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Durham Chronicle (1867), 3 Feb 1910, p. 7

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d Nuts tionery rid Vinegars and Pure Manitoba Fiona? Irmers Produce Wanted * STINSON d it is at our store you will 'ndigestion if you get] your us. Try mu' 'Home-made’ 12° and nmlrishina‘. 9.1.015. l5 KIVO S? EAS‘I' a when you examine them), Fare '09:: we ntYer them. In the lot. are I and Mulls: My. Man's Fur-trimmed Coat great Im- markets, report ’s Knitted Goods. Toques, Ladieo', {Collar Prifls kv. It. is very dc- Ewe will sell them at prices which Fur-lined 01 mt nd values tn surpass these. llicl‘ng the prices 0! thus; we an M0 them. Foria Lawn. India Linens, Nah:- DRESH GINGHAMS in lovoly DRESS LINENS in the new .s.‘ RELAND § I merous Small Lots dvancing Strongly [uulbw‘FM1hh-(V:Hnr, (WuJJined ( u4t~‘ rvgldnr $2.33. in Plouu' .tr/ . receedinsz from its high 09, with meddling cot- »n wants, the situation in Fine wool goods for We bought early and [I both. Are Now Arriving Latimer BAKERY 1' «m may search the markets Feb' 39 1910 *$¥’¥=****$Â¥**£‘* $w=Â¥$Â¥$Â¥=Â¥=¥¥¥ *‘Wfizé §'_S_t_l_|§_5t_ll_l_Going 0n Everything is exactly as advertised. No misrepresentation. Call early and get bargains. New Groceries Just Arrived Fleece-lined Underwear, shirts and drawers, good quality, for ............................................ 37¢ High-class Overcoats to clear at low prices Bargains in Dress Goods 6: Men’s Suitings ioy’s Two and Three Piece Suits worth from $3.50 to $5.00, for ...... $2.28 and $3.28 Men's Suits worth $8.00 and $10.00, on sale from .................................... $3.98 to $5.98 English Extra Heavy [fnshrinkable Wrapper- ette, suitable for wrappers, waists and chil- dren’s dresses, at a yard. ........ 86 and 1 C Good Factory Cotton, all weights, 40 inches wide. at a yard ............... 50, 80 and 10c Still a large assortment of stock to be sold at slaughter prices. During the past we have supplied many satisfied customers on account of real bargains and we are prepared to do even better yet. If you want to make money by securing high-class goods at low prices, you should not miss an opportunity that it is not likely to be repeated. All our goods are guar- anteed to give satisfaction or money will be refunded. Feb. 3, 1910 Boots, Shoes and Rubbers all GOING AT LOW PRICES ! Strength and vitality are com-I bined in the invigorating tonic Fer; L rovim. which consists of fresh lean ' gbeeI. Citrate of Iron. and pure old? ”Spanish Sherry Wine. Nothing geould be more beneficial for anem- tic women md children, elderly people whose strength is failing, and all persons run down and de- bifltated. ’1.” bOttlefla ing. and could hardly believe the story. but it was only too true. When the children came home from school they found their mother lying on the bed uncon- scious. Neighbors and physicians were hastily summOned, but noth- ing could be done, and she passed away about five in the afternoon. There are six children left to mourn the loss of a loving mother and the sympathy of the whole cqnmunity is with them in their bereavement. The funeral took, place this afternoon to the Wal- kerton cemetery. The deceased lady was a member of Knox: church. and Rev. Thomas Wilson: of that congregation officiated at; the funeral. Mrs. Delavern was a comparatively young woman, be-_ ing only 47 years of ageâ€"Herald. g The citizens of Walkerton were greatly sho‘cked ‘on Monday even- :-l- “.LA-A And when [you proved that the something which Was represented as being “just as good” as what you asked for was not as good-â€" was not to be compared even with the real thing, wouldn’t you feet still worse? This is just the case about Zam- Buk. Like all good things it has many imitations. When buying it just ask ifOI‘ Zam-Buk, and see that you get it. The name is protected by law. and is clearly seen on each packet. Don’t have anything else. Then you won’t feel that somebody ; has made a few extra cents out of 1 your lack of firmness. If you wanted anything badly, and when you got to the store were persuaded to take something else instead, when you came away wouldn’t you feel a little disap- pointed? As if some one had “gone one over you”. and not for your benefit, mind ‘but for their own profit. ----L\.- v vuuuvvn on life and is absolutely free from the coarseness or bitterness which offends the sensitive reader. There will be many tears for his memory when he passes off the present stage of action.â€"Ex. Universal reg'ret will he felt that the man who has done more than any world with genial humor is nearing the end of his days. Mark Twain is now 74 years. The recent death by drowning of a be- loved daughter has weighed heav- ily on his spirits, but apart from this bereavement his health is ut- terly shattered. Some reporters who tried to rally him met with a pathetic failure. “It’s no use. boys.” said the kindly humorist. “I am not my old self, I am about all in.” The ‘vein of humor that runs through all .Mark Twain‘s books cultivates a cheery outlook __ I'! A Hint to Ladies When Shopping The girls and women who suffer with what «they think as “Female Trouble” would look to their kid- neys. they’ll soon .find the source of their ill-whealth. The kidneys are allied with the female organs, and if vitality of the kidneys is inter- fered with great suffering occurs. There is no better medicine than Dr. Hamilton’s Pills,-â€"they stimu- late and strengthen the kidneys. assist other organs to do Nature’s Work. cleanse the system and thereby maintain perfect health. Great benefit and certain cure is guaranteed for all Women who use Dr. Hamilton’s Pills. ___ wu-v bill comes in, which it is sure to do, the deluded farmer finds he has agreed to pay eight cents per foot for each wire. When the scheme works he has to surrender his farm in part payment, and give his note for thebalance. Hence,we say. beware. w-v -â€"- -u w“ vuvo. Beware of the barb wire fence D' fiedheen. Div-ibis: fâ€"-Con. 4- . Dodds. Div. No. 2. con. 10, 12. 14, shark m the P9313 H9 Proposes to inc. from B.L. to P.; J. Scott, Div. the farmer to put up an eight wire go. 3. non. 16. 18, 20. 22. from 10th fence at eight cents Der fOOt This ..L to 'P.2 Reeve, DiV. NO. 4. COD. 0 4.‘ 0| . . Clerk. Div. No. 5. con. 1, 2, 3,!rom Sums the contract. and when the Glenelg‘ to Mt. Forestâ€"Carried. h;ll nnnnn 3.. ---l_! i 01 . . -- _ that delicately perfumed, rc- freshing hair pomade, Bearine. Avoid baldness; apply Bearine to your hair occasionally. All druggists, 50 cts. a jar. The word “Salve” literally means be well or in good Health. Try Davis’ Heath! Salve and you will be relieved. All Dealer:. DAVIS LAWRENCE co.. Montreal. ,_ _-_--â€"- “I“.a -IIUWIIO It smthesiheals and tends to restore those whqgufier [tom Fuel. We. neu- A thick adhesive ointment. combined with Japanese Menthol and Vaseline. two of the most wonderful pealing dgucs known. I. ‘AA‘L‘â€" ‘7 The World Will Grieve. Beware of the Fence Fiend. The Ailments of Women Sudden Death. THE DURHAHI CHRONICLE l On June 15th and 16th, Conser-5 :yatives from all over the Domin-' ; ion of Canada will meet at Ottawa} Ameeting of the executive was.- were held a few days ago and a reso- even- lution was passed particularly and' MP3. earnestly inviting the press. Well, Many let us see where does the press 1 had come in? They can go down to, norn- Ottawa in large numbers and fill 9 the up on ,facts. and other things pur-. true. chased by politicians who will get; home up on the platform and tell about the" the influence of the press and the! 33.01“ power they wield in their respect- £13113 ive communities, and then the suck * ”0th" ers running the country newspap-l assed ers will go back home and boost; - the Tory candidates. In due time: t to the Tories will come into power,;f other and every second year the editorf'; ”101,9.will receive a nine dollar adver- ‘ the"? tisement from the government who ' “’0“ ; will dictate what they will pay for ‘ W3" two insertions of the same. Why eased shouldn’t we all get out and Knox ; whoop it up for Tory candidates? 113°“ 3 We devoted 150 columns a year {‘3 atltelling truths about the Ross gov- 33 a ernment and now have the pleas- ' be‘.ure of reading more Ontario gov-l ’"ld°iernment advertisements in the“ l Globe in one month than appear in com- othe whole country press of the cFer;province in a whole year. We lean ‘ are going to Ottawa as a rivate Bold lcitizen who believes the aurier hing‘ government and most of its em- iem- ployeea ahould be in the penejen- . l t l I 1 l q 1 IHHAâ€"a awanu aL HIKHL auu CUIIJHICUI tiger to her bed. Then noticing tha . . ' the scribe was getting pale and 0 trial "In to 0“?“ Sound on ThurS- ' . day of last week to atten-i a meet- {'11iiir‘lagllzi‘sgthheatm11(ilefihfvacsouglxdoitneJ;l 1:31“: .0! the officers 0‘ the 318t have one just like hers, and asked 5 Regiment, him to go in and sit down. Thef Mr. Chas. Huether. of the Trad- paper was out as usual next week,: 9’3 Bank, Ayton. way the guest of ,but the local editor has quit en-3Mr- and Mrs- M- W- Byers MOH- quiring about babies. :day evening of last week. Capt. O. M. Snider made an offi- A good joke is related at the ex- pense of a modest young news- ‘paper man. It is to the effect {that the pusher of the pencil went out to report a party the other evening where the home had reâ€" .‘ ntly been blessed with a bah)" Accompanied by his best girl, he met the hostess at the .‘HM, and after the usual sa'uta'io..., asked after the new baby’s health. The. lady. who was quite deaf, and suf- fering with the grippe, thought he was asking about her cold, and told him that though she usually had one every winter, this was the worst one she ever had; it kept her awake at night and confined her to her bed. Then noticing that the scribe was getting pale and. A few minutes delay in treating: some cases of croup, even the length of time it takes to go for a doctor often proves dangerous. The safest way is to keep Chamb- erlain’s Cough Remedy in the house, and at the first indication of croup give the child a dose. Pleasant to take and always cures. Sold by all dealers. a :fine of $40 and costs was imposed For a similar offence last summer the same magistrate had imposed a fine of $100 and costs. But this time a fine of $100 and costs was also imposed for obstructing pro- vincial license inspector Ayerst and two constables while search- ing the premises for liquor. A bottle of Whiskey had been taken down by another person and its contents thrown on the floor. The department is determine-d to {was- ecute such offenders to the fullest extent of the law in order to sup-‘ press this kind of interference with license inspectors while searching for liquor.â€"Mt. Forest Confed. Before police magistrate Wm. H. Ryan, at Ayton on Wednesday of last week, Martin Bolger, of Conn‘ Proton township, pleaded guilty to a charge of keeping liquor for sale. It was called a second offence and ’While it is often impossible to prvvont an accident. it is nevm' impossible to be preparedâ€"it is not beyond anyone’s purse. 1.:â€" vest 25c. in a bottle 01’ Chamberâ€" lain’s Liniment and you are pro- parod for sprains, bruises and like. injuries. Sold by all dealers. Doddsâ€"Allan.â€"-That the {climb Eng be the districts over which :the members of the Board of Heal- rth have supervision, and to see {that the several provisions of the ‘ said by-la'w are fully carried out. --- Adjo'tirned tot havééftâ€"'onvâ€"t-:§-li"-'of chairman. D. ALLAN. whole country press of the! An attack 01 the grip is often fol ince in a whole year. . Weilowed by a persistent cough. going to Ottawa as a private ' which to many provea a great an- .»n who believes the .Laurier noyance. Chamberlain’s Cough rnment and most of its em- Remedy has been extensively used sea should be in the peneten- and with good succeu for the re- . and any loud lun ed Tory li=.' and cure of this cough. Many tells us anything a out the cases have been cured aIter :11 o! the preug-will learn a thing other rem: diet: had tailed. Sold Copies of the said by-law. to- gether with notices to be filled up by the school teachers, and to be mailed to Dr. Sneath, M.H.O., Dromore. relating to contagious diseases have been mailed to each teacher in the township and cop- ies relating to smallpox have been forwarded also to each member of the Board of Health for their amid-3 ““39 913011165811 outbreak occur, Allan - Doddsé'l‘hat respecting the unsettled accounts relating to smallpox cases. which have been rendered by the clerk, they re- main in abeymce, and should any new cases arise. these shall be dealt with in strict accordance with the by-law relating to small- Dox cases, passed in open session of the Board of Health, on the four teenth day of August, 1909.â€"Car. } Bond 0‘ Health met January 22.! Moved by R. T. Dodds. seconded’ by D Allan. that J. Mch-thur. reeve. be chairmanâ€"Carried. Egremont Board of Health He Didn’t. Expect One Just About It $40 and Costs ‘ Born.â€"'I‘0 Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Green. 01 Louise, a son. .- Miss Halpenny visited over Sun- ?day with Ayton friends. A couple of “wits”. and Hamp- den is full of them. happened to meet on the road one morningtand after passing the time of day one said to the other. “Do you know, I never say “good morning” to the devil until I meet him?” And here is the reply the other made. “Say. it I were you. I would go away back into somebody’s shadv backlane, wiggle my ears. and chaw a few thistles.” Then he drove on, without giving or re- ceiving “the salt answer.” Mrs. J. 'Derby visited for a week with her daughter. Mrs. A. Green. at Louise. Mr. Alex. Anderson made a bus iness trip to Walkerton last Wed- nesday. Mr. Geo. L. Sharp s ent part of last Week assisting is brother. John, of Knox community. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Park and lamily, spent Tuesday evening of last week at the home of Mr. Alex. Anderson. Miss Isabelle Fulton is visiting for a couple of Weeks with rela- tives in Toronto and Welland. Mr. Chas. Huethm‘. of the Trad- ers Bank, Ayton. was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. M. W. Byers Mon- day evening of last week. Do you know that croup can be prevented? (live (,‘llanlbz..rlaju‘s Cough Remedy as soon as the child becomes hoarse or even after the croupy cough appears and it wlll prevent the attack. It is also a certain cure for croup and has never lweu known to fail. Sold by all dealers. mun’s sun. if he has the necessary ambition, has a much hvtu'r uppm'- tunity to distinguish himself. “an judges Mrs. H. \Villiams. Miss Amy I. Idge and Mr. C. H. Mnl‘fnt gave. Ihvit' deitisimi in favor of the affirmative spvnkers. The next mevting on Feb. lth is tn he a mock parliauwnt when a hill eufurcing a tax m: bachelors over thirty is m be discussed Quite. a number 0t horses lmve changed hands in our vicinit '. Messrs. H. “'illiams. 'l‘. Morrison, '1'. GreehWoml and \V. Ritchie have each been selling while R. Edge and Archie- I Eclor have been purchasing. l I l The regular meeting of our Literary Society. held in the school on Friday evening last was well attended the school being comfortably filled. 'I'he program was Very interesting. Geo. Williams and Myrtle Ector gave. good recitations. Miss Tenet Firth read an interesting poem. Miss Sarah Edge? sung “Maggie Lauder,” Miss Lena Edge. rendered a musical selection on the organ. while Messrs. Geo. Ritchie and .l. S. McDonald with violins and Emma Ritchie on the organ played very nicely together. But the prin- cipal part of the program was the. deâ€" hate. “Resolved that poor homes have produced greater men than rich homes.” Misses Maggie Edge. Funny Ectorand Mr. J. S. McDonald spoke on the affirmative. and brought forth many points to show that the greater men came. from poor homes. MiSs Emma Ritchie, Messrs. John Green- wood nnd John G. Firth Spuke on the negative. They shoWed that the rich Misses Belle Firth and Lily Rik-hie are visiting Jessupvilie friends this Wt‘rk. Mr. Thus. Hadley left for anunto, on Satuudzmy and intends spending a month 01'le Weeks in the city. Messrs. Alex Ellison and Jae. Bart- ley nf the Elbow, Silakn were visiting in the uvighrorhoud last week. Mr. Kmnedyuf Cammn. Man” is visiting his cousin Mr. J. H. Mc- Fanyden. In. I... of upon-ad this“. be- Mutual Saving. Bulk and Child’o Shah-80d. Inch hnkwlamcaoodLuckPuu. It strengthens the nerves, feeds famished tis- SCOTT 30“! I” We“... Shoot. Wat Tan-u. 0‘. needs helping out. Things get started in the wrong direction. Something is needed to check disease and start the system in the right direction toward health. Do: an 3! ALL Duncan-u Edge Hill. mmght furth tthe grvawr homes. Miss John Grew)- . nflux. bunt depoaftu 9m ht. “down todate bird» 1". (”imitation-rotunda».- For bronchitis and uthmn, try Allen’s Lung Balsam; the beat cough prescription known. All up-tnodnte flour and feed ana grocers keep our flour for sale. If your grocer does not keep it. come to the mill and we will use you right. Call us up by telephone No. 8. All 3W Reduction on Flour 1; 5 “a 10 Bug Lou, A blend of; Manitoba and wheat and is a strictly 1 fun“ y flour H r, 7‘. J v‘- ‘IIII all!“ IIV‘U time and see the superior baking quad- itfiea it possesses. Bauer and meme whoiemme. becausv uf u seemt pnmms that we put 1119 Wheat through. Don’t; fnrgvt. A small orlnrge bag at a fine I white. nutritiuus flour, is sold o brand. Have you vvec tried it? your grocer to give you um- kind time and see the mum-3.... 1mm..- Pumps of all Kinds. Galvanized and Iron Pip- ing; Brass, Brass Lined and Iron Cylinders. Pumas fmm $2 unward. SHOP open every afternoon. All REPAIRING promptly and prop- erlv attended to. MW. 0. COMM! People’s Mills W D. CONNOR Ointment, go to S. P. SAUNDERS PASTRY FLOUR __vâ€"' superior article {or Hikingâ€" pnstry. etc. ECLIPSE Manufacturer 0! Aud Deular in â€" TH E The Harness-mks: a fine gram. i3 ”Id as 0111‘ in On uric Get next

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