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Durham Chronicle (1867), 17 Dec 1908, p. 4

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D is one thing that will it-Ayer’s Hair Vigor. a regular scalpqnedicine. tickly destroys the germs sh cause this disease. unhealthy scalp becomes by. The dandrufl disap- had to disappear. A , ' scalp means a great deal " â€"healthy hair, no dan- pimples, no eruptions. kind of a M- or that 'andruff and Coal Oil always In stock W. J. McFadden, I Massey Threshers Nd and Massey-Harris Separators In for Oxford Separators our platform scales shine Repairsâ€"(hush lost In the world I the faruwr wants in the line can he found in our Bey-Harris ements ture Moving: ‘00 b inform the public ()f' It in connectic'm with my; UBllsim-ss, I am pleparvd i ”tracts fm the movingE Effects, etc. guaranteed, a nd a l l by the negligemw or myself or emplcn PPS; as w ICLE News All the Time. I910, One Dollar. SUBSCRIBE NOW ’rains Daily pst Rates [93 or Dela'ys Lfltkct Age-t, .L SOLH'ITEI). IN“: 16, 1908 . ....8 85 . . 85 . 35 ..... 89 O. O 48 .0 O 7 m C... 21 22 :t Report. N. LY JGH LINE TO ff In am: on». _ Mr to August 319; UGHEED Canada Bookcaptpg cour- “. M A cvnt. 00.).)- 9666 9.157 35 82 48 8 00 21 ‘22 125 \V'. your Children and gr-deh'l-E drsn ”have met w :91 you :It srh's time} on th’ 60.h ann'verq-xry cf your‘ w dd'ng dun Very £9“. ever finch th‘ir dnmond wsdd nu [Ind cur firsti though Is on? no) thankfuln‘ess “that; you have been smred for so many ymrq to one): otwer and '1th us. We Cannot express the pleasure ’thcre has hrxfn to us during'nll thenetycars' in o-njoy'ng yfiur companionship and' love. W’e feel that God has been 300d to us. Your jnfluenm Vpon! our lives has ever been strong and, tru-E'. and become-s more lasting 'as the years go by. Then. too. not only have we. known and been bl'ETSSI'd by yOur lcve. belp’uln-sm mud symp‘ithy, ibut it g'vca pan added joy to know' ’tbat fhroughcut your hate others have! Ibcnen cheered by you. and hold your-i Humps in 11 sh esteem, regard and 31“ inaction. Feeling them our grmtndo to Gad and our love to you. we come. at this tune and present you with: this clock and may it still count on: many “happy hours and years'to mt. already long him. Our wnh Is'thlt #60:! may gu (l3 and bless you bothv till the journey‘s end. Signed,â€" -- Mm, William Ritchfp, Mrs. William Scan, ‘ On 'l‘uinsdav evening I'Ist Mr. and Mrs. Jumufis Edge selehr-ntcd tlw'r diunlm‘xd \\'.(1(l ng. Mr. Edge “113. lnrn in th" ?.-unty 0.‘ WV :klow. Ire-l land. on .1111. 25th. 1823. and "01mi- grat‘d to this woumry wsflh' 31‘s. par'nts in 1844. In 1846 he 'set'tlni on the farm on which he nnvtr'fasdras? and excepting e'g‘ht years. durTng! which 't‘mr he was manager of FAg-el Mills '11 Durham. has always lived here. Mrs. Edge. 1169 Mal-7.11 Dav's, wan born at Stfin-"hV‘mme. near ‘QUv9- has, on August 18th. 1828. mnd rut ’t-‘he ag“ 0‘ 20 crime to tGl-ene'lg. 0n Dene. 8th. 1848 9'53 was married to~ Mr. Eda. On Tuf‘aday ev-enirg all th'-ir ch‘ldrm .md gr‘nd;-h.ldren. upé mm m: Mrs. Jopp and Sflm'ly. M002». om'n. Sank, and Mrs. W. Dav's and family. of Btgfit. Mam, met at the'r' Cosy nun" here. Tam was MTV-d ahcut 9'): o’clock. At th‘? head of the; tub'n mm Mr. and Mrs. Edge and .nrmm-d ,9"=t thi“ chikdren and gnaw. ch‘ldn-n am! Mr. and Mrs. George' Whoitmorn. A’t‘3r t'ea Mrs. \V. Surf! Fad tho 'oll'vW’Tng r'ddneass. while Mn. W. Ritche prc'szntlsd the 11d}! and growm with a [3111(18111143 mantle? clock. A \"l‘y suitable reply was; mad“. .:1-'r'~r which the rema'ndc-r of' the cv-en‘ng wag spent '11 games. eta} Th‘ ’oHC.w?ng s the .address.â€" ; chrc Hill. December 8. 1508. D‘ar Father and Mother.â€" Th:- 2i.r.st m:-«:tng of cur h'i-;rxl"~‘ Swift), held on Fr'dJy evening ‘ltaat w m a grant suness. It was very in- tullyfitiflg ‘to h h old and young ‘to hmr the early history at our. neigh- Inrlmr‘d d'arus- 7d. Our next meat.â€" ing ,9 to h:- h-o‘d on Saturday ucv-en'rg. l)1_lcmuber 26th. when th? h’.9::ory of our ‘tmvnsh'ip w I! I): stud :d.: Only One Painlou Corn Cnro.\] Hundreds have tried but no one has succeeded in making as good a remedy .13 Putnam’s Pannlesa Corn Extractor. It’s by far. tho beltâ€"be- ware of mhflitntefl tor ”Putnam’s.” We attend-11 the concert in Wildir‘s shoal on Thurqu n ght Liar, which “'13 '1 grand _)u;C'«.'SS. '1 he progam. which cans shod or songs, d'uloguus rec tautsons and instrument- al mus-c. was attcntvely l..st.en.£.d ".0 by a throngml hnus'. Rev. Mr. K311- dall u; D:- «was. 1. r-orm.'d the dutlus of clunuiarmxn, and w: can my the b'g Wilt-w csnvdu t;d 113 part well. cmmumdng 01d r thrgugjxout ”(he pro-gran. As \\ cxlyect a «iataihd account from an r quarters me will drOp Lh-l subject. \ Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Scott. {013916.- ing. 83311., v std the ‘ormar’a sis:- er, Mrs. W. Watson. .‘ r a couple 0.3 days last wack. Mr. S;otc was Icnn- trly one of the m at .mtell gent youths of this vcn,.;y. and we axe plfldfi'lfifid to learn a: his success and breathe rity n the W'cst. - After, .3 most successful year the regular annual meeting or L. 0. I... 1192. was ‘hacld on Mend-1y night, Dec. 7th, when the following 01-08123 were elect-ad.- Wor. Muster .................. G. A. Brawn Dfi'p. Master ........................ J. Brown Chap. ....................................... G. A]j0.: Rue. 89C. .................... .103. Brown. JI’. Fin. Ss'c. ........................ Geo. Rtehwe Tr::.;sur;r ..................... Thu-s. McFadden D. of C. .............................. W. '1'. Brown L;cturer .................. Henrv Lawrence Fin. SJ‘C. ........................ Geo. R tCha-e Trg..:.sur;r ..................... Thou. McFadden D. of C. .............................. W. '1‘. Brown Lgcturer .................. Henry Lawrence Committee ......... James Brcwn, JJS. Hopkins. Joseph \Vatsctn and Donald \Vatsul. Mr. Andrew Pilclmn’s sale :‘a'b llzd for Monday. Dzocmba'r flat, when he intrnds to (139.68 of all xhxis ,atock and implements. Ardy intends gong Wat, and hfia absence from here will cans: a. great VwSSnCy 'as (be has pl‘OVt’d mzmselt a masat Lnduatrhuua and social m.- ghbar. Maura. Wm. Brown and Wm. Zu- felt are engaged in cut: 03 wow! tar Mr. Reinhardt. Mr. D. Edge wals in ,M-ount Forest McWilliamsVIlle. W. J. Bitch e, Valena Edge, Marie E. Blame. CORRESPOHDEMGE. ..1y. 563;: Hi“. i W'ood bags are an te numerous in :thTs v'cfnitv the last few' 'wee'ka. M’svs. John McLeod, Wm. Kinsman, Jam'ss Knox and Hugh Wlson Ihave 'h‘ad a quantity of word 'Cut. Tihcy 'can afford to take iitn the Water more ‘ le'su rely. and .sacure a seat. U Quite a number tram here 'went to the concert in Prloevflla 1.1.5: thduy evening and report a gocd t‘me. N and”. and Samuel on the old \lmome- st 21d. wh-ene dz-oeznszd has l-V»:-d since {ha-r waddfng day. Lot 18, CJn. 2 Egmmont. Mrs. Rebmt vVVhAe OI Ar- fknrsu. :rnd Gviorg‘e at home, In re- ltl-g on .311»: was .11 'm'emlvrar OL.’ the Church of England, but in the ab- 9 m: 0‘. her pastor. Rev. BID-c. Rev. L'sl'tllt. of H-alsze n, conducted the fun- £r.nl. on M‘I‘fld‘ly, which was largely “it"ndd. The rammins was la (1 'to I" ,s. in Maple W03d Cemetery, all the surviv ng mf-mbers of the 1'.1m.1y b2- ;ng pr-tasent except Dav'd. A bemu- trful floral wrath was laid on hcr Cofi’ n by 1101' 3:11. Mr. John ChlpmJn of Mnrkdjle. ch'f'r‘ul sw‘rf Fad talks-n 'ts ‘light to th"! land 0'. rfs'f. The d‘f'cv-mtd was barn 71 ymm am in the oz'qmty 0’. Tyr '11:". Ireland. :md C‘m'gral'd ta. .thgg :oultry n h» r g rhmd with her paints. Mr. and Mn. Bugle. and fngagxd in p'orwaar l‘.;.“e on 2th: 2:. COIL. N'rmanhy. At the age 01 '18 sh». wadd'd the man of 'hner choice, Mr. T‘lromm Chapman, 'who pI‘C'de- omsrd hoer twelve yen-rs ago. ' The happy fulmxily was re blmsa’fd w.th thi'r- titan of .1 "v 1ij f we fly ng in child- ho'd. and T 'lda (Mrs. T. I’vllock) upwards o uvrnty ,yu-xrs :1g--. The survivng [numbers ..r3 W"llj.un of Mt. For! at. Mrs. James Bmfrd 0.3 N;or- manhy. John '3 Markdnln". Da vid of The public school here has been ac- curod by a company who ‘are gmimg to exhibit moving pictures on Wed- mcaday evening. Dec. 16th. The young peeplae and 8. 8. 5311101811 are «flavoring to make the ' Xmas entaratmment. winch is ’to beeheld on December 23111. Our pastor purposes giv'ng certificates, (“010th and seals in order or mitt. Game early Mr. Jam-".9 Allan. who recently re- turned from Sen: C'Jty, has engag- ed to accompany the lemurs at the Radar Tw ne Company that he works for. t3 Mexico to .salest' .1 tmct of land suitable for tha grcwqh not oecl from 'wluilqh to ' make- a cheap class of I‘Up'l and twdne. Th»? whoa] concert in See. No. '12 was "t gmat success in «every way, :a crowdd house an excellent program and gocd order. Over $25.00 was tdk'i‘n ‘in .at ‘the door after the SChlU‘l‘ um and (entertwimrs had bCOED‘ ad- mitt-d frveve. Rev. Kendall of Dr:- mor“. 033111)th the elm r in «:1 ’very plins'ng manner. The chor or St. fl’.mls Church 9mg wry aweretly wand plfdfil‘d the nudimlsne very much, but. pr nczpal «part of 'thc pr.~gram was by th: pupils n s'nging. recit._1ft_lons, d2.llog11 i-s and hg talk by representa- tlvv’s 0‘? l'ncle Sam ‘1.n.d:thle Emerald [91.3. The program tlr.~ugl1.ut re- fluc (.d mu:h cr‘zd‘t ‘on the 1'8413117'1‘. Miss J.-nne Irwin, for her skilful tr.xn°ng of the qzholurs. Ihd th? n glut not pl‘cVOd s.) stormy we lung us there m glut have been 3):]le 'gunas in the $311.01 grounds by Hua' who wruld lnme been umbloe to gain :‘vdm'tttanoe. 'l‘h's week it 's tour :1an duty t: r:â€" pot‘l‘ the dean}; 0: mouse .0: the f;\\' qurvivng “.011301‘8. Mrs. E. Chap- mnn. WW» 0? the lib 'l‘lwm'IS'Chap- man. A woek ago Sunday 13in": attend- 'Eld the .silcrcunntal service Tn St. Pauli: Church. and Cam: early enough to contrilnrtlc to me spacul colleen Lion fcr th? S. S EXpB'llS'JS. Justl one wask fram 'thC-n $858 was taken: dawn with hwart 'tr ‘uble. and by Slat-J urduy. th? 12th, “the exceptionally? A sleigh load of the youth from here took '11 the S. '8. «entertainment at S'leC‘t‘i’S Corners last Tuesday ev- ening. Rev. Mat-Mason gave pert"?- ca rm and diplomas to some of the S. 8. pupils for memorizing' the acniipturc. All appeared to be well pleased with the entertaxinmemt. Wh'l'e our budget 125 saddened thjs wcsok by the dzmth of m 'l‘Cquvl'Ct-{d cit zr-n. poeably our next wjll‘ be enlivcmod by the we dd 113 0.10% or our ch-d young lad/3.9. Miss McGregor or Dundalk spent Sunday whim Mrs. D.._ McM 11am. Miss Alma Shell is spending a while in the Bath. Mr. W. MrFadd -n. ma. was (to Owen Sound last wrrsk Us Jurcru ' ery except a 3096 constitution {and cho‘ncr'ul dispostion. Managers of the school here 'have Mr. Baaninsh of Dundalk, drilling the well deeper m the .93 13001 ground. Mr. Jam‘s Allan went to‘ 'the Guelph StOCR Show last week and re- main -d over t Ill Mfind-my w th friends and rclmtvcs .zn Grim-shy. Mr. L. Allan returned home 'last week from Saskatchewan. Mr. Allan ustd to work an the dredg? at C.»- mzmt Lake and fit ‘5: ll mama an; al- tractiv; plaice Ito (h m. Mrs. E. Mafb’ews. we are sorry to r-port. .23 vary l-ew w tb pneumonia and no bright hop:- fior her recovâ€" Miss Mag-g fi Knox Sundn'yed at her Corner Concems. Swinton Park. THE DURHAM CHRONICLE On Friday evning last about twen- ty-flivc young people went on a sleigh ng party to 'the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. McMullem, west back line, and a jolly evenLng wag spent in Mr. and Mm. Mchlullen’s commo- duous now tendenoe. Mr. W. P. Crowley met with a paintul wheat “Able unloading 901% at the stamina on Friday last. Mr. Crossley’s band got caught be- twem'the logand oanhhookandba- tore released the thumb was badly lacmted. Nine nt'tches were in- .ss'rtad. the dreu'ng the mud which was attended to by Dr. Cutter. 1 Th"? Slbblth S;h0:~l Chrisfmas Tree Ent‘sr'bxflnmem ‘hseld nf‘, the Corner on “Vadntadly. the 9th inst, “an; n grmd surresa. Rev. Mrthison, of Pricev'lle, and Rev. Ke'rdrll. of Dro- morn. attend d. The (ens-eur'lglng 1'"- marks givn by Rev. Mxltllaeson with 1' grand {Ltot he Sabbath School .9 art- cd Ihvene in so humlflo n un'mnc-r. ought insn n: the wor 'sfrs w'th thD to go on with (hot grind work even ’5!» the he" of def :11}t""s. Th'e [Wt-gran was V‘I‘y goad. h-th limtle 1nd bg doing jlthLf,~ to the p came-s r»endrlr;d. The crmvn'ng mature for amusement was Mr. W. Camyb'll's phon’gnaphz it 's c:rt1':nly 3. inc 'I‘Lsirumuent ard (fine muscal W 0rd guy d. w‘h ch was shown by th. “4y he was cencared, 1nd h". showjd his gJ-cd nature by favoring the: mud-enoe wflth :1 arena! :9? lect ion. Mm. 'Aaron Ernest has returned 'h‘omo“. after an Mnemoe of a few weeks. A pretty \wddmg took place mt the r".s'nd."noe of Mr. Martin Philljns, Collingwa-nd road, on Wednesday 3;“- t7rnonn of ms: week, when his son Frank. of Tor-:mto, wms joimr‘d in warning.“ to M 8% Margaretta W 19011, Ilullctt. Huron county, who has :the past two yr'nrs taught? the Rc-ckvalue publtiec 3311031. The br'dnl party stood b'nauth "l pr'att'ily dacomlfml arch of evergreens. and the O'rc‘mony was On Tuesday aiternoan of last week the- public $311001 [mt Bookmal-e was the scene of an interesting {firewall giv- en the oteacher. MLSB Willison, on the eve 0: her marl-Huge. There was a go's-d ~at*tȣmdzmce 01 parents and I'rinds of the school, and Rev. Kpp was-called upon to preside. M‘ss Will'aon was presented “2th a silver butter dish. kn’te and berry Spotrn, .acoommmim by an tappI‘Opl‘...te ad- drugs to which she :Jttfngly replkd. A planing program was afitcrwards rendered. pc-rziormc‘nd by Rev. Little of this place. The brafdJe. who was pI‘E't't'ly gownrd in ant 11. Wis attended by the groom’s s'stirr. Msa Var; Ph lljps. who wore whit: Ch n1 31k. Mr. Finlay Boy was bf'st mlan. Afiter the marng» mud congrat1111't‘c~ns by the gu vats. who numbered ’lellc twenty- fivun, 1 c‘hoce “we-dd ng brmki’xast was errv'ead. and later Mr. and Mrs. Phiil- lips were :acannpanved to P‘l-esherton, taking the 4.30 p.2m. tram tor Toron- to whofre they will made. The hr'de traavall-ed 'in .a hand-Lemme an t of navy blue silk wth has: to match. The wruddlng prqsz'nts were numerous and choice. Mr. 1nd Mrs. \V. Sazckfitt and family hum moved Into Mr. J. C. Campbell’s house at the Corner. We are plasmid to see a flight ('11 [the win- dwos once more and welcome. our new neighborgs. \.- We are 31ml to knew that Mr. A. Trainer fa able to do a' {Ltd-3 (work again afltcr having has arm broken. A sleigh“ load from cur town at- tofsndzud Ebenezer box 3301a! and Ire- port a pheasant time. Mr. Jame-.15 Redford ‘18 home ‘frgm Rainy R veer and :5 loz'kjng .jrze. Al- thc-ugh one ticket bmught h 111 down, _w.:. ebhhem A will take two ion .the rfturn. Our .s’fiond winter 1118 set in HJZd en‘h day adds a little 'more of «the b .mt' 11‘. (to 'mprave the sle'ghjntr. Mr. Gorge Haw’s mle tcok place on Fr dav. tlrf. 11'ch '_n.s?. Stock and oth-Cr c ’09 .3 was 831d mt o. fairly; ,Q'Md pI‘CC. He intends leavng ~for l’ul‘L I].‘[V' soon. The munixc’pal pot ’3 being fired up a little. Mr. J. Murd'ck Ls talking of com‘ng out “1.9 be Ms been asked by many'rawtepayens: also we be- li;£ve Mr .Mark Will}! has‘oonaented t-o allaw ‘hfis mama to 'appeal’ on the Ballot for roteve. From his former exmrivecnoe in the council we think he would be a very «eccnomioal man at the hand of'our bward. :19 our t.:x~"s are extremely high. Mr. Mur- dick has hrnd no :Cchr @1108. ‘but we have "no daubt thm he knows what mommy means. and no doubt 'some of the old council have a fa'r. mfnd. We are sorry to learn that Mr. Squirt:- ‘has been :1:'l'.ng for 's‘omte time. Our Christmas Tree Entranm'nment 5e sat for t‘ha 22nd nah. and as Mn- lock bus :1 use-9rd hard to bcat for. gutting up ‘a Xmms ‘tree, it needs no puff. ESpL'Oitdlly the pngng by M5353 L. BrLtton is lmrnng dress: making .11 town. ‘ Mr. W. Brown wok in a mrty'nrt Ayton last week. ' the l'ltle girls. Mr. Jcmph Porter has been work- ing 11 Glaanuelg tor. a ~tcerw weeks. Who is tbs lady thzrut sent a post card through the post offline, wantfng an homitst husband! (Continued on Page Twelve.) Sackett’s Corners. Flesherton. Muluch. . A visit to our store now will settle all your (Jill giving problems. There’s something desirable 1MP- for anybody to whom you desire to give. Don't waste your time seeking elsewhere but come here first- Holiday money goes farther here than elsewhere he cause we bought heavily and right. In fact we \WI‘P 0000000090040096000 >§§§§§§§§§OOOQOQOOO‘ iver and less satisfaction to the recipient. People 3 who choose gifts early get the cream. Don't be :10 late one and have to take what’s left. 3 0 W0“ ”90““ (IO 23 lbs. Best Granulated Sugar $1.00 égalluns, reg. price 900 after supper sale ..... . PAINTS â€"â€" Hollywood Paints. Quarts, reg. price 45c, 3 5 after supper sale price ' Great crowds from far and near were on hand picking up the snaps. Stock rapidly melting away. The last opportunity now awaits you to pick up such values as are now being offemj, Ladies’ fancy and plain Cloth Slippers, with and without fancy buckle, reg. ptice $1. 00, and $1. 25. after supper sale p1ice.69 ALEX. RUSSELL The Big Stare, Durham \Vhite and unbleached Table Linen, worth 50. 60, 65 and 75c per yard. after supper ‘ sale price .............. 039 THE MIGHTY SALE Is NOW in Full Swing Bring the Mighty Sale sheet and get the Offerings m For Saturday’s Economy Seekers Alex. Russell, Durham Plenty of Gift Goods Now After Supper Sale from 7 o’clock, p.m., to 1 O f .70 2 only, Oak Heme”. «ml wood. 1198- price. $1.1m. ;. supper sale prime l I 1 Clothes \Vringm'. “Royal ( dian,” worth $4.4“. 2 after supper sale 0 Nickel Tea Kettlvs. No. 5 reg. $1.75, after sup- per snleprice....... I ‘Univereal’ \Vringu reg. $3.50. for ....... ‘Rapid’ Clothes “'ring- er $4.75 f-LI‘. . ........ 5331 5f 3.25 _".' 2.19 L35 and 9‘ ll] ll- bi This is mm year, and \\ 2‘ ChOOSO fl‘mn. \ a satisfm-I i« n; the selectiun « ChfiSillg for Ni and careful sh of highest ‘11]; display Hf HUI tiveness, qnnl been aluallml To many. tlw w] a tflSk Hut I'c-m plished. Tn svlu: neither is it «mm ant: to (‘Ollftn‘m make a 1m~sum not 1300 expvnsiv Christmas sh »; v, to the avm'uuv n merit his apptw an additinn 1M not-hing: “Is » DOCketbm .k. "“5 to you in s ering (av-w; AT Ties flandkerchiu _~ Sweaters Cravats Fancy Vests Ladies' (321mm. and a grm‘ A8 “'0 11:1 above Illt'ifi fail to find \\ We have 11w. ’1‘ besides sum" and gentlww' éxE’ ..'~J.\IC HT- GENT’S {k

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