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Durham Chronicle (1867), 3 Mar 1910, p. 6

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V 1 CENTRAL S Ewamy%g STR QTFOHD ONT WW WWW +O+OM> «3+0me APPMTION TO PARW "A! will be made to the *Lokiil'nt’nn 01‘ Ontario nt it. present Session. by the town of Duhnn, {or nn net to gonflm By-hv 150. up at thg odd WILLIAMS, GREENE 6: ROME (.30., Limited By October 15th our new factory at Hanover will be completed. We will rmpiire fifty girls. “'0: also have room for a fo-w girls in our presmt quarters. Applications will be received now by WANTED \ hay \lsume y n’mstmtcd wally. Largest. 31:. m! :.;t m 9! any «lemme jomnal. Terms for Luna l. 9;: . n. yeahpust age prepaid. 801d b3 NU new: lam. NUNN Co. ”'WMN Nengrk hunch 01360. 3% F St- Wuhlnzton. FIFTY GIRLS ‘ Tum: Mum. Dunn: Common" ‘6. i‘ nmno sending n sketch and description ms) flunk" asvermm our 0; him] free Whether In nxrmzmm I! prnh'nviy p utenmblo. ‘nmmunlca- " andr10:}!{'nnudvmi;Ll._HANDBO on Patent; am": a mi: '1‘ iv.1oatâ€"Sééiiiiiré'n-"ibmfié‘g" ' it? Mug.» :3_ pm; 31.1-9th Mupn‘ _ mod! Patents when throuizh Mann 1 “w.“ MM 7"!!!“ cargo. mum Write us at once for our free catalogue and laur- tho manna of our courses in tonmnlal. Shula-d and Telofinphy dopartuwntn. We have the leadingmmc final. flaming M'hcml in Woostern Ontario Courses are-nmsouzh infirm-turn Pxprl' ionoed and we a-miat graduatou m moi! tinns Studenka-oeumring em'h Wrek You shonicl entrr N U W. Take notice that an 11 Sciazfiiiiié Haitian. NOVER, D. A. McLAGHLAN PRINCIPAL TH E‘ ONTARIO and Funeral Director» Ptcture F ram mg on shortest A. BELL UN DE RTAKER “Windham-It”! puu ball on Iuar The council ad duh-dry. _ nonhatmmJ. Full line of Catholic Robes, and blot-k and white Caps for aged people. . All orders sent to us in town carefully filled and promptly delivered. If You §§§ Farmers’ Produce Wanted He Sells \Ve carry a. full line of fresh Groceries. Special prices on Best Valencia Raisins, 4 lbs. for 25¢ All-wool Blankets at $3, $4 and ......... $4.75 a pair . Mrs. Beggs 8: Sons Bed Comforters at $1.35, $1.75 $1.95. $3.50 and....$3.75 each Large 11-4 Flannolette Blan- kets,white or grey. $1.25 pair Miss Clark, Supt. Grace Hos- pital, Toronto, writes they have used it with the best results. a 000. and SI .00 Iota... DAVIS LAWRENCE (20.. Montreal. \Vonl Honey Comb Shawls, white, black, red or grey at. .50c, 750, $1 and $1.40 each nge 60-30 size Smyrna. Ruge .................... $3. 00 each Men's “"001 Undershirts and Drawers................a')001 Men’s Cardigan Jackets ...... .................... $1.00 each W. H. BEAN Men’s Heavy \Vinter Top Shirts .................. 50(: up Lnd ies’ Vests . . . Cheap Snow ROOMSâ€"Next to Swallows} Barber Shop. RESIDENCEâ€"Next door South of W. J. Lumrence’nj blacksmith shop. ‘ Trade or cat-h and one price for Butter and Eggs (Trade lurk) Every Bag Guaranteed ,mbalming a Specialty BIG Oalder’s Block 1.7 up Normanby Council; 3 A SGCCht' bottle of a claim. .made by Mr. Dickson, of the gravel road, {or damages of upwards of 8200 {or the loss of a horse. The horse in question, which was engaged hauling flour from Ayton to Orchard last month ,bcâ€"came overheated, and is alleged ito have contracted sickness from .which it died some ten or eleVen 'days later. The ground on which :Mr. Dickson foun-d‘s his claim is Ithat a piece of this road some- }where in the vicinity of Nenagh jwas not properly opened after a Iprevious storm. In considering ,the matter. however, the council could not see fit to acquiesce to 'such a demand, and deemed the mishap more the result of imprud- =ence on the part of the teamster ,than any neglect or carelessness of the council with regard to the 'road. and therefore stook no ac» , tion. Council met in Ayton on Monday Feb. 14th all the members pres-- ent. The first order in the roll of business .was_ the c_qnsi§er§fion of The .council adjourned to meet In the township hall, Aygon, on Saturday, April 2nd, at 10 a. m., to appoint pathmasters, poun lkeep- ers and femce viewers and for gen- eral business. R. H. FORTUNE, Clc-rk. Growing Lfastâ€"y-es, into weakâ€" ness. but without strength. Tired‘ of course she isâ€"pale and thin too. She doesn’t eat enough and di- gests far too little. This condi- tion is so common, 'but how seldom noticed even by fond parents. Give her Ferrozoneâ€"then :watch her appetite improveâ€"see her 9cheeks and lips grow ruddyâ€" watch her spirits rise. This gain is simply the result of eating and digs-sting enough, and there-1w nourishing blood‘ brain and narves To a woman, Ferrozone restores strength she has lostâ€"to a girl it brings strength perhaps she never iknew. You’ll try FEI‘I’OZ'D'i‘lG 500. at all dealers. Following are the motions as read and adopted; â€" _R;én71ihÂ¥â€"Baé‘tz.â€"That the minutes of the last regular meeting as read be__a-Qopt_ed._â€"_-Carrie(L I A- C Umbachâ€"Kenna. â€"That $5 be giv en to the National Sanitarium As- aoaiation. Muskoka.Vâ€"C_arried:_ Shielâ€"Baetz.â€"That the auditors’ report be adopted, and that the clerk be instructed to have 100 copies printed _and_djstri‘r_)uted.â€"C. Baetzâ€"Kemna.â€"That the follow- ing accounts be paid: J.L. Walsh, rep’g cement molds, $1.50: W. Bry- ans, 82 loads gravel by p.m. R. Eden.1909. $4.10; meeting of the Board Of Health at date. $10.50: commissioners. reeve, $2.20, dep. rc-eve. $2.50. attending to township business. total $4.75; Forbes Roedding. salary as auditors, $20. The council met I‘eb.12th, pur- suant to N‘journment, all the. mem bers px‘1‘r.9..;t, the reeve in the chair. Mmutes of last meeting read and confirmed. Communica- tions read as follows: Shielâ€"Umbach.â€"That the appli- cation of Peter Hume be acce ted for the position ‘of assessor.â€" ‘ar. Umbachâ€"Shiel.â€"That the follow ing collectors be appointed: Div. No. 1. H. Ringel: No. 2, H. Brenti- 2am; No. 3, T. Wallace; the salary to be $28, $24 and $28 reapectively, same as last year.â€"Carried. From the Municipal World. acct; from the county treasurer, list of lands liable to be sold for taxes id 1910; from Onta1io Good Roads As sor‘iation; from V ucas, Raney and McArd13 re continuation school, from 108. Burgess Co., re muniâ€" cipal debentures; from W.F. Dunn. re exchange of railway deerls' irom J. A. McDOmâ€" an 1 lead a thixd time and passed. tions for the office of assessor: Weirâ€"McNally.â€"That the report of Jos. Firth.. re treasurer’s sure- :ties be adopted, and that he be paii $1 for his services, and that Thos. Lauder be paid $1 for search- es.â€"Carried. Firthâ€"â€"McNall,v.-â€"Appoin'ting con tinuation school trustee. be filled up with the name of Geo. Walker and rea da thi1d time and passed. Carried. Firthâ€"Weir. â€"That Mr. McNally be authorized to examine timbel 011 road allowance at lots 82, and 83. con. 3. W.T..R, and if he sees fit, sell the same. â€"Carried. Umbachâ€"Shiel.â€"That {no action be taken in cas'e re Dickson.â€"Car Umbachâ€"Kelmar-tha't the aud- itors ‘be p_aid $10 each.â€"_-Carr.ied. By-law 504. to appoint township office1 s1 By-law 503, appointing as- sesw1.anrd By-law 505, appointinv continuation school trustees, Were introduced and read a first and second time. McNally-Weir.â€"That M. Quilldâ€" nan be paid .325 as salary for col- lect_in_g tggcejg i_n'wa71_id 3.-â€"â€"Carr.ied. Weirâ€"McNally.â€"That the audit- ors’ report as re-audited by the council be adopted, and that the auditors 'be paid $9 eaeh for their aervices.â€"Carried. Weirâ€"McNally.â€"That W. Vessie be paid 5%. for repairing road at lot_:23_, E._Cg.B:-â€"Carried. Weirâ€"McNally.â€"That By-law 503 to appoint township officers be now read a third time. signed, sealed and engrossed on by-law bqok.â€"Carried,p _ McNallyâ€"Weir.â€"That the cierk be instructed to prepare a by- lag ypadlgsting__statute labor.â€"C. â€"â€"-- â€"---‘-“ _ McNafiyâ€"Firyth.â€"That- the Mun- icipal 'Worl-d be paid $11.60 for sup- plge_s.â€"Carried. ' Weirâ€"McNaily.-â€"That the clerk be instructed to have 200 copies of the audit-ors’ report printed;â€" Carried. o ' mNaniâ€"Firth.â€"‘rhat E. Sulli- Y“ 'be Quid Q7 “10:13 1-2 cords “ ’Fir’th:Wé{£T-'â€""Tޤ't'3'5hfi“ Ki; ponald sbgappoin'ted assessor for and to make a generélrlv'giâ€"é‘ewoâ€"f flag asaeqsmgnt to_ the best of his the 'year 191?),- at a salary 'of $6.01 and that he be instructed to make personal calls an all ratepayers, _._.I A- __ 1 'be fidd 87 - for 3â€" 13 fiood_fqr hgll.â€"_Carried. (lie-new: Cnuncii. Lâ€"Weir. -That the clerk be Pity This Poor Girl THE DFBHAM CHRONICLE Mrs. Jas. \Vatt uf Ayton spont a. few Java 1 1% week visiting friends in this neighimrhmul. Mrs. \Vatt and family Iqu in two weeks for Biugzul'. Snsk" whvre Mr. Watt, and SW!) Percy imvv taken up land. ‘i‘liuir umny friends lwre wiwh them gum! health And pmsiwriry in their distant, home. Miss Alice Landmm of Toronto is here on n month’s visit to M and Mrs. VVH). Sharp. In plane of the regular Guild meet ing on Tuesday night, March the 8th, a debate will he held on the question. “VVnnld church union he. a Messing?” Miss Hnlpmmy is captain of the' af- firmativesideand Mr. A. Anderson. of the neg ‘ tive. The sides aw as f l- luwszâ€"Afllrnmcive. M. Hnlpenny, Ebenezer Gmhles. Isabelle Byers, Jas. Byers, Reheccn Nichol. Negative, Allister Anderson, Maggie (lilmuur. Gen. Sharp, Bussie Park, A. Hender- 80“. Miss. Etta. and Messrs. Allister and Norman Anderson attended the carni- val in Aytnn rink last Thursday night and repnrt a. good time. Yankee is as full of tricks as a pet coon. Mr. W'm. Sharp delivered seven head of fine cattle to the Durham station last Monday. Mr. Brunt of Hanover, was the buyer. Mr. L. Marshall and Mr. “’11). Mc- Naughton each purchased fine steeds at a sale recently. Is An Almost Certain Sign of Acute Indigestion. If you occasionally have a taste of sour food in your mouth, it surely shows that the food you are eating is mot being digested. but instead‘ is fermenting and Riv- ing gut poisqnous gases. Miss Mary Little visited Ayto [1 friends for a few days recently. Muzzling dngs is now the order of the day and the manufacturer is get- ting a lot of free advertising. It is an ill wind that brings nobody gold. Bebe-hing of gas is a common symptom at such times, and also that lump of lead feeling, as if your stomach “was carrying a much greater load than it could stand. Macfarlane Co. know that Mi- o-na is a highly recommended scientific remedy, and that is why they are ready to return your money if it fails to cure acid stomach, belching of gas, dizzi- ness, bili'ouaneas, nick headache, goul_ _ breath‘ and all stomach troublel. If you ‘want prompt relief and permanent cure, go to Maciarlane Co. and 'get a large tin box of Miâ€"o-«na tablets for 50 centg. l‘ffimmv may I cum CATARRH, ASTHMA, WC”.CougbandCoflgor .thk. Soldand Why MMCCO. SOUR 3T0 MACH Hampden. MODEL BAKERY For Flour Feed Seed Fresh Groceries New Fruit and Nuts Choice Confectionery Pure Spices and Vinegar: No. I Family and Pure Manitoba Flours Pine Salt. Partners Produce Wanted «s. ‘ 01>. BEST value for your money tha going to remain at the H. as we have leased the pl: thankful to have you r tra ing daily. Everything: i and we want: your [mum prepared to pay the hi mention a. few of our in '. 3, 1910 Long. with pockets :md extra [1' nrice 82.50. for ...... . ........ Ladies’ Sweate Exm heavy qualit y. Misses’ ch‘ ate Nice Stock of Jolt arrived. sold regular In: Um And up-‘ New Dress 0 And Tweeda and the very best ' to make yuu a Man’a Tailor coluplew from ............... Quality _rne MISS DI Also low prices i Clothing of all 4 Fwy Wilt: Vestlngs. 1!! me 000“. Each qualih We have returned 1 in Toronto and buainesa punt! to take your 01 large stock of everythil .mdue patterns. for. making a Celecbion. We have a head ‘ I“ l [life 8““ to [On Have the We invite all who get your fill regular

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