West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 10 Feb 1910, p. 6

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By October 15th our new factory at Hanover will be completed. We will require fifty girls. We also have room for a few girls in our present quarters. Applications will be received now by WILLIAMS, GREENE 6: ROME CO., Limited IANOVE R, WANTED FIFTY GIRLS 7% Anyone sendtng s sketch and duct! Ion m Quick” ascertain our opinion ' other no invention is vroha! !y pnwntnb 0. ommnnlaâ€" u. "qu n :1}! t_'«m_fldelxtiul.‘HANDB°o on rm _. _.__ ._ _ NATION T0 PW Take notice that am will be made to the L1 Ontario at jg pgeunt ibuftrao; Oldest Agency téi'iocnnni Patents taken t rough Diana ‘1 ‘pccAt‘al gum», {if‘hgut chums. lathe {hue townâ€"o! Dug-ham, tor'an ac't ' confirm Byâ€"hv No. 508 o! the odd town‘ guarantoging the Bond- 01 ‘â€"-'v â€"â€"V_ Aganjvgduiély montagdvaefl'y‘ WEI!- Fhmun at any Momma 10m '1'qu f0! maria. 32:35 a you. peace would. Sol! D! u] netvndmyer} in“ 8 on "M Branch 0600. b F 8%.. In the great pruned training taboo] of Western Ontario. madam: no material evm'y wank. You take no ri~k in numer- ing our thaws. Our mums are the bra-t. and our graduates aware the high-grada- poomonn. Throoclapnnmemszâ€" Con-enlal. Shoal“! “I 100111.». Get our free catalogue and i'vostiguo into the mama of our whool. The time to enter is .\'U w stitiiflfic .Ilmmcan. D. A. MOLACHLAN "new“. 301ml“ '2“ b v at. Washington. D. 4L ONTARIO and Funeral Director\ A. BELL UN DE RT AKER Future Frammg on shortest If not, why not? Shipments of No. l goods arriv- ing daily. Is what every housewife wants We sell it. Mrs. Beggs Sons Fresh Water H E R R l N G Grade III.â€"-A. Pettigrew, A. Boy :“neral Director\ W. Brown. W. Pollock. R. Clark. Fullline of OatholicRobes, and blank Grade II.â€"-C. Grant, M- Morris, and white Cape for aged people. L. Kreller, 1- Kreller, 0- Clark. Grade I.â€"W. Barber, 1. Pettigrew Embalming a Specialty R. Morrison. R. McCabe. __ Averageattendance, 33. hriurn FfdMlflD rm clmrbzn S. McNALLY. Teacher. I-lo Solls Cheap All-wool Blankets at $3, $4 and ......... ' ..... $4.75 a pa Bed Comforters at $1.35, $1.75 $1.95, $3.50 and.. . .$3.75 each Large 11-4 Flannelette Blan- kets,white or grey. .$l.25 pair Wool Honey Comb Shawls, white, black, red or grey at. .500, 750, $1 and $1.40 each Large 60-30 size Smyrna. Rage ...... ..............$300 each Men’s Cardigan Jackets ...... ..................... $1.00 each Men’s Wool Undershirts and Drawers ................ 5001);) Men’s Heavy Winter Top Shirts .................. 501: up Ladies’ Vests Pr}? Ifol'fi’ifi'iér'lnme,’ Montreal, presumes it constantly and gives III penniaion to me his name. Snow Booneâ€"Next to Swallows ‘ ”‘D' garbggsggp} vlyre?)Hilaryâ€"Nex1 Sr. IV.â€"M‘ oor u o . . wrenoe’t G. M ° ‘ blacksmith shop. 1.. '12:“: . H. BEAN G O O D FLOUR A BAG OF us}? amen "°"°'R°"‘ L ‘ mm ms man _ ._ .- .. __-.â€"nvm Calder’s Block .-boxof ‘ Honor Rom. “The! 8.8. NO. 3. BBNTINCK. pair “P Siegi | Sr. IV.â€"M. Hartford. K. McCuaig, ‘» Grade vm.â€"J. Hopkinl. B. Coutts. E. Derby, A. Wise. J.- Derby Grade VIL-N. McRonald, A. Lawrence. A. Bailey, M. .Park. :1". Corbett. E. Park. E. McLean, M. Adlam. Grade VLâ€"B. Livingstone, R. Lawrence, M. McRonald. M. Math- er, A. Tumbull. M. Hopkins, G. Tumbull. Grade V.â€"W. Mather. A. Reay, C. Reay. Grade IV.â€"E. Milligan, MJ. Ad- lun. M. Adlam, J. Hopkins, R. Mil- ler. Grade II.â€"F. Reay, G.H. Torry, M. Charleton, 06. Hopkins, R. Mighton. Grade III.-M. Tumbull, G. J 01m- ston. 8. Adina), E. McLean. Grade I (a).â€"B. Mather, J. Milli- gan, T. Corbett, M. Bailey, V. Reay, V. Reay. Grade I, (kmâ€"A. McRonald, G. Gordon. Grade VIII.â€"A. Allan. M. Allan, E. Meade. M. Woods, W. Barbour, S. Morrison. Lost His Voice Entirely Mr. J.H. Woods. of Point Rock. Oneida Co.. N.Y.. had a hard ex- perience. “A bad attack of Ca- tarrh settled in my forehead and the pain over my eyes __was so in- tenseI thought my head would burst. My voice grew very hoarse and I coughed every night. and through the winter could scarcely speak. My voice was gone. Two doctors didn’t help me at all. The next doctor ordered Catarrhozone. It cure dme and now many others here use it also. My doctor says he doesn’t know anything so good for Catarrh and Throat Trouble as Catarrhozone. Use it to-day. you’re better tomorrow, 25c. and $1.00 at all dealers. Try Catarrho- zone. Grade VI.-â€"B. Woods, W. Woods, J. Matthews‘ M. Allan, G. McLaugh lin. M. Ker. Grade V.â€"H. Meade, M. Meade. E. McMeeken, R. Marshall. Grade IV.â€"J.Fin.nigan, W. Fin- nigan. Grade III.-P. McKechnie, E. Mc- Laughlin. B. Woods. Grade II sr.â€"E. McMeeken, Grade II‘ ir.-â€"-L. Chapman, T. Fin mgan. Grade I.â€"E. Woods. FRED. F. IRISH, Teacher. Many women suffer untold tor-3 ture from nervous debility arising from disorders of the feminine or- gans. Day by day they grow worse. A false sense of modesty prevents them :f‘rom using a good remedy like Ferrozone.â€"and it would cure them. Lost nerve force is brought backâ€"new vital energy is suppliedâ€" irregularities disap- pear. Ferrozone does restore weak pale women. For those who suffer and find work hard to bear nothing supplies the health and vitality that Fe‘rrozone so surely brings. Guaranteed free from alâ€" cohol and sure to cure, 500. at all dealers. Grade VII.--M. Leeson, F. Kerr. S. Grant. Grade VIII.â€"E. Barber, W. Blyth. B. Barber. H. Barber. Grade VI.-W. Hutton, M. Lee- son. H. Moore, A. Pettigrew. Grade IV.-â€"J. Leeson. W. Pollock‘ E. Mcllvride. Grade V.â€"S. Pettigrew, E. Wil- son. G. Grant, C. Barber. Those present every damâ€"K; Ma Cuaig. G. McCuaig, R. McDermid. Jr. IV.â€"B. Hartford, R. McDer- mid. F. Hooper. Sr. III..-I. McCuaig. Jr. III.â€"M. McEachern. W. Mc- Cuaig, M. Tucker. Sr. II.--L. Hartford. Jr. II. -â€"N. Shortreed. Pt. ILâ€"M. McKinnon, 3. Hart- ford. ~ 81-. I (Mrâ€"J. Shortreed, A. He- Cuaig. \ Average. attendance, 35. A. C. MMKENZIE, Teacher. Sr. I (a).â€"C. Tucker, E. McEach- Peculiar Weakness in Women. 8.8. NO. 2, EGREMONT. U.S.S. NO. 1. E. N. 8.8. NO. 10. G. E. S. 9. NO. 9 GLENELG. Sr. lVâ€"Maggie Ritchie, Susie Bell. Jr. IVâ€"Wny Patterson. John Bell, Johnston Allen, Willie Weir, Thomas Bell, Lorne A1109, Albert Aljoe. Sr. Illâ€"Ruby Meena, Chrissie Mc- Girr. Irene Ritchie. Emma. Atkinson, Lewis New‘ell. Willie McGirr. A reliable regulator; never fails. While these pills are exceed-inglv powertul in regulating the genera- tive portion 01 the female system‘ they are strictly safe to use. Re- fuse all cheap imitations. Dr. de Van’s are sold at $5.00 a box, or three for 810.00. Mailed to any ad- dress. The Scobell Drug Co., St. Catharines, Ont. eW For sale at Macfarlane Co’s. Jr. IIIâ€"Eddie Lindsay. Eliza Patterson. George Noble, Genrge Whitmore. Iâ€"Edna Ritchie. Jessie Bell, Jennie Meena. Sr. Primerâ€"Arthur Lindsay, Geo. Bell. Murcia Atkinson. John Meenn. Jr. Primerâ€"“’esley Noble. Etta Perry. Average attendance 31. THOS. A. ALLAN, Teacher. IIâ€"Maggie Bell, Ever-ct Meena. Maggie Lindsay, Nancy Lawrence. Martha Lawrenr'e, Lena Aljoe, Willie Matthews. Lena Ritr'hie. Email akin dudeâ€"get clogged up, the quickly becomes impure and frequently sores bteak out over the body. Thewaytobenltbem,»llx.Ricbard Wilson. who lives um London, Ont" found, is " to purify the blood. He write: “Forsometimelhadbeeni11alow, depressed condition. My appetite left me and I soon began to suffet from indi- gestion. Quite a number of small sores end blotcbes formed all over my skin. I tried medicine for the blood and used DURHAM SCHOOL. H. S. DEPT. Entrance to Normalâ€"Nellie Hep- burn, C. McDougall, Fred Smith. E. Edmonls, J nnet Fletcher. kinds at ointments, but without actotyraults. What was wanted was a thorough clansiug of the blood, and I looked about 111 vain gfor some medic cine that would accomplish this. At last Dr. Mom’s lndian Root Pills were brought to my notice, and they are one of the most wonderful medicine: I hueemknown. thloodwupuri- fled in e short time, sores healed up, my lndig on vanished. They always have a place in 111 home and are looked upon as the fa ' y remedy." Dr. Horse’s Indian Root Pills cleanse Jr. Matriculutjonâ€"N. Hepburn, C. McDoug'nll, V. Crawford, J. Smith. J. Fm quharson. Furm IIâ€"Anuie Clark. Margaret Mortley, Mary Backus, Vivian Craw- ford. Ernest McGirr. the system thorou 11 dealers at 25¢ a box.8 Form lâ€"Sarah Fulton, Nellie Burns. Ale); Bell. Maud Everett, Mary Loug- heed. P. S. DEPT. Sr. IV-~Helen Ireland, Ray Far quhnrson. Auuie McDonald, Casafe Russell, Jessie Currie. J r. IVâ€"Mnggie Torry, Olive Wright. Georgina Lawson, Ella Carson, Cald- well Marshall. Sr. IIIâ€"Ben Benton, Laura Bryon, Mary McKechnie, Allie McGowan and Norman Lenaha-n eq. J r. 11- Edie McKenzie. Willie Law- am, Donald McQueen. Ethel Whit- more. Russel Gun and Gibson Watt ea. Jr. IIIâ€"Sadie McKechnie, Wilhurt Knisley, Mary Smith, \Vilfred Camp- hall, Irene McPhee. Sr. Pt. IIâ€"Marie Heslitt, Jemima L-xwrence and Harold Ramege eq., Charlie Wright, Hazel Hutton. Clarence McGirr. Dr. W. Indian Root Pm. Hoalod Ir. Wilson'c Com Sr. Ilâ€"lTillie Levine. Gladys Search, Vera Allen, Nettie Lloyd and Isaac Mitchell eq., Robin Farquharson. the best. It cures sunburn, mos- éqnito and insect bites and stings * 35%.“. old sores. skin (lineages, etc. ' per tin. Jr. Pt. IIâ€"Flossie Lawrence. Jack McKechnie. Violet Snell, Arthur Mc- Gowan, George Bazen. Sr. Iâ€"Aunie Brooks, Sarah Donnel- ly. Ruby Carson, Reany Snell. Flora Nichol. Jr. IIIâ€"E. Vessie. '1‘. Gruby. Jr. IIâ€"E. McLean. M. Gmby. Sr. Primerâ€"W. Mitchell. C. Mit- chell, M. McArthur. R. Veeeie. Jr. Primerâ€"M. Mitchell. Average attendance. ll. . Younooda flood-aha inthe 130mg. _Da_yis’ enthol Salve il Vollet, David Donnelly. Robbie Hillia, Nina J obnaton. Jr. Iâ€"Oecil Wiggins, Eddie Mo- Queen, Myrtle Baker, Lillie Moore. Wilfred Thompson. Sr. IVâ€"H. McKechnie. Jr. IVâ€"W. Edge. . , Sr. IIIâ€"M. McKechnie, A. Mc- Kechnie, S. McAl-thur. For Bronchial and Throat affec- tidna, Allen’s Lung Balsam is un- equalled. When the sewers of the bodyâ€"buyels, Intermediate Iâ€"Myrtle Koch, Grace Dr. do Van’s Fémalo Pills. U. S. 8. NO. 2, B. 8: G. S. S. MACLEAN, Teacher. i-The Best The best is the best, and it is at our store you will find it. No danger of indigestion if you get your bread, cakes, etc. from us. Try our ‘Home-made’ specialâ€"very appetizing' and nourishing. MODEL BAKERY z-x" . .1 GEO.STINSON ‘0‘. s O iii/”'3”? 5/0/15”; f Canada , :5 KING 5! EAST .- 4 §¢¢¢¢w¢¢* Feb. 10, 10 lo During the past thu hon McIntosh have ti ability, to serve their ombly, and now than tl partnership, I take W the public for past is you for a share of your * the business and will t vious efforts to satisfy 1 lie generalh. Pratts’ Reliable Stock every package guarmm assorted stock of FUR made to order. All at, In order to make u quit-ed, I offer the steel A Busin Builders’ Supplies Carpenters’ and F3 Skates and HG Rogers' at Galva American Coal Oil Per Gallon .. FRANK Still a large asso: at slaughter. prices. supplied many satisfie of real bargains and u better yet. If you w securing high-class gm should not miss an a refunded. Good Factory Cotton, wide, at a yard ....... English Extra Heavy ette, suitable for wr‘ dren’s dresses, at a Men’s Suits wort-h $ Boy’s Two and Three $3.50 to $5.00, for. Fleece-lined Underwe good quality, for ...... High-class Overcua' Bargains in Dress ¢ Men’s Elastic Web, um at 750, for ................. Everything is ex mintepreeentation. (I New Groceri from .................. TWEN A Reductio Consisting At M‘ 190 Full meusu

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