u»..- [A PORTABLE , SAW MILL IN goood working order. Apply to x 92, Durham, Ont. 221 t! m BUILDING OCCUPIED BY P.G.A. Webster as jewellery store, .d LP. Teltord as a law office, with show cases, wall caaea, clock I'd Me. At a bargain. Apply to A. Gordon, Weyburn, Sash. 61009“ â€ACRES IN NORMAN BY. 125 acres of ï¬rst class. level land. balance wooded, fair house, a “up to quick purchaser. easy taunt-WI. Dunn, Durham. 224 LOTS NUMBERS ONE AND TWO (1 and 2) Con. 2, N.D.R., Town- ship of Artemesia, one mile north of Priceville. 100 acres. A first- class farm, well fenced, and un- der good state of cultivation. On it are a log house, fairly com- fortable. a bank barn 45x65 with basement and stabling under- neath. Well watered, and a never failing well. About 20 ac- res of good hardwood bush and swamp that has never been cull- ed to any great extent. Quite convenient to school, churches, postoffice and railway station. A snap for quick sale. For fur- ther particulars apply .to P. F. McArthur, or Dr. 1. Dixon. Price- ville. P.O.. executors of the es- tate oi the late John McArthur. LOT 5, CON. 1, N.D.R., GLENELG. consisting of 50 acres of good pasture. On the premises are a good dwelling “house and fair. outbuildings, a never tailing. spring and a good quantity of! timber. Good fishing. An ideal prOperty f or a retired : tarmer‘ or any person desiring; first class pasture for stock. For; further particulars apply .to‘ Chris. Firth, Durham, or Alex.' Firth. Lloydtown. 1230“ m OFFERING FOR SEE Tim houses in the Town of Durham, ranging in price from $850 to I“ ACRE FARM ON THIRD CON- eession of Glenelg, N.D.R., lots 15 and 16. This farm is well water- ed and has .good buildings erect- ed thereon good land, gnd an excellent opportunity for the right man. For further particu- lsrs. s ply on the premises to A. War . Bunessan. Feb. 4, 3mpd ARaelatipIiITuGoodleu A COMFORTABLE 8 ROOMED brick dwelling, well situated. Apply to Elizabeth Lauder. Dur- ham. Jan. 17th. ’10 t1 EBOROUGHBRED DURHAM. 10 months old. Dark red. A ply to Wm. Leggette, Rocky gu: FOR G.T.R.. C.P.R,. AND OTHER railroads. Dimensions of ties:â€" 7 inch face by 7 inches thick; 6 inch face by 6 inches thick. Dimensions of poles-‘25 to 50 feet long. top from 5 to 7 inch- ca. For articular: apply to J. N. Mu ock, Durham. 930 â€"_â€".â€" m 18 AND 14. CON. 3. N. D. R. Ila-eh. II are: both, tram. burn. vol) uttered. mutt be gold. A. H. Jain. Durham. um. â€I ll, DVLV. 0, av n -v-vâ€"_- - _ Igremont, containin 106 acres a out 10 acres bar wood bush, I acre!- ewamp tlmbered, the rest clear; barn 30x50, etable 30x40. Orchard 1 acre, watered by 2 well. Ind opting. Part of purchase money can remain on mort age. For partlcnlare apply Wi liam Bradley, Orchard. Ont. SATURDAY. MARCH 12. - fir-"sc- hold furniture and 9:! a"? 11 :11 class goods. 6 mowtbs c c. it .ï¬ cent 1' armam 9|ch 1:.â€" on. Swat l.ow PX‘OE Izot‘ Brig- Anctlonrer. ee 1‘. 1-3. 83500, also a 25 acre property outside of the corporation limits. I shall be pleased to furnish fur- ther particulars of these prop- erties to any person. I have made several sales of town prop- erty during this season, and the deman dfor such property- is in- creasing daily. The time to buy is before the next boom comes‘ not when it is here.â€"W.F. Dunn. Durham. 224 |i ~-.~' and Poles Wanted ': For Sale or Rent. Aden of one hall. 0' 5‘" Moat inaction. Over on i! Farms for Sale. Bull for Sale For Sale. CON. 2, Towssmp or iri'éévme, Feb. 4th, 1910 SMALL ADS. amount. ley mm on applio 25 can. for an! inurtioa. 3nd )0 cent. for each lab and under two inches. double the above W. F. Dunn, ARMSTEB. SOLICI 'l‘OR, CON voyzneora Notary Public. Etc. Money to Lana st Lowest Hues. OEoorâ€"Mclnty re Block our Standard Bulk Durhamy Ont-trio l. 6. Hutton. I. 0., C. I. FFICE. TELFORD’S BLOCK. UP stairs, Lambton Street. Residence- Corner Queen and Gear 0 Streetsâ€"North of Methodist Church tï¬ce hoursâ€"941 mm. 8-4 1.5).. 7-9041). Telephone No. 10. 0n. lamioson Iaclaurln. FFICE AND RESIDENCE A short distance out of Knapp’o Hotel. [Agnbï¬ou Sgroet,__L0\_veg _'l‘o_wn, Durban DH. BURT. (an Autumn. Roy. London Ophthalmic Ho. '13.. Cid toGolden Sq. Throat and Non Hon SPECIALIS T I EYE,_ an,†mm? a nose Mieé hbnrsvfrm'n '12 to 2 o’clock 1 (ice in the New Hunter Block. 0508 noun. 8 to 10 a. m., to 4 p. m. end 7 $09 a. m. Special attention given to diseases Jf women and children. Residence op- .)osite Presbvteriau Church. L. B. C. P., LONDON. ENG VRADULATE of London, New York and Chime. m oi Byo, Bu Non and Throat. Will be M. Knapp House, Durham. the 2nd «inundav in each month. Hoursâ€"lâ€"O tun. OFFICE: Over J t J. Hunter’s Manufacturer of Lumber, Shingle-s, Lath. also planing and matching. Custom work and chapping a specialty. Also a quantity 0! hemlock, cedar. spruce and bal- sam wantedâ€"Norman Kerr. J F GRANT, D. F. 841.. D 8 ONOR GRADUATE. UNIVERSI- ty of anonto. Graduate Roy; College Dena) Surgeons of Ontario Dentistry in MI it. Branches. ’ï¬cmâ€"Calder Block. over Punt Oflim 5 GOOD HOUSES FOR RENT.â€" Apply to J. 11. Latina. “it! J. P. Telford. ARBIS’I‘EL . SOLICITOR. ETC. Oï¬oo. nearly opposite the Registry 0‘6ce.Lambton 4t..Durha.m. Anyamoum a! monev to lonn 5t 5 per cent. on farm HYSICIAN AN 1) SURGEON, OF tics in the New Hunter Block. Ofliet OTARY PUBLIC, COMMISSION ‘ or. Conveynnnor. c. Insurance Agent. Money to Loan. Issue: of Mn rune Lian-on A general ï¬nancial bnai nun tranucted. DURHAM ONT. (Lownr Town.) J. RUDD MATHEWS, MARKDALE Ont.. Licensed Auctioneer for tbe_Cqunty of Grey. _,._Sales at- cry Wednesday, the balance of years it WWICI be Incapaole 01 Bus- the ‘winter to measure and p.’ taiumg human life. Then the se- for all sanORS delivered there CL'C'. Of radium and its inexhaust- The highest rice paid for all ible ener y was discovered and we “3.38)“, .0. logs a! .11 kinds were to] on equall‘y high author- of timber. Custom sawing and ity that them was no apparent shingles done early in the spring.’ £98900 why 0111‘ entire plaqetary â€"N. McIntyre. May 31-09 system shouli not go round Indef- initely And the million-year scare '1‘0 Rent. ceased ‘0 I‘mturb‘ us.-â€"Montreal Witness. nded to'at reasbnable terms. Arrangements may ,be made at the Chronicle offi_c_€, Durham. Farmers’ Notice 7131M. 13,'Fr‘ -.t. .v. . Own» Maud. DRAYMAN, DURHAM Order. any be left. at the Hahn House Stable or at my my residence- LAMB'I'ON STREET TELEPIOIB lo. Dr. W. 0. Pickering Dentist. Varney Mills. Arthur Sun, I. D Medical Directorv. Licensed Auctioneer Dental Directorv. UR. BROWN Lem! ‘Dz'rectorv A. N. Jackson BE AT ABERDEEN EV: ,tlon F. HIND Ndv. 8th. lnpd. No need to vorry about uniting Ems; we shall all be spit- since it has been known to be round-and has nevertheless so stubbornly persisted in pursuing its recurring round of night and day. spring and summer, autumn and winter. that Camille Flammar- ion. the lancitul astronomer. will hardly'be credited to any great extent when he suggests that if the earth passes throu h the tail of Halley’s icomet we all be all asphyniated with cyanogen, or cologists. That .cy‘anogen is pres- --__. -6. .‘n 4-.nIA Cured Rim of a Bad Bore Which .Doï¬od All Other Remedies For Two Years. Rev. Chas. E. Stafford, of Bridge burg. Ont.‘ says: “I had been much troubled (for over two years with a sore on my left cheek. I tried all (kinds ,of salves and lotions but nothing tI procured seemed to have the least bit of effect tow- ards healing the sore. Hearing of Zam-Buk, I decided to give it a trial and see if it would bring about a cure as so many other things had failed. I purchased a supply, and commenced with the treatment. After several applica- tions, to my great joy. Zam-Buk has effected .what for two years I tried to bring aboutâ€"a complete cure)’ Case after case could be quoted in 'which as in the above instance Zam-Buk "has worked cures when everything else tried had failed. There is a reason for this. Away back in the days of Roman glad- iators. secret balms were used for the healing of cuts and injuries sustained in the arena and in bat- tle. Then came a period during which external balms were neglect ed. followed by a period in which all the salves and embrocations had as their base animal fats and oiie. Zam-Buk marks a new ep- och It is absolutely devoid of all animal fats‘ all mineral coloring matters, and is composed entirely of rich medicinal herbal extracts. Skin diseases such as eczema ringworm .salt rheum, and prairie itch, are speedily overcome by it. For piles it is finelâ€"easing the pain and inflammation, and hasten ing a cure. It also cures burns, scalds. cuts. ulcers, children’s sorts and eruptions,,blood poison- ing scratches, old wounds, varicose ulcers. etc. All druggists and stores sell at 50¢. a box, or post free for price from Zam-Buk 'Co., Toronto. UUIU‘IDLB. 1.;au. ~J â€"-_-n-_ - _ ent in the tail of the comet is told by astronomers 0f Harvard Obser- v‘itory‘ who have {sound pronoun-c- ed bands of it in a photographic spcchum But we doubt if the eariy homeopathy in its attenua- tion Time was when. some of us already ‘felt our bones freezing when told bv some high authority that the earth would so lose heat th,nt in course of some millions of years it would be incapable of sus- failunv human life. Then the se- EXTENSIVE AUCTION SALE of Valuable Household Furniture James Carson. Auctioneer, has been instructed to sell by public auction at the'store adjoining the Old Bank Premises, Upper Town, on THURSDAY, MARCH 10th. 1910 the valuable household furniture of Mrs. C. McLean. and of the Mrs. C. Cameron estate, Toronto, There are practically the fur- nishings of two houses, nearly all of it in good shape. Intending purchasers may examine the stufuf by applying to C. Ramaze. at the Review office. See bills. SALE AT 1.30 O’CLOCK SHARP. TERMS: Spot Cash. JAMES CARSON. Auctioneer. The “Regulations for the reven- tion of rabies in man’k an as ap- proved of by the Lieutenant-Gov ernor in Council, have been adopt- ed by the local Board of Health forfghe Iovgmslxip 9f Glenelz. THEREFORE. all doze within the said Township must be either securely chained in an outhouse or other building, or kept under lock and key, or efficiently muz- zled with metallic muzzles in a manner satisfactory to the In- spector of the Department of Ag- riculture of the Dominion of Can- ada, provided, howmrer, that in case rabies is actually known to exist in said township, the muz- zling privilege A will be withdrawn, in which event all dogs must be confined or isolated by being ehained up. or kept under lock and key. Any person found violating these Regulations will (after ten days from this date) incur (such penaT- ties as may be imposed for such offence. . Dated March lat. 1910. E. W. HUNT. Chairman. J. 8. BLACK. Secretary. nan†should be kept in the am a}; u win W935??- our “Classified Want Ads.†are rosi by everyt ody. They’ll do, the business every time. IINISTBR AND 2AM BUR. RABIES To brighten oil lump burners. toil for ï¬fteen minute- ln butter- Boil vinegar in the ï¬sh skillet or pan to destroy the ï¬sh odor. It leather pillows have a dis- agreeable odor dry them thorough ly behore a clear fire. In panned trays should be clean- ed with a little sweet oil and then polished with a soft cloth. Never bathe a baby immediate- lv after it has fed. Two hours. at least should elapse before a «bath. When a child is fretful, give it a little water to drink. Just as of- ten as not. it is simply thirsty. To save grease when trying doughnuts put half a teaspooniul gt tginger into the grease when 0 . Thin brown bread and butter sandwiches are the most appetiz- ing accompaniment for fish salad of any so_rt. A piece of mosquito wire screen is an excellent thing to run a flat iron over to take of! the rust. Comforts and quilts should be dried in a good breeze. so that thew may be as light and fluffy as when new. A spoonful of oxgall to a gallon of water will set the color of al- most any goods soaked in it be- fore yaelgingn A discolored beanpot may be re- stored to its original whiteness by letting buttermilk stand in it fora dag; qr so. Bearine. a delicate pomade‘ grows hair because it contain-s genuine Canadian Bear grease. 50 cents a jar. Allah’s Lung Balsam is the stand ard cure for coughs and colds in the States and Canada. manor.» um Underwear brought in a little damp from the line, folded care- fully and put near the stove to dry will need Indira-tying. _ To feed pared apple to the baby run a white tape or card through the apple and hamg the cord 9- round baby’s neck. The apple cannot get away. Brasses take a most beautiful polish if washed in a mixture made of one ounce of alum and a pint of lye‘ boiled together and used while still warm. A cheap cotton blanket with ‘one thic-knese cotton batting be- tween and tied like a comfort mgkeb an oxvcgljent be_d pad. Peel lelï¬bh-s with a knife clear to the white skin. before you put them in the squeezer; the 'work is easierJ and you get more juice thereby. A builderâ€"Are you losing Weight? “The D.L.†Emulsion will always help and build you up. Restores proper digestion and brings back fhealth. _ Plaster figures in hard or ala- baster finish are easily cleaned by dipping a stiff toothbrush in gas- oline and scrubbing into all the crevices. Handy in the house as a clodk. Davis’ Menthol Salve cures quick- ly a great many of the simple ailments such as cuts. skin injur- ies, insect bites and stings. 25¢. a tin atgdruggists. _ _ Mix cocky .dough at night and set Where it is 0001. In that way you can use more shortening and roll thinner than when baking right after mixing. vGarments that are to be hung out to air can be put on hangers rather than pinned to the line. This prevents sagging Or marking with Clothespins. _ If you should scorch any color- ed goods. such as linen, percale. etc.. dip instantly in vinegar, then wash and rinse well. If fish. is lightly rolled in flour after having been Well dried with a clean cloth, it will be less Like- ly to brag]: up with cooking. A good polishing cloth for the kitchen. and one that will not be soaked quickly, is made from the small coarse Turkish towels. To claan old glass pour strong ammonia on it scrub well with a brush and rinse in clean water. Dry and polish and it will then ap- pegrgs new2 r‘"_ ___._ Sufferers from rheumatism find instant relief in ‘The D.L.†Men- thol Plaster. Be sure and get the genuine. Made by Davis Law- rence Co. Wet a towel in cold Water and cover all kinds of roasted meats. turkey and chicken. to prevent drying. They will retain the flav- or_ and keep moist a_ long time. In giving an alcohol rub to a child use an old toilet water bot- tle with shaker cord. allowing only a few drops to fall. The other hand is then free to massage.__ To breathe deeply is to stimu- late the heart and circulation. It means a full. high chest, and broad shoulders. It means a good carriage and a Well_po_iseq head: No better tonic could be devised than Ferrovim which consists of fresh lean beef Citrate of Iron and pure old Spanish Sherry Wine. Just enough of the latter to stim- ulate the digestion and enable a weakened stomach to assimilate the 'beef and iron. Try this in- vigorating tonic if you are thin- blooded. weak and generally run- down. $1.00 per bottle. If you are doing yOur own wash- ing and are in a hurry Jo iron immediately after the clothes are dry. sprinkle with warm water and in ten minutes they are ready to be ironed. Papers are now more used than tint for walls. The new selfâ€"toned or plain papers come in lovely tex tures., and give more depth and colflr to a room than the painted wa . A liberal supply of carbonite of soda placed around the kitchen hearth. and any other favorite haunt of black beetles, will cause their complete disappearance from those places. ‘ If fishy knives and forks are well rubbed, with a little butter and put aside for a few minutes. then washed in hot water, the un- pleasant smell and taste will he entirely It hot at be up ille £9131- mg to it hqt .1 spilled. on the floor but water at once. 2 it to net and pre- ; iyto the boards for ti all dealers. ' Your carpets and rugs should be very much alike so far as weaves are concerned. It is a mistaken idea to buy a fine rug for the best room and put a cheap one in the adjoining room. Chamberlain’s Stomach and Liv- er Tablets are safe. sure and reli- able, and have been praised by thousands of women who have been restored to health by their gentle aid and curative properties. Sold by all dealers. Chamberlain’s Stomach and Liv- er Tablets invariably bring relief to women wintering from chronic constipation. hiliousness. headache dizziness, sallowness of the skin and dyspepsia. Sold by all dealers To remove stubborn rust s ots from steel. put oil and quick-me on and leave it on for several days Then remove the coating and rub thoroughly with oil and rotten stone or Bristol brick. All table linen stains. fruit. and even ooï¬ee stains where there is cream in the coefxfee, may .be re- moved by rubbing the spots with pure glycerine. Let it remain a while, then rinse in lukewarm water; , When ironing fine white waists or underwealj‘ lay_ a_ bat_h “towe‘l To keep stove brushes clean. al- ways use old newspapers first, to take off the grease of the stove and oven. and then to polish. A daily polish with old newspapers will keep the stove and steel in good order. and with less labor. Fully nine out or every ten cases of rheumatism is simply rheu- matism of the muscles due to cold or damp. or chronic rheumatism. neither of which will require any internal treatment. All that is needed to afford relief is the free application of Chamberlain’s Lini- ment. Give it a trial. You are certain to be pleased with the quick relief which it affords. Sold by all dealers. STAIN REMOVERS Hang a card on the wall over the tubs [With the following direc- tions plainly .written: A ‘ D .A. "EEmBVémétaiirié of fresh fruits with boiling water: cocoa and blood. cold .water: grass and ma- chine water, cqld )vatgg and gqap. on ironing .board‘ lay buttoned side on it.a.ndiron over wrong side of garment. Between buttons will be ironed and not any ironed off. v-----v â€"â€"'_ Red wine and ink. â€"Warm chlor- ine water. Varnish and oil paints. â€"Turpen- tine and soap. â€"-- -v wâ€"â€" â€"â€"___ Iron rust and ink. â€"Weak solu- tion of oxalic acid (one tablespoon- full to tone glass of water.) 5‘... UV 'v'ouv Hâ€"w-vâ€" _â€" Coal tar 'or ,wagon 'gire'aser-Lard. then soap; Iwash alternately with water and turpentine. Medicines that aid nature are always most successful. Chamber lain’s Cough Remedy acts on this plan. It loosens the cough. re- lieves the lungs, opens the secre- tions and aids nature in restoring the s stem to a healthy condition Sold ‘ y all dealers. When rooms are cramped it will give seeming space to use on the hall and rooms openin out of it the same paper in soft. ight tints. as :gray, green. or light, cold brown. if there be plenty of sun- light. 'before turning jelly out on to a saucer ,wipe of! the latter with a damp cloth. The jelly will then slip over to the centre of the dish and not stick to one side of it as it does when no dampening is used Ink stains may be soaked out in some milk. If any trace of the stain should still be left, rinse the garments in a weak solution of chloride of lime, always supposing that the garment is white, for the lime is a bleaching agent. A couple of interesting liquor cases were argued out before Mag- istrates Harness and Armstrong here on Friday last. when Capt. D.D. McLaughlan, of Ceylon, and Richard Armstrong, of Priceville. were accused of selling liquor in their hotels. which are in the local option township of Artemesia. A couple of private detectives in the employ of the Provincial Govern- ment visited these places a couple of 1weeks ago. and claimed to have been served with Whiskey at Cey- lon.‘and beer which they believed contain-ed ‘over two and one-hsi' per cent. alcohol at Pricevill- They communicated their belief to the Provincial authonities. they in turn to Licnese Inspector Halbert. who laid the information, and the trial was the result. After hearing the evidence. the magistrate im- posed a fine of $100 and costs. amounting in_all to about 8112 each â€"' â€"-â€" 'â€"__'_‘ Provincial Inspector Ayearst., of Toronto. conducted the case, while Mr. W.H. Wright. of Owen Sound, acted for the defendants.â€"Mark- dale Standard. ESTABLISHED I†The Stangqrfl Bank of Canada $100 and Coats Hod Ofï¬ces 7030"†Record of Business as at 31:: January, W$W O Q... II PU’LIIIID WY TBUEDAY IMG At the chronicle Prjntlng flown, WI ' Tu Cnoncu will be not to sumpum my address. fro. of who. ï¬t BOW - - Cl UOpor yanpnynbloingdm 411) my be clawed if not to ill. ‘13. dab 8 “"53" :.:'."‘.‘a’é':2:':m ‘u‘w'. ‘3...“ †nu- .- - Janna to all gm m â€unsound Matthew. ' Ia- nutc-t um. I Ad'm can. I’ use for tho Int h. ht. . Ion; out porn-o not uh..- qnont {um million Inn-nu. PM “I. not acceding-o inch 3.00 pot as: Athenian-out: wt It opodlo W 00 published ï¬ll forbid ad “and . 'l‘nnde at notionâ€"“Lat." â€Found." “’C ’ mâ€"flouh for It» um.u~u It as. am.†pm. «d by Vfl'tDO-OI' and cm .5. be odd (or In adv-m. 000m nu- for any am 1-- 31-1201! on uppuaflon the 0.00. All aha-“nouns. to noun M h gym-It wept: uhonld it brought in at but oh- [HE DURHAM CHHUNIELE Mount st (p. m. In con lcul stocked Tho I“ ' 'xnw "In...“ DOM.‘ ms... for tuning out I 25c bottle at [nearing-'3 Dmg Store mm#n_~.bfllln" The Great Lung and Cough Medici-e Dr. Burgess, Med. Supt. of the Prot. Hospital for Insane. Montreal, prescribes it constantly and gives us permission to use his name. ‘ ï¬e TRADERS BANK OF CANADA in open to re- ceive applications from ï¬fty well-educated youth. of good moral: and menners between the nges of sixteen and twenty years. Applicants should enclose testimonials from their pre- sent or former High School , THE TRADERS BANK OF CANADA gentlemen who know them, a oertiï¬cete from their funily physicien u to health and heredity, and 3 copy of a recent photograph. Address applications to DURHAM. ONT., 60.. and 81.00 Iowa. DAVIS LAWRENCE c0.. Montrefl. W. IRWIN Em'ron m Pmrm such ss you msy «Main under the very best conditions st the Central Business Collego of Toronto. is s__u_mrs ps_ssport to success. Thomndo hnvo proved it. Why not inventi- gste for yourself? Our free can] no ex him. Write for it. . fl. SHAW. Principal. B U S I N E 88 EDUCATION In. 10. 1910 TONI YOUR IEIVC$I MAKE YOU ITROIGI “K! YOU WILL I NOX A COLD IN ONE DAY from other The Zluc Galvannnxg u " nan manently (a thug thnrmagnh do Frame. And the Km“ not on» ’I we surface but got. mw IL bout! of the Pup: use“. 66 "L. The Big Shoe Don't fnil to gut place to get them. Hell's Ptbent Bhu-her, rm As our big sale i! lines that we will rm follows in our price 1 of Rubbers for men, just got in and will a Ladies’ Vici Kid hlmther. pm regular $3.00. for g. Drive your luadl and you Will receive 1 for all kinds of grain unloading, and we m McGrath 5 FARM Idiee’ Vici Kid Blucher.‘ (in. regular $2.00 8‘ ‘1 I We we prepu-ed up for 0338. You people higher prices for yourl The prices of ourfgoc III a call. A good supplyguf Col upâ€"to-duc goods; also 11 known to every one to h “'0 carry n full Bu; Clothing; also a full sup! and unto-dale goods. rost Gate 'rolt Gut. m and: of 1 7“. In every othet Gnc Taking is connected by (hm j“ The threw cut halt. A, into the Tub: Boys' II‘ Girls' Schooll '. 10, 1910 The THE Millin 200.0 of Oats of P4 Pfl'ec it Wm A“ “on a â€ed to ctr. u"! to flu “M Mall Deva-u: Ctr. gamma thi BLACJ your