West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 3 Feb 1910, p. 8

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l6. 5. J. McKECflNlE, :: :: Durham Large Sales We» are now taking; stock am Offering at, VERY LOW PRICES If you vzmt an Overcoat or :1 Suit of (Homes the time to buy as we don’t: want to carry any Over. We have just received our spring stock fresh from the mahufacturer’s hands. They are the newest styles and best fitters to be had, all bought previous to the advance in prices. FRESH GROCERIES arriving daily, Boots and Shoes Yon are cordially invited to look through our stock Five minutes inspection is better than a. page of description. G. 8: J. MCKECHNIE THE HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR PRODUCE . . . and have many lines and remnants which we are 8. Suit of Clothes or heavy Under-wear now is which we are selling at very LOW PRICES House Furnishings Department.â€"-See the House Furnish- ings Dept. 011 the 2nd flat. It is com- 1 Sr. 1-â€" posed of Linoleums, Floor Oilcloths, “son Carpets, Rugs, Window Curtains 3351'”: " Aveta and Crockery. i. J. THE DURHAM CHRONICLE Small Profits Mr. and Mrs. Hug h Edwards visited i the latter’ a bl nthel g3M! Rum. Btittou of Bencinck Sunday Inst. Sir. W. P: Pennock took a blip Holstein, last- week. Mr. and Mrs. Ga)..Binniv visited in Chatswm‘th and Owen Sound last week. Mr. W'm. Bell and little sun of Tor- onpo visited recently at, their cousin’s Messrs. Dan and Jack McArthur. Mr. Sam Jackson is at; prevent, con fined to his bed with a. severe throat trouble. \Ve hope to see Sam Around in his usual health in 1 few days. Miss Emma Beaton haw been under the weather for a few days with a had culd. Mr. and Mrs. Thus. Swallow and family called on Mrs. Kennedy last Sunday. Mr. Arvhie McArthnr (White Archie) had a bee hauling snw logs tn mwn last Friday. He grt a fine lot lauded considering the number of teams. Mr. Donald McFm-lane’s family are all better now after a. severe attack of the measles. The road question in the Glen is not settled yet. but hv all reports we think at settlement will be reached at an early day. On eccaunt of the council not getting the road bought at the beginning of winter. it has made it very inconvenient for those having loge for sale. they having to draw them many miles farther. either to Prieeville or Durham. Mr. Hugh McLean and his sistur Miss Annie of Bantinck Visited at; Mr. Dan McCormick’s on Sunday. What we would like. to know how the two young fellows (boys) got along Sunday night with their girls, as one appeared to be very mm-h out of humor (m Mnndny nun-Hing. with LOCAL APPLICATIONS. as the? cannot reach the «at of the diaease Catarrh in a blood or constitutional disease. and in order to cure it vou must take internal remedies. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally and acts directly on the bleed and mucous surtaees. Hall‘s ()atarrh Cure is notaqunck medicine It. was prescribed by one of the heat physicians in this country for years and isa regular prescription. It is com- posed of the bent [onion known combined with the best blood purifiers. acting directly on the nmcouu surfaces The perfect combination of the two ingredients is What, produces such wonderful resume in curing Ca'arrh. Send for testimonials Lee. C. I). FARQUHARSON. Teacher. Honor Rolls. S. S. N0. 1, GLENELG. Sr. IVâ€"Ruth McGillivmy, John Mc- Known. Sr. Illâ€"Tenn McGillivmy. Sadie McGillivmy. - Jr. IIIâ€"Vernon l’ennock, Silas Ed- wards. Charlie McFau'mne, Alec Mcâ€" Farlame. Jr. |Vâ€"â€"Jnnie Peter. 1 Sr. llL-Thomns Stewart. Ella, Lewis. Joe Fm-Lney, Nelson H‘Lllidny and Victor Cstisley eq., Geo. Peter, . Willie Thompson, Geo. Fortlney. J r. lll--Katie Baird. \Vilfred Peter. éLydia. Thompson, Annie Halliday. . Eva. Blyth. Sr. lIâ€"Edmund Puole,Uscar Peu- nuck Tommy Edwardu Robbie Edwards, MALL .‘vlclicuwn, Arthur Penuuck. Neil McFarlzmc. Flora. Mc- Farlauw. PML llâ€"-l)nn McArthur, Mary Ed- wards, Leonard MCKeHWU. Clark J acksuu, Angus McGillivray. Pt. I Sl«'.-â€" Pearl Peunock, Johnny McFm-lnne. F. J. CHENEY 6; 00.. Props . Toledo, 0. Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation. Sold by all Uruggista, 75c. Sr. Uâ€"Eltun Lewis Lily \Veltz, Alfie \Veltz, Roy Stewart. Jr. llâ€"Alice Stewart, Johnnie Mc Vain. Sr. lâ€"Robbie McVain, Alfie Fort- ney, Arthur Waltz. ALICE LAW’RENCE Teacher. s. 3. N0. 3, GLENELG. Sr. IVw-Alix Edge Katie Ritchie. J1. IVâ€"â€"M\rtle Ectm'. Edith Edge, Willie Kenny, Maggie Ritchie. Sr. Illâ€"Nona V \Villiams, Cassie Ritchie, Joe Kenny. Carrie McNally, James Vaughan, Vincent, Paylor. J r. III-~Alex Vaughan. Jr. Ilâ€"Knte McNally, Willie Ritchie, Rvuhun Paylur. Pt. IIâ€"George Williams, Bertha Ectér. Cecil Paxlpr. John Ritchie. . I“‘~Jâ€"<c- ' ”00‘”. V‘ _ , Sr. Iâ€"Lizzie Morrison, Joe Morri- son. _.. " ‘ You are sleeplessâ€"no energyâ€" bad digestionâ€"irritable nerVeSâ€"ev erything seems Wrong. You’re getting worse. Stop it to-day, end .your misery by building up with Ferromne. It's a tfood_to.n1c â€"supplies nutriment and building materialâ€"gives weak organs and exhausted nerves the strength they require. With Ferrozone you eat more. digest more. get fatter. -nA-Q - eat IllUl'C‘ Ulficab ::::: v‘ r!" __._ Vitality courses through your ,veins. the deeling of youth pre- dominates. vim. strength and health return (or good. Nothing reiuvenates and restores so quick- lv and permanently as Ferrozone. You’ll try it to-day, 50c. at all dealers. will fix you up again. They splendid Kidney and Liver find just what you need it you all run down. spit-file" and J r. Kâ€"éérage attendance, 22. J. L. MACDONALD, Teacher. 25c. a box. or five boxes for Catarrh Cannot be Cured ., S. N0. 14. NORMANBY. Bunessan. You Feel Blue as Indigo Archie Ector, Howard are al laws of nature, or suffer the consequences. Undigestea material, waste products, poisonous substances, must be removed from the body at least once each day, or there will be trouble. A sluggish liver is responsible for an immense amount of suffering and serious disease. Ask your doctor about Ayeij‘s Pills. He knows why they act Hirectly on the_ liver. 1 l Largest Winner of "Giv‘a'nd' Ci: cuit. ‘03 Royal Purple StOSk ' ' . farm products. It incnam-s ROYAL PURPLE STOCK SPECIFIC contams no gram nor ' H . . yield of milk from three to five pounds per cow pcr day bdm-c the bpcum has bun USLdV‘“ 0 weeks It makes the milk richer and adds flesh faster tt‘un any Other prepanatnon known. Younécalves fed with ROYAL PURPLE are as large at sux weeks old as they would be when fed with qrginary material: at ten weeks. _ --- ._.....â€" n on- \f‘!’ enurlavf‘ L_-2|.!.. .... m... Ann-n animal‘s and restores them m led W't" ordinary materuu m. It" “u"... ROYAL PURPLE STOCK SPECIFIC builds up run-down animals and restores them to plumnness almost magically. Cures bots. colic. worms. skm diseases am} deljlhty »rm..ncm Iy. Dan McBwan.the horseman. says: "I hav: used ROYAL PURPLE b1UL :FECIFIC persistently in the fee ning of The Fd.’ 2.02}. largot winner of any pacer on Grand circuit m @908. and 'Hem-y Winters.’ 2.09}. brother of 'Allcn Winters.’ wnnner of ”tannin trotting Makes in l908. These horses have never hcen off their feed since I commenced usm‘ Royal Purple Specific almost a year no. and 1 will always have it in my stables." I‘ll” uvu... ..v---..-_- It will save many times its cost in veterinary NLS. ROYA FIC is our other Specific for poultry. not for stock. One 51 hens 70 days. or a pail costing 31.50 will last twentv-five heps material for an y three times we _cn_st. It makes a la ‘ n _L .,A. “An-“:-l marcruu zur l.'ll y may.» tlllna u... -uau .. ...---_- _ __ _ w summcr :mJ wiazcr. prev-Onts fo'vls losm flesh at moultin time. and cures ultrEdimlzm-u. Every pa.,uge of ROYLL PURPLE TOCK SPEC! ‘C or POULTR SP CIFIC ls uarantccd. 3 Jth use ROYAL PURPLE on one of vmer animals and any other 9'0 aration on another animal in the same condition: after comparing results you will sayRO AL PURPLE 11.18 them a‘l heat to death. or else backcomes your money. PRIZE-Ask your merchant or write us for our valuable inpage booklet on cattle and po .-lt~y diseases. containing also cooking r»-c':_‘i""s and full particulars about w ROYAL PURPLE STOCK and POUL- TRY SPBCIFICS. A Frost Gates are made of Steel Tubing. In every other Gate thin Tubing is connected by threaded joints. These threads cut half-way into the Tube. severest strain will not . . scparnto this Welding. Because the out... the weakest parts of other Gaul. are strongest part: of the Frost. All Front Gate: have a Galnniud Enid: --not w imitation pint. The Prune. when bent at duped. in scouredclanofgremandnale. The line Galvanizing will now all!” put- mnently to this thoroughly cleaned Gate Frame. And the Znnc not only BM over the surche'but into it. banning 3 put of the Papa i . )ssible “to N hodyze; heur‘c’l or';tm:fwvd":uring the bots or Solic. making 0 . . - - u ' t ' hens lay in winter. increasnng the yield of milk hve pounds per cow .1 d4). or restoring run-down animals to plummess and vlgor. ' . When you feed “stock food ” to your cow. horse. swnneorpnultr}. you are merely feeding them what you are growmg on your own I arm. . Your animals do need not nor. feed. but somethnng to help thmr -I. A A--J --..-. -:-... blunm L'tl Ohnu- Put. n“. ('1. Your animals “0 Ilccu uu. w- , , _ _ _ t of the teed you give them so they can get {at and stay fat all year round: also to prevent dyseasc. cure disease and keep them up to the best ssibl copdition. No 'stock food" can do all the“ things. ROYAL P RPL STOCK SPECIFIC can and does. It i5. things. “SEa-Egâ€"tâ€"ddk Foog” But a “Conditioner This deep thread-cutting dep the. it of one-halt of its {amt-strength. And when sub- jected to strain. away go thou threaded joints. But the Frost Gate has no couplings. It is Welded together.___ The 25% Over Its 63g! If you cannot get Royal Purple Specifics from merchants or agents. we will supply you direct. express prepaid. on receipt of SI .50 a pail for either Poultry or Stock Specifics. Make money acting as our agent in your district. Write for terms. I For sale by all up-to-date merchants. W. I. Jenkins Mfg. 00., London, Gan. Not 991411551 of On 2/3 of a Cent 3‘ Day Local Deder. u y tuna. â€"-- - --__, ' stock. One 5! «In; packagg will last twenty-five wentv-five hgps 280 days. which Is {our times more It makes a laying machine " out of your hens iesh at magi: 19.8.96“. 1%.99'3199‘Q'JL9-fi1‘: P“; The finish of the Frost Gate is beautiful. I! silvery. end makes the Frost ornamental as well The Wire and in the Frost Gate is N0 '2 Th5. Wire 5' made and Galvanized Iw m3- calves. It i: the W Wire of in. Nu m The Fred Wire FenccCo., Ltd filo-flan. Ontario Am 'W in Open District! ‘Vben «ck-ring. don't ‘ prely ask for a metal ate. Say you want 5 Frost Galvanized Dupuoacnd today“ free Booklet .htcheu and aH~- m Galsanizmg 11¢?“an '5“ now fight of? rust A W to. .1 mod], I“ an, “'hile (ominq dawn tl;«- 1 bill on Saturday 1351. Tum: Grath, UH? shop man. ”mug be a kid again to: a mu two. and jumped on a h. u I quicker. vaswr. and method 0! g'oing to war. con-ted “k? a tPIl-yt'aF-U'A U the C. P. R. crossing. \x'h eating to cross ”11- hark 1 I hlrflune pace, he stuck down to brain: the sleigh. ‘ filt Wu that he nearly 1m foot. for he struck his p24 tremity on one of tho rai for the next few minutes. was full of lchI-nth and ham My is babbling mund limp now. and instead of bet Wr-old he thought hi 'I m in looking In. ”I!“ take him to be a m up veteran of the CM HOW can the public lilri poet to do business- an'i stood showing: unl-«ss tlw attend the regular meetil tnke an intereét in the m the last meeting there \I soul present except the vice president, unless the} an appearance after 5.13. no Way of'doing lmsinesm can heartily endorse the fa the only representative (in were vote of censure be r aghast all the other it They don’t deserve to ha honors conferred upon the we hope Inch negligence ' occur again. Where was Wident. the man who ll voluminoully on the imp 0! being present at all meetings. Isn’t it sad to t: wasn't there. l Ill-I. Hugh Johnston. aunt oi the oiitur of ill died at her homv in (‘I on the 29th of January. born in County Sligo. Ir 1881. and was marrivd on of February. 1561, to Hm Iton. who survivos hvr. with two sons and {our d u follows: Robert. John Miller. and Mrs. 'l‘hos. l Euphrasia, Mrs. A. Non. and Mrs. J06. Lougluwd. burg. She was a hard industrious wmn'm. an! assistant to her husband 5 cumulation of sufficumt to enable them to Slwnd t ink of their lives in can eaae. Try a package of Rny poultry specific for your 8. P. Saunders'. Dr. Brown. eye, var, n thmtt. will be at the Hat Durban. on February 12 12 to 5 p. m. Eyes to: Kin Bertha Sparling ha ed a position in Mr. store. A car of “Five R080! bun 1nd shorts. just un untthewa Latimvr. The Frost 61 will be sold hon III. Jan. Eden. stock on rxhil non’s old stand. Custom sawing at the the Foundry. Rev. Mr. Carter will can service. in the Methodist here md at Zion next Rev. Mr. Wright will he amnion services at Van Ebenezer. 12 to 5 p. m. glasses supplied Ilr. John Williams, 01' Bush. will accept thanks newal several months he-i expiry of his paper. pleased to learn he and ily are in the full vnjoy henlth. and evidently II home in the West. train Ienvinz 'l‘orom except Sunday. which equalled count-minus a for [mints in the FM! Without change of depots fer trouble. Through slq Chicago, arriving at (h 7.15 a m. 8n" gummed at tho Fc The C. P. VOL. 43-400. 22: NEWS "O \V \V "t itio: u has m1

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