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Durham Chronicle (1867), 17 Feb 1910, p. 5

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UN C0. w a “'edding preocnt to have . We have numerous articles in nu. my take a little precautio- I. heir feed. That. Iimply .0.- )e rennw m-d allot yo u for the next week in 9 Supports, Skate Straps and bu be here. You may scald try it. 25c 13 package [BUYS IT'S 6000 darkness cull on us “our our order as early as 9 no delay. Ask for .re hand made goods. for EA VB TROI'G H- resent prices. Prices long. “tended to. t is coming to you in Coal Oil. r: and American at 15¢ per gal. Pd Mata. Outed m Flour. etc. cal to make. him happy. Buy aways look pleasant. riot. We can sell you n) Axe ACK .npg [hair digestive organs, ‘3‘ short notice at all hours r'hipa. Halters and Harness. n in Grey County. Bundles frbm 10c up. ithout 3 Snow Shovel. Call D STAND CONFECTIONER AND GROCERM akery ets T EDT nmrkwt Canadian at 15c and Cattle SPICE Feb. 17 ‘ While it is often impossible to prevent an accident. it is never impossible to be preparedâ€"it is not beyond anyone’s um. Inâ€" vest 25c. in a bottle 0 Chamber- lain’s Liniment and you are pre- ared tor sprsins. bruises and like juries. 80%: :11 dealers. W. LAIDLAW, Local Manager 14 about to publish a new isue of the 0mm: Telephone Directory tor the DI:- trict at Central Ontario, Including Olders for new connections, changes of firm names, clunges of street ad- dresses or for duplicate. entries should be handed in AT ONCE T0 NEW TELEPHONE DIRECTORY SPEED AND COMFORT Passes through principal Canadian nd American cities. No monotony. Modern equipment. For rates, tickets and full informa- tion apply toâ€" NEARLY ALL DOUBLE TRACK CONTRIBUTING TO SAFETY â€" 3: the GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY System Via way of St. Clair Tunnel and Chicago. Choice of routes from there. hsoengers forâ€" Toronto. Ont noo- pom others. It will pay you. Writa today for our handsome catalogue GET A PRACTICAL EDUCATION By attending the famous The Bell Telephone Company of Canada MANITOBA Saskatchewan A L B E R T A Ready-umde Suits, Ready- mado Pants, Overalls, Ladies’ and Men’s Underwear, Blan- kets,‘Voollen Sheeting. Prints, Flannelettes. Men’s and Boys’ Caps and Gloves and a. host of other articles. Real bargains in fresh Fruit; Currants. R a i s i n s, Lemons, Oranges, etc. Real bargain: in rhnice Groceries. Vncronu Ava" thoson. 031.. Cum“ Real drop from revular prives. No marking up first and than marking down to 11mins the prices look like bar- gains. Our goods will be all sold at. - Real Bargains for ten days, beginning Sat- urday, December u tress-THE neoncneo PAD tbfimm Real ..... Bargains ' er and Stomach complaints. All Female weakness, painful and irregular periods. Men. Women and Children are benefittedalike. . Price one pair one dollar. Qut . quickly introduce will mail With order One Pair Freeâ€"that is two pairs on lpt of this advertisrnent and one dollar. Order ny this cheap and reliable treatment. 20 {lay and Liver Medicated Pads Feb. 17; 1910 DURHAM J. TOW’NER, Depot Agent. “1"" We are pleased to report this Dunn. Fl: 10, 1910. week tint John Brown to recover- “at .......... noon" 05 tutu-unburned“ "Ina... S. SCOTT Wham... .105“; ELLIOTT 120030 13 10 10 25 co 14001 I70 105 The regular meeting of our Lit- erary ,society on Friday evening last proved very interesting. The subject under dincuuion was a bill to tu bachelors over thirty. the money no obtained being ep- pned town-an the maintenance of On Wednesday evening last a most enjoyable party was given at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Edge. Dancing constituted the principal amusement, but those who did not care to dance were agreeably entertaind by other games. and by music and song. The music for the dance was sup- plied by Messrs. Jos. Firth, J. L. McDonald and the host himself. Mr. and Mrs‘ Dougald Campbell, returned on Friday after spend- ing their honeymoon at Niagara. Falls. Hamilton. Toronto, and l other points. I Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Ritchie are spending a couple of weeks with relatives in Paisley, Greenock and Lucknow. Miss McKerracher, of Durham. spent over the week end. the guest of Miss Amy 1. Edge. Mr. Will Alice is engagel with Mr. D. Edge for the summer months. and commenced duties this week. Mr. Barrett, of Bagot‘ Man., was a visitor at the home of Mr. W.R. Edge last week. Haven’t you a weak spot, a place where cold an dinflammation aIWays settles? Whether it is in the neck. side, joints or limbsâ€" the cure is simpleâ€"a good , rub with Nerviline and then apply a Nerviline Porous Plaster. These great rubefacicnts invariably cure strain. swelling. weakness and muscular pain. There is no mys- tery about this. Nerviline is the most penetrating liniment knownâ€"consequently it gets Where the trouble really is. Nerviline Porous Plasters are great healers and draw out congestion. Be sum,- you get the genuine, substitutes can’t do the work. One ‘by one. the pioneers of this vicinity are being called to join the great majority. This week, we chronicle the death of Mr. Thomas Orchard. who departed this life ‘on lWednesday of last week at the age of 65 years and 6 months. ' About a week before his demise he contracted a cold, but did not regard it as serious. 3However, pneumonia set in, and nothing could be done to relieve the dis- tress. About fifty-iive years ago. he came with his parents from the county of Wentworth, and settled on a farm where the village of Orchard‘ville now stands, and after whom it was. named. There he. with the other members of the family, shared the hardships of the early settlers. About forty-five {years ago, he chose as his life’s ii I 33"50. partner, Miss Christie Main, who predeceased him five years ago. Ten 'yearsago, he retired from ‘ active farm life and took up his residence in this village. He was Quiet and unassuming, a devoted .member of the Methodist churchu] and Conservative in politics. He 1 was a kind parent, and was ever '1 interested in the welfare of his 1 family. He leaves two sons, John 1 and William, and one daughter. 1 Terra. (Mrs. J. Durant). one brother t John. of London, Ont., and three .1 sisters. Mrs. Taylor, of Barrie, Mrs. i( Greenwood, of Glenelg, and. Mrs.i1 Little. of Allandale. The memor- ,1 ial services were conducted by his it pastor, Rev. G. A. King, B.A.. as-' sisted by Rev. J. Little, of. ishe. Presbyterian church here. The 1 remains were interred Friday in the Mt. Forest cemetery, the parl- bearers being his old friends. Messrs. A. Aitken, R. Mickleboro. J. B. Hunt, Thos. Brown, W. Tay- lor and J. D. Roberts. Gone, but 8 not forgotten. S (3“!de 'W. J., J. H. Sharp, and Mrs.“ D. P. Coleridge received the sad intel- ligence of the death 0! their un- cle, Mr. Geo. Ingles, of Mon'kton. at the advanced age of 86 years. Hr. and Mn. Arthur Hunt and family returned Monday from Grand Valley. Mina Ethel Sharp returned Mon- day {mm the Queen City, after having spent a couple of weeks with friends there. Rev. Mr. Evans, of Drew, occu- pied the pulpit of the Methodist church. Holstein circuit. on Sab- bath. the Rev G.A. King conduct- ing the sacramental services in the Drew circuit. Toronto. Bert. Edwarb Open: _a couple of day- t-hh week on budneu in Are Your Joints Lame? Edge Hill. New York. Dandruff can be cured in 10 days. The hair is made soft and fluffy. dashALVIA will grow hair in abund ce. Ladies can now have a luxuriant head of real, {lufiy‘ a arkling hair. free from Dandruff y using the new Eng fish-American Hair Vig or SALVIA. Go to Mr. Maclarlane‘s drug store and purchase a 50c. bottle. A guarantee goes with ev- erv bottle. SALVIA contains Henna and Sag e. __8ALVIA is used by the elite go! A large boiftle only costs we. .,and in” m" V“ “I“ 3 money back proposition. 3-17 Mr. and Mrs. Thou. My recently Well equipped gymnasiums,baths and s-iwmming pools, with outdoor athletics and aquatics, and sum- mer camps, furnish recreation: make for health and efficiency, and help young men and boys to rightly understand their physical functions. Young men are assisted in find- ing suitable boarding houses and useful employment. Mr. W. A. Glass is the corres- ponding member for Durham and vicinity. If you know of any man leaving for University, City. North-west. or any other place, it would be for his interest if-you would inform Mr. Glass at once. Salvia, the New American Hair Vigor natural expression of the social nature, and many lasting and help in] friendships are formed. It employs practical means and appeals to the spiritual, social. mental and physical desires and tastes. In modern Association buildings. which most of our cit- ies have, evening educational classes in the common and techni- cal branches. lectures and travel talks. debates and parliaments,and the discussion of timely themes. supplemented by reading rooms. reference and circulating libraries, give abundant opportunity for self culture and advancement to all young men. and especially those who have been deprived'of an ear- ly education. The aim of the Association is to surround young men with whole- some influences, and lead them into the Christian life and to church membership, developing all their powers for Christian living and service. The Young Men’s Christian As- sociation, (in Canada there are 34 Associations) has become a world Wide organization. It has adapted itself to the needs of men in every continent and country. We are trying to secure a young man in each community to act as corresponding member. He will give letters of introduction, and forward to Provincial committee all particulars regarding young men leaving home. In this way the young men are introduced to pastors. where no Young Men’s Christian Association is organized. Association secretaries‘ and com-- panions that will elevate rather than pull down. The Provincial committee of the Young Men’s Christian Asso- ciations. through the corres- ponding member, does this very thing. A npn-c-ticky, daintily perfumed In any case, the young man leaving home for the first time enters a crucial period in his life and has need of help or someone that can give him an opportunity to help himself. a great many cases it is necessary, and in others they are simply at- tracted by the allurements of the city or the great North-West. Some go with a definite object in view. While others go because they think “far-off field's look green.” Helping The Young Men Loav- ing Home. Thousands of young men in our small towns and rural communi- ties leave the old home yearly. In 'a home tor elderly spinners. Ir. 0.3. lotflt was Prime Minister. and was assisted by am John L. chomald and Herb. ’ Ritchie. lThey brought lorth many mum to show how the.bill would be a benefit. The bill was opposed by W.J. Ritchie. who was ably sup- ported by John Moftat. Mr. John G. Firth was Speaker of the House and gave the best of satisfaction, as his ruiings were very impartial and always accepted and complied with by both parties. After the bill had been discussed, many ;questions and cross-questions were fired across the floor of the House We must give the Prime Minister great credit for his ready wit in answering questions. The bill was then put to the House,that is the audience, and was defeated by the narrow margin of ten votes. The rest of the program consist- ed in instrumental music, some recltations and duets. The next meeting on Feb. 25th is to be the girls’ literary. THE DU BEAM CHRONICLE A sleigh load of the youn people of this part attended the 8Literary Societ y’a “Mock Parliament,” at amet- Ritchie’s school. on Friday night t, and ’en’oyed themselves immenoely. The bil was date-ted. Mr. Robt. Lindsay recently made a trip to Dundalk and purchased a. fine three-yearâ€"old colt, for which he paid the handsome sum of $18). We wish to ofler our heartest con- gratulations to our brother correspon- dent at McWilliamsville who recently igined the ranks of the benedicts. ay their lives be full of bliss. Mr. Ju. Atkinson returned home from the Queen city, on Friday last. Miss Annie Atkinson left for Toron- to on Saturday last where she will remain for an indefinite time. The meeting of the affirmative and negative took place at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Sam. Ritchie on Tuesday night of last week to arrange their points and make a slight change in the subject for discussion at their next debate. The subject as amended reads as followszâ€"Resolved that the platform does more to benefit the world, than the press. Speakers on the aflirmatiVe are. Miss Ethel Weir, M. J. Staples and J. McGirr. Those (m the negative are. Alex Aljoe, Miss Bella McGirr and Wm. Weir. Ni ht of debate is Tuesday coming eb. 220d. They all had a very enjoyable time until the wee sma’ hours. Mr. Adam Watson sold_ his fine three yearold colt last. week to Mr. Wm. Lunney of Abeldeen, for the handsome figure of $140. An attack 01 the grip is often fol lowed by a persistent cough. which to manv moves a great an- noyance. Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy has been extensively used and with good success for the re- lin’ and cure of this cough. Many cases have been cured after all other remrdiea had failed. Sold by all dealers. Mr. Austin Derby nf Mmmt Forest, arrived home on Fridu. night and shook hands with Ham en friends on Saturda and Sunday ieaving again on Mon ay to resume his studies at the business college. It is a remarkable coincidence that the House of Lords, and House of Commons in Great Britian are having atussle over the budget, while two similar parties at Hampden are trying to decide whether it is right or wrong to have a. choir and organ in the church at Sunday worship. As right is might and has been for past ages. the House of Commons is bound to win in both cases. For the last month the 18th and 16th of Nornmnby. two of this little ham- let’s thoroughfares have been made busy by the passing of teams to and from the Hmnpden saw mill. and Messrs. Seim and Miller’s yard now has the appearance of a. cemetery, for monarchs of the forest. U. M. has killed a few big ones. â€"monarchs of the forest we mean, of course. Mr. \V. and Miss Vina. \Villis spent an e\ ening ltSL week at, “The Maples.” A number of Hampdenites attended the anniversary services of the Hun- uver Presbyterian church on Sunday, and also the ten meeting and semi-ed cuncert on Monday night. Mr. and Mrs. A. Derby of Bantinck, visited warmly with Mr. 'I‘hos. and Mrs. J_. Derby. Bm'n-Jl‘o Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Young. a. son. Miss Kate McLean, of Walkerton, spent a few days the guest of her friend, Miss Etta Anderson. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Vickers, of Bentinck. spent, an afternoon at. the home of Mrs. J. Derby. Do you know that croup can be prevented? Give Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy as soon as the child becomes hoarse or even after the croupy cough appears and it will prevent the attack. It is also a certain cure for croup and has never been known to fail. Sold by all dealers. ‘ Miss C. H. Hutton milliner who has been engaged with J. N. Adams Cu. Butfalo, N. Y., arrived home the let inst and neturned the 15th. Mrs. A. Graham. Hanover, is visit- ing Mr. and Mrs. D. Hopkins. One evening lately Mr. and Mrs. G. Noble visited the farmer’s mother Mrs. G. Noble, Durham. Recently Mr. and Mrs. W. Gulf and sons Roht. and Geo. visited the chil- drensuncle and aunt. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Picken, Poplar Hill. Under Dr. J. O. Hotton’e Wt wehose to eoon heu- thet It. end In. . anrenoe’e baby will hove entirely renowned. In. Incohesney who hu epent a ple of week. with her domhter 1300 Ian. 8.1.nnm'llie mm her other .‘dnughter Ire. Matthewmnsilenelg. Hr. Alf. uhktiemd Mine M. J. Oufl Sundnyed with lnttor’e aoubin Mine lflopkine, Hanover. Mr. and Mn. 8. Coatte, Vickere. Sundnyed with the farmer’s sister Mrs. E. Armstrong. Mn. Geo. v. Lawrence, Alberta, is‘ spending 1 couple of months with his i Ifuther and mother Mr. and Mrs. C.| We are lad to be able to chronicle that Mrs. QM Alexander who has been suffering froma severe attack of la- gripp has recovered. Miss L. P. Hopkins. teacher from near Holstein, spent the 13m at. her home. . Mr. ahd Mrs. T. J. Milligan recently visited her parental home Mr. and Mrs. H. Lawrence..Glenelg. Mr. McMahon. Allan Park, who has been engaged in removing the jam on the Saugeen river has returned home. .Mr. S. Langrill has a number of men engaged helping him to get the timber for a new barn which he intends erect- ing this summer. Miss A. Lawrence. Blytb Corners, spent Saturday with her [nether Mrs. J. Lawrence. Lawrence. Darkies’ Corners. Hutton Hill. Hampden. â€"-v-v--V "wnvs 5V5 .0” I If troubled with indi cation, con- reatorea every nerve in the body‘lst ‘2 ipation, no appetite. or feel bil- zfid $2,133 wgzgg:: r2332; ”:3 ions. give Chamberlain’s Stomach once. PHOSPHONOL will make and Liver Tablets 1 trinl nnd you you n new nun. Price ”.00 a box will be pleased with the result. or two (or $5.00. Mailed to any ad- . . - drelu. The Bcobell Drug C 0., 8t.gThetse tablet: mvxgorate the atom Catharina, Ont. ew net: and liver, nnd strengthen the For ule at Madulnne J: Co’s. digestion. Sold by all dealers. vâ€"â€"â€" ”v- “Iv‘Ibu V‘sl Mrs. 8. Robinson #533 very sick with pneumonia and Mrs. \V, will start at once to help take care of her daughter. Mrs. Isaac \Vilkinso}: last week re- ceived the sad news that her giqughpep “-1. D Dâ€" Wednesd 1y of this week Wm. Prew ' and Miss Nellie McAnulty join heart and hand for better or for worse. We wish their voyage over the mat- ritnonialsea may be very leasnnt sailiu and that they may long! spareg to enjoy life together. 9 H. Wilkinson has been sick for some time. He was confined to the house for a week or so but at time of writ- ing we are glad to say is around again. Mrs. David Allan is this week visit- ing her sister Mrs. Dickson. at Glen Eden and friends in Mt. Forest. We wish her a pleasant visit. Rev. Mr. Wright from Durham. reached sacremental services in the arney church on Sunday last and if. 9 us an excellent sermon. Rev. r . Carter took his work in Durham and Zion. Bornâ€"To Mr. and Mrs. Win. Grant, adaughter. Mother and child doing nicely. Miss Annie McKenzie from your town, teacher at the Vickers school. visited at Robt. Pettigrew’s from Sat- urday till Sunday night. Miss McK. is always a welcome visitor around Varne{las she taught for three years in the arney school. IIIII Q‘ ‘1‘," i-ead y for (:56 find it is going Lu be Ath” The remodelling of the new sum-e is pmgxessing rapidly and will soon be A. Mchhe’s little baby buy held another very bad turn last. week but hope be Is getting better and we hope he may continue to do so. R. J. Eden’s baby has pom-1y for some time but, glad to my getting better. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Brown of \V-u'uey visited uneday last week at the lat- ter’s sister Mr. D. Mountains. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Derby and fmuily, Mrs. D. McCrie and Hughie. Mr. and Miss McNaughtun and Nur- man Kerr spent a very fileusant even ing at, the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Kerr’s on Thursday night last. J. \V. Blyth was up to L. O. L. 1192, on Monday night the 7th. tn help giVe some Royal Arch degrees. There were. five who took the degrees. A number from Varney attended the Ladies" Institute meeting held last week at the home of Mrs. Bert Sume- house and they say they had a splendid meeting. James Burt’s sale was attended by a very large crowd and things Went otf lively and for a. good price. Auctioneer Brigham was in his usual good tune and caught the winks and nods at a lively rate. Bob is hard to beat for the job. Our mill man Norman Kerr invited between fliteen and twenty from Var- ney to spend an evening at his paren- tal home on Friday last and they say they did enjoy themselves immensely. Iron and Brass Casting: oud xenon] Repairing. Feed boilers. fitters supplies. Engine. Ind Thrashers. ' Bach and Doors. PM General Wood Work. Property is still changing hands around Varney. Con Kreller has Sold his filacre farm to Mr. Colin Blyth. Con and family are off for the West in a few weeks. The prayer meeting at Tim Grashy’s last. Thursday night was well attend- ed. It will be at. the home of R. J. Allan this Thursday night. and next, week at Mr. Wilcon’s. A few from Varuey went. down to Holstein last Thursday night to skate and they had to go some you bet u» keep warm and then some of them gut nipped with the frost. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Eden gave a number of the young people and some of the older ones too a nutty at their home week before last. They report, having a good time. Wm. Morrison who has been visit.- ing around here for the past few months returned to his home in the west, week before last _ ___.-â€" who“ IIVU.‘ alllu nll‘ Florence Clark visited the farmer’s niece Mrs. John Maxim-y, in Holstein since our last budget. â€" vrvâ€"v vâ€"v H- giant of last week'sâ€"muting wood :lzh r. Jen. Matthews. The barbershop in town known as Thus. Swellow’s will henceforth be operated by Mr. Roht. \Vhicmore, of this place. who purchased the cum- Rllece fixtures on Monday last, from r. Thus. Swallow. We congratulate Robt. and wish him a full measure of success in his new venture. The man mend; of Mrs. Adm. Watson vi 1 be pleased to learn that she is improving rapidly. Mr.‘ Ravid Ritphie agent the greater “’e magnet to nee that the town 1.- Durhem to en duintereeted in the we! fare of the town and also in the wel’ fare of the farming community I) defeating the McGowan By-lnw, whic would hnve been a. benefit to both. Mr. Sam Ritchie sold {nae ham Windy for u nut figure. Mr. ngid Ritchie 11de a cow .t Mr. Burt's ale on riday last. II- AnnIo Smith. of Buttock. but Matthegueotof It. cud In. Adan Weir and funny. moved into Mr. Wu. Weir's hon-a. Electric Restorer for Ken THE DURHAM FOUNDRY 0. SMITH sons. DURHAM, ONT. ; Clan-E nopdjitfgle girls and Varney. the anrmépg been way 15, we are. i This Friday night the locale go to Paisley in the last championship match of the season. So tar, the [Paisleyites have won one game |and lost six. and will stand no Tli‘s week we anxiously await the “sporting” edition of the Markdale Standard, and will, as the first pieliminary. turn to the sporting: page for a perusal of the account 01 the boxing contest Lhell there last Thursday evening. Bo doubt the Standard man will exhaust his supply of adjectives telling how Billy Swatquick landed repeatedly on Kid Hithard’s bread basket. thereby disturbing the equilibrium of the Kid’s supper. and how the “Kid.” in return. con- nected frequently with Bill’s trom- bone. and knocked the cork out of his claret bottle. The battle be- tween Jem Flatear and Tommy O’Shoot should also receive con- siderable attention. Anyway, it was a good exhibition, and there was something doing every min- ute. according to some of the local sports. who took in the fiasco. and were highly pleased with the pro- The match to-night, Wednesday. between Chesley and Durham‘ will undoubtedly be the best, fastest‘ and hardest-fought game ever played here. and one that will be interesting from start to finish. Referee Scott, of Palmerston. gave good satisfaction to both teams. who played good, clean hockey. there being only {our pen- alties handed out. cala, however, Won out for them in the last halfx when they scored 6 goals in easy fashion. So far u their opponents’ teamwork Was concerned._ the Durhams would awatted the rubber out of his ter- ritory in all directions. score of 8 goals to 2. Though the score 'was lopâ€"sided‘ the game wasn’t by any means,and although Durham had most of the puck in both sessions, it took them fifteen minutes to score the first one. - The Northern League hockey match between Walkerton and Durham. played here on Friday ‘--‘ A-- The better condition of the lo- HOCKEY 0â€"0â€"0 0â€"0â€"0 Plowing and

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