Oliver township, about eight or nine’miles from Murillo, during'a portion of eac . - past three or four years. He was down here in the fall, and live or six weeks ago left for the Winter, intending then that it should be his last season there. A telegram to his wife at Allan Park a week ago Thursday announced his serious and sudden illness, and she : immediately set out to see him. reach- 1 ' there on Sunday night. The fol- lowing Thursday morning he died. ldaughters. We have been expecting an obituary notice from his brother, Mr. Geo. Lynn, of Winston, Which will likely Wsnext week. and for Wantedâ€"Ties ani telegraph poles. edar, elm, cherry or hemlock. Ap- o J. N. Murdock. Middaugh Anna plll‘k- 11-5t it? ave been clamoring for a new rink, and although on several past, Durhamites, old and young, h d it remained for Mr. Brown to become the ating edifice erected. the “move” fell through, an 1k. in the ordinary meaning of the term, but a building, that, inside and out, is one any town in length, and seventy-live in width, the building contains a skating surface of regulation size, th on both sides, and seven rows across the farther end. The seating capacity is over 600. ooms, club rooms, etc., make it one of the best skating rinks in the province. - #- ....._________. Mbinet photos un til Christmas $2.50 per dunâ€"Fred Kelsey.-â€"tf. The V'ely latest in photos fat the (.‘hristums trade at, erd W. Kelsey s. You can save a dollar on any dozen photos from now until Christums.â€"F. \V. Kelseyrâ€"tf, Notice. -â€"â€"All accounts owing to me must he settled not 1: War than Thms- (lay, Decemher 21th.â€"Miss Dick. Be sum to wmcmher the Methodist Sunday Schnnl entertainment in the town hall on Tm sday Pvening, Dev. 22. The pOpul-al‘ store for Christmas .Shoppfrs, where all the new and up- toâ€"das‘oe novelties are on display 'and selling at greatly reduced prices. is the Housg of Quality. See ad.- for The choicest in Christmas groc- erhes, layer and valencia currants, peels, nuts, layer rigs, etc. Choice new ra'.sfns, 4 lbs. tor '250. A barrel] of candy given on Christmas ‘week. The House or Qually. H. H. Mb-ckler. Mr. J. C. Nichol had quite an excito ing experience on Tuesday morning, when his handsome sorrel driver, in crossing the sidewaik west of the Middnugh House stables, gave a sudden lurch, and snapping the whitfletree and freeing himself from the cutter, started on a merry-making trip of his own. As atruzmt. however, the horse was not a success. and, after a short run south on Albert street, he gave himself up to the authorities near the cement works. Happily, not much damage was done, though had the animal not parted with the cutter at the very start of the accident, we might have a different story to tell. Shortly after six o’clock on Monday evening, fire was discovered in the Hahn House furnace room, which, thanks to the prompt action of several of the guests, was soon extinguished before much damage Was done. The origin of the blaze is a mystery to Mr. Hahn, who had been down to the fur- nace a short time previously. when everything appeared safe as usual. The only explanation he can make is, the presence in the room of a box of .lime, which, he thinks, ignited the cedar by having become saturated with condensed steam when the boiler was blown out that afternoon. Mr. Hahn naturally feels grateful to those who helped in quenching the flames, which, with a few minutes more of a DURHAM, 01"., THURSDAY. DECEMBER 17. I908. 15%;“. 'would, in all probability, have laid his hostelry in ashes. for sale â€"-G03d J. N. Murdock. quality. 12-3-t Christmas Only a few sets of Alaska Stble left. You can get a bargain while they lain, at Grant’s. Guaranteed jewellery at half price, all our stock marked in plain figures.â€" M acfarlane’s Drug Store. Bed blankets and sheets, all-wool, beautiful goods. Call and see them whether you want to buy or not. Grey blankets, flannelette blankets. at u‘rremt s. There are people in town “ho are charged with selling cigarettes to the minors, and there are boys under age in town that smoke cigarettes. Both are liable toa fine. and the law has been handed in to us for publication as a warning. It will appear next week . Elsewhere in this issue will be seen a notice of a Dividend of 7 per cent. to be paid to holders of common stock in the Durham Furniture Co. Congratu- lations to the Board of Directors, and also to Mr. Catton. whose efficient management has brought about such good results. The Horse Fair on Tuesday was a great success if we are to judge by the number of people in town. A number of animals were purchased. we under- stand, and other similar fairs are likely to follow. We believe Mr. “’11:. Black was the prime mover, and he deserves credit for taking the initial step in what may grow into greater importance. Some of the farmers, we gu'e told, have expressed a wish to re-establish the old system of holding monthly cattle fairs. Mount Forest Business College has‘ the proud distinction of placing all its graduates in good positions. Consider this when selecting your College. W’e know of several who have passed through this College to good positions and are informed that as Mr. Clancy. the Principal and proprietor, is a teacher of experience and superior education and gives. all his time to teaching his students, the demand for his graduates is much greater than the supply; College opens January 4th. We congratulate Mr. Wm. Ramage, who is the only exhibitor we have heard of from this locality who took prizes at the Winter Fair at Guelph last week. His prizes in this neigh- borhood must have been well deserved as he got first in Guelph for peas and second for hand selected oats. Should the competition from here become more general. Mr. Romano will have the proud distinction of being the pioneer exhibitor. The prizes amount- ed to about 816.0). There will likely be others next year. and although on several Dress Goods Mantles Handkerchiefs Linens Gent’s Furnishings Millinery We are clearing the balance of our stock of trimmed millinery at sweeping reductions. Hat must go regardless of cost. Here is a. for you to buy a swell dress hat, at less than Nothing is more appropriate than furs for Gift. We are showing a very large eel â€"Men’s Fur Coats â€"â€"Ladies’ Electric Seal Ast-rachal â€"Fnr Lined Mantles iâ€"Scarfs â€"Mnffs and Caps that we are clearing at very close prices. Bhristmas Attractiu J.J. ONLY 6 DAYS LEFT Bargains in Millinery Special Reduction Sale in High-Class Furs in Women’s Collars, $2.75 up Muffs Women’s Fur SetS' . F. MORLO Men’s Gauntlets, Fur Caps Fur Coats f Fur Lined Coats Ready-made Suits and Overcoats Newland’s Robes, from $4.50 A Full Line of Handkerchiets Men, Women and Children’s Shoes and Rubbers A Full Range of Undercloth- ing for Men, Women and Children Large Stock of New Groceries Suitable for Christmas Season N uts. Raisins, Icing Sugar Call and See for Yourself Great Flee-Will Offering at J. 6: J. HUNTER’S for THE DUI? CM 00 THE nun-coma. ,a Ties for Xmas Presents CASH AND ONE PRICE Furs $1.00 PER Waistings . Furs Fancy Drapes Clothing Millinery

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