West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 31 Dec 1908, p. 8

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"On’s Heavy Rubbers Laced and buckled, one and two buckle: rubbers, laced, all heighths from two hole: to nine Holes. These are all snag pl’OO and rolled e‘lgml The Maple Leaf" Brand. We have an excellent s We also carry a full_ line of__ Ladies Cellars. Gifts to please all. Our stock of Boots Shoes, Clothing, and Wall Paper is in fine shape. Our : at low prices. r“ I“,Oo Christmas Groceries Now In Highest Price for Butter, Eggs and Fowl Produce. taken is cash at the Highest Prices Select Raisins ...... 50 per pound Good Currants....6c per pound Peas ............ _ ......... 60 per can Corn............' ......... 60 her can Tomatoes ............ 7c per can , 23 Ibs. gran. Sugar $1. 00 8 bars Comfort Soap 250 New Quaker Oatmeal $2. 80 per sack 8 tbs. for 250 gal ommmny Fined Overshoes From (me buckle to four buckles. Felt Shoes Men.“ Felt Shoes 3. Specialty. All F ell; Soles and uppers. Felt Shoes with leather uppers, and Felt lining and Felt soles. . We have another slim: with Felt lining, and with rubber soles and heels. ”W THE DURHAK CHRONICLE ! Messrs. Brebbner and Butler of the Defiance Handle Co. , 8; eat Xm as in l‘hamesville. Mr. J. Brown, of Lumsden arrived lasr week to spend 0. few weeks with his father and other friends. Mrs. J. G. Smith had a visit. from her daughter, Mime, of the Qzeeu City. fiies M. Stephens is home from Toronto to Spend a few weeks with her sister, Mrs. J. Smith. E Edwards and R Cragg went. to Toronto Tuesday. Miss Lizzie of the Morboro College was the guest of her sister. \irs. Murdock. en route to Spend Xmas with her mother near Yeovil. Miss M. Cameron, a former Hor- stein girl, now of the Forest, City, visited Miss M. Brown lately. Xmas with his daughter, Quackenuusb, of Toronto. Geo E. Hudson of me Leader, was the guest of his parents at Walker- ton during the peat Week end. Rev. G. A. King dined with Mr. and Mrs. Eedy, of Harriston. on Xmas Day. The previous evening Rev. King was surprised when he was presented with a fur coat by the many friends of the Yeovil appoint ment. it being their annual Xmas entertainment. John Hunt and wife, of Davidson. Seek; John McKenzie of Whitby. New Ontario. and Mrs. W Doney. of Riverview all shared in the Chrisc mas cheer of their respective parent a1 homes here. Mr. And. Weidman and family of North Arthur. drove through the village to spend a day with his par- ents. Mr. and Mrs. H. Reid. W. Robertson and family spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. D. Al'nn; Mr. Robertson returning to Toronto on Monday. Mrs. J. Sills (nee Elsie Pennock) of Bay City. Mich . after an absence of four years. is renewing acquaint. auces and the scenes of her child hood Geo. Walker is home from Lume- den to spend the winter. The Misses Tompson, of Listowel, are the guests of their aunt, Mrs. C. A. Dumm. Bert Edwards assisted in despatch ing the Xmas turkey at his parental home in Mooretield. Mrs. Philp and daughter, Nellie. holidayed with friends near Varney. Miss Tessie Phillips, daughter of Rev. I‘hillips, formerly of this vill- age. was united in marriage to Mr. McGee. of Red Deer, Alta , on the 23rd of December. Mrs. Munro, of Sundridge, Parry Sound diatrict, spent Monday with Mrs. W. J. Sharp. The municipal nominations for the township of Egrement held here on Monday resulted as follows:~- For Reeve. W. Hastie, (acc’l ); for De- puty Reeve.C. W. Robb. John Mc Arthur and J. R. Philp; Council- lors. '1‘. E. Wright, 0. McRobb. W. Watson. J. Walls, D. Hunter and G Lothiun. The years’ revision of township sfisirs passed 03 quietly. little being snid agninst the old Miss M. Naismich, of Queens Uni varsity, Kingston is home for her vacation, councfl. AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK and Implements, to be held on Lot 28. Con. 7. Bentinck, on Wednesday, 13th Jan., 1909. Everytbin must g. Terms easy. Martin quire, -op.; Roht. Brigham Auctioneer. New Millinery Miss The undersigned begs to announce that she has opened up a new millin- cry and fancy goods par- lor, where everything in the line of head-wear, fancy gOOds and hand painted china may be procured at reasonable rates. - Sale Register. Holstein. For 15 Days Only Macfarlane m. The balance of our stock uf Holiday Goods will be OFFERED AT COST. ret Bugg Good Cough Medicin for Children. L uv c'vu v- - â€" is now at hand an.“ tso much are cannot be used to )roteci the chil- dren. A child is mmh more likely to contract (11. when or scarlet fever when he an aoold. The quick er you cure h'a 03 the less the risk. Chamberlain's ugh Remedy 13 the sole reliance of many mohters and few of those w' have triei it are willing to use other. Mrs. F. F. Stareher, of irpley, W. Ya., rsa 3,â€""1 have nevexTusea anything at 81‘ than Chade'rlain’s Cong Remcdy for my chilien and it has always given satisfiotion," This remedy contains no Opium or fiber narcotic and may ha given as con- fident] to a Child as to an adult. For an e by all drug stores. We wiqh the Chrdniclo and its numerous friends a happy New Year. A very pleasant eyent .will occur in the home of Mrs. 11. Deunetc this Wednesday, basing the marriage of her daughter. Ethel.to Mr. Donald Watson. John Barbour is unwell. and re- ceiving medical attendance from Dr. Gun. Wm. Allan and family spent Xmas with his daughter. Mrs. R. Atkinson. of Fairbairn. Rev. Smith preached a Christmas sermon In St. Pauls church Sunday. qu Little accompanied by Messrs. D Allan and D Cameron. of ROI stein held forth in the school house on local Option on Tuesday night. The township nominations on Mon- day were well attended. Reeve Hastie was elected by acclamntion. We have almost. broken the hear; of the Holstein Leader correspondent h. our allusions to a sermon in the school house. He speaks of being grieved beyond measure bv the un limited presumption of a fake pro fessor. daring to allude to the utte'§ ances of such a good christian gentle man as the speaker is known to be and which we have always said he was. We two coroespondents seem to be like the story of the two bad eggsâ€"both bad ; he in his small way 1 and we in ours. We as a fake pro. fessor and he as the greatest spem- men of the unjust person that has yet been known since the world br- igan. If he would just lay our utter ances about said Speaker side by side with his own, pissibly the last time we heard his Opinion in the matter. he must at once conclude that he is as eattreme in his COItifi chariot) of us as he was in his actions of jumping to find the throat of the one who took those fourteen secmd hand tea cups {from this SCbOUl section. Al. most immediately after the fourteen dollar episode, both cases being as alike in all their hearings as the number of staining was, but it is dis couraging to us fine toung men who pufi ourseIVes up thti we are such big broad gouge-d chrutians that the ordinary people of the wprld have to look up to us and have some fellow come along and throw on the meas- uring pole and show us what. soruhby W98 men We are F," in d y m by“ magnet-en hive Ben Ii“ b! all (rung;- a. For Corner Cancer fetter and Salt Rheum L8 and_ 0011‘ “autistic of at bluntly in'o Salve. UN DERTAKERc and Funeral Director\ Picture Framzygg on sham A blend of; Manitoba and 5 Ontario wheat and is a. strictly first cl“. family flour. People’s Mills Our pure Manitoba flour. made from N0. 1 Mauitoha wheat (21me he be“ for either bakers or domestic use, Is made from selech winter whe. and is a superior arucle ful' maing pastry, etc. Constantly on hand the hast brands of Rolled Oats. Also um- makv of ROlled Cereal, the heat on llw market. Also Chopped Oats. Mind ('lmp. Peg Chop, Beau Shorts and Fwd Flour. Special Reduction on Flour in 5 and 10 Bag Lots. Full line of Catholic Robes. and Md White cups for flgPd pegme Goods delivered anywhmv in Lawn. Chopping Done Every Day All up-m-dabe flour and feud grocers keep our flour €01- sale your grocer does not keep it my the mill and we will use you 1 Call us up by telephone Nu. All kinds of Grain bought at Market Price DURHAM FOUNDRY Millwrights, Machinists, Iron and Brass Founders. and Steam Fitters. . . . . .N STOCK OR MADE To ORDER. Engines and BoilerRepairs promptly execuzed. mum PRICES AND GOOD WORK. MANUFACTURERS OF Cutting Boxes, Horsepower; Wind Stackeés, Rock raisers’ Feed Boilers. .fifitfiw“ -Jhswswlkglb 3W1: Special attention to Gaso- line Engine repairs Snow Booneâ€"Next to Swallo'. Barber Shop. RESIDEM‘E‘NC“ door South of W. J. Lawn-9mg§ blacksmith shop. "an Wmvim.‘ w“; .Embalming a Specialty John McGowan. . SMITH 6: SONS Sash 6’ Doors A. BELL PASTRY FLOUR TRY 0F}! NE\\' (‘HHI’I’I . Smith 8: Sons SOVEREIGN ECLIPSE WE KEEP 00¢ 81, 1903 THE w wm*' it, cume a van right um

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