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Durham Chronicle (1867), 17 Dec 1908, p. 3

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m-rn-an ('ontinent. his“? farmer can P “'ithnllt it. rkly. Only 5|}???- mp a postcard ample vupy. conomy In like. tn have l my nt‘ tho' Far-cf! ml Home Masai-c? 'argaret Bugg er’s Advocate,” 1e a portion of ck or month, gull W Home Paper } I signed begs to i that Shea has I}: a mess millin- mu: V goods par- 9 ex erything m p of head wear. DOGIS and hand china may be at reasonable Millinery «nurse fur young t. is built-d downh- less: mmtainsjust a want.~â€"a know- usiness methods. LAIDE In for 3 months : immary. The cost T0 )HI ’3'“ ) COPY FREE I. IRWIN ""935 tion NEDY SCHOOl cull! Io 0| I, stocked with. raw 1"sz um woman... ties for turning out 111'“- ch- =rk. \SI) m- n, n... 1;; is: ”the” swemc'dh "bid and chm-ml. DP 3:" Lat“)! Rm”! Slat-d- "nuclei: .4 I t lino for ”alt. pop} Special three Yourself I” 3! IONIC“ RUPRIE‘I’OR. 3103mm; ’9 9‘!!an .\.\'I) WHEREAS the tot 1] amount roquTrPd by the ”Municl‘pnl ‘Act” to h rmsxd nnnuallv bx apeC'al rate fur paying the mid -r;bt and 'nterâ€" (9‘ .m hereinafter provided {a $845.64 \ND WHEREAS the whole rabeuble 3.!‘01' rty oi the Town of Durham, ac- mrdng to the last refs-ed assEsSment run thereof. is $681,565.00. AND WHEREAS the amount of the HM ng debenture dtzbt of the 317d .‘vT‘.1r\"‘pll'.ty. (exclusive of local im- p'm" ment dcbz'nturm) is the "sum of SWO"! 64, whereof no part of the gw r. - p31 or interest is in AND WHEREAS the said hr’dge and .lrprmChf-H thereto hnve- been built and erected. and the cost there- of ‘q the sum or $5000 or thereabout. md it '1 d‘wemed advisable to issue further debenturss of the aid Town 0 Durham to the amount of $1000 to gupptfim-F'Dt the amount 165132611 un- d‘r By-LJW number 535 of the m‘d Town of Durham and ’pay 0“ the balmhe remain'ng due on the con- gtru’tion of the sa'd' br‘dge. AND WHEREAS for the purposes atom-313d ’t w‘ll be necessary to ism“ debentures of the and Town of Durham for the sum of $11.01” as hrrsu'n‘xfter {'rov'd’d (wh’rh is the amount of the debt intended to be crmred by this By-Liw). the proceeds of rh mid d'-bentures to be n‘ppl‘f‘d m thr Said purposes and no other. AND \VHEREAS it 25 dr's'rable to Issue the sad d‘bentures fit on“ t’me and to mnke the priInC'pal of the yd d ht rephyabl-e by yearly sums du!‘ us: the per 0d of twenty years. b u; the currenCy of the aid div 1» mums. said ymrly sums being of an 1. r('speCtiVe amounts that the (:1: Malta amount payable in leach y r for princ’pnl and “Rf-1“.” in r'are-"t of the said dibt' shall be as r: .r'!\' as possible equal to the ,UY".(.Hnr 90 p’lyflbla‘) in BaCh of thfi’ OTh‘T nineteen ears of such period ( 4 down in Sc nodule ‘A’ hereto .m- In” 311;!» fipfoé‘ciIéâ€"a 'Fhueii'etou at th‘ interwar“: of the m’d river amd GJrJrnxa street. an the sa’d Town of Du rham.” '1'..a~.'n of Durham to the amount Year of 410.000 were duiv mum! '1) run 1910 911 q. of said Bv-me number 354. 1911 and ':~. due course gold and d'sâ€" 1932 p09 ,1 of. 1913 AVD WHEREAS Hm time for y- 1914 mm? of the said dfibentures w’l tx- 1915 r'r‘o on *he Mth day 0‘ June A.D., 1916 1909. ind it ’9 d'wmed adv'nabie, {10‘1917 "wind the Itizmie for payment a! tho|1918 “a d lwntures debt for a further 1919 Form of twenty years therefnm. ‘1920 AND WHEREAS on the eleventh 1921 an of Mrmry A.D.. 1903. the Muni- 1922 If" "ii (‘mm"°l 0f the COTpODI't'O'fl Of the 1923 Town of Durham enacted a By-LaW. 1924 num‘r‘ rad 535. to authorize the ‘sauA 1 25 of d hr-ntures of the said Town of 1223 numm to ‘the amount of aaooo "for 1-27 m; mum-n of build'mt and erect- 1923 Eng .3 bf‘dge cum-gas the Saugeezn R'v-,1929 l‘ - _-_L._ ‘LA Quid ' durTncr the currency thereof. ' sh'zH V‘ave attzChcd to than . one; f-r pumm't of the said ‘nter- . WNW" mupons shall be s'gnod ’.}‘.*t .‘Idy{)r and Treamll‘k'l‘ Of the x 1 Town of Durham. . DURING the currency of the - I d b. niuros there shall b3 ra‘ssd '. 41"133' by 3970-36] rate 011.211) the " ‘ 'hh propfrty in the 5:111 Town “f" Durham the sum of $845.64 for " {vurpO-S‘) of paying the amount '1. in each of the mid years for " I1“?'pul 'md interest in mpect‘ot “ sm'd d M; (-19 shown In Schedule ‘.\' hereto annexed.) 3. THIS By-Law shall take effett on the day of the tin-$1 passing mired by the Council. 5. THE votes 0! ‘the elector. a! firm said Town of Durham shall be pkg-n on this By-Law at the Inflow- tng fume and places, that llto It r- 011 Monday. the fonrw 1h! of anâ€" nary A.D., 19”, Win: at thh‘ hour of nine o’chk In the (orc- poon and 000an £7111“! o'clock In the dam at the can fly. ‘6}; ”a: knowing ”at, Returning -l ‘-â€" ., ~ , A . 2,, . . a:- - -" ~ 4. ...¢.- ‘- In Ndrth Ward at 'Arch’d. David- son‘s office by 01mm Elvhdge a: De- ‘ BLLAW to amthm'iav-~ the tune "influx!” of the Tm of Dur- m v.9 amount 0! 311..“ hr the arm" En the In“ plat! of an; R A h mares to the amount of $10.- :03 '9‘”?! under By-wa number 854 of.“ 91“ Town 0'! mt“. WhOCh Mr an the tenth thy d June. ff,- 3 0.0. and for the fnrhhtr pur- ' ' {.r mnnlemtfing the manna rH‘ 4 nnd~r Bv-I/‘w number 535 of nh- 45d Town 0‘ Dnr‘mm. to hold a ”4; «firms the Saw RLver ‘1) .. q ‘1 Town of Durham. WHEREAS on thus tenth ca! of ,1'1'3“ A.D.. 1999. the. Munic‘m CW" 1 of the Corporate)“ of tihe Tow“ of Durham enacted a By-Law. ‘3. rid 354. “to 335‘ Md W” the my; my Furniture Company, L'm’ted. tn m Hi m: and omrfling a farm- .11“; Viv-tour in the Town of 0111'- mm." whereby the issue of deb?!)- oum‘q hf th‘? BJ‘d Town Of Durham t0 the unlmflt 0‘ $10.00.. repmyame at ,5; .-\~-vr.rt'on of ten years from the din: “f the m'd By-Law was author- fz‘d Am WHEREAS ds'mmreas of the ’1 d nun of Durhnm to the amount “f 410,000 were_du1v isouwd_’n mgr- :l IH'IREFORE th?‘ Munic‘pal gonn- of thn Corp:~rat'.m of the Town Durham outlets as follows.â€" ‘VHF. sum of $10,000 shall be ex- A d by the Town of Durham in m; up and pay ng the dnhentureg ': . quid Town of Durham issue =' By-Law nnmfmr 354, 2.9 and r the said d‘b’sntures mature. he further sum of $1000 shall Vufi‘Ddfd by the said Town of "mum in pIy'ng off in full the balâ€" ~ Ifimnin ng dwe on the construc- l work of the br dge mess the .- vn R’ver at Garafraxa (sfruet yr. 3nd Town of Durham, and 'h“ purpose of rais'ng the said . of $10,000 and $1000. d‘bmtnru said Town of Durham tn. thp unt of $11,000 in th‘? whole .9th «mod 'n sums of not 1998 thxn ' PdCh on the first dnv of June 1909. each of which debentures b“ d'mid on the date of the thereof. and shall be payable n tw-C‘nty years thereafter at office of this Standard Bank of (1.1 at the .9231! Town of Dur- FZACH of the said d‘benturvea be signnd hv the Mayor of th'? Town of Durham. or by arm-3 r psrmna )utm'rfzed by By-Law tn. aha same. and by the Treasurer ”of. and the Clerk of the said u of Durham .s‘mn attach there- ?1* Corporate Sea.) of the Muni- ’I‘IIE said d‘bcnturvs shall brat mst at ithue rate of four and one per Pentnm per nnnum. payaN‘? ‘.y at the said Bank on the day of June in each and. ever; 'â€"l;a\\' LVUIIIUUI' 0106- WE?!) at' moi”; Hail by H. H. luckier walkout Mnrn'n Ott-‘cer. my, MUNICIPAL 0039011».an in West wit“ u 3. ”or, wa OF THE TOWN OF deck)! otfim by thn Smith at: Deâ€" ! puty Returning Officer. ‘ DURHAM ! 9 ma Mr‘h', n. “A a" nl Number 552. nturps shall‘btar ' A BY-LAW to grant mid by way of partial «exculpt on tram taxa‘tboln for ghe romvotiml or the‘induastry or a mud} or the manufacture of oat [In-ml m the town of Durham. --6â€"_-_ - __.._ in the forenoon ho agpo; ’nt perilous to attend an: the venous polln places atoresnid gnd at the (inn summing gbggaof ‘ vdbes by tlhe Clerk on I! of the persms inter- «ted in, and promot ng tor appos- ing the pass 113 of this By-Inw reâ€" ”Actively. AND WHEREAS it '3 dr-nequd (upe- dhsnt to grant such petition. '8. THE 0102‘]: of the Council of the said Town at Du rham shall attend at his off'ce in the Town of Durham on Tuithy the fifth dafi of January A.D.. 1909. at tm o’CIOC in thnn forenoon to sum up the num- [rfl of votes for and agaiet t’h'n By- SCHEDULE "A” - Matted to in fo‘rgofng By-Law. Showing- how the amfiunt wt $845.64 thereby required to be rabid 'by Special ran, 33 apport'on-ed. Yc a r Principal Interest Total 1910 $350.64 $495 .00 - $845.64 1911 366.42 470.22 845.64 1912 382.91 462.73 845.64 1913 400.14 445.50 845.64 1914 418.14 427.50 845.64 1915 436.96 408.68 845.64 1916 456.62 389.02 845.64 1917 477.17 368.47 845.64 1918 498.64 347.00 845.64 1919 521.08 324.56 845.64 1920 5.44.53 301.11 . 845.64 1921 569.03 276.61 845.64 1922 594.64 251.00 845.64 1923 621.40 224.24 845.64 1924 649.36 196.28 845.64 1'25 678.58 167.06 845.64 1926 709.12 136.52 845.64 1°27 741.02 104.62 845.64 1928 774.38 71.26 845.64 1929 809.22 36.42 845.64 WHEREAS Wxillam A. McGowan of thz Town of Dara] r01.1am, 1.5Purpo18- ing the erecton of a mill or the mmuhacture of oat meal,1in the Town of Durham, and has petitcnsd the Munic pal Council of the Town of Durham pfor mid by part al exemp- tion from taxat. on of the ..same 1924 1'25 1926 1‘27 1928 1929 OF THE MUNICIPAL CORPORA- TION, OF THE TOWN OF DURHAM. 7. ON Saharan .thoneoondaayot January A.D.. 1v 9. the Mayor of the said Town at Durham shall attend at the oft-ice of the Town Clerk at theAfI‘ow-n at Durham, attAtgn o‘clqck Bat-red at the Council Chamber in tha Town of Duriham this day of January, A.D., 1999. Mayor. Clerk. By-LaW Number 553 NOW THEREFORE the Munici'pal Council of the Corporat'on of the Town of Durham enacts as follows,â€" 1. THAT the assessment of the mill and mnch‘nery therein, togeth- (r with all tfixe kinds belong'ng to, and xxst 3341 mill s't.e in connection there-1 with of the aid W’_lm'm A. McGowan, which lands are deszr'bed as fol-: lows.- Lots 17 and '18, East Gara-. frnxw street, 17 and 18, West Al-‘ hcrt street, and 17 and 18, Rant Al-‘ h-irt street. Durham, exoeqpat portions thfiroof 33m and conveyed to tale W‘lkcrton and Lucknow Railwa ‘ Corumny. Lots 183, .19 and part 2 ,{ [int ;_\lb.:rt agreet, Lota__18‘, 18B, 19H. 20 and part 21, What Elgin street, Lots 10 and 20 and parts 17, 18, 21 and 22 yeast Elgin street, Lots 19, 20 and 21 and parts 18 and 22, \Wést Kincard 110 street. and part of Park Lot litter B, all in the Edge Survey of thé Town of Durham, and more Bunkul-lrly df'a‘r bid in a Deed of arguin and Salâ€"e there-of from cn'e Samusl J. Edge co the and “’ llhmam A. McGowan, he. and the same is hsrcby fixed at the .sum of $1000.00 for the. period of ten years {mm the passing of th's by-luw, except- ing. however. as to school taxes. 2. THE votes of the electors of the Town of Durham s‘mll b.) taken cn this By-Law at the follow'ng t'mea Qnd pl_‘lCC’.§_. _thqt is to say,â€"â€" On Mon- uuu pl l'vL'a. Luiil. 13 L0 say,â€"- Ull mon- d.w. thrw 4th dny of January gA.D..; 1909, comma sing at the hour of true o’clock in the f'i-ronoion and cont'nu- ing t ll five o’clock in the aibernoon of tho same day by the following D3- puty Returning Officers,â€" 3. ON Saturday, the second day of Janunrv, A.D.. 19.09. the Mayor of the 9.133 Town Cf Durham. shall attend at the office or the Town Clark of the Town 61' Durham at ten o’clo:k in the farencon to appo‘nt pcrszms to attend at the various polling places aforesaid, and at the tin]! summ‘ng u of the votes by the Clerk, on behal of the persms in- tw‘rosbed in and promot'ng or Op~ p<.~-s'*ng the pass'ng of ths Byâ€"L‘xw r-et-spectively. - 4. THE Clerk of the Council of std Town of Durham shall attend at his of 1210 n the wan of Durham, on TuD sday the fifth dly of January, .1909, at ten o’clock in the fore- noon, to sum u p the number of votes for and against the By-Law. In North \Vard at Arch‘d. David- eon’s office. by CLft-on Elvbdge as D‘puty Returning Officer; In Elst \Vnrd at than. Town Hall by H. H. Moz'kl'er as Deputy Returning Offe- er. an’difi VVFfat “End at John Mur» diék's ofi'ce by John Smit’11"’asi puty Returning Offloer. January, A.D., 1909. DJt‘Jd at the Council Chamber infyvcaqu vw the: Town _Of_Dur.ham this (my 01:13-19, and AAAA Administrator’s 8310. OF \‘ALUABLE FARM PROPERTY There will be offered for sale by public aucton at the Hanm House An thé Town of Durham on Tuesdly. January 5th, 1909, at the hour of two o’clock in the afternoon, the following property. compts ng Lots 27 and 28, in the 18th Conoqss'on of the Township of Normanby, in the County of Grcy, contain 11g 250 acres. the (atate of :the late Thomas Fulton. On the prOperty ara one good .stone dwelling and one good frame dwell- ing; also good blllk barn and good frame barn. The prOperty is well fenced, well watered and in good .stabe of cultivation. The farms will be attend for .3816 en blOC, or in nep- anate parcels to suit the conmionoe of the pitthaner. Subjwt to a re- ,strve b‘uL _ _ Terms of saleâ€"Ten v 1' cent. of pur- chase price to be pa; on the day of silo: mlance in thirty days there- a ter. HUGH FULTON, J. J. WEINERT, Admin’strator. An ctiouoer. ty‘ thngning 011103} _._ In ' Em $110001”) $5912.80 $16912.” ; was; Mayor. Clerk. 845.64 MI. “’8er MUM near Lulpmy, =_.s 84964511 the hoap'tal 'here. The boy did not 322:: det to so back to the home to which 84;.“ M“ M91150“ intended slipping him 845.644.3110 hfid in the barn where he re- 345-64=ma=ined over. nfght and when found 345-64Ibot'h ct his feet where \trozom. He 342211.... brought have to the hospital and 845.64 it was fouund necessary to a-mputate 845.64 both beet a mm» below Mme knee. He 3222: it! do'ng as well “would be eXpected 345:“ and will l'kely -reoover.â€"-Bruce Her- 845.64 ald. , 845.64 $1222" , A Case of Intereat. 03”! Herc 6‘9 *3 Sl'ml’m‘ interesting am” A moat duo'strefis'ng aCC'dnct mm”. ’idâ€" sincere le‘tber from a. rugged vpomeoerled «at Walters) Falls 0n Mom“ as 0‘ '49, W" br'md the d’mger‘s ““1 morning. W'tlh the result that «the list llmrdl‘alnip of. the overland tra'l to vlct'm psaas‘d n'way laf-‘t n'ght after H.‘ 0"M0r"”- It should appt'al t3 ca- 911f”»er.ing' untold m'n. "M‘s“ Lizzie int-i tarrh Vt-ft'mfio M"L":.m. whfile on attendance to her Dru; Santa ltrsm. Cal., Mly 5. 19-03- fatlvn. Mr. Wm. MCLmn, .sr.. who ,Bo-oth’is Hymnal 00., B'ffalo, N.Y. ‘hm. b‘mn helplessly ill for somet'mc'. d” . .0 , ' ‘ Y0?! Dar S'rs.â€"-â€"I was affl cted -“’;th““]i? sermon.st burned by a lamp m” 2 catnrrh and “(1'3de a. mumber of reme-y whzxch sat I re ;.n norme unaccount~ 9”" hrs. hut rcc'eved no relief. I pur-g-tble “My to the curtains. In her ef- mm Hyomle', land 1,9..fiforta to extingu's’h the f’r'e hu'r night "ntr Chasrd an outfit of . . ous fore I had usrd the bottle I n0tedfilothmg caught fre, and before as- a‘flslst‘anae reached her she was arr ous- lll‘ia m'lrk‘sd relief. I uSZd '.t for ' _ ‘ the. month or 33 and thought I ““3 cur-{13’ burned about the body. Alm'st 'from head to foot she was burn-ed. in- .. l 0.0.. cd. and stopped 113mg .t for :1 pear. _ McCullough was cull-"fl and fnurul the .injur'ea of a moat Herr-us nutur‘. Hugor .3). Thought I- was gettinngr. =Catnrrh agam. and startfd us'ng Etl "‘1 agnin. 1 us: ft every morning. and. Evnryth-Eng was (10116 ‘20 rel‘ev'e h'r H l . l 9,. - - - . . . 12“:\ keep mysjlf clear of o‘qlt‘arrh. I con... gluti- fangs and ill tI‘fl n'fd Fur“? “(IS Lry,‘s’d:r It the best catarrh 'mot‘dcine,hmug’ht from Té'l'l‘flto. to U? ”I 91- )re-chat 39 “3rd, 1 have often recom-i t€-nd.1nce. but the sufferer gr"dunlly )te” n'xlxndr‘d it to my frfwe'nds. I am 81:.Srmk until she passed away on Nov. ,nlyxsars old. I came to Californ'a fni30fh'. Dn-cang'd was about fifty y’iarfi . Of‘ 1819. and of course mm not as vig- 3 0f nag-e and leaves a number of bri'lh- {orous as I was 58 years ago. My ad- era and sisters. H's-r broth-:r, M 1'. \V. YOT-;dr0.ss is 341 4th Street. Yours tru1y.f MT'L’wm. formerly Betti-'tnry 01’ the t-Ik- ; W. Mock. ‘Gsntral Fafir, Waltufira‘ Falls, had h'a l . i ”‘ Hymnal, Pronounced H'gh-o-mue, :Ts'handflnbadly burned m end-savorgg [Q'sguaranteed by Macfarlame Co. notgjir: “:qu bug’ssber from the £11m: only far catarrh, but for grip” ’9 a‘mfly J! well-know?) a;nd t :2 TY Coughs, colds. bronchit's and crpr’Y‘nPaflly 0‘ thficommumty .s wth A Complete outfit. including inhaler; the bereaved owes.â€" Clarksburg Re- I... __.I__ an on . AgoL‘I-t LAO-L‘An _ A. fleet-or. I A Walter BuiahOp, a twelve year old Barnmdo bay who was liv‘ng with Mr. Henry McLeod, near Ripley, .3 in the honp't'al 'here. The bay dfd [wt want to go back to the home find whiICh Mr. Mclfiod intended ab'pping him A cam of considerably local ‘inber- cat was aired at the Quarterly Sea- slons here this week, when -Mr. C. Smith. a Walloenton teed merchant} sought to recover $200 damages from Mr. C. Schnitzler to! Carri-ck "for the loss of a thcrse. On August the 20th Smith 'Tn company with John 'Wc-lf'e, was returning ,‘nabuggy from Innis- killan, and when near Sh-cn’tzler’s farm, the home became frightened at a. number of sheep, 'tthe prOperty of Sshni‘tzluer, which were at the “.1119 lying on the .road. Wheeling to the right the horse upset 'the buggy and dumpfid the woupantsl put and matter a lively run wuss caught some rods up the road. In the mixâ€"up the horaa cut the tendons On ‘the left hind leg which protruded through the wound and incapacitated it for further use. It was taken 'to a nlilighborfng farm where an unsuc- OI'SSful effort was m‘hdre to«br:ing :‘t around again, but after many weeks’ it had to be 31101:. The defence lrxvd to prove that the dniver had been ca relaxes and the horse rather vitc’ous, and that these combined had been largely reamnslble (or the arccfdent. The plaglntift‘,.it was clawed, was looking towards some cattle win a field about the time 01 Ithe 11115th and conszquently was not prOpe-rly attending to the driving. On Ithe other hand it was alleged thwt S‘chnitzler had been warmed about Letting 'h'a aheep run on the 'hfigflnkway. Mr. Wm. Cousins, who testified in the matter clawed {that his horse fell over Schn'tzbsr‘u 811-0311 and that he told him «to get them off the road. Judge Burett. who presidmd at the Court, chttrgcd strongly in flavor of the pla-nter. The Jury brought in n vcrd "t of 91175 and costs for Smith. 0. E. Kle'n for H10 plaintiff; I). 5?. -h r c. ‘ . K. C., for d:€!tendant..--Bru .1: T1,). \T. Hyom.s‘:-i, pronounced H‘gh-oâ€"m'e, is: guaranteed by Macfarlanue Co. not; only for catiarrh, but far grip,I Coughs, colds, bronchit'a and crunp. A complete outfit. including inhaler, costs only $1.00; extra bottleag ofI Chn'l-Cs Cook is the somewhnt sug- ggstive name of the star defendant in tho Owen Sound. local Opt'on pro- smtion. It 's the cu'rrvent Opinion of commercial travellers who have re- cently vis‘ted Owen Sound, and they are pretty shrewd guesaers, that 10- cal option w‘Jl be sustained there. especxally as they do not come under the three fifths cLaune or the Act, Hyomei. it .aIterwards needed. cost but 50 cents. :a bare majority being sufficient. and publiLc opinion being again” repeal so tar as they could. site ist upâ€" Hal‘r-Iaton Review. COUNTY 81 DISTRICT Letter From a Forty-Much Both £th Amputatvd. The Traveller’s Opinion. The, ere Responsible for Nearly lei! e! the Human “is. Yes, death lurks in the Kidn s. These delicate ' organs are a receptscle {or the poisons that erminate in the entire system. Pew pen is rea- ze how quickly disease of the kidn s evelop into the most dsngerous form of Brig s Disease. . Sometimes the heart is poisoned, snd dropay appears. The nervous system is effected, too, â€"-poisoned, and convulsions occur. For at igst he‘d! s fenmfry the mgst eminent mini: in t em tea proesson sveheen z to mum“ find s positive cure for Kid- N n disease. This honor D R0015 fell to Dr. oot, for no remedy has received so strong an endorsement. both munzvauvm the nbiio the reeasndthemedicni P'LLS ‘ “3?.89103 as DR. 3801's KIDNEY AND {IVER 111.18.. Send to Dr. Root Oomgpgd- ‘ â€"fi-n R A ‘. WfiFm“ “,"Sefid fioâ€"Dâ€"fllwn >00. 8 '1 m Av... Toronto, for . rm suing“ THE DURHAM CHRONICLE M‘acfnrlane Co. sell Paris’an 3.1g». for 50 cents a 'large bo‘ttle. IHn mnmnteea it to cure dandruff \’n ‘wo .weieks. to step 'fnll‘ng hnfr ["41 itch'ng of the 5331p. It makes .my womn‘n’fl hair beautTful, soft and luxuriant. The revival under the McCombe Brothers has been continued w’th en~ couragfing Wmlts s'noe our last Sane. Mr. Jeff McCombe arrived on Thurs.â€" day evening and on ‘h‘m develomd tho. preaching on Fr'day eventing ard on Sunday. On Miondrw he returned to Toronto to hfiis work in Victorjia Col- [age where he is "n .1173 fourth year Tom Longbaat, the sensational Can- adian Ind'an runner, mny have phat hfia bolt, as he was defeated at thla- daz‘lp'hfita on Saturday by a. ' sh'ther- to mnknovirn Welch runner in nhollow (style. fit is still safe to advise- the-s? incl'ned *to bet that foot-raising *5: a funny game» and Longboat or I hiss miamgsr may be only taxing. The Inda‘an thm: the moat talemted pa’r of Leg-rs in this world if .he had. m head to mate t’hem.â€"H:arriflton Review. in the Arts course. He M?“ m here- ag'nin for Fr'day evening and Sub- bath services. The cwmngd'ats use various means for exch-tng iota-“st and bringng people (to acknowledge; their re] gous 00nd ition. The: work him for its afm nclt only the conversion of p'nners, but also deepening of the pp?r'ftu a] life among profmssionnal dbristisans. The at- tendance has been (very satisfactory. On Sunday the church was crowded and there hm: been a good turnf out at all the meetings, many drv'ng in from t‘her country. The meetings will cont'nuoe the (remainder of thjq week and «all next, the program for which .'.3 given in hmd billsâ€"Mount Forr'st Confederate. ' A awiety reporter who intervfew- ed all five women in the int-emst of his papers. reported that all of firm: had bamhi'tul hair and ' that mm of the five enthus'm’stmally af- tnibutmd .‘her luxur'ant hmir to Par» 3.9.7311 Same. Paris is Full of Them and Nearly all Use Parisian Sago In the beauty show at the metro- polis fwo y'fi-ars mg?) Gould Modzlls were awardr'd to five d'fferent women. The mos? beautiful wcmnn be- twoe'n 20 and 25; between 25 fwd 30: b- tween 30 and 35; between 35 and 40 and between 40 and 45. Recommended by Deputy Collector of Inland Revenue at Sarnia. After years of suffering Mr. \V. N. Hicxs has been cured by Catarrho- zone, and he Mys,-- "I experienced grateful relief in a few hours. Ca- tarrhozone worked marvels imam-2d- ately and cured me of \Hay Fever. I heartily recommend it at! the most effective remedy in the market. It will cure any cage of Hay Fever ever known." A guarantee 308.: (with every $1.00i mmeaanntlonltO’o30“ package of Catarrhozone to perm- ‘W Churmmor to W , I "€11“! cure Hay Fever and Summer . Davidson. “-15-...” Th. Ila-pm Asthma. Sold by all (healers. Ewummmmmu SURE CURE FOR HAY FEVER BEAUTIFUL WOMEN. Revival Meetings. Serious}: Bu mad A Funny Game DӤOOLS NORM/8i LIVER PILLS ”1 REMEMBER That Every Sick 0mm f 1 in Ontario Whoa Parents Cannot - ' ' Afford to Pay for Treatment Iyago. At tho rink a. cement concrete foundatibn hm: been la"! la \ the poutlh wing (or one rink and not- ‘wiatstand us ‘the lateness of the sea- men and the comparatively slaw .aet- Ming it was ready for ‘coverfng with 'lce on Monday. Lam DTgbt’a-wemth- {er fixed thugs nicely and 'it (the itransit ocntinues the club will have once good ram-k at least to use at an early date. The twd rinks min the main part at the budding were not laid with concrete, but {locded on the earth floor. The club it! also ranking 3. dhange in the «interior of Stole Ohm in Transit. THIS APPEAL i [S T0 YOU! ! The “filmy compani- are in! 'up 'aguinst the tro'cht bhfet. Lust Fri- Id” Mr. Wm. Evans received a con- agnmeut at M 1m Ham lton. !Wh-sn this cuss were Mivercd at store one was entirely emptty, mly the box was hit to allow that? a shipment had been made. Another had been opened and about a third 0'. the contents abstrautud, while u third was less seriously (lep!eted of its contents. In all about “hundred and mm dollars worth‘ of the choc. were stolen. The thieyeu ev'dcnitly had ttimo to make their galactic!) u in every ’nsfance except one the shoes were pilcbed for men and youtbt' Whether the goods were women be-J tore they left Hamiltno or at acme spoint on the mad where the banana of the car load wa'sunnds it 6! not etated by the police. The met that it .'.s a; loom and not through firefight will mhiba it more dirticult to trace. The Canadian Pacific wjll do! its ‘ The curlera,huve got busy! and there 11.3.9 hm something dome amine the organization matting ytortnjghm M an} if is suspected «that (It in somcone Who ‘knpws raTlroadéng did the actâ€"Owen Sound Times. hast to locate the mists? ng amides. It in suspected that some one has a a: filing stamp and mm are broken m on .sdings, ‘gords abstracted and tihoe mink w1h;ch will give a biloony or gallery in front or the refrain- mem room and are 11130 contemplat- ing the construction or an elethed walk the (1111 length otthe build“. There was some discussion as m the advfimbil-ity 01 securng another site and (reusing a larger rink, gbut Ithe improvements made by the curling club will result In no action being takém to erect a larger. rinkâ€"Owen Sound Times. V--.‘ -V I have us d Chr'L’ambexlan s Stomach and Lvar Tulbl: ts for 83-1118 time.f._ and cm t at fy than th y have 1008‘ ms more 3 0d than any tablet! I; luvs ever used. My trouble was a; . hmvy dull feeling after eating.‘ ‘ â€"â€"Dav.d Freeman, Kempt. Nova 803-; ta. Th‘L'SS tablets strengthen the; stomach and imprsve the digestion; ' 'Ihcy also regulate the liver an nd' 6' sm'tl bowels. They are tar supermr [1.113, but cost n3 more. Get a (re: MillWl’lg‘htS, 31mph} at Macfarlane 00‘s.. drug Iran and Rr For That Dull Feeling After Eating The Hospital for Sick Children ample at Mactarlane a uos.. uru store and see what a splendd medi- Iron and Brass cine it is. IICK BUT NOT NEGLEG'ID. 1,245 patientsâ€"368 of these were from 241 places outside of Toronto. Seventy~flve pot cent. were children of poor people who‘ co_uld not afford to} ‘ -fl ' This Charity ap- peals to fathers and mothers of Ontario for funds to main- tain the hundreds of sick children that it nurses every year. Since its founda- ; 7 ‘7' - 6.’ tion the Institution, ' {J has trqu 14,458 «jam/1‘3»... children. 10,800 Of HAPPY WITH HER DOLL- these were unable to pay und wet. treated Bl *"ORI‘ o AFTER. There were 51 cans of club feet. treated 1.9} year._ . - If 3'01: know of any éhild in your dcigh- borhood who is sick, or has any defomr - ity, send the l a . 'lgnrent’s name bo_Sec1_'gtnry. __ Improwd Curling Rink. is Treated Free. The Hos its! is not a. 1003 insti- tution, but. pro- vincial. Tho sick child from any place in Ontario, who can’t pay,hu the same privi- leges as the child living in Toronto; Thue Hospital had last year in its beds and cots The Hospital’l Cry is nob for Itself, but for the C gran, u our m {a to u» 11:: pin! but to tho 1i ‘6 non. ‘0 Constantly on hand the but of Rolled Oats. Also our I Rolled Cereal. the beat on final Also Chopped Oats. Mixed 0h Chop, Bean Shorts and Feed Special Reduction on Plant ll 10 Bag Lou. ‘ Our pure Manitoba. flour, am No. 1 Manitoba wheat. cannot. for either bakers or domed {Special attention tline Engine repai [a made from selected winter and is a superior article for I pastry, etc. Goods delivered anywhere A blend of} Maniboho and wheat and is a strictly 1 family flour. Chopping Done TRY OUR NEW CHOP? All up-tn-date flour and grocers keep our flour for your grocer does not keep: the mill and we will me; Call us up by telephono All kinds of Grg._in_ bought Picture F rammg on DURHAM F0 MANUFACTURER: Cutting Boxes, Hora Wind Stackel Stock raisers’ Feed Funeral Direct and Steam Fitters. People’s M UN DE RTAK [N STOCK OR MADE To Engines and Boilev- promptly execui RIGHT PRICES AND G001 ogwflsu-gmw shaman? CHEW wwwwfim . The Chronicle till 8110 to new nub-u: \‘l C. SMITH 8: Full line of Catholic Robes, and white Caps for aged pa The Best HMVV 9mm and " Drawers made 3» the but“ Unshflnkable Um 3 grade 8 for sale Snow Booneâ€"Next to G Barber Shop. Rnsmnxc door South of “K J. La' blacksmith shop. John M60 Sash 5’ D Embalming a C. Smith 8: PASTRY F “PM 'YITTINC “UNDERWEAR ° ‘ SOVEREIGN In ECLIPSE WE KEEP THE

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