West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 24 Feb 1910, p. 6

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M51 WOWW HMTION T0 PW Take notice that“ mutation will b. made to the two N Qnuflo at jg pgeoeng don. 1!! _L A- v-mâ€"v w- -â€" â€"â€"_vâ€"v the town of Durham, form confirm By-hv No. 508 of“ town. mamtednx the B 35:. ah WILLIAMS, GREENE ROME (20., Limited mnovcn, - - ounmo By October 15th out new factory at Hanover will be completed. “We will require fifty girls. “('69 also have room fur a few girls in our present, quarters. Applications will be received now by WANTED Ammo sending u sketch and descriKumn in” (mm 1y gs! mum our on ink-n {m w ether u mvum mu m probably patenmhbooofommunlcav H”. 3 ‘ ractlyoonfldmltml. "AND on PM new. tree. Oldest acetic-y for aecuflng 1%.me taken _throngh Mum! M1. 3 ua'juvuuUl’ muqu'uml WWII’. ”386‘ (SIP C'uhnmu at my amentmc jomnal. Terms to: Cam-m, $3.75 a your. pmtaae prepaid. Sold b: an newmwen. MIMI Cog-'m-mewlgrk Bunch 000.. F St... Wuhmctm. “Panama taken throuch muun 'C’0:' £0001" ygalnottce, without. charge. mtho Scientific Bmcrican. FIFTYGIRLS s fia'dédnzé'i Afiét'mzfiwéifi felted in “_-â€"AI‘- J- Conâ€"crew. Sterile-d end Telegraph)! departments. We hem the leadingmtac- tical. taming whuot in Weetern Ummo. Coume aro- thorough instrnctnre oxprr- ienced and we saniet graduum- l0 nosi- tions Student:- 3 e «mu-ring each week. You ehou «I enter N U W. D. A. ’JcLAOHLAN PRINCIPAL THE Future Framng on shortest Japanese Menthol is unequal- led as a pain relieving agent. Applied in the “D. 8: L.” Menthol Plaster it is the most effective remedy known for Lumbago, Sciatica, Rheumatic Aches and Pains. Try a “D. and Funeral Director\ 82â€"1.." Menthol Plasfer the next time you are sufiering from any one of these com- plaints and be convinced. 25¢. each at druggists. A. BELL U N DE RTAKER “ALLEN'S LUNG fi BALSAM Full line of Catholic Robes, and blank and white Cups for aged people. ' Is what every housewife wants We sell it. ‘ All-wool Blankets at $3, $4 and ............... $4.75 a pair Bed Comforters at $1.35, $1.75 $1.95, $3.50 and . . . . $3.75 each Large 11-4 Flannelette Blan- If not. why not? Shipments of No. 1 goods arriv- ing daily. Mrs. Beggs Sons. A Oplondld Tonic Builds up the System Wengthenslha _ \Vool Honey Comb Shawls. white, black, red or grey at. .50c, 75c, $1 and $1.40 each Large 60-30 size Smyrna. Ruge .................... $3.00 each Men’s Cardigan Jackets ...... .................... $1.00 each Men’s \Vool Under-shirts and Drawers ................ 500 up Men’s Heavy Winter Top Shirts .................. 500 up F EWQXM “A Ladies’ Vests ...... W. H. BEAN a” ‘I‘ Fresh Water [I E R R l N G Mum's. :38 , the. New Life Cheap Snow Roomsâ€"Next to Swallows Barber Shop. RESIDENCEâ€"Next dpor South pof W. J. Lawrence’s blacksmith shop. Sold by m mists DAVIS LAWRENCE 00.. N kets,white or grey. .3125 pair Embalming a Specialty Sold by all medicine denim. Dub 8 Lawrence 09., Montzefi. Have You Secured Your Supply of ..... G O O D FLOUR A HAG OF BIG COUGHS. COLDS. GROUP. Galder’s Block "P THE DURHAM Mama. .-.. Almost immediately upon his be- ing seat-ed. the little girl, who had been recently baptized in the Spirit. arose to her feet and with the anointing of the Spirit resting upon her mightily, she began to speak in .her native tongue (Eng- lish). After saying a few words. her voice began to tremble and the English ceased. She stretched out her little hand, and with one. finger pointed straight at the stranger’s face she began speak- ing in another language un- known to all present, save the stranger to whom it was adressed, and finally concluding her testimony 'in her own tongue sat down by her father’s side. ego keeping a grocery store on Second avenue east, opposite the town hall Mr Scott is in Owen Sound at present This marvellous experience of little Kathleen Scott is just one of the many indisputable proofs of the foregoing declaration, that We still live in the dispensation of the Spirit and of power. The stranger at once leaned ov- er in front of ‘Mr Scott and asked where the child had been taught to speak Latin, to which she. re.- plied tzhat she had never been taught any language but the En- glish. He said, “Do you not know you were speaking Latin?” She replied. No. He afterwards cn- quired for the child’s mother, and Mrs. Scott having been pointed out. the man asked when her little girl had been taught to speak Latin. The moth-..r’s reply was substan-u tially the same as the girl’s, and having assured himself that she had never been taught to speak Latin. ’ - An attack at the grip is often fol lowed by _. persistent cough. which to manv proves a great an- noyance. Chunberlain’s Cough Remedy has been extensively used and with good mcceoq (or the re- lis: :er cure of this (20.11311; Many The following interest!“ story has been handed us hy'ReN A. C. Bauer. who states his implicit be- lie! 'in the truthfulness of its rela- tortor The child referred to is a daughter of Mr. R. J. Scott, who was in business here some years The prevalent opinion among: religious peoples to-day is that the era of miracles is past and that the Spirit’s mamif-estation in- the supernatural utterance in ton- gues, (I Cor.‘12._ 7. I (‘or 14, 2 13. 14. 22.) is a mere hallucination. That such is not the case is clearly de- monstrated first. by the Word of God. and then‘by such incidents as the following:â€" Mr. R. J. Scott, an ex-resident and merchant of Owen Sound, and father of little Kathleen, was an eye-witness to the event herein related. The Infidel quickly obeyed her command and went down stairs where be bold his story to the peo- ple in the mission. He fell on his knees. and like a little child plead with God to forgive him. He was there gloriously saved and is now preoching the Gospel of Christâ€"Owen Bmmd Sun. He arose and said. “Ladies and Gentlemen. -I have something to say to you. First, .I will tell you I am a stranger here, My name is not known to any of you. I heard of this work and came here chiefly through curiosity. I have been lecturing on Infidelity for nearly nineteen years. I am thorâ€" oughly educated in Latin and He- brew. as well as in other langua- ges. I have read the Bible thro many times. I have addressed as many as 7,500 people at one sitt- ing who paid fiifty cents each to hear my lectures on Infidelity. During his recent visit to Los Angeles, Cal .' he attended the won derful services held by the Apos- tolic Faith people in the Azuza street miss-ion. One day while in the upper room, Where. the saints were tarrying for their baptism in- the Holy Ghost, according to Acts 1. 4. 8, there entered a man of cul- ture and distinction, who sat down beside Mr. Scott and his eleven- year-ol-d daughter. Kathleen. I have listened to the most no- table preachers of the day, but this little girl (pointing to Kath- leen) has preached the most powe- ful sermon to me that I have ever listened to. and in omly ,a few words. the language she uttered being in the purest Latin. She has addressed me by my first and sec- ond names with Latin expression. saying: ‘Charlie, you have no right in this room, this room is only for the godly people who are tarrying for their baptism, you are an un- godly man, your place is down stairs with the ungodly. You go‘ down stairs and tell the people there how you have spent your past life and then get on your knees and ask God to forgive you. Get salvation in your heart, then go out and preach the gospel of A [00333 MIRACLE fl Sage will 1 It you quickly Va is used. It preve1 my: Ito] [inatqntlym I A large bottle costs only 50c. at Hutu-lane ' Co’s, or direct, all dunes prepaid m the Can ad- 23 Man. Gironx ‘Mtg. 00., Port to; Qaify tie. If your hair is falling out, Paris- ian Sage will stop it. If your hair is thin, Parisian Sage will make it grow in heavily. If you have dandruff it will 9.11th vanish when Parisian Sage us . It prevents hair from turning gray: stops itching scalp almost instan ly and is the ideal dressing Just_go to Macfarlane 62 Co. this very day and get a bottle of Par- isian Sage. Use it as directed, and in two weeks your scalp will be free of dandruff. your hair will be so_ft,. lustrous and beautiful. Women With Fascinating Hair Al Ways Attract Attention If You are a woman with dull, lifeless. ordinary hair‘ do not feel distressed. Just make up your mind now that you can have just as luxuriant and captivating 8 head of hair as any other wom- an, and quickly too. “Some people are so stingy that when they loan a fellow ten cents they sing: ‘God. be. with you till We meet again.” “Sometimes there is more Chris- tianity in a sandwich than in a tractfi’ “When it comes to divorce I am Roman Catholic from the top of my head to my big toe.” “Every seventh home in America has 1306p damned by a divorce.” “Can a man be a Christian and use tobacco? He can, but he will be a mighty dirty one.” “Jesus says: “Forgive debtor-s.” The worldsays: them for the dough.” “The principles of Jesus Christ will make capital and labor shake hands.” Evangelist Billy Sunday will not preach at Canton, owing to some of the minister’s refusing to unite with him because of some of his utterances. He is making a series of addresses at Youngstown and some of his pulpit statements fol- low: “The dance is one of the most hell-born institutions this side of hell.” “Sorrow people say that Christ- ianity has failed. You lie!” “If there is anything I despise it is to see a woman with a dog in 'her arms. That place is for your baby if you are married.” “Other things change, but; God remains the same. Don’t limit him and back him am the side- track.” “When some of you, people go to church and sing ‘Jesus Lover of My Soul’, He isn’t my such thing. He’s only a chance acquaintance.” “I have a temper like a sheet iron stove. A bunch. of shavings and a match will make it red hot in a minute.” “The most miserable, the most useless and the most goodâ€"for- nothing person om earth is the mere society woman.” “If my daughter had only one dress. and if any part of it was cut off.‘ it would be on the bottom and not on the top, I tell you.” “To some p90ple, the raising of two more children simply means another booze-fighter, another girl for the red Light district.” .“It’s of the devil when we lock up our churches in the summer Then all the devils in hell are having a good time.” “In a church of a thousand, 50 will go to the prayer meetings and 950 will attend some Godless leg show, dance or card party.” of thc genuinc the standard Cod Liver Oil preparation oi the world. Nothing equals it to build up the weak and wasted bodies of young and old. Scott’s Emulsion our beauiiful Savings Bank und Child’s Sketch-Book. Each bank contains n Good Luck Penny. Send 1°C., name of paper and this ad: for SCOTT BOW"! 126 Wellington St. West. Toronto. Ont. FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS 81-11338 IN SOCIETY Billy 4unday This isthctradc- I MODEL BAKERY i A White Grey CottonsE Spring SewiIIg Months mm when cottons were chem) we bought imI 0000004 Matthews Latimer The best is the best, and it is at our store you will find it. No danger of indigestion if you get your bread, cakes, etc. from us. Try our ‘Home-made’ specialâ€"very appetizing- and nourishing. Fresh Groceries New Fruit and Nuts Choice Confectionery Pure Spices and Vinegar: No. I Family and Pure Manitoba Flours Pine Salt. Farmers Produce Wanted For Flour E 0. 51'! N80" ‘.‘.‘.‘ 9%! ttwa$$tfi BEST .Q- W xa ... W We want everyone to know that buying is not, a necess- ory passport to the courtesy of this “are. We are .lwuys planet! to show goods, :1:- gudleu of whether or not you we ready to buy. The kinds of goods we insist on ceiling look better. are hem wd cost you no man money than the kind»- that are made merely to sell. Don’t forget. that we have diflmnt aim of dog muzzles at lowest prices. Your satisfaction is the particular thing we aim at, and the aim to make this the safest store for you to buy at. Brio“ dong 'your cans and 89mm oil and good measure AHEBICAN OIL 15¢ per “km. CANADIAN OIL He put gnllon. Frank Lenahan and Company BEST We are selling our 8 we are always prepan value for your money bl going to remain at the I as we have leased the i thankful to have your 1; ing daily. Everything and we want. your imtn preparod tn pay tlw mention a few of 0111' t. 24, 191.0 bong. 'ith pockets and extra price $2.50. for .. Ext“ heavy quality. rvgular Just arrived. sold regulm Ladies’ Sweat And unto-date patterns. for. New Dress Goo. And Needs and thv very host to make you a Man's Tuilm complete from ............... Also low prices Clothing of all Fancy "like Vcsungs. II we Goods. Each cum Have the for ll

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