West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 31 Dec 1908, p. 2

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IN BENTINCK, BUILD- aoil good, everything in I dupe. $5000. I IN GLENELG. EX- pcs, fair buildings, good did tum with a few 3:! timber, $4000. IN EGREMONT, GOOD bundlngs, 33m. DJ EGREMONT. NEAR frame buildings, hard wood bush. 303d Pfloc $3000. fiENTINCK. 6N DUR- eu logged2 owne} giv- IN PRO’ION NEAR fair buildings. 3031 ed, well watered. .091, only $8600. .s for Sale. I ' BENTINCK, GOOD It bufldlngs, 16 acre: bush, small payment N GLENELG, GOOD with stone basement, walling house. only THE GARAFRAXA 50 acres hard wood watered, first class in be 301d cheap to E FARMS WELL Durham, for .16 D 25 acre on the out.- ham. suitable for I SECOND CONCES- thc Garafraxa Road Pip of Normanby. in Grey. For particu- I. P. ITelford, Barris- . 1306“. -v _ _ v V Will be sold shenap . nation for 9. wt in. three miles Anyone wishing to mperty kindly com- Eon at once. Good cold. For particu- P. Telford, Durham. 222 05tf SMALL ABS. for Sale. ew Cntario. near 1' saleâ€"large dis- ap of the localltfo‘ on ap “cation to licitor or vendor. ’ 718 06tf. '..DUNN Solicitor Durham. Ont. D DIVISION OF .11., in the Town- !” acres known as m, at the Rocky te possession giV- rs apply to J. P. ‘A‘ A-.. FRAXA ROAD.â€" II from Durham_. 'or Sale. TOWN LOTS ON Item Strataâ€"good reasonable. Apply D! at the Post Of- “.6911; u. lb 0 DU' gortb of Holstein. rot, about 90 acres pod state or culti- dwelling. largo urn. well fenced ood orchard, co and 1 mile hay terms. For Iy to John H. [RICK TWO STOR- Idde Presbyterian , in upper town, of Durham and El- ”; rooms. pantry, moored ogllar, _e_tc. CON. 3, N. D. R. bush, frame barn. at be gold. A. H. DOUBLE FRAME . the West side of pt. in upper town. fiable. first class I. Apply on prem- Icron. p.312“ PROVED VALU- In in good locality. Ile. hard and so. at land. Snap for For further par- to John W. Mc- ', 3001:}; San can 81 tt. for Sale. r, ‘1”, in Nut fl! gm”. 81d . SHOP ON MILL 110 ft. fronta e. Laidlaw. 82 t1 PEDIGREED for canine. thud Princess and Ii . Owned b £ Lot 31. 000,. 12-10â€"4 Service ‘nd Wanted. m an nacmv. mod -09 Q0!!!”- BRING. DECEM’J mall p'g. about Owner may have 1’ rty and y- {3 Vang an. ‘ l2‘24'tf IYG GIVEN THAT a nu a! mum avg! x-nvtm'om‘m 00., Dividend 6251mptf‘ 311 07tf. 227th. 3111. 12-104 GOOD DOUBLE HOUSE ON GARA- traxa street. Durham. Will rent; on reasonable terms. For further par- ticulars apply to 0110.9 . Parrott. c1 KL. A COMFORTABLE 6-RO0M FLAT, on Garafraxa street, Durham. Wat- erworks, and all modern conven- iences. Will rent on reasonable terms. Apply to Thos. Swallow. 1231b GOOD EIGHT ROOM HOUSE AND 3-4 acre or Land in Varney, Opposite the peat office. On the prOpert is a good never nailing well, a a first-class stable and out buildings, in good state of repair. This Drap- erty will be sold. cheap to a quick nrcbaaer, as its owner is ' 301m: est. Apply to Robert Pett , Var- n£v- 12- 7-Lm-p McKINNON 100 ACRE FARM AT the Rocky. Immediate nonunion giv- en. For further particulars mm! to J. P. Telford. Durham. Nov.5t . For Sale 01' Exchange A FINE TWO STOREY BRICK dwell‘ng house and Large brick stables, on Main stneevt, Durham. Will be sold. at a bargwin, and would _aoqe‘pt. other‘ propg'rty as part ‘A -I__-_ WOOD FURNACE FOR SALE â€" 48 inch tire box, Clare make, [our registers and all ipes. Apply to EdwardiKress. fu niture ware- 4‘ an; , nous]: TO 31cm: NEAR Form!!!- tune tutor. A l to J. . Brown. y pp: 11-194.! DODâ€"i COMFORTABLE HOUSE Lambton amt. Apply to A. Durham. 11- Wanted. _ LOGS OF ALL KINDS. F03 WHICH A . A,_‘.-__L Durham. THE UNDERSIGNED HAS OPENED u a Caper Shop wherefidl‘ kind]! 0 new and repair work will be promtly attended to. He has also add_°3d_ pump mak_LDg to his hymen, [Y 2 HUNDRED ACRE FARM AT Glawott, will rent one or more years, taking most of rent in im- prommetns. Buildings. soil, water, orchard and timber all good. Ap- ply to J. Bltohle. Port Arhur. Assignee’s Sale of Farm Chattels BEING LOT 1, CONCESSION 20, Egremont. 100 acres, 80 cleaned, 20 acnas ' hardwood bush, golod brick wellzng, frame kitchen. bank barn a other buildmgs. well watered. About $1000 requ‘frsd down, time for the balance at fave .x cent. interest. Poeaeulon given ~- rch hat, 1909. It not sold wfll be rented. for one year. Chatte‘l.s,â€"on-e mare pony, ten years old. harness, busty. .Cut‘tu, nearly new, and robe. All must be sold. to cloag_a_n rooms. Durham, vuu V- u...- -â€"â€"-vâ€"â€"‘ we re ed to yflio w prints. lwwthe forming timber. ccmpcned who! 11 ulna apruce.bamwoodp:n1dbutMIIL small percents. of hemlock. tam- rgok or nah wi _pa.s§._8m\fr_1 emu; Assignee’s Notice to Creditors. IN THE MATTER_OF J0_HN ALL- rack or ash will pass. Bawn enas; all knots to be tr 5" din. amino. for which w. owill ay the tollon glow. three feet ong,_ per oond, three feet: A- A- _.__ ay the tollofiin does. three feet. 011., per cord, . : three feet. 6" long} per cord. $3.00: Inm- teet long. per cord, $3.50. For further paganism- 30.11““: 3110 IV"- wvâ€" '_ furtherâ€"- 13130)”; 03:11â€" “It the office. '1‘ Durham Intuit!” 0 lelM. ll- work. Iron pumps suppl'xd to or- der. 0. G. Behueuermmn. 11-26-tf rould accept other prowerty as Dan; 1337-- Apply to Arthur H. Jacksm. 11 On It WPA‘II innit b6 351d to dose an Estate. ngiud Allan. Assigns?“ “110}: Of time and energy can be avoided by the use of out Classified Want Ads. Time and energy tepresent good dollars in this age. Do not ex- haust them in an aimless ceatch fox good help. Use our Want Ads. and the help will come to you. Winn-VIM I”! svww v1. ueAvu-rvu- 1n.the County at wd'rey, agent,1n- mlvctnt. NOTICE la Moby given that John Allan, at {be Township oMiEgmmont m the County 0! Grey, marrying business as in agent!!! mud Township mud Cona- y, by! glib an «augment tong, For Sale or Rent Jinn. Allan at the muse of 1101- state a: cultivation. The rum will guns, m up and Townahjp or 112- be otter-ad for sale on bloc, or in sep- mont. Town‘h-Lp Clerk. under .3-‘gmte pm]; to out tho convenience 0., 1391, Chap. 147, of all hit! estate. of the purchaser. Bubhot to a. re- crcdita and ducts 901' W! ml servo bud. bandit lot his crodatou. A .meet-l Terms of saleâ€"Ton 1' cent. of put- mgot membabeld atbfi chase price toha pat on med” of Knapp House, In till! ‘0‘"! ‘1'" file Mince III may days there- mm, on 8.1mm), Jamar 2011. after, 13» at me but of W. “flock noon FULTON, a J. J. wnmna'r. {this moon. for “I! 0290” Admin tor. a A am. 3.3“: wt? 3“. :3: ..... ° 01' .n " ”F” ‘- h" ' "" was!“ who o! m)! '13!!! A handsome paitof Hockey Skates omn- an rand!!! to . W9, free to every boy? or girl. lady or .1: m... ... mam-i W‘°;"a:.;:.°’m°°"::':.";a‘°"a W:- hen gm 0" or w". “I. e tmt'yon. Send no money, only your me and address to. CoxsounAm 8mm! 00., West Toronto. 'rba ui; ' . min: nun. Anita-a- l . To Rent. For Sale. Notice. of Egregnop-t. hits it 11-26-té 11-? ’féjil'ii FFICE AND RESIDENCE A abort distance out of Knapp’a Hotel. Lunb ton Street. Lower Town, Durban Ofieo hours from 12 to 2 o’clock FFICE AND RESIDENCEâ€"COB Queen and George Streetsâ€"North of Methodist Church Oflice hoursâ€"941 8.111., 8-4 o.m.. 7-9 0.11). Telephone No. 10. HYSICIAN AND SURGEON, OF- fice in the New Hunter Block. Ofliee hours. 8 to 10 n. m.. to 4 p. m. and 7 t09 p. In. Special attention given to diseases )f women and children. Residence op- posite Presbvterian Church. (Ate Assistant Roy. London Ophthalmic Hos. 6113.. and to Golden Sq. Throat and Non Hon. SPECIALIST : EYE, EAR, THROAT NOSE Oflloe; 13, Frost St., Owen Sound. U York 4nd Chicago. Diseases of Eye. Ear Nose and Throat. Will be it Knapp House. Durham. the 2nd Satmdav m each p.month Hoursâ€"lâ€"fi p. In. â€"Dr. W. c. Pickering Dentist. OFFICE: Over J. J. Hunter’s. ONOR GRADUATE. UNIVERSI- ty of Toronto. Graduate Boys College Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Dentistry in all its Branches. Ofice.-Calder Block, over Post Oflice D Office over 'Gordon’s new Jewellery Store, Lower Town. Durham. Any amount of monev to loan at 5 per cent. on farm oropertv. Dn. lamioson Iaclaurin. ARRISTER. SOLICITOR, CON- veyancers, Notary Public. Etc. Money to Loan at Lowest Rates. )flic_e:-:Mc_lntyr9 quck. over Standard 1‘ er. Conveyancer, c. Insurance Agent. Money to Loan. Issuer of Mar- riage Licenses. A general financial busi- ness transacted. ROBERT BRIGHAM. LICENSED Anotloneor. Allan Park. Bales may be arunged by telephonn to the store at Allan Park or or era left at the Chronicle oitlu. All 33100 promptly attended to. 10-22-3mp Bibâ€"Ii; Durham: Ontario. A. H. Jackson. OTARY PUBLIC, COMMISSION- L or. Conveyancpr, c_. lnsgrgpoe WM. _JQHN_3_TQN.._§r., guocgqsgg FOR ALL OXFORD CREAM SEPAR- ator Ignite. users are requested to write . D. Viokema. 605 Parliament street. Toronto. 10-29â€"3mp l. G. Hutton. I. D., C. Assignee’s Notice of Assignment IN THE MATTER OF JOHN ALL- an, or the Townghxm not Egremonrt, m We County or my, agent, in- .salvent. _ __ _ BUSINESS CARDS Administrator’s Sale. OF VALUABLE FARM PROPERTY publio' auction at the Hahn House ln the Town of Durham on Tuesday, January 5th, 1909, atthe hour of two o'clock in the afternoon, the following prayerty, oom rang Lots 27 and 8, la the 18th noelsslon of? the Township of Normanby. in the County of Greg, containing 250 acnas.‘ the (mate of It e late Thomas Fulton. On the property one one good atone dwelling and one good frame dwell- lng: also good bankrbnrn and good frame barn. The property is well fenced, wall watered and in good mate of cultivation. The forms wlll Ehe otter-ed for sale on bloc, or in oop- 'amte puree]: to auwt the convenience of tho puflm. Bubhot to a re- lasrvo bud. Terms ot aleâ€"Ton so: aunt. or put- cm prhtohopi onhhednyof 0:5, Manon Ill thirty days there- a . HUGH FULTON, J. J. WEINEBT. | Administrator» 1 Auction“. to John Clark. [Maud sum”: ‘°’ ”’5 “flan“ t om a o. 25 w thfiut endoraemengmmm pellet. Ordem'g_ mgy‘gelnet . mtmy resti- , L A. A enoe, No.3 Albert street, or at the Chronicle office. Agent for sale of town and farm property. J. F. GRANT, D. D. 8.. L. D. 8. L. R. C. P.. LONDON. ENG. RADULA'I'E of London, New CREAM SEPARATOR REPAIRS l. P, Telford. ARRISTEI.,~SQLICITOR_, E_'_I‘C. NOTICE ll! hereby given' that John Allan, of the Towmhhp ct Egremont, in the .County of Grey, agent, has made an assign- ment "to David Allan of the vill- 'a gig «of _Ho!pte_ln’1. Tlovynahwip A C}e:rk, under. Revised Staltutea, Ontario, 1897, Chap. 147, of all his estate, credits .and effects {or the general benefit lot hm: creditors. . Dated wt__I_Iplateln, this ~18th 0t There will be‘ofitered for sale py DURHAM. ONT. (Lower Town.) Medical Directorv. Arthur Gun, II. D. Dental Directorv. DR. BRG‘J-v" N Legal Directory. W. F. Dunn, Mzscellaneous. r, 1908. ' DAVID ALLAN, Asngnee DB. BURT. TEE DURHAM CHRONICLE Mr. Stanley Moanly spent to. Christmu holidnys in Toronto mth friends. Mr. J. '1‘. Tolcburd. of Torcnto Nor-mu! College. is spending than holi- days with his wife und family here. In t brief interview with Mr. A. Crutchloy we lam-n tint he huffin- cided not to stand for municipal honors. Miee Jennie Steplee left on Wed- nesday for Toronto. where she 1n- tende to remain. Mr. Bert Ritchie, of Wisrton', is spending the holidays as the old home here. Mr. Walter Ball, of Mt. Forest. spent a few days the guest of the Staples family last week. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hewitt and family spent Xmas day the finest of the farmer’s parents Mr. and Mrs. John Hewitt. Mr. Graham Simmins accompanied by his sister. Miss Susan, and Master Herbie. called on the Hewitt family one evening recently. The Corner Gander charges us with “running” through the woods all winter with a shot gun. Funny kind of a race! Certainly the gun would not be far ahead in a race. Well. the way that Gander figures things out is simplv wonderful; as much as to say we should not have a good time when we feel like it. We are pleased to say that the shot gun we were running through the woods with is our ownâ€"bought and paid for, and also when we wish to have a good time we can have it without asking the Gander or anyone else. If we were trusting to him for a good time, then the good time would sel- dom be enjoyed by us. So the poor fellow had to go to Orangeville for some good things to eat ! Well now if we had only known in time we would have saved him the long trip, by inviting him to our humble dwell- ing and making him heartily welcome to his share of a nice plump ten pound goose. providing he wouldn’t ask us what color the goose was when it had its feathers on, because the bird was plucked when we bought it. but we hope to learn by next week what the color of the goose was. Mrs. John Hewitt spent. a couple of duye this week with triende in town. We extend our heartiest congratu- lations to Mr. Donald Watson, who on Wednesday joined the ranks of the benedicts. We wish him and his happy bride many happy years and all the good things of married life. Beware of the druggist who tells you that any other hair tonic is just as good as Parisian Sageâ€"he knows better. Maciarlane Co. are the agents for Parisian Sage, and they won’t try to give you something just as good. because they know that Pari- sian Sage is guaranteed to cure dan- drufi. step falling hair. and cure all diseases of the scalp in two weeks, or money back They know that Parisian Sage is highly recommended as the most pleasant and rejuvinating hair dress- ing known. It makes the hair flufly and beautiful. 50 cents a large hot- tle at Macfarlane’s drug store They will guarantee it. Made in America only by Giroux Mfg. 00.. Buflalo, N. Y. and Fort Erie. Ont. Miee Elsie Petty, of Owen Sound. is spending her Christin“ holideya at. her home. Mr. sod Mr. Bucklor. of Durhum, 3nd Mr. and Mrs. Mighton. of Vick, ers, were the guest of their gout and uncle. Mr. and Mrs. D. Hop- kins. recently. Mrs. MncCheaney. of Owen Sound. visired her dnughtor. Mrs. 8. Ln“. :rll. recently. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Noble. Glenelg. and the lstter’s sister, Miss Breeze. of Mnskokn, and Mr. and Mrs. J. strence, spent. the evening of the 17th inst. with Mrs. 0. Lawrence. As Mrs. Noble and Miss Breeze srs good musicians. their society is greatly spprscinted by nll their relatives and friends. The Button Hill Cemetery fence bee been repaired and n new fence end gate put up at front. entrnnce. I om sure I am voicing the senti- ment of the community when I any we are highly favored to hove our teucber, Mr. Johnston. to remain here until the summer holidoye. We ere sorry to leern thet Mr. W. HOpkine. of Proton, formerly e reei- dent of this place. hed en operetion peformed on his eye in Owen Sound recently. We ere gled to he ehle to chronicle thet he ie improving end the doctor eeye with rest he will econ be himeelf egein. Min 8. Noble. of Toronto, orriv od homo Christin“ on and intends to any for o couple wooko. Mr. 3nd Mrs. W. Pichon. of Popu- lor Hill. hnd Mr. and Mn. Iododl. of Lunluh. upon: Christina with their poroot. Mr. Goo. Cot. Mr. and Mn. 8. Luau-ill, upon: a ovonmg luoly with Mr. and Xu. W. Noble. Glenda. Min L. Hapkino. touch». of In.- koh. is upondiu hot "onion st hu- homo hero. I u L. and Mr. 3nd In. Might“, of Viokcu, no that gluing-u _din_nor u thoir mother's, Darkie’s Corners. Guaranteed Dandruff Cure. Hutton Hill. E. Hutton ad but Mr. and Mrs. E. Armstrong and family spent Christmu with the latter’a father and mother, Mr. sud Mrs. Coutts, of Vickera. MAKING A HITT. Sitting knitting I received your letter The longer I eat I knit the better; The mitt was stifi. my hand was sore So I thought I would lay it o’er. ‘ l NEW YEARS DAY . Christmas tide. I’m baking bread. Pealing apples and going ahead ; I’ve my plum pudding to bake. Fire to build and cookies to make.: I’ve painted and all looks fine 1 In this old house of mine. ‘ NewYears we expect company to nine Then won’t we have a happy time. My friends a happy New Year I wish. May they never want a savory dish, You shall taste our pumpkin pie ; I’m sure you will say “Oh my!” I enjoy a hearty laugh and innocent fun And will until my race is run ; I’d like to improve the world you know As through the unniverse I go. When I commenced to write. I little thought I’d compose a poem right. But you see I have alright ; Is not that so. Mr. Wright ? RECIPE 01" PUMPKIN PIE. Boil your pumpkin until its soft. Beat two eggs to a nice froth. Put some good milk in your broth. Roll into biscuits fine and smoOth. Add lemons. sugar and salt to taste. ’ Bake with one rich crisp paste ; l Don’t roll your paste to thin, i Put plenty of filling in; Do not have your paste to thick. Then it will be relished by Dick ; Ice your pie if your prefer. And you will have something rare. with Mrs. I. Hutton. Orchard. In the Rumhodde district in 1877 the first successful attempt wee made to produce ten in Ceylon. In 1892 Ceylon Ten. was first introduced into Canada by the “Salads" Tee Co. The exoellence of this brsnd is re- sponsible for the commercial success of Ceylon Tea in this country. Mrs. Morrison. an, in very ill with pneumonin. Mien Amy I. Edge is the guest of friends e: Lotone this week. Mr. 0.109;), of Mooaomiu, Sui. is the guest of his and pnronts. Mr. and Mrs. J”. Edge. und other roluival. Maura. Thoma nod Don Firth no home from Toronto for the Chint- moa holidays. Mr. W. J. Mofintt 3nd sister. Miu Aljoo. of Mun, no viaiting rela- tivaa in this vicinity. Miss Mary Edge. who bu boon nt- tonding the Owen Sound Collognte Institute. is spending the holidnys nt her hams hero. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Comoron, of North Dokots, spout. Christan: with Mr. ond Mrs. Thou. Greenwood. Mr. 3nd Mrs. J. W. Firth, of Goderich, spent Christmu u the farmer’s home. Mrs. John M06“, of Grenocb. w” the guest. of her mozher, Mrs. Bobs. Ector. during Christmne week. Our Literery Society held e very interesting meeting in the school on Setnrdey evening leet. There wee e lerge ettendenoe. The enbject un- der diecneeion wee the history of Glenelg Townehip. "an Surplus "‘ ' """"" Amt: $5,350,000 $34,000,000 Now is the time to open a Savings Account. Make a good beginning, add to it as the proceeds of the year’s work come in, and you will have a comfortable reserve, ready for likely-looking investments 0, unexpected expenses. $1 opens an account. 57 THE BANK FOR T3113 PEQPLE Quite s number ottended the clos- ing services in our school on Tues- doy sfternoon lost. A very Interest- ing progrsm of reoitstions snd dis- lognes woe presented by the teooher snd pupils. Wu have' V "' Incommrw ma ‘ ERS BANK of Canada Tom. There in no formnlity about opening n Saving: Auto!!!“ with this Bonk. Courteous clerks will make the first steP’ any for you if you wish to begin saving your spare dollars. Not much money is needed. One Dollar will open 3“ account, end entitle you to a pus-book in Wthh YO“ 'tn ere entered. . No delay in withdnwing your money at my “3" with interest to due. Brunchoo duo at Mount For... andâ€" Aygon. Edge Hill. . C. TELFORD, Manager. OF CANADA It the Chronicle Printing House Street, on I ”Ion Jun ‘-lll\"\]I 14". “I” be ”I‘ m- p any addrrh’fi. mw of Mutant: ht“ o 0 $1 OOpPthmv' [ba\'all“ . 41.50 may be charged if. 1m! no Ipa;d.,‘u1+§m to which every subscript in“ Is paid is d m the number on the addrvss law] No 0313:1113. continued to all arrears are paid.“uwu‘m Option of the proprietor. IHE DURHAM EHRUN Sumption THE ('Hanlt LE will be any addn 2-5. HH‘ of HM ht“ . . .31 UUpf‘r 3 «:n' pa} ah]!- in. A- _- ‘ Adv ' ' For tmnalem atlvernwmenui cents per line Mr the V ' Bit“ 0 0 tion; 3 (This ln-r line (‘31.? '13:: QIIOIt insertion miuiou mun-mm. I’lmpum curds. not exceeding one nu'lz $41M per annum Advertisements without hpm'ifit' chm-Hone will be published ti" forbid and «ha ! gHI awarding]! ‘l‘nnsient noticesâ€"“h at.“ Thmmlf' "Fm Sale '.' 000,â€"50 cents for first insertion. 23 («BM tor etc} Inbggqqent insertion. A" idvertiumenm ordered M stun; rrs m 500?!!! for in odvsfnce. ' 5: not ntmt rates or youny adwmsemcnu . Iighgd oq uppgicution to [hr umw m mAll ulvér'tisemenu. to «mm-r inavriion in entrant week. should be brought in not latenbu 1030A! morning- is completely stocked “itb I Th. Jab . . NEW TYPE. thua- aflurdmg‘flc Dame!“ ilitiea for turning nut Firutdlu work. Machine Oil. Harness Oil, Ame Grease and Hoof Ointment, go to S. P. SAUNDERS‘A“ SAMPLE COPY FREE D‘WINTER TERM Best Agticultural Home Paw “out. Want“. Mcntion this paper- DURHAM, ONT JANUARY 4th mined by our management than any other in Unurio. Hrr x dmuaud mr uur mates“ Bunions: College 'l'eacbers, vtto Secretaries. (Hficc Assistants. etc. The embodiment (If the most ripe”. “Odom Swat-mu klmuu vn Busmms Science. We invite. cmuparisqm Thrre Departments Manumi by skilled in- “motors. mu Coums in all Business l'ollege 3nd High School lubjects. WALKERTON Business College IS PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDA Y M4 EDITOR AXD PRUPHIETUR sample 60?? Advocate and on the American (‘nmiuenL N0 progressive farmer will afford to be without it. lished weekly. Only $1.510 I?“ ‘~ -; - 101' or free sample cupy. GEO. sarr'mx, l’Hth‘ll’AL. More Young People W. IRWIN OPENS ifivfiarneawnker .Bf'thv Farmers Home Magflm? MURNIXG . Garafm Loud.- and Friend 5 afld prosperUUS h: Dull Feehng After Doflars -00Har~ m ACI‘GR ill “Q‘H'lln'k POO‘. Uflice With dnll Hanover, (and lmhd In Acme. Mme min-if hulk burn. under M. !m Acre», Durham R: m ‘GI'OS. Durham L' may other “find in! v ""' qulcmy ascerm Invenm‘fl ‘3 P" ”on. at rictfi' P” ”n‘ free, (H40 -- - ,_.A- null” "fiat-bull [LIN mall notice. I; IOIEY T0 LBND V v Ahm'daomely “W” I won of In? "‘ “ .33.?!) 3 yea“. I” ”waders. iuflu co!m3819 :0.- DEBTS (301.1.H "I‘l Bulw ll\ and (,0 all p Every kind u ‘to cuetully an! Answ- Business (Ma Prompt. 4“"? “MK fir”: PUMPS 7" w- mohflane C“ a what I ka’ni The PeopicT and Prm is For W hat by denlin The l‘huu I beg lean and the l' reputed 1 (3 airs. in PIP.“ concrete 5mm! no: prompfl." 4 ameed at '9 have Pew! Ustnwel. mu GEORGE guiding I F "E (H III 80m”! ustomers . I +4. V Sub |‘(I Ill re 98h G \\ liver n r“ t 1 \\

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