West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 31 Dec 1908, p. 1

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1: Manitoba flour, made in. auitnha wheat cannot. be by“ wt nah-12s or domestic m. V ROOMSâ€"Ne: or Shop. R] South of W. Lsunith shop. nuncf-rmm: ~ ~ mmvzn - ~ to Boat flea" Shin. nun nude in the I) )h n McGowan. DCK 0R MADE To ORDER. tines and Boiler Repair! )mmptly executed. r PRICES AND GOOD WORK. .1 AN UFAC’I‘U REES 0F 12' Boxes, Horsepowen, Wind Stackers, ruisers’ Feed Boilefl. ial attention to Gaso- Engine repairs. wrights, Machinists, and Brass Founders. Ream Fitters. . . . . ash 8’ Doors Chtonlclo till Juufly. to new :1wa ' s of Grain bought at Ink“ Price ing Done Every Dsy ’ASTRY FLOUR HM FOUNDRY . Smith 8: Sons sun, 43!, N! 3%“!‘ggflfis :8 ”WWW”. SOVEREIGN from selected Winter ‘ supvriur article {or In pastry, etc. M ITH 6: SONS F ram 19g 531mm ECLIPSE is a strictly If"; family finur. D WE KEEP Manitoba and 5 03% \V t THE .V E‘V (' HOPPER flnur and lead an r flour fur sale. I! ,_ not keepit cometo . will use you right. ' telephone No. 8. my where in town. IX' aing {out TW" {arlant‘ t0?" M .‘lr. \V “growl“ )lu “'ffll'lane 8. I'll .\IH.‘. tREV.) Homucs, ofDorchester, \m‘ presented with an address and mule :I. life member of the \Vomen’s .\h~,~iunnry Societv. That was very mm- but we can’t see what great hene- m there is in being the recipient of an mnpty honor, and we must conlude 1: was empty enough as nothing was ' ed but the address nnd_1ife w ‘ president. and her loveahle disposi-‘ (um. and all the other attributes e0 mmmnn to women i her statmn In life. \Vhen addresses and Life Mem- ~hips are conferred on worthy mem- ber. of society. there seems to be more genuineness about the thing when .. .. ....m.nip_d bv a well filled purse. ARR I” VOL. (-umumn l0 Wuuu'L life. \Vhen address ~hips are conferred hers of society. ther :mmineness_ about A~ has been customary for a number .n‘ \ till's, there will be united servic-es m Rh.- churches in town during the ‘ ‘m-m- evenings of the first week in the New Year. The first meeting will be Hm lav. in the Presbyterian church, Aim; Rev. \V. L. Newton Will giVe 3w uldress: the next, on Tuesday. in “;m l: tptist chnr h. when Rev. Jamie- \\ "5:! «peak; the last, . g Ina/son. At all the meetings an s-tf'm 'ng will he presented to help the {'Elil-J ren’s‘ Aid Society. All Will join \\ :m the ministers in their sympathy .' 1. Rev. A. A. Bice in his afflictinn, . :‘w-ir regret at his thus being un- - to take part in the services and ‘ he prayer that he may he speedily L...” ed to his health and strength. 0n l.( hnwevel‘, a ser :2” yards, une- .Vm-n George M ~itlt‘ man, in “(1')“ first and last. 4 My enjuyed, afte pie. passed the t P Pktitillg. Thi! t attraction to be k. and fully flv w in attendance. Tue: Mt. Forest Representative has :wt‘med for some time past to publish .‘nimary puetry, and has not been 1« nhled Very much lately. Last week 'ved by n. ubimary poem was recei lHlll. The editor claims the poem ' ‘ . . ' lerable merit and s . . ' ry highly respected :uul intimate friend. Under such cir- ned hard to draw a Re an absolute refus- al. but he felt that his prmnise must he adhered to. \Ve can easily imagine haw hard it was fur )lr. Lambert to my “Nu” under such circumstances, as we have been exactly in the same fix. and we did exactly as Mr. Lmnbert «lid. Of course we never refuse to publish obituary poetry but we charge ten cents a line fur it. ( muuophones at I). MCAULIFFE, l “f a general urpose horse to .' III. ‘ 88519, a ut two miles uf the tmvn. The price paid ‘ A â€"‘_“.‘cr.n Bolton Village Council pays mmtalile fortv dollars a year :1 '1' t-nfm'cing local option. AS a ‘4' lllw eflurts, one-hundred dol- l~ «wen paid in t0 the creasurel'. N n 1'. .llnwing officers of Court Dur- 1 (u. 111, were elected for 1909 at. ~.:ul:u' nweting in (Tnldel’s Hall _»~.~day night:â€"-(). R.. J. S. Mc- \'.(Q.‘.l{., T. Morton: P.C.R., v: Kw. Sec" \V. Johnston. Sr. ; In. J. G. Hutton; Twas... 'vat Uratnr, G. Hex-d; S.\V., 1. ; .l.\\'.. \V. Heughan; 3.15., \ulty: 1.8., \V. Mntfet: Dele- ~.. High ('nurt; D1. Hutton and | a 0 raggamea by M m Mr Amulty. hruu Image David McCrie . and representatives 1) of the \Vou.en s (Bough Cure is fully guaran- vure colds. 500. a bottle at \ i": rJDl'l“’N I|M| (t v\._. -- ‘ irhr week. from Mrs. Thus. MrGlrr. Mrs. David McCrie and Mrs. Thus. .‘L-Annlty. representatives of the Dur- h-uu branch of the \Vou.en’s Institute. '1‘.) see three fine looking women in mm sanctum at one time is nothing «range or startling. but \\ hen they unveil a big turkey. hand it. over to tin- Editor and tell him that it’s really, tm!y his to have, take. cook. pnssess, out or otherwise diSpOSBOf for the sole our first Opportunity to thank the Institute, publicly. for a tangiabie nmnifestatinn of their a preciatinn of (Mir services in givingpn licitv to their nwetiugs. \Ve hope the iVouien’s Institute may go on prospering, IHIHTMAH DAY was observedl .' here), and mltside 0f the in-1 :1 number of Visitors in and out. 'n. tho hnliday passvd off with w nuvxciteuwnt. In the even- “waver, 21 series of three raves, , yards, (me-half and one mile. wn Gem-gt- McMm-ray, and an w man, in which the latter won wt and last, congegst. was thor- Ht lllC v 'hundre‘tlland nâ€"ifietfr dollai-s. Y 1-: Burma had a of the Nominations on page‘ _ N0. 2181. , aftm-which the young the reuminder of their This was really the to be given in the new 7 five hundred people last week. dis- at 12513 a number FARMEBS’ Institute meeting Friday, January 15. â€"â€"â€"â€"_ SAVV-LOGS WA} hemlock, spruce Smith Sons. ecutors nan... Miss Susie McClocklin‘ Toronto, makes no place is spending the holidays at her home Lftt‘l' all here. ' editor Mr. W. A. Cam bell. of Meaford, is "1931 3‘ spending the ho iduys at his home {9 this, here. '“k "‘9 \Ir. Arthur Allan, of Burk’s Fans, 322:0le epent over Christmas at the parental 'to their Vumen’s ‘ ‘ - « _ ing, and ing his parents, Mr. and Mrs. George coming ~ - Mr. and Mrs. Paul: of Orangeville, farlane’s â€"Try it. LUBl"-u1 5U.“ l‘lvn‘ -. ---W_ between the Post Office and John Vollet’s residence the initials E. A. are engraved on the outside and a photo is enclosed within. Finder will oblige by leaving it at this office. A 90(1le will be held at the home oflM r. A. A. Carton, under the auspices of the) Methodist church. on Thursday evening, January 14th, 1909. Admis- sion 15v. A good program and refresh- ments will be provided. [)1' KING J muary and February trains Nos.l and 2. east of \Vinnipeg and west of Calgary on the C.P.R., will be withdrawn. Intending passengers had better bear this in mind or consult the latest time table before arranging A LOT of matter crowded out. trip. MAIL service on the O.P.R. begins! on New Year's Day. Only twu trains; will rarry mail, the noon train from the East arriving here at 12.21, and the afternoon train from the West (lue tn leave at 3.52. There will be no mails on the other trains. We presume the 'l‘nrnto mails will come in by the (.T.I’.R., which reaches here about an hour and a. half earlier than the Grand Trunk. ()ut-guing mails on the G.’l‘.R. \VHOOPING Cpugb Rgnedy at 1 emain unchanged. HE“ Mr. Stanley McNally is holiuaylllg Mr, P. Morrison, ()I vaucuuvn. cm..- com home on Friday night to visit his in Toronto. Miss Lizzie Laiiderspent the holidays mother, Mrs. Morrison, of Edge Hill. hap ’ 7 V A o o o in loronto. who is seriously ill. wed M Mr. l“. Beal spent the holidays at his Mrs. Adam Murchey, of Guelph, and home in Detroit. Miss Mary Robertson. Detroit, were Gra MI", F'red Kelly spent it couple 0f present at the death and burial of their the days "1 [OI‘OMO- mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Robertson. whi l 911‘. ’1’1. .McCrae holidayed \Vith Mr. and Mrs. John Wright p'rLSSEd I‘BSl “lends m Listowel. through here on Monday on their way Miss Annie Ireland was home from at Kincardine. A Brantford over Christmas. Miss Grinyer left today for her the home in Wiarton. eni . Miss May McClicklin. of Markdale, '5 home over the holidays. Mr. R. H. McWilliains returned on we 8 0 Mr. Alex. Saunders was home from Tuesday from California. Oraigevule fOI'LhPlStlllitS. Mrs. John Hollinger. of Bridgeport, (3;: Mr. ltoht. McCracken is home from is the guest of Mp, and Mrs. Val. Hahn. Th \ " x . v ' . . V '"db‘" 0“” the “Ohm” Mr. Archie McDougall, Editor of the Miss Rita McConib. of Chatsworth, Tivepmn \Vatchiuan, spenta, few days by ' holidayed at her home here. in town. of Edmonton, is re] . Mr. \Ves. Lyons spent the holiday Miss May Harris, a at his home near Markdale. visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. a: 3 Mr. Robt. Hughes, of Owen Sound, A' Harris. . th ’ was home over the holiday. Mr. Walter Jainieson. of Toronto, 88 r ) r . . was at the parental home over the i Mr. l-eter McAi-thur. of PriceVille, holiday. ‘. spent Christmas Day in town. M t \ , A . . . . Mr. and Mrs. James McLarty and A -- ..II. A. Benton. of London. Is visiting family. of Owen Sound. spent Christ- n his mother. Mrs. George Frape. mas Week with Mrs. John Clark. e Mr. \V. L'ivelle spent the. holiday at Mrs. Dave Warmington and little n the parental home 1" hu°iltf“1‘d- daughter have returned toGiielph and y Miss Annie Beaton. of Lacomb, ‘ have taken “P their home there. "_ Alta. is ViSiting friends in town. Mrs. \Vm. Ledingham has returned 3‘ (1 Mrs. John Little is spending acouple to town after Visiting friends in the a' ' country for the past four months. b .y of weeks with friends in Detroit. )“SS Louisa ‘Vlt‘ZPllllt’l'g left; lilSl. MP. R. N. MlllVlD, 0f LODdOIl, VlSltIP F for a few days this week with Mr. F. “ week for her home at Brodhagen. W (/1 d h f d t a . . . ‘ ,mise ot e r'en * in .own. , 513 Mr. John Colville, of Hamilton. 8 a m r l a, . 11 3h spent (‘hristiiias at his home here. 5113.110th .‘Vhtt; 0f Sault Ste Marie, 8 an _ , , , , Ont... is Visiting his brother, Mr. Geo. t ek M"? Heughan, Qf :Mhlmh, 1-" "lsmhg \Vatt. and family. and other friends t by her friend, Miss Lillian B. \Valker. in town and vicinity. [L "" Mr. \V. (7. Livingstone was at his Mr. and Mrs. John 0. Greenwood i l“: home in Harriston over Christmas. and baby arrived home on Monday \ (W . . . ' Mr. Alex. Duncan. of Hanover, spent after spending the festive days With ‘ ir- Chi'istiiias with his family in town. : 1 1 ' a “9‘ Mr. Allan Robertson. of Hamilton, , Miss Nellie Vasey, 0f Flithh. WhO ,‘bt spent the holiday at his home here. ‘3 Spendmg the Christmas hOhda'YS at me ' her home in Dornodh. is at present the 1 guest of Miss Cassie McDonald here. Mrs. T. H. Smith and little son, Master Eden Smith, of Portage La Prairie. and Miss Adeline Whit- more, of Oakville, Manitoba, are visit- ing their sister, Mrs. McArthur, in town. Mr. Joe. Shar , of Rathwell, Man.. is visiting frien s in this vicinity. It is over ten years since he left here for Miss McDonald, of Toronto. is visit- ing her sister. Mrs. N. \V. Campbell. . Mrs. Folkard, of Nassagaweya, is 9" visiting her father. Mr. John Hunt. Mr. and Mrs. Piquet, of Georgetown, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Frape. \Ir. Thos. Forbes, of Mt. Forest, call spent Christmas with friends in town. 'il'l‘~ Mrs. Sudden. of Chatsworth, is visit- , , , , , hos. ing her daughter. Mrs. Clifton Keeler. the West and this is his first Visit )ur- , . . home. He has Just been elected lite. Miss 3- Rabi? of Enigma}; is vgltgll‘g councillor in his own municipality. “. in her parents. ‘ r. an ‘ rs. 90‘ o e. Mrs. J. Bryon and children, Miss iing Miss Jessie Munro. of the Stratford Hepsey and Master Willie, spent ° Christmas under the parental roof, and took part in the grand family re-union held at the home of her father, Mr. Samuel Wright, formerly of this place. Mr. R. C. Banks is spending the holidays at his home in Wyandotte. -_- - A L!“ Miss Jessie Munro, hospital staff, was] “IRS. Mr. R. C. Banks holidays at his bow Mich. Agoldnloqkeji. last Thursday, A») Ink-1 » I. ‘\.l V‘Iua-- .â€" Drug Sto1e. 'Nothing better 12313 spent/U UDI‘ISLIJ W . Caldwell. WANTED. â€"Pine, cadar, PERSONAL y McNally is hulidaying £13 Halsain. â€" 0. 1224s “Va-V -vâ€" v- Mr. John Clark was home from New . Ontario and spent Christmas with his ! family here. ; Spent a few days at the latter’s home ' in Clinton. Dr. and Mrs. Watson, of George- town, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Glass ‘ and family. i , Miss Laura. Adlmn, of Toronto. spent 1 Christmas with her father, Mr. Robert ! Adlaln, here. “ ‘ Mr. Chas. Lawrence, of nealcxvuw, is holidaying in this vicinity. Mr. J as. McClocklin, of the Standard Bank stafl. Brussels, holidayed at his home here. Mr. John Clark was home from New ‘ “' ° . _ _-:‘L {a ALUluwnsa, ...... Mr. John Jamieson, of St. Paul. Minn.. is visiting his parents, Rev. and Mrs. J aluieson. Mr. R. M. Wiison, Bank staff, Spent the in Owen Sound. Mr. P. G. A. VVebst-er leaves this morning for Ottawa to take part in a. family re-union. - an II ._2l‘-\ ........ J -v Mr. J 0111) Whitchurch, of Belleville. hnliduyed with his brother. Mr. \V. H. \Vhitcl’lm'ch, here. Mr. and Mrs. Angus MqKfilvie, of Mr. and Mrs. Angus McKelvie, o c o o o , New Llskeard, are \‘151 mm; the'fox'mer parental home here. ‘ IT-. (1.“ lv-v- _ r... . _ M rs. Alex. Beggs and son, Mr. Guy Kearney, are spending the holidays with friends in. Uhntbmn. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Allan and two children. of Toronto. spent over Christmas at the former’s home here. Mr. and Mrs. James (ienoe. of Flesh- erton, passed through here on Monday on their way home from visiting friends in Galt. Mr. P. Morrison, of Vancouver, came home on Friday night to visit his ‘ mother, Mrs. Morrison, of Edge Hill, who is seriously ill. Mrs. Adam Murchey, of Guelph, and Miss Mary Robertson, Detroit, were present at the death and burial of their mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Robertson. through here on Monday on their way home to Proton Station after spending the holidays with the former’s father at Kincardine. IL ‘---v‘vâ€" - Miss Grinyer left to-day for her home m Wiarton. Mr. R. H. McWilliams returned on Tuesday from California. Mrs. John Hollinger, of Bridgeport, is the guest. of Mr. and Mrs. Val. Hahn. Mr. Archie McDougall, Editor of the 'I‘iverbon \Vatchxuan, spenta. few days in town. DURHAM. ONT» Mr. and Mrs. James McLarty and family. of Owen Sound. spent Christ- mas Week with Mrs. J ohn Clark. Mrs. Dave Warmington and little daughter have returned tuGuelph and have taken up their hOme there. Mrs. Wm. Ledingham has returned to town after visiting friends in the country for the past, four months. Mr. R. N. Mulvin, of London, visited for a. few days this week with Mr. F. W. Ulemas and other friends in towu. Mr. Rnht. \Vntt. of Sault Ste Marie, Ont,” is visiting his brother, Mr. Geo. \Vatt, and family. and other friends in town and vicinity. giiest of Miss Cassie McDonald here. Mrs. T. H. Smith and little son, Master Eden Smith, of Portage La Prairie. and Miss Adeline Whit- ‘ more, of Oakville, Manitoba, are visit- ing their sister, Mrs, McArthur, in town. RIPS. ‘V "I. do UUIllua, u- ----_____, _ Manitoba, is visiting her brother. l Wm. Ritchie, who has been sick for some time. She will stay over for about two or three months visiting with the other brothers. sisters and friends. It is about twenty years since she left here for the West. ‘ l Mr. and Mrs. Neil McArthur and two children, of Bottineau, North Dakota, are visiting their many friends in Durham and Glenelg. It’s fourteen years since Mr. McArthur left here 'and seven years since his last visit ' home. He reports John A. Cameron and family well and doing well. Lawrence, _of_Redickville, J. Collier, of _Au_s_tin, THURSDAY. DECEMBER 3|. The home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Brown was the scene of a pretty wed- ding on Monday, when their daughter Ada was united in marriage to Mr. W. H. Harding, of Hamilton. The marriage ceremony. which was per- formed by Rev. W. L. Newton. pastor of the Baptist church here. took place at 12.3!) p.m. in the presence of onlyl ’the immediate relatives and friends ofi the contracting parties. To the strains of the wedding march. played by Mrs. Newton. the bride entered the parlor leaning on the arm of her father, who gave her away. bhe looked very pretty in a dainty gown of cream point desprit over cream silk, and carried a bouquet of white carnations and ferns. ‘ 1 "llllw Uta. .u-v--.. -- The ceremony being performed, and the register signed, during which in- terval a solo, “Guide Thou Our Barque,” was umsterfully rendered by Mr. H. Harding, brother of the grown, a few minutes were spent in heartily congratulating the newly umrried cuuple, after which a sumptuous wed- ding deJeuneI was served. ”‘- -â€"-â€" #‘r‘n “Illa “UJV‘---vâ€" . Mr. and Mrs. Harding left on theI afternoon train for Toronto, where they will spend their honeymoon, after which they will take up their residence in lizmiilton. The bride’s going away suit was a handsome brown cloth and hat to match; The bride was the recipient of many beautiful wedding presents, the gift of the groom being a handsome pearl cresrent. On Tuesday of this week, at 10.30 a.m.. an interesting and retty event took place at the home of . lr. and Mrs. H. Burnett. Lainbton street, the occa- sion being the marriage of their eldest daughter. Dora )1., to Mr. Thomas )owan. of this place. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Mr. Newton. in the presence of about thirty invited guests. The bride, who looked very handsome in her wedding gown of cream silk, was given away by her father. and the wedding march was played by Mrs. Newton. Both bride and groom were unattended. The ceieniony over. and after the newly wedded couple had received the 3 congratulations of their friends. the happy gathering sat down to a dainty wedding breakfast. Mr. and Mrs. Cowan left on the Grand Trunk for Collingwood, where the honeymoon will be spent. after which they will take up their At the parsonage of m? Church of the Messiah. corner Dupont and Av- enue Road, Toronto. a quiet wedding was solemnized on Christmas Eve. at 80’slock, when Miss Annie Colville. daughter of. Mrs. James Colville. of A__.. LLA kn‘t‘u nf M... v- ' I‘v‘ aaugnter U1 Lulu. dulluu v , V- this place, became the bride of Mr. Thos. A. Cook. The ceremony, which wfis perform ed by Rev. Roht. Simms, took place in the presence of only the immediate relatives of the contracting parties. after which a. dainty wedding break- fast was partaken of at the home of the bride’s sister, Mrs. T. C. Barker, I 88, Dupont Street. Mn and Mus: Cook retmned Rome Monday evening and will resi Albert Street. MRS. JOHN ROBERTSON. On Sunday last. at, the home of her son, Mr. Adam Robertson, there died at the good old age of 80 years. Eliza- beth \Vardlaw, relict of the late John Robertson, of guelph. . The deceased a “ALI“..A nUUUl'Dbllll, UL “luv-r--. .___ was born in Lanarkshire, Scotland, and came to Canada in 1852 and settled in Guelph, where she remained until about three years ago. when she came to spend her last days with her son here. She was predeceased by her husband about eleven years ago. 0w- ing to the absence of Mr. Robertson. ' who left on Monday" Guelph where the'remains were interred, we have been unable to get particulars regard. ing the deceased. She was mother of eleven children. seven sons and four daughters. She leaves five great- grandchildren. Further notice may be given next issue. MARGARET AND MARJORY “'HITTAKER. HARDINGâ€"BROWN. Mr. and Mrs. John VVhithe mourning the loss of their little months’ old daughter, Margaret. died on Sunday morning last. a fortnight’s illness from who cough and bronchitis. Anoth¢ of their children, _ about three y: ,_-I.... .. y'.‘-"V>--â€"'_ Mr. and Mrs. John \Vhittaker' are mourning the loss of their little seven months’ old daughter, Margaret. who died on Sunday morning last. after a fortnight’s illness from whooping cough and bronchitis. Another one q of their children, about three years of 4 age, has been quite seriously affected 1 l I still quite ill. is believed to be out of danger. The home of Mr. and Mrs. Grant Whittaker, a brother, has also been saddened by the death of their bright little daughter, Marjory. who passed away on Saturday from the same atfection, at the a e of 1 year, 9 months and 12 days. . 0th children died within about an hour of each other at the altar, and subsequently conveyed in two hearses to their last resting places in the Durham cemetery. , There was a large ittendance present- . at the funeral service, which was very : feelingly conducted by Rev. Walter '. Jamieson. Much s 'lnpathy is felt for I the bereaved families in their sad hour of trial. A COWANâ€"BURNETT. COOK~COLVILLE OBITUARY. i christmas Attrac‘ Another year has rolled by. and we take this opportunity of thanking our y customers for their very liberal man \Ve in the tuture and will endeavor to serve you to the best of our ability. Great Free-Will Offering at J. G: J. HUNTER’S for THE 0087 8708f ON THE BUSY OORUEI. vith your custom will endeavor to t of our ability. all a very happy Overcoats

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