West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 17 Feb 1910, p. 6

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WW APPLBNI‘ION TO rum Take notice that an up “cation will be made to the “3:31:11” 0! Onteflo at its preeent eion, by the town of Durham, tor en ect to confirm By-lev No. 568 of the odd town. nerentedng the Bonds of WILLIAMS, GREENE ROME CO., Limited mnovn. - - ounmo By October 15th our new factory at Hanover will be completed. ‘Ve will require fifty girls. \Ve also have room for a few girls in our present quarters. Applications will be received now by WANTED FIFTY GIRLS nfifék‘w ascertain our opinloii floo'wixetbéé'ifi mum na to probably ‘pat nmbl ommunlca Hon. strzctly confldcnhtl. ANUMOD Pm sent two. Oldest unency 1'01 seem-ma Patents men through Numb km you mm. without. charge. In the ,LAâ€" Anyone sending u sketch and description may nick)! ascertain our opinion {roe yhethet an TH F.‘ and Funeral Director\ Future Frammg on shades: A. BELL U N DE RTAKER Full line of Catholic Robes, and blank and white Caps for aged people. Even people‘whq‘u-eusuapy _ Ben-(inch Council. If nm. whv not? Shipments M .\'n. l gmlds mriv- ing dm' 3'. Is what evnry housewife wants Fresh Water H E R R i N G Mrs. Beggs Sons He Sells All-wool Blankets at $3, $4 and ......... . ..... $4.75 a pair Bed Comforters at. $1.35, $1.75 Makes Solid Flesh $l,95, $3.50 nud....$3.75 each Large 11-4 Flannelette Blan- 969999}! Wt?! 3.11 .appetita _ . It builds up the jade-(1., run-down FENCI system 11: a natural way D. McKinnon soundfloobomu atalldna- Loan lot 31.3 (in; C. Lawrence. J Home you at the” con. J. Brown. manure-edema“ 1301‘“ 1’ _.__-_ “â€"1 kéts,whiw or grey. .$l.25 pair Wool Honey Comb Shawls, white, black, red or grey at. .500, 750, $1 and $1.40 each Large 60-30 size Smyrna Ruge Men’s Cardigan Jackets ...... .................... $1.00 each Men’s \Vool Under-shirts and Drawers ................ 500 up Men’s Heavy Winter Top Shirts ................ Ladies’ Vests .......... Cheap Snow Roomsâ€"Next to Swallows Barber Shop. RESIDENCEâ€"Nex‘ door South of W. J. Lawrence’s blacksmith shop. mealming a Specialty . H. BEAN G O O D FLOUR \Ve sell it. I! BIG Galder’s Block (Trade M) :up Bentinck council net at Lamâ€" hdx. on Monday, Feb. 7th,~ mem- bers all present. the meme in the chair, minutes of last meeting read and passed. To the municipal council of Bent incl: Gentlemenâ€"Your committee appointed to enquire into the} Treasurer’s sureties beg leave to report the same to be correct and satisfactory. All of which is res- pc-ctfully submittedâ€"1F. Dods-' worth. reeve; T. 'Clark. auditor. l Wilsonâ€"~Noble.â€"That the report on treasurer’s sureties be adopted and they be paid. 82 each for their services and the registry office be paid 75c. for searchâ€"Carried. The auditors presented their re- port, when it was moved by Rob- ert Grierson, and seponded by W. Lunney-That the auditors’ report be accepted, and *they be paid their salary of $6 each, and J.W. Vickers be paid $6 for auditor for 1908.â€"Carried. , By-law No. 2. regulating the scale of statute labor. and By-law N6. 4. appointing pathmasters for the current year were duly passed. Lunneyâ€"Grierson.â€"That D. Mc- Kinnon be appointed an ad- ditional member of the board of health for the year 1910.â€"Carried. Wilsonâ€"Noble. â€" That George Mitchell be pzfid the sum of $29.00, balance of 1909 printing account, Wileonâ€"Lunney.â€"That the ac- count of ‘Schlegel and Muter, of 25 cents for welding scraper bar be paidâ€"Carried. Nobleâ€"Grierson.â€"That Wm. G. Hastie be appointed assessor for the township of Bentinck for 1910 at the salary of $90.â€"-Carried. Lunney â€" Noble. â€" That Robert Grierson and Samuel Putherbough be appointed a committee to find out and report on the probable cost of draining water from road- Way or? concessions 8 and 9‘ N.D. R.â€"Carried. Wilsonâ€"Noble.â€"-That the Muni- cipal World be paid the sum of $11.44 for assessor’s roll and sta- tionery, and copies of Municipal World‘ and cheque do issueâ€"Car. and printing local option ballots, and cheque do tunaâ€"Carried. Wilsonâ€"Noble.â€"-That the report of the special committee on San-- geen jam be placed on file.-â€"Car. Nobleâ€"Grierson.â€"That the sal- ary of treasurer for 1909, amount- ing to $100, be paidâ€"Carried. Wilsonâ€"Grierson. â€"- That J. 9. Wilson be paid the sum of $2 for preparing financial statement, for 1909.-â€"Carried. “ Wilsonâ€"Grierson. â€" That ‘the‘ reeve and councillor Noble be paid $2 each for investigating the case of Joseph Samens reported to be in destitute circumstances.â€"Car. Wilsonâ€"Grierson.â€" That J. S, Wilson be allowed to refund 50c. overpaid on culvert, S.L. 26, con. 4.â€"«Carried. Lunneyâ€"Grierson.â€"That a grant of $5 be given to the Sick Child- ren’s Hospital, Toronto.-Carried. Wilvsonâ€"Lunneyâ€"That each com missdoner be granted the sum of $300 for improvement on roachâ€"C. 1910 PATHMASTERS. Garafraxa road.â€"~C. McIntyre, J. Le-dingham. D. McArthur, T. Bell. N. McLean. J.'Vessie, R. Milburn. J. Ritchie. 51‘. Grasby. Con. 2 and 3, W.G.R.-T. Hill, J. Stewart. D. Watson, A. Ireland, H. McLean. .A. McLean, J.D. Clark, S. McCracken. T. Fulton, C. Law- rence. D. Domnelly, R. Webber sr., T. Mountain. Durham Road.-C. Rehkopf, J. Fursman, J. Lynn, T. Tompkins, D. Adlam, F. Reay. Con. 2 and 3, S.D.R.â€"P. Weber, R. Davis, J. Wylie, J. Hudson, E. Hopkins, A. Archibald, W. Willis, A. Park, J. Milligan. Con. 2 and 3. N.D.R.â€"J. Bad- ertacher, J. Milligan, J. Noble, H. Menorachmidt, W. Pearson, G. Al- exander. E. Hopkins. _ Con. 4 and 5.â€"G. Hamel, J. Park J. Winter, D. Chittick, R. Trafford, W. Adlam. J. Noble. Con. 6 and 7. â€"F. Monk, 8. Hab- ermehl, J. Patterson, W. Gross, D. McDonald .Tra_ynor, D. Clark. Con. 16 3116 11.-â€"-B. Reier, J. Sheba 'W. Hastie. J. Kaufman, T. Stinson. 3.330339. Con212‘and l3.â€"R. Gillies, J. Get- man. '1‘. Smith, B. Cross, A. Green. J. __Honis-s, '1‘2 Flanpigan. Con. 14 and 15.â€"L. Brown, J. An- derson. R. McCulin, R. Miller. G. Parker. C Colter, jr., 0. Schreiber. J. Schilling, W. Lister. POUND KEEPERS. R. Leding ham, D. McLean, A. McDonald. 2.1‘ Bailey, fl‘. _Hutto_n, J. .4 Con. 8 and 9.â€"H. Becker, A. Black. H. Shreinert, H. Sachs, L. Mahn, 8. Boy de, A. McDonald, A. ngkirk, W. yC90k_ H_. _Urst_ad_t. FENCE VIEWERS. D. McKinnon, R. Corlett, D. Mc- Lean lot 31. H. Reay. W. Grierson. C. Laygence. A. __Meye_r, J._ Patter- W. Lnnney, G. Schenk, J. Park. G. Leglie. J. Howie, J. Leeson. D. Geiger. THE DURHAM CHRONICLE W. livilie, L. Dietz, . Council met February 7th. Min- utes adapted. Correspondence with Minister 0-! Education re payment of Truant officer reply “That it a municipal council appoints a tru- and officer. his aersvices should be paid out of the general rates. Philp-Watson. â€"Owing to above reply. no action be taken. â€"Carried Watsonâ€"Roberts.-That J. Cor- ley, tenant. lot 1. can. 8, be paid 82 right of way to gravel pitâ€"C. By-law 241. to appoint an as- sessor passed its readings. The name of Walter A. Reeves was in- serted in by-la'w, salary $90. By-law 243. to enable reesve and treasurer to borrow money was passed. By-law 242‘ to appoint collectors was passed. The name of J.C. Ad- ams was inserted as collector for the N.D., salary $35; -an'd that of Wm. Horsburgh for S.D.. salary 835. By-law 244 to appoint pathmast- era, was passed. The list of path- masters will be published later. McIlvrideâ€"Roberts.-â€"That an or- der for $14.63 be drawn in favor of the .clerk of the division court, Durham,in full for costs Egre- mont re Bryams suitâ€"Carried. Dr Brown received $10 for medi- cine re Olive Cartur as settlement in full. Philpâ€"McIlvride.â€"That the aud- itors report be adopted, and they receive $10 each for their services, and 200 capies be printed for dis- tribution.â€"-Carried. Resolved that the following ac- counts ‘be paid: W.J. Funstoâ€"n. spreading gravel, om P.T. line, $1; Municipal World. assessor’s sup- plies. $8.56; G.E. Hudson, printing byrlaws, ballots, $43.00; W.B. Sut- ton, express charges, 50c.; clerk; telephoning. 25c. Com. McIlvride reported on Treasurer’s aureties, and found the present existing comditions in the Registry office on the above un- changed. Cost of search, $1.50. 1Watsonâ€"McILvride. â€" That S. Robb’s tender for tile making be accepted at 30c. each piece, with ring on, and John McBeth’s for 8, 10. 14 inch tile at 30c., and 16,20 and 24 in. tile at 35c., each, be ac- cepted.â€"Carried. The auditors presented their re- port. which was carefully examin- ed by the council. Robertsâ€"Philp.â€"That report be adopted. and am order be drawn for $1.50, cost of search, and $1 commission in favor of Com. Mc- Ilvri-de.â€"-Carried. Robertsâ€"Philp.-â€" That we ad- journ to meet on Monday, March 2lst. to receive tenders for cem- ent for tile. and for general busi- ness.â€"Carried. Young girls frequently require a Rood invigorating and blood mak- ing tonic. For this purpose no- thing equals Ferrovim, which is prepared from fresh lenn beef. Ci- trate of Iron. and pure old Span- ilh Sherry 1W me. It soon brings color to the chem. and strength- en.- the whole system. 31 1 bottle. In Less Than anee Yeare, Parisian Sage. the Splendid Hair Tonic, is Sold All Over Canada There is a reason for the phe- nominal sale of Parisian Sage in Canada during the past three years. The v will tell you that they rigid- ly guarantee it to cure dandruff stop falling hair or itching scalp in two weeks or money back. There is no reason whatever why any man or woman should fail to take advantage of the above gen- And the reason is plain to all. Parisian Sage does just what it is advertised to do. erous offer. But one thing that has made Parisian Sage so famous is its pe- culiar power to turn harsh. unat- tractive hair that many women possess into luxuriant and radiant hair in a short time. Women of refinement the country over are using it and it never disappoints. Bold everywhere‘ and in Durham by Mactarlane Co. for 60 cents a large bottle. arr-an under Mr. Venning’s super- intsn ency, and now presents a clear- ly analysed, tabulated and indexed form, which enables even the casual reader to obtain with the least an- necessary labor the information III seeks. The Department is to be con- gratulated upon the impromt which Mr. Venning has made in Q!“ regard. Other blue books might bi similarly simplifiedâ€"Journal. Ottawa. n is worth noting, in passing, the. the fisheries blue book, which former- ly made practically unintelligiblc reading for the qqtsicler, has been re- Bgrembnt Council. NOW SOLD IN CANADA Blue D. ALLAN, Clerk. idAMESfl-IARELAND § {vii} MODEL BAKERY ‘sOQN imwstwakw Feb. 17, 1910 Pratts’ Reliable Stock every package guamnu assorted stock of FUR! made to order. All at. Quality Jolt arrived. sold regular for l And upâ€"to-due pawl-us. for. -'l‘ll£ - American Coal ()il New Dress 0 We Have the And Tweed! and the very best to make you 1 Man's Tnilo‘ complet- from ............... BEST Builders’ Supplies Carpenters" and F- Skates and 11¢ Rogers" an Gallva G Per Gallon... 190 In order to make u quit-ed, I offer the stock Nice Stock of FRANK Exm hoary quality. regular During the past thr ban McIntosh have t ability, to serve their orahly, and now that tl partnership, I take thi the public for past in you for a share of your the business and will 1: vious efforts to satisfy I lie generally. Long. with pocket. and extru price 32.60. for ............. Misses’ Sweat We are selling: uur we are always prvpa' value for your mmwy 1 going to remain at the as we have leased the thankful to have your 1 ing‘ daily. Everything and we want your buti prepared to pay the mention a few of our Ladies’ Sweat Quality BEST A Reductio T W E N ' Also low prices i Clothing of all c Fancy White Vent-gs. al at: Goods. Each quallt' J.l ”Ll. Consisting 01 Full mom-an

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