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Durham Chronicle (1867), 3 Feb 1910, p. 4

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.3 933333 6000000000” _ “Get what your work is worth,” w was the slogan of the International (:1 'Cost Congress of the printing b‘ trade, held in (‘hicago in October 1( last. Mr. F. H. Dobbin, of the Pet- 9 erborough Review, was present, 1; and no better man from the Canâ€" i1 adian Press could be found to look y alter the financial end of the e printers’ work. Mr. Dobbin is a e hard worker, he believes in work, I and he believes in getting pay for 1 what he does. Not so with all t printers, many of whom are built ¢ on the jelly dish plan, and are sol, spineless that they‘ll work for ti nothing rather than stand up as 1 men .ior fair, honest prices, or let , the other fellow have the work. The man who puts a low value on his own work is sure to have a low value put on his work by the general public, and once they know him to be a wobbler, he’ll be eternally meeting the price- cutting customers, whose’ main business in lite seems to be to knock the heart out of all profits. A printer, as well as another man, should get what his work is worth, yet a very little reflection shows that work is frequently turned out “o! the print shops at a price that wouldn’t pay decent wages to the Tan a! “£2ka ‘0 ress of the printing in Chicago in October . H. Dobbin, of the Pet- Review, was present, icle and (at another paper at m. ‘to the many virtues which the Eu tried to get both tarsus, but '8 ye had charged everyone else bride possesses, The groom pos- ' eases also those good qualities that 81.85 101- the same two papers, we ‘ the go to make a model husband, and didn’t lee! instilled in making ‘ ' he re-ihas considerable possessions in sult that he didn’t take either. He Edmonton, although much of it thought it was a very mall mat-1 was earned in Waterloo county by ter to stick over five cents, and so ' honest, hard work. While friends it was perhaps, but it was no small- Viih to be present at marriage ‘, or on one side than on the other. ceremonies, they also wish to Wit- ' As a matter of principle, we felt net!!! the baptism of each other’8 children, and as one little :tellow, : it better to lose one subscriber. I than to have others dissatisfied son 01 the eldest daughter, W8! _- ! “mama. fnr such a ceremony, i1 er business. restores every nerve in the body to its proper tension; restores vim and vitality. Premature decay and all sexual Weakness averted at once. PHOSPHONOL will make you a new man. Price $3.00 a box or two dor $5.00. Mailed to any ad- dress. The S-cobell Drug Co., St. Catharines, Ont. 8W For sale at Macfarlane 6: Co’s. Mr. Fred Ball has leased Mr. Sam. Caldwell’s farm in Norman- by for a term of years and is giving up the Hillis farm. Mr. James Eden has taken the agency for Frost Wood machines, and is now hustling for orders. Just Electric Restorer for Corner Concerns. looked haudsdme, dressed in 37 travelling suit 01 blue, silk blouse. Alter tions. the guests sat dde to 9,. sumptuous supper, such as the bride and all her family know so well how to prepare. At the con- cluslon‘ Rev. .Iendsll proposed a M-.. m the bride. trausht Fit“ cluaiom Rev tout to the good advice. ably mp0nd0d~ Edmonton, although much of it was earned in Waterloo county by ‘ honest, hard work. While Irlenda ' Wish to be present at marriage ceremonies, they also wish to wit- ness the baptism of each other’s children, and as one little :iellow, .son 01 the eldest daughter, was !eligible for such a ceremony, it 'was considered a fitting time for that also, and the little .fellow, ‘George R. Matthews, received his name before the reverend gentle- man retired. The remainder of the ‘evening was spent in music and games. The bride received many handsome presents. amongst which was a handsome gold! .watch and chain, the gift of the ' groom. The happy couple left on ‘ the 3 pm. train on Saturday to [spend a Week with the groom’s [ relatives in Waterloo, before going 3 to their home in Edmonton. They ‘ carryr the best wishes of all in this ' part for a long, happy and pros- - perous life. As Mr. Andrew Seim, of Holstein has bought out Mr. Geo. Pollock, of Varney, the postoffice will also be kept by him, and while we be- lieve he will make a very effic- ient oificiah there is naturally a feeling of sorrow at parting with such faithful and well tried offic- ials as Mr. and Mrs. Pollock have been. The latter has served in the capacity of postmistress for the past sixteen years, and the former ifor twenty-two, and we would all wish them every success wherever *they go, and hope that they may iget an office of greater remuner- ation. A number of making ready spring. 1| u--- -' her home on Thursday evening. Mrs. McEwen, accompanied by‘ Miss McEwen, from the West. have been visiting at Messrs. Aldcorn’s. their farm to their uncle, Wilson. and intend going to their l homesteads out West. Mrs. Chas. Haw’s many .Irienas are glad to know she is able to sit up again. A sad accident betel Mr. Hugh ! Mrs. J. S. Hardy had a success- ltul Wood bee on Wednesday. | Rev. J.A. Matheson was unable ‘get here on January 23rd, on ac- :count of having a funeral to take |charge of at Priceville. Last ISabbath he preached a helpful sermon on the importance of mak- ing right use of our life here. Miss Smith, trained nurse of Fergus who has been in charge of Mrs. A. Watson since the operation, left on Monday of last week. her services. , Human; nf A very enjoyable night was spent at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Alf ' Wednesday of last week, when a large number of the young people of .music, body had a jolly good time. Mrs. Wm. Perry and daughter Miss Etta. of Toronto, are at present on an extended visit at the home of her sister Mrs. Charles Ritchie. Mr. Wm. Weir who has been in the cm'mty capital the greater part of last week in connecuon with county coun- Swinton Park. of the farmers here are fly to go West in the was a lifelong on etc: from Chronic Constipation, end the only medicine I ever secured to do me an real good an..-:a. .. 48..-. H 'I‘l-nn medgcine W's-s- -‘â€"‘_Fruit-a-tives." This medicine cured me when everything else failed. Also, last spring I had a severe ATTACK OF BLADDER TROUBLE WITH KIDNEY TROUBLE, and “Fruit-a-tives" cured these complaints for me, when the physician attending me had practically given me up. . 41-4; _-..- A: an- ,- EWEN.â€"In Fer e January 12th. I am now over eighty year?! of age and I can strongly recommend “Fruit- n-tives" for chronic constipation and bladder and kidney trouble. This medicine is very mild like fruit, is easy to take, but most effective in action." (Signed) JAMES DINGWALL. Williamstown, Ont,, July 27th, 1908. held their regular monthly entertain- ment in the school here, Tuesday evening of last week, in the form of a. debate, the subject under discussion beingâ€"“Resolved that wealth causes more misery than poverty." It result- ed in a victory for the afiirnmtive by one point. The judges were Measrs.‘ Chas. Mot’fat, John L. McDonald and \Vilbert Rlyth. Miss Bella Mc- Girr performed her duty very‘ creditably as the honorable lady in! ' the chair. A large crowd was present l and enjoyed themselves. The follow- ling is a copy of progrzunme. The meeting called to order by the lady in 1 the chair; Chorus by the Glee Club, “Clementineg” Secretary’s report by Miss M. McFadden; Debate; Chorus by the Glee Club, “Some day I’ll Wander back again:” An address by \Vm. Sirrs; Editorials to the Green Grove Eye-Opener, read by Miss Lizzie Weir. Recitation, by Miss A. Sirrs ' Judges decision. Closing number, iGod save the king. ‘ -‘ an. ‘ n-‘ Limited, Ottawa. C. Ewem a Witness : This medicine ., 1910 WINTER TOUR Grand Trunk Railway Syslvm is t lpopulu route {rum all paints 84 through (.‘auad: via (‘luic-ugu. Double truck. fast survivv, film roadbed. modern equipment. mwxw «I dining cau- servinv, all vlvum of safety and (-mufm-t. Secure tickets and furtlwr infurumt from Address-THE MEDICATED PAD COMP: N Vlcronu Ava” “‘1Vh80k, nx-r , CAx “to actual it thoroughly oqunpoc-d u. tau-h! lity. h ohmic] u electrvml mnpphm g 1.3!. can. for tula Jmflor Lang: ,2 and Man Mon work. The tolloui-g oompuumt mm hour” : $308. ALLAH. Pmoi I. m «in... (am 8-week: 8cm. Iolid. Kigali“: (5N .r. Book-keeping and Writing. [landing Itndonu Ihould entrr at the be; “official-u If pouible. than! can be» Wu mablo rum. Durham is a I'mnl‘ noun town. Dunn; n .11.”; down at mafia-co. M. .1.“ '0' Death in udvamm I. P. TELEGRU Tho Chronicle in prepared to I can anhocriptions at clubhi rats. {or Inlay of the city palm III I than. at the following: m an nanny (or some. fir! order One Pair Fm~thut is lentil)! of this advertisment and one My this cheap and mliuhlc u ru! 1 llfi “D‘ALUA IOKERRACHBR. R. .tuluuo of acco'n . nivon-nv hum: bun. much. Main. Aritlmmuc I188 AMY EDGE. Graduate «f ”in Fawn ‘ Mutton. Huhjocn: thorulm'u (bop: fin. Genital“. dnotory sad .1 rl. THE CHRONICLE and Weekly Globe»... ,,,,,,,,, 1 Weekly Mail and Elnpire»....... '00“ Sun»- - --- -... .... .. .. ilyy Her. and Wkly. Stu-... or" Adv ocata. ..-... ...... dun Farmmm ...... .-.... Daily News-...» ...... M Stafm". 0-0-0... Weikly Witneu-m- Byoetltor‘m-a .-.... Kidney and Liver led icated OUR CLUBBING LIS‘ DURHAM SCHOO rm. on u IT.- pom others.â€" " will py you. Write w-dcy for our band-one anionic. Real Bargains for ten days, beginning Sat= urday, December ll Ready-Innudv Suits. Ready- made Pants. varnlls, lmnliva‘ and Men's Undorwvar. ”Ian. kemWoollen Sheeting. Prim». Flutneletm. Men's and Buys' Caps and Gloves and a bust, uf other articles. Real drop from regular primes. Nu marking up lirsl and than nmrking dawn tn make the prices luuk lik Quins. Our goods will sold at. Realbu'gnins in fwd: Fruit Cumnts. Raisins, Lemon», Oranges. etc. Read lmrgaim, in choice Gmries. Real ...... Bargains Feb. 3, 1910 To Mexico. California and PACIFIC COAST I'0IM‘S FEATURES Market Report. I‘A‘AFF AND EQUIPIBN'I I PRACTICAL EDUCATION Dunn“. Fun. 3 1910. S. SCOTT J. TO\\'NER. “vim! Agd Cbsmnu. ELLIOTT Cure all Kidney and Fri: akin-u. Plimtin hack. Lu . Rheumatic. Neurahzia. An and Stomach complaining (“male weakness. :minl‘ul ‘ irregular Deriodl. Mr". \V cud Children are hem-fitted :1 Price one pair om- dollar. “0 quickly inlmdum- will mail 1 pmr one dollar. roducr will mail that is two pail U B A IAGI Scan “met Elf HI ll

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