West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 3 Feb 1910, p. 2

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It not only loses flavour, but worse than this, loo: tea takes on new odors, such as coal oil, molasses, onions, coflee, soap, etc.,â€"to say nothing of its exposure to the sun, dust, dirt and air. Therefore for your protection i! ES IN BENTINCK, BUILD- ”3:531“! soil good, everythmg m â€"‘ Didnn Qannn- .0 ACRES 61:: Ema GARAFRAXA. Bond, 200 clear, 50 acres hard-I wood bush, Well watered, first-l clus building. Will be sold‘ cheap to wind up estate. 2 ”WACRES IN BhNTIE’ckfmvfi ° 1 is sold only i ale. , no ACRE FARM Nfilfi bliSlv-Iâ€"on'n' high-class property, splendid . buildings. Price right. ! I '6! partiuuéars apply (6 _W. R, DUNN, Durham. | _‘_â€" l ..____ Egt-Elaas 811599- 100 V. Cav-'â€"â€". Garafraxa Road, ne ood buildings, pr ram $3000 to $2300 COLT FOR SAL} mg three years m BUILDING OCCUPIED BY‘ P.G.A. Webster as jewellery stora, .d LP. Teltord as a law office, with show cases, wall cases, clock and sde. At a bargain. A ply to A. Gordon, Weyburn, ask. 61009“ - ‘._â€"__â€"â€" OT 21, CON. 2, TOWNSHIP OF Egremont, containing 106 acres about 10 acres hardwood bush! 0 acre.» swamp timbered, the restix cesslonuo}-§lvenelg, N.D.R., lots 15 and 16; also 50 acres on Gravel Road. lot 12. These farms are both well watered and have good buildings erected thereon, good land. and an excellent Opportun- lty ,Ior the right man. Will sell oeparately, or together, and on terms to suit purchaser. For further particulars app premises to Andrew F ouan. . for 5, cos. 1, N.D.R.. 50 acres of goodl’“ consisting of pasture. On good dwelling house and fair I“. ”mum RM.“ outbuildings, spring and the premises are a‘ GLENELiL' «mite Presbvtonan unurcu. wanâ€"a BR. BURT. ndon Ophtholmic Ho. 21 never failing my. ad toGolden Sq. Throat. mi Nose Boo.‘ a good quantity of timber. Good fishing. An ideal prOperty farmer‘ or f or a ‘ retired any person desiring first class pasture for stock. For further particulars apply to Chris. Firth, Durham, or Alex.‘ Firth. Lloyd town. 123M! EY E, l) SPECIALIS T : EAR, THROAT NOSE wow '3, Frost St... Owen Round. Advonlaomontl of 090 nobooqnut mention- GOD. Prize winners, bred from best strain in Ontario. Also eg_: hatching. -James Bogle 233 A8 IN PAST YEARS, .WE ARE‘ prepared to buy any quantity of! logs delivered to our mill in; Durham, all logs to be cut 10, 12 and 14 feet long, allowing 3 in- ches over on each log (or trim- ming. Highest prices on applica- tion at our officeâ€"The Durham Furniture Co. 01312 Farms for ha 10. Farms for Sale. J N luruocx, ”‘1' mm“ “"' Agent. money no you... "um.-- ._w., l financnl bun M ‘ rissro Lwonaeo. A xenon mtnnucted. Notice ‘0 lrespassmlW I _____________________ .. «Iv- y..- ---__.__ - - _ _ IN“ Murdock, Durham. 93° ‘ taunt... $1335.»? Evan." lune: of Mn- "â€"-'â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"_- Mt Licenagd A consul financinl busi- CThe (lilisappojinted 1\l’it:tli(rins ofdpogr v v ‘ nos: nnuc . t ° t Notice t0 11'98938391'8 ‘ W stzttgeniefite £938 sgithffi Lak: ._â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"--â€"â€"â€"""’"‘ Stream. N.B. In Catarrhozone he 1‘0 WHOM IT .MAY CONCERN 3" J. RUDD .lumws. MEDALE tound an absolute cure and says: 101' “Last winter my little git-1‘0; eight Ties and Pâ€"olnes Wanted ‘ R GOTOBO, U.r.fi., AA‘U Uluust nilrouds. Dimensions 01 tieszâ€" ‘ 7 inch lace 'by 7 inches thick; 0 inch face by 6 inches thick, 4 1-2 inch face by 6 inches thick. Dimensions 0! «poleszâ€"25 to 501 float long, ton .trom 6 to 7 inch - ‘- â€"â€" A‘.‘” *h 4 1-2 inch lace oyo men an uu n. . Dimensions 0! poles: â€"257 to 501 rA H jackson. foot long tap from 6 107inch-l‘ ’ OTABY PUBLIC, COMMISSION- ?fi’ 1:21-ng fiii; apply 9;: ‘N or. Convoynnoor. 850. Insurance ° ° ’ Agent. Honey to Loon. honor of Hot- ' 'â€"â€"â€"â€"'â€"_ moLioonaoo. A gononl finsncinl busi W a . ‘ u. , _, _ 0 WHOM 11' MAY CONCERN tâ€"‘J. RUDD KATHEWS. MARKDALE found an absolute cure.and guys: Tuke 110530 that may DOPIOD 01’ Ont... Licensed AuctiOneer for “Last winter my little ger o! exght WHOM hen-7888102 on lot num- the County of Grey. .,Sales at‘ caught cold which lodged 11) her 501' three. and the W0“ half 01 tended to at reasonable terms. ears in the form of'Catarrh. She lot number ‘0‘“5 in the first con- Arrangements may be made at became sick and deaf and nothmg mm“- 900“! Durban R083. in the Chronklo office, Durhun. helped. By .inhanng Catarrhozolue IOI 110111061" 1"“, III lulu tuw- V's- emion, south Durham Road. in the township of 01911913. in th9 eonngy of Gley, _wi_ll hlepag: __ ____'._ county of Grey, will Be roac- cuted accordin to law.â€" m. P. 3.1101. 11m _ tlkinzhun. 1125 For Sale. Logs Wanted You .\ G _ YORKSHIRE SALEQJCLYDE. RIS- yeara oldâ€"Adam Wat- 120M 'pfice $5000. near Dornoeh.' pljica reduced ----:-. 1. \ inch or lo“. 25 cent:- In: first i: Over ouo inch sud under tw “noun: Yearly rates on spplw o! Glenda. fin tho y, will be rose- : to law.- m. P. for , . i qmck | llery Storm law office, Arthur 6"“, M. D. Varne ases. clock HYSICIAN AN D SURGEON, OF n. A P‘Y ticeiu the New Hunter Block. Office-Manufacturer 0: un, ask. wars, 5 to 10 a. m., to 4p. m..and. 7 “’9 Lath. also plai 61009“ ,1. m. Special attantion given _to (11808300 Custom Work _ ..... ‘)f women and children. Residence op- specialtv. \A' GLENELGK "Mi“ ”WWWWWâ€" hemlock, med: __,4 __.___ â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"v ery Wednesday the winter to 1 for all sawloRS The highest p2 straight, soured GOOD COMFORTABLE SEVEN- roomed house. Good garden. Hard and soft water. Good sta- ble and all conveniences. Rent reasonable. Apply to J .H. Brown Durham. WILL DD 111 ua. ______ ery Wednesday. the balance of the winter to measure and pay for all sawlogs deliv The highest price paid for all straight, sound logs ' of timber. Custom sawing and shingles done early in the spring. â€"N. McIntyre. May 31-09 COMFORTABLE brick dwelling, ‘ Apply to Elizabetl; ham. Drafli'mâ€"EESM Maclaurin. ()FFICE AND RESIDENCE A short distance east of Knapp’s Hotel, Lamb ton Street, Lower Town, Durham ”)fiice hours from 12 to 2 o’clock U stairs, Lambton St: Corner Queen and 6001‘. of Methodist Church. ( mm. 2-4 .11).. 7-9 pm. ' lo 6. Hutton. \FFICE. TELFO "9 Dog c. "0 RD’SBLOCK. UP I'\ "_-,_._ $ ’ 1. P. Talford. ‘BARRISTEL, SOLICITOR. ETC. Ufico. nearly opposite the Registry ;offioe. Lambton $t..Durha.m. Anyamount Hf monev to 10:11 a 5 per cent. on farm U” York .ud ammo. mums oi Eye. Bar Nose and That. Will be M Knapp House. Durham. the Satux'dgv in each month. Hoursâ€"iâ€"fi 1 W. F. Dunn, ARRISTER. SOLICITOB, CON- voyancers. Notary Public. Etc. Money to Loon u Lowest Rates. Officer-McIntyre Block, over Sundard Bank. Durban. Ontario. He used our Classified Want Ads. and found a good tenant. “want."- V m He has no more use for his “To Let" sign. Medical Diregtqrv: ______________..__â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"r ”Mum" _ DRTABLE 8 ROOMED the above funerals. velling‘, We“ situated. Saturday, the 22nd Elizabeth Lauder. Dur- stormy. and the roads; Jan. 17th, ’10 U a bad condition. 'I‘n Rent. Lmbton Street. Residenceâ€"- and Gear 0 Streetsâ€"North Church. flice hoursâ€"941 7-9 p.m. Telephone No. 10. N00. .30 I BID-t. 6. Durham. me and CAME TO THE PREMISES OF Roma-"’6 9"” the undeirsigned, lot 6, con. 2, E. â€"â€""""'"""â€"v ,- -â€"~---- , a, 3,. Glenelg, two lambs. 0WD- 'rectorv er may have same by proving â€" pro rty and paying expenses.â€" ‘Iffll'd- J. orrison, Dornoch. £12168 .V- “0-- Priceville Continued from last Otto Konold is a In stock buyer. .for which good prices for all kin mals. James Burnett, an old soutn boy, is spending a while wit} friends before returning to West again. A meeting of the Artemesia Ag- ricultural Society was held in Mrs. Butters’ hall on Friday last '20:" the election of officers for the coming show and other business. Mr. Arch. McCuaig, of Top Cliff, attended the meeting of the Grey and Bruce Insurance Co., held at it your on Saturday last, being one of the directors. .- ' ““â€"L-m da “’9 were pleased to mcct wi"h Principal Blakcston. of Stratford High School. when visiting '."l'ix: .xis cf: Prlrrcvill“ at Chris m‘xs holiday-3. \Vc extend congratulations to Mr. Blakeston for being promoted to a higher grade. The undersigned auctioneer has been instructed to sell by public auction at Sec 2 and 3 of Lot 29, Can 1 Bentinck, on FRIDAY, FERRUARY 11th, 1910 the following: 3 horses; 1 mare. 8 years on: 1 1 aged mare: 1 horse, .5 years old: i 11 cows: 2 heifers. supposed to be 1 in calf; 1 brood sow. 2 years old; 1 .0 pigs 4 WOi-kS 01:1;60 hens; 1 ‘ Massey-Harris binder: 1 Massey- Harris mower: 1 Massey-Harris hay rake; 1 seed drill: 1 disc har row; 1 spring tooth harrow: 1 No. 9 spike tooth harrow; 1 Mas- sey-Harris 3-horsc plough; 1 Massey-Harris ‘Z-horse plough’ 1 long plough; 1 scuffler: 1 root pulper; 1 fanning mill; 1 Massey-Harris rack and box com- plete; 1 buggy: 1 wagon; 1 pr. bob sleighs; 1 cutter: 1 buffalo robe: 1 grey goat robe; 2 pr. of .horse blankets; harness, double and single; 1 cream separator; 1 ' large milk can: 2 small milk cans: 1 Daisy churn: A number of milk pails and pans; 1 grain cradle; 2 dozen grain bags: A number of other articles too numerous to mention. 1 Also a quantity of oat straw. . Everything must be sold, as the ' proprietor has sold his farm. TERMS: All sums of $5 and un- der, cash: over that amount. 12 3lmonths’ credit will be given on ‘ a furnishing approved joint notes. 5 [3' per cent. discount for cash. I‘JAS. BURT. ROBT. BRIGHAM. 3- i Proprietor. AuCtioneer. Jim-(lit. Anvtinn Sale Manufacturer _of .Lumb er plications to . ruary 12th nextâ€"J. S. Black. Tp.‘ Clerk. Glenelg. Farm Stock and Implcmmts OFFICE: 0V6!” J. F. GRANT, D. D. 8-. L. D 8. ONOR GRADUATE. UNIVERSI- . ty of Toronto. Graduate Rays College Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Dentistry in 0.11 its Branches. Oޢe.â€"Calder Block. over Post Ofioe Varney Mills. ..Also a (1113“ titY of 'spruce and bal- WW. 6. Pickering Dentist. "l‘ H E DU RH AM OH RUN [CLE the 22nd inst. was the roadgs ar-z. again in D‘én'tal Directorv ._ Proved Beyond Doubt. Strayed old south line while with his that amqunt, u. 4 ’1“ be 21“?“ on Mr. \Vm. Hopps of Manitoba visited Â¥8f2r1%1:8thnotes. 5 his friends around here and bought a L ' cai'lmxd nf hnrses for the \Vest. ROBT- ERES'EAM“ Mrs. \Vill Ransherry, of Tnbermm'y. u 1 neer. . was the guest (if hPr cousin Mr. H. W. 8 years 01515 I]. J. Hunter’s , Sh‘iqgles. The newly elected councu m but: ; township of Glenelg met January; 10th. pursuant to statute. Mem- bers present: E.W. Hunt, Reeve; W. Weir, Deputy-reeve; John Mc- Nallv. John A. McMillan, and Jos- Ieph Firth, Councillors. Each mem- ‘ber made and .subscribed to the Declarations of Qualification and 0" Office and took their seats. The reeve in the chair. Minutes of last meeting read and confirmed Communications read as lollows: From the clerk, state of the P011 at the close of the elections. From John Kelly. financial state- ment at bank account. 1 By-law bookâ€"Carried. Firthâ€"McMillan..â€"That Alex. Mc- Lachlin be appointed a member of the local Board of Health for 1910, 191] and 1912. and that Dr. Hut ‘ton be M.H.O. Without salaryr-Car. Weirâ€"McNally.â€"That J. A. Mc- Millan and Joseph Firth be a committee to examine as to the sufficiency of the security given by the treasurer.â€"Carried. Firthâ€"McNally.â€"That the ree-ve and John A. McMillan be a com- mittee to interView Mr. Wm. Jack- son re deviation in the Glen, and try and settle with him the best way they can, and at the earliest possible dataâ€"«Carried. McNallyâ€"Weir.â€"-That John A. McMillan be instructed to deepen the ditch at sideroad at lot 41, con. 3. N.D.R., according to plan by L“. P.R. Co.-Carried. Weirâ€"McMillan.-â€"That election expenses, $59.15 be paid.â€"Carri~ed. issm 301 the salaries of (30119.0. ors in wards 1 2 amd 4 of $25 Firthâ€"Weir.-That the Clerk ad- vertise for applications for the of- fice of assessor for 1910, to be re- ceived up to Feb. nth-Curried. McMillan-Weir.â€"That the clerk be instructed to procure seven cap ies of tho, Municipal Worl '1 for the use of the c01.1ncil.â€"-Carrierl. MCD‘Iillunâ€"VVeir,â€"â€"That members of council be appointed ward com- missioners as follows: Ward 1, \V. Weir: ward ‘2. J.A. McMillan: ward 3. .J. McNally: ward 4, J. Firth; and that the rceve have the over- seeing of all bridgesâ€"Carried. Further orders on treasur- ‘er were as follows: Malcolm Mc- Millan. attending quarantined fam- ily, $10.: the treasurer. preparing: financial statement, $5.; the recve. preparing financial statement, $2.: \V. Connor. repair of water pipe, Rocky spring. $3.25: Robt. Grier- son, rep. water pipe. Rocky spring, 551: Hospital for Sick Children, To- ronto. $5.: D. Mclnnis, rep. of road. lot 36, con. 3, N.D.R., $1; W. H. Arrowsmith, coal oil, etc., for hall 30c. The council adjourned to Feb. A reliable regulator; never fails. While these pills are exceedinglv powerful in regulating the genera- tive portion of the female system. they are strictly safe to use. Re- fuse all cheap imitations. Dr. de Van’s are sold at $5.00 a box, or three for $10.00. Mailed to any ad- dress. The Scobell Drug Co., St. : Catharines, Ont. ew 'For sale at Macfarlane Co’s. ' Mrs. \Vill Ransherry, of Tnbernmry. . was the guest. nf hPr cousin Mr. H. W. Hunt one day last week. ‘ Mr. Frank Wise is visiting in St. iThnmas. at. present. Mr. Thns. Bailey is very iil. Hope to soon hear of his recovery. ; Mr. and Mrs. A. \V. Hunt visited Glenelg friends one day lately. Mr. and Mrs. “7 ill Pearson spent om» day not, long ago in this vicinity. . Misses B. and A. Donnelly visited .nmip aunt Mrs. Roht. Bell. Glenelg. Glenelg Council. ‘OVVIJU-J . Mr. and Mrs. Herb Chittick and little son. spent one day lxst. week *with the latter’s mother Mrs.‘ J. W. i Vickers. Miss Lyla Kelsey of Durham. spent over Sunday with her friend Miss Berta. Cuff. Mr. Herb Hunt was in Toronto on business. Week before last. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Alexander also Mr. and Mrs. C. Torry visited Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Kennedy. 5" .- ‘JI _ _ _ Herb Hunt sold the farm which hel recently hought from his hrother’ Wes, to Mr. James Wells. of Proton. i Sam Vickers visited his parents Monday last. While operating a wood sawing machine. My. Bohr. Mighton bfld one again. again. The recent snow storms have filled the roads and even delayed tralfic on the railroads. Last Thursday while the engine and snow plow were clear- ing the track for the early morning train the plow went on strike and struck for the gravel bank on the side of the tract and held up all the trains for the rest of the day. .” in onln. ° ‘ - eding luck as the farmerqbave been fe cattle and hogs lust to 1:64;};l gale animals from starvmg. but wn e re feedin them for prgsent E§C%Xita-mna mgr] give us Dr de Van’s Female Pills elected council 0! the Vickers >scribe lalification and k their seats. ,lucky persons were Mrs. Jas Fer-g“. first, her guess being within 8 of 'rmed the correct number. Mrs. Robt. MC. ”d 39 Io]lows: lMeeken, 2nd. she coming within 30 ; Bglaefiigflsthe P01“ and Alf’McCabe 3rd. he being within' ' 3901’ the number. The uumhm- was; r. {manual state- 2,769 and the guesses were from 41 I) to i ad- Everet Boy who has been visiting ‘ far some weeks at the parental hmm: . left on Monday the 24th for Niagara, 3 where he has secured a job at his trade of barberiug. Everet nmde lots } of friends while around Varney. Albert McClinton had another run- awny last week with the same horse. He will be teaching him had tricks if Our teacher Mr. McNally was some- what under the weather last week. but he battled away until Friday 110" n when he was compelled to give up. On Monday however, he was on hand cc. 7 On Tuesday of last week \Vm. Long and Alf McCabe went down to Hamil- ton and brought Mrs. Long home with them. She has been at the hospital for about six weeks. We are glad to have her back with us again. also pleased to say that she it much better than when she went away. She doesn’t suffer any more with her leg and expects in a short time to he able to walk all right which will be a great comfort to her. some days. Ilvuuv' w--. V0 took a load of 17 up to see the} hockey match on Friday night and they were greatly taken up with the game until the lights went out. \Ve didn’t like to see Durham getting beaten so bad and we hope when they finish the game that the score will be the other way. Last week cottage prayer meetings were started and will be continued at least during the winter, Everybody welcome of whatever denomination. Last Thursday night it was held at the home of your scribe, Thursday night of this week it will he at the home of R. Pettigrew and the follow- ing week at the home of T. Grashy. L-ut week Mr. Andrew Seim com- pleted the deal that we spoke of in our last budget and is now the owner of the property known as the Craw- ford property, but recently owned by Ml". Geo. Pollock. Mr. S. intends starting a general store and we hear that he has a $6,000 stock ready to put in when he gets the building re- lmodelled. He has Geo. Polhwk en. gaged to do the carpenter work and will move in, in about 3 weeks. \Ve wish him every success in his under- taking. It will be fine to have a good general store in Varney. Mr. S. will also be Post Master. \Ve don’t know just where Mr. Pollock intends going He has a good bit of framing already for next summer. ' J ‘11 ”way U“â€"â€"-â€"â€"- Property is changing hands around this locality at a great, rate. Last, week Mr. Alex Smith sold his farm to \Vm. Backus and boughc Mr. Thus. Gadd’s firm and also the farm beside owned by Time. \Vallztce. While Sam Caldwell has rented his farm to Fred Ball. Sam intends going west in the l spring. , __ v ' __2‘2‘,n-a ‘1‘" fl 0 Mr. and Mrs. Young visited for a few days the latter part of last week and the first of this at the latter’s brother-in-law Mr. Geo. M. Leeeon. ‘ Mr. and Mrs. Young are on their wed- 1 ding tour. Mrs. Blyth visited friends in the village on Mondav afternoon. Mrs. H. Wilkinson and children we- itpd Mrs. Wm. Clark of Varney on Mrs. H. ited st. Munday. Walkerton is the home 01 Lu: whole Damm family. consisting of Mr. and Mrs. Damm and five child- ren. They are running a moving picture show .in Wiarton, according __‘ mm 1873 Available for Manufacturing and Commucill Houses. Wholesale and Retail Merchants. Municipalities. Corporations, farmers and private individuals. 30 e prayer meetings ill be continued at vinter. Evegrybpdy is a convenient feature of the Traders Bank Savings Department. IS PUBLIBBID EVERY THURSDAY KONG At the Chronicle Printing House, Garafraxa Street. It saves ' the danger of keeping much money in the house, as the wife can draw whatever is needed for the week’s expenses while the hus- band is at work. Either can depositâ€"either can draw out cash. ' ' Tun (:uaomcu will he aent u sumpnon any addrees. free of posture. M Bates - - 31 UOper year. payable in edvan. â€"Ql.50 may be charged if not ao paid. The dab to which every enbevriptlon 'la pad is denoted by the number en the addreea label. No paper db- continued to all arrears are paid. except “In option of the proprietor. ° ' For mum-m unu-......... - Advertmng cent. or line for the first W Bit“ - ~ “on; cent. per line cub enha- .rtion minion manure. Profane“ urda. not exmedin one inch. “.00 per “In... em. â€"-50 cents for first insertion. 36 out: for onbpeqnent insertion. All advertisemenm ordered by stronger. Inst be mid for in Miranda. Contract rates for y niahed on application to the office. All sdvcrtieemenu. current week. ohonld be brought in not but th- I‘UIBDAY morning. in cum letoly Much-d ‘ The Job ' ' NEW PE. thus dord‘ Department mtioo for turning out n:- â€" .‘ Is the one Safe and Eflective ‘ Cough Remedy for general family use. . . . . . . DAVIS LAW'RENCE (30.. Montreal. ‘ DURHAM.ONTH such us you may ..btsin under the verv best conditions at the Central Business College of Toronto. is a sure passport to success. Thousands have proved it. Why not investi- gate for yourself.) Our free catalogue ex laius. Write for it. W. H. SHAW. Principsl. The Great Lung and cough Medlclu GUARANTEED So a bottle at. Mawfarlane'a Drug Store DURHAMLON'I; Emma AND Pmpnm‘mn. BU SINESS EDUCATION Contains no Opium. Feb. 3, 1910 For “In-gym . IRWIN NOX A COLD IN ONE DAY Bearine. a simple and um pounde. made from Canndim xreue. deeds the hair root! makes them grow. 50¢. a j: G. T. Bell. J. D. Mt'lhnwlt G. P. Am: 1). P. A a “0““. ‘1 J. Town-r. Lend t Durham. A800 ‘l‘ninu have Durham at 7.250 a 050 D II. 'l‘ninanrriva at Durhuu an IO mp m.. and 8.55pm. EVERY DAY EXCEPT Mixlm Grand Trunk Rail TIME-TABLE Drive your low and you will receive: for all kinds of grai unloading, and \\ e FARM Feb. 3, 1910 Peel’s Old o Stand ' These are but a fvw 5) pairs Bu) 8' (MT! regular 8:», fur. . . . fl) pair Ladies' Butt shoes. 10 im'h lvg. ‘ mgulur $1 85. fur“ q 20 pair (.‘ohilds' Rubber 500, for ............. a) pair Ladies" Vivi tip. regular 82.50, fun...“ l8 18 pairs Miners Vivi tip. regular $2.00, for ............... 13 pair Mvu 15 ptil‘ Ladies’ All-(7 regular 2.00. for Sale Com The next tml play of bargains large stock of wi clean out so as ' stock just (-mnin the prices we hm but they must g ing prices: â€" Clea Yeal'\\'ell l‘vlt sulv. rub’r heel, 83.7510! A large mm reduced pl‘ivvs. A number ( Leather and vi‘ A number (Z Tan and Vici I patin- Mf‘n's (M'el pair "1 by Cl .75, fat THE Millin‘ of Oats 200. ITh >0_\'8 of of P‘ Ffil bli N . m .19. I are It

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