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Durham Chronicle (1867), 27 Jan 1910, p. 4

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t: tc DURHAM, JANUARY 27, Il‘. , J-V v done in- ih'b‘rdinary manner financial gtatqtqept sgowed 1 - “If. .lluzuuacu a ~~~~~~~~~~ .1109 on theright side “herb all in last week’s Issue. "luau. mm d..." ‘ d ht f Bparu een ' not not. onl boil) the 01 est 8112' 91‘8- 0 DK- man-i ...- ”pummo y 8 ‘ ' ° nds here, and rela- claims being paid. Ten he removed by death. and six by cer- but the most. original mem titicate. and eighteen pew mem- staff and his naive sayin s an be" “Were added, leavmg only a ., humorhasmade for him 09?. of ad- gain of two members during the .mirers wherever the 0 year. g. Rev. Ir. Be of th Methodist ' m, o 1 of this hamlet to get. his wool cut. church. was away ot.the opening 0 . ., ‘ new lethodilt church nome- that he cwmt get. his “mug booked. when in N0. Ontu'io, on Sunday before swim :but go on with the other Toronto on a short .niml- : birds and we’ll butt. in Llr. ”RJ. Bpionle. who, fit a: a? - - A .1 A. .. “nap union 6 IRWIN. Editor and P: Priceville Murat“! ”03°53 .91! 'ropn'etor. {tone in ‘ r'lesncrwu. which will be more convenient for} FiIt years ago: on January 215,“ himself and those patronizing. ‘Mr. m. Clayton, W110 W113 b3?“ “5 ' have both departments near each ‘thp old city 0: York.,Ensla}n «gm ' Homer, and everything in that line ;Miss Sarah Strachan, corn in Pick- *0! business will be found there. geryng township. Ontamo. Were| We admired the splendid likeness of: joxned 1.“. wedlock at Claremont,‘ ° ~the officiating clergyman being; think the the officiating clergyman being} ithe Rev. Jtoltilrli {Rift}, Prgsbgtelgan . . - minister o a p ace. n ri ay 9‘“ "uh.“le best ‘fiiggotffighm :2: last, Mr. and Mrs. Clayton were the ‘ “'39? . - .. authjlectisil of man); conlggatulaltiolns 3 see the nextintirde!‘ W l e ey quet y ce e rate ' t e 'S.‘.‘£.":.::"€f£fg‘i.bythew as n-om egenthat theme“? berewhere ‘ ‘ ‘ . 7‘ m . be t ey ave resx ea .01 197 33-1119 'lraveis.on 3'“ * years, and Mr. Clayton, by indust- tleasbi u anddownas the ‘ .. . . .. 'é‘gifiigxihnan yet Eisgihoto may stand ry and 3t?“ Integrity. \fihlc‘ghhzlxs ‘ a and chance of being nearly as good ren ere 18 name a 01189 0 ‘ g - ' word. has built up a successful boot and shoe business. 'mber Of all hkinadss i232: Mr. and Mrs. Clayton have. seen 5‘19" S wood many changes since ‘ settling in 53“ 0g ’ ‘ Flesherton, Mr. A. Munshaw being (etc. -- -. . f n. h now the only one in the village _-_ n D Gnrlt “va “yga harp “vhpn thev came to (Received too late for last week.) \Ve are glad that half of the winter is over; but. the hungry half is yet. to come. Miss Abbie Robson returned to Tor- onto 0n Fridwy last. UIILU \II- - - 1 Since our last. budget, the following parties have nmde horse deals,â€"â€"â€"VV. L. Falkingham 90k) a team of 3-year-olds -..._ m Gianni-fled fl. “I KQIIF Illilla [ .-.,-‘- -- _ tn Mr. Jos. Atkinson; T. Glenn-ass good working mare to McNally. “Baku-Hm; Maurine Connm- one his team I.» Mr. Jns. Lawrence l‘lgreuumt. ‘ .I O 7_4:_‘n_ k.‘ 1,0”. \. unvâ€" The pitch-holes this Winter have ‘ been somewhat fierre on roads run- l ning north and south. W'e had the ‘ inspiration that comes; from an acro- ; batic header into one trust the other fellow won’t imitate our perforumnce. 'l‘he hypnotic eye and the persuasive I tongue of M r. “H" McFadden, coupled with the melody of the machine. were i the powers that, brought u Doherty lozgun into our shanty last week. But we strike for the barn when “practice” ‘ ‘ hour draws nigh. ‘ Mr. Jos. Bm-tly lemes at the end i of the week for his home near Elbow. =|Susk. He was around the old neigh- ‘ burlHNNl on Monday renewing the ties [of bygone (lays. Few Glenelgelswere hehl in higher esteem and the same I ‘good qualities have won him many l ’ warm friends out, there. Ins fellow ratepayers elected him township coun- ‘villor before he left, so he had to hasten hark to attend to the duties of his of- “PP. As a thresher he had few-equals ? D l D > . , t in this county and the same holds ! good out on the prairie. L., Mr. 'Donald McLean, of the Miss haLe penal”, .. 3:: A well known and one of Glenelg’si ' -- 'a early_ sons passed away on Fridayio spend a month With friends 11.“. l evening after some months’ suffering the city. :esi- Q from cancer ot the stomach. The latel Mr. Jeffrey Jacques, of Lar hos. Dunn was born May 24th. 1853. -. Saska‘ is Visiting his sister, I“ orty i T , . she on the. 2nd con. N. D. R. and has lived . Bulmer. ,f all most of the time in the township. He} Mr. Jack Karstedt, of Indiana She was wedded twenty-two years ago t0' olis. Indiana, left for his home “39‘“! ““d to them Mondaycaiter spending a few d2 Miss Maggie Tow ‘were given seven childrenâ€"four boys With his brother here and three irls. One of the he 8 di dl ° ' yg The family are yMissZssi Mr. W Barnhouse, of Toron " spent a few days among 1 V iolet, Vera and Clara: the boys-â€" ' friends, and assis one t obliging and likable as was at? . ' . , . d by the large concourse that fol- . m a . duet w‘th Dr. Murray 1n he remains to their last rest-1 evening. M ' Zion cemetery on Monday Mrs. VanDusen 13“ 011 011 to spend two or flciated likewise at the gravesnde. brother Mr. Peter Dunn df Elora. with . at Harriston. - Mr. Ball. of Warmi'nster, is v up his daughter. Mrs. Wellw '- We were pleased to see the photo of . ‘ ‘ b3“ the clever scribe of "Corner Concerns” I at the parsonage: ' “Mack” has the‘ Mr. and Mrs. Richard Pedlar M... “has...“ mm the oldest daughters. of Bpgrling- Mafia .. -1: 1-:Nn a are. an ] To very fmv is givvn win and retain friendshh pnsspssod by the late Miss m-t, who passed away at L her brother-{H.Izlw. Mr. I). 11“ Wlll ill!!! 1‘ Lac-u. possessed by the. art. who passed late. Miss Flora Stew- away at the. home of her ln-othel'-in.lmv. Mr. I). MeArthur. on Sunday Jan. 8th. Her frankness of manner, kindness of heart. cheery spirit and deep spirituality made her a favorite wherever she went and the bond of affection between the sisters and brothers evoked the highest eSlt'rln and admiration of a very wide eirele of friends. A large number from this neighborhood attended the funeral on the. \Vednesday following and very appropriate were the words L. A... 1).... MI» wmounhnrson. who con- fl||ll vqu "l‘r' ' of the Rev. Mr. Farquhnrson, who con- ducted the service in the fine, old home and at the graveside. It was a sad, yet tender sight to see the six sisters gather around the casket tak- ingalast farewell. These are Mrs. John McNully, Ebordale; Mrs. John Mills, Dornoch: Mrs. Dam McArthm',i near ttanz Mrs. McKinnon. B. (3.: Mrs. McNabh and Mrs. lamphell, of Rochester. In the Sacred Acre at La.- tona. the re mains were laid away he- side thoseof her parents. Her brothers Donald and Malcolm live in Dauphin. and were unable to come to the fun- of the REV eral. fil’tth (This week’s budget.) Reeve E. \V. Hunt is attending the! (‘ounty council this week. : Miss Bessie Peters arrived home on Monday from Brantford. where she has been for the past year and a half. ; Mrs. Jos McNally of \Vaudby, is very ill and is being operated on this Tuesdcy for appendicitis. 1 Mrs. E. w. Hunt and Mztater Hal-J it on VVed-. old name home from Detro nesday of last week. 1 Mr. (‘a‘rodfry Robinson arrived from the \Vest on Saturday and is visiting i . his son Dun. Buyers from Guelph were around on Monday and bought 3-year-old colts from each of the followingâ€"M. J. _ A A “A orann - -- I ‘ -__‘ ”Ulla‘u ‘7‘\puvâ€"__' .rtemesia‘ is spending five or reks visiting in Manitoba. Continued next Week. 11'0“) t‘flcu u; nu, ----_e_ _ Davis. P. Nelson and A Anderson. Then, the lane! purchased a five-year- old from Geo. E. Penrt. A farmer is hardly safe to leave his horses these days. T ravcrston. that [10 CEUIIUD “cu “In before spring; but go on wi animals and birds and we’ll butt. in some; time, when the spring zephynl that. are 1g ours. in n'rder is from mean be u as the south of of of ry and strict integrity. which has: rendered his name a householdi word. has built up a successful boot and shoe business. 5 ton an“. l.l.~‘. like” Mr. _~...,.~\ ... recording steward ir Sli(_)r"c congratulatâ€" M ory speeches“ were made by itev. li. S E. \V'ellwooxl. l’lpl. I‘.}.u'(iul~. J. A. a Boyd. George lVIittthell. \V. J. Bel- ti lamy and Wm. Barr-house, who r came from Toronto for the even; e The ladies served refreshments, f' and the celebration continued I itl'ljx' itfliwi. the painstaking: 01 the circuit. pleasantly until midnight. E We oVerlooked noting last week 1‘ the social at Hockvale Baptist l church. which was quite success- f ful, the freewill offering amount-o: I ing‘ to oVer $17. : Mrs. James Brodie, who has been ill at the home of her parents, Mr. ‘ and Mrs. Andrew Wilson. since July ‘ last, when injured in collision in ‘ C.P.R., was taken to Toronto last - week and underwent a critical ' operation in the hospital, which it - is hoped will lead to her restora- - tion. She is reported doing as well I as could be hoped for. "' Miss Mabel Munshaw is in the ‘ Toronto hospital, f went an operation last week on " her hand. which has been giving " her trouble for some time, the re- '3 sult of a burn. Dr. Bruce per- '~ formed the operation. which ne- "gcessitates Miss Munshaw’s reten- ltion in the hospital for two or three weeks. leg Dr. Murray’s little daughter,Miss lShirley. is ill with pneumonia. m Mr. 'Dan. McLeod is laid up with 10 a had cut in his foot, received lf-1While chapping in the bush. â€"L‘O “nn‘fn [1V ca 111 I'll-Ir) llvâ€"Vaod is spending T HE DURHAM CHRONICLE “5 ‘4'- n-d Mrs. F.Gr. Karstedt were wood last Week attending .eral of the farmer’s father ed suddenly, aged 82 years. Fred Rutledge, of Credit is visiting her sister-in- rs. Geo. Bellamy, in town. Kate Bellamy left last Week 1d a month with friends in Ltrice Hales visited over ma Sunday with friends son presided, anu ulun wean...“ introductory remarks callul 111m". Mr. Geo. Mitchell, Manager of the Standard Bank, who gave a neat: address. and made. the presents-3 tion in behalf of the citizens, rep- resented by about twenty-iiVe pies replied in a ent. Mr. Sproule fitting manner, expressing hlS ap- m-râ€"ciation of the honor «tone him. Qhort speeches were given by reeve Boyd editor Thurston, Rev. Wenwood. W.H. Bunt. J.A. Blakel- Pleasing music ev and others. was also rendered, and at the [es- vtive board an enjoyable time was q. H‘L‘l] T“). ......_< ..__â€"- 00 000000000 0| 00000 'llVU UUGLu “A; ‘77-.-J‘-“ snent. Mincfinronln 'as also re-; cently presented with a gold chain and seal by the mail carriers delivering at this office. He was also the recipient last Week of a very complimentary letter from a young gentleman at Grand Rapids. Mich.. who formerly resided here and remembers courtesies received at the hands of the Flesher'ton postmaster. Jan. 27, 1910 Round Trip Tourist Tickets at Sevurv livkvls :uul l'urlhrs' i tion from GU“ g ”(‘kvl thmu cupm I'D!" l‘ and 'I “11‘! iv Rich Strickcs n Gold and Sil‘ in“ SPECIAL I v: 131' $3.50, for ............ These are on 1y a few pri‘ 25 Tweed and Worsta Heavy E n g l i s h um Flan’ttejancyst rilm, Great value 40 in yard .................. Wrapperettes. extm q!!! 12540, for ..................... 1 Good 40 in. Slum 10c yd., Sale l'ri« White Saxduy, mu. 1]» and going higlwr, ful Iron and Bra fitters supplh Staple Dr One Bale Factq Heavy 40 in. Shwtin price up to 140. Snlv Goods, consisting- uf Hm Cotton. one «map of FM side a lurwo quantit \ 0‘ 10“ rate on tlwfi S 53,000.00 CHOICE H'- utter, Eggs and DI .lghest Prices Paid. Califqrnia, Mexico and Florda Jan. 27, 1910 In". “that dunga In Can: ”I! why no and! Win- Fenco- nu u a 15 yum sonnet than it should. Nadya” “'in Peace is Galvu Ugly lpfight 05 the result at that mfactm. has a gnaw hand scale must he (huh Hora deuuiuug will muck Antheudeuthk. our! all W “w with Zinc. hm " fidofl'mhefomthc Inml “Gawain-Nave". You I“. ‘u “ IN. bet‘auu' of! TWO‘SK fife of 1 “'inc F upon its Galvanizing. Yet. cod: four times more than cu “.m'fl Viped M Chan at m. But Frost “'irc goes t cut " Pickling" and ”t Hora it ever we; 5 Gal You can't expect 7.~uc (. may to (runs). was!) \\‘ M three cn‘tic: “that of Frost “'m ambit. [frost “'irc L Vidal” (car 0!- pain: J. 'I‘U\\'Nl€ R. l) THE [)UR J. LEVINE. l SMITI u \\ Flanncle Ll( I). ll

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