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Durham Chronicle (1867), 31 Dec 1908, p. 5

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KLER Dunn“. Dec. 30, 1908 Paul Wheat .......... 8 90 to 8 Spring Whett...... .. 90 to Oats...... .......... . 35 to Poem... ............ . '82 to Barley ..... 48 so Hey.... 7 00 to I Butter............... 22:0 Eggs .............. 25 to Potatoes per bog. .. . . . 40 to Flour per cwt ........ 2 50 to 2 Oatmeal per suck ..... 2 60 to S Chop per cwt ........ l 35 to 1 Live Hogs, per own... 5 70 to 5 Dressed Hogs per cwt. 7 70 to 7 Hides per lb ........ 6 to Sheepskins .......... 30 to Wool ............... 13 to Tallow .............. ’5 to Lord ................ 12 to Turkeys . 14 to Geese ..... . ..... .. 10 to Ducks ............... 10 to Chickens ........... . . 7 to Machine on and Coal Oil always In stock W. J. McFadden, l .unbton Street. Al The Bat In the world Everything the farmer wants in the [mph-meat, line can be found in our “fire-rooms. Sawyer a: Massey Thrashers De Laval and Massey-Harris Separators Rubber rings for Oxford Separators See our platform scales Machine Repairsâ€"Cash ON LY THROUGH LINE T0 Western Canada Massey-Harris Implements Rim you an uplift. You can but at at out has upâ€"to-datc school. Cantu! Business Conan. Tau-onto. Pine «about Im. Sand poem request. Write comma-old. Wham! TONI-noble Our (radium. are in demand as Bnalnoaa Cgoollo teacher- aa well as 0600 aaaia~ tanta.“ Individual instruction. Enter now. Largo catalogue fm. Write for it Our put record and our present [Moot Work pump!» on on the 3m!- pmticd training oohool of Wooten Ontario. We hove three department..â€" Coiled. Leaf Beekeeping 0: ur- Toronto sen. By mi]. 810.” three months. Should otart 10-day. ‘ 'ur. Yonga a Bloor su. R. A. Farqnhtr- emu, B. A., Principul. Canadian Busing-u THE GREAT SCHOOL Britith PRIO‘I’IGAL IDUGATION Feed your hair; nourish it; ,give it something to live on. *Thcn it will atop falling, and will grow long and heavy. Ayer’s Hair Vigor is the only genuine hair-food you can buy. It gives new life to fhe hair-bulbs. You save what hair you have, and get more, too. And it keeps the scalp clean and healthy: M 3/ Hair is Extra Long STRATFOHD. ONT. Talk it over with R. Mactarlane C. P. R. Ticket Agent, Fast Trains Daily Lowest Rates Changes or Delays Elliott Mouohlln Market Report. hoot ..... .....' Wham..." .. a per btg...” arcwt.u...u 2 [per suck..... 2 5r cvvt ........ l 338, per cwc. . . 5 Hogs per cwt. 7 Dec. 31. .90100000. n800000 00000 00000-000000- 0000000000000 ...0000000000 0000000000000 |.0.0..O 0.00.. CENTRAL W. H. SHAW. President Durham Easter to August 31:: $30.00. Bi value. Full Shortlist: or Loose Leaf Bookeeping c: at- neg. By mgi), $10.“) Bid Discount Offer. Agent. 325 12g 15 11 11 10 40 16 IO ' 0' [U 36 3‘ local applicotiono. on tho «not touch tho portion of the cor. hero in only one ny to one datum ond that in b oonotitndon- n1 remedies. Deafness to onnood y on inflomod candida-2! an- M“! of n.” 39-99% condition of tho anemia unit of the Bambi“: 'lubo When this tube u inflamed you have a ”and or in on: hearing. and when it u on in the malt. and union tln intimation an be aka out and this tube restored to its “audition, hating {£13353 Emu-Wis iiiâ€"mud" audition, hearing will in (1.0th femur; um. moo out of ten no causal 1) Cum“. which in nothing butuu inflamed tho of tho mucous sum :20 yin .givgguo Hundred Dollar- tor an on. __J I.__ -_AA.._‘_\ A‘-‘ A..-“ k‘ Well. the Varney Xmas tree is a thing of the past’once more. There was a packed house as usual and, as we promised, they were treated to an excellent program. We have heard from a good many sourceb that it was the bOI-t ever given in Varney, and this is saying a good deal. The pro- gram consisted of recitations,Xmaa exercises, dialogues, readings, solos, drills. singing by the choir, etc Over 40 numbers, too many to give in detail. Mr. Wm. Allen acted as chairman and filled the position very acceptably. The order was very good considering the crowd, with the exception of one little racket Miss Genie Pettigrnw, of Hoetein. visited her friend, Miss Louis: Mo- Anulcy, Xmas week. Miss Jennie Allan. of Toronto, came home to spend Xmas with her mother. Mrs. Thomas Allen, and other relatives. Miss Maud Burnett, of Durham, visited her cousin. Miss Winnie Blyth, during Xmas week. Messrs. Geo. M. Lesson, Jae. Hay. Robt. Pettigrew, Robt. Petty, Con. Creller and J. W. Blyth drove back to Ayton on Monday to attend the nomination. Mr. R Barber is the only men running in this division and we should all turn out and elect him. We want a man in this northern part of the township and now is the time to get one. We think Dick will get there this time. Miss Ethel I‘raymor, of hanover, spsnc Xmas with her friend, Miss Nelly McAnulty, and on Sunday she Visited Miss Ethel Pettigrsw. 'Mr James May and family moved into Mr. Wm. Lender’s house last week. We welcome them to our midst. Rev. and Mrs. H Caldwell and family, of Allenford, spent Xmas with the farmer’s brothers, William and Samuel Caldwell. A few {com here uttended the Xmas tree held in Wallace’s school house on the 22nd inst. They speak highly of the entertainment. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Clark and family, of Hanover, Spent Xmas with tbs farmer’s parents. Mr. and Mrs N Clark. Mr and Mrs. L. 0. Lee, of New Ontario, are visiting with the lat.- ter’s parents. Mr. and Mrs. Morri- son. We hear that they will re- main for a few months. We are pleased to have Ethel and her hue- band in our miden. A few from our burg took in the Xmas tree at Orchard on 22nd and Say the program was good and got somethmg to eat in the bargain. They will want to go back there next. year. Mr. and Mrs. R. Pettigrew and Wm. Lauder took dinner on ane day with Mr. and Mrs. C. Creller, while the young people of Mr. Lauder’ a family took dinner with the young pe0ple of Mr. and Mrs. Petti- grew’ 3 family. Miss Gertie Pollock spent Xmas week with her sent and uncle. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Pollock. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Marshall and iamilly ate their Xmas dinner with the latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. David McCrie. Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Eden and son, Willie, spent Xmas with Mr. and Mrs. James Gordon, Mrs. Eden’s parents. mum-um”; mm'ommmum A few from Varney attended the temperance meeting held in Allan’s school house on behalf of local 0p- tion, and I am sure they were well yflid. for the speaking was grand be. side some good singing. The Con ference people are working hard to sustain th+ by-law and sincerely hope that they may succeed by rolling up a large majority Say ! Don’t let any one near Varney that has a vote stay home, but go out and vote for local Option. Mrs. Churchward spent Xmas with Mr. and Mrs. Juno: Wilton. Miss Margaret Leegon. daughter of Mr. Geo. Leeson, visited {or a few days with friends in Mount. Forest last week. Mrs. H. Wilkinson received the and news lent week that her father wee dead in the West. We extend our sympathy be her. Mr. Adam Little from nenr Imma- den in the West, paid his old friends ground Vurnoy n flying visit ispt week, and I am sure they were all glad to see Adam once more and to see him looking so well. Mrs. Blyth received e telegrem on Tneedey night, before Xmee, thet her eieter, Jenet (Ire. Alex. Con- eteble) et Allendele, tree very neer deethe door end to come et once, end ehe left on the eerly trein next morning. It wee not e very merry Xmee to her. only the thought thet ehe wee trying to bring e little oom- fort to thet eed,end eorrowfnl home. It is more eed es the fether wee teken ewey ebont e yeer ego. Mre. Consteble’e trouble is cenoer of the etomech, end there is no hope held out by the doctor. Deane. Cannot be Cured 1'. J'. CHENEY t 00., 1030110. 0. Vamey. Our Ohrletmae Tree was another score to the great number of successful entertaino monte held in our church. The n' ht was fine and a full church was the reeu t. The Rev; Mr. McLennan. of Walkerton. occu- pied the chair in hie usual pleasing man- nor. The program was. real and the tree looked neat and rich, he proceeds were about 821m. Mr. B. Trafl'ord had the misfortune to are a horse break his leg by falling on the One dour youngmeu went to a Christ- mae entertainment at Zion. MrJohnRedford and sister. Klee An- nieof Glenda. vieited Mr. and fire. Alf; Redford laet week. ___, Mr. James Redford. of Rainy River. and Miss Ethel Trsfl'ord of this place were uni- ted in marriage in Hanover on Wedneedsy of last week. They went on a trip to U:- bridge to visit his sister. We wish Mr. end Mrsjedford at long and hsppy life together There is some telk of the Rev. fir New- ton having chug-e of our church here. We would he planned to hsve the reverend gentlemen in our midst. Mr and Mrs. John Philippa :nd tamily and Mr. and Mrs. Dengue McCallum. of Owen Sound, spent Chnstmas week with Mrs. McCallmn. Kennaâ€"Baetzâ€" That in the ob- senca of the Township Clark, the Council appoint W. R. McKsy to act as Clerk protem,â€"Carried. Buetz -Umbachâ€"Thu the claim of J. Clark be investigated by Com. Kennaâ€"Carried. Ship! -â€" Kenna â€"â€" That Wengsr’s account of $45 31 for road work be applied on the Township's account against him of 835 80, and that Mr. Wenzer be instructed to do more work on roads without consent of commissioners.â€"-Carried. The petition from the Women’s Institute was laid over till the Janu- ary meeting. A number of accounts were passed which will appear in the financial Statement m a few days. The Council adjourned to meet again in January. Kennaâ€"Baetzâ€"That H. Ringel re- ceive thirtv dollars for collecting taxes in 1908.-â€"-Carried. Mr. Dan McDoumll from Ottawa spent Chtistmu with his father here. Umbtchâ€"Shiel-m'rh tt Hm In‘n'ltee of the previous meeting, as trad, be adopted.-â€"Can iad. The Council met in the Clerk’s ofiioe on'Tueeday December 15th. The Reeve in the chair: all members present. Miss Lizzie McMurdo. of the has been v‘isiting friends here. Mr. and Mrs Henderson, of Dream- land. apenc Xmas at the farmer’s home here, Mr. D. Ferguson’s. Miss Mary Johnston is home from Fort William. Mr. Robert Aldcorn spent Xmas with friends in Mt. Forest? Miss Emma Wilson is home Lon- don Normal School, Mr. Will Heard was up from To- ronto to help eat. Chrismas turkey. Mrs. Hardy. an, Mre. Geo. Martin nndMise M. J. Martin are enjoying the Xmas vacation with friends in Owen Sound. MisaB Christie has gone to her home near Port Elgin. Mr. Wm. Campbell arrived home from Virgine in time to eat his Xmas dinner. Miss Maggie Knox is enjoying her home here for the Xmas holidays. Mr. G. W. Parslow and Miss Elds spent. Xmas with Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Blakeston, Strstford. Mr. Howard Watson is up from Toronto spending his Xmas holidays on his home here, The annual 8.8. Christmas Tree Entertainment of the Presbyterian church was held on Monday. Bev Matheson, the pastor, occupied the chair in a very able manner. The program consisted of choruses, re lcltations. dialoizuee, quartettes and tableaux TheS S. orchestra added much to the evenings’ entertaiment. The Good Night Drill by twelve little girls robed in white gowns and caps was a most pleasing feature and the accuracy and precision with which every child took their part, re1lect much credit on Miss J. Knox and Miss B. Christie, who took charge of the training of the chil ‘ dren, and artiscallv decorated the church. The pastor gave certificates. diplomas and scale to ten children for memorizing portions of the scrip. ture perfectly, after which the gifts of the heavy ladden tree were dier posed 05 to the joy of all who were remembered. Proceeds 825 00. Miss Isa. Campbell is home from McIntyre to spend her holidays. Mr. Ali. McCebe, our blacksmith. took s drive to Holstein on Cbrismes Dey to try his drivers, we suppose. . Our genial etore keeper, Mge. Hay, bee her store teed-ally decorated for the Knee eeeeon. Mr. md Mrs. James Hgy visited yr. 1nd Mr. M. Donnelly on Sunday Mr. J. W. Blyth and Wilbert sud Ev: ntt‘ondod the wedding at their niece and cousin. Min Don Burnett. of Durban, on Tueadty. Mt. Goo. I. Lemon and family loft. on Tuooduy morning to visit friends in Ingenoll. «and by a few of the“ Durham boys. who Ind whilkoy. for which tho: will likely have to pay“ for douly. Promda .40 60. Normanby Council. Swinton Park. Muloch. THE DURHAM CHRONICLE Don't leuo homoâ€"dan't experi- mentâ€"just use Cntxrrhozono;â€"it cures every one as quickly a it did Thoma Euon. of Weatwood, Ont... who an: “Five you. I mined from Hgy Fever and bud to has this put of the country ‘ month pro- viouu totho time of attack Since using Oumhosono I hue not been bothered. My our. in complete". For Summer Ctmrh, Aubu- and my Favor, (hmrhozono in gusta- uod. Got it for 81.00 from :3: In closing, we exceud our cordial New Yeer’e Greetings to the editor, bio stuff. and numerous renders. end hope the your 1909 may be e joyous dud prosperous one t. 0 every reeder of the Chronicle. , The marriage of Mr. Donald Wes- son to Miss Ethel Dennett is announ- ced for Wednesday, December 30th. A few of the young people of the neighborhood gathered at the home of Mt. and nus James Brown on non- day night, when a very pleasant time was spent in games and unuse- mente of :11 sorta. In our Orange .Lodge ofiicers' re port of two weeks ago, a couple of errors occurred which would perhaps he as well corrected. For Worship- lul Master, it should have read G. A. Wetson instead of G. A. Brown. and for Finnncisl Secretary Thos. Ritchie instead of Geo. Ritchie. The Hanover Furniturp Co. have commenced buying logs at the siding here. Mrs. Hugh Firth and children. of Markdale, are visiting the farmer’s mother. Mrs. James Moore. Miss Alice Lawrence. of Toronto. is ac present visiting her parents. Mr and Mrs. Anthony Lawrence. Mr. Andrew Picken’s sale on Mon- day lust was a grand success. Miss May Aljoe of Toronto is home for the holidays. Miss Lottie Brown, of Toronto, is Spending her Xma‘s holid nya at the prrental homo. " Every man or woman here who feels that the kidneys are not strong or acting in a healthy manner should mix this prescription at home and goveita trial. as it is said to do wonders for many persons. Those who have tried this say it positively overcomes pain in the back. clears the urine‘ of sediment and regulates urination, (specially at night, curing even the worn! forms of bladder weakness. The mixture is said to cleanse and Strengthen the clogged and inactive Kidneys, overcoming Becknche, Bled- der weakness and Urinary trouble of all kinds. if taken before the stage of Bright’s disease. Mix the following by shaking well in a bottle, and take in teaspooniul doses after meals and at. bedtime: Fluid Extract Dandelion. one half ounce; Compound Kai-gun, one ounce; Compound Syrup Sarsapnrills. three ounces. A local druggist is the au- thority that. these simple, harmless ingredients can be obtained at nomi- nal cost from our home drugzist. time a sure enough world’s champion, and the first Canadian-born to hold the title, it appeared, even to his best friends, that he was not fully deserv- ing of it. and would shortly have to surrender it to a larger man. A ood "little” man. his size has always en against him, and though we yet believe him capable of trimming anything of his size in, the country, the heavy- weight championship was just a trifle too heavy a weight for one of his dimensions to hold for any length of time. With the bi negro, who was nearly seven inc es taller. fifteen pounds heavier. athletically better proportioned. and possessed of a better knowledge of the manly art, Tomm stood no show of winning, and though it is regrettable that his conquerer is of the “ace of spades” race. he defeat came as no surprise to the ma'ority of fight fans who had closely ollowed the records of the two men. Tommy Burns, of Hanover, Ontario, is, pugilistically speaking. no more. he having departed this life on Friday last, at the hands of big Jack Johnson the burly negro fighter from Texas. who plucked him of his glory-ant! the championship belt at Sydney, N.S.W. The fight lasted 14 rounds. and Tommy was a mere layto in the hands of his opponent. hougL Tommy was. for a A __ - .. _____I._I,_, -L-____!_- Year’s night, at 8 o’clock, lovers of the .game will have an opportunity of see- mg the “Flying Dutchmen" in action. Though no great fear is entertained here as to the final result of the game, and it is than ht the Durham septette will win hangily, no over-confidence is noticeable in the local line-ug, who will go in to win from the first low of the whistle. and - take no chances, \Vin or lose, it will be a great battle. andone that will be worth watching. Quite 3 number of our hockey en- thusiasts took in the championship hockey match at Hanover on Christ- mas Day, between teams re resenting that town and Mildmay. mm their report of the match. and the score, 18 to 4. in favor of Hanover. it was Hanover all the way,'and though the visitors were a couple of men short of their regular team. they will have to strengthen up considerably to handle the team from the furniture town. It is conceded in local circles that Hztno-. ver hasa swift bunch of hockeyists,‘ and one that will be heard from in the series of games to be played in this district this winter. As they bum up against the local puck Chasers on _ e_w Five You-3' Ha} Favor Cured. WITH THE SPORTS McWilliamsville. Print By Request In the first place, he found that every time he panook freely of acid fruits his old trouble returned; and, secondly, he learned that it was abso- lutely essential to keep the kidneys active. To do this it was necessary to drink plenty of water. peca- sionally he would dissolve a lithia tablet in the water to assist its action on the kidneys. CHRONICLE FOR ALL THE NEWS. A prominent citizen, who had for years suffered from rheumatism and rheumatic gout, has been giving his friends the benefit of his experience, and incidentally a copy of the pre- scription which was of material a- signage in. efiectinx n cure. Some Simple Precautions Which Will Prevent a Recurrence of Attacks. MAflE-M-HUME GET READY for NEW YEAR’S C. MCARTH UR 10 Children’s Suits. 0 - worth $3. 00 and up I 48 special ............ ° 10 pr. Men’s Pants, i n fancy stripes l 98 wor th 83, special. ‘ 10 pr. Men’s Pants, plain and f’c’ ly reg. l 48 82.25, special ...... 10 Men’s Suits single and double breast- 3 98 ed worth 87 to9. 50 50 Men’ s Suits, the lateststyles 1n tweed and fancy worsted effects, 7 3 5 worth $9. 50 to $11 ' 50 Men’s Suits, fine tweeds and worsteds, in new- est st les, worth 9 98 from 12 to $14.. ' ”fi.?f’f.‘.7§’.“i‘fi i“??? 1.00 4 lbs. Raisins, best. fruit . . “be. Currents, best fruit 25 4 bottles best extract for 25 000000000... ............ Corn Starch, wmth 100 for ..................... 07 4 Boxes Matches, 1,000 in I each box ............... o 5 2 Bottles Shoe Polish ‘CO. I ........................ O HARDVVABEâ€"The prices on this stock is sending it out quickb. / Get our prices before buying. Worsted Hose, reg. 250. o I I 500 pairs Ladies’ Ribbed 3 Hose, special ........... o 50 White Bed Spreads, 79 worth $1.50, special... . o 6 pieces Cretonne, worth 10 and 1250, special. . . . .08 42 in. Cream Serge Dress goods, special. . . . ...... c 38 in. Cardinal Nun Veil- ing Dress Goods. special a 52 in. mixed Tweed Suit- ing Dress Goods ........ c 44 in. Pink, Sky and Navy Mohair Dress Goods, sp 0 27 in. Check Muslins, reg, 12§c. to 15c. special.... o‘ 27 in. Mercerised Waist- ings, worth 20 and 25c. o 300 pairs Children’s Fine Alex. Russell We have everything fresh in Alex. lllssell I The Big Store [ TRADE. Special Value in . Boys’ Coarse Rubbers at 85c. per pair. GLOVES COLLARS HANDKERCHIEFS FOR XMAS PEEL ALuoxns, WALNUTS, (shelled) PEANUTS UY’RRANTS STOL‘ED RAIsms ICING SUGAR EXTRAC'I‘S BAKING MOLASSES, ETC. LEMON. ORANGE AND Crmox A nice variety of GROCERIES Clothing BHEUIATIO TREATMENT GIFTS The Big Store .15 .17 .39 .27 .59 .59 Toronto Mellow 8g Showpla- Hu'neu, Rugs, Stoves. Forum. Mwhineo. Heb) Mcunghlin’l FI- Repainfor all m Bepduforullmokui Automobiles. Ties. POI 'AGEN'I'. Geo. White St! Agent for Perci Persian and l Choice Fruits at lowest pric Handkerc Mufflers Gloves Lot4-MensSlmu in an Gulf Don la “th {<2 .10 (I). s[)u°,ial l .48 Lot wE-Uen s Ht st Slum s in Box Gulf and Pat. Lt mthm, \sorth $2.0m 1:511:31.“ w” .2. 85 Lot s'Miss‘f“. a n d Children’s 8130“ all SIZES and prim.15 ‘n _..-.£-I Lot l-â€"Ladies’ and M issvs‘ Shuf‘s worth from 1.50 to 2.00, ”in! .................. 098 [pt Philiics’ and M issvb’ film“. worth from 2.00 to 31!) | (In FARM M. Produce Taken as Gash and Dry Goc select» from. Vince you. will do well in town for! We have a I line of Termsâ€"Ca Frost Groceries All K (1 pru-vs 4 ' . I I o . , . 9 nutham I when mplete

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