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Durham Chronicle (1867), 3 Mar 1910, p. 8

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A reliable regulator; never fails. While these pills are exceedinzlv powerful in re lating the genera- tive portion 0 the female system. they are strictly safe to use. Re- fine all cheap imitationa. Dr. de Van’a are Iold at 85.00 a box, or three tor 010.00. Hailed to any ad- dress. The 8cobell Drug Co.. St. Catharine-a. Ont. ew ‘lor ale at Marlane a Co’s. wys. wmm is .1 mac over two-thirds of a cent a (I. la 4 but tiny Jays and are [Sven three times a day- ia given but once a day. and lasts in" again as In amount of the fifty cent package will last 280days. of your stock 25"»- lc is an astonishingly quick «lisp [or food. assisting nature to digest and tum fi FIC '. hens 70653: G r emf (in tail. '08 tare!!! “‘ "a” of sum me. x n... ru «run a 1 uus arnur It. contains no grain. nor farm products. It increases y‘cld uf milk from three to five pounds per cow p:r day before the Specific has been used two Weeks. It mam-s the milk richer and adds flesh faster t on any other preparation known. \" vung .:.i‘.‘.'cs' Ml x-nth ROYAL PURPLE are as large at six weeks old as they would be when lctl wt» ordinary materials at ten weeks. ROYAL PURPLE STOCK SPECIFIC builds up run-down animals and restores them to piumnmss almost m.agically. Cures bots. colic. worms. skin diseases anq dt-bilityleermanentl . l).m \‘lcl-iwm. the horseman. says: "I have usedROYAL PURPLE- STUC SPECIFIE persistently in the feeling of ‘The h‘el.’ 2.02}. largest winner of any pacer on Grand Circuit in Isms. md ‘anrv Wmters.’ 2.09%. brother of 'Allcn Winters.’ wmncr of mum in trotting stakes in Mm Thu: hm'ses‘. have ncwn‘ been oi? their feed since I commenced using Royal Purple Srsc its aim fit a year ago. and I will always have it in my stables.” “(an ‘ c One 30: * FOYRL PURPLE SEOCK SPFCIFICconmins no grain. nor farm products K._ll_l' _. Dr. do Vsn's Female Pills. (M; All heights. Overshoes for women or girls. Oil Tan Mocassins for men or boys. Lumbermen’s Rubbers, snag proof, rolled sole, one or two buckle, laced ofibigh leather top. Heavy Rubbers for boys, buckle or laced. Heavy Overshoes We Have 1' hem in all Sizes and a Large Number Wake Each Animal Worth xâ€"wâ€" -'V.I .“l .U'. Your anirfials do "need not no}. feedft'nmngo'an'e-tvfiing to help their bodies get all the good out of the feed you give them so they can get fat and stay fat all year round: also to prevent disease. cure disease and keep them up to the but ossible condition. No "~tock‘f00d" can do all these tl‘llllQS. ROYAL. PBRPLE STOCK SPECXFRE can 2mg does. It is Nobody ever heard of "stock food“ curing the bots or c'olic, making hens lay in winter. increasing the yield of milk five pounds per cowaday. or rggoring rug-dqu amgngls gqplumpness ands'igor- _‘,v- I ho e 1 a . 5‘ la y u . ‘ n f ar 0 Not a “_Stock Food” But a “Condi'tfiibhé?” ROBT. BURNETT Felt Shues, all kinds, for men, women and children. 25% Over Its Best Fresh Groceries always on hand All kinds of Produce Wanted On 93 9f aCent a_ Day OVERSHOES -A Dress Oyer- shoe with One Buckle behind Sheep skin lined and water proof. Heavy Grey Reefers with high collars. Men’s. Heavy Reefers v v v ' vvv'vvvv'vvvvv Everything in Hardware and Furniture R \\'e want everyone to know that buying is not a necess- ory passport to the courtesy of this store. \Ve are always pleased to Show goods, re- gardless of whether or not you are ready to buy. of Different Styles or two buckle, 10W Mrs \V. H. Crawford and little daughter of Sarnia. paid the former’s sister. Mrs. Jos. Blackburn, 3. short visit 1 at week. Mrs. (1‘. B. “'eltnn left on Tuesday to spend a mvnth with friends at Mmmt Foresv hefm-o rettling in her new home in Tux-unto. Mr. Kendall Mitchell was home from Owen Sound, over Saturday and Sun- day. A public meeting under the auspices ofthelocallodgeoftheA. O. U. W. we: held in the town hell on Friday evening lust Mr. C. H. Mmmhaw, the energetic Recorder of the local' lodge, presided in on efllcient manner! and there was a good sized audience' composed of the members of the lodge their wives and others. The speakers for the occuion were Mr. J. H. Jung-3 hens. general organizer and Mr. R. B. Henry D. D. G. M. Mr. Innghans. who is a good speaker, gave a lengthy address dealing in an interesting and instructive manner with the Work of ,the order. Pleasure was added by flaking selections given by Ueylon string band and a sol 1 eat-h by Missl Irene Wilson, Miss Mabel Boyd and . Mrs. Blackburn. I Rev. J. V. Lougheed was a visntor at the Methodist church on Sunday em ning and )ieldiug to an invitation by the pastor preached a thoughtful and interesting sermon. Dr. Murray rendered a much appreciated solo in. the. Presbyterian church when Rev. Mr. Milligan was heard the second time and delivered a finished and im- pres:-ive sermon. Mr. Henry Holman. 41h line, who has never fully recovered from his Cale 'ou wreck injuries has gone to the vity to consult a specialist re- specting unfavorable symptoms. Mrs. V:-‘.nDusen has returned ft-mn an extended visit in the city. A joint meeting of Flesherton Eugenia and Proton Station Presby- terian congregations was held in Chal- mer’s church here. on Monday after- noon l'or the purpose of moderating in a call to a minister. Rev. J. A. Matheson interim moderator, pre- sided and after short religious service, a call was unanimously issued in favor of Rev. G. S. Milligan M. A. of Kingd- ton Presbytery. Stipend offered $850 with free nrmse and four weeks hull- days. The call will come before Orangeville Presbytery on Tuesday next and__au early settlement is ex- pected. Mr. Milligan is a vigorous young man and a thoughtful and able preacher. He recently completed a postgraduate course in Edinburgh and London. Mrs. J. Runstndtler gave a birthday party on Monday evening in boner of her little daughter Marguerite, who celebrated her seventh birthday. A large number of little folk had a jolly time at the celebration. to the pastor during the summer: months, and in the event at «he re-f quest being gmnted it was decided theta morning and evening service be held in the churdh here. Mr. Fred Nicholson 4th line, has disposed of his valuable farm to his neighbor Mr. Jas. Pedlar. [n the transaction Mr. Nicholson. who does not. give possession till next fall. takes over Mr. Pedlar s farm. Miss Florence McLeod. sister of Councillor Donald McLeod died last week at Hamilton where she has lived the past eighteen years. The’remains were brnught home for interment in the family plot at Priceville. The de- ceased who was 36 years of age was born in Artemesia. Her sister Mrs. George Mitchell of Niagara, was home for the tuneral. At a joint meeting of the Baptist congregations held in the Baptist chm-ch here on Monday evening of last week it was decided to ask the Home Mission Board for an assistant Becomin entangled in a rope hy which at ca f was being In! the 7-year- old son of Mr. John Porteous, Jr., of Rock Mills. was some days ago dragg- ed several rods before bring released and among other injuries sustained a fracture of the thigh hone. Dr. (Jur- ter reduced the fracture and the little fellow is doing nicely. Everythin will be sold without reserve. as .he proprietor is gaving up housekeeping. TM: All sums of 85 and un- der..cash: over that amount 8 man. credit on unproved joint notel. 6 per cent. per annum allowed on for cuh. I . -. IThe undersigned auctioneer has been instructed to sell at his office on Garafraxa Street, Durham, on SATURDAY; MARCH 5th, 1910 t the following: - ’1 coal heater, good as new; 1 cook stove: 1 ha}: stove; 1 gasoline stove; 1 sideboardzfi din'inerOm chairs: 2 kitchen tables; lclock: pictures; 4 toilet setts; 1 walnut bedroom suite; 3 bedroom suites: 1 ward'rObe; 1 extension dininz table: 1 crib; 3 camp cots, mat. tresses and springs; 3 parlor tab- les: 2 arm chairs: 1 sofa: 1 Wick- er rocking chair: 1 clothes wring- er, tubs. etc.; carpets; ,1 chest of drawers: 1 sewing machine: book cases; curtains, blinds. linoleum. Rochester and other lamps; violin. shot gun. stuffed birds and ’ani- mals, a quantity of books. pots. pans, jars. dishes, and other arti- cles too numerous to mention. SALE AT TWO O’CLOCK SHARP lâ€"MARPH .................... “Dawn of Liberty”. . . ..... ............ Marshall 2â€"OVERTURE ............... “Southern Pastimes” ..... . ...... . ......... Tummy 3â€"CORNET SOLO. . . .“Just, Some ()ne”-â€"hy Bundmnsber... ..... Anderson 4â€"MEI)LEY MARCH. ."I Wish I bad My Old Girl Back Again”. ..La Fergev 5â€"SCIIOTTISCHE .............. “My Dusky Rose” ..... . ............ T. S. Allan 6â€"MEDLEY VALBE ........... ”My Sweet Elaine" ................ . ..... Becker 7â€"GALLOP ...................... “The Success" . .. .. .. .. .Bennett 8â€"WALTZ .......... ‘I ve Gut no Right to Love You. but 1 do" ...... O’Hau 9â€"DANCE ................... “Good-bye Jennie Jones” ......... . o ..... 0’ Connor “Gonb WE THE KING” A. D. LEAROYD Special Bargains for Saturday and Saturday Night ’0‘ Special Programme for Evening, commencing at (.o' The Band will play the following Selections under the Direction of Bandmaster Wright:â€" Broker’s Band Concert Credit Auction Sale or HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE Iron and Brass Castings and general Repniring. Feed boilers. Steam fitters supplies. Engines and Thrashers. Bach and Dunn, Planing and General Wood Work. you? But it hangs on! Can’t get rid of it! Home rem.‘ edies don’t take hold. You need something stronger-fl regular medicine, a doctor’s medicine. Ayers Cherry Pectoral contains healing, quieting. and soothing prom. ties of the highest order. Ask your doctor about thk; No alcohol in this cough medicine. 7.3.2“: Guzman; “Jusj a_little tickling in_the_tluoat!” 3%;wa H. H. HOCKLER. Prop. . Jane CARSON. AuctiOJ THE DURHAM FOUNDRY C. SMITH 6: SONS, DURHAM, ONT. McKechnie’s Store Saturday After’n at 2 [3.111. 3|St BATTALION BAND MERCHANDISE will play at v Q j}. I» 3%MW DM. §.HACFXRLANE. Town Azmto COLONIS'I' CARS ON ALL TRAINS MANITOBA SASKA'ICHEWAN ALBERTA flow Made and How Reached now smwns' RATES 10.10 le. Tiled”; during R. L. Thompson. 0.9.1.. O.P.R.. Toronto Special Trains Inca mi mm lean Toronto pound: of grease to "Id! of potash, one W 9nd sane 9.0qu 9.‘ F or Settlers BROKER 3. hours to Winnipeg M Tourist Cars nodular Trains 10.10 p... daily WWW ”KER Sealer: and Famine 5 without Live Stock should use r "for twen clan soft There is still gI-I-at diwmld tion over our weigh ‘('3|1“. l'l when pork is Selling: a: n.4- < lars a hundred. “VP \I'I-Ign‘ rm farmers are not anxmm In 4:} up the hi". a(?:'f.'s'~ HII' Hull track to tho l‘l't‘hl'f‘l 35(‘50', . '1 nnother locatiovansI I»: (-h in the near {luxuro is a «i .‘l'l tainty. and the Imvn mmnril I have to facv lhI- III‘Uhl/ m \‘J soon. The scale elm-I371 M- «‘ town same whim», as :1]! 9H "3»: 11 be shipped from one or Ihc- 0‘! of the two railway Malia I‘. would be a great (3071\(‘Ill4df1‘ course. if a scale could Im II“: It Etch of the I'ailu'u‘ \":ll"l§. I the town cannot do this (HI upon; “the expense in nroxiding l‘ Whalesters. We in “I'Vl‘ 1 ill." triangular plum» (If gV'ml belonging to the C. P. .. ix. m 0‘ Dr. Hutton’s residenmu IOIIM hid very cheap. Wilhmxt uni anything further at [III .‘l . I in I matter. We think it uould II. W for the town comell '0 r' -~ ‘4 the question and If they thinl advisable to secure the pro Only the pnvueut at prices hi3 III-I an id chem" will b as our tul share at trade. Let} pencil do their to bung: “town yin-ovum“ accommodation. 7 cannula-will notput! The town couxwil mm an 1 day night. mvmhvrs all [m except recur Calder. My] read and adoptml. notwizmt lug Councillor Sharpv's c-lfur object to one rvs‘olution. 12;“ about 695 were examim-«l 1.}â€" flnance commiltw and mu recommendod. ()nv itvm for lbs. coal furnishrd to David F] by order of Caunmllor Sh chairman of the charity rummi VII not entertained by lhv oou us they considered the oxpe ture was not authm'izwl. layer. find other mvmlwrs u.’ mncil feel that the munioip: should send their indigpnts to House of Refuge. which ”my tilt in supporting. The wholvl luau was transacted in a t [on than half an hour. On Monday last. win-n Iva the manse. Rev. Dr. Farquha met with an accident which cnule him much pain and in venience for several Wm k 5. A stepped out from llu- from 4 he slipped on the ivy panm and in his endeavor to 53V? lei! with his left hand. zhv l bone of the forearm was. hr. lust above thv wirsl. Mv'liva tendance was callml in n um-o the fracture rrducml. 'l'hv in is cnusing much pain. hul (i091 prevent the rvv. gonllvman 1 going about. W-.- "'ng to l of so painful an injury. but [‘2‘ to know it was not morn 51-1 A few weeks will likvly r0~lm1 injured lrm to its Usual strvr According to some of Hm exchanges. the Crown Pod Cement Co.. of W'iarton. has tel-ed 'on easy strum for the 1910. They havm so thv pl uy.‘sold the wholv ymr‘s 0| of the mill. at a fig‘urv that give a good margin owr Hu- Of manufacturing. 'l'hv slam" I era are sure of a dividend, in the cheqmes have not yvl hue and our advice to me \voul not to bank 100 hvauly on 1 chances of big incomc-s. Reducvd one-way wcmm colonial rates to California. H Columbia. Mexico, Oregon, V lnzton. etc.. 'via Grand Trunk way System. March lat to 15th. inclushe. Full infom from Grind Trunk 32 t nth (‘ (Irena J. D. McDonaldg l). 1'. '1‘. Railway Toronto. Oren Sound needs a town: find the Sun. with its charm-t (reed. suggests that the to“? county unite their forces an up I ioint building. We 1 the idea is an excellent one before we give it any support location must be fixed as no: centre of the county as you The Sun would like it in ( Sound. What gall some p1 have. anyway! The final championshi! the Northern Hockvy l.‘ he played on the rink In Saturday nighl‘ and in eat on Tuesday. was Dick annoum Illl_llnt‘r)' owning fr Dr. Brown‘ vyv ear. I. throat. will be at. Hu- Huh Durham. on Saturday. Ma from 12 to 5 o'vlovk. p. 1 tented and glahsvs suppln and 19th. 'A co'r'uml nn-nau' extended to all to m pn'svl thil most intervhling ouwuio We invite all who mm he in: I new but {OI iasur I their order in as earh as [:0 II we are alrt‘ad\ Iuhlu d “I den. -I[iss Dlt‘k Ill“. Alex. Firth. formvrly a Duet. has accoptvd llu- prim Chip of Orangevillc whool salary of 6800. thth.â€"â€"A 200d genm‘al Dly to Mrs. Kelly. The next home lair will b. on Thursday" March 17th 81w: gunned at the Four? Live hogs sold here for is MI}: VOL. 43â€"9“). 2242 NEWS A n: tor n ord-nal in Th March p.111. plied. her I M a “050

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