West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 24 Feb 1910, p. 7

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'hnvo- 3mm no-w Spring vnu'll ham» to get In“, nPw [)rt-ss ”001188" . Xbl'wftit'fit 5h§Nlesg BO '5oc to $I.50 yard cials at 60c yd. ' numb: Itmmmnts at ram. arv 1 yurul t4) 4} yards. A“ i]! ”‘8. Pd for Butter and Eggs nhlt p. I I I pairing as unual at bytes! Shoe Store mers Produce Wanted WP?! Clear tons Spring Sewing 1d it is at nur stun.» you Will ndigestiun if yum get your 118. Try «mr ‘Home-made’ l." and nourishing. in many Colors a collar length ing 00 Our Furs to Clear In We wan ITH EXT. bruidery==New Stock TINSON mrti litir) ”iv-*0 ”owooooooooo00”“w A} Latimer Pl he! un There is Nothing Dark About the Shoes We Sell test are open hra p. w .nr door is == New Styles .\l 3"" \\ in the Pnpular Fursâ€"- \‘vry piece a bargain. Id apt the ('J‘Hl' Th0 factor- "‘0 upom tn the publicâ€"- 'lnor iw “Dan M the public mu! we invite ynnall to and inspect our goods and pa. “'0‘ \V”' "0', "'R. you m-ha-n if ynu dun‘t want to. 0 a r - (493' km: Hm b31300. Ir \maQ ~HIppfll’» at and w Von". “it!!! and “'0'. My rmlm-ml m DI’ICO. 'Hlok-t and SIM Cases c.. “'o I..-.-mt,iful. See than. II Vellu'y Conn!) 30“- ml. Nuw )lullsfihy’d. -:u at reduced prices. 'I’U (‘LEAR at $9.75 tom Work and Bo. '0' huught in)!!!” m“- thmn in at. tho nth: \Vhite Cot. . \Vhite (.‘ambria uni 2H1- yard.Wb“, ~6 “’4' tn 250,311]. "M ,e-r! ian to match. “ding. fur trim- “I'I‘W'IAL IN Hl' LM: yum-d “'9 want everyone to know that buying is not, a necess- ury passport, to the courtesy nf this store. We are always ..l--.---.,l on “Ln-n anln‘u I")- my passport. to the courter of this store. We are always pleased to show goods, re- gardless of whether or not you are ready to buy. ’. 24, 1910 ,0! emu? give the child â€"an;loae. lPleuan to take and always cures. {Sold by all (lulu-I. A few minute! delay in treating some cases of croup, even the length of (fine it takes to go for ‘a doctor Often proves dangerous. The safest way is to keep Chamb- erlain’s Cough Remedy in the ‘home, and at the tint indication WMMMM+++H+++M*+°§ ++++++++++++++++++++§+++++ +++++ CKLL" Mimi Real drop from regular prices. No marking up first and then marking down to make the prices look like bar- gains. Our goods will be all sold at. Real Bargains for ten days, beginning Sat- urday, December I! Ready-made Suits, Ready- made Pants, Overalls, Ladies’ and Men’s Underwear, Blan- kets,Woollen Sheeting. Prints, Flannelettes, Men’s and Boys’ Caps and Gloves and a host of other articles. Real ..... Bargains Real bargains in fresh Fruit. Currants, Raisins, Lemons, Oranges, etvc‘ Real bargain. in choice Groceries. TELEPHONE No.10 LAMBTON STREET DRAYMAN, DURHAM Orders may be left. at the Hahn House Stable or at my my x-esidonceâ€" W'hen you want anything in the line of draying done promptly and carefully. CHARGES MODERATE PROMPT SERVICE TELEPHONE No. I0 F. HIND Mrs. Jane Gibson, of Main St.. Durham, Ont.. says: “Mr. Gibson speaks very highly of Booth’s Kidney Pills. which he procured at Maciarlene’s drug store, and has found more actual benefit in the one box of them than in all.the other remedies he had previously tried. He would suffer with sharp pains shooting through the small of his back and in the region of the kidneys. He would leave his bed several times with the fre- quent and irregular secretions of the kidneys. The urine was high- ly colored and contained a quan- tity of sediment. This had been noticeable for over th‘ee years and becoming worse each day. Booth’s Kidney Pills quickly re- lieved him. acting directly on the kidneys and bladder. His back strengthened, the urine cleared. and the kidney secretions were re- Borth's 1-..dney Pills cure k1!â€" ney trouble. They are recom- mended by thousands. Can Dur- ham residents desire more con- vincing proof than the statement of 3 Durham citizen? “Gracious,” cried Daisy. making a note in her book as the landlady de- parted reluctantly, “she‘s going to ‘lay over the dough!’ No more bread to: mine!" First â€"â€"- Don’t Delay. Secondâ€"Don’t Experiment If you suffer from backache. headaches or dizzy spells; if you rvst peerly and are languid in the. morning; if the kidney secretions are irregular and unnatural in ap- pearance. do not delay. The kid- neys are calling for help. Slight svmmoms of kidney troubles are but formun-ners of more serious complaints. They should be given attention before it is too late. duced to nominal.” Sold by all dealers. Price 50c. The RT. Booth Co., Limited, Fort Erie. Ont. Sole Canadian agents. THE CHRONICLE god Weekly Globemm .........: Weekly Mail and Empire-...»... Weekly Sun-«... ...... ...... ....-... Family Her. and Wkly. Star- Funnel-9’ Advocater. ...... ...... Canadian Fagin-«:- ...... «...... The Chronicle is prepared to re- ceive subscription: at clubbing rates for many of the city papers, and a glance at the following may save money (or some. Btondfitfs, Group, Cough! and Colds, 0: mm"; back. Sold and wanted bz‘ MACFARLANE C0. OUR CLUBBING LIST 37M ”IN-m) I CURES CATARRH, ASTHMA, A BIT OF ADVICE To be continued. mom: momma 81.55. . 1.55. - 1.75. - 1.75. We notice that the law is not complied with yet as to muzzling or tying up dogs, and this act when in force will suit those of us whose business makes them come in contact with the savage brutes in many instances. So it will be well to look out this week, and a- void the danger of being fined from $25 to $200 by neglecting to act accordinglv. Thou. Fisher moved to his broth- er Robert’s for the winter. The Scotch concert held by the Gibson family one evening last week in lWatson’s Hall. in this town. Was a failure. on account of the inclemency of the weather. Those that attended Were highly delighted with the program. as the Gibson family are hard to beat as singers. but perhaps they will be called upon later on. and risk the weather another evening in the near future. Diedâ€"At 114 Dovercourt Road. ‘ Toronto, on Feb. 7th Mary Mc-1 Arthur. after a lingering illness. Miss McArthur was a sister of Mr. Donald Graham’s first wife,a.n aunt of Mr. John Graham, Durham‘ 'and a cousin of the McDonalds. :near Priceville. Her remains were iplaced in the vault till spring, when she will be taken to the fam- ily burying ground near Woodâ€" bridge, on the 7th concession of Vaughan. Mr. Thou. McKeown had a nar- ‘row escape from being caught at ’Smellie’l crossing one day last iweek. :- the 'hOI'IBI’ front feet Omen ahnost on the track when the train came putting along, and he Dr. Dixon is always kmpt on the move attending to 11.. Ahacients, while Dr. :McArthur is also kept busy in his Line of business, atâ€" tending to the preservation of the teeth. and, when necessary,making an oldish hooking person appear young‘ by putting a nice set of teeth in his mouth. A number of horses were sold lately in this locality at good prid- Councillor John McMillan, of Glenelg, is at present attending to his annual calling at the Parlia- ment buildings, Toronto. Born.â€"To Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Mc- Eachern. south line, a couple of weeks ago. a son. Our debating society in this town on Friday evening, is get- ting to he very attractive, and some of the young people are get- tine; to be very fluent in their man ner of delivery, and come up to the old saying, “nothing - like practising while young.” Misses Minnie McIntyre and Chris tena McDonald, south Glenelg, left for Toronto 3 week ago, where they intend to stay for some time. Mr. Angus McEachern. of Cleve- land. is spending some time at the home of his father, Roger Mc- Eachern. south line, Glenelg. Mrs.Mchrmick.. who was at- tending to her daughter, Mrs. H. McPhail. south line, left for her home at Aberdeen a few days ago. The occasion of her visit was caused by the arrival of a young daughter. All doing well. Some of our elderly people are asked to a wedding somewhere between Priceville and Durham on Wednesday of this week. The Baptists have secured the services of a young man by the name of Mr. La'ughl'm, as their pastor in this place. All signs of a thaw generally fail. but We expect a genuine one shape some places. and make teaming disagreeable. In spite of the deep snow and bad roads in general, a large quantity of logs of all kinds were delivered at the sawmill and at the C.P.R. station this winter. Mr. Hector Lamont, who spent a month of so visiting friends in this part. returned last week to his home in Alberta, near the city of Calgary. Rev. Mr. Berry preached in the Presbyterian church here on Sun- day night last. and Rev. Mr. Math- eson took Mr. Berry’s pulpit at Salem. Proton, same eVening. The Presbyterian church reports in this place are out, and show that the congregation is in good standing‘ with a balance on the right side of the leaf. Mr. Jos. Aussum suffers excru- ciating pain from the effects of decaying tor-s, caused by gangrene or something of that nature. Mrs. Aussum is also laid up for some time. 'We notice some deep cuts on the C.P.R. track. where the snow piled in heaps. and it’s unsafe. to walk on the. track ‘where these cuts are as there is no way of escape, should a train be coming along when there. Priceville On flhe move seamâ€"Malcolm Me- ’Innes will be moving to his own place, and John McMeeken, the ten ant. will be moving to the ‘Stone- house farm at sideroad 40, and the the Stonehouse family will be mov ing across the road. Sandy Stonehouse will move to MeDerâ€" mid’s house, now occupied by Malâ€" colm McInnes. So there. will be quite an airing of furniture, amri probably Colin McLean may move to the old homestead in Artemesia, south of this place. His brother, Donald, is talking of going West, ‘and letting .Colin run the farm, so there is Lots of the West fever at present. Orders for new (-omwc? inns. changes of firm names. clmngvs of street ad- dresses or fur duplicate entries shuuld be handed in AT ONCE TU W. LAIDLAW, Local Manager had barely time to back up. The escape was a narrow one. These trainmen are sometimesfioo well up to their ‘business, and forget to give the warning signal loud enough to be properly heard. Just sometimes they give a “toot” when near a crossing. The wide pub'lcitj :.‘.t.xi:‘.~.i by pm perties bought in turnirr 5.21m «ii In: Uiilies' Limit bruugn: 14”! ‘th ‘1 .‘l um»: interesting gmuu 01' bu} '1'” at tho last auction, 5855 'im‘ L.('i)..ii Auger! The W. A. Fraser, who Is ash-“mater: with S. Ogilvie in Rug |)dlL‘.iiA:~L‘ 0; three lots for 1h” uggruguie ““00 0.1 $52,330, is the Canuuizm writ 'l uiwzh stories of outdoor life have eclightm. many readers. He had iiw distino tion of obtaining 11.9 must covctm: lots. Then, there is. Rev. John De ville, the Catholic priest, who gaw his name to the Deviiie property 01: Peterson Lake, and is now the movim. spirit with S. D. Maddin it. the do. velopment of the St. Anthem. There is no black watery liquid to stain your hmda or dirty the floor. You don’t have to mix “ Black Knight " Stove Polish. Thefe is no “hard brick’ ' to scrapeâ€"no troubleâ€"no wasteâ€"no hard rubbing. “Black Knight" is a firm pasteâ€"read y to use- quickly applied-and shines quick as a wink. â€" It’s as simple and easy to use as shoe polish, and a. big stove can 'be shined with it almost as easily. W your data does not head. “Ihek Knight” lave Pouch. the. undue. (“.513“th manommm Novelist and Priest Hines-s. ”amm'lb I'D-0* Our pure Manitoba flour, made from No. 1 Manitoba wheat cannot he host for either bakers or domnutic nu A am." or huge bag of a. “no grub. white. nutritious flour. is sold (In ”at hand. Have you ever tried it? (let your grocer to give you our kind next. dme and see the superior baking quad- idea it possesses. Better and more wholesome. bomnse of a secret, prove. that We put the wheat thruugh. Don’t forget. [I made from selected winter what and is a superior article for making pastry. etc. Special Reduction on Float in 5 and 10 Bag Lou. Goods delivered anywhere in town. A blend of} Manitoba and ()htitdo wheat and in a strictly rat, cla- funily flour Chopping Done Every Du All upomodnte flour and fined and grocers keep our ,flour for sale. If your grocer (has not. lump in mum to the mill and we will not: yuu right. Call us up by telephone No. 8. Pumps of all Kinds. Galvanized and Iron Pip- mg; B1 ass Brass Lined and Iron Cylinders. Pumas from $2 unwam. SHOP Open every afternoon. Ml REPAIRING promptly and prop- erly amended to. NW. 0. annual! For A MachineOiL Harness Oil, Ame Grease and H00! Ointment, 20 to S. P. SAUNDERS W D. CONNOR w kind. of Gn_in_ bought at Mark. People’s Mills John McGowan. PASTRY FLOUR SOVEREIGN Manufacturer 01 A. d Dealer in -â€" ECLIPSE TH E The linrnesamukol

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