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Durham Chronicle (1867), 24 Feb 1910, p. 8

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with LOCAL APPLICATIONS. :3 they cannot melt the out: of the disease. Ctlbrth is e blmd or constitution-.1 ulieeuee and in order to cure it vent must take internal remedies. Bell's Cebu-h Cure is taken internally and act. directly on the NM end Income enrtacee. Hell‘s Caterrlt Cure te uotaquack medicine It wee preecrlbed b! one of the beat physician in thin eonatry for yarn and lee regular preeeriptlou. It le com- ed at the beet tonic. he“ cabinet with ebeetblood purlflere. eetleg directly on the .ttOOI-s “dunes. The perfeet “ablation o! the two ingredient. is whet predeeee each wonder!“ must. in em; Omani. W for “nimble free. I. J. CBIHY C0. M . Tel.“ 0. . field by ell Brutal-ta. 75a. . fite Rall'e lat-ll: Pul- hr m. . n ‘A *- . J?! ”Kim H! WMZ‘EI Iron and Brass Castings and general Repairing. Feed boilers. Steam fitters supplies. Engines and Threshers. Sash and Doors, Planing and General Wood “7011:. Cullen gum 3! the rear 9; Cttmh Cannot be Cured. THE DURHAM FOUNDRY C. SMITH 6: SONS, DURHAM, ONT. Mr. Ted. Vickers spent one day recently with friends in town. Mr. and Mrs. H.W. Hunt spent Sunday last with Mr. and Mrs. Wm Pearson. of Allan Park. Mr. Willie Atkinson, of Glenelg, yisit‘ed recently in this neighbor- Miss Bella Allen. of Edge Hill. upent a few days with Miss Bella Donnelly. Misses Jennie md Mamie ‘Wilaon‘ of Durban, visited a couple of days in this vicinity. Vickers Extljhctér.â€"â€"II; Used a hen cent Com Suvaâ€"tor s smarter he could have cured his £01311: yith gumup’s Painless Corn NEW TRADERS BANK BRANCH Two St. Louis girls are suffer- ing from leprosy, supposed to be caused from wearing “rats” made from Asiatic hair. Do you know that croup can be prevented? Give Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy as soon as the child becomes hoarseor even after the croupy cough appears and it will prevent the attack. It is also a certain cure for croup and has never been known to fail. Sold by all dealers. A branch of the Traders Bank has been opened in Erskine, Alta.. and We are advised that one will be opened in Mathesom, Ont, a- bout the 2lst inst. This ’Will make 106 branches of the Traders Bank in Canada. The tunnel station at Port Hur- on was completely destroyed by fire. The loss is estimated at $35,000. Cause unknown. all sexual Weakness averted at once. PHOSPHONOL will make you a new man. Price $3.00 a box or two for $5.00. Mailed to any ad- dress. The Scobell Drug Co., St. Catharines, Ont. ew For sale a“ Macfarlane C010. While it is often impossible to prevent an accident. it is never impossible to be preparedâ€"it is not beyond anyone’s purse. In;â€" vest 25c. in a bottle of Chamber- lain’s‘ I_.iniment_ angi you are_pr_e- A gloom was cast over the com- munity when the news was learned that Mrs. James Hopkins had de- parted this life on Sunday evening at 10 o’clock. Deceased was a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. M-cRonald, and was married to Jas. Hopkins about five years ago. She always seemed to enjoy good health until recently, but few thought her condition so serious, as she never would complain. She leaves to mourn her loss a hus- band and one child, nine months old. who will be left without a mother’s love and care, .also her parents. and two sisters, Mary and Jennet, and one brother, James, all of Bentinck. restores every nerve in the body agd vitality. Premature decay and spent one evening rece Mr. and Mrs. A.W. Hunt. pared Ior sprains bruises and like injuries. Sold by all dealers. Electric Restorer for Men Ruined His Foot. 10w x canon ‘ A . an 333‘ DU T recently with 25¢. a box. or five boxes for 81. For sale at Madurlane Co’s. will tix you up again. They are a splendid Kidney and Liver tonic. and just what you need if you are all run down. opiritleu and dia- Miss McPhersonCone of the aged ladies attacked by Henderson, 3 young Englishman. near Havelock died on Sunday last, and the per- etrator of the crime will probab- y hgve to face the charge of A reliable regulator; never fails. While these pills are exceedingly powerful in regulating the genera- tive portion of the female system. thev are strictly safe to use. Re- fuse all cheap imitations. Dr. de Van’s are sold at 85.00 a box, or three for 810.00. Mailed to any ad- dress. The Scobell Drug Co., St. Catharines, Ont. ew For sale at Macfarlane Co’s. The death last Tuesday of Mr. Samuel Morrison, was received by many with much surprise, as well as sorrow, as few had heard of his return home from the southern States, where he was looking after an estate of a deceased relative, which yielded him a snug sum. It was no doubt the change of cli- mate that hastened his death, as his sister, Mrs, Troy, of Orchard, who accompanied him, is also suf- fering. He had about reached the allotted span. being upwards of eighty years of age, and first saw the light of day in old Ireland. After coming to this country, he spent some time in the state of Kansas, also in the toWnships of Normanby and Glenelg, but it is since coming to Egremont that he has succeeded well; until his fam- ily is now left in comfortable cir- cumstances. The funeral took place on Thursday to the Roman Catholic cemetery. Orchard, Rev. ,Father Hauck officiating. A 'wife and ten children are left to mourn the loss of a fond husband and parent. Ii troubled with indigestion, con- stipation, no appetite. or feel bil- ious. give Chamberlain’s Stomach and Liver Tablets a trial and you will be pleased with the result. These tablets invi orate the stom- ach and liver, an strengthen the digestion. Sold by all dealers. There will be a few removals from this place this week. The Sirrs family ,from their farm, which :was purchased last fall by Mr. F. Noble; Fred Ball to his farm in Normanby, which he leased from S. Caldwell; and Wm. Mat- thews from the Lennox farm, which he has tilled for the past year. Mr. Jas. McCallum, of Manitoba. who is spending the winter with friends in Huron and Grey, visited the Tucker family last week. Like all other 'Westerners, he speaks highly of the prairie province and says even local opt-ion thrives well there. Mr. Wm. Lee has not been in the best of health for some months past‘ and last week was much worse than usual; in iact he is considered in a very critical conâ€" dfition. Mr. Geo. Chapman is moving his household effects to his home in Artemesia this week. We wish him every success in his undertak- ing. The GibSon family, late of Scot- land, held an entertainment in Swinton Park church. There was Mr. Fred Irish, school teacher, visited his home at Wareham on Saturday. Mr. James Eden is putting forth old time vigor at his new job, and last Week made many sales of goods. La Grippe is going around, but so far the people of thip vicinity have escaped. Miss Olive Sackett is. visiting friends in Meniord. Miss May Ernest is at present in Holstein. Mrs. James Rewick has a hen with a brood of chickens. Who can beat this. Mr. Alex. McLean, of New Eng- land. spent Sunday with his sister. Mrs. Wm. Sackett, of this place. The rabies epidemic among dogs is causing much alarm. It is well the law is being enforced to eith- er tie dogs up or have them muz- zled. Here we are again, Mr. Editor. with no better report with regard to the weather than in our last budget. The snow continues to pile up till it [has blocked swamp work to a great extemt. Mr. John Plester, of New Eng- landrhad the misfortune to get his hand pierced with a pitch fork. Blood poisoning set in, but under the skilfnl treatment of Dr. Sneath of Dromore. he is improving. Misses Maggie McLaughlin, and Tilly Pollock visited friends at Proton Station last week. The sympathy of all in this part goes out to the Alice family in their hour :of trouble. a fair attendance, imd all were well pleased with Mr. Gibson’s genuine Scotch singing. For rheumatism it is not neces- sary to go to Hot Springs. Just use the “D.L.” Menthol Plaster and results will be satisfactory. 25c. at druggists. Davis Law- rence Co;, manufacturers. Dr do Van's Female Pills. Sackett’s Corners. Corner Concerns. Fig Pills ‘ up --------------- ’chla «mu. uuu I “'ul GAV'JyB “th: IL "I my SlaDICS- Royal Purple Stock ond Poultry 3 poclllca and tree booklet. u“: kept to Itock by s. P. SAUNDERS. One 50c. package of ROYAL PUR PLE STOCK SPECIFIC will last one animal seventy days. Which is a little over two-thirds of a cent a da ' Most stock foods in 6ft cent ackagcs last but fifty days and are given three times a day. hOYAL PURPLE STOéK SP CIFlC isgiven but onceaday. and lasts half again as long. A ‘I.50 ail containing four times the amount of the fifty cent package will last ZROdays ROYAL. PISRPLE will increasc :he valuc of your stock 251- lt is an astonishingly quick fattcner. stimulating the appetite and the relish for food. assisting nature to digest and turn feed into flesh. A a h fattener it is a leader. [Cu will save many times its cost in veterinary hills. ROYAL PU PL POULTRY SPECI- iS our other SDecil-ic for poultry. not for stock. One 50 cent package will last twenty-five hens 70 days. or a pail costing 81.50 will last twentv-five hens 280 days. which is four times more material fur pnly three times me cost. it makes a "laying machine"out of your hens summer and Winter. rcvents fow!s Insin v fl h It'. t' .a d ~ res lt dreamt. Every package of OVAL wane srééifté'fl’ci" i633- p'bfiirawsfic'xsic is guaranteed. _ JURt use ROYAL PURPLE on one of vnnr animal: 1|an an“ nehnr mnnr-HM M -nnokn- m." ""E 2:01} 1.0"?!“ Ianer of anv pa'crr on Giand Cucml, ‘08 Just use ROYAL PURPLE on one of your animals and any other orvnration on another animal in the same condition: after comparing results you will sayRO AL PURPLE has them all beat to death, or else backcomes your money. FREE-Ask your merchant or write us for our valuable 32-page booklet nn cattle and poultry diseases. containing also fi conkm recnirws and full particulars about “AI'A 1".“ no â€" -_A--- ______ k‘ 2’1 _ ‘7 weeks. It makes the milk richer and adds flesh faster to an any other preparation known. Young calves fed with ROYAL PURPLE are ‘8 large at six weeks old as they would be when fed with ordinary materiale at ten weeke. ROYAL PURPuE STUCK SPECIFIC builds up run-down animals and restores them to plum nness almost mmically. Lures bots. cnlic. worms. skin diseases and deb-lit rmanemly. Dan Mel-Swan. the horseman. says: ”I have used ROYAL PURPLE STUCVIFE PhClFlC persistently in the fee ling of ”The Eel.’ 2.021.. largest winner of any pacer on Grand Circuit in mm. and 'Hea ry Winterc.’ 2 (Ni. brother of Allen ’Winters.’ winner 0! mum in trotting stakes in 1908. These homes have never been of? their feed since I commenced using Royal Purple Specific almost a year ago. and I will alwaye have it in my stables." _l ROYAL PURPLE STOCK SPECIFIC contains no grain. nor farm products yieid of milk from three to five pounds per cow per day bztnre the Specific has I: weeks. It makes the milk richer and adds flesh faster t an any other prepan Vnung calves fed with ROYAL PURPLE are as large at Six weeks old as they w fed with. ordinary materialq at ten weeks. }(0YI\L PURPVE STUCK SP" CIFIC builds nn run-dr\u-n animal: and mm Does notcomzthe Hair ‘ " AYER‘S HAIR VIGOR Stops Falling Hair Lots of other Wire Fences have a Tension. Curve or Kink. u an excuoe for “Give” and “Take." But the number of these “Gives" and “Takes" is limited.. They cannot keep it up. It isn't in the “fire or the method. Both the Frost Field-Ended and .the Frost Woven Fence have extra proviuone for "Give” and "Take." But no othen have it. You simply cannot find another Fence whichwiflntunit-Ihnpolikethel’root. AYER’S HAIR VIGOR How the Frost Fence “ Gives " and Maslv “T; Make Each Animal Worth 'akes" Like a Spring. ' Your anin'tals do'need not no}.'feed,3.;thooh-doing-town-eigt'lx'fir bodies get all the good out of the teed you awe them so they can get {at and stay fat all year round: also to prevent disease. cure disease and keep them up to the best ssible condition. No "~-tock food" can do all th ‘s - things. ROYAL Pfioupea smelt SPECIFIC can and does. .1 2; Nobody ever heard of "stock foqd" Curing the bots or c'olic. making hens lay in winter. increasing the yield of milk five pounds pet cowa day. or re_s_t_oring run-dqvqp anigngls §9_plumpness and vigor. Not a “Stock Food” But a “Conciitione'f’fl’ When §ou feed stock {odd ”'to ’S'bhr'céifiw'hgs'e'. swine or poultry you are mergly (ceding the)“ what you at; growing on‘your own farm. If you cannot get Royal Purple Specufics from merchants or agents. we will supply you direct. express prepaid. on receipt of SI .50 a pail for either Poultry or Stock Specifics. REYES; b‘u‘fi firié‘s'i‘dt'ié'i‘a'é‘? “'6'“ TRY specxmcs. Make money arrting as our agent in your district. Write for terms. I For sale by ail upotoodate merchants. W. l. Jenkins mg. 00., London, Can. 25% Over Its cost STOCK AND POULTRY s'Fscmcs On 6 of a Cent 3 Day it will not snap. regardless of uliu Canadian weather VII-inlet». pee _ _ _ _ â€"â€"---vu‘-W\.‘ per day balm-e the Spec-itic hai beep used (“-0 mzm 2m Feb. 24, 1910 It increases 73' ther Saws [unlined at (he Foundry The bank preperty up town I been cold to Mr. A. Davidson. See the biz range of men‘s boys new a ring units we are sh Innâ€"8. l". rlock. Kr. Thou. Swallow sold his h clu- drh or. “Tomnn S." to Ichlly. of “'alkulun 'llm he VII lhipped to the \\ PM on M (by tut. See flanchlnn’s ad. Leave 3'« order for McGowan‘s rolled a and out meal. red hot from (fiddle. A box bull Illev “as owned on Thursday mening last in premises Intel} \acatod b) A Russell. general merchawm A meeting of the “'omvn‘s In: tute Will be (held at the homo [rm-N. McCannel, on 'l‘hursd mrch 8rd. Ladies iuVitod. Hunting carried give the Hastings fixed assessment vote M'as 129 for, the by-law. [in Dick has engaged Miss S, of Campbeilfcrd, as head trim this season. Miss Shea has city experience, and comes ‘ recommended. The Conservatives of South Iex held their annual moetin Loomington on Fridax last. one akera were Dr. Andu-son local member, and R. R. (im the man from Manitoulin. St. Thomas owns its light. II 1nd power department. and ow to I large unnual surplus tlw 1 council made a reduction of 1‘ cent. on the price of gamwl ook effect March lst. AI all our accounts Wore out and mailed some time ago, there are yet a numlm who not responded. we mould as those who have not done so kindly call as soon as pose.“ we need the mono).-(juu s Store. j A Imall pamphlet giving 5 arguments in flavor of H. H. let’s bill. now before Parlia on race~lrack gambling, has received at this office. ll wil doubt be of intvrvm, and aasis understanding more (:h-al‘h‘ future discussion of ”ac whjv Mr. John McDoug all of “it (M, Altl. who baa been visfl hlI father Ind othel I‘I latiu s friends in Banninck for (in 1 three months. “as in town Mom and gave us a IIr-iIf I an. H. tends returning to ”II VI I- «I III course of a Ivu VII-ks. Bob. Cock. tho Orangvvillv ado. was taken to ngstm ridny. Where In in lo m-l" term of two years for shun i countable. who tried to a him. He laid plans 10 er- escnpe from Orangt-xiliv yw the night beiorv his .n-Hu and would liktiy In- a .u. again had his “'le no: 1mm; covered. H9 pluggv-‘l 1hr 10¢ .- the spring would not ‘ when closed 'on him for the I though it nppoarvd as do 5. IdditiOfl. I “'ir'n “'35 aims-in the dot». and the other end fastened to Cook’s bed. The W“ discovered by How Knowles when making has round (or the night. The new Board 01 Dirt-Nor the Come-u! L‘ompan} an: Me" llama, Hoyle, McKiunon, by“ . Kay, Scan and Calm-r. Hu-n only one change from In»! 3 Cllder tlkes the plat?“ nf “on! and the quiz: cal quidnuncs queer enough to inquile if (‘a rill do Ill my more than Dool “'9 11“? learn" 1 0:: gum! 'd ority that cams of mu vr-«lmi cattle is found in H‘w ~ . “mm: ”.mp8, but [0 'What ( .Ucnh “V9 no way Of abl't'l'idlttzhg. short the 1120. MI. W. x. A! killed a cow. and \‘s'hvx uu's' it he discovered thai mw Ir were Iflected. and lump» ()1 a culiar nature Ind formed on Inside. The hind quarlcrh am; ed to be partway good, and m 0.0in have been disposed 01', Instead of making any __§uch {£13th Adlam'dreu} the car to 9 bush and buried it. It unite a loss. but there’s no te? what the damage might be If flatly disposed of. The finishing touchvs an placed on the new armoul Hugh McDonaU ib tum-l the brickwork on the» 1 while the painting and H inside is being (:arviull)‘ an to by Mr. C. McDougall. ll fully completed about Un- this week. Four rinks of Durham Were defeated on the rink Thursday last by a “ll team from ’Walkvrton, rink from Mildmay. '1“; lost to W'alkcrton on th rinks by 15. and wvrc do the combined “’alkvrlonn tenm a total of 7 shots. VOL. 43â€"00. 2241. a Ivy-kw Tanning Co of $7000. ' and 2 agai The do w Mild out mis will Hm

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