West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 27 Jan 1910, p. 6

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M n FIFTY GIRLS By October 15th our new factory :t Hanover will be completed. \Ve will require fifty girls. \Ve also have» room fur a few girls in our presvnt quarter's. Applications will be received now by WILLIAMS. GREENE 6: ROME (20., Limited HANOVER. Date": Comment: ac. Anyone sanding u skefch and doacflnflnn any quickly as “-rrsun on: my mum free win-met tn mvemlnn H rruhn'lywuem Me. Cnmumnim tinnaw'rictly: ”wad-"mi II. HANBBOOK on Patent! sent. (row. Uldwsc mu'ru-y fur socunng patentx Patom'a tuicu through Mann 00.30001" page)! gottcc. wtthout charae. in the _..4- .- _,.---- ‘ -> ‘31‘ . . * {m .« Tam: MARKS ‘-"'V v-uâ€"v \ ban 3.4M 1121'; MJ trntui- w ckly. Largest. ctr. cnlmwu »t 3m? nr'luzt ‘ «2 jun: ;.ml 'lerms 10E C mam; 1: .. . a year. pmtugc prepaid. Sold b3 CU 89'2““: ELIOT “. MM?! 8. Co. as.».......,, New Ygtk Bunchom (20.6" 625F8L. Washington. fiéfitifi’iéflmmfifig ”! ’0‘- more young peuplc Luau any other umnagement in (’anadu. Affiliated with Com- mercial Educators’ As- sociation of Canada. i Future Pram mg on shortest notice. SHOW ROOMSâ€"Next to Swallows Barber Shop. RESIDENCEâ€"Next door South of W. J. blacksmith shop. Lawrence’e TH 1'2 ONTARIO ‘led ao a Rain relieving agent. i :fipphfidl 1:11 the . “’D.h L3; Conservative Leader’s Speech-- ' ent o aster it 13 t e mos “ , _ effective remedy known for Lay ‘0‘". Proposals Be anbago, Sciatica, Rheumatic ' Aches and Pains. Try a “D. 3' m d E" n Md D Med H - , . mme ate an CC \'C emu , L. Menthol Plaster the.i ____ Inext tune you are suffering: Ottawa‘ Jan. 23.4fm feature of from any one of these com-'the debate on the fir plaints and be convinced. 25c. % the Government Nava - * ' . ',was Mr. R.L. Borden’s great 9999““ Iapanese Menthol is unequal- OUR OTTAWA L131 | UK I > D D D each at dr 11(Y 9 FE W H a -:1 TRADE MARK d.-. A Splendid Tonic Builds up the System Wengthens the Muscles . elves New Life If not, Why not? Shipments of No. l goods arriv- ing daily. Is what every hnusewife wants \Ve sell it. Mrs. Beggs Sons Ha Sells Cheap and Funeral Directorw Gold by all medicine dealers. Davin O Lawrence Co., Montreal. All-woof Blankets at. $3, $4 and .............. $4.75 a pair Bed (‘omfmters at $1. 35, $1.75 $1, 95, $3.50 and” ”$15. 7'3 each Large 11- 4 Flannelette Blan- kets, white on gley. .3812.) Jpnir white, bludck. red or grey at. .500. 75c, $1 and $1. 40 each Large 60-30 size Smyrna. Mvn’s Cardigan Jackets Men’s \Voul Drawers. . Men’s Heavy \Vinter Top Shit-ts .................. 501: up Imdies’ Vests . . . . . Full line of Catholic Robes, and blah and white Caps for aged people. 7â€"â€"â€"â€"~â€"* . ALLEN’S “ Have You Secured Your Supply of ----- LUNG . BALSAM SHOW ROOMSâ€"Next to Swallows Barber Shop. RESIDENCEâ€"Next door South of W. J. Lawrence’e blacksmith shop. A Ida: In a Simple Cold. ‘30:. Idle Int a lean Cold. Sold by all Dmists. . DAVIS 8: LAWRENCE C0.. Montrel Embalming a Specialty For deep-seated «.Iqists‘ B A G O I” BIG COUGHS. COLDS. CROUP. ‘ U “...-DC UP . . $1 .00 and) Calder’: Block Ruge )0 each ' LDC llCUG‘v VA. up--- __ ithe Government Naval Service Bill Ewas Mr. R.L. Borden’s great speech iSir Wilfrid Laurier introduced the Bill, that duty having been\impos- hat unexpect- i.ed upon him somew .edly by the sudden illness of Mr. 'Brodeur. The Premier gave the .merest outline of the.policy of the Government, his speech containing nothing in the way of exposition Icr defense of his plan. The pro- ' gramme to which the Government 'has committed itself is this: i 1.â€"â€"It will procure eleven ships. 3 none of t 3 but all of them of the most expen-. sive oi their sort. Four of them I will be fast cruisers of about 4,300 .tons displacement, of a type com- ‘ monly known as the "Bristol”. that being the name of the first ship ‘1 of this class to be designed for the ‘f British navy. One will be a smaller fast cruiser. of about 3,300 tons, of the “Boadicea" type Sixi will be what are called “torpedo‘ boat destroyers‘kof what is called 1 the improved “river" class: a tor- pedo boat destroyer is a very fast vessel designed to fight with tor- pedos. and given a very light ar- mament of guns: a large number of these vessels recently built for :the British Navy have been nam- led after rivers in the British Isles Eand so are called the “river” class. .If we were to buy these ships in iEngland they would cost about $11,000,000: if we built them in Can- 1, ada the cost would be at least $15,- l000,000‘ and in addition no one can jtell when they will be ready, for l'beiore we can build the ships we 'must construct and equip the. ,dockyards. and that will be an en- :ormous and tedious labor. Thus |all that we are sure about in these "ships is that they will cost a lot E of money; we don‘t know when we shall get them. l OUR OTTAWA LETTER There is to be a naval force. Part of it is to be a permanent force. Part is to l.-e a volunteer 1 force. Service in the permanent 1 force is ‘to be for three years. The 1 officers for it are to be trained in l the naval college. Now, in thel' °Royal navy. the term of service is 7 much longer, and British naval ofâ€"i ficers hold that it takes six years.‘ to make a seaman gunner, of the 7effimency demanded in the Brit- ish navy. Thus our terms of ser- ; vice are to be different from those I. of the British navy; they are to be shorter than those which the Brit- ish navy finds necessary; and our officers are to be kept apart from 'British naval officers. It is pro- vided that if war breaks out the lCanadian (lovernment may if it chooses. turn our naval service I over to Lht. Admiralty for general service in the British navy. If it noes so it IIIUSL summon Parlia- ment. if that body is proroguetl, within fifteen days. If it does not feel like helping the Mother Coun- itry, it need not, and if it refuses Said to Great Britain it is under no obligation to summon Parliament. .The fact that the terms of service ‘are so unlike those of the Royal ,navy will greatly lesson the value 'of the Canadian naval service if 'handed over to the Admiralty. If Ewe had officers trained under the. isame traditions as British officers land men enlisted on the same sterms and trained innthe .same -â€"+,... manner. the changeable. But the Government refuses to; do that, so that our ships if turn- 1, ed over will he ol the least possible service. In any event, it will be, years before we have them. Com- pare With these halting proposals, at once slow, expensive and inef- ficient. Mr. Borden’s words. At ing upon Canada of playing her own part in the hour of trial, he l went on to say: “I say to my right hon. friend, the Prime Minister, so Iar as my words have any weight with him, "Go on with your navai service. Proceed cautiously and surely.” people and give them if necessary opportunity ,to not forget that we are confronted with an emergency that may rend this empire asunder before the pro posed service is Worthy ,of the name. In the face of such a sit- uation immediate, vigorous, earn- est action is necessary. We have Lâ€"nvl‘ [73L “LLIULI 5U .I‘rvvâ€"â€"vâ€"_ no Dreadnaught ready.: we have no fleet unit at hand. But we have the resources and I trust the pat- riotism to provide a fleet unit or at least a Dreadnaught without one moment’s unnecessary delay. Or. in my opinion this would he the better course; we can place the equivalent in cash at the disnosal of the Admiralty to be used for naval defense under such condi- tions as We may prescribe. In tak- ing this course, We will fulfil not only in the letter, but in the spirit ias WBII‘ the resolution of last March‘ and What is infinitely more important. We will discharge a and to the whole empire.” Have you a weak throat? I! so. you cannot be too careful. You cannot begin treatment too early. Each cold makes you more liable to mother'and the last is always the harder to cure. J1 you will take Chambarlain’a Goggle Bemedg _--'A Al‘o‘ ‘-â€"â€"__ the fleets wbuld be inter- THE DURHAM CHRONH The annual meeting of the Egre- . mont Agricultural society was held 1 on Thursday ' afternoon of last i week. There was a very repreâ€" : sentative gathering pres-nut. and ‘ much interest was manifested in arranging matters for the coming year. The officers elected are as follows: Pres.. J.C. Adams: lst V. Pres.. \V. Groat: 'End Vice Pres.. J. ‘Rice; Directors. W. Ramage, W.J. Eccles, Jas. Calder. P. Muvtch, J. A. Swanston. J. G. Rundall. H. (‘owam H. Lamont. W. Allan. Hon Direct- ors. J. .lllcllvriz'le. A. Aitken. J. A. Ferguson. A. McCaw, Jas. Sim and Henry Reid. .Sec.-Treas., W. J. Sharp. Auditors, T.J. Stevenson and L. B. Nicholson. A committee consisting of Messrs. Rice, Reid and Sharp were chosen to .confer with Police Trustees regarding matters pertaining to the Park. It was also decided to memorialize the provincial Government to in- crease the grant to agricultural so- cieties throughout the province from $70 to $100. The date fixed ’ for our fall fair was Sept. 27th, but 9 as South Grey society has selected ; the 26th and 27th. our fair will , probably l)(‘ held on October 4th. ' The spring fair will be held on Ap- ril 19th. 1910. Dr. Gun. coroner of Grey. em- rhnneled a jury to inquire into the cause of the death of John Pet- tigrew at Hanover last week. The iurv adiourned to meet at Hanover on Friday of last week. Thev did so,hut nothing was done, hence they will resume investi'rtition in Holstein on Friday of this week. Crown Attorney Armstrong has charge 01" the care. Mr. J. E. Hamilton has securefl the buttermilk of the Egremont creamery Co. for next season at the rate 0'.“ $3.70 per ton o." lunar manufactured. The ice harvest is just commenc- ing on the dam here. R. Irvin spent a couple of days in Fergus last week. Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy never disappoints those who use 3t lOI'.obst1nate coughs, colds and It stands unrivalled as a remedv for all throat and lung diseases. Sold by all dealers. A Guar "tutee A copy of the beautiful picture entitled “The Soul‘s Awakening”. size 19x24 inches. ready for fram- ing. is still guaranteed to all who renew their subscriptions to The Family Herald and Weekly Star. of Montreal. Too much cannot be said of this lovely picture. It deâ€" serves all that has been said of it and more too. A OOpy should be in every home in Canada and those who fail to make sure of a copy 'L ‘â€"‘-- Tf in an“: r'anlll)' llt'l ill‘J auu vv L- -_-., of Montreal. Too much cannot be said of this lovely picture. t deâ€" serves all that has been said of it should be‘ in every home in Canada and those who fail to make sure of a copy now will regret it later. It is safe to say that no one who has a copy would care to sell it for twice what he paid .for the Family Herald for the year and the picture. One dollar pays a whole year’s sub- scription to that great Weekly,and the picture is presented to each subscriber. Don’t miss it. Dr. Morse s Real drop from recular prices. N0 marking up first and then marking down to make the prices look like barâ€" gains. Our goods will be all sold at. Ready-made Suits, Ready- made Pants, Overalls, Ladies’ and Men’s Underwear, Blan- kets. Woollen Sheeting. Prints. Flannelettes. Men’s and Boys’ Caps and Gloves and a. host of other articles. Real bargains in fresh Fruit Currants, R a i 8i n s, Lemons, Oranges, etc. Real bargains in choice Groceries. .31; E Holstein. S. SCOTT a box. i Stock-Taking Ahead \é BARGAINS NOW «wwoowwwwr We have started now on our January Clear- ing-out and all winter goods are under the knife. Furs to Clear- Large Number Neck Furs i Genuine Sable Rutfs. fine mu,- mal qualilv, wnr'h $21) for ’51.?” $15. 00 1 Isabella Fox fox tails, for ......... Marmot. Thibet other furs, reg. $7.50 $9.75, at great reductions rThe Bes .. 1 A. Ayn] H- :n nf nnr mfnrn vnn “’1". ! I l Man’s Black Galloway Coat ‘ Men's Fur Collar. (‘nrl-linml selling at. l ('Oats, rvg’lar ............. ”.335 00 ‘ $25. to L'lvar” $22.50 I 2 Men’s Cum) Coats, gnud Ladies’ Sahlo Cull-1r, (‘m‘l- value at _ $70 \ lined cunts, selling $64) A’ $55. 00 mg 39.1 fox” $22.50 Men's Fur Collars, German Otter, Astxm-han km. redm‘ml Large stuck of Men’s Persian Lamb Caps. special at $6 and SH) All Rubbers to clear at last year’s prices; Much below this season‘s prices Ladies’ Coats to Clear. Up-to-date Styles “'e’re not slicing the prices of theseâ€"We're slashing into them â€"-cntting deep. This department is one of the places you can buy good up-to-date goods at prices that will make you happy. Other Lines We Want to Clear Out:â€" Men’s and Boys’ Sweater Coats, Underwear. Men's Felt Bums, Gaps; in fact all lines of winter goods will he sacraiiued rather than to carry them over, stock-taking. Men’s and Boys’ Clothing and Overcoats JAMES IRELAND only. (‘0 1t film grvv Cloth leg. $18 sell ing at” .us‘4 oo The best is the The best is the best, and it is at our store you will find it. No danger of indigestion if you get; your bread, cakes, etc. from us. Try our ‘Home-made’ specialâ€"very appetizing and nourishing. Coat fine grey Cloth Ladies” Coats, Kersvy (‘luths $18, 8911- \ $12.54) N $13.- .t... . . . .. $14.00 50, to clearat $10.00 Lndies’ (bats, good Cloths, reg. $10. tn vloal' at $8.50 All Girls’ Coats to clear at CUT INHVN PRICES Ruff, genuine regular $20M) : $15.00 Good Selection of Colors In the Sizes [G ao.s1'msou -Q‘O‘O“ . . ’ ' 7/}(/¢///Jm‘ J/oflda/J/ (‘27,?de I5 KING 5? iEAST s.-.” Splendid asmrtment of Mum;- in black and bruwu fun. at S7. (D0 [0.815 00 nd Jan. 27, 1910 Â¥**fi%Â¥*“ Ian. 2?, 1910 R. B. KEE {ISSUNMI H! u madv American “0,000.00 Stock FRANK Builders” Suppl Carpenter-5' Skaitvs In order to make quired, I uffm' tlw m. Great A lic During tlw past. ban McIntosh 1m \' ability, to N-rvn th orably, and mm th part-Hersh“). I take the public fur past you for a slum» of 3n» the business mu] \Vi \‘iOllb‘ (‘ffurts In 5:11 is rutth‘ (’I'V gvuvrz the crowd and b tire stock must to be sold. Clocks, J ewelq Ready-madc- ('lut Hats and (7:11» A Reducti ROBT. BRIG lli( U (.H ’flllV ill Startingr noon,Jan KE (HI 19 ll Uul Ind

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