West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 17 Mar 1910, p. 8

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Miss Jvnnie McFarlame returned hmne frum Toronto last. week, and experts to remain for some time. Mr. and MIN. Duncan McLean. of Bc-mim-k. mile-d un the MrCurupick (81ml) Ullt‘ day last week. Mr. [)an (Ernham (-alled nn his many {rumba in this burg last. week. .\|r~. )lulrulm McCannel and son Chm-1:9 Hf Bnuthville. Called am the ‘t)l'lllt‘l"8 sistvr Mrs. D. McFarlaue on Saturday 0! last wet k. Mr 33m. Britten of Mulock visited at Puslnmster Edward's one day 1““ week. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Binnie are at present on a visit with friends at. Erin. Rev. Mr. Newton was a caller in “his burg last week. Messrs. Angus and Archie Mc- Arthm- spent a few days in Toronto, but week. Mrs. “'11). Young of your town and her sister .‘lrs. Mundle, visited Mrs. Ht'i'uz'lnick last week. Mrs. \V. P. Pennock and Mrs. Chas. Ila-Arthur. who have been on the sick list fur mum time are on the mend, we are glad tn report. Mr. Alex McQueen and his niece. Miss Jennie Marshall. of Boothville. calledou the )lcFaxlzme families on Sunday last. Miss Effie McMillan of Durh. spent. Sunday at her home here. Mr. John Stewart has let the con- hack of framing his burn to Mr. Polo lock. 0! V'aruey. Mrs. McArthur and her son Alec of Dakota, who have been visitin in Durham. and other places call on their friends in this burg last week. Pal-tab}. .- mm. â€"-“The D. L" hill-ton {or thou loitering from m‘.‘ ““‘k- -_J ‘ ._ __,_‘I_ A “'0 extend our beat-teat con tu' “ions tn Mr. Duncan Benton w oon Wedneuday last was Inn-nod to Miss chonnld, yo! Bentinck. ..I. ll . "C - II!" '|' '31.! I 3‘.4( - gégmggahfiamwgwg mfiafikfifiwfiy m. L l... .Fl_ RECOMMENDED AND SOLD BY n. 1). Connor, Dnrhun. II. Koonig Aytun. Jov Webber. Neustadt. Anthony Kunkell. Mildmay. P333 EESS ' if a ' “Peerless f:nce is tough and springy. Show no sign of wear or rust. There's the necessary expansion or contraction for extreme heat or coll or shocks from animals. \Vith Peerless lock no strands can slip or be knocked loose. We promise every person a square deal and the utmost for their money when they buy Peerless ‘:nce.” (I Agents can supply you with gates or fencing for any purpose. I? See agents’ names below. OUR AGENTS SAYâ€" ‘ 3 Bunessan. ran. in i r .am. “’9 "Her One Hundrml Dollars Reward for any Mac of (fatanh that cannot be cured by Hall's (,‘uan-h Cure. WAwmo, KINNAN a; MARVIN. Wholesale Draggists, Toledo. 0. Hall's (‘at-~rrh Cure is taken internally, actin! directly upon the blood and mucous sulfaces of the systrm. Testimonial sent free. Price 75 cent:- per bottle. sold bv all Dragging. We the undersigned have known I“. J. Cheney for the last 1.3 vans and believe hi‘u perfectly lmnmable in a“ business transactions and ii; an- ('ial‘y able to carry out any obligations made by his firm. Messrs. “'11:. and Bobt. Lennox left on Monday for their home in Sask. “'e wish them a more pleasant journey than they had coming over. They were in one of those cars that went down a twenty-foot embankment. Mr. “'11). Matthews left this Tues- day with a. car load of settler's effects to seek fortune in one of the prairie piminces. He expects to start life anew on a farm near Brandon. His wife and family will follow in a few days. \Ve wish them a happy pros- perous life. \Ve need make no special mention of the Varney man’s photo last week. The picture is a good one and the cor. respondent is becoming one of the best known men of this part in literary, Orange, agricultural as well as church work. All dogs are being laced under restriction this week an many that ere of little worth are being laid under the snow. W'e would likely have had a. racy account of a. race to write up this week had anyone else but those par- ticipating in it got in their story first. As it is, it was a neck and neck race for some distance with their- tongues out. a broken tongue, some slight bruises and a long walk. Joe Lennox and R. Morrison were the principals it. As we intimated last week Mr. John Tucker, of Portage la Prairie Man" was [fake Hall'sFamily Pills for constipation. D. W. Gregg, Eden Grove. Taylor Carroll, Meaford. Jas. Heatherington, 'l'hornbursr Russell Bros., Dundalk. J. P. Noonan, Mt. Forest. Corner Concerns. F. I. CHENEY 6: 00., Toledo. 0‘ How“; This? Va 7 “I guarantcc 72:71-2- sf sum to (j v: satisfac- tToxu. I lrrw It is run: ufactufcd on correct prim iplcs f: 07:1 57' ... ' ’1' grade wire and galvan~ izcdtyaprcecssth 9. r ‘ solute ye..su:cslong1:.e Cur salts have incur. 3: ed 3’0 per cent. in three 3 cars. Fur c'u Cs cinnlcs cf I‘ccrk-ss I-‘cncc are used each yea: ty tl’o lea:"ing railways. '1' hit inspectors subject each shipment to“ scvcxc acid tests. You can do the same. Azcnt wi" zen you how. Sec nearest agent" H. BANWELL. President a bunwcll-Hoxie 00.. hamiiton and Winm'»! not expected to live from cancer of the stonmch or bowels, the result of in- Juries received some time ago from a threshing engine. Last Thursday a telegram came. to his brother James that he had passed away. leaving a wife and four children to mourn the. loss of a loving husband and fond parent. He was fifty-four years of age. He was born in Glenelg and in that township he spent most of his time until thirty years old when with his wife and young family he went \Vest. Thirty years ago he married Annie Braithwaite and the union was blessed with three sons and one daughter. He has succeeded well since going \‘Vest and leaves the sur- ruwing family in comfortable circum- stances. ln religion he was a Metho- dist and politics a Reformer. Numerous friends deeply sympa- thize with Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Lyons, of Portlaw, who were suddenly bereft of their five months old child last week. Mr. and Mrs. Lyons were re- turning from visiting friends and when nearing home having on account of bad roads to get out of their cutter were shocked t 3 find that their little' one, a healthy child, had expired in There IS a social evening being spent on \V ednesday evening in honor of M1. and Mis. \Vm. Matthews. M1" Jas. Allan had a wood cutting bee on Tuesday. At the regular meeting of the Guild in Uhnlmer’s church on Tuesday even- ing of last week the semi-annual election of officers took place as fol- lowszâ€"President, Mrs. Herbert Smith; Vice President. Mrs. 103. Radley; Secretary, Miss Pearl Radley; Treats, Mr. Chas. Stewart: Organist, Mrs. \V. Bentham: Prayer meeting committee, Mrs. Morley, Miss Ida. Binnie, Miss Lily Thistlethwaite: Flower com- mittee, Misses Ruby Radley, Muriel McTavish, Vina Hastie; Social com- mittee, Miss M. E. Chidléy, Mrs. W. Bentham. Mrs. Fred McClocklin, Mr. John Sloan. is" W» g"?1“‘."\ H. J. Ernest, Walkerton. Wellsford Bros., Cargill. R.E.W. Tackaberry. Lions Head P. S. McDermid, Nottawa. Flesherton. CNT SAYS-â€" THE DURHAM CHRONICLE preculuve oeswwmg numerous hearty enchom. Mr. Geo. Mitchell presided in pleasing manner. ‘ wen nuea and me audience was a; preciative bestowing nungergus heart; --‘ Mr. J. F. VanDusen, Dundalk, was in tuwu uu Friday last. Miss Kate Bellamy returned on Sat- urday than an extended visit with friends in the city. Mr. and M rs. \V. A. Armstrong v38- ited the fm_1uer’s muther and brother near M'cufm-d on Saturday and Sm;- , any. A. 8. Thurston; dialogfié it; WI Moore and Mrs. W. H. Bum. Nob- withstanding the storm the hall was well_fllled end the audience was an- During the elecrric smrm of n wnvk ngu Mr. Levi Beds. ()ulling\\'oud Rum], had his ham 5! ruck and n smwl building adjdniug tired, but with strenuuus etfums the blaze was ex- tinguished wuh «bunt, unruly-five dmmrsclaumgd dune». The lass was cuvered wiLh insumncv. The Easter meeting of the Math- udls’; \\'. M. 5. Auxiliary held on Thursday last was one of bpvcml in- terest in connecfinn with their work. The Easter 'l‘nnnkul’fering was UVtel' $17.0U. Invluding a. nnmher uf vis- itors there were, upwards of forty present and at the mum of the meet- inga pleasant swzinl time was spent while partakzng of refreshments. Resyecting a former highly respect. ed resident of this place the Parkhill Gazette of,lzlst Week contained the following interesting neonâ€"”“79 con- gratulate our townsumn Mr. J. G. Ruasvll on his sm‘cess as a graduate of South Bend G«_)Hege of Optics. of South Bend, Indiana. in obtaining hisdegrrcof Doctor of ()ptirs. Mr. Roan-H lms taken a Lwo yeara’ course. at thee Uo:lcge of Optics, the no» knowlodgcd hesL (:01!ng for thee study of ()leCa in America. He has kept, in constant, touch with the advanced study of the optical sciem'e evu‘ since hegmdaatcd from Llw Toronto College ofUpliusin 1896, and has now been rmvmded with the highest, «lugrua m the optical prot’esdmn." \Vo, loo. tender our congratulations; to Doctor Russell. ()u \V’edlwsday ewning 0f last week Mrs. Gum. Mitt-hell Mimi-mined a large vmupauy uf young people at, a party given in humor uf her niece, Mibs Mnhel Mitchell, of Hurlisville, Mich. Barnâ€"At Fleshermn, on Tuesday, the 8th ind. to Mr. gmd Mrs. Ed. Thumpsun. it daughter. At the annual meeting of the Mt sh- ex um Hotel Company on Flidny last 31¢!>SIS.A.\V. Aunstlung, Alex Muir and Ridnud Allen “cu: elected un the bound of dirmmnrs. Mr. Archie Boyd will continue tn cuuduct. the Park House. Charged by Inspector Hul‘m‘n with hruiug sold intoxicating ”(law on Fehuuu-y 5th the proprietor of the. Munsnuw House hem: was hefure Mngmtl'utvs Arlustmng uf Marxdule. and Boyd nt‘ this place, at. M arkdnlv, nu Munday. in“. 7th inst, but there being no evidence to convict W21.- lwnorahly acquitted. Miss Maidment, teat-her at Ruck- Vetle school, has bven forced by ner- vuus ssrrin, m relinquish work for n shun, Lime and is m l‘m'unln recuper- uung. IL is exm-czed she will be able wresume Work mm. Emer and in thr menuciuw the Schmu is in charge of Mr. J. L. \Noud. of Ceylnu At the regular n'ieetinp; of Artemesia council on Monday of last week ap- plication was made by the Continua- tionSchool Roaid for the issue of debentures for the purpose of building the required new school here. The matter was leftover until this (Mou- day) evening when a special meeting of council was held to decide the question. There was a good reprp- sentation of ratepayers present and alter lengthy discussion for and against the vote was taken resulting in favor of the application. Those voting for. being Reeve Boyd and councnllors McLeod and Best and those against, Deputy Reeve Mc- Kenzie and councillor Graham. Pro- gi-ess will now he made and a good site has practically been decided upon atacost of $400.00 which Flesherton proposes to contribute. - Dr. Murray, Mrs. (Rem) Laughland and Miss Mabel Boyd. western girl in costume; duetts, Mr. R. H. Moore and Mrs. Boot and Mrs. Laugbland and Mrs; Bl_nckhurn; trombone solo Mr. Ml. Miles 'Ihisllotlmaite goes to Tmontn this week In attend the A. U. L \V. Grand Ludgu Councillor Best. and wife were willed tn the city but Week to «land the funeral of tune farmer’s cousin, Mrs. Dwid White, who with her husband resided in this village and vicinity a numberuf years ago. The deceased win» was a daughter of ill» late Tnos. Duncan. tailor hew. was a kiml hawk mi and highly respected \Vt mam. Be- sides he 1' husband lhl‘tt’ (laughtpxs, umrried. survive all living in 'l‘urrmto. J. Hewitt, represen’tativé of :he Stradded \Vheat 00.; readings, Mrs. £1. \‘Xuod and_b_lrs. R. Moore; solos. Rev. H. E. and Mrs. \Vellwood, are spending purcuf this week with old friends at ChuLSwm-th. Mr. \Vell- Wood nlsn officiated at, a marriage in Owen Sound on \Vednesday evening. its mother‘s arms. Interment. was made in Fleshermu ceunemn y. Under the auspices of the \Vomens’ Institute here an inviting banquet was given on Monday evening of last week by the Shredded W'heat (30., of Niagara. The banquet at which ser- vice was given from 6 to 8 o’clock took lace in Armstrong 3 new block neat- )“ fitted for the occasion. The menu was choice and highly pleasing to all. At the close a pleasing programme was rendered in the town ball as fol- lows:â€"-Addresses, Rev. H. E. \Vell- 390051. Rev. J. V. Laughlnnd and Mr. Mr. and Mrs. \Vhewell nf Grifim. Sash, lefc fur their home in the \th on Saturday after three nmnths’ Visit 11) this place and vicinity. Mr. Ed Clmrd left on Satuxdav for Al'unn, Sask. He was accumphnied to 'l‘muutu '3' his bmthm: 'l‘humn.~:. wh n IS speudlugt this week xx ich u icuds in the any. Mr. John 7()l'l°igaxl, who sold his farm last year to Mr. “'11). Fisher 41!) line, and has since been living a Cullingwoudnnd Cobalt is Ieuewiug 011 .mqumutancvs. Miss Margaret McAuley, who wunt in December 1908 tn Ethelhvrt, Mum. as medical missiumu'y Lu Luv Galicians, under the Presbywrian Home Missiuu Society is 110w visiting her pareuLs here. I I) :-1 “.31?.'.'.':n.theh0rscm::n. 5.3:.'~: "I have U\:.‘d ROYAL PURPLE STUCK nun. ~tz-ntly in 0n: fee 'ing of The I: l.’ 2.03:. lar‘gcs‘t vu mncr nf any pacer on Cram Is! H. “:1 'H:r~";.' ‘.Vi.4:L‘r‘~‘.' 2. 1’}. hummer n. ‘Ach '»\'in.cv-~..’v.'1'1:'cr (of $35,600”: tn m ION T‘1:.~;:- hrs '9 have ne-vcr l~ um of? their feud sum : l cummcnccd Lawns R \ O bpcca'Zc alums: :1 ye r «so. and l mu aiwxys have it in my stabusfl my STOCK MZD POULYRY SPE (heme. package of ROYAL PURPLE STOCK SPECI‘YC \""T but one 2: .. 6171'o.‘."1‘.1.‘h i321 um» 0'.':r two-thirds of a ccr; a dgn' ‘1 st 5‘- 144;; ~ in HM :c‘ ' {In} hut fifty dxys .md :12"; givm] ftp-3.: km»: a d;;\-. R’J'z'AL PC .‘ PLE STOCK: Lg: u; but 011:: a day. and Lnsts h-nlf gagui") as long. A ‘15. : ' '_(,‘-".’.£!|f“.if‘.8 {‘u ammmt 0f the fifty C's-1t DJC-‘Ifhm wilt uxar‘jk‘udny‘; ROYAL FUR ?LE w: l men-.1 0f .3") «3‘ stock 25":- !t is :m :Ht \‘lishinyly :ugk f.";‘"(". S“!"._;13?H’5~ t...- aprt reh‘ih 103' f00d. afitiifitiflfi nature to diflu\f and h;r~w (phi éu‘n 09¢» Ag a nu? (’Htonor I1 Precisely at ten o’clock a. m.. the bride entered the parlor leanâ€" ing on the arm of her father. where the groom awaited them under an arch of maiden hair and fern. The bride was beautifully attired in cream silk trimmed with lace, and carried in her hand .1 bouquet of white carnations. The bride was attended by a flower girl, little MisC Fletcher, who car- ried a bouquet of white geran- iums. The Wedding march was played by Miss White, cousin of the bride. After the ceremony. the guests repaired to the dining room, where a sumptuous dinner awaited them. The bride‘s cake was a five-storey one, and was beautifully decorated. The bride received many beautiful presents, among them a costly set of Per- sian Lamb furs, the gift of the groom. The happy couple left on the afternoon train to visit Toron- to, Hamilton. and Niagara Falls. On their return, they will take up their home in Owen Sound. The The best wishes of the community are extended to them. A very pretty wedding was scl- emnayed 1:. the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. Weir, Beechwood, Owen Sound on Wednesday, February 23rd. when their daughter, Sarah, was united in the holy bonds of matrimony to the man of her choke. Mr T. Frederick Arnett of Durham. Why try this thing, that thing. to: your constipation? 'w'hy baitsâ€"cg?) ’tzttv‘w 6 old reliable family laxativeâ€"Aya's Pills? Ask your doctor if he app'OVCS (N‘s adviu Royal Purple Stock and Poultry Specifics and free booklets are Imp! in stock by S. P. SAUNDERS. The nuptial knot was tied by :uv MI Rodgers, of Owen Sound. iOne Doctorâ€"Only One Lav-crest anmer of a n v p a c r r o n G: and 030421. ’03 No sense in running from one doctor to another! Select the best one, then stand by him. No sense either in trying this thing, at thing, for your cough. Carefully, deliber. ately select e best cough medicine, then take it. Stick to it. Ask your doctor about Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral for throat and lung troubles. Sold for nearly seventy years, No alcohol in {his cough medicine. i . gi cu but 0:12: a day. ammmt ot' the fifty aunt of yo .z‘ stock .451. !t relish for food. assisting It will save m PIC is our other hens 70 days. or a material f l: on Summer and wifu Every mumâ€"'3': c animal in the same condition: after comer-ng rczuits ynu wnll say thcm a" be It mdcn‘h. or else backcomcsy 'eronz y- FREE-Ask your mercnant or w-‘h u for our valuab‘ : 3:-p;..-.;e booklet on cattle and muirry dwcasea. containing also (maid- raw-nu and fr’ltnrtacuiav “nut ROYA PURPLE STOCK and . JUL- TRY SPECIFICS. ZENUS CLARK nunuul - - oumuo ,uarfzi fitned PLANING MILLS Also a limited amount of iron work and machine re- pairs. A call solicited. Ask for quotations on your next job. The undersigned begs to announce to residents of Durham and surrounding country. that he has his Planning Mill and Factory completed and is prepared to take orders for RQYAL PURPLE STOCK SPECIFXCconmEnS r0 grain. nnr farm rrocfucts â€"â€"- and all kinds of â€"- House Fittings SASH,DOORS HYMENEAL ARNETTâ€"\VEIR. onceaday. and lasts haif again as long- he fifty cent package will last L’smdays RO‘ wk 25"?- !t is an astnnishingly quick (3‘. 0d. assisting nature to digest and turn feed iv we many t.m.â€"s itscost in veterinary hills. 5-“ other specific for-pouitry. not far stock. 0 s. or a pad vusting 8L5!) wit] hast twenty-five} »: on y three times me cnsc. It mans a :i whrergpgqyg‘nts {nu-'2: Insm: ficch at mo: wirucr. prevents {nu-u: [05:11” fic ah at mn‘;"t“ 'zvnie. and cures u}: ' dismms. ge of ROYAL PURPLE Erocx spec: u: or POULTR SP cmc is ROY AL PURPLE pr: one of ynwr animals and any othcgqggpgration 03 303th" efce 'ing of ‘The In !.' 2.02;. lafgcst winner of any pacer on Grand ( Winters} 2.09}. bruihcr of Allen 'Wimers.’ winner of $36.Cm.in trultir ,..S..s have nvvcr Iven of? their feud smart I enmmeaced uamg Roy; year ago. and I will always have it in my stables.” Make Each Animal worth things. Nobody ever heard of ”stock food" curing the bots or Eoiic. making hens lay in winter. increasing the weld of muk five pounds pct cow a gay or restoring run-down anigngls gqplumpncss and-vigor. ' v. I III” - â€"'v w- . When you feed “stock food " to your cow. horse. swine or mulv you are merely feeding them what you are growmg on your owr. fun-m Your animals do need not non feed pvt somethmg to ht ;~ 1h bodies get ail the good out of the teed you give them so they c.‘ :1 and stay fat all year round: also to prevent dnsease. cure disease am; 1;. them up to the_hcs_t_pp_ssfll_>le_con_«_mnon. No tack food” ca_n an a;- w” _-___ _.AI’ fun-91"...n Nd’c a “stock Food” But a “Conditioner :r two-thirdm c given {hr-cc t and lasts half 75 aZoâ€"Iver Its 60st ii’dYIXZHPU'R fiIi-Z'S‘I‘O'CK SPECI'l-‘iC'éafi aHJdQ STOCK MED POULTRY SPECiFiCS On 3-3 of a Cent a Day A h! (and to: uh at the Iowa. feed inm flesh. Asa h ills. ROYAL PURPLE {at . A ROY; “‘5. 5kg" diSe' ISC Pandogblllgfc 1‘11}; "1‘ 1 ) a ROYAL Punfi PLC F 1c K1 IS A yer C9. , Locum FURPL bra 'S‘f'dtic‘S'Ph'c; 57E Inge will hst twenty-91v: Which is four times more :hinc " out of your hcns :1 cures poultry diseases. at one anima . m fifty cem ' food boiler: ffi ac upper ttener it UI' In cs Th9 thrvc [urtuw hf é - .2. .9; in! Of an 011110.11in :1?” '. -. ' text bank and $912999 . 9 “ 9 its inception. thv “'31; ‘ 91 the“ College has: mom. '1 9 ‘ z of the widest (-XI-H‘wvww. .‘L' ; " Olt Icholarship. Th1 t. v w ,. 009d are (ht: 91(59 [0119,9411 9.11 ~19 «neatly UHU‘ gradu" t 1 9 a" '9 eoived the best positions, and Hwi Niece“ has been unrivalled. 'l 1i Ichool receives additiunal pxrmtfl by, being affiliated with me 1 '0m will Educator-5' Association u M, which comprises Canada' W chain of high grade mud CI .etnnl business schools. Th1 m tern openings are late! .5 .1! April 4th. 1 “World" issue u" l tographor and Ph published on Mr” unable prud’m‘. no amateur phuh ft“ to obtain. It pictures on 81‘! 3; elementary arm-lo uleu in all parts Particulars 01' (-a~ titions and mm; Ill Who are pimlc tereuted in photng mentars' and mu found in this 1mm the cou m An (”art the lava] 0] passed in IA is Gvorgo ( claims NM: The mmwr goode Hall now accum- houses on ( welcome 1hr they may 9‘ roundinzs i1 Mr. (300. . mOVvd to h Re". R. “'. “'rigz liver 3 lvcturo u and Mrs. “High! Bridge." by Lu“; Longfellow mwnir dist church mm! 3 Sih’ofl' cnllvctiun a' added a In- ing‘s. It wa Adams Man ford. and h appoaram Single {are for TiCkvts £004 gm Monday. and In March 30th. R. 1 agent. Our dros in style at patterns c but the pri ity is high. to tnwn the 1mm Second hand 200d mmditim the Methodist to J. M. Laliml in Easter millinwrjc our pattern hats fr wholes-salmâ€"Mias Di' ovonin Regular 300. coal ”(2. at McLellan's ‘ Ieeds. ,lry M ('81! M Th ‘t 311'“ flow Mr. 2. C Sun's gummod a! t Holy Thursday Ma} “'0 in v i 1 (. rank thod m VOL. 43â€"440. Hall [1085 NEWS AF [ind U nvw dl‘ sm '1 Ar ma Ma ll M \\

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