West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 17 Dec 1908, p. 2

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I. BENTINCK. ON DUR- .wcn located. owner givâ€" mtg,” Will be Iold aheup hr use ACRE FARMS, WELL ‘1' Durham, for sale , .190 25 gore on the cut- Durham, suitable for IN BENTINCK, BUILD- Iqi! coodA,__o_v_erything in IN PRO'ION NEAR Pk, hhlr buildings, good drained, well watered, ma, only $8600. ;;‘. F. DUNN SOIicitor, ;. Durham, Ont. IN EGREMONT. NEAR frame buildingS. hard wood bush, good Price $3000. ON THE GARAFRAXA but, 50 acres hard wood I 'watcred. that class -Will be sold cheap to IN EGREMONT GOOD build up. $36“. IN GLENELG, EX- Ies. fair buildings, good ilendid farm with a few Dfi timber, 3.4000. sores about90 acres in 7303 state of culti- I In ck dwellimr. largo Cont barn, well fenced watered. 00d orchard, Dom schoo and 1 mile uh. Easy terms. For ‘ apply to John H. 6251mptf. I CON. 2, E. G. R. EG- “ea north of Holstein. \vlth stone bdsement. dwelling house, only m GLENELG. GOOD n SECOND CONCES- l the Garafraxa Road Ilhlp of Normauby. in .1 Grey. For particu- IJ P. Telford, Barris- . , 1306M. ’3ch TWO STOR- side Presbyterian in Upper town, of Durham and El- . “'01! rooms. pantry, fl‘ floored cellar, etc. W in 330d 10311;. t “1:, hard and so.t gm of land. Snap for . For furthc-r par- to John W. Mc- , Rocky San can - ‘ '1 tr. LRAFRAXA ROAD.â€" Ililes from Durham. picnic!) at once. Goad I AND SHOP ON MILL ’bam, 11. ft. frontqage. “Ham Laidlaw. 829V â€"â€"â€"-'â€"â€"_._ _. .I_. 01' TOWN LOTS ON Snub, linili psyment J. P. Telford, Durham. 222 05tf no. Fulton. One stone one frame dwelling. on, also good frame 0 sold in block or di- th purchaser. Terms on application. Hugh fillstrator, Hamndnn. 113121. Anyoné Wishing to praperty kindly com- 14. CON. 3, N. D. R. m bush. frame barn. must be sold. A. H. an. 227“. Register. SRD DIVISION OF G.R., in the Town- {.100 acres known as Farm, at. thy Rocky ediate passession giV- IIIars apply to J. P. 311 07“. “Hugs; ‘ Strataâ€"good a reasonable. Apply h. or at the Post Of- 520th IN THE 18TH CON- l'ownship of Norman- 25. acres, [hr- estate IMPROVED VALU« New Cntario, npar for saleâ€"large dis- Map of the 10011 t on application to licitorp for vr-.ndor I: 718 06th for Sale. :y fpr Sale. for Sale. up Olic wit in. for Sale. BENTINCK. GOOD building}, 16 acre; DOUBLE FRAME on the “'est side of yet. in Upper town, I stable. first class n, Apply on prem- Incl-cu. 312t1‘. SMALL ABS. rad yaw work and [ED HA: OPEN ED '3: Service PEDIGREED for service. (I Princes and C. G. ll-fl-t! 31, 12-104 DWELLING HOUSE ON COUNTESS Lute Ant-ant Roy. London Ophtlnlm: strut, w’.t‘h a water of an acre of tland. 4 roomqs hand a ball up- "to. bud “Golden Sq. 1‘11th and No: staigazmdnuble payphddninzd m?» sreomusr: kit , , mmer 1: 0 911 an : dmgmtmg, basement, 3130 A1 EYE, EAR, THROAT N stable. 8 lmdd oppn‘tnnoity. Com! 0m“: 13’ Front St" Owen Sound. earl an avoid the rush. Apply‘ to rant Whittaker, Gaunte‘ss 8t. 11 .2641)! DD- RDQ‘NN éoonboUBLE HOUSE ON GARA- traxa street. Durmun. Will tent: 06 reasonable terms. For further par- ticular: apply to Chas . Parrott. For Sale or Exchange A FINE TWO STOREY BRICK dwelling house and larga brick stables, on Main street, Durham. Willd be soldt at a. bargain, and woul accept .; her proverty aspart Ray._ Apply to Arthur H. Jmksan. 4. ‘31! ‘A MY 2 HUNDRED ACRE FARM AT Glmcott. will rent one or more years, taking most of rent in im- provemetns. Buildings. soil, water, orchard and timber 311 good. Ap- ply to J. Ritchie, Port Arhur. WOOD FURNACE FOR SALE -â€" 48 inch fire box, Clare make, four Logist-eys _gnd all- pr_e_s. Apply to APPLICATIONS WILL BE RECEIV- cd by the undersigned up to Dec- emebr 23rd for a teacher holding a first or anacond- clnas professional certificate, for S. B. No. 3, Glenelg. Salary $450. Dutbca to commence after New Years. A ply to Wm. Ritchie, Sec-Tram, gdge Hillzl.10t McKlNNON 100 ACRE FARM AT U a Rocky unmedlate nonunion 81v- cn. For in “her particul are tp IE to J. P. Teltord. Durham. Nov. 1000 TAMARACK POLES. NOT more than five (5) inches at bottom and not less than two (2) LD‘OhBS at top, and rang ng in long th from thirty (30) to forty (40) feet. Any person having any quant ty of les apply at the Chromcle Chloe, ur- ham.12-10-2 LOGS OF ALL $112118. FOtBhOYHICH we are prepar o y w prices. Also the folfiwlng timber, ccmpcaed prmolpallot but spruce,” basswood an butternut. small peroentafiel: of hemlock, tam- rqok or ash Wi hem Sawn ends: all knots trimmed close. 5“ din. anzlto up, for which we will may the following rioes. three feet long, per cord, 3.;2g0 three feet. 6" loop. per cord. $300; four feet long. per cord, $3..50 For further articular: call at the office. To Durham Fnrnltnno Limited. 11-194? Lug. free to every :3 or girl. lady or gentleman, for ing two dozen-pack- of Court Planer at 10 cent: each. 6 trust you. Send no money, only your mac and adduc- to ConaounAm SPECIALTY 00., West Toronto. A graduate in organic chemistry, who has made a study of many of the best-known patent medicines on the market, states that many have virtue, but as a rule people have to pay for a lot of unnecessary expense. The following is the recipe of a well- known secret preparation. and is known by authority to be one of the best stomach and liver tonics. It is prescribed by many of. the best phlsicians. 00D COMFORTABLE HOUSE Lambton attest. l to A. E Durham. ADD 1 11-1! , none: 10 BEN?!‘ 'NEAR FURNI- tme factor . L91 to J. H. Brown. y p 1 11-19%! This mixture cures constipation and biliousness. The rccxpezâ€" Fluid Extract Cascara. . . . . . . )4 01. S\ nip Rhubarb ........... .. 1 oz. Catriona Compound . ...... I 02. Compound Syrup Sarsaparilla 5 oz. r'vsw An eminent authority. who has made a careful and scientific study of the relative values of drugs hav- ing a Specific action on the kidneys, bladder‘ and liver, pronounces this an excellent combination. Durham. Fluid Extract Cascara. . . )4 01. erup Rhubarb ........... .. I 02. Larnana Compound . ...... I oz. Compound Syrup Sarsaparilla 5 01. Take a teaspoonful after each meal and at bedtime. Ynu cm buy the ingredients sepa- tately and mix at home. Cut this fomula out and save it. EJWard Kress. fu'hiiture 'thre- rooms. Durham, 11-12-11 A handsome pair of Hoqkpx Skates This paper is read by intel- ligent business men. and a Want Ad. in our classified. columns wm reach them. You may be alright. but if you are in the wrong position you are like a square peg in a round hole. You want a po- sition where you fit. - A SQUARE PECE in a Round Hole "‘eacher Wanted. For Sale or Rem: :p‘ P""'!fi mi mum Fur Sale. To Rent. \\ anted. «awn-”I'M! HMS [If 11-5 £1 11-26-té FFICE AND RESI DENCEâ€"COR Queen and George Streetsâ€"North oi Methodist Church Office hoursâ€"941 a.m., 2-4 0.11).. 7-9 on. Telephone No. 10. FFICE AND RESIDENCE A short distance out of Kmpp’a Hotel. bomb ton Street, Lower Town. Durban Ofioo hours from 12 to 2 o’clock ONOR GRADUATE, UNIVERSI- ty of Toronto. Graduate Roya College Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Dentistry in all its Branches. Ofliee.â€"Calder Block, over Post Office HYSICIAN AND SURGEON, OF- fico in the New Hunter Block. Oflice hours, 8_to 1.0.3411.“ to 4p. ngngflntgj 3T3? Bi‘éciil’itiéiftida {gi'v'on to diseases of women end children. Residence op ooaite Preehvterian Church. Ono Auiount Roy. London Ophthslmio Hon “3.. and to Golden Sq. Thmt and N030 HOS. SPECIALIST .- EYE, EAR, THROAT . NOSE D Office over Gordon’s new Jewellm‘y Store Lower Town Durham. Any amount 1f monev to loan M. 5 per cent. on farm oropertv. ROBERT BRIGHAM. LICENSED Auctioneer, Allan Park. Sales may be arranged. by telephon ng to the store at Allan Park, or orders Ipft at the Chronicle office. All sales promptly attended to. 10-22-3mp er Conveyancer, c. Insurance Agent. Money to Loan. Issuer of Mar- riage Licenses. A general financial busi- ness transacted. W. F. Dunn, ARRIS’PER. somcmoa, CON. veyancers, Notary Public. Etc. Money to Loan at Lowest Rates. ‘)flice:-â€"Mclxltyre Block, over Standard Bank. Durham. Ontario. grogggggdéé?ntefififén:déetoilgg waabcs. Dr. Ihnm'ilton’s P.lls moye store at Allan Park or orders left the bowcys gentlyfl they tone the “Id“ at the Chronicle office. All ales “.‘53‘3' ”9'“ dg'9'3t--°“’ clear the.§k‘n° promptly attended to. 10.22_3mpebor thus: Slle-eCt p0 cold-s, bnl ous- __ w _ “7...... . 5 119.93, langour there 18 no better med - WM. _JQHN_S_TO_N,.__Sr,, 51100323303 cine. Try a 25 cent box of Dr. Humm- 2]..--..'_ “II" Dr. Sheardâ€"“I can my offin’ally that throughout the Province of On- tarxio tbs general trend. 7:3 tto neglect vacoimnt‘om and comscquenoe there is every yaar a growing finer-came in the number of small pox camel-1'42hrougL - out the province and u [growhg ex dli'turue on the part of munici- pa item to provide for small pox cases and quarantine. "We have witnessed lfdltuely several ssrlous outbreaks at oertah points, as for instance in Hastings County, the recent outbreak in the Cl)! of Kingston, and the present outbreak in London, Chanda Went.” And Dr. Shenrd still thinks Ithmt the cit'zens of Toronto will 'jn time regrei the abolliOtm of compulsory vaccination. “The real effects or the anti-vacci- nation movement w;ll not be seen for twelve or roux-teen yeam. "the school children .vacc'muted are I be- tween the ages of six and twelve and children not that age are 'naldom at- tacked by small pox: M: is an adult (“amass and me lel we tune results when the unvacoimabed ch.ldren grow “p.99 FOR ALL OXFORD CREAM SEPAR- ator re.- in. users are requested to write . D. Vickers. 605 Parlhm-ent street, Toronto. 10-29-3mp A. H. Jackson. . OTAR-Y PUBLIC, COMMISSION. L or. Qonveyanupr, c_. Insurance In January of the present '- em- 12 or 14 cause develomd in diam sdowne school, but was tmped no direct .n- tection tram an adult. Vnmimtm in Toronto public animals ceased to be compulsory on March lat, 1909. (Dr. Shani states that thin-'3 ‘is no profilm In the act makng the vacci- nation of. 1-3110!!! 9W camppl-ary: ** ‘ in real; au‘°'m‘1'y";v;a. in? was and In. Drs. lamieson laclaurin. 01mm“, “fitment in one “:01. um manna 01 ‘UJ the and remarkable preparstflsnp yeafim’! 39 W 0.835 pounced m- the mnetot «rheumatic; cram and lodged 1 rummrlnmahgek, nai'nsand At Murmueutha‘ rams. The quick relief {Mobi- it lattordn in can attachenmt; , Ha ' a an e a one worth nu ma. alum thu- ood.Pree,flcm leigeiu.flbonebeau 1' tn: out». In: lib by. All mitt. Ingaâ€"Intuit rm I. G. Hutton. 10' the County of Grey. Sol“ pranptly attended to, natal ush- ed without endorsement by seller. Orders may be left at my resu- enoe. No. 3 Albert street, or at the Chronicle office. Agent for sale of town and farm property. 7M. JOHNSTON 8r., BUCCEBSOR 01113- Fry 3 to Jchn Clark, liopnned nnotlogeer iltons I’ymlls CREAM SEPAR ATOR REPAIRS J. F. GRANT, D. D. S..L. D. 8 L. R. C. P.. LONDON. EEG. RADULA'I'E of London, New l. P Telford. ARRISTEE, SOLICITOR ETC. BUSINESS CARDS DURHAM. ONT. (Lower Town.) Medical Directorv Arthur Gun, II. D. Smallpox an Increase. DR. BRO"‘.“<;’N Legal rDirectory. Mzscellaneous. It in I Wonder DR. BURT. THE DURHAM CHRONICLE auxin; wand in 2:“. Chicago, Doc. 11.â€"Z’on (my; Ill., , long tamoms tor the rolibfthon wt!)- in .f.s precincts at to cor amokjmr. moons-on no an ‘\‘ . u â€" ‘ flâ€"ww 1‘" ""- no lcnger claims thnt distinction. 5 MUNICIPAL (‘uy- In .1 .renomd 01 tram” of Operty 4 ' c flON. OF THE T()\\'_\ m filed in 00‘111 day. usual clans: against amok-113 J's Oinitted ‘01.: of anada DUB“ AM _ tho" flimt time. Under the \rules 01 filed (:1 count Why, the am] clans) against amok'ng is omitted for the" that time. Under the wales o: the Late John Alemndaex Bowie. who boundml the town, absolute 't'it' 1e to fly rrta'ning the night mo 'rxaclujm 1! ,any 01 the various provia. a or! a "moral cede” were vuolmt B F‘s formerly were posted about the p am bearing the words “amok ng, swear- ing and l'quor not qllowul in “us reason procured the speciuu traJt. 'I‘hesv .Spe-oisal mnde '58 to 60 m'les an hour for the entire d'.st.mce, with ij stops to dhtange locomotives between Chicago and th's city. Steps in 'the State were made at Buffalo. '3 1‘1- cuse and Album . It: is est’mwtted hat the traitp cost "t 1e Inlancwer vonue hun- drrd dollars an (hour. There 'was only cnoe other passenger on' the tram. W. C. Brown, ,v;qe-Qrags_'dnent 0t Mr. Morgan was in a hurry to n:- turn to New York, it '5 said, becauae of a business pen agement and for that reason pDClClll‘o the fip'GICian tram. l satisfactory. both Ncrv -1:.ne .lvazStEI'S and Polaon’s Nervilfne can 3 gbtafined from any dealer, 25 cents sac . N-'~w York, Dec. llâ€"AIter having prrsdpirtoed 'n Chicago than: “any man who 5a a. bit-tam on vbhe future! 0! "211’s country will go bmlne,” J. P. Morgm returned to New York last «evenin after a remarkable trip on «a .Spec‘u train over the .N. Y. C. The journey was «was in seventeen ‘hours and one minute. Wht'ch is one hour {usher thm the Twient'et‘h Centur Limited. the crack train of the Gen ral. the New .York Cemitml Rtldlway. Berlin, Dec. 11. â€" Bernard Darn- burg, the director or the 1001011231 01-- rioe, announced in (the Reiqhatug to- day that a recent report received by the Government states that the dia- mond mines near Ludceritz Bllcy, German Soutlh Airrioa, have proven to be of great value. Herr Darnbufg ,said that he anticipated that 'he output 0: th'frse mines undnr the Gov- ernm‘ent’s (tract on would ultimate- ly ranch $37,500 mldly. Cit} . Hoerr Barnburg declzzmevd that the coat of working the Leld rwould be one-sixth the cost of Operat‘ng 'the Pretoria 'm has, because in the 'latter the diamonds were Embedded .11 'rock, while the Luderitz mines were in ODEII sand and the stones only 1169de to be picked up. - He 911.111.9311‘ had picked. up .some. Ilnerr Snger «ex- r£.ssead the hone that the Htcnos 1~€rr Darnhurg picked up had. not btfél placed purposely for, him"; to (in . Chicago to New York in I7 Hour: Strong purgatives have killed gfiny .1 good mvm. Costriveness is badâ€"â€" violent cathnxtlcs are worse. If both- ered with stomach trouble or bil- iousness try Dr. Hamilton‘s Pills. Tlrsy are .30 mild you mu scarcely feel their act on, yet ,5) ezrectfve that théfienitaige .3th is cleared of IL-..‘_._ “‘1... uAâ€"A London. 001: , banku In" 9 for the last two weeks new," 'er‘viving largo numhvra of counterf-H Canadian five cent pieces. The» number of counter feir coins of this don unénn'inn in circulation haa hecrmn so numerous as '0 unmet. tho at'vn'iou of bank tellers and (Muse [1.18“] to look closed.»~ at. the siIVo-r thev row-Na The counterfeit five (:rnt weces are splat: dimly «xeecueed, and are da-ed1907. and are new and shiny To «1’ appearanees they urn anuiOB. but as soon ae they are let {all on 5- counter instead of giving forth the ring ol the true coin a dull sound results. A succession tct colds or a protract- ed cold is almost certain to and in chronic catarrh. From which few persons ever whnlly recover. Give every cold the attenttfl‘rgn it deserves and you may, avoid thll disagreeable apnoea. How can you cure a. cold! Remied 3 It is highly reoommveuied. Mr; . White, of Butler, Tenn., says. “Several years ago I was bothered w.th my throat‘ and lungs. Sameone told me of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. I began uning it and it re- lieved me at once. Now my throat and lungs are sound and well.” For sale by all drugglsta. The W'innipeg Free of a recent tune contains a. portrait of Charles A. Hamilton, tormerly or Holstein, who has got into trouble there, \hnv’ng marnied two wim 0m 0. ymr ago has: married Wry Cora Taylor . in without its thorns and he made a cflangn on July 23rd laht, when he marl-ind Mhr‘y mum a. Buchanan. The first wile grit on his trail. Ho was ”rated at Brandon, but but: 1139 and nnmper two dipped enn'ly out g humus tor the mm): m precincts at to ca' lcnger claims that (list! 1 .1 .116qu or transfpr of .satsizsfmctor 1 Beware of Frequent Colds. 39 hand): at the police and got '. He was again caught at ‘Em- It has Killed Hundreds Mines of Great Value. Conntex feit Nickels. Married two Wives. ' of aperty y, (g usual 3 omitted for the \rules 02 Ncerine ! Gar-,t from any goad pharmacy one- h‘alf ounce Fluid Extnmct Dandelon. fonts ounce Compound Kargon. three :ounoes of Compound Syrup Sarslpn- 38311.1. Shake these well in a bottle .and bake in teaspoonful «1332:: after leach men] and at bedtime; alsodr'nk nplenty of good water. ,i It is cla’m‘sd that there are few :v‘ict'mxs of t'b".s dread and tortureus Idiamse who will fad] to find ready relief ’11 this simply home-made mix- ture. and in most cases a german- €nt cure ‘ia the result. Disorderly Conduct. Five Wannerrton youths, to wit,â€" fitewar't Weldh', Eddie Erdm'an, Guy 5 Henderson, and Bert [Ind Louis 'Ruu- 'etadler, appeared before ‘Magistrate ' Robb on Saturday charged with dis- ,orderly conduct all: the Farmer’s In- istirtute Meeting in the Town' Hall there on [the previous Wednesday night. The defiendambs Guam that they were merely Laughing mt the jokes, etc., that were being handed over the foot lights by «the Speakers on the phl’t'torm. At flhe trioal it was ahown that considerable laughter and nonim was prevailing various parts of the hall about thiias fitime, but Con-4 stable Russell who prosecute-d the 0133 claimed thwt an~ unduly? amount of talk and noise 'was oom- ing from the viclnj'ty tn which the defendants were sitting. Messrs. Jamil! A. Lamb and W. A. Rowand‘ also tesbitled in the matter. Amerj hearing the evidence (the meg'strwte‘ assessed the boys $1.00 and ' costs, amounting in all to $4.77 each. 'Ilbe dtfendanta however have given notes of appeal as they claim to ba inn”- oent of any such: misconductâ€"Walk- erton Times. ’l'hls s'mplc recipe is said to strengthen and cleanse the elimina- tivc thssues of the K’dneys ‘so that they can filter and stra'n from the blocd and system the poisons. adds and waste matter which cause not only Rheumatism. but numerous oth- er diseases. Every mm or woman here who feels that their k'dn-r~ys are not healthy and active, or who suffers from any urfinary trouble whatever. should not hes?t'nte to make up this m'xture, as -it hi4 cer- tajn to do much! gord. rmd may save you from much m’S‘ry ,md suffer- ing after awh’le. There is so much Rheumat’sm here in our neighborhood now th.xt the following advice will be highly ap- prxctciated by those who suffer,â€" Our home drug'ghsts may they wll Gather supply the n‘grnsd cuts or mix the pre‘s. ripton ready to take if our readers ask them. Councillor Lobb of Godnr'ch town- nhip. was down ’11 M'ddlesex county last monk and on hkia'return brought 2? mfilch Cows. 19 for h’mself and 8 for M. D. J. Burns. Th“s makes 40 m’lkers the worthy counlc'llor has in his stables and of them he' ’ntends to k‘f‘p 25 or more whinjl is graater than his average for this past year. The cows are Holsteina and grade Durhamis. Councillor Lohb INS a prr'fcrmoe for the former for cheese tactory purposes as they have a mom abundant flow of milk than the. other breath The .pure Holstein or the Holstein crossed w'th «the Avr- shlre or a 'm'lking strain of the Dur- ham‘s 63 the best: of all cows for the making of cheese. When the factory clams in the [all Councillor Lobb’s dairy gets active and until :the fol- lowing spring turns out large quant- ities of buttonâ€"Ollmton Name-Record. The Value of Economy if u live far out of town, and save yourself long van and much inconvenience. You can open an accountâ€"de osit or withdraw moneyâ€"discount notesâ€"arrange or collections‘or do any ordinary business with this Bank by Mail... wit}; safety and diapatoh_._ \n I. S Md: 3. 0.. f n .. THE SMNDARD BANK l: *"“ 'Ohe Dallar opefis a Savings Account on Interest is paid or added 4 times a Year. W |873 A Succenful Dnirvvmn The practice, once begun, of laying aside a portion 0‘ your income, no matter how small, every week or month. will soon become a fixed habit. The result in a few years will probably surprise. ‘04 certainly gratify you. Start a Savings Account (0-day with Many people fail to save, because they do not realize the iygportance of small economies. Make It Yourself. DURHAM BRANCH Branches “no .t Mount For... .ndâ€"Ayton. of Canada Do Your Banldng By Mail '. _C. TELFQRD: Manager. OF CANADA DURHAM BRANCH John flour. M in com lewly atoflu-d wit}. . Th. 10‘) ' ' NEW YPE. thua afinrdingfiac- Department ilitiea for turning out hm use» work. Ad" I. .llg For tnnmout advornwmouu 1 cents or linv for 11w first inlet- mm o . “00.; . cents [wrlinr tau-h subso- qnont insertion mmwn measure. I'Hdrauiom “MC. ”Ct axmaing One “10'! $‘."U lgpr annum. Advertisements without flpH'itiv «Em-mums”: .0 published fl“ forbid and Chm L'Pd m‘rurcl‘hgir, Tandem noticesâ€"“IA at." ‘WnumiY' PM 5mg" «43,-50 cents for first insertion. 2?. «mm-- mm each onbogqqont insertion. All Idvéftiwmentni.i t5 ehkliiw imertion 11: current week. should be brought in um later than Twain! morning- A" advertisements ordered by strangan must 5!! mid for in ndvsnce. Contract rates for youny advertisements fur- tinged on_ :ppflcuion to the oflivn. â€" â€"'â€"'â€"â€"r vâ€"vâ€" â€" IV‘H‘ - en tddresu. free of mut- mm o o ‘1 per year. payahl‘riuéfaéz 41.50 may be chergod if not 80 paid. The d“. to thh every subscripticm is paui ih‘ denoted by “IO number 0!! the address him}. No .raper (11., continued to ell arrears ere paid. exceputm. option of the proprietor. “Ont. Wanted. :: :: Admire!”-Ii Bubcription TB! CHRONICLE u m be sen . :mflévr: f??? ".U'er. IS PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY MORNING At the Chronicle Printing House. Garafrax 8treet, SAMPLE COPY FREE “:l'ho Firâ€"669’s Advocates" Mention this paper. Best Agricultural m Home fay}! [HE DURHAM CHHUN New Millinery The undersigned begs In announce that 8110' has Opened up 3L new millin- ery and fancy goods 1 m r- lor, where everything in the line of head-“mun fancy goods and hand painted china may he procured at reasonable rates. Miss Margaret Bugg DURHAM.ONT, \Vould you like tn hm. .-. sample copy of the Farmers Advocate and Home Magazine ’ on the American ('0nli1wnt. N0 progressive farmer um afiord to be without it. Put.- lished weekly. Only $l.50 per car. Drop a posu-m-d I‘m or free sample copy. EDITOR AND Puopmmw Come m for 3 months : start in January. Thv amt [8 small. The KENNEDY SCHUOl ADELAI l H: 5'12. l‘i. \Ve have a special three months course ful \mmg men. It is lmilvd demuâ€" real business: contains ju. I what you wanL.-a knmv» ledge of business IIII‘IlIuds. A Business Education W. IRWIN 'I‘URUNTU SIM Loldu. 0"- sent u t0 the .HIH‘-U' under BV-L -“ ' Town 4’ DH“ ' arr “ t“ ‘ ‘ 01d TOW“ of U BEAS 0" “‘ A.D_.. 1W ” - ,7". \\' v' ‘fitnd the SJid d'h'11‘ \} -' fl +119 tenth dV 0, . on . - , . 1‘ ‘It s (1 Wm 1‘ ' ‘5'...’ mm dwbm tunes dd“ ("r ' “a (‘ twentv 3'9"“ " LN” WHEREAS m‘» ‘ m In "â€"7 -_ Ural 535. to mum. 1 Mturm of fly 9 Durham to ‘th’? Jmonm par of hu'M v. M 9‘" J u a br'dg9 norms 1M . er. and atppronnhr-g 1'» md'on of NW 5 ran sfrmt. (in , Q In,“ mp VVHFJRFNq he the sad (1 h and to make. ““ I)“- 4"“. W“): L‘ A 67in? _ - ben‘tures. Milt 8') p'lyuu' ”u'T fixed.) AND \VHERFAF ' mail-ed by th‘: "V. N mind cannufllx lot pa ing th“ m «1 CI ‘3 rein-aft T p AND WHEREAS - § . rty d thi‘ T \\ mg to the lay 1 I.“ thereof. is sch AND WHEREAS ' LEW Number 35 n“ IUNICIPAL (‘UIHMH Innkipfl'ty. ((x‘h'A ‘ Wt. dvfh-‘Y'W‘ ‘ 901.64. whf‘rmf "‘ ’r‘mc ml or “ armr. .THEBEFORI ml of th? Cor of Durhum 4-1: 1. 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