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Durham Chronicle (1867), 27 Jan 1910, p. 5

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@3500 Bakery Goods ++++++++++++++++++ led in remises r++++++++++§+ AND FINSMITHING Durham Our Specialty ur Store on \\' O TREET and 'OOOOOOOOOQ OOOWN” *OQQOONOOOQOONOOO akery mm notice at all hours CONFECTIONER A80 GROCEI.... Jan. .. I , 1910 .HH+++++++W Cm Butter, Eggs and Dried Apples Taken as Cash and Highest Prices Paid. 1 You Can’t Afford to Stay Away 25_ Tw_eed and Worsted SPECIAL Heavy English unshrinkable Flam'tte,fancystripes,l~1c yd.f0r loc Round Trip Tourist Tickets on sale. Hm-urt' tirkvts and furtlwr informa- tiull fl'UlH Flannelette White Sammy, reg. price 191/0 . .. -:,2 and gmng higher, ml] vd. mde loc Wmmwrettes. extra. quality, yd. 1:350. for ........................................ UH am PU J. LEVINE, Durham, secures $3,000 (hmds, mnsisting of three cases of Dry Goods, Comm. one case nf Flannelette and Towelinrz, siclw :1 large quantity of Clothing and other get lmv rate on the ’3. See these nrinpg mu] inrh Rich Strickes of Gold and Silver $3,000.00 CHOICE UP-TO-DATE yard Iron and Brass Casting Calif.:rnia, Mexico and Florda 1mm 'l‘remspm-t imuml and ha h to latter point. rs supplies I.” Jan. 27, 1910 l . 'I‘U \V N E R You can't expect Zinc to Idhefe may to greasy. scaly Wire. can You ace. all Wire. because of its prone-sol manufacture. has a greasy surface. This dirt and scale must be thoroughly removed before Galvanizing will stick. woven-howdgmof wear. “I 'V II: t. men. â€"‘-' CUP-1‘ \- t Two-third: of the life of a Wire Ponce do- rk upon its Galvanizing. Yet. because inc coo}: {outflows more than nee} Wire. N. 0. Railway tn Mn! sleigh maul. The H . is via Grand Trunk WHY and TE-lniskalnil H C. SMITH SONS, DURHAM A'd- P9543! "13s. mad: THE DURHAM FOUNDRY iuwgnn twins: mmk- in POI‘ ,. Is vm (mun: 'l‘runl tilwuy tn Mnthvson In Distrirts ’uggagt anus and gvneral fngines and Threshe miskaming and I ( 't 1. Through ggage chm-Iced Dvpnt Agent Fifty Ladies’ Skirts 'sted regu- 25 Brown and ................. $1 98 Skirts, regal: The mmte to ' A(.‘ Is. Local Dealer.‘.rDurh a; Genurnl \Vnnd \Vm'k )urnam, semlres 953,000 stock of l'p~to-date and Seasonalalu hree eases of Dry Goods, Dress Goods. et-c , one bale Fact-mgr lannelette and Toweling, three cases of Boots and Shoes, be- )f Clothing and other general nlerclmmlise at an extremely See these prices and judge accordingly. A large stock of Sweater Coats, in men’s, ladies’ z These are seasonable goods and are scan zvneral lit-pairing. Fwd boilers. _m: is mere]: The 'runk can you ? c 94 New Discoveries hyan 01d physician . . C. .\'.Tuhlcts {crime-mail use. L‘. N. A AND , local nourishcr for external use. The two -both used in COlljltht‘ c N A ion at the same time produces 1mm: 0 | 0 invigorating, vitalizing and rejuvenat- ingeffects lhtfl! has ever before been offered. Suffâ€" erers from vital weakness and lost vigor, that J naps the pleasures oflife. will find one of each i prmluccs wmulerful invigorating. enlarging and I ‘_- ‘AS ,..,‘...“.~ nuuucxllu mvmnmung. enlarging and lasting recruits. Free Trial Sample mailed in plum package on rrcupt of this:ulwrtnsrncntand six cents postage. Address~TflE NERVINE CD --._-_~ -â€" Mr. O. B. Martin, one of the trav- elling representatives of the Dur- ham Furniture Co., is supposed to have lost his life in the railway W1" (: at Snaknish RiVnr .a very valuable ’med throat and lung troubles, i112 and a dangerously a cough Which indiontnq M .u ..u.u vxuu WCEIKHCSS (UK! [051 VilLEOT,‘ thilt: This Frida‘r evenillg’ 110“'e‘vor' t3 the pleasures oflife. will find one 0! each x . ‘ . . Kluccs \vumlerful invigorating. enlarging and gpromlses t0 furmsh DOSSIIHY the rim: res‘nlts. Free Trial Sample mailed in l ‘ v , . , in package on Y:‘C(’il)t of this:ulvcrtistucutand leSt game 0! hOCke“ 8‘ 91 p18" 8'1 centspostuge. Address~TflE NERVINE co..0n Durham 109. when the Chesley VICTORIA AVE., WINDSOR. Own, CANADA [team meet the locals for the first The Froslt’ Wire Eence Co., Ltd to to 15 yeah-Mg; ' W â€" than any other Fence nude. r own specifications. It was the beat we could buy. But we knew that we could make better. so we built and equipped our own Mills. \Ve are now .making the best wire ever used for 3 Fence In Canada. A Frost Fence will last from 10 to 15 year lOtlg'el' than any Fence we know of. “'n'te to-day {or free booklet and samples. Merchandise, consisting of Agents Wanted in Open Distdcts.‘ mg. Fwd boilers. Steam wish and Doors, Planing and | anu cures painful breath- ! a dangerously sounding which indicates congested Sold by all dealers. Daknish River Haminon, 0:95;; Ladies’ Black bateen Waists 25 Brown and Navy Panama Skirts, regular $6, for .......... worth 250'land 300 pair, for ...... 190 Heavy Woollen Hose, worth 250 pair, sale price ............................ 15¢ Women ’8 fine D011 g Bals,1eg pIice $3. 50, for(3 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 3 Men s Heaxy Tan Gmin B111. Bals,reg$3.30,f01 ................ S \Ien’ 3 Good Year Box Calf Bals Women’s g‘<‘)()d Box Calf Blu BOOTS AND SHOES ough Remedy is 8 medicine for ”roubles, quickly ', shirts and drawers, regular 500 and 600 4 in twenty minutes of play During the Whole of the second half, there Emma 0111) fmn shots on tho Dur- :ham nets. and the Hanox eiians I“ me. so to speak, played off their, feet and W cm unable to tallv t}! 411]] time score standing Du1ham 4. Hammer 3. 1 But With the opening of the sec- Efond half came a different tale. Hampden. 7 {Though the Durhams had not been giving away any goals to their! ”Mrs. A. Clemmens. who has been]i _ Hanover brethren. thev did not i “siting for the past three months; . (play their best game in the first.inth her brother, M" Jas. Byers,‘ isession, and Hanoverians were ( and snster. left for her home in, soon made aware of that fact when J‘Stoughton, Sask.. on Saturday last. f’ the second half opened, and the; Miss S. Anderson is spending a: 1 :Durhams came onto the ice to win 3 few months with her niece. Mrs. ! !or know the reason Why. 'Rev. John Munro, of Grand Valley. ' f E I It was 9.28 when referee Beatty.’ Miss May Kaisley. W110 has made! ‘of (.‘hesley. called the teams to .her home with Mr. and Mrs. Ail-1‘ position for the 5,500,,(1 thipt y drew Fulton for the last two years, I Imimltes of play. and just four min- returned 10 1191‘ 1101119 in '1 I ‘Oron.o.l utes later when Falkingham tal- Miss May made many friends whil~ F, lied for the locals on a short shot here. and will he much missed in I, git) front of the from}, That- m’lnâ€" the choir. for she possessed spl-cnâ€" I ,utes more saw anan drop in my- did vocal talent. jother (NW. and while it took 831.12%!- 1 I t I i 1 \Ve hope that ’ she will again Visit llampdr-n i:‘ It ers eleven minutes more to score. the not tOO distant future. gs 8 . u mean. the 1101' was almost con-v - - . I , . l . l’ L ‘ . ‘1 1 ‘ Mr. Austin Derby, who 1s attend- :tmuously 1'71 the nme‘lim:rl.002 0' ‘ f ‘ ‘ ing the Mt. Forest Business Colâ€"l I e z \' l 5. he last oal. . . ,th Hmo 9“ ”‘t T H 1 loge, spent Saturday and Sunday !t €¢the fourth. Was snort“! 15." [AWN]?- ' . I “L I_!_ cases of Dry Goods, Clothing, f It was a jolly and boisterous crowd of good-natured rooters ,that shelled out their shillings and climbed aboard the hockey club’s ’special train for Hanover on Fri- vday evening, and cheered their {favorites through to victory bv Hour goals to three. For many fmoons. there has existed between {this oasis in the desert, and the jGerman haven of rest across the Sway, a keen rivalry in all sports, 'which was in no Wise appeased last Winter when the Durham puck 1 :artists trimmed them on their own lice. The outcome was that Hano- iverians were anxious to redeem !themselves on their own fishpontl, Fand Charley Coppinger’s braveSl gput on their boldest front and! istrong'est line-up to do the trick.i ‘ And in the first half, they oerâ€"1 l Eltainlv (lid. for when the hell ting- tied for half time, the “Flying fDutchmen" were three goals to: f the good with Durham still to get l‘ :some. 5‘ '1 The People Remember “hat Imumins etc , one bale Factm‘y last sale and how everything 11 as as mhertism} f Boots and Shoes, 110- 1 and a great; c: 11112 1.1.1 attend 11.x beiure. Prices .dise at an extrenmiy ‘ kets, so th1z-1 IS agrand opportunity. Just; at are 01110‘0 higher, a chance like this mean 8 great oats in men" 8, ladies’ and children s in all colors going at whnlomla nrina AMHIIP. 111m 59513011313311 ii 1' 1 l l ', including the balance of the H.H.Mockler stock 00000000000000000000 fluff: $1.49 ~., worth from $1.00 to $1.50, sale 737' $3.48 THE DU RHAM CHRONICLE spring are scarce this year and will be Regular price from, yd., $1.50 Men’s College Overcoats and several other good styles, $12 cost, to clear .................................... $7.98 Men’s Good Suits, worth up to $10, Sale Price ........................ $5. 98 Men’s Tweed Suits, good \s'eaJ- ers, worth up to $15, for ........ $3.98 Newest Up-to-date Suits,w0rth up to $15, Sale Price ............ $9.98 Boys’fl-piece Suits, regular up to 3;», Sale Price. .................... $3.28 The annual meeting of the Pres- ;lwterian church here was held on Friday afternoon. January 7th. The congregation extended a hearty vote of thanks to Messrs. .Archie Park, John Cooper, and Wm. Marshall, who so ably fulfill- to ...... Messrs. Archie Park and James Mather oach disposed of one of their horses to Mr. W.J. McNally, of "\Valkorton, who is buying a car load in this 0nd of the county 10 ship to a Swede settlement in Saskatchewan. did vocal talent. We hope 'that } Mr. John and Miss Jen she will again visit Hampden ixf ’er. and MI” J33: Byers a the not too distant future. {Spent an “"9”"18“ ”St . “The Blaples.” Mr. Austin Derby, W110 is attend- ing the Mt. Forest Business Col- M“ all-ifMl‘S. Jas. Mat] 19239. Spent Saturday and Sunday [tamed '~ as,“ of the you at his home here [0110 (‘Yening last \vpul: c-..” suuuL .her home with Mr. and Mrs. An- drew Fulton for the last two years, returned to her home in Toronio. Miss May made many friends while here. and will be much missed in the choir. for she possessed spit-n- did vocal talent. We hope that she will again Visit Hampdcn if the not too distanf fnin'nn Boots and Shoes, Fancy Goods, L The Flesherton juniors were de- 'feated on the rink here on Tues- davoevening' by 5 goals to 0. We tender sympathy to the Advance man, who has not even the other fellows’ referee to fall back on. Lent Worry, old boy, We’ll send a wreath to your funeral if the shock krc-cks you out. time. The Chesley team is a strong one, and defeated Hanover in Hanover on New Year's by five goals to three. They are bring- :ing down a train load of rooters and a brass band, and have re- see their {favorites win. But the Durhams say no. and they mean it, too, and are prepared to back up their nega- g Sport, this game of hockey will. appeal to your and will he welli worth seeing“. The game is called? for 5.30, sharp. ’ r, Sale Price... d they mean it, too, and ed to back up their nega- :he best game of hockey played. If you like the Overcoats price 490 and 690 each. CLOTHING SALE AT THE OLD DURHAn, . rs, going at wholesale price. picked up quickly. . Come with the crowd. { Capt. O. M. Snider has taken to ,‘Lhe tall timbers motaphoxicallv .speaking‘. as a young duck takes 1 $2.28 $2.00 I Miss Halpe my, ( Saturday the guc and aunt. Mr. and insom of the 16th. Sharp, who has sufficiently im- proved to not need further medi- cal attendzmce, and Miss Lloyd, the nurse, has returned to the Fergus hospital. ed their many duties at inp: committee, in the of the church last your. 2".'11("I'31 business was sv:.-;wr was served in thl (a) For nearly one mile FIVE ROSES travels through hy- giemc automatic processes, Then the fleckless purity in prepar- ation, Madam. Special devices exclusive to FIVE ROSES are employed so that no hand need touch your flour. It is hand proof - gem/me â€" pregnant with health and wholesomeness. szferent from any other flour made. you see. gioves when performing a critical operation ? They say it’s impossible to so absolutely free from danger of germ infection How many hands. think NOW using. a flour which never comes in contact with hand or finger. “ FIVE ROSES " is its name. It is made in an automatic water‘ power plant, under the eyeâ€"but not under the handnof experts with 21 years of "know-how" behind them. From field to sack and barrel every bit of machinery that FIVE ROSES touches is bright and polished like those piano keys of yours. getting cleaner and finer. until in the cheery packing room it flows into sacks and barrels of carom make. Here iikewise purity is paramount, and the highâ€"grade packages are mstfc machinery. * e l- e AI! this for your folks’ protection nnd yours, Mistress Housewife. Thus your own white hands are the first to touch FIVE 80.355 from the time it Double width, 3% yards each, Sale Price, yd ................................ 98¢ 1. You can’t fail to be more than satisfied w, m we repairing: last your. After the 998 was transacted. rved in the basement 13', our teacher,spent guest of her uncle Toweling, reg. 10c for ........................ 50 Towelings, reg. lle, for yd .............. Sc Towelings. reg. 100, for yd .............. 70 Good Large Towels, regular price 300 pair, Sale Price ............................ lilc Table Linens,reg. 500 Table Linen, Sale Price ................................................ 350 Table Linens, reg. 37340 Table Linen Sale Price 01' ........................................ -00 'guins J. LEVINE gave them during tlm artised. This sale will cause a grent‘xtar, Prices are going up in the wlmlesaln nmr- st at this time when prices on all goods great saving to the public. duties as the build- 20 Pieces of Fine Dress Includinw L11:st10s,Mui1ai1' Satin Stripe Suiti11rrs,etc., 750 vard, for OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Mrs. Wm. Rob ‘ LAM or mfwooos mum; (0.. no H. H. MOCKLER STAND Pnnie Coon- i and sistvrs‘ ’ week at i ..37 cents the Duty Wonder how many Hampdm would like to see a likeness their scribe’s phiz in "the par ‘The picture will appear all r if the editor’s constitutior strong enough to withstand shock, {or it is he who w ill rec! the first one. 3 son meets him “at ito water‘ and he has a gang of )men cutting and hauling logs to £tho Hampdon sawmill. 0. M. is a not wish to we were almost tempted last autumn to predict an exceptionally mild winter, taking for our indi- cation the number at Hampden young men who ruthlessly sacri- ficed the weather protection on their upper lips, and we would have made the prediction all righ’t only for the thought that perhaps it was a matrimonial movo (hay We’l‘v cnotemplating. and um AM jolly good fella Are you paflzbularenough to look {or the name, Mistress House- h wife ? “’9 \w i! this for your foiks‘ protection end yours, Mistress Housewife. Thus your own white hands are the first to touch FIVE ROSES from the time it was hidden in the heart of the field- ripened Manitoba berries until «- iivered in your kitchen. YOU linow this DOSIZ‘IWID Wk.“ CIA.- getting cleaner and finer. until in the cheery packing room it flows into sacks and bdrm]: 0/ carom make. Here likewxsc purity is paramount. and the high-grade packages are filled full-weight and .5qu by ad)- mqtz'c machinery. 3 Dress Goods Mohairs, Serges, SPECIAL ’-o WNIRI Al re almost temx 0 discourage anyone. how many Hampdcn w many uampdcniten 3 see a likeness of r99: 1.9!. an home or abroad Whether a per- rotvction on We would :ion all right [hat perhaps I move they “T did ’7

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