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Durham Chronicle (1867), 31 Dec 1908, p. 7

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'uu should take tnwnt of High- .hv stuck will not (mine earlyuon may select their QUIHP. 1909 1 909 irv stm'k into I Hats we have ever 1‘ svvcnty hats pity to reduce lmt “we have 1‘ mm merely r- *.’;‘£hl(‘0(| the k Hats Hats a 3.98 . 31, 1903 l with one 15in the store -‘ ”I hIM'K IU‘ <3»; 115 f. 1mm. d With 2. 39 much w i th one 4 1'. ‘HIJt'k tutfvtn 2.98 ll h «’1'0'3' wlTiH 1.19 fin! and grey . CVO?) ll ()Vb'lll 1}er with ‘ 0f ustrit‘h 1.19 V 4' ads (D‘ BV-l .a W Number 6). O or T“ MWICIPAL CORPORA- TION OF THE TOWN OF DURHAM. ~â€"’ \ BY-LAW b authorize the ‘mue of d’bflltur9“. the Tfiwn of Dur-q ham to the “MM ('1 $11,000 hr the gurymT In t?‘ I rat {flame of trxk'ng u: dr-bmture'h the amount of $10.- 000. 3811“! 0““! By-L 1w number 3'54 of th" 9111 Tum at Durham. wh'ch nu'urr on th ten'th day at June. AD. 1‘09. 9nd tor the further pur- pm of suvnlemr-ntimz the moneva 1" s1 I‘d nnd"? Bvâ€"L'Iw numb?! 535 of 'h" 91'." Ton 0‘ Dur‘Wm. to hu'ld 3 hr'de' “I"!!! tho Saugeen River M 'h“ a: '1 Town of Durham. fh“ PYD!F.'I0I OI tt’fl y! data of the mid By-Law W'WERFAQ on the tenth an! of June .-\.D..1399. the Munic’nll‘ C‘-lln’".‘ of the arpm'xt'on of the van of Durham emcted a By-LaW. mimbfled 354. “to a?d and ass'nt the Durham Furniture Company, L‘m’ted. in bu ld'mz and met-Hing a furni- ture Fartory' in the Town of Dur- him." whereby the issue of deb‘m- ‘ur‘s of the lid Town of Durham to the amount I! 3310.000. repuvable at *‘nn Muir. t0! pf ten years from the -r,‘_ Anc‘kA" AND WHEREAS +he time for ay-' mint of the .sa'd d‘chentures wil tx- r’rw on fhP tenth day of June A.D.,; 1"09. 1nd it :3 dWemmd ndv’sahle, to‘ 13¢! d‘-Wr§tnt€s debt for a further T‘rim‘ of twenty vears therefram. AND WHEREAS on the eleventh thy of Ffbruary AIL. 1°08. the Muni- c‘pfl Conn”! of the Cormrft’on of the Town of Dnrh..m enicted. a By-LaW. numh‘rod 535. to authorize the 'ssun of d'hr’nfurés of the 3.136 Town of Durham *0 the amount of $4000 "for NH purplfl' of hufld'mz and erect- ‘ng a hr'dgn arrosa the Saugee'n R’v- rr. and ‘YDpI’GlPhP‘S thereto at th? =mer-w‘t’on of the aft! river and Camfmxa street. (in the mid Town of Durham " S h .d brag ND WHEREA t 0. gm - 9 ml}! nrp_roncbgq_thereto have ~ been 1 .LL,A run-f ‘hnfa_ 1"" C." "lW'-¢IF‘.I uluv-‘--- built and erectéd, and thewcmt theta- of is the sum of $5000 or thereabout. 1nd it '9 dwemfid ndv'aable to issue further dphenmrs of the and Town 0 0f $1000 to Durham to the amount mount realized on- mzvp'OmPflt thé a d‘r By-Law number 535 of the mid. Town of Durham and pay of! the hahnne remain'ng strurtion of the aa'd br'dgle. AND WHEREAS for the purposes aforemid “t will be necessary to tame debentures of the and Town of 9811.000 as of Durham for the mm bfreinatter pYOV'dfd (wh‘ch is the amount of the deht intended to be 1w). the proceeds created by this By-L of the 9.134! d anturc-s to be flpptlnd to the quid purposes and no other. AND WHEREAS it '»s deQ'rnhln to ism!) the s.:'d d‘bmttlrcs at onot'me And to mwk‘f‘ the prinC'pnl of the mid d'rht repwyahle by yearly sums Ant-Ina the” nPr'f‘d of twenty gears. during th< por'cd or twenty h ng tho ‘urrmcy of the and h nturos. mid ymrly sums being an h rrsrmtive amounts that menmtc‘ amount pav able in 0 war for prinCp'fl and mter‘st iqu‘t of thf my) d:ht_sh.1]l‘ be AND “'HEREAS the tot 11 nmounti rrquired 1w the “Municipll ‘Act” to he rxisr-d mnually by spec's! rate for paying: H11“ and d‘bt and miter-E at as hirwimfter provided '3 $845.64‘ AND WHEREAS the whole ratenble property of NW Town of Durham. ac- cordinsz to the last refs-led aaaEssment roll thereof. is $681,565.00. i AND WHEREAS the amount of the exist ng debenture debt of the said MunLC'pll'.ty «exclusive of local im- Qrovement ‘ebenturofl is the sum of 539001.64. «hereof no part at age § princ'pn or interim .36 ml Q 2. EACH of the said debentures 311.111 bv- signed by the Mayor of the said Tovn of Durham. or by some 0: be r p: mans authonized by By-Law to s'gn the game. and by the Tmmrer thereof. and the Clerk of the mid Town of Durham shall attach there:- to tho Corporate Sea-l of the Mum- cipallty. ,- - n , 1--..-- th“ hon? 3. THE said debentures Shsllloenr interest at the 1' half pn'r centum per annum. payahie j.*.H']y at the and Bank on the first d": of June in each and ever F‘nr dhring the currency thereo . and skull have nttyacned tq them ést. which coupons shall be as by the Mayor and Treasure: 0! the Quid Town of Durham. a shov xr‘d.) 4. DURING the currenCy of the' aid 6 bentureo there shall be raised annu-my by special rate on 9.1? the ratcnble property In the an! Town? of Durham the mm at $845.64 for the purpose ht paying the amount due 1n each of the mid years for Â¥rin01pal and Into“: in of be said debt (as shown in Schedule ‘A’ hereto annexed.) 6. THIShBy-Law (ha-ll take effect on the y dtho final paging theme! by the Council. in the afternoon of the tune day. by the lollawing Deputy ReturnLng Officers.â€" In North Ward alt Cl’fton EIV" ’5 house by Clifton Elvidge u - nun manning Officer. In : East put! “'HFRWAS dqhentures of the u'n of Durham to the amount b00 were dulv issued '1! put-- of mid Bv-Law number 354. due“. course sold and d's- n ‘iBV-chéainle ‘A’ hereio H" amount payable In eacn rinc [HI and inter’st in tho 9.116 debt shall be as ‘msihle equal to the p‘lyflblff in each of thP can can of such period :. en .oflnlp °.\’ hereto .m- debentures shnllbenr rate of four and one 1 per annum. payable ALA the tenth. .m! r was author- J (”$171000 .19 ' «gen 3-; the!R)'-I.a\v Number 553.‘ tendéd *0 be OF THE MUN CIPAL CORPORA- “9' .b n t , -+---â€" 8"“; '(‘)»llwlt'm(f)ég A 3‘ -LA\V fd'grant mid by way 1- . of rartiul exerrkifion from taxa-timn ‘ , d. ‘rfi‘fififfifi‘i‘fi TION OF T E TOWN 013‘ nd no other.i DUkHAM. ., . . for gill? Prong: of the industry of '.i, , «rs. a rm or e nnufacture o; oat “ “t“ yedxlmral in the to of Durham. [ms bemg of, WHEREAS W’ l‘am A. McGowan a thwt thefot th-s Town of urfimm. is urpwsâ€" Me in each ing the erect'on of a mill or the antnrst in manut'lcture of oat meal, in the r shin." be as Town of Durham. and has petit'onzd pm! to tho the Munic;pa1 Council of the Town each of th-0 of Durham for «mind by partz'al exemp- ' ranch neriod tion from taxation or the same. Wnd at the own Hall by H. H. Mo*kler 33 D61 ty Returning Off'oer. and in Wet and at Jo n Mur- dicks office bi John .mm a, De- puty Retnmin Officer. of , o . Satnr . the second ’day 13mm}: AD.. 939. the Mayor of the said Town diDurham shall attend at the office ‘1 the Town Clerk at the Town of urham, afi_ten o’clock in the foren t0 appont persgms to attend at the var-nous paying r ‘ ml at the final i ‘ ‘3 CPS. 3__foÂ¥.e..sagt a+kn vtifm hv “he _ aforesaa and at the ' tinnl up of the flies by the (31er on behalt of the pagans inter- ested in, and promot'ng :or oppog- ing the passm of this By-me re- ”actively. 8. THE 3101'}; of the Council of the saéd Town of Durham aha" 'Ittend at H: of! ea In the Town of January A.D.. ..909. at ten o‘clock in th“ forenom to sum up the num- hcr of votes :‘or and agaist th'a By- SC HEDU‘ Referred to in Showing how th~ :thercby required ”racial rate. 58 .Year Princ'pa 1910 $350.64 1 1911 366.42' 1912 382.91 I 1913 400.14 .1914 418J4 ‘ 1915 436.96 1916 456.62 11917 477.17 ; 1918 498.64 . 1919 521.08 ' 1920 544.53 | 1921 569.03 ' 1922 594.64 .1923 62‘-40 he lug I. u L r of the same dnv by the following D3- m puty Returning Off cers,- of In North \Vard mt Cl fton Elv dge’ s 11-. boas:- blget Cl fton EIV' -dge as nrninz Off oer; In__Ea.st Dated at the C tho Town PLDUE January. 1921 1926 1"27 19:28 1929 $5912.80 $16912.“ the above is a true By-luw. which has cmmideratinn. and ally passed by the uniripnlity, (in the event ()f the nsse 0f the. electors be- ing obtained the tn) after one month from the firqt pn. iontim) in the Dur- ham (‘hl-nniele. t . (late of whit-h first pnhlieatinn was‘ mutiny the lllth (lay nf lh-remher A U HMS. and that the votes of the elee 's nf the said Muni- cipality will he ta en thereon. on the «inv and a t th hours and places therein fixed. $11000.00 Take notice (h;- enpy of .‘l pI'Opns been taken into which will he ‘ Council of the 11W. V AND WHEREAS it Is drwmcd eXpe- dient to grant inch p-etLtion. NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Council of the Corpor_1t'on of the Town of Durh 1m enacts as follows,â€" 1. THAT the assessment of the mill 1nd m..'1Chn€l‘y therein. togeth- (r with all filie lands belong mg to, and used 353 mill s te in connection there- with of the aid W‘Ilam A. Mt‘Gowan, which lmds are descr‘bed as fol- lows.â€" Lots 17 and. '18, East Gera- ff-IX-‘l street. 17 and 18, \Nest Al- bert street, md 17 and 18, East Al- bert street. Durhim. except portions thereof sold lfld conveyed to the Welkerton and Lucknow Ra'ilws Company, Lots 183, 19 and part 2 , East Albert street, Lots 18. 18B, 19, 20 and part 21, Waist E18111 street. Lots 19 and 20 and parts 17, 18, 21 and 22 wait Elgin street, Lots 19, 20 and 21 and parts 18 and 2:2, \We-Bt Kincard no street. and part of Park Lot letter B. all in the Edge Survey of the Town of Durham, and more girtziicuhrly dr-gtr bcd :n a Deed of‘ .argnin and Sale thereof from cne Samuel J. Edge to the mid W-ll'am A. McGowan, be. and the same is here-b fixed at the sum of $1000.00 for t e period of hen ears frmn the passing of th's by- aw, except- ing, however. as to school taxes. 2. THE votes of the electors out the Town of Durham shall be taken on this By-Law at the following t’mea and places. that is to say,-â€" On Mon- day. the 4th (by of Janumw' £A.D.x 1909, commencing at the hour of nine o’clock in the foreno‘on and. continu- iqgut'll five gelqzk in the afternoon LL- (A‘IAc-rnnl. n5- I [Vtm J4 Dtputy fieturning Off'cer; In East' \Vard at the Town Hall by H. H.; Mockler as Deputy Returning Off c- er. an'dih \VP‘st \Vnrd at John Mub‘ dick’s off'oe by Joibn Smith .18 De- liuty Returning Officer. 3. ON Saturday, the second day‘ of Januar , A.D., 1909. the Mayo’rl of the ”is Town of Durham shall} attend at the office of the Town C,l£rk of. the Town of Durham at ten oclock m the toremoon to Appoint pergons to attend at the various [9111118 places atoreea'd, and at the final summ'ng u or the votes by the Clerk, on. behal of the persons in- ,t-ergsbeddm and.ypron1-otjpg 9.! '00.. reapectively. ’ 4. THE Clerk of the Council of sa‘d: Town of Durham shall nttend at h-ia‘ office in the wan of Durham, on 'l‘nsnda . the fifth flay of January, A.D.. 1 9. at ten o’clock in the fore- noon, to sum up the number of votes for and against this By-Law. ‘ Dated at the Council Chamber in tha Town of Durham this day or the Town of Durham this day or January, A.D., 1909. ‘ p - Mayor. Clerk. t Take notice that the above is a true '| copy of a proposed By-lnw, which has i been taken into consideration, and} which will be final]? passed bv the: ct Council of the Mun pality. (in the event of the assent of the electors be- ing obtained thereto) after one month ,fmm the first publication in the Dur- ham Chronicle, the date of which first publication was Thursday the 10th day of December All 1908. and that the at the Ovunoil Chamber in n of Duflam this duly of Princ'pa $350.64 366.42 382. 91 400.14 418.14 436.96 456. 62 477.17 498 64 521. 08 544 53 569.03 594.64 621.40 649.36 678.58 709.12 741.02 774.38 809.22 the gian‘g'axhi. By-‘ \V, : $5912.80 231691230 the above is a, true By-law. which has consideration. and “My passed by the univi;m1it)'. (in the forgo'ng By-Law. amount of $845.64 port'oned. In terest $495.00 470.22 462.73 445.50 427.50 408.68 389.02 368.47 347.00 324.56 301.11 276.61 251.00 224.24 196.28 167.06 136. 52 104. 62 71. 26 36. 42 B. VOLLET. Clvrk. We Bo VOIJLETO Clerk. 99 Without another word, Hilary step- pmi out to join Elspeth in the corri- clur. Such explanations as could be 'v- on in haste, Elspeth did give; ut when the two girls reached the tower, Hilary understood very little of what had Passed. She knew that Trow- bridge had been shot in a secret place near Elspeth’s old room; that Captain Oxford and Mr. Kenrith were both there; that Trowbridgc was dying, and had begged to see her; that she must try to get him to tell her all his story before it should» be too_ 11136. -1 L' Av unuv o.â€" “How is he?” asked Elspeth, at the door of the secret passage, for Kenrith, hearing her voice, hastened to meet her there. “Oh, dog’t say he uvvv -Cvâ€" is dead, without speaking?" “No, he is not dead,” said Kenrith, “but he can’t hold out long. I think he’s been shot through the lungs, and that the case is hopeless. Every word m mnnkn gives him agonyâ€"but he he speaks gives him agonyâ€"but. he wants to speak, Lady Hilary. He’s men saving himself for you. Go in; and send Oxford, who is watching him, here.” _ Elspeth Dean and alone together for the since he had told the loved her. Lady Hilary Vane. But they could hear no words; and strange as was the situation, for a few minutes they forgot all its strangeness, except as it concerned themselves. - ' ‘ ~:-‘ :n +ha lb Ulllle/lllvu "u”--. -_. , “You are the bravest girl in the world,” said Kenirth. “No other girl could or would have done what you have done to-night. You saved Cap- tain Oxford’s life by the risk of your UWu â€"- “But it was you I thought of, more than of him,” confessed Elspeth. “Perhaps I shouldn’t have had so much courage if I had known that, whatever happened, you were safe and out of reach of the fire.” "I think you would have just the same courage,” said Kenrith, “because it is in you. I had not known you long before I recognized your strength of character, your brave self-reliance and noble loyalty, which alone would be enough to place you on a pedestal "I think you same courage.” it is in you. long before I re 0f Characmrn y and noble 105’a be enough to F far above any ever known- . ness”â€"-â€" L “Ah, you are. too guvu w .-._v. broke in the girl. "I am nothing, really; I’m not worthy of on. I never dreamed think of me, except in kindness, and as if from far off.” “I have thought of very little else for a long time now,” said Kenrith. “But I was afraid that I was too old for youâ€"that you couldn’t care for me ‘ -‘m‘ln nhnn‘l‘ hp able to care “But I was afraid that Â¥ for youâ€"that ygu couldn t ‘3 L- n lUl yvuwâ€"UMOU JV“ v as a woman shoul‘clluâ€"Séi able 1 for a man if she”â€" “W‘nv. there’s no qther man world.” be e: CHAPTER XXI. 3": were in love Qt last; than. 8‘ ; and in the in the saw-h a mmnont have .:n’.u_~{':-.~l p... innate desire for revenge by toll}; :; *he wrong they had suffered Irv“! ”Hams "ivnl; hm lilflx'Wh “ " ' “030.9. EVPn if S‘w lmrl not IN" ”"1." I‘flmbfll‘f’s daughter 3310 Wow mt hm” robbed the \x'umnn of .w‘ ’indly friendship as John Kan" could still give. She said In 3‘.“‘.‘~t‘ mttiug away a mean iittlo tczrm‘. :iml, that she would 1r {rlml tn hw him help Lady Lambm't in her «ii. cultics. Iwn “I believe," she said. “that when the whole truth about this pint. is found out, we shall discover that (‘ap- ttain Oxford is a man of 1:11pu.'t:lvwc. a man Lady Lamhurt would think :twicc of before refusing as a hushund tor her daugl'ltor.” “You think that?” Kenrith «mhnr-d. "‘So do I. somehow: hut we have nu 'very solid foundation to go upon. I’m \ \lutnvnl As if her thoughts hm! rmn‘rnn to him. he went on. “I want [July Hilary to marry Captain Oxford. They love mall nther. and he’s a fine Immw. She could never have been me- ln'idge’s wife; and now. ynu um} I must see what we can do fur those twn afraid. There’s the fact that it was worth some one’s while to have him ‘1 want Lady Hilary to marry Uaptazn Oxford.” “Oh!” cried Lady Hilary, coming quickly into the room. “I think he’s dying. Is the doctor here yet?” “Not yet,” answered Kenrith. But at this instant the door opened and Oxford came back, with the doctor “Bring more light, said Hilary. - - .c m ‘-.“A-n ‘n “11“ 1'11 0 ‘VLVV V H w-. “Bring more light,” said Hilary. “It’s so dark there. The lantern is burning dimly. Andâ€"he has promis- ed to try and sign a statement, if I will write it out.” It was a‘strange comessmn wmuu Trowbridge had made to the girl he had loved and hoped to marry, that night when he knew that death was near. He had begun brokenly, by telling her how he had loved her, and how, up 8 BUCWUBLUI Val 0v: v- -...-- “I want you to be happy,” he had said, “so that when on think of me it won’t be in hatre . I should like your happiness to come through me. as perha s, it might have come if I had liv and could have taught you to care for me after you were my wife. If it weren’t for that wish I’d let every secret I have, of mine and of others, die with me, for I’ve been half mad the first moment I saw and fell in ilove with you. I came here to kill him, lor another; and afterward. to keep you two apart I would have been glad to do it for myself. But I failed. and I’ve got the shot in my lungs that was meant for his heart. CHAPTER XXII. strange _con_fession which ‘.'~0lf 1pm- HVfi (ilnli' LENAHAN 8: MCINTOSH Headquarters for REPAIRING DONE QUICKLY AND SATISFACTORILY. A Happy and Prosperous For the Fall and Winter trade we have added several 1 lines of Boots, Shoes and Rubbers to our already In stock, and are better prepared than ever to cater to wants of the public in our line. HERE ARE SOME BARGAINS 24 pairs Men’s Heavy Rubbers, reg. 83.25, for. . .. 2 I: 24 pairs Boys’ Rubbers, reg. 821]). for ........ 48 pairs Women’s Overahoes, reg. 82%, for. . 24 ptt'u‘Boys’ Shoes, reg. $1.75, for ............. HAND-MADE BOOTS ++++.? .79.??? and friends .+++++++ .+++.I.++ New Year Hardware and Furniture Wish +++++++++++++ +++++++++++++ SHOES A SPECIALTY 2.75 1.60 1 .25

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