West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 24 Feb 1910, p. 2

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no ACRES IN BENTINCK. BUILD- hgs and soil good, eVerything in first-class shape. Price $5000.” ’0 ACRES ON THE GARAFRAXA Road, 200 clear, 50 acre! hard- wood bush, well watered, {irat- elua building. Will be sold cheap to wind up estate. 3.. ACRES IN BENTINCK ON Gnrafnxa Road, near Dornoch, ood buildings, price reduced tom 83000 to $2300 for quick :ACRE FARM NEAR DROMORE high-class property, splendid buildings. Price right. in: articulars apply tb-HW.‘F.. DU N. Durham. m. 18 AND 14, CON. 3. N. D. R. Glands. 15 acre. bush, frame barn, vol] uttered. must be gold. A. ll. Jocks-n, Durham. 2270.. 100 APRE FARM ON THIRD CON- cession of Glenelg, N.D.R., lots 15 and 16; also 50 acres on Gravel Road. lot 12. These farms are both well watered and have good; buildings erected thereon, goodl land. and an excellent opportunâ€"‘ ity for the right man. Will sell ooparately, or together, and on terms to suit purchaser. For further particulars apply on the premises to Andrew Ford, Bun- euan. Nov. 4.3mp LOTS NUMBERS ONE AND TWO (1 and 2) Con. 2.. N.D.R., Town- ship of Artemesia, one mile north of Priceville. 100 acres. A first- elass farm, well fenced, and un- der good state of cultivation. On it are a log house, fairly com- fortable. a bank barn 45x65 with basement and stabling under- neath. Well watered, and a never failing well. About 20 ac- res of good hardwood bush and swamp that has never been cull- ed to any great extent. Quite convenient to school, churches, postoifice and railway station. A snap for quick sale. For fur- ther particulars apply .to P. F. McArthur, or Dr. 1. Dixon. Price- ville. P.O.. executors of the es- tate of the late__.]ohn _McA_rthur. AAAA Sealed “ SALADA" Packets guarantee full weight and tea unequalled for goodness, freshness and fine flavour. BUILDING OCCUPIED BY P.G.A. Webstor as jewellery stars, .1! .P. Teltord u I law office, with chow cnses, wall cases, clock and Me. At a bargain. Apply to A. Gordon, Weyburn, Sash. Notice tn Irospassvrg 1‘0 WHOM IT MAY CONCERN:- Tuke notice that any peraon or persons trespassing on lot num- ber three. and the west half of lot number four. in ‘the first con- eelsion, south Durham Road, in the township of Glenolg. in tho county of Grey. will be nroae- outed according to lamâ€"Wm. P. Bailey. Inlay Fulkingham. 11.13211: i0 ACRES IN BENTINCK, FIVE all” from Durham, fine build- ings, good land, with a quantity of timber. Must be sold at once. Price greatly reduced. Um “Cl.“ifled want Adj.” ”9 '~â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"-â€"-â€"â€"â€",, 3"." by "Grim! mm do Canton “win: It the reg;- of tho W «on mac. ‘tho laundry. 9‘ OT 21, CON. 2, TOWNSHIP OF Egremont, containin 106 acres about 10 acres har wood bush, 0 acrer swamp timbered, the rest clear; barn 30x50, stable 30x40. Orchard 1 acre, watered by 2 wells and spring. Pll‘t of purchase money can remain on mortgage. For particulars apply William Bradley, Orchard. Ont. Prize winners. bred from best attain in Ontario. Also eggs for hatchingâ€"James Bogle. 2 3 3 0T 5, CON. 1. N.D.R.. GLENELG. consisting of 50 acres of good posture. On the premises are a good dwelling house and lairi outbuildings, a never failing' spring and a good quantity of' timber. Good fishing. An ideal proPerty for a retired farmer. or (my person desiring first (:1er: pasture for stock. For further particulars apply to Chris. Firth. Durham. or Alex. Firth. Lloydtown. 123M! Ties and Poles \Nanted OR G.T.R.. C.P.R.. AV?) CTHER nilroads. Dimemicwc of t:,\c._ 7 inch {809 by 7 inches ”Wk: 0 inch face by 6 inchaq think. Dimensions of poleszâ€"25 to 50 ted 10“. top from ‘5 to 7 inch- ”. . For rticulars apply «to J. N. In och. Durham. 930 Advonbononts of one inch, or lo: albuqmt inc-"ion. Over one Farms fur Sale. Farms for Sale. “SALADA” Tea is weighed by electric weighing machines. The net weight is printed on every package. We absolutelyâ€"guarantee it to contain full weight without the lead covering. Have your grocer empty 3 package and weigh it for you. For Sale. Pricevillc, Feb. 4th, 1910 SMALL ADS. inch, or loan. 25 00.“ for first insertion, and 100mm far and: Over ore inch we] under um inches, double tho above snout“. Yearly "to. on :pplioJmn A COMFORTABLE 8 ROOMED brick dwelling. Well situated. Apply to Elizabeth Lauder. Dur- ham. Jan. 17th. ’10 t! GOOD COMFORTABLE SEVEN- roomed house. Good garden. Hard and soft water. Good sta- ble and all conveniences. Rent reasonable. Apply to J.H. Brown Durham. Manufacturer of Lumber, Shingles, Lath. also planing and matching. Custom work and chopping a specialty. Also a quantity of hemlock, cedar. spruce and bal- sam wanted.â€"Norman Kerr. THE UNDERSIGNED WILL BE- ceive applications for the office of Assessor of the Township of Glenelg for the year 1910. Ap- plications to be in before Feb- ruary 1A2_th nextâ€"J. S. Black. Tp. CAME TO THE PREMISES OF the undersigned, lot 6, con. 2, E. G. R.. Glenelg, two lambs. Own- er may have same by proving property and paying expenses.â€" J. Morrison, Dornoch. £12168 0n. lamieson I: Iaclaurin. OFFICE AND RESIDENCE A shun distance east of Knapp’s Hotel‘ lamb ton Street. Lower Town, Durban Ofico hour.- frnm 1‘2 to 2 o’clock I. G. Hutton. M. 0.. C. I. FFICE. TELFORD’S BLOCK. UP stairs. Lammnn Street. Ranidenceâ€" Corner Queen sud George Streetsâ€"North of Methodist Church Ofiice hoursâ€"941 tm. 3-4 Mn" 7.9 tun. Telnnhnne Na. 10. Arthur Sun, I. D. HYSlCum' Ah U SURGEON. OF 600 in the New Hunter Block. Oflioe hours. 8 to ID t. m.. to 4 p. m. and 7 9.09 o. In. Special attention given to distance of «anon and children. Residence on 1wito Prmbvmrian Church. WILL BE AT ABERDEEN EV- ery Wednesday. the balance of the ‘winter to measure and pay for all sawlogs delivered there The highest grice paid for all straight, soun logs of all kinds of timber. Custom sawing and shingles done early in the spring. â€"N. McIntyre. May 31-09 I)“. BURY. mu Autumn. Ray. London Ophthalmic 80:- 5.113.. and ”Golden Sq. Thmt 3nd Nou- Boo. SPECIALIST 3 EYE, £AS,_THBQAT_ pose Application for Assessgl; UR. DRLWN L B. c. 9.. LONDON. ENG (VBADULATE 0! London. New: J York and CW. cm 0! Bye. Bu Nut and Throat. mu be u Knapp Home. Durham. the 2nd «Mrdav in each Inc-nth. Hoursâ€"14 an. J. RUDD HATBEWS, MARKDALE 0nt.. Licensed Auctimwer {or the County of Grey. ‘ _Sale_s at- GOOD HOUSES FOR RENT.â€" Apply to J. M. Lat'unot. 413:: Cleric. Glenelg. Far Sale or Rent. wfidéviflto'at reactâ€"unble- terms. Arnnzemeuts may he made a: the Chronicle 0mg}, Dggha‘m j Farmers’ Notice hw-hyl ' UM Classified Want Ads. will fill all your re- quirements. They act as a lens which will concentrate all your needs. and bring’ them to a perfect focus of satisfactory results. Focus Your Wants Varney Mills. Med iral Directorv. To Rent. Strayed Own» “Mid. â€" Everything must be sold, as the V" proprietor has rented his farm and M is going West. ’7 SALE AT ONE O’CLOCK SHARP If; TERMS OF .SALE: All sums of do 85 and under, cash; over that a- ad mount, 12 months’ credit on sp- .2. proved joint notes. 5 per cent. .09 discount for cash. W WILLIAM JAQUES. Prop. ROBT. BRIGHAM, Auctioneer. he undersigned Auctioneer has lercise is inpouible With lumnago. been instructed to sell by Public Auction at Lot 68, Con. 2, E.G.R., Glenelg, an THURSDAY, MARCH 3rd, 1910 the following: 1 aged (horse; 1 good working horse. 9 years old; 1 span choice mare colts, rising 3 years: 1 cow. 6 years old, with calf at foot; 4 cows, supposed in calf; 2 dry cows° 1 2-year-old heifer; 2 spring calves; .10 pigs, 5 months old; 6 pigs. 4 months old; 2 pigs. 8 weeks old; 1 brood sow. due April lst; 1 brood sow, sup- posed in farrow; 1 young sow, not in farrow; 1 brood sow, in farrow, due May lst; a number of hens;3 geese: 1 Massey-Harris binder; 1 Deerinlg mower; 1 Deer ing horse rake; 1 seed drill; 2 not 1900 t'l‘he muscles '-â€"to move means agony. Only a S poweful remedy can penetrate deep enough to help. The surest relief comes from rubbing in Ner- viline. It sinks into the very root stiffen out like steel of the troubleâ€"penetrates where an oily liniment cannot go. To prevent lumbago returning, put on a Nerviline Porous Plaster which removes inflammation and strain .from the muscles, and acts as a guard from drafts and exposure. Nothing will so quick- ly cure as these remedies. All deal- ers sell Polson’s Nerviline and Nerviline Porous Plasters. Refuse all substitutes. CREDIT AUCTION SALE Cf Farm Stock and Implements The undersigned Auctioneer has been instructed to sell by Public Auction at Lot 20, Con. 5, Glenel-g, on WEDNESDAY. MARCH 9th. 1910 the following: Farm stock. implements. etc. 1 horse, 8 years old; .general purâ€" pose: 1 horse. 11 years old,: 1 driving mare, 8 years old, in foal: 1 driving mare, rising 3 years; 1 general purpose colt, rising 3y years: 4 cows. supposed in calf; 1 cow. with calf at foot: 1 farrow cow; 2 steers. rising 2 years; 2 heifers. rising 2 years; 2 steers, rising 1 year; 2 heifers, rising 1 year: 18 well bred eW'es; 1 brood sow. due in April: 4 young sows. supposed in pig; 1 hog, 9 111.05. posed in fan-ow; 1 young sow, not in (arrow; 1 brood sow, in farrow, due May lst; a number of hens; 3 geese: 1 Massey-Harris binder; 1 Deering mower; 1 Deer ing horse rake; 1 seed drill; 2 fanning mills: 1 set scales, 1‘200 lbs.;1 scuffler; 1 set iron har- rows: 1 2-furrow plow; 2 long plows; 1 turnip pulper; 1 turnip slicer; 1 wagon; .1 buggy; 1 set bob sleighs; 1 cutter, nearly new; 1 wheel barrow; 1 bay rack: 1 pig rack: 1 set double harness: 1 set single harness; a quantity of hay; 1 parlor heating stove; 1 churn: rakes, forks, chains, and other articles too numerous to mention. old; 6 store pigs: 50 hens: 1 Mas Bey-Harris binder. 6â€"foot cut: 1 Massey-Harris mower, 5-foot cut: 1 Massey-Harris seed drill; 1'3 hoed: 1 steel land roller, nearly new; 1 cultivator; 1 sulky rake: 2democrats; 2 buggies,; 2 cut- ters; 1 wagon: 1 pair bob slieg'hs 1 hay rack: 1 fanning mill; 1 1200 lb. scale; 1 scuffler; 1 wheel barâ€" row; 1 turnip pulper; 1 long plow; 1 set spring tooth harrows: 1 set Tolton .harrows; .1 set team harness: 1 set plow harness; 2 set light harness; 1 stone boat; 1 log dray: sap boiling pan, with 50 buckets and covers; '2 grinding stones: 3 ladders; 3 chains; 3 set whiffletrees; 3 neck yokes; shoveIS; forks, scythes, cradle, 2 cant hooks, crowbar, jack screw, 2 double barrel shot guns; carpen- ter’s tools, and many useful arti- cles too numerous to mention. Household furniture ' 1 heating stOVe,; 1 side board; 1 kitchen table; 1 lounge; 1 bed- stead; 1 mattress; I wash stand: 6 chairs; 1 washing machine; 1 ‘wringer: 1 churn; 1 Oxford cream separator,; 2 clocks: pails. e c. :The farm will be offered for sale I or rent. ' Everything must be sold, as the proprietor has gone into other business. SALE AT ONE O’CLOCK SHARP J I" uuANT,D.D.s.L D 8” ONOR GRADUATE. UNIVERSI- ty of anonto, Graduate Boys College Dental Surgeons of Ontario. U-enu'ntry In all its Branches. <_)fli.-o.â€"-(3alder Black, over Pnst Oflice ‘â€" i P. l’elford. ARRYS'I‘EL. SULJCI'POR. ETC. Ut’fioe. nearly Oppmite the Regiytry o’fice. Lamhton *t.,Durluun. Anyamount .f muuev to loan At 5 par cent. on farm oropertv. ‘Dâ€"‘Zeiuncers. thary Public. Etc. Money to Lnan at Lowest Rates. Office:â€"_Mc_lutym quck. over Standard Bani Dnflidm'. Ont-din x‘ or. Convoyanmr, 5w. Insurance Agent. Money 30 Luau. Issuer (of Mar- riage Licenses. A canon] fiuanc'ul bmi~ mutt-annexed. When pains gather around the hips and lodge in the small of the backâ€"“hen to stoop or bend seems impossible, when dizzy spells and bearing down pains are ever present â€"that’s the time to use Dr. Hamilton’s Pills. Irrefluf lsrities disappear, Vital energy is restored back trouble is forgot- ten. The soiling sick woman gains strength. improves in looks, in- creases in spirit by using Dr. Ham- ilton’s Pills. They cure the con- ditions that rob her of health and vigor. No medicine so helpful as Dr. Hmilton’s Pills, 25c. at all deal A. H. Jackson. OTARY PUBLIC, COMMISSION ; er. Convoyamoer. kc: lnsprgme mun AUCTIOI BALI Of tum Stock ad Implements 'W. F. Dunn, ARRIS'I‘ER. SOLICITOR, 901v TfiRg-ixif' ONT {anar Town.) Dr. Lem! ‘Dz’rectorv THE DURHAM CEBU NICE! For Sick Women , How it shakes one up, invades |sleep. destroys strength. adds real misery to life. Not the stom- ach but nerves are affected. Starv- Eed nerves cause the whole trouble. [You need {Ferrozone because it’s a nerve food. It supplies the ele- ments that are needed to make rich red blood. This is the savings bank of health. The richer the blood in red cells, the richer you are surer to be in health. Ferro- zone quickly make-s blood, strengthens the nervous system. invigorates the digestive organs. and presto! the nervous disturb- ance disappears. You’ll try Fer- rozone. 50c. per box at all dealers. Manual labor or even light ex- ercise is impossible with lumbago. The muscles stiffen out like steel â€"to move means agony. Only a nowetul remedy can penetrate Ernest Spencer, the man alleged to have shot the Chinxaman. and who was arrested at Chatham and brought here for trial had a hear- ing on .Satwrday before Magistrate Robb and was sent up for trial on a charge of attempted murder. Inspector H. Beaburn, of the Crim- inal Investigation Department for the Province of Ontario, was on hand at the hearing assisting Con- stable Russell. Spencer is schedul- ed to stand his trial at the Fall Assizes on Feb. 28th, but an ef- fort is being made to get him be- fore Jud'ge Barrett at an earlier date.â€"Walkerton Herald. Mrs. John Troy and son, Mr. Pe- ter Troy. Normanby. and Samuel Morison and son, William, of Var- ney. returned on Saturday from Oklahoma sCity..where they had been in connection with the estate of .Mrs. Troy’s sister, the late Maggie E. ‘Fay. Mrs. Smith anâ€" other sister, who also went on the same errand, is remaining for a time longer. There was a big law-suit over the will, which has been set aside, and the estate, which amounts to some $115,000. is to be divided among seven heirs, brothers or sisters of the de- ceased. or their heirs. After pay- ing the expenses at the suit, which will be heavy there will be a goodly sum coming to Mrs. Troy and the others well worth the trouble and expense of looking after.â€"Mt. Forest Confed. |we will not guarantee the truth of it. It is in substance that a lo- cal farmer who uses .both stock and poultry food got the two ‘foods mixed and fed the poultry .his stock food and vice versa. That may be all right, probably it is. but the yarn goes one farther, and says that the horses began to lay eggs and grew alcoat of feathers. :while the poultry lost their feath- A unique story is being told, and vouched for by the highest authority. however in spite of this. If you are in a generally “run- down” condition; consequent upon the effecta of la grippe, take the “D.L.” Emulsion. It will soon re- ers and were shortly covered with hair. Not only this. but it is said their claws are slowly growing together and taking on the ap- pearance of 110018. If this yarn is not true We hope the prevaricator Have You Nervous Dyspepsia? re You to health again, Returnpd From Oklahama. thud by Lush-4°- Vary Sudden bath. 1- Your Throat Husky? Committe ‘ For Tria‘. Changed the Ration: Very distressing in its sudden- neas was the death of Mr. Orval Orr. of the 12th concession. Cul- rou. which occurred last Thurs- day evening. He was in his usual health when he left the house to do the evening chores, and a few minutes afterward he was discov- ered lying in the barnyard where he had evidently met instant death. A horse running about the yard with a halter and leading strap on led to the belief that he had been leading the horse and had been kicked. Nobody, how- ever. saw him fall. and as the doc- The local banks have issued a warning to merchants regarding the amount of Honzg Kocng silver which is in circulation in the city, says the Stratfo‘rd Herald, which adds the coins are mostly 10 cent and 5vcent pieces and from the amount in circulation, the banks are of the opinion, that some per- son is dealing in it buying the coin on the coast under par, dispo- szin-g of it in Ontario at par. The banks have in the past accepted Hong Kong silver in small am- ounts, but the large quantity in circulation has caused them to re- fuse it for the presentâ€"Ex. tor who afterwards examined the body could find no evidence of a blow. it can never be known Whether he “was kicked or not. Mr. Orr was known to suffer at times from heart failure, and in the ab- sence of any marks on the body it is thought bv some that death was due to this cause. The body was first discovered by Mr. Jas. Whyt‘ock who. having called on business went to the barn to look for Mr. Orr. and to ‘him tell the painful duty of breaking the ter- rible news to the bereaved wifeâ€" a bride of Last June.â€"Teeswater News. The mystery surrounding the fate of Mr. R. J. Brown, who dis- appeared the 29th October from his home in the Okanagan Valley, B. C. has been solved by the dis- covery of his body. It was found Feb. 9th. on the shore of Lake Okanagan by ice harvesters, Mr. Brown had gone to town, five miles from his home, transacted his business and left for home, but failed to reach it, a search party instituting a thorough search search without avail. The news of above discovery was wired to his wife who is at her parent’s home. Caintown, near Brockville, by Rev. Mr. Buckley on the 9th inst., stating that an inquest was to be held that day. The body is now on the way to Markdale, and will be laid away in the family plot. Presbyterian Cemetery. on on arrival. which is expected on Friday. If you have a cough, do not neglect it: buy at once a bottle of Allen’s Lung Balsam. Our readers will remember that Mr. Brown. only son of the late Isaac "Brown, of this place, re- ceived his education in Owen S’d‘ had taught school for some years at Ottawa. ,He was obliged owing to ill-health to give up teaching. and he went to British Columbia last summer and purchased a fruit farm near Okanag'a‘en Centre. After the sad event and when all reas- onable hope of his return alive had been abandoned, Mrs. Brown returned heart-broken with her five children to the home of her parents. She is- almost prostrated with grief‘ and has the sincere sympathy of a wide circle of friends in her sad affliction. â€"Markdale Standard. You needn’t lose your hair. Bearine will keep it strong and healthy. The Canadian : Bear grease in the pomade is the ef- fective thing. 50c. a in. A lady driving in the west ward had a remarkable experience on Monday. Since she was a young girl she has been troubled at in- tervals with a bealing ear, the cause of which was rather myste- rious. On Monday a pin slightly rusted. was discovered in the ear and removed. The pin had prob- bly been in her ear since she was a childâ€"Alliston Herald. THE SWDARD BAN K Brown’s Body Found Look Out For It IS PUBLISH ED EVERY THURSDAY MORNING A t the Chronicle Printing House, Gum/run «Street. ' ' Tn Gammon will be «at to sumpum my uddrm. {me of potato, ht Rat. - - 81 00p” your, payable mud“... 41.50 my booby-god if not no paid. Ibo do. to which ovary anhncripflon in pad in (1qu by the number on tho hadron the]. No ppor ‘3. continued to all srmn m pad. omtutho option of an pmpriotor. “‘""w can“ lino for tho first but. Batu . - “on; out. pox-lino nob albu- qnont Mien minion Inc-nu. Profodo- undo. not oxooedln one inch “00 par an Advoniunonu wit It opal“ (lit-don. be publhbod till forbid 5nd chug-d accord . Trunk“ notingâ€"“Ix on" ”Found," “For E a. ' comâ€"60 can“ for int inlet-don. 8 a.“ for cub subsequent inurtiol. Allsdnnioonouu ordond by “lingo" nut born-id for in “no... Cbufiaéi Bioâ€"o- 'hâ€"fiwynr.’ ummu hr- Ihhod on npplicstion to the ofloo. All .dvortioeuonu. to «nun hut-tho In curl-ant week. should be brought tn not but an. Pun-0A! morning- IHE DURHAM EHHUNICLE [08 NOX A COLD IN ONE DAY The Great Lung and Cough Medicine GUARANTEED 25¢ a bottle at Madam-lane's Drug Store For Pale Delicate People from the Traders Bank is worth more than the balance which it shows in actual cash. The money in the bank is safer than in your pocket, and it is money savedâ€"put away where it is earning interest, and is not at all likely to be drawn and spent. If you haven't 3 Savings Ac- count elready, now is the best time left to start one. DURHAM. ONT., page] a} alto” v_ @I filo-V t ran-t such as you may ubtnin under the vorv best conditions at the Central Business College of Toronto. is a sure rasaport to success Thounods have proved it. Why not investi- gate for yourseh? Our free catalogue ex lains. Write for it. W. H. SHAW, Principal. B U SIN E 88 EDUCATION W. IRWIN Feb. 24. 1910 BOLD BY .Connor. Durh: Feb. 24. l 910 (K) For Your . Cou Joe Webber. Neusiadt. Anthony Kunkoll. Mild D. W. Gregg, Eden Ur! Taylor 6: Carroll. Mfa Ju.Henthering (on. Th1 Run-ell Bron... Dundalk J. P. Noonan. Mt. Fan 11. J. Ernest. Walkerlol Wellstord Bron. Carci‘ and you will rateix for all kinds of g!" unloading, and we !L qumix A330"- R.E.W. Tachberry. Lid P. S. HcDermid. Notta‘ FARM “From actual experienze“ know Peerless fence :3 pa in every respect. It is on: erect and an be "211in am ed over any surface. N em or .mp8. Never :1 repein. Lock ebsolutcly 391 themed value as to m A20.” (an awn“ 0' "0" wath (ates or 1mm ’35 Peerless heavy farm {cm made from all N19 ba'd English wire canvcrtcd i it woven product by m.“ 3 proved type of muckincry ralvnnizcd by n superior cent. This wire sun": the ten and the salt. foggy cli of England-n sure run it Int. 1 lifetime v.1 I m Send hr 91mph Peerlesl wiw. ' "o formul. testing galv- .. 3.3 on any! at fiance wire. And how the dough Ind nit! Or had quickly risen over filh I‘dn. ‘0 rise neverm How “grunting to be sur And how his mother gued ously 3! him. saying in W: “ MJdml Don‘t you (kit: a lid: and. emanated ? And John's father rep“: wanderâ€"and: bmdâ€"su You remember. Madam monthâ€"when his folks v1 And you arose bright and to knead that glorious bai And astonish his folks v11 You remember: that wad Don't you remember ? Nevereo with FIVE RO It 8 music!!! flour. champ sun or a mother's love. It mingly possesses that glutinous strength which makes it rise to the dehg‘ht of the pun: :ular housewife Read Agent’s Opinil Drive your In: C gave-:14! 51.0 THE Milli 200. of O atfii “and” [AM (I In Of P‘ are

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