West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 31 Dec 1908, p. 6

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For the “Holiday Seasdn Rig-ht now when you w ant them, with practically H the winter ahead y on can get them with a. big m in the price Ladies’ Fitted and Loose Coats 1 Girls’ Furs as Gifts Stoles, A lat-g 0 number of New. upoto-date RuffS. all kinds 0! furs m all kinds of styles, all at out P You can save enough on any one of these to b! good present Shawls, Clouds, Toques Golf Jackets Moccasins Underskirts as Gifts Dress Goods as gifts New groceries and fruit UP'tO-dlto stylesâ€"values at 812.50 to 815â€"311 at one price 810. of age. Of course To fit ‘11 size- of girls from 4 to 18 years is cut in price to the Pm depend. an the size. but every one make you happy. an malie good sensible gifts. SHAWLSâ€"black, red. white, 750. to $1.00. CLOUDSâ€"soft, fluffy, white ones. 250 to 500. TOQUESâ€"white and colured. 25c to 500. GOLF J ACK HTS With sleeves, $2.00. H.B.K. brand. all sizes, Phi“ 1 women’s sizes 3 to 6 $1.25. . These Mnrevns and lleatberlrlooms Handsome and practiml. silk and wear much better. have all the gum! qunldies uf Fine Heathen-Mum". Muck, lmvy. hmwn $2.75. Fine Moreen, silk mixture, black, navy green. brown $2.50. \Vill make Xmas happy for thv reclpm increase the giver-’5 happiness. “'9 are in the very newest styles and culurs. Everything for Humâ€"Gloves. Hats. and Ties, Handkerchiefs, Mufflers, 1 you the Compliments of the Season â€"COATS Stock of the time to buy your Christmas gifts at before offered you. A partial list : Toilet Sets n Boxes Ebony Brushes in Boxes Hand Bags es, Nuts, Currants. cooking and t Lemons, etc. AL DRUG CHEMICAL co. d Cuff Boxes 'ST BE SOLD to be sold regardless of cost . DARLING Druggist r for ”)0 recipients. The prices iids‘ sizes 11 to “9115381 W- 3 $1.00. Boys’ and Fancy Box Perfumes COME EARLY Caps, Fancy Hose, Collars ‘ardigans, Sweaters. ts. The prices will ngmg great values cut prices. to buy :yourself a. , we have it u ble Raisins. Figs, Throwovers, The Council met on December 15th as per statute. Al the members present; the Reeve in the chair; mipgteeof Inst meeting rend and confirmed. CSmmfinicntione read is follows:â€" Minois Bros” account; W. Irwin. account; Local Board of Heclth. re port ; Commissionors for word 1 and l'"' 1 4 ‘Rapprt of balance of appmpria tiona as follows:â€" Ward 1, ha]. of appropriation} 83.00 Wari 1. statute labor fund.. . ' 16 50 Ward 4, ha]. of apprcpriation. 63 44 Orders for school monvy ..... .5500 38 Order for payment of deben er’s sslsry...... . ....., 100.00 Order for bslsnce of Clerk’s ‘ sslsry .................... 15 00 Order for payment of mem- bers of Bond of Health . . . . 2O 00 Massey Hen-is Company, for * under plow... . . . ......... 33 00 i Wm Styles. brushing. Loss 11 and 12, Con. 2, N D.R ..... 15.00 I Inc. Russell, gravel at. Csmps’ En 3reek....... .............. Robert Dargsvel, gravel . . . . . Jag. Ledingbum, gravel ...... Samuel anht, gravel ...... Roiiirve'iifiééééij 'g'mal . . .. . .40 Joe. Ledinghum, gravel ..... . 1.25 Samuel Wright, gravel ...... 1 00 R. Anderson, moving grader. 1.50 John A. McDonald, bal. of salary as Aosessor. ..... . .. 10 00 J. C. Ross. lumber and work, Lot :3, Con. 9 ............. . 19 ‘25 John McNolly. repairing rail- lng. Lot. 5, 0011.9 ........ . 16.61 John Calder, rep culvert, Lot 20. T.L., G. E., Q cost. .. .75 Hugh McPhail, work at Lot. ' 50. Con. 4, S.D R .......... .50 ,C. McArthur, clothing for ' Mrs. Ginn ................ 1 ‘22 1A. Russell, clothing for Mrs. , Ginn .................... 1.19‘ Wm. Irwin. printing. (two accounts) ................. 50 77 Minnie Bros., lumber and work ..................... 7 40 John Muldoon, culvert, Lot ll, Con ‘3 EG.R. ......... 2400 lW. 1) Connor. cemem curbs. Lof7).Con.9......... 825 l o o i'l‘be Clerk. for postagu and ex- press charges ............. The Treasurer, for posoaze.. . The Standard Bank. draft for on townline.G.l€l..I....... 1‘5""! Thomas McFadden, care um ‘ committing M rs. Giun . . . .. ‘2 UU‘ Jae. Atkinson,conveying Mrs, l Ginn to H.0fR...... 200‘ J. t‘. Telford, taking affidavit re Lot 5. Con. 9 ........... .50 E. \V. Hunt. rep. and use of plow, Lot 5,Con.9........ 1‘25 ‘ Wm. Weir. commission on expenditure; .............. 1 2?) J. A. McMillan. commission. . 1 56 Thomas Nichol. commission. . 150 E. “7. Hunt, commission. . .. . 10 00 Frank Haley, moving plow.. . 50 Huntâ€"Nichol -â€" That the Reeve and Wm. Weir be a committee to in- spect the timber on road allowance at Lots 10 and 11, Con. 3, W. D. R and make a settlement if they think fit and prawnâ€"Carried. By-Lew No. 491 closing original ' road allowance and establishing a L diversion in lieu thereof was intro~ . duced and having had its first and I second reml - z. McMillan.â€"Bunt -â€" That By-Law No. 491 be now read a third time. signed. sealed and engrossed on by- law boobâ€"Carried. The Reeve having left the chair, the same was taken by E. W. Hunt, when it was moved by Mr. Weir and seconded by Mr. McMillan, that the thanks of this Council are due and are hereby tendered to Mr. Thomas McFadden. Reeve of this Township. for his faithful attention to the busi- ness of the Township during the present and former years, and espec- xially the last two years when so ’many important and complicated lquestions were brought before him, ‘and for his civility to each member ,of the Council during so many years 'aud whether in or out of the Council. We, the members of the present Council, will hold him in the very‘ highest respect and gocd will. And to Mr. Daniel Edge, our Treasurer, we desire to eXpress our gratitude for his ever pains-taking and court- eous manner to each member of the Council. We all join in expressing services for many years to come. â€"â€" Carried unanimously. The Reeve and Treasurer replied. The Council then presented the Clerk with a very flattering address. accompanied with a beautiful and costly pair of gauntlets. and assur- ing him that he need have no scrubles in accepting, as it was the free Will of the individual members of the Council. Glenelg Council The Clerk thanked the Council for the gift and the Impressions of good will in the address just read. and stating that during the twenty-five years he had served as clerk no members of any of the Councils of that period had ever spoken an un- kind word to him, and that the special mark of good feeling made manifest by the present Council makes him feel as he Would like to serve them twenty-five years more. It in a Wonder. Chamberlain' I_ upland“- The Council ndjourned. 'HE DURHAM CHRONICLE J. 3. BLACK. l .00 Our object in having another sale is to turn our entire stock into cash. We have had by far the best season’s trade, we have. ever known, but still we find we shall have a stock of over seventy hats which we are determined to turn into money. It’s a pity to reduce the prices of this beautiful headwear still lower, but we have resolved to make an absolute clearance. We are not nwroly attempting to do so, we are going to do it. We have reduced the prices to such a degree that you will have tocome to literature before you can fully appreciate the great values we are otm'ing. mt remember, that while the prices are ridiculously lmv.<-\'mg\ hat is of the best quality and style. Each color 1 Alice Bluc. French 1‘ elt himmed with handeamO and crescent mount, legulm- $0.00.. ..... ....................... 1 Navy Bllw Silk Velvet Hat, sequin imn- 2 98 «1mm and 1 white ”strivh tip, rug. $5.75. . lNzwy Flnp. faced with navy satin. and trimmed with 5 yards best quality t. ifi'cna ribbon 1 15 and 1 whit-9 wing, reg. $3.75 . ..... . o 5 Navy Hats, trimmed with good ribbon, 98 wings and flowers. reg. $3.75. for ........ - l Mulberry 'l‘oque, with White fur brim, and large white pun-pom and mulberry velvet, reg. $4.75 .............................. 1.15 1 Old Rose F101), trimmed with roses and 1 15 foliage and velvet, reg. $3.95 ............ o 5Red, Old Rose and Mauve. trimmed with good wings. ribbon amd velvet. reg. $3.98 ..... 98 1 Brown Hat, white satin edge. 2 beautiful brown wings. and 3 yds. brown satin ribbon, reg. $5.75 for ........................... 1.98 1 large Brown Sailor. trimmed with 2 green wings. Persian hand and taffeta ribbon, regular $4.75 for ................................ 1 o 3 8 1 Brown Hat, largo flaring brim, 2 pair White wings, mink band, reg. $4.25 ..... 1.88 2Small Brown Hats. good qualitv felt, with best. quality taffeta. ribbon, velvet, foliage and roses, reg. $4.95 .................... 1. 1 5 7 Brown Hats, good quality felt, trimmings of rib- bon, flowers and wings, reg, $3.25. ...... 98 O lGreen Hat, good quality felt. I shaded Wing, 2 hunches richVelvet foliage, 5 yds. green taffeta ribbon, reg. $4.75 .......... . . . . . . 1. 39 1 Green Felt, satin folded around the crown, 1 pair large white wings, reg. $4.75 ........... 1 43 9 OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO 9 Green Hats, all g md quality leg. $2 to $4.95, sale price ......................... .98 Women’s Bonnets 2 elderly Ladies’ Bonnets. reg. $3. 25 ..... 9 8 REMEMBER--This is a bona fide sale, and one you should uuu' advantage of. With the prices of this vast assortment of llia‘h' Class Millinery cut to the lowest possible figure, the stock will not last long, and we advise intending purchasers to come early-0n the first day of the sale, if possible-~so that they may select tlH’il‘ purchases before the best of the bargains are gone. hwy Hats, trimmed with good ribhnn, 98 vingc and fiuwm's. reg. $3.75, for ........ . Mulberry, Old @056 and Red 3 only, Navy and Alice Blue Hats oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo 11 Green Hats â€"-â€".â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" will be arranged on separate tables and the will be the price :â€" vith 2 green wings. alice blue 1 Large \‘Vhite Flop. trimmed with gum! \Vhih- mf- fetn silk and large pale blue wing, x-wg. $4.85. .................................. 1-75 1 W'hite Hat. trimmed with white ribbon :mai 1 “Imp ostrich tip, silk edging. reg. $5.25. . ..... 1 65 5 White Hats. with trimmings of wlwt. wings, reg. $3.75. sale. pnce ........... . lGrey Hat, French felt, trimmed with g ribbon. 1 pr. grey wings, velvet binding.r 1 Grey Felt, trimmed with 1 large. grey pan velvet, reg. $4.85, sale price. . . .. 6 Grey Hats, trimmed with navy ribbun. grey, and other colors, to clear at, ...... lBlawk Silk Velvet Hut, trimmed with black plume, jet bandeau, and 3 yards black taffeta. ribbon, reg. $7.00 ......... 1 Blur]: Silk Velvet. HM. trimmed with white ostrich plume and jet buckle. reg. $7.50..... .............................. 1 Handsome Braid Hat, trimmed w ribbon and 1 white ostrich plume $5.50, going at................ 3 Black Felts, good quality, trinnnings n1 fem. ribbon, quills and Wings, reg. $3.93 2 Black Silk Velvet Turbans. trimmings. pan-poms.. ribbon and wings. reg. $4.7» lMohair Tmhan and folds of silk tnmmw black ribbon and fluweis, suitable in: 2 mourning, reg. $4. 75 ................... 1 Black Felt. HM, satin ribbun and quill~. reg. $2.75 .............................. 3 Black Felts. trimmed with ( z-ulmed flu“- ers, wings and xibbons, leg. .53. 2.5 ....... l JIUIIIUI' llll'llitll ituu qum u ‘ n. black ribbon and fluwels, suitahli ini 2. 39 mourning, reg ..$1 75 ..... . ............. 1 Black Felt, Hat, satin Iibbun and quill‘. 98 reg. $2.75 ............. . ............... 0 3 Black Felts. *rimmed with (ulnu d Wm 98 ms, wings and libbons, leg. .53. 2..) ....... Baby Bonnets and Children’ s Headwear 2 children’s White Silk Haw, himmml \\ guod white taffeta ribbon, pink and blue, reg. $2.00 ........................ l Felt Shirred Silk Hat. with large bunt'h of taffem ribbon, reg. $1.50. . . 3 \Vhitg Bear Baby Bonnets, 7 White Hats d‘d‘ 8 Grey Hats one you should take following with black tafl't bird and grey "7‘? 3.98 of black m‘ white taf' ribbon and grey satin of (mail!!! one 1 ' O 0 m. 1.19 one 19 in 1.19 .98 vzwdfi with U . -~ I“ amouni of MOM WLIW numh r 37".: u Durham. \\ M v}. 5“ .0“?wa nmnfi fl TC Dnv‘wnht .x.;\.1 I All! WEAS ”1‘ tn? 4 ”now M be "Mun (“p21 "\“t” r( I N“ iaHV bv Huma‘ 931d (1ht :wd ‘12: '8 SK?» "tiff [H‘OV dld m WHEAS th“ whow hat ’ 09 Town of Durham. to ‘8‘? TFV K‘d ufiflsxng ‘ $681.56500. WHEAS ‘hP amount of ‘ of H)“ E I. gmrlv Sum" u ant l\a\"‘.h‘0 1' ppm! and ‘ “Ed d ht 5" “enable (‘Q‘m‘ m 'able in ‘ Pa"? 1.90? of By beam!“ trim the 'mu‘ Town of Durâ€" gum fmri thz‘ at th in It'on of the ad a Byâ€"LnW. and m‘nt, thr may. L'm Md riflg a furfii- Town of Dur- m of d-nh'm 0! Durham “ mamb‘v a‘ int“ M 31'” In 01110“ - 535 0‘ m the (lobe! d “h or. «t Moi and did pu t} SI SJ'N n fill (D of

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