West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 27 Jan 1910, p. 7

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1 Pure Manitoba Flour! Iers Produce Wanted igestiun ifynn get your ». Try our ‘Home-made’ md nourishing. THE h Shoe Stor KING S.’ EAST ‘Q‘».t- Latimer t is at INSON BflKERV ng and Overcoats Tmlerwvnr will he szut 'IH l- 3|“. tn c-lvar at, $8.50 ['1' IMHVN' PRICES ill Ilmkt s In the Sizes Up-to-date Styles Inch below this season’s price! 'uur January Clear. an» under the knife. mber Neck Furs Clear Out lc and Mar-o! Trimmed Coats 8| â€"....â€"+ â€"-â€"â€"..__.â€"â€"~â€"_â€"_â€". ELAND I D. Alit \stl There is Nothing Dark About tho Shoes We So" leg are tl‘ wv'r Ivan! “'0 av Custom Work and lo. pairing as usual at I) it 7 ‘ $22.50 )lll hnn you happy , Mom's Felt Bnots, mfived rallu-r than \V ortuwnt of Mn“. ind brawn (Ufa. tsfllll N I «ha. reduced I at $6 and $I0 an great reductions I) .llar. Curl-lined s :‘Iimmrs at and .‘lttH and Gk)" UI‘!’ _\" H: W!“ $15.00 '6 Mar, Cutl- It $22.50 iutn than] m can buy The factor be publicâ€" » the public ll JU" urgs you t want to. a balance , 1910 .03 51c and to 9.0999960900090969.93203930060096690909 C? R. B. KEELER 8: SON wmfifififiié *fifi*fi*»«$$ufi$$$fik*fi% $lo,ooo.oo Stock of High Great Auction Sale Hats and Caps, Groceries, Watches Clocks, Jewelery, Rings and Silverware to be sold. NO RESERVE. The en- Ready- ROBT. BRIGHAM‘, Auctioneer ’-made Clothing, Boots and Shoes Starting Saturday After- noon, Jan. 15, at 2 p.m. KEELER’S price. AT -Class Dry Goods ¢¢w*$*. wnere, or direct‘ all chargeé 1‘»- paid, by the Canadian makers, G oux Mfg, Co., F0 rt Erie Ont. CURES CATARRH, ASTHMA, who guarantee it. Sold every- where, or direct‘ all charges pn- paid, by the Canadian makers, Gir- oux Mfg, (30., Fort Erie, Ont. Sage is a prime favorite with W0- men, because it keeps the hair bril- liant and fascinating, is daintily perfumed. and is not sticky or greasy. 'll‘he price for a lprge bottle is ,fiw v--\v. Parisian Sage, which cal obtamed in every town in Pretty strong talk, perha; will say, but it’s honest talk. word of it, but if Macfarlane was not absolutely certain“ i did not know from absolute 1 obtained, they could not mak a ‘genopousioffer. Macfarlane (S- If Parisian Sage ‘â€" â€"â€" vuu‘auv v three lots for the aggregate price 01 $82,330, is the Canadian writer whose stories of outdoor life have delighted many readers. ‘He had the distinc- tion of obtaining the most coveted lots. Then, there is Rev. John De- ville, the Catholic priest, who gavr his name to the Deville property on Peterson Lake, and is now the moving- spirit with S. D. Maddin in the de- velopment of the St. Anthony. The wide publicity uttainwl by pro perties bought in fonner sales of the Gillies’ Limit brought together a most interesting group of buyers at the last auction, says The Cobalt Nugget. The W. A. Fraser, who is associated with S. Ogilvie in the. purchase 01 three lots for the :mgromnn nrina M Usually it comes with a cold. Being slight. it is neglectedâ€"Jun the seed is sown for a dangerous harvesl‘ perhaps consumption, 'l‘o cure at once, inhale Catarrhozone. It destroys the germ of (.‘atarrh. clears away mucous, cleanses the passage of the nose and throat. The hacking cough and sneezing cold soon disappear. and health is yours again. Nothing known for‘ colds, catal'rh and throat trouble! that is so curative as Catarrhozone It cures by a new method ”I'll never yet failed. At. all dealers °"‘ ' .. 1} cents and $1.00. Get (.‘atarrhozzune now, to-day. TWU of nllt' buys had n but Phase afth :1 sqnil'rvl n fvw days ago, but, in Hpite of the» struggles to get him, with tl)(é lxwlg) (If it (lt);::tt)(i ll<tÂ¥ «)f :L tialli1)sr hole the little. quadruped made his escape. Mr. and Mrs. \Vm. Adlmn are fc in}: “ain’t-ml uvm' thv m-riv thin-d sun. Your (‘m'nvr (‘uncm-ns 11¢)“le are renrvsvntml by nu sum” umn, Judging: by his writing or appearance in the Chronicle, wh‘ch is a. good sample 0f the staff to begin with. e]- .1] at their Mr. and Mr»; R. mica Mr. and MN. K. 31:13.15 lust \vm-k. ‘ Mr. Amh' Grown {rum on Mr. and Mrs. Sam VJ A GENEROUS OFFER Novelist and Priest Miners Why Catarrh is Dangerous uw Jrom absolute results: He wrote a prodigious amount ., V ke such : of poetry, mostly short poems. He soffer. Edi-ii not need to studv or think' in order to write poetry, , incident or rapteed to stop falling ; thought that was suggested to his - . ' mmd seemed to cause the words to filial, dgllgh‘tful! rejuv- flow out With vapor hula m-_L_. Dandruff. - '_-.‘. \I'Cl‘ if‘blacfarlane C6 Will Refund Your Doesn’t Banish ife have delighted ' had the distinc- 1110 most coveted is .Rev. John De- ’ Per 1!?98 you “! [muisu willed Vnckm-sun Sun- Itton \‘is‘hal with ’dsiin uf Lnuise. THE DURHAM CHRONICLE if the); . 9‘791i}v -. u.“ uuhfiLUVCu tU u] C -. v 3 mind seemed to cause the words to flow out mth very little mental aeffort on his part. The poem “To {a Mouse” was composed while he ‘was ploughing. Once, While in [church he was seated behind a {very stylishly dressed lady, who 0 wore a very big hat. Burns not- (iced a louse on this lady‘s hat. He ,immediately took out a paper and Jpencil and wrote that well known ipoem “To a Louse.” Some of .‘his ,poems Were full of tenderness fand pathos. What could be more1 tender than his song, “Afton Wat-i er.” or What more pathetic than; his poem “To Mary in Héaven’fi': His poem “A Man’s a Man for a" That” is full of simple, common} sense. His breast was full of love for Scotland‘ and he gave expression to his patriotism in the tumour poem “Scots Win Hae Wi’ Wallace Bled.” _In the latter and at Ami]. "as- H Here he met with a modest‘ gentle girl. whose name was Mary. “with whom he fell in love. She i had promised to marry him. but I her parents were not willing. I Mary Went home to her parents I and was there all summer, and in .the fall she and her brother were going to Glasgow to work . ‘ ing‘ the winter. and on their way, Mary was going to bid Burns fareâ€" ; well before he Went back to Jamai- ;ca. But before they got to Burnsq her brother took the fever. Mary! ;nursed him tenderly till he was lwell, but she unfortunately took the fever and died in a few days. 'Burns mourned her loss very much and afterwards wrote the beautiful Epoem “To Mary in Heaven.” ’ After receiving five hundred. pounds for the Edinburgh edition of his poems, he returned to the! home of his childhood, and was» soon able to take a farm of his! own, and also to lend one hundred ; and eighty pounds to his brother,' to help support his mother. ; He had been in Jamaica a few .days. going from covert to covert falxvays in fear of getting into a jail. But one day a friend of his ‘i'cccived a letter from Mr. Black- loul; He. was so pleased with l-Jurns’ poems that he wanted a _.c;u_-ond edition in Edinburgh‘ so Burns immediately mes“ :‘ that city and was plam ' 1. r ,__i(? pro- tection of a very noble man, the Earl of (ilencairn. Burns then gave up his share in the farm :io his brother, and pre- pared to go to Jamaica, but decid- ed to publish his poems first. He sent out six hundred copies, bring- my him a sum of nearly twenty pounds, which Was very acceptable at this time. i Burns now began a maker of rhymes being “The Holy was a real poet. I Me for him to com Once when he was ploughshare turned nest. and the mous was very sorry, anJ composed the poem Mouse.” ~‘-r1"'" "“"“ muaur anu ‘.amii_\'. But we til-5L year they got poor seed, and the harvest was late. the result being that thvy lost half their crops. 0n amount of this mimortuuu, L IIL‘ 5' get discouraged. About this time. his faUu-r dim and he and his brother took far:n.1nakin;-.zm"ull acsolulinhs t become farmers and support thpi His life \H‘nt on samv May till his ymu'. when he Wen wnh 21 1‘13): dressm trade. This was a ‘ ate step for Burns. giving: a welcome c New Year. “'th H” At the age of sixteen he took a great notion to write poetry, but thought he was at a great disad- vantage because he was so poor and unlearned. ‘gardener for a rich gentleman. 'At the age of seven, Bobbie was a sturdy. stubborn boy. not much of a favorite with anyone. f As his father could not afford to 5.3m] his boy to school, he decided to rent a farm and teach him to work. He was soon able to plough and became a great help to his father. He was very fond of read- ing. and read all the books he; could get. 1 ROBERT BURNS. A long time ago, in a clay cot- tage, near the bridge of Doon. in Ayrshire County, Scothnd. on the 25th of January. 1759. just one hun- dred_and fifty-one years ago to- day. .was born a babe whose name was Robert Burns. EDITORIALS Tomas: GREEN GROVE EYE-OPENER r of getting intoâ€"é day a frivnd of his :ter from Mr. Black- poem entitled “To _ _v_ H.-.“ .mw .u luv um}: i )I'\' Mary from my soul was tom 8 fatlu-r died. :' 011 Mary! dear departed shade! vther took a] 'Wherr is thy place 01 “”35“” rsolulinus to] “’St‘ fiuPPOI‘t their l See’st thou thy lover lowly laid. D}, nu x- [I -_-1 . .. _ 'as a 'very poor first seven years '. he workes as rich gentleman. 3T0 Windsor-'3 lndustrial Boom. Windsor grins in glee over press talk of a tariff war bvtwven Canada :nd 1hr United Shims. Already “'ind- 901' and vicin°ty cm boast of man branch Anzvrican factories than an} other 100:1in in tln- country auc more are coming all lhe time. Thou is an llidllrfl'lu] boom there that ac counts for the big increase yearly it; pupulatmu and assessment. J It’s as simple and easy to use as shoe polish, and a big stove can be shined with it almost as easily. Pct-bun your denier does not and]: “Black Knight" Stove Polish. ”no. and sec. (”32,13“me ? After the age of 50 people find ‘that their strength is not wlut it used to hr, and they fro~ (gut'ntly suffer from sudden "x- hauation and Weak heart action. To all such. we recommend the in- vigoratinp: tonic. Forrovim. oom- posed of fresh beef, Citrate of Iron and pure old Spanish ShP!‘1‘\’ Wimx Nothing could be moro beneficial in such cases. $1.00 a bottle. ‘ ‘Black Knight” is a firm pasteâ€"ready to useâ€" quickly appliedâ€"and shines quick as a wink. of Du'mrrios “aura-mutu- There is no “hard brick’ ’ to scrapeâ€"no troubleâ€"no wastéâ€"no hard rubbing. There is no black watery liquid to stain your hands or dirty the floor. You don’t have to mix “ Black Knight” Stove Polish. ~a-vvu u;\ '1 tbs snow and slvpt there for some hours. When he awoke, his thoughts were turned to his be- loved Mary, and as it was ten yours ago this nun'ning since she died be than composed this poem: T’mu lingering 3131‘, With lessening- ray‘ That Iov’st to greet the early .morn, death. supporting his fifty pounds a year. In January 1796, Bur t‘"\.'{"!1il]2' in the 11019], return homv ux'm'eomc ho sank down on thv _ . _v-,.__ râ€"vvv“ a ruinous speculatmn and he was finally compelled to give it up. and mme into the town of Dum- IIII\11 ‘lv‘- _ took her to his new misfortune await] poet’s steps. The fa gain‘ guou ushm‘es Bond 100.. name of paper nnd this ad. (01 beautiful Sufings Bank and UniM's Skvwh.‘ Each bunk contain- a Good Luck Penny. SCOTT BOWNE 126 Wellington Skeet. West Toronto. Ont pale, anemic girl rosy cheeks andrich, red blood. It will put flesh on the bones of the tired, over- worked, thin man, and will keep the aged man or woman in condition to l FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGIBTI ‘18“ with military hon- gentlemen volunteers r 1796, Burns spent an the 110101, and on his ' overcome by liquom 7n on thv doorstep in "i slept there for some. en he awoke, his re turned to his he- md as it was ten yours remained till his W home. But follmwd ‘hn farm p1 oved a in the d 9 SH fam Q 113’ 011 All kind: of Grain. bought ct Huh Will use you right. telephone No. 8. A" upâ€"tp-date flour; and “AAâ€" Chopping Done Every Day and is a super selected winter wheat im- article for making pastry. em. Burp§._bites. bruises and Our pure Manitnha flour N . 1 Manitoba wheat cm for either tinker-b or d‘ A blend offi wheat and i 1 A small m- in! are bag of a fine gram. whine. nutrition 5 flour. is said in; our brand. Have you evm hid it? (int your gmr to give you mu- kind next. time and see the sup-rim baking quai- itn'ea it possesses. Better and mum whoiesomo. buomlsv mi .1 secret prm‘ms that we put the whmu through. Don’t forget. John McGowan. Pumas from $2 unwam. SHOP open «very tfternoon. U1 REPAIRING promptly and prep- «rlv attendedt kW. 0. CUKNUI W D. CONNOR OOOOOO‘OOQOOOOOOOOOOO mo OOOOOOO‘ delivered anvwhere umps of all Kinds. 3alvanized and Iron Pip- mg“; Blass Brass Lined ard Iron Cilinders. 0r Calder Block - Durham SOVEREIGN Machine Oil. Harness Oil, Axw Grease and Hoof Ointment, go to . P. SA UNDERS | Manitoba and; Ontario 1 is a strictly 'st. clan family flour ECLIPSE Mann: A ‘d D TH E "0"". made from fat cannot be beat 01' domestic nae armrer m calm m â€"- The linrnessw aka! a. fine gram. is sold as our Y‘i' d It. 9 Get 1_u _k_ind next

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