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Durham Chronicle (1867), 17 Mar 1910, p. 6

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L‘L‘. â€"._'v_â€"_ Take notice tint-u pm wag-93% a - a" a 3' the town of Durham! orflan at t: confir- 3’th 30. 890! _tho odd “M11013“? PW HANOVER. WILLIAMS. GREENE 6: ROME (30., Limited By October 15th our new factory at Hanover will be completed. We will require fifty girls. We also have l‘uuU) for a few girls in our pram-lit quarters. Applications will be received now by WANTED ~ vvâ€"‘v 'uvr-I‘. W“ U. :5 made Mel's. - mum go; angrt We!) Dace. '3 St. Wllhul'lflll. vvwâ€"â€"vâ€"â€"â€"â€"-â€" â€"-â€"-â€"v-' finicky ascertain our Opinion free whether a mvemirn Ia mobsMy patentagwommnnlca- lions atrzctly confidential. ”A” on Pm new froe. ()Mest ggmncyfog‘oecunpcmmq. Patents tuen throuszh mnnn‘:'4 x pccial mm, ”thou chime. In 0 LAL A Enn'laomeli must'nthVNéilvyâ€" m Eu» anon uf my scientific 10mm}. Tenn. for main. N35 u you. me would. Sold In -‘I --_-_‘H_I-_ FIFTY GIRLS scie'timié 'Iilhificam THE ONTARIO and Funeral Directors» Future Framzygg on shortest A. BELL U N DE RTAKER Full line of Catholic Robes, and blank and white Caps for aged people. All orders sent to us in town carefully filled and promptly delivered. Mrs. Beggs Sons All-wool Blankets at $3, $4 and ............... $4.75 a pair Bed Comforters at $1.35. $1.75 $1.95. $3.50 and....$3.75 each Farmers’ Produce Wanted We carry a full line of fresh Groceries. Spvcial prices on Best Valencia Raisins, 4 lbs. ior‘ 25c Large 11-4 Flannelette Blan- kets,white or grey. .$l.25 pair Wool Honey Comb Shawls, white, black. red or grey at. .50c, 75c, $1 and $1.40 each W. H. BEAN Large 60-30 size Smyrna. Rune .................... $3.00 each Men’s Cardigan Jackets ...... .................... $1.00 each Men’s “’001 Under-shirts and Drawers ................ 500! Ladies’ Vests ...... Men’s Heavy \Vinter Top Shirts .................. 50c up AllEl’S um BALSM Snow Booneâ€"Next to Swallows Barber Shop. RESIDENCEâ€"Next door South of W. J. Lawrence’s blacksmith shop. Cheap Trade or Cflxh and one price for Butter and Eggs Embalming a Specialty 25c" 50c. and $1.00 Bottles. Sold everywhere. Every Bag Guaranteed BIG Calder-’3 Block up up Cook. their eldest daughter Olive A.. was happily wedded to William J. only son of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McFadden. of Wilder’s Lake, Eg- remont. Promptly at 5 o’clock. as the strains of a Wedding march played by Miss Millie Cook, of Ceylon, softly and sweetly floated through the rooms, the handsome young bridegroom took his place under a dainty evergreen arch laden with bridal bells. A brief minute, and he was joined by the sweet, girlish and graceful bride, who Wore a bewltching gown o. cream silk voile, trimmed with Irish lace. She carried a magni- ficent bouquet of white carnat‘ions. Rev. B. W. Wright, B. A., the {gam- ily pastor, soon made the happy lovers one. , and then, hearty congratulations, and good wishes followed from the hundred guests. The next two or three hours was taken up with royal feasting from tables laden with choicest dishes, and decked with bouquets of car- nations. lhe rooms throughout. were most beautifully decorated. One of the pleasing features of the marriage ceremony was the pres- ence of her Sunday school class of boys. thirteen in number, who formed a semi-circle around them Rev. Mr. Wright most gracefully and complimentarily proposed the toast to the bride, which was reâ€" sponded to by your scribe. ‘Mr. Sam. Putherbough, Reeve E. W. Hunt Councillor McNally, and others, each paying tributes to her for her helpfulness in church, League and Sunday school. as well as for her social gifts and gener- osity. She has been for six years organist in Zion, and few indeed, are they, to whom she hasn’t prov- ed kindly and helpful. The follow- ing hours were lively with music, games and song, then an hour’s bright program, which wound up by a neat, maidenly speech from the bride, thanking the friends for their kindness, alluding especially to a pretty silver tea service, a gift from church, League and Sun- day school. She was given three hearty cheers and a tiger. -A midnight feast followed, amd later a monster circle was formed, and all sang “Auld Lang Syne.” The presents were a varied, valuable and useful selection. the groom’s .gift being a gold chain, Guests were gresent from Toronto, Mark- dale, eylon. Durham, Proton, E - remont and Bentinck, and with t e home crowd here unite in wishing the young couple every joy and but few shadows. May the sphere ,of usefulness and helpfulness grow lwider and wider, and their joys Idee er and fuller, is the sincere lwis of your scribe, to whom the ibride has been a right hand help- .er for some years. March'the 8th‘ 1910 will be a red letter day in the memories of the people of this neighborhood, for on Tuesday evening of last week, at “Rose Lawn Farm,” the bemu- tul _hon_i-e of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. be awarded .Mr. M‘cKinnoh, hrsâ€" Wife’s brother, who has tended the stock during the winter. The widespread esteem and pop- ularity of Mr. G.E. Arrowsmith and fiamily were strongly in evidence at the wonderful success of their sale. held on Wednesday afternoon uf last week. Hundred-s upon hun- dreds crowded the spacious yards and well-kept buildings. Every- thing was in line shape, the crowds were enthusiastic and the bidding reached top not-ch. cows bringing $45.00. sheep $21.00 a pair and P. Campbell set the high mark for common hens at 67c. each. Every- thing sold in like form and we must certainly give credit to Auct- ioneer McPhail tor the hustle and enthusiasm that prevailed all thru the long list. Counting in the price 01‘ a team of horses sold previously. the sale amounted to over $1970. ‘Special‘ praise should _ -_ AAAAA We congratulate the Darkies Corner scribe. and the Varney hustler for the excellence of their photos. and commend them most highly for their faithfulness to the Chronicle. Mr. Peter Campbell and his bride i leave Durham on Tuesday for their : Mulock home in Zealanzlia. .Alta. Peterf has grown to be a general favor- Mr. 'R. Trafford, jr., is engaged it: here, and the good wishes of a {01' a year With Messrs. Tom and wide circle of tnietnds go with Spence Hopkins. them. ‘ Mr Malcolm M - ' Four of our cleverest and bright 'fine team a shorfcatliinuen :21: it: est young men left Durham on the handsome sum of $465 Thursday of last week for Alberta. ' Tl‘ 1‘ . . Allan Davis goes to his brother, .e ,uzzmg 0‘ Mr- R. Mighton’s Dick, at Bruce; W.G. McNally, Al- sawing machine was quite distinct bert McN ally, and Ernest Cook go In: our town last week. to Bassano. In Winnipeg they will 9 Mr. Ali Redford urch be joined by Boy McNally, who has cows [1 om Mr. Johnanurnasmfegr tt‘f‘lg spent the Winter in the lumber 'even hundred. camps. The boys intend to work Meters G Ryan and O H ff . . . . e er- at trades, but ° will likely home- _ . stead before the season is over. {”31 WE‘ISPUXBE (33°39 7 through er tor some years. SOME STRAY NOTES It seems but the other dayei‘nce we were at her arenta’ wedding, but that was in eptember, 1887. The groom’s father made. a neat speech, and has a pleasing per- sonality about him. ’Twas a happy blending of three or {our neighborhoods, and they were most happy together. Three brides in the home at once on two occasions, added spice to the company. Mr. Sam. Chapman, of Egremont. is a fine singer. The Lawrence Bram, John and Henry, were as full of fun as the gayest youths. They are full of ‘l _!__e Miss Florrie Falkingham, has been in town the past couple of weeks, and Miss Bertha is home from Orchard. Mrs. J. Carter, and baby girl, of Owen Sound, are visiting at the home of Mrs. Peter O’Neill. Half the people, young and old, of the neighborhood, are laid up with a severe form of influenza or In grippe. Trav ; rstun. THE DURHAM CHRONICLE First of all 'you need plenty of bloodâ€"the red kind. 'Have it pure, or otherwise blotches and pimples will render‘yuour natural charms unavailing. Nothing can equal Ferrozone. either as a former of rich blood, or as a skin purifier. By driving out humors, Ferrozone cleanses inside just as water does outside. .Because of the nourish- ment and building propenbies it contains. Ferrozone brings the system to a high point of vigor, from which shines vim, ambition, good spirits. For good spirits. For good health, take Ferrozone, all dealers in 50c. boxes. On the 44th inst., Mr. G. Hendry sold his farm stock, implements, household effects, under auction- eer Brigham’s hammer. The day was fine, and the crowd of anxious bidders made prices high. The whole sale was a genuine success. Mr. and Mrs. Hendry left in a few days to visit friends near London. W2 don’t know what Mr. Hendry intends to do, but we extend our very best wishes to them for their future welfare. We also express our regret at losing such kind neighbors and faithful citizens. Formerly doctors prescribed stomach treatment for catarrh and bronchitis. They seldom cured and catarrh has become a nation- al disease. To-diay the advanced physician fights catarrh by med- icated air. He fills the lungs, nose and throat with the antiseptic va- por of Catarrhozo'ne. Cure then is certain. Easy i‘ior Catarrhozow no cure. It contains the essences of pure pine balsams, reach-gs all the germs and destroys the disease. Every case of catarrh, bronchitis and sore throat can be cured by Ca'tarrhozonc. 25c. and $1.00 sizes. Sold everywhere,. ~Get it to-day. Mr Malcolm McCall-um sold his fine‘team'a short time ago for the handsome sum of $465 Your Vickers scribe tells on the young people when they go out courting, and we don’t think it’s fair. for when he went on the Same errand no person knew, only his best girl. To wash Irish crochet collar. wash in hot soapy Water. rinse thoroughly. Put it through thin cold starch. Place on a pillow or any object to which it may be firmly pinned. Then stretch each scallox) or point and pin. Remove when dry and it will look like new. Means. G. Ryan and 0. Better- mm were buying catxtle through hele lately, while Messrs. Bru'nt, B1 own and Fracis were in hot pur- suit. Mr. Harry Brunt visited friends at Lucknow last week, amd was ac- companied back by his father-«in- law Mr. Nickson, who is making a short visit in our town. Children must have good blood. otherwise they will be puny, szick- ly and delicate. If your children are pale. easily exhausted, give them Ferrovim, the invigoratinfi tonic‘ which is composed of fres lean beef. Citrate of Iron, and pure old Spanish Sherry Wine. Noth- ing could be more beneficial in such cases. $1.00 a bottle. Mr and Mrs. R. McCaslin, of Louise. spent an evening with Mr. and Mrs. R. Britt-on. To clean jewellery brush it with ieweller’s soap and water‘ using a soft nail brush. This treatment may be used even £101 jewellery in which stones are set unless they are backed with foil in which case they must only be brushed with fine powder. We regret that Mr. Dougald Mc- Donald is in a critical condition at present. Hope to hear of his recovery. m was: fa'r n- fionfcramnforuyar. But opuspeople out and estandpowthinner. m. mndefecfiufijufion admuihbkfooiAhrxo Yourphysicign'cantelm howitdouit. ' fizobottleof FOOD FOR A YEAR Medical Science Advancing Fast. Have a Good Complain). mmnmnm HOUSEHOLD HELPS The best is the best, and it is at our store you will find it. No danger of indigestion if you get. your bread, cakes, etc. from us. Try our ‘Home-made’ specialâ€"very appetizingr and nourishing. THE For Flour Feed - Seed ‘ Fresh Groceries New Fruit and Nuts Choice Confectionery Pure Spices and Vinegars No. l GEO. STINSON . . 5 V y/y/Wmc wflfldard/ 01/200” 5 '5 KING 5? EAST _ A and Pure Manitoba Flours McGowan Mi Rolled Oats a ALEX. McL PATRONIZE OI'R The Du rha Ladies who would \‘ivw alluring hair pieces ever sln quality, beautiful in desig worn, will see this display where, and the priws are Mt. Forest. Queen's Hotei Durham. Hahn House Wankel-ton. Hartly House Gentlemen who arulusing' ( their hair will he interestw neee and sucial reason: the most skillful and 11:] pieces ever devised. (,‘mm from natural growth \\‘ Priced very reamnahly. Advice upon hair and am? tme. Don’t neglect to see 1-] Somethi S P E ( MR. FRAN PEMBER TOU '. l7, 1 910 Confectlomry, Crockery. For Groceries of all kin FRESH AND HUT Is the news hm'vwit f db] Th

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