West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 10 Feb 1910, p. 1

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“Milka. Outsâ€"g (“Its Wanted in Open 99 a new Demos and free booklet. m I LUNDERS. i I to" cm»: Width 'o'cx AM! Mt. mcrcha :K SPECKFIC “ ill tau one animal .0“ 1.. \‘H\‘t~‘ \kf’l’dsifl It gent ROYAL mam: floéxs \ ‘I an nu! contamins Iour tum-1 ROYAL PURPLE will inc-nan Glad \ know ‘- vv,-â€"v'_ [3109th you 8H1: thcm so they can” lo toprevcm «macaw. cure Wad. madman. Nu "~tock food" can th CI. bTUCK SPECIFI? can amide... fl o POULTRY .s'iscm uch bod” :urmn In tho yield 0! mm: 61 no flumpmss and Id" to your cow. that you are grow: a‘Cent a Day norm. PURPI ROYK var Its Bast WWI" Dled ow pru hem. c out than gh (hi. same M 5K (‘3. Ihe 1'?“thth now Stud :3 PO "101‘? nsequences. U . nus substances, fl once each dang m is responsibbw 1 Id serious (bean. He knows why u. 9 selling a Wint- But a “Conditibh6}; Are of mu Animal We I LLI NERY Lamhlon Street C1}! ver (0., KC? .o-clay for free 3* "w Frost Ga. 5 « hf balvanuté U! ngest “fit. of I. . sums; 311ch “it“ y D.“ (r n". (J'Zlfld C' mi 53“.: a 0 m Hum”. _ nunscd Using Royal gen. Latch. 8d ‘- Welded! k we thl last (WW \H‘u 11 Is four has... amm- " out 0! you: I 4 . r-s' Dc ultr di Juii‘av’ SPEC: ROYAL PUR'FH w hots or colic. - ve pounds ”I "I. I vigor. horse. swmun :r-mn four times HE'I Ingrcau the“ the antenna and [manner |§is§ POULT til ‘10.". 90. and acts. It 'Mn as been and 'ourauon In: W would b" 'c‘xtnres the. limp now. and instead of being the tenqvavold he thought he was, a person in looking himw over. would takehhn to be . ’hfiin- w -â€"--l_ .- hill on Saturday last, Tommy M3- Grath. the shOe man, thought he'd be a kid again for a minute or two. and jumped on a handsled as a quicker, easier, and jollier method of going to work. He caring to cross the track at such a hurricane pace, he stuck a footl How can the public librarv ex-jour boysavere again turned dow fleet to do business and make a by a malorlty for Chesley 0‘ 20”.] showing unless the officers shots on the two rinks. On on attend the regular meetings and rink, the score “00d: Durham.â€" take an interest in the work? At T‘i'm’d' Sk'p' 18’ Chesley, McLean the last meeting there Wasn’t a 81H!" 13. On the other, Durham soul present except the second C",ld"° skip. 4’ Chesley, Murphy vice president. unless they put in Skip‘ 17' Majority for Chesley 0' an appearance after 8.15. This is the two rinks. 8 shots. Mr. Cal- no way 0f'doing business, and we der has forgotten everything, and can heartily endorse the feeling of ~ burned all r ecor as, but his memory the 0111." representative that a se- “I'M!” nearly so bad, nor his de- vere vote of censure be recorded sure for a protechnjcal (1531313? agianst all the other members. so pronounced, when Ireland and They don‘t deserve to have such others suffered similar defeat. honors conferred upon them, and we hope such negligence will not ‘A wooden man'couldn’t be much occurs gggin. Where w“ the ex- less value than some of the figure president. the man who talked so ' heads that ”'9 chosen by the citi- voluminously on the importance zens of Durham “3 represent them of being present at all regular in the town council. Surely ‘ per- meetings. Isn’t it and to think he son elected to a public office! wasn‘t there. should have 931011211 Irnmnflnn m While coming down the with two sons and four daughters as follows: Robert, John, Mrs. R. Miller. and Mrs. Thos. Brett, In Euphrasia, Mrs. A. Noble, Meaford. and Mrs. J08. Lougheed, Clarks- burg. She was a hard working, industrious Woman, and a great assistant to her husband in the acâ€" cumulation of sufficient property to enable them to spend the even- ing of their lives in comparative ease. Mrs. Hugh Johnston, maternal ' _ ' ’â€" aunt o" the editor of this pap-er, The name 0! Mr, W° J- Young died at her home in Clarksburg,, was left out Of. the. “St 0‘ Direct- on the. 29th of January. She Was.gor-s'of the Pubhc lerary, pubhsh- horn in County Slrigo, Ireland, in'izdom V331: :olumns ttWo Eve?“ 1831, and was married on the 26thf g ' , , n eccoun ”'0“ 91‘ of Februarv 1561 to Hugh John-3U"; omission, Whmh we trust W1" . cause no serious evil. Mr. Youn 9'0” Who survn’es her, together'has been one of the most faithfufi with two sons and four daughters atte d - as follows: Robert, John, Mrs. R,tmeezna:t8 at the regular llbraryv Miller. and Mrs- Thng Rroff tn 2 - I take him to be up veteran of the fer trouble. Througli sleeper; for Chicago, arriving at Chicago at 7.15 a m. The C. P. R. now run a fast train leaving Toronto 4 p. m.. except Sunday, which makes un- vqunilod connections at Detroit (or points in the United States, without change of depots or trans- Mr. John Williams, of Tisdale, Sash. will accept thanks for re- newal several months before the expiry of his paper. We are pleased to learn he and his fam- ily are in the full enjoyment of health. and evidently like their home in the West. - Rev. Mr. Carter will conduct the services in the Methodist churches here and at Zion next Sunday. Rev. Mr. Wright will hold com- munion services at Vamey and Ebenezer. The Frost Wood- implements will be sold here this season by Mr. Jan. Eden. He has quite a stock on exhibition in McKin- non’s old stand. Dr. Brown, eye, ear. nune and throat. will be at .the Hahn House Durham, on February 12th from 12 to 5 p.m. Eyes tested and glasses supplied. ed a position in Mr. Irelan-d’s store. A car of “Five Roses” flour. bran and shorts, just unloaded.â€" Matthews Latimer. Try a package of Royal Purple poultry specific for your hm. at S. P. Saunders’. Custom sawing at the rear of the Foundry. .‘1 Saws gummed at the Foundry. tf VOL. NEWS AROUND TOWN Durham The Chronicle is $1.00 â€"â€"-.‘I should have enough gumption to be either a man or a mouse, but 'ham’there are some who aren’t worth M 3-,enough powder to blow their he'd iheads off. In the meeting on. e or Monday night. one of the town sled fathers actually seconded a reso-I llier lution, and when the motion was He but. he voted against it, whilel far another, who came out strongly a not few weeks ago in favor of the Me- mch Gowan By-law, and in said to be in the hands of men who don’t tions of the know what they’re doing. We plication to prefer the man who comes out private bill flat-footed on the other side, rath- be endorsed. er than a pliable dupe who wob- Itmcted to H ,have promised to support th 1.ufw no. 563 be read a third time, Deacon, of Stratiord,‘ third reading on Monday night, BIEDGd by “.9 mayor and clerk, consultationt Hominy. sat as dumb as an oyster when the 2:3 sealed :3]: "z; caperate 6081' question came up. and he didn‘t engrosf m e ’1‘" bOOk-g vote one way or the other. It's ~Carried. ' All 016 people sufler o . V t too-bat! if the town council has to Caldwell .. shun_._-n,,, +1.- - “3‘“ 0‘ Widen exhauu ”_ L“_L - A. - large 12x14 beautiful photographs framed, to the first twenty-five our best cabinets. This is the best offer ever made in Durham. Do not fail to secure one.-â€"-F. W. Kelsey. Artist. 2 3 tf Rev. Geo. B. Cox, of Hanover. will administer Holy Communion in Trinity church, Durham, and St. Paul’s church, Egremont, on Sun- Bills are out announcing the next horse fair to be held here on Thursday, February 17th. The last one was dime a success, and this promises to be even better: The best horse buyers in Canada are advertised to be present. Drepared. Pie and box social.-In Ebenezer school house. February 17th. Ad- mission 15c. Ladies bringing box- es. free. Ladies Without boxes‘ 25c. A good program is being The annual meeting of the Nat- I ional Portland Cement Co. will be held in the Temple Building. To-; route. on Wednesday, February 23rd. rammencing at 9 3.111. We have secured the agency for “Cream of the West” flour. Every bag guaranteed.-â€"Mrs. Beggs .3: Son. 1 Another shipment of Royal Pur- ple stock and poultry specifics just arrived at S. P. Saunders’. The McGowan By-law was de- feated in the recount before Judge Hatton last week. Live hogs are down to $8.00 this week. --_ _.v.u1.,, puu113ll" . Minut s f ‘ :olumns two Weeks J e 0 regular meetmg, held t t . f anuary 10th, were read and adop- Won“ "'0“ or sl ted without comment. whlch We trust will: )us evil, hIp. Young’ The finance committee recom- of the most faithful , mended payment of the following the regular library . accounts: Robertson - Ca1dwe11.- That By- " “awe” at an “1"" law No. 571 be read a third time,’ signed. sealed and the by-Jaw boobâ€"Carried. gill‘ causing much : McLachlan â€" Caldwell.-That By mind:- of the fond 3 law No. 568 be read ‘1 third time, Deacon, of Stratfor [signed by the mayor 1nd at...» consult-Han um. I council go mto a committee of the Whole on Byylaws 568, the Mc- ‘Gowan By-Iaw,‘ and By-Iaw 571, with the reeve in the chair. At this iuncture the reeve refused to read the McGowan By-law in com- mittee of the whole, Committee rose and reported. Calder â€" R law No. 571 be â€"-Carried. nuuertson â€" Cal-dwell.â€"That the! Miss Ethel Heughan, of Mulock, banking business of the town be v isited with her friend, Miss Hazel Marshall. over the Week end. Calder -â€" Snell.--That the band' receive sufficient wood for use of (ab/1;? Blgrrogos, Of amfi?m';’sllft‘ band room‘till they remove to the e 188 pa mg an ‘55 0 e armoury.â€"Carried. .from Saturday till Tuesday. McLachlan â€"Sharp.-â€" That the M188 EthEI Limb! returned to Re- auditors’ report be accepted and gins Wednesday, after visiting her that fifty copies of the abstract be parents here for several weeks. ’ The regular session was gMonday, Mayor Laidlaw chair. The members of the {were all present. to send us their photos, so that but in doing the Work as Well. Immediate attention on the part of those who have not yet favored us with their photographs will greatly oblige. ’ We have pleasure in introducing lour readers to Mr. W. J. Ritchie, {the correspondent who reports so faithfully the news items from Edge Hill amd ~v1cinity. His shmt. pithy items are appreciated by us. and We are sure. tint many ofnrr; readers, at home and at a dis- tance. will have even a greater‘ pleasure in reading his frequent} budgets. Other .correspondents | o I OUR CORRESPON DENTS. mayor DUBHAI. out, mason, FEBRUARY 10 TOWN COUNCIL '. J. RITCHIE a Year, 50c for 6.~Mont'h5,'_or IOC a'l‘lonth. ,. as treas-~-$125.00. Laidlaw in the was held councfl Miss Margaret Caldwell left last week for New Lowell, near Barrie. where she has engaged as school teacher, at an advance in aalarv- Misses Lydia and Emma Dirstein, of Elmwood. were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. D. Kinnee over Sunday. Miss Ada Limin has returned to Detroit to resume her duties in the hospital as a nurse-in-trainâ€" Mr. W. Calder made a business trip to Thombury on Friday last. Mr. Dan. Campbell, of Holstein. was a caller on Tuesday. Mr. Jas. M. Allan, of Dromore. was in tOWn Tuesday. Mrs. G. McDoug-all, of WesthOpe. N. D., is visiting her brother, Mr. m1--- The judges selected Were Mr. Peter Ramage, Dr. Wolfe and Miss Carson. who pronounced program No. 2 as the most meritorious. In the guessing contest, Geo. Burnert was the winner. g A program contest Was a fea- §ture of the evening. Two commit- ;tees were appointed, and two sep- garate programs were presented, judges being appointed to give a decision as to the comparative merits. Program No. 1 consisted of a trio by Miss Sparling, Miss Burrows, of Holstein, and Mr. Will Glass.;an instrumental, by Miss Ireland; a recitation by Mrs. Sproat; solo, by Rev. Carter: 3 reading, by Miss Burrows; solo, by Miss Ball. Program No. 2 of an instrumental, by Geo. Yiirs :~ a reci tation by Mr. Banks; a couple of instrumentals, by McClocklin Bros. and Mr. Banks: a duet by Missesl Mead and Sirrs: and a solo by' Miss Mabel Latimer. ‘ odist church had a sock social on 4Monday night, when the basement of the church was pretty well packed to enjoy the evening’s em, . . tertai'nrment. Invitations Werel qaent out, accompanied by miniaâ€"I . ture socks, the receiver being ask-l led to return the sock with twice ; I as many cents in it as indicated by I 5the number of the sock he wore This. ,it must be admitted, would be hard on'the Durham women, ’who are noted for having big teen; fThe effort, however, proved to be: !quite a success, as the treasury? ,5 was increased by something in the! {neighborhood of thirty dollars,' f which the young people will apply ,towards paying off a debt on a ’ piano which they recently purchas- ed. On entering, everyone was presented with a numbered card, which enabled him or- her to hunt up a mate for the evening, and editor of this great journal, whose . bashful tendencies always caused? him to stand aloof from petticoat- ed paraphernalia, was kindly aided in hunting up his valentine, through the Voluntary assistanze’ of a sympathetic friend. ‘I D g , The young people of the Meth-‘i , I sudden exhaustion weak ion and proatration. Thu n such cases is Perrovim crating. tonic which in from freely ‘ '-t M ’ .01“ 1 this an] “fig-'- nâ€"DJ nâ€" â€" The THE SOCK SOCIAL. PERSONAL ’- Gun, is deriously parents. Dr. L 1910. Placing our order for quantities for spot cash, we money on your spring pure] patterns in New Ginghams New Embroidery and Insertions New Whitewear r order for these goods in pot cash, we are able to save spring purchases. about Spring Goods, but New Prints now is the time $1.00 PEI YEAH. weaves and fi-

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