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Durham Chronicle (1867), 3 Feb 1910, p. 6

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NNNWOOOOU WW §/ % cgmu% QTRATFORD. ONT. 0+0+O+ o+o+O§0 . FIFTY GIRLS By October 15th our new factory at Hanover will be completed. We will require flfty girls. We also have room for a few girls in our present quarters. Applications will be received now by HANOVER. Dated at the town 01 Durhu this 28th day 0! January. A. D. 191‘ Any one lending a “Mob and f(IoscrIrIIm may anckyl “can I'm 0' r op‘m‘mu free w other as Invent on Is prnhnl‘ v pntentablooo nmmunicap tIonl atrictlyrnnmwtitlul. HANDBO on Patent. lent I r90. Oldest unoncyh for accurmg ntr. Pvtems taken throuflh Mann 8 0.20001" metal notice. wIthout. chants. Intho Scientific flmencan. A handsomely Illustrated w :ekly. Largest oIr- manna (If _any arientifiq jomnal. Terms to: __ _ _A __ _-lA n-|‘ In. amnn of. any scientific Joumal. Tenn: 10: any)». Q::..§> 3 you. meme pxepud. Sold In .1) “ad'sdealers. HIM 8 00 mm New 19:1: 313ch u moo. 6259‘ at. Wuhmnmn. ‘l‘ake rotice tint an ap licedon will be made to the Leg“ ature of Ontario at its present Session. by the town of Durham, for en act to’ confirm By-hy 1310. my of_the aid __ A. -ll STRQTFORD. ONT. THE' ONTARIO ieV Bonds 01 Qanpmy to If not. why not? Shipments of No. l goods arriv- ing daily. Is what every housewife wants We sell it. A. BELL UN DE RTAKER and Funeral Directors» Mrs. Beggs Sons He Sells Ghoul) Picture F ranting on shortest All-wool Blankets at $3, $4 and ............... $4.75 a pair Bed Comforters at $1.35. $1.75 $1,955, $3.50 and. ...$3.75 each Large 11-4 Flannelette Blan- kets,white or grey. .$l.25 pair \Vool Honey Comb Shawls, white, black, red or grey at. .50c. 75c. 81 and $1.40 each Large 6030 size Smyrna Rune _____ _.....$3.00 each Men’s Carc‘igan Jackets ...... ........ . ......$l.00 each Men’s Wool Undershirts and Drawers .............. _. .500 up Men’s Heavy \Vinter Top Shirts .................. 501: up Full line of Catholic Robes, and blah and white Caps for aged people. flfimfi Miss Clark, Supt. Grace Hos- pital, Toronto, writes they have used'it with the best results. \â€" .00. and CL” m DAVIS LAWRENCE 00.. neutral. Snow Roomsâ€"Next to Swallows Barber Shop. RESIDENCEâ€"Next door South of W. J . Lawrence’s Blacksmith shop. Embalming a Specialty (Trad. lurk) . H. BEAN G O O D FLOUR A BAG OF BIG Invest . yve lqg_ miles. at; .;.7. c... Calder’s Block A verdant looking youth. upon applying for another editorial pos- ition the other day. was asked if he' had had any experience in the business. “Haven’t I though,” he ‘replied. as he put one foot under [his chair to hide the unskillul gience. Haven’t I corresponded lwith the ,Pumpkinville Screamer ’Ior six weeks? Haint that exper- ience enough?” “That will do very. well.” replied the editor. “ But' when we take young men on our .editorial staff, we generally .putl to answerâ€"3’ “Hold on, please, don’t be too fast. Who discover- ,ed America?" “Klumbus, pshaw. ‘ them questions is just as easy as-” “Who was the first man?” “Adam. Why. Mister. I know allâ€"” “What was his other name?" “His other name? Why. he didn’t have none” “Yes. he did. you see that’s where .we’ye got you. His other name 3. was Ebenezer Adam. Esq. late of EDITORIALS T0 THE GREEN GROVE EYE-OPENER : e'vc KUL JV“. ---â€" was Ebenezer Adam. Esq. late of Paradise. Nobody knows this but editors. and see to it that you don‘t tell anybody.” The youth said he wouldn’t. The editor then asked him how many bones there were in the human body. “Well,” replied the lad. “I _forget now ,but did â€""‘ h - --1 vnaa fi WANTED TO BE AN EDITOR. ‘l‘c la“. - -v- â€" v -â€" know once.” “What! Don’t you ' know that? Why there are 7,482.- 654. 921, 444 in an ordinary man. A man that snores has one more bone than other people.” “What bone is that?,” asked the youth. “The trombone. it’s situated somewhere in the nose. ,You won’t forget that. will you?” He said he would- n’ . “How long would it take a mud turtle to cro-ss the desert of Sahara with a small orphan boy to touch him up with a red hot poker?” “Well, look here, Mister. if I had a slate and pencil, I 'could figure that out. But, dear ‘me. I’m not much on mental ’rith- metic.” “Slate and pencil? Did you ever see a slate and pencil about a sanctum? Nonsense. Well, let that question slip. Have you a conStitution?” “Pretty t01- erable.” “How long could you live on raw corn and faith, and do ‘the work of a domesticated ani- lmal?” “I don’t believe I could live a week.” “Well, replied the editor. “that’s about as long as you’d Want to live if you get an editorial position on this paper. You appear to be pretty well post- ed. I shall ask you one more. . question, and if you prove equal‘ , to it you can take off your coat and sail in.” “Let’s have it, squire’ I didn’t correspond with the Pumpkinville Screamer :for nothin. Let’cr come, ~I’m on deck, I am,” “Well,” said the editor, “if (“'0 diametrical circles with octagonal (it‘l‘il‘hPl‘iF-c. should col‘ide with a centrifugal id'iosn'ycrasy; or, to put it plainer. we will say a disen- enfranchised nomentity. what efâ€" fect would the catastrophe excrt ‘9.'-L .--‘h‘l\‘ "(‘â€" problem broke upon the bewilder- e..l brain or.“ the youth, he. slowly diagged his inartistically cobble-d. shoe from under his chair and. and startrrl :trorn the room. The editor hnr l. him descend the stair. go out eanrl close the floor. H then plvacidly resume-'1 his duties. regretting that so promising a youth should have been weighed .in the balance and found wanting. Nearlv Every Engâ€"in Albion. Mich..‘~ Praises Mi 0 na. the Money Back Cure for Indigestion bion are elate tent because 09‘ the many and re- markable. cures which have lately been made by Miâ€"o-na, a dyspep- sia cure with a world wide repu- tation. Everybody is endorsing ‘Mi-to-na. Here is What some res- [Dpr-ted residents say: _ ._ A IN--- antvu o “Miâ€"n-na time.” - W.H. Mott says: “I had doctor- ed for months without help. I used Mi-o-na and since using it three years ago, I have been free from the distress.” Mrs. Emma Overy says: “For months I 'had dyspepsia, bad stomach distress, pains and nausea Nothing I used relieved or cured till I used Mi-o-na.” Macfarlane Co, the druggists, in Durham, sell the wonderIul dys- pepsia cure, Miâ€"o-na for 50 cents a 1--.". km: and t‘hev think so well Macfarlane Co, the drug in Durham, sell the wonderful pepsia cure, Mi-o-na for 50 c1 large box. and they think ac of it that they will give your ey back it it doesn’t cure. Black diphtheria‘ one of the most deadly and contagious diseases on the medical catalogue, has broken out in the _vi<_:init_x oI‘Chepstow, __- LA__ "LI-B 51‘ I." â€"__-_ and sevenalufami'lies have' been stricken with the disease. One case three miles from the~town of Walkerton is causing no small a- mount of alarm in the town. All the schools in the vicinity of Chep- stow have been closed.-â€"Chats- worth News. m.- I. hint Swar- To have his Invorite corn step- ed on. Don’t have corns,â€"cure 1em_ with Putnag’a Corn Extrac- _. â€"--- -A-‘- TALK OF THE TOWN I'CaIUCII ~~~~~ ,- E.C. Cass says: “Mi-o-na. me of a stomach trouble had bqthered me a long ‘M’ntt asavs: “I had doctor: MACFARLANE 8: CO. THE DURHAM CHRONICLE Black Dyptheria. mon- 0 “Where have John ?” ' There was a moment. gritting of teeth, then stairs floated one. word: “Coward!” Playing the Part. An official of the British C ment said recently of a fishing Bion : “I once m to a stream lunatic asylu on the bank noticed a strz toward me V that it was clothes on, 8 th‘ In these days of rapid transit a paragraph from a Yorkshire paper ot 1760 is fitteresting. It is an account of a London merchant’s journey from London to Dublin and back. Leaving London on Monday even- ing, the traveler reached Liverpool on Wednesday morning, in time to catch the packet for DUbliIl, which city he reached on ‘t‘hursoay. During that day he transacted his business in the capital, and next morning sailed for Liverpool‘ arriving there on Saturday Monday saw him back iii London and his journey was complete, having taken only eight days! “And,” con eludes the writer, “there is every rea~ son to believe that it will be possib! to beat even this performance in th« near future.”-â€"â€"Westminster Gazette. “ Buck Knight” Stove Polish was made for women â€"made to save them work, worry and weariness. “ Black Knight” is the easy-to-slxine Stove Polish. Just a few light tube, with cloth or brush, brings a brilliantly black polish that Snakes may almost be said to hav- glass eyes, inasmuch as their eyes never close. They are without lids and each is covered with a transpar ent scale much resembling glass When the reptile casts its outer skir the eye scales come off with the res of the transparent envelope out 0' which the snake slips. This glassy eye scale is so tougr that it effectually protects the true eye from the twigs, sharp grass and othe: obstructions which the snake encoun ters in its travels, yet it is trans parent enough to allow the most per fect vision. Thus if the snake ha not a glass eye it may, at any rate be said to wear eyeglasses. It’s ready to useâ€"no mixingâ€"no soiling hands- no dirty workâ€"and cheaper than any other because it goes farther and you get i igger can for 19¢, U56 v- vâ€"v- .. _ , Git “Black Knight" at you: dealer'sâ€"or send 10c. for a large can free postpaid. “What, sir,” asked the large mm with the bulging biceps and the pon derous fist as he. glared at the slin gentleman who had accidentally stum bled over his toes. “would you say i I were to tell you that you were an awkward _ ass and an annoying chump?” . . . ,_ -- -..n u panlifld th' other man. whohad. enjoyed the ad vantage of a c serv1ce, “that you your convxctions.” Grace. A paper in northwestorn Kansa tells of a pious 01d farmer who h2e the habit of gazing at the rafters i,r his dining-room when saying gram One day while so engaged he for-g! himself. and his grace sounded som thing like thifz “We thank the i this food andâ€"- By Joe, there’s th tie-mod gimlet I’ve boon looking for f the last six months! [’11 have Jim v’ ‘lfp then and get it. Thou hast b g_r:mi_ou§ to us, 0 Lord, and again A‘-‘m Rapid Transit. days of- gap“ Answered Well. Glazed Eyes. y’o'u been all night. moment’s pause. .0319 is so tougr 'owcts the true 05% p grass and othm :he snake encoun yet it is trans low the most per if the snake ha: may, at any rate v E New Wash Fabrics Are Now Arriving § The Fur Prices Advancing Strongly We have opened up New Victoria Law, India Linens, Kain- Iooks. White and Grey Cottons, DRESS GINGHAMS in lovely new stripe and check patterns, DRESS LINENS in the new plain and fancy shades. m Marking Down Numerous Small Lots 2 Of desirable goods. “'e are not slicing the prices of these; we are slashing into them. Ladies' Coats, up-to~date styles Ladies’ Sable Collar, (Tux-lollned regular $12.50 and Coats. regular $13.50. to clear at 89.19 825. to clear at $22.50 Winter Dress Goods. C hildren’s Knitted Goods, Toques, Ladies’, Childrens’ and Men’s Underwear. Collar Frills c. It is very de- sirable to dispose of these and we will sell them at prices which should make the selling easy. The best is the best, and it is at our snore you “run find it. No danger of indigestion if you get. your bread, cakes, etc. from us. Try our ‘Home-made’ specialâ€"very appetizing and nourishing. MODEL BAKERV London and Liepzig, the great fur markets, report Fresh' Groceries New Fruit and Nuts Pure Spices and Vinegars No. I Family and Pure Manitoba Flours Fine Salt. Farmers Produce Wanted GEO.STINSON ,‘O‘. 1». and it is at our store you will ”ROW! it$$$t$$$$$€ Feb. 3, 1910 Pratta’ Reliable Shoe every package guurmn assorted stuck of Flfl made to order. All :11 In order to make quired, I offer the st-w Builders’ 811} D] )1 it‘h‘ ‘ Carpenters’ and : Skatps and H During the past th han McIntosh have ability, to serve theil orably, and now that partnership, 1 take t: the public for past 1 you for a. share of yum the business and will vions efforts to satisfy lic generally. American Coal 0i A Busin FRAN K Good Factory Cutm m wide, at a yard ..... English Extra Heavy‘ ette, suitable fur ml dren’s dresses, at a} Still a large 31880 at slaughter priws. supplied manly sutisfl of real bargains and ! better yet. If you ‘ securing high-class g should not miss an 4 likely to be repeated anbeed to give satis refunded. Men’s Suits worth $5 from ........................... Boy’s Two and Thrw $3.50 to $5.00, for High-class ()vercu; Bargains in Dress Fleecedined I'nderw good quality, for... Men’s Elastic Web. n at 750, for ................ New Grocer Everything is e) misrepresentation. ( TWEN A RCductiO Boots, Shoes G O l N G A'I‘ Consisting At Full mm Rum»m' (inlv 0“

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