West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 27 Jan 1910, p. 8

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to t: Large Sales (i. 8: J. McKECHNlE, Canada anulacturer’s Association has ising Canadians to patronize gives as one reason, “The The Canadian ,M just issued a circular adv Canadian imlusm'ies and it foreign working man who gets your money doesn’t spend one cent in your store; he never brings any grist to the mill oi the Canadian banker, or the Can- adian professional man; the factory that he works in, and that grows on your money, doesn’t add one cent to the value of your real estate.” This is practical com- mon sense with which all will agree, and whilst we want Canada as a whole to prosper, we want the 10- cality in which we live to prosper better than any other locality. Our business people compare favor- ably with the business peOple of the large centres. The goods sold are just as fashionable, durable and cheap as can be got anywhere, and all things being equal, we say patronize the home men. brand of boots and shoes. A new stock of the celebrated D Fresh Groceries arriving daily. and A Corsets. Highest Prices PAid for JUST ARRIVEDâ€"A new stock for the Canadians of the “Sterling H Produce THE OURBA M CHRONIC LH‘. Durham At the annual congregational meet- ing in the Presbyterian chum-b (here was a fair attend mce, good repnrts and excellent cheer. It was the 10th annual meeting presided nver by the present pastor and none of them have excelled the last in honet’ulness and hem-tiness. CONGBBGATIONAL MEETING. Amrmg the. items of business tum; sent some panics home with a. smile were risvs of salary to the organist and caretaker and the decisim) to in. stall at tvlvplmne in the nmnse. 'l‘hv nmnagurs elect fur the year are J. R. Gun. Jas. Ireland. J. Snell and Thus. Mutton (Bentitnck.) In this con- nection sincere regret was felt at the ‘Iretirmnent fx'nru the board of Thus. 1Mandden. For nmny years he has l been in that qt’fice mm was invariably _A_ _- ,1â€" Ln“\nl‘ l‘lL’l‘ HU‘ICU. I \II I ------ J J - been in that office mm was invariably a wise cmmsellm- and 1. ready helper. His kindly deeds will not be forgotten though he has vacated his seat that vmmger men may have. their share of the. labor and the training. Snow to the mast head and more! coming. The roads are bmllv filled in since the storm of last week so get your Show shovels and turn out. Wood bees are the order of the day. Messrs. M. McCanuel, Jns. Renwick and Aaron Ernest, all have had suc- cessful wood bees so the wood question is settled with them during the cold | weather. \Ve are. pleased to hear from Mr. Robinson Haw formerly of this place, now of Port. Hope. Although a. man of 77 years old is able to join a hunting party and take at trip 40 miles north .of Peterborough returning home with ‘ some deer and shooting a. fox after he : came home. So much for the. old ' pioneer. ‘Ve don’t. have many of that kind now. The young men of today would walk two miles to borrow a horse to drive a mile and a half. Mr. and Mrs. R. McLean of Meaford, also Mrs. C. McMillen of Dromore. aid a friendly call at. Mrs. W. twkett’s. We were pleased to see .Lhenn " A if“ UHCIII. W'e are pleased to bear that Mr. John McDonald and his daughter who have been quite ill are improving. I 'WALS-H.â€"In Durham, on Wednes- day. January 26th. Mrs. iWA'l‘T.â€"In St. Luke’s hospital, ‘ Chicago, on January 25th, Mr. John MacKenzie Watt, ag Master \Vesley Lane has left vicinity for a. time and is workir Hanover. We wish him success. ANDREWSâ€"WATSON. â€" At the Methodist parsonage, Durham‘ on Wednesday. January 19th, by Rev. B. Walter Wright}, B. D.. Mr. John H. Andrews, to Edythe, daughter 01 Mr. William Watson, all of Glenelg. ,___‘ There is but one painless cure- “Putnam’s. Take: out ‘ e porn, iroot and branchâ€"does it armless- MARRIED DIED. to hear frmn_MI-. and Mrs. Mc- fur the ladies. n bufll on its iidPS was pr”- Kohl's. Insist on I Corn Extractor WW,,__ Dullmen! Dull women! Heavy-headed! W! Al mofiwduetoconstlpadonl Yetthecm'cksomtâ€"Aya'sl’llb. “yo-rm. 15 alcohol a tonic? No! Does it make the blood pure? No! Does it strengthen the nerves? No! Is AYer' s Sarsaparilla a tonic? Yes! Does it make the blood pure? Yes! Does it strengthen the nerves? Yes! Is it the only .Sarsaparilla entirely free from alcohol? Yes! Ask your doctor about this non-alcoholic- medicine. If he approves, Some Alcohol Questions uvv‘vv- wâ€" . --_ _ your confidence will be complete. "THE ' r m. W 2:02} Lara“! anmer 0/11 anv pap!" 0" Grand Canal. '05 ROYAL PURPLE STOCK SPECIFIC contains noi yield of milk from three to five pounds per cow per day l Weeks. It makes the mill: richer and adds flesh faster Young calves fed with ROYAL PURPLE are as large at ful with wrdinm'y material: at ten wc-cks. ROYAL PURPLE STOCK SPbClFIC builds up ru plum {“1038 almost m Igically. Cures bots. colic. worms. sl Dan McEwan.the horseman. says: ”I have UScd RO‘ persistently in the fee ling of 'The Half 2.02:. largcct win: 1918. and ;Henrs' Winterxfl 2.09}. nmther of 'Allen 'Wimcr - - L---- --...... kunn nfi‘ their feed sin UflC aye. ginseng: u; "v - ~-- - - , , davs. which is a little over two-thirds of a cent a dav. Most 5mm minus I" - last. but fifty days and are given three times a day- ROYAL PURPLE S1 isgwen but once a day. and lasts half again as long. A ‘31.50 W” “mull“ amount of the fifty cent package will last 280days. ROYAL PUR PLE will of your stock 25%- lt is an astonishingly quick fattener. stimulating tl relish for food. assisting nature to digest and turn feed intn flesh. As a hug M It. Willsave many times its cost in veterinary lills. ROYAL PU RPLE. Pl PIC is our other Specific for poultry. not for stock. One 50 cent package ‘ hens 70 days. or a pail costing 3! .50 will last twentv-five hens 280 days. Whid ”laying machine ' material for on’y three times we cost. It makes a time. and cure revcnts {owls losing flesh at moultin 1C or POUL1 summer and Witter. Every pace-age of OYAL PURPLE STOCK SPEC! guaranteed. . Just use ROYAL PURPLE on one of your animals and any other on“ animal in the same condition: after comparing results you will sayROY them all he 1t to death. or else baekcomes yimr money. PRIZE-Ask booklet on cattle .1 your merchant or write us for our valuable 32 page and pwilt-‘y dLscases. containing also Cnoki-i receives and full partictilurs about ROYA V. PUROLE STOCK and POUL- la‘ TRY SPEClFlCS. If you cannot get Royal Purple 0-“;an tmm merchants or agents. we One 50c. packggg of ROYAL NY “coilless” Fence is liable to soup in certain weather conditions. But the Frqet is a coil Fence. [q Winter. when steel \Vu'e contracts. Fro" cod} “gave" their surplus. instead 0 " coilless " Fence. And in Summer. when the “'ire expands. that cu Ins returns to the Frost code. in- stead 0 again; and causing the Fence to lose its shape. uvvv ' -â€" â€" And .no {hatter ho “pa-19mm ts caused. “a the same. like a w often contraction of the Frost Fence INS!“ Syria‘- "Take.” But the number of these “Gives and ”Takeii" is limited. Thev cannot keep it up. It isn't in the Wire or the method. Both the Frost Field-Erector! and .the Frost Woven Fence have extra provisions for “Give" and “Take.” But no other: have it. You. simply eannot fin}! another Fence “Takes" Like 3 Bering Nobody ever heard of "stock food" :urin hcns lay in winter. increasing the yield of mi or restoring run-down animals to plumpness When you feed "stock food " to your c you are merely feeding them what you are 5 Your animals do need not more fecd.l bodies get all the good out of the teed you s and stay fat all year round; also to prevent di them up to the best ssible condition. No ' nn"‘ I D 13:91 E STOCK SPEI things. Not a-}}Stock Food W. BLACK: If you cannot get Royal I'urplc Specifics from merchants or agents. we will surmly ynw direct. express prepaid. on receipt of Sl .50 a pull for either Poultry or Stock Sgecih‘cs. Make money a:ting as our agent in your district. Write for terms. I For sale by all up-to-date merchants. W. l. Jenkins Mfg. 00., London, Gan. On %3 of 39.3"?{9W PURPLE STOCK S-PECIFI C lo v I _ v v '- U - .â€" __ ' card of "stock food" curing the bots or colic. making . increasing the yield of muk five pounds per cow 3 day. awn animals to plumpness and vigor. :1 "stock food " to your cow. horse. swincor poultry. n what you are growing on your own farm. not more feed. b..t something to help their good out of the teed you give them so they can get fat ar round; also to prevent disease. cure disease and keen No stock food" can do all these st Gissihle condition. P KPLE STOCK. SPECIFIC can and does. It is. ’ 'ontains no grain. nor farm products. It incrcam s .v per day before the Specific has been used two flesh faster Man any other preparation known, ,-. AS lame at six weeks old as they would be when lay. KUYAL. ruu- .. __ __ _ $1.50 pail containing four time-1‘ the as long- A ays. ROYAL PURPLE will inert-as“ :hc value stimulating the appetite and the quick fattener. urn feed intnflesh. Asa hug [attcner it isa Icadrr. ‘ PU RPLE‘. POULTRY SPECI- ry Mlls. ROYAL stock. One 50 cent package will last twenty-five ventv-fivc hens 280 days. which is (our times more . "laying machine " out of your hens och at moulting time. and cures “wk diseases. -‘-.. -n c. r'a'r ic I. C. Zycr team“. Mass. The Wire formerly med for the Frost Fence was made in the States. But wehad it made especinfly for us. It gave better satisfac. tion than most \Vire. but we wanted far better. For that reason we decided to Make and Galvaniu- our own \Vire. So we built 3 Mill for “Wm-making. Ind another for Ua|vaniz- ingnand installed the msyt modern Machin- ery In use. v'v- ”Buta “Conditiongr” Then we chained the mice! of one of the no“. Expert “fire-Makers in Am Tim. Aqua mth as if”: of “ire-Making exâ€" In. mimic! . The new Fmst Wire in Annealed s tlficafly that it possum the proper for Sundial: conditions. Every inch is of uniform tang“. and stronger than my othet No. 9 wire. It will not snap. recu'dleu of peculiar Canadian weather variations. Sedfocfmmudm Jan. 27, 19 Q .L C will last one ani k foods in fifty cc _ _ _ A-Al." and cures u ltr disc .“ \. POULT SP cmc n animaI seventy ' cem__gagkages ____. .l‘il‘ strong odor n. Imm writer voted for thv claims he had a rig! The same voting prix willing to give to at] the lapse of a month mount 0f discussion it we are yet of the (min town assumes but w-r in guaranteeing the La lOuk \l' many I made I not he disr the vicinity able interos remark: "John. 1 a he an. 0” man. an! 1 thing about the Ways My parting advice Never run after a ‘ street car. There wi one along in a min" Tho scrutin! the McGowan to-day. Thurs defeated. the mitted again i‘ be pronerly a: geems but UH] than carry by . Not content with 201.1 biz end of the hookvy Friday last. (he (‘hvslvy tented two local rinks Lostâ€"A Inn! of momw Hahn House. in W. Blac "Ire. store. or boawoon places. Finder will he rt“ C. Firth. The comet recently disc South Africa was plainl. here on Friday evening A confirmed cigarette 51 the West recently anew blow out his brains. 0! c failedâ€"Toronto News. Manager Brown is this stalling! two fiftm-n hum dle power gasoline lam rink building. so that in Will not be handicapped 1 electric current go wrur. “'9 are going to givv ltrxe 12x14 beautiful pha [matte the first 1w customers ordering one our best cabinets. This best offer ever made in Do not faii to secure on Kelsey. Artist. A Durham boy w I few days ago. at companied him to u the train was father called him I Custom sawing at the be Foundry. A couple of rinks of cu over from “'alkorton UN fore last and d-"fvuwd here. ‘We couldn't go! {ram our follows. and h! (or the score from ‘ which showa that “'11”. 8 stones up on the two I For sale Saws gummod at the F stat VOL. NEWS UH! 0m( thUn 'r h! ard John.l (h ll do wil others Ill“ 1m \K' O m

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