t 3c tn 354: yard, Inset-Linus to Hutch. eam Fancy Lace Banding, for Mm- idery 5" In 75!: van}. SPECIAL IN DERY. rvg. up tn 50c for %c yard. nd Nuts ionery and Vinegars and Pure Manitoba armers Produce WI o havejynnr nmvï¬ptiug' “it ', you'll have t();'get|b1'y. re 50c to $I.5o yard upecials at 60c yd. Lhat we wan‘ to clmu at. reduced pdceo. Mons wo-re- cheap. we bought inn-Ion. the next year. \Vo- pass them in auto money nn ynlu' cuttuns:«- WM†00.» :ttlms fir tn 1250 yard, “'hite Camhrla yard. Nainsnnk 15’: and 25k: yltd.w3n9 r: tn 3!)" yard, Muqlins 100 to 25c ’fl'd. we particularly bountiful. yatd. Plain and Fancy sen Suitingmc yard. New gs Goods Remnants at 1'0!!!- s are 1 yard to 6 yards. All onlnrs. lottons § Spring Sewing ring Goodé‘ s -- The Very Latest ’aid for Butter and Eggs 9 new Dress Goods W he prettiest shades, 80“â€. ‘s in many colors ;c a collar length and it is at. our store you will )f indigestiun if you get your ml us. Try our ‘Home-mado’ mm: and nourishing. are still here in the Popular Furl- Sable- kv. Every piece 3 Wu. AITH " va1/"’ *‘14 v‘ 1 ' ‘ 7" A/ ‘ i y ' / mbroidery==New Stock â€osts s Latimer .STINSON Town Shoe Store Clear == New Styles IRELAND Our Furs to Clear BAKERY Wu ham Shoes in ablmd anon fur yumsg or old In!†at small. rich or poor. 0‘0 “3 your feet and Dacha! '00. 3‘ch f -rdids us quotinl prices. but would invite you one and all to call and IQ mudvs and 29' prices. All our guards marked in plain ï¬gures. Stuck taking is met and WC ï¬nd mm» brukeu lines tint I. have derided not to 1000'. 5'me we cnuld not it we wmlld, but we will reduce (I. prices manly to clear out. an we n-qnire the mom Ind muney, In» for spring goods. Trunks, Yaliv‘m, Suit Câ€. at lawns? price* We have suuze gum! values in Hosiery. Custom Work and RC. pairing :3 utual at TU CLEAR at 89.75 YES SIR! Mar. 10, Cotton Suit.- Mulls me yd. The Chronicle is $l.00 a Mar. 10, 1010 Mt. Forest, Queen’s Hotel, Mar. 16 ‘ Durham, Hahn House, Thursday, Mar. Walkerton, Hardy House. Friday. March the most skillful and natural han- pieces ever devised. Cannot be told from natural growth when worn. Priced very reasonably. Advice upOn hair and scalp troubles tree. Don’t neglect to see this display. Gentlemen who are losing or have lost their hair will be interested for busi- ness and social reasons in the Ladies who would view the daintiest and most alluring hair pieces ever shown here, beautiful in quality, beautiful in design and beautiful when worn, will see this display. Nothing like it else. where, and the prices are most reasonable. MR. FRANK PEM BER Something Very SP E C I A L PEMBER TOUPEES Is the news herewith of the visit of Hardy House, Friday, March 18th The store that makes the faahion in HAIR GOODS Representing the widely known Pember Art Hair Store â€" of Toronto I7 U0 so So NO. 29 Be AID G. '3; Kg; :Srg;:â€â€œWWI$C uuu wulu Sr. IVâ€"H. McKechnie. ' Those wishing to make applica JP- IV“W~ Edge. tion for a draine e survey shoulc Sr. 111â€"3, McArthur. A. Mc- Write to Prof. W. . Day, Depart Kechnie, M. McKechnie. I31?†'0! Physics, OiA.C., gigetlfh Jr. IIIâ€"'1‘. Gmby, E. Vessie. a~ wmumn ‘I re!“ 31‘ “P a 0! Jr. IIâ€"E. Mel . .torm will be sent. hall}. Rigerâ€"Mé thmr, W. Mitï¬ â€"â€"-.-â€"- . c e . eeeie . itc . Jr. Primerâ€"M. Mitchell. Risen-lo W for '0‘ Average attendance 10. Irestorel every have in the bod: S. 8. MAOLEAN. Teacher. end Vitslity. Premature Ileanv 1m nock. Flora. McFarlane, Tommy wards. Neil McFarlano, Matt Keown, Arthur Pennock, Robbie wards. Pt. IIâ€"Dan McArthur. Ma. wards, Clark Jackson. Leona Koown, Angus McGillivrav. Pt. Iâ€"Pwl Ponuock. Johnny Fin-lane. ' Jr. IIIâ€"Charlie McFarlnne, Vernon Pengock, Alec McFarlane, Silas Ed- R. Paylor. Pt. II.â€"B. Ector, G. Williams, C. Paylor. J. Ritchie. R. Bell. Sr. I.â€"â€"L. Morrison, J. Morrison, Jr. I.â€"A. Ector. H. Ritchie, J. Boyd. Average attendance. 22. J. L. MacDONALD, Teacher. 8. 8. NO. 1. GLENELG. IVâ€"Ruth McGillivmy, John Mc- Keown. Sr. IIIâ€"Tana McGillivx-ay. Sadie McGillivmy. Sr. Ia. -â€"-C. Tucker, E.McEach1rn, Sr. Ib .-.J Shortreed. A. McCuaig, Those present every dayâ€"K. M;- Cuaig. I. McCuaig'. G. McCuaig, ls- lay McCuaig. A. McCuaig. Average attendance. 17. L. BINNIE. Teacher. SS. NO. 3. GLENELG. 81‘ IV. â€"A. Edg e. K. Ribchie,. Jr IV. â€"M. Ector E. Edge, M. Ritchie. W_ Kenny. â€"â€"v‘ Sr III. â€"N. Williams. 'C. Ritchie. J Kenny,C. McNally. J. Vaughan, V’. Paylor. Jr. III.â€"A .Vaughan. Jr. II.â€"W. Ritchie. K. McNally. Jr. IV.â€"B. Hartford. R. McDer- mid. F. IHoope'r. Sr. III.â€"I. McCuaig. Jr. II.â€"W. Mâ€"cCuaig. M. Tucker, H. Tucker. Sr. II.-â€"L. Hartford. Jr. II.-N. Shortreed. Pt. ILâ€"E. 'Hartford, M. McKin- Grade I.â€"A McRonald. G. Reay. H. Johnston. Average 'attendarnce, 42. A. C. .MacKENZIE. Teacher 8 S. N0. 10. G. _ E. Sr IV.â€"M. Hartford, K. McCuaig G._M-cCuaig. Grade 1121. â€"-G. Hopkins. G. H. Torry, R Mitzhton. M. Charleton. F. __Reqy, B. Griergont Grad-('9' IIb.â€"B. Mather. J. Milli- gan, T. Corbett‘ M. Bailey, V. Reay V.ARea_1y._ Grade ’IV.â€"E. Milligan, M.J. Ad- lam. M. Adlam. E. Reay, J. Hou'tdnc Grade III.-â€"M. .Turnbull, S. Ad- lam. G_ ‘J_qhnston,§. McLean. Grade V.â€"W. MatheraC. Reay\A. Resiy. _ .___ A, ____ , L‘ .â€" Grade VI.â€"M. McRonald. M. Ma- ther. B. Livingstone‘ R. Lawrence. A. Turnbull. B. Park, G. Turnbull. M. Hopkins. O. D. FARQUHAQSON. Teacher. Grade" VILâ€"F. Corbett. N. Mc- Ronald. M. 'Adlam and A. Bailey equal A. Lawrence, M. Park, E. Park. E. McLean. Grade VIII.â€"E. Coutts‘ J. Hop- kins. E. Derby, A. Wise, J. Derby, L._T01_'ry. Sr. IIâ€"Edmund Poole. Oscar Pen- Grade IV.â€"J. Leeson. E. McIl- vride. W. Pollock. Grade III-A. Pettigrew. R. Clark. W. 'Brown, A. Boy, W. Pollock. Grade ILâ€"C. Grant. C. Clark, M. Morris. L. Keller, .1. Kreller. Grade I.â€"I. >Pettigrew, W. Bar- ber. ’R. Morrison. R. McCabe. Average attendance. 33. S. McNALLY. Teacher. 8.8. NO. 3. BENTINCK. . Grade VII.â€"M. Lee’son. F. Kerr. S. AGrapt‘" Grade V.â€"J. Keri; L. Pettigrew, G. Grant. C. Barber. Grade 'VI.â€"H. Moore. M. Leeson. W; Hu_tto_q. A_. Pgttigrgw. Sr. I.â€"Annié Brooks‘ Reanv éhell, Sarah Donelly, Willie Clark. Myr- tle Koch. Jr. I.-â€"Marg aret Holmes Cecil Wiggins. Harold Falconer. Lillie Moore. John Lawrence. U.S....SN01 E.N Grade VIII. â€"E. Barber. W. Blyth R. Barber. H. Barber. Intermediate. â€" Myrtle Baker Wilfrid Lake. Stanley Williams. Ea_rl (Erraglgy‘ Hilda Ilaljvey. Sr. Pt. II.â€"Valerie Moran. Marie Heintt, Louis lEctor, Jemima Law- rencg._Ralph Catton. Jr. Pt. 11. â€"Jack McKechnie‘ Flos- sie Lawrence. Arthur McGowan. Lgrng Smith, Erniq McDonalg, Jr. IV.â€"Maggie Torry, Marion Calder 'Ella Carson. Caldwell Mar- shall Olive Wright. Jr. III .«Mary Smith Wilburt Kms ley. Sadie McKechnie. Lorne Jack- son. Willie Lauder. Sr. -III.â€"Norman Lenahan. Mary McIlraith. Theresa Vallett‘ Ben Benton. Annie McGirr. Sr. IV .â€"Helen Ireland Frank Mc Ilraith. Annie McDondld Irene Lawson, Roy Farquharson. Form II.â€"Annie 'Clark‘ Viv-inn Crawford Mary Backus, Blanche Reid Ida Hal-bottle, Form I.â€"Nellie Burns, Sarah Ful- ton. Akax. Bell‘ Mary Laugheed. Karl Lenaha'n. ‘ Form III Jr. Teachera. -Nellie Hepburn. Jaa. Fa rqnharaon. Kath- arine McDou gall. Janet Fletcher. J eerie Smith. Jr. Matriculation .â€"Nellie Hep- burn. Jae. «Parquharaon. Katherine McDougall Jessie Smith. Alex. Findlay. Honor Rolls. ‘DUBHAI acnoon. n. 8. DEPT. P. S. DEPT. 7H3 DURHAI W )mmy Ed- Matt Mc- lobbie Ed- Ma. Ed- onu Kc- Mc- Those wishing to make applica- tion for a draina e survey should Write to Prof. -W. . Day. Depart- ment '0! Physics, O.A.C.. Guelph. whwreupon a regular 'npplicatitm form will be sent. During the past five years, the amount of drainage being done has doubled, and thorough drainage, that is with lines of tile every four rods, more or less, is rapidly in- creasing. Many areas are so flat or so irregular that it is impossible without a surveyor’s level to tell just what is the best way of drain- ing them. For the encouragement of farmers having such areas, the Ontario Agricultural College is re- newing its offer ,of assistance in drainage surveying. During the summer the College has a special drainage staff engaged in this work. Anyone having drainage problems to solve may have the assistance of one of these drainage advisors by applying for the same. At the conclusion of each survey a public meeting is held in the field to discuss and demonstrate the best methods of finding the fall determining the grade. digging the ditch true to grade, etc. The only . outlay to the farmer is the trav-s elling expenses of one man, con- sisting-of meals, if any, cartage of instruments. if. any. and railway fare 'at a cent a mile each way. As several surveys are usuallyl made on the same trip, the actual cash outlay 101- each man is small. frequently being under $1, and sel- dom over 02. though in case of an individual survey in a remote part it might reach 85 or more. The farmer is also expected to meet the College representa- at the station. and return him to it. as well as accommodate him while on the survey. Thorough draining of lands needing it will increase the yearly returns from the land by about $20 per acre as shown by reports of men who have \drained. This is the salient fact brought out in Bulletin 174 just issued by the De- partment of Agriculturc. 'Tcronto. entitled “Farm Unueiurainage. Does it pay?†Grade II.-â€"E. McMeeken, L. Chap man. T. Finnigan. Grade I.â€"E. Woods. J. Ker. FRED F. IRISH. Teacher. Grade III,â€"E. McLaughlin‘ P, McKechnie B. Woods. Grade IV. â€"â€"J. Finnig‘an, W. Fin- nigan. Grade VI.â€"-G. McLaughlin. B. Woods. A. Ker, M. Ker, J. Matâ€" thews M. Allan. W. Woods. Grade V.â€"R. Marshall. H. Meade, E. McMeeken. M. Meade. Those whnwm'e in attendance, 2" days in Fehlum'y.-â€"Geo., Jane and Wilfred Petrr. El-“on Lewis. Annie and Nelson Hulliday. Average. attendance 16. ALICE LAWRENCE. Teacher. 8.8. NO. 2. EGREMONT. Grade VIII.-â€"M. Allan, A. Allan. E. Meade, W. Barbour, M. Woods, 3. Morrison. ' Sr. Iâ€"Alfle Fortney. Jr. Iâ€"Robbie Mc Weltz. Jr 111â€" Katie Bait-.d VVilhed Peter, Annie Hallidny. Ena Bli th. Sr. IIâ€"â€"Lily Weltz, EH01) Louis, Roy Stewm-ft Alï¬e \Veltz. Jr. 11- Johnnie McVain, Alice Stewart, Sr. [IL-Victor Cuisley. va'ge Peter. Thomas Stewart, Nelsnn Halli- day. Joe Fortuey. Ella Lewis, Willie Thompson, Geo. Former. â€"â€" v-vv-B‘J " .IUVIIQ 0"ul. ouweu." Jr. PL. IIâ€"Marv Lamb, Harvey Ouwell, Peter Mr-Quarrie. Sr. Iâ€"Arcbie Wilson. Jr. I'- Rny Caswell. Average attendance 23. MILLIE E. WHITMORE. Teacher. 8. 8. NO. 14, NORMANBY. Sr. IIIâ€"Howard McDougull. Roy Lamb. Johnnie Clark. Jr. IIIâ€"Jessie Clark. Bertha Hone», Johnnie Smith, John Grieraon. Sr. IIâ€"Cnrrie Griorson. Willie Mc- Donald. Carlyle McDonald. Jr. IIâ€"Bella McQuarris, Sterling Lamb. Sr. Pt. IIâ€"George \Vilson. John 1‘---__ , H For over half a century Dr. Morse’s Indian Root Pills have been curing con- stipation and clogged, inactive kidneys, with all the ailments which result from them. They cleanse the whole system and purify the blood. Sold everywhere at 25¢. a box. 2 ' They have regulated my staunch 1nd bowels. I am cured of constipation, end Iclaim they have no equal as o. medi- mtmeomq Invebeennvietimto my“! thatoutipntionbrinph itstnh.‘ Medicinenftermedieinelhsvetnken'n ,' ordertoï¬ndrelief,bntoneandnllleft' meinthesamehopeluscondition. It seemed that nothing would expel from me the one ailment that calmed somuch - trouble, yet at last I read about these . Indian Root Pills. That was indeed a lucky da for me, i for I was so impressed mth t e state- f meats made that I determined to giv_e_ them a fair trial. J r. IVâ€"Janie Peter. Farm Drainage Proï¬table Robbie McVain, Arthur Don’t let an unscrupulous dealer force on you an imita- tion of the “D. L.†Menthol Plaster. Look for the “D. L." trade-mark on the tin. It guarantees the genuine and the most effective remedy for Rheumatic aches and pains, Lumbago, Sciatica, Backache, etc. 25c. each. Yard rolls equaling seven of the regular size $1.00. When the oven smells badly take a vessel of hot water and a hand- ful of washing soda. Take the shelves and wash well in hot wat er. then finish them in cold. Next wash the oven well out with the soda water. and brush it over with whiting. It will then be clean and sweet and bake beautifully. Hundreds of cases are reported. If your throat is irritable and sore gargle it three times daily with Nerviline and water. Then rub throat and chest vigorously with Nerviline and put on a Nerviline Porous Plaster. Follow these in- stiuctions carefully. and you will avoid tonsilitis. bronchitis. and throat trouble of every kind. Hundreds are preventing and cur- ing their colds by this method and report it eminently satisfactory. Both ’Nerviline Plasters and Pol- son’s Nerviline can be had frdm any dealer. 25c. each. In hanging pictures it is to be remembered that although oil paintings look better hung in the usual way. with a sloping in from the hop to the wall at the bottom‘ yet ebchings and water colors of- ten look better hung flat against the wall. A picture With shadows should if possible. have the light side nearest the windows so that the shadows will fall naturally. When baby is out in the carriage he usually sleeps. Do not have the carriage and baby’s dress a glare of unrelieved white for the tired eyes opened from sleep. This is believed to be the cause of-so much defective sight in in- fancy. ’ You sleep badly, appetite is var- iable. You eat but gain no strmgfh. Morning†tiredness vou wisi' it were night. "When night comes refreshing sleep is hard to cbtain. You’re run down. your blood is thin and watery, your nerves have grown weak,the thought of effort wearies you. You need Ferrozone; it makes blood.â€"-ied. strong blood. An ap- petite? 3 ou’l. eat everything and dig-:st it too Strength? That’s what plenty of food gives. Fer- rovim gives hope, vigor. vim. en- durance. Use Ferrozone and get strong. Results are quickâ€"cure is lasting. All dealers in 50c. boxes. A very enjoyable party was giv- en at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Ritchie on Wednesday even- ing last. The greater number of the guests enjoyed themselves in the dance, the music for which was supplied by Mr. Ritchie and Mr. McDonald. while those who were otherwiseinclined enjoyed them- selves in games of pit crokinole. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Ritchie, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Ritchie, and Miss Jane Ritchie. spent Friday with Mr. Jos. Boyle and family of Glas- cott. We had the pleasure on Tuesday evening last of attending the Green Grove Literary Society in lower Ritchie’s school. and must congratulate them on the excel- lence of the program they provid- ed. The debate as to whether the press or the platform had been the more beneficial to the world, was well debated. as the speakers had their subjects very carefully pre- pared. The decision was given in favor of the press. After the meeting a committee of repre- sentatives of Edge Hill and Green Grove Literary Societies met to arrange for a debate between the two societies. The subject chosen was: Resolved that Washington was a greater general and states- man than Wellington. The debate is to be held at Edge Hill on March 23rd. the Green Grove society tak- ing the negative. while the Edge Hill society has the affirmative. It. John L. HeDonnld spent Bot- nrdoy t hb home not: Swinton Ins Wm .Ritchie. und do lighter. 'usuliu nah. of Bentiuck. are visit- ing this week among the Ritchie {milieu in thin neighborhood. Mr. Edgar Ritchie purchased a fancy driver last week while on a visit to his (mole. Mr. W.H. Moifat‘ of Greenoch. Mrs. C.H. Moftat and Mr. Arthur Greenwood attended the funeral of the late Mrs. Gardiner. near Mt. Forest, on Saturday. Hr. Ju. Paton. of Swinton Path tuned through Edge Hill on Tues- day last. Kr. and In. Fred Sta plea visit- ed 11-1de in erdde on Wed- head-y. It. Will Williams is engaged with Mr. D. Edge for the summer. Doctors Fear Tonsilitio Outbreak Iâ€"“BWmRK‘ 'l’lll IIOT TOIIO bull-Icky†I“ not and! mm: Mun-ï¬lly. 1 1 Your Nnvos are Wonk Edge HIII groom-i keep our flour for ale. “I? your grocer does not keep it come to the in!!! and ye _w_iIl you 31m Eight. Goods delivond mywhm All out a. up by tele'phbne'No. is?“ m m at 0:31; bought a lulu Our pure hunch; flour, mule fun No. l [snitch who“ cannot. he hat for either linkers or domestic an Asmnll or large at 0. ï¬ne gram. whim. nutritious our. ismldnsour bland. Have you ever. tried it? Got It g‘moer to give you our kind nsxt e and toe the superior baking qual- iï¬es it poo-em. Better and mom who‘leoome. because of a scent proca- thut we put. the wheat through. Don’t forget. Pumps of all Klmm. Galvanized and Iron Pip- ing; Brass, Brass Lined and Iron Cylinders. Pumas from $2 «swam. SHOP open every afternoon. All REPAIRING promptly and prop- erlv attended to. kW. 0. CONNOR 11' We are just. alerting out on our second yeere' busineee and we went you to help ue make it even better than our first year. end in return we guarantee you fair. equm. honest dealing end lowest prices for pure goods end bigb-grede uticlee. Pre- scriptions promptly and cenefully ï¬lled. ‘H Our store in open every evening from 9 to 10 p.m. for the delivery of evening papers and the supply of eny drugs that mey be needed. THE CENTRAL DRUG STORE People’s Mills W D. CONNOR mawammm mm 1 Followlng are n for 0! our oped-l- tleeaâ€" Your hono- uud cattle requlro your ottentlon at pro-out in the my of n good Confluon Powder. Tonic or pull of Stock Food. Your poultry ro- qulre Oyster Shell or Poultry Grit; 3 full supply of there In stock. The in- vestment will [boy you. 1! “7e have bought at large supply of Red. Mammoth. Lucerue or All. Alfa and Aloike Clovers and good pure Timothy Seed from the heat seedmen in the province. We are in a position to give you the (Incest prices on high grade Government Stamped Seeds. Our Flower. Garden and Vegetable Seeds are all new and fresh. 1! We are making a specialty of Tobaccoe und Cigurs. Machine Oil. Harness Oil, John McGowan. Ointment, go to 8. P. SAUNDERS PASTRY FLOUR hut-dumb.“- DU IMAM. Manufncturer 01 A. d Dealer in ~â€" ECLIPSE THE The Hanan-1:800 2-5:; 3 Every D†ONTARIO