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Durham Chronicle (1867), 3 Mar 1910, p. 5

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ooooooooowoowoooom iniment STORE Mar. 3, 1910 00.1) o++++++o 1’ sale ml to have very 999990. Mar. 3, 1910 .‘ulnzen Men's Blue ()vex-alls. worth Broker's Price ..................... fuluzen Mt-n’s Black Overalls, wm-th ludnzen Extra Remy. double stitched, Blue Overalls, worth $1, Broker’s Price llhluzcu. Extra Heavy. duuhle stitched. Him-k ()vernllmwwrth $1. Broker’s Price Slum-ks tn umtrh ........................ Hpm-ial madv. wry Bl'ru'k Overalls, $1 Broker’s Price . . . . . . . lilavk and Blue Slum-ks Men’s Neglige and Work- ing Shirts In «lnz. tmvvller’s samples in rwgliges, fast rulm-s. just arrive-0,750, Broker’s Price. . Spm-iul lut ()xfurd Shirts. fast (rnlm-s,lm-ge 537m. Wurth (We. Bl'ukor's Price .......... If» dim-n Blue and \Vhite and Black and \‘~ mu- Duck Shirts suld by all «Inâ€"thus at There Slaughtering Over- alls and Smacks Music at the Broker Sale. 31st Battalion Band in attendance Saturday and Saturday night, Mar. 5 G. J. McKechnie’s Departmental Store in the hands of A. D. Learoyd, Broker, for quick sale Broker could not draw the crowds this time as the roads were n Saturday, opening day, it was hardly possible to get through the dense great big happy, eager, enthusiastic throng of people. We have every McKechnie conform to every principle of clean ligimate merchandising. ers are high-class reliable goods and will be sold at prices that will astc In response to the Broker’s invitation, hundreds turned out and made the dull streets of Durham like Broadway, New York. Merchants said was only the wildest dream, that the I‘Ixtm special Pure Coffve. \ Hrnkt-r's Pricv. lh ............ .luhn Bull Pickles, Al stock l’l'im'. bottle ............... .. 2.") hnxvs (‘nmfurt Snap, Broker ”I“ bkt‘l's I’m-sh Rim )1 mil. maid .bmst Hansmsu l lh-nkvl's Prior. lb tht'S ('m'mnts. l Hrukvr's l’ric'e. 1h lth'.“ frvsh l’rum- ’rivv. jar . . . . . . . rk and Beans. 11~ 1.111 .................................. I .-\ 1': .Bmt (111111112111 11 $111: 11 fur ..... 11111111! ful the 51111 ............... $1. Highest prices paid for produce ll film-0:15 Best Coats' \Vl1ite and Black Cot- t1111'1‘l11ea1i. 51 1-pool, Brokex’s P1ice ...... lN|\1ls.Fine U1ga111i1e Muslin, fast colors 1l: 1inty patterns. 151 v.11. Broker’s Price“ 12.. ’ '10 y:1l. Scotch (wingbams and Plain Sl1au11l1rays.l.3c and 201 yd” B ker’ s Plice. [2.10 yds. English Dress P1ints, all colors 31 w 1111' wo1tl1 1’50. Brokm’s Price. ...... 111m y1ls.(‘ana1iian P1ints. all coln1s.splen1lid \1 ashing goods.w01tl1 85c. Broker 3 P1ico.. HI l's Smnking and Chewing To- plugs fur ....................... nptha Soap, Broker's Price. 4 is a Rip in the Price of Groceries 1t rivv. can ..................... Lt the Brnkvr’s Sale. 8 lbs. for fresh Figs just, an in lwfnl'e it is 50“ Half - price (h'm I'H mmtm lww fruit. wm'th m-w fruit, wurth 80 ll). hmu'v Weight. 31911" )3. Blokers l’xiu'. Armour D. LEARDVD - Totfve. Wurth 401:, )ing at the sale at H) to nmtc it is svwvd up Selling $27,500.00 G. wort h f 1111.31 .00 ived and go Al quality, Bx-nket"s rice, ".“_"".7.25c lix'nkel‘ And Underwriters’ nggggeâ€"Fjre Sale Bruk pnm 39c 390 ..39c W90 W9c Li..69c ‘.7..89c .391: .390 .290 {WVS That Strongly Appeal to the Public Il'nlncements that crowd the shoe Department). Over-flowing Great Salvage Shoe Sale. Hunduetls pairs Slmes at. half price, only boxes damaged by a, taint: of smoke or a Splash of water. Insurance Conwany stands the 1088, 331;; (m the 95. Sold to Bmker Leamyd for G. and J. McKechnie, Durham. Infants’ Suit Sule New Shnes, wm'lh 35v. Salvage Sale Price. pair” ...... lease Ladies Gum! “muiuu Kid Sliues “01th $1. ...3, S: iiwige Sale Hit 1-, pair“ 2 cages qulivs’ Kid Shows, special snap .1198 $1.75 pair, Suqugv “mic i lice. pair ....... c lfpjpnii' lmdiiw' iiwx (‘uli Him). Simv‘ ('il('2|]):li$zsili\'ug(‘zli('1’l"i(t'.[bl. ”$1.39 Big int Mt-n’s \\Ul‘i\'ih}.{ Shuws. a” hiyk'b‘ Worth $1.27) tn $I.TM'L Salvage Hale i’i'u-v...79° l ('usu “UV 5‘ H: hnn' Hil()0~‘.\VHl'lil $1.75 ¢1 19 I Sailvagv Sniu l’ liH- ................... w 1 case Buys' Srhnnl Shoe-”.wm'th $1.75 Salvage Sale Price ............ . ..... 24 pair Buys" an Calf Blur. Shdvs, worth $2, th‘nga- Saks Prim: 5 (:zuws Mom’s Extra (Quality Stun-m SHOE BARGAINS 5 pieces of All- linen anling. worth 10c yd. Bwkel s l’lice ...................... 10 pieces C wish Tu“91hflg.\\ 01th 101- yzud B10ke1'sP1ice ............................ Special line of Belfast Linen Toweling worth 12412, Broker's Price ............... 10 pieces Table Cilclutli in calm-9,54 width worth 300 yard. Broker’s Price . . . . . . 5 pieces Marble Blue-vein and plain white Broker’s Price ............................ as the roads were nearly impassable. Crowds were so tremendous that we were practically dumfoumled. get through the dense jam of eager buyers. The aisles and stairway were literally packed with customers. a leople. W e have every reason to believe that this Broker Sale will double any sale we have had yet. G. and J. mate merchandising. It is absolutely free from tricks and make-believe. The sale goods placed on the count- 1t prices that will astonish everybody. We urge you to come in and investigate. OVERWHELMINW THE DURHAM CHRONICLE MCKECHNIE Stock of General Merchandise. .in \vhitv 22C 49c ....986 $1.39 ()vur Rubbers Ti..ch 1 case Men’s Fine Kid Bluc.. new gnuds, worth $2, Salvage Sale Price. -$ 1 case, Ladies’ Fxtra Fine All Patent. Cult worth $3.50, S; Lluige eSztie Price. -$ 1 ease uuiy, boxes dmnaged, Men s 1‘" me Patent, (Juli; Blmu, gnml year Welt, s wnrth $5 Salvage Sale 1’! 'it'e . . . . l ( use English Kid Me 'n’s Slim s WUI'LiI $3 2.). S::l\ tge Sale l’r we, pair ........ s 2” pair mvs‘ Small Size. Srluml Shoes “with $1.25. S ilvuge S lit‘ i’l'ire ........ o)(°HScSl15iHi(.-s .itullxi (H'l'e luihhels, imsl «wraiiLy. “with Si", SulvzigeS Sale l’rirel. l Puree Miast-s’ Sturm (her inhiwrs, best l}ll:iiii)'.\\'tiitii iilip'. Salvage Sale Price. . PIS, :my pl u'ejin ’nwn SI Sale prire. ...... ] «asp Humwleth's, good \sidth and h‘ m y weight \V‘Ulii) 1:3“ mm]. Brnkm'a i’licv .82C 1 hale Mill 9: :d (.‘nttuns. “filth 70 yard Broker’s I’ric'c ............................ 4C 1 case I’lzumelette Blankets, white and grPvawrth $1.25. Brnkvr's Price, pair... .99C lease t xtm large I’lanneiette blankets “01th $1. 51,1 broker 9 pr ice .............. 1.19 3 pieres T {we Linen, gnod quality, \\ orth 9 .500, hmkcx 3 price, y: 1rd ............. ....I c 32.31.39 ”‘ $2 69 1" ”$3 49 $1 98 .750 ‘I“.. 59c 790 39c 5 pieces Table Linen, half himu'hmi.worth 40F. hruker's price ........................ 29C 3 pier-cs double damask Bulfithl. illlpol'U‘d Linn.wIII'tiI $1 yd.. ‘Jl‘UkL‘.l"" priI 0 ........ 49C Mill- ("(15 in DIIIIIask,w0I-th $1.2.'.IIInkcI".~I pIice ........................ 39C (5 1i). Allwoul blankets. WIIIUI $3.75, 2. 98 hr’nkpr s piic c. 5 pieces FeatheI Red 'I‘iI: king, wmtlI Iiiic yard, brokm 5 [nice ..................... 22C 10 dozen FnIIr-in-hnnd Silk Ties,worth 250 Broker’s Price. 2 for . . . . . . .............. 10 dnzen Hook-on Ties. new shades. worth 250. Broker's Price. 2 for ................ Big lot New SpeI-inl Tie4, fine. SIlk, worth 50c. Broker’s Price, ...... . . . . . . . . ....... . Four ply Linen (‘nllaI-s. all sizes,wnrtlI 15¢- Bmker’s Price. 4 fur .................... Men’s Stlb‘pendt‘l'b‘, he-u'v with leather ends wnItlI 250 Brukel’s Price. ......... Men :4 large. size. Linen Lawn Handker- chiefsavnrth He. Broker’s Price. 7 fur. . . l speeial lot Men’s All-Wiml Tweed Suits, well lined. Al lit, worth $8.5” BI-okeI °’ ‘ Price ................... . . . s 1 special 101 Men’s Fine All- wIml tweed Suitsnsm th $.l, Brnker s l’ I'iee ........ s 1 speeiul line Men’s Funey \Vursteil Suits, extra quality. lit guaranteed, wIIrtlI $1”, Broker’s l’riee. . . .. . . . . ... .s l speeial lIIt extra line Men's l“;IIIey \VIII‘steIl Suits, $12. I‘l'41kt‘l"h l’riee. . . .s l speeiul Int Men's lilaek ('luy \VIII'stI-Il SllilS,\VUl'lll $iU. Broker's l’I'iee. ........ s ] speel ti lIIl Men‘s iiille (‘|:I_\' \Viil'sietl S. Iils “III til $i2. lirukel'k l’I'iee. ..... s l speeistl lnt. Men‘s Fine \\'nI°.~tI-Il Suits in t'uIIey and plain blues. I worth $13. liruker's I’I'iee .......... SpeI-ial liIIe HI)_\'.4‘2-I.ieI-e Suitxin gmul strung [Wm-(l t'm' xelmul wear, “’Hl‘lll s $2.73. Broker's l’riee .................. S'Ieeiul int Buys. extra quality 'I‘Weeil Q Suit 4, wm ”1 >3. i 2.”..HI-IIker's I’I'iee ..... u Speeiul lut H1434 2-pieee Suits. tlIe WIII'lIl (Iver at $3 5‘), Hruker’s l’riee. . . .s 1.") speeiul Men’s (lvel'enuts in tWeml IIIIIl beaver, wIII-th $7.50 and $8.3“. The entire int goes at Bruker’s Sale” s it) speeiul Beaver uml .‘liltmIUveI'I-uut.4 Worth $9.50, Braker's Priee ............. 3 l speeial lnt‘ Yuuths’ ()vereuats iII beavers with \‘el\'el enlluI-s. well IiII- eIi. wnrth $6 .3”. liruker’s I’l‘iee. ...... 3 Speeinl lot Men‘s Vine iii-aver Over- mmtqu. 3‘” and M2, Bruki I".4 l’riee. . .. s 25 pr. Heavy \Viml Tweed l’IIIIts, Worth $1.25, Bruker’s l’I'iee ........ ........ 50 [)I'. Men's 'I‘Weeil l’illlih‘, Worth $1.50 Broker’s Price ...................... 23 pr. Men's Fancy \Vm'stml Pants, Worth $2.25, Broker's Price ......... 12 pr. Bfuvflay \Vorstvd l’antxnvnrth $2.50, Bruker’s P1100 ............... Special 1nt Mom’s \Vm'stml and Fine Tweed Pants, “with $3, B’kvr’s l’rir Tremendous Slaughtering in Men’s Underwear Ge nts’ Fu rnishing Department lease of Special I’lvuvv-linud Shirts and Drawm's.w’t,h 500, Brnkvrs I’l-ive,gnl'lxno-I‘. ‘. l caseof Fawn and Pink All-wnol Shin-La and DrawersJSc, Bmkcrk Pl'i¢'P.K:U'IlH‘Hl.. l n:ts(e.lioavy All-wool Elastir Ribbed, Um wm'ld m'm' at 850.131'nkm’s Pricegaruwnt. Heavy Zem All-wool Shirts and Drawers wm-Lh 754:, Broker’s Price. garment . . ..... l'l'lt't‘........ .. :xlra quality 'l‘wovd IHrukvrs Pl N 0 ~" 2-pioco Suits. tlw M'U] 2.7m 25° s. warth 25¢ , worth 19c m-tl) 15v 256 lmtthvr 1 9c andkvr- 7 fill“ ..... 25c '(‘ml 8...)” $3. 98 ‘ ‘ ”$4. 98 ..... $6 98 $7.98 ”(.598 ’7...$798 ...8H 99 35.1...31 .98 ';'.‘..79c 9 98¢ 31.48 $1.69 39c 39c 59c 54c

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