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Durham Chronicle (1867), 20 Jan 1910, p. 8

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4 lbs. Raisins, new fruit, for ........ 250 4 lbs good Currants for ................ 25c Quaker ()Oatmea], per sack....$2.70 Boots and Shoes A fine new stock of Boots and Shoes, 1910 styles and the best quality. Inspwtinn is invited. Large Sales Men’s Fine Hats from 990 to..$2.50 Men’s Fine Shirts from 750 to $1 .2 5 Men’s Working Hats .................... 500 Men’s Underwear in great variety Men’s Clothing in the newest styles. Men’s Overcoats, fine and heavy. Special reduction on Men’s Underwear and Clothing. All goods bought may be returned and the money will be given back if they are returned in good condition, except goods cut. ' . J. MCKECHNIE, On the second flat. An inspection of our stock is cordially invited. Just Arrived The Highest Prices Paid for Produce. See our Stock of the Celebrated D. 5: A. Corsets All made in Canada G. 8: J. MCKECHNIE Groceries == House Furnishing Dept. , . Gents" Furnishings A Fresh Stock 0! Groceries Has Just Arrived. .lonn Bull Pickles, per bottle ..... 1 00 22 lbs. Granulated Sugar for..$1.00 Black Tea, worth 400 for ............ 25c Durham THE DURHAM CHRONICLE Small Profits LARTER.â€"On Tuesday, Jan. 11th. 1910. at his residence, 203 Christie Street. William Larter, in his slat Mr. C. W. Bellamy was at Owen Sound on Tuesday attending the funeral of his son-dn-law’w father Mr. Geo. Shaw. Flesherton Continued from page 4. been $885.01 and expenditure $770.- 384. leaving a balaince on fhand of $114.17. Officers weze elected as follows: tus.. Geo. Mitchel: lat President; .D. McMillan, lst Vice Pres.: R. Allen, 2nd Vice Pres.: Dir ectors. G. Walters. A. Harrison. A. Muir. J.A. Boyd. R.J. Sproule, D. McTavish. M. Wilson. .J. Runstadt- ler. W. H. Bunt,: Auditors. J. Black burn. \V.J. Bellamy. At a subsequent meeting of the Directors. J. A. Boyd was elected secretary~treasurers Messrs. A. Harrison. D. McTa-v-‘ish. D. McMil- lan. J. ,IR‘unstadtlcr and J.A. Boyd were elected a committee to arâ€" range. for the annual spring show It was also resolved that the Fall 'Fair be held on September 22nd and 23rd. Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy is not a common every lay cough mixture. It is a mericorious rem- edy for all the troublesome and dangerous complications resulting from cold in the head, throat,chest or lungs. Sold by all dealers. Mr. Wm. Wilson, who was among the few remaining early settlers in Flesherton, passed away on Friday morning last after only ,a few days’ illness from a paralytic stroke. The funeral took place on Monday from his son’s residence to the Meaford Road cemetery, the service at the house and grave be- ing conducted by ,the deceased’s pastor, Rev. J. V. Langla/nd. The deceased, who was 83 years or: age, was born at Carnaby, Yorkshire, England. In - 1856 he. came to Canada nad settled at Toronto, later moving to Lloydtown. A- bout 1866 he came to Flesherton and has since been a quiet, indus- trious and respected citizen. He was a carriage builder by trade. and after coming to Flesherton was {or many years in the employ of the late J. H. Heard, after which he and his son Thompson conduct- ed a successful business. Mr. \Vilson was married in England to Miss Eliza Ann Skinner, who died eighteen years ago. To them were born nine children, tWO of whom died in England, five at Lloydtown, and one, Thompson W. here. three years ago. Henry, blacksmith, here, and an adopted daughter, Mrs. Robt. Meggott, survive. Ferrovim. the invigorating tonic, contains Beef, the most strengthen imp; food in the least bulk, Iron, which makes rich red blood, and gives stxeng‘th and vitality to the whole body and just enough pure Spanish Sherry Wine to stimulate the digestion and thus aid the as- similation of the "Iron and Beef. $1 per bottle at druggists. C.inC.. (lump. \V. Sharp; Ex. (3., Cmnp. \V. Swnnton; Chaplain. )omp. J05. Blakely; Scribe. Comp. G. H. Cairns: Tran. Comp. .1. A. Boyd; H. at A.. ()omp. I“. Mutheson: lst Lech. (lmnp. Jns. Snell: 2041 Leon” Cmnp. Ed Thompson: 15?. 0011., )mupJH. Piper: 2nd Con. Cmnp. Gen. Snell; I. H. )omn. Fred \Vl‘lgllt; 0. [1. Comp. 1". A. Yorke. Th» annual mimting of the AMP- mesia Dian-ill; L. O. L. Wm held in the lodge mom of N0. 1045, Markdwle on Tuesday Jan. lllh whvn the following officers were (-l9(-t+-:l:~â€"-l)ist. Master Bro. J. R. MalllI-Ws: D. M.. Bm. Thos.’ Elliott: (Ihanlain. Hm. ll. H. McKen- nett; R. 8.. Bro. Ed. 'l‘hmnpsnn: F. 8.. Bro. J. S. Ruwp; 'l‘ren... Bm. S. J. Hal- hert: D. of 0., Bro. T. F. Wilson: Lem... Hm. \V. Swanlnn; Deep. Leer... Bro. Juhn Shields. Addresses were delivert-d by Supreme Grand Master Dr. Sprunle and Hon. I. B. Lucas After the lodge closed supper was served by Era. F. Muller at. the Revere Hotel. The annual election of officers in Cuort Flesherton I. O. F. took place last week as follows: C.D.. W. Moads: C..P.. Dr. Carter; C.R.. Dr. Murray; V.C.R., D. McLeod; R. S. ..T Henn: FS andT. C.N. RiCh- ardson: Orator, L. Fish‘x; S,..\V W. Simmons J.W.. W..J Blackburn 8.13. J. Oliver; J.B.._ S. McMullen;D ‘ . (3.11.. 11.3. Dyson; Auditors, H. R. Dyson, W. Buskin. The Royal Scarlet Chapter of Arte- mvsia. “ht/lift L. 0. L. mvt in Nrn'ris’ hall Flasher-ton on Friday January 14th and elected officers as fulluwszâ€" W. O. in (3.. Comp. D. MnLéndz P. \V. COLT TOR 'SALE.â€"JCLYDE. RISâ€" ing three years oldâ€"Adam Wat- son. 120tf A COMFORTABLE 8 ROOMED brick dwelling, well situated. Apply to Elizabeth Lauder. Dur- ham. Jan. 17th, ’10 t! FOR SALE OR. RENT FOR. SALE DIED. J . -, xvi, - “‘!VF ' I? '4‘ ‘- a :0 .1‘ - ' a” - "j V d f .‘ smcx AND POULTRY SPECIFICS ‘ )fl.‘ ,. I’V'QA“ ;‘ . Royal Purple Stock and Poultry Specifics and free booklets are kept in stock by 8. P. SAUNDERS. [arrest WI nncr of One 50C. package 0f ROYAL PUR PLE STOCK SPECIFIC will last one animal seventy days. whgch IS a little over two-thirds of a cent a da '. Must stuck {nodjs in Mt ' cent gain“ s‘ PEEP“: fifty days and are gixen thrjcggimcsAa day; hOYAAL_ PUgE’Lh‘ STO .K SP CIF17C ..-..I_.L__ I Grand. C 1': mil. 7'03 lS Swen but onc‘eaday. and lasts half again as Ion . A ".50 rmil containing four times the amount of the fifty cent package will last 280days. fiOYAL PURPLE will increasm :he wint- of your stock 25%: _It is an astonishingly quick fattener. stimulating the appetite and the relish for food. assxsting nature to digest and turn feed into h‘csh. As a ho fattencr it is a wider. It wullsavc many times its cost in veterinary hills. ROYAL PURPL POU LTRY SPECI- FIC IS our other SDinfiC for DOultry. not for stock. One 50 cent nackage will last twentym-c hens 79(133'5. or a pail costing 31-50 will last twenty-five hens 280 days. wnich is four times more material for gnly three times we cost. It makes a “laying maChiW-‘"0Ut 0‘ your ht‘ns symmer and wmtgrwreveqts fowls lns_ing_ flesh atplngltiqgjime. and cures pgng-x 493539355. 1‘.- â€"--â€"â€"_ _‘ _-_ __A_ -- Iron and Brass Castings and general Repairing. Feed boilers. Steam fitters supplies. Engines and Thrashers. Sash and Doors, Planing and Gems-.11 Wood Work. ted wuth ordinar materiala at ten weeks. ROYAL PU PLE STOCK SPECIFIC builds up rundown animals and restores them to plumnness almost magically. Cures bots. colic. worms. skin dISCLleS and dehility *rmunemly. Dan Mel-Ewan. the horseman. says: ”I have used ROYAL PURPLE STOC SPECIFIC persistently in the feeding of 'The Hel.‘ 2.02}. largest winner of :my purer on Grand Cir-Cult in 1908. and ‘Henry \Vinters.’ 2.09}. brother of 'Allen 'Wimu-s,‘ “'mr.‘:r of $35,000 in (tinting Makes in 1903. These homes have never been off their feed since I u mmenced using Royal Purple Specific almost a year ago. and I will always have it in my stables." ROYAL PURPLE STOCK SPECIFIC contains no grain. nor farm products. It incrcaM-g yieId of milk from three to five pounds per cow per day bcfurc the spunfic has been umd m 0 weeks. It makes the milk richer and adds flesh faster t-un any mm r prepauatinn known. Young calves fed with ROYAL PURPLE are as large at six weeks old as they would be whm fed \Vll’h ordigarjlmatgriialjgt, Len weeks. guaranteed 7O Yea summer an.) winter. prevents fowls losin flesh at moultiri-g time. and cures )ultr dnscuM-s. Every package of ROYAL PURPLE TOCK SPEC! 1C or POULTR SP CIFIC is . "'1“. ”"9 ROYAL PURPLE on one ofyour animals and any other prc aration on another animal :11 th'ksume condition: after comparing results you will sayRO AL PURPLE has the!" all heat tn death. or else hack comes your money. FREE-Ask your merchant or wm ~ us I‘m- our valuable 3'! page booklet on cattle and poultry (“5611933. containing also fix “W’M‘F- " ""“""< and full P"'tiC1l‘?§3""’ut 5-‘AII‘- .n-â€"â€"- ‘ -_---- --- C. SMITH 6: SONS. DURHAM, ONT. THE DURHAM FOUNDRY Ezfiake Each Animal Worth - ”Youéranirfia'ls downeed not .0}. feed 3 t so‘r'neth'inâ€"gâ€"tBHll'el-S'fiiqr bodies get all the good out of the teed you gnve them so they can get fat and stay fat all year roung: also‘t‘o prevail: dis-case. Euro disease and keep them up to the best ossi le con itzion. ‘o [Og‘k and" can do all these things. ROYAL PBRPLE STUCK SPEClFlC can and duts. It is Nobody ever hegrd of "stock fogd” curing the bots or relic. making hens lay in winter. Increasing the weld of milk five pounds per cowa day. or restoring ruq‘dowp animgls goplumpness andAvisor. V V Wiflerrvnngvou feed ‘.”stock food ”’to ybur cow. misc. swine or poultry. yougre mergly feeqmg the!!! what you_ ar_e growmg on your own farm. Not a “Stock Food” But a “Conditioner” Rout; pURPCE‘STUCK'RBEMUEZ TRY srâ€"acmcs. If you cannot get Royal Purple Specifics from merchants or agents. we will supply you direct. express prepaid. on receipt of SI .50 a pail for either Poultry or Stock Specifics. Make money acting as our agent in your district. Write for terms. I For sale by all up-to-date merchants. W. l. Jenkins Mtg. 00., London, On. 25% Over Its Bast On 53 9f a_C_ent a Day Jan. 20, 1910 A terrible tragedy oeeu “19". '1’. R. on Friday lint ish RiVer. thHy-mwrn mi Of Sudhury. The H.411: \au from Mantreal m Minn-any a iH‘OkP‘l rail . r «i ”in i supposed to haVe emiswi ! traction. Whieii resui‘: 'i if: verified report «.1 fur-‘7; and several iiiilil‘c' min left the (rank as it a;.;. the bridge. one ear slru bridge and split in two. 2! fell into the river a .d “as submerged, many passenger drowned. The (lining r: partially submerged. and a cluu car which escaped goi the river was destiny“! i The reader wil! F‘OUH kurg ’waul lecident. Whieh resu the lost of so much liiv. th tion o. to mu~h P1i'L3Li x is unparalleled in the his,“ Canada. from any cause. u be the destruction of the bridge in 1907. when seven lives were lost. A possibly haw.- .‘c tinue thv paper. out paying their Ll‘ _\‘ km “3'. but it mal when roan for the ('l On Monday‘s mai one time three su} far away British (' lows: Joe Firth. Kinnee. Central Pa Staples. Nvlson. A R. B. Irvine. (iron by same mail. It 3 cpive H-millmwv5 I law. Some go 50 {a that Durham mwm‘ market as it had last IV Winter. It's truv. knowledge goes (,9 teen years. Dress in effort it Notwithstanding Hr the roadwhvrv was tendance at the comm at the. Prvshylvrian :1; day. Mr. X. W. H missed from his plum Iion. owing to an at! can. A meeting of Hm “'nm Cute will he held at UN; Hrs. Stoneouso on Thurs ruary 3rd. A report of tion will be given. Ladie ly invited to attend. The Flebherton Adv: made a recent attack on es that quoted frnm his without giving credit. ‘ tint one 04' them has sit: over a new leaf. and c articles clipped. In all this is only the right um Lostâ€"A sum of mm Hahn House. in W. Bl ware store. or lwtwoo: places. Finder will he C. Firth. The Epwm‘th Lu; Kethodist church will I back! on Monday mvni Live hogs were mm in Wilkerton last Wm buyer: were paying $5 Custom sawing at the the Foundry. Chesley vs Durham Game called at Friday night Hockey. good program is being January 28th. 1010 on 0 am] mm)! mm VOL. 43â€"N0. NEWS m P" ll ll I‘E

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