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Durham Chronicle (1867), 24 Mar 1910, p. 2

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a’AchEsâ€"Ix NORMggB‘Y. 125 ‘Aâ€"-l “SALADA” u the same wherever or whenever you buy itâ€"elweys of unvarying good quality. acres of first class. leVel land. balance wooded, fair house, 3 amp to quick purchaser. easy terms.â€"W.F. Dunn, Durham. 224 100 ACRE FARM ON THIRD CON- ceaaion of Glenelg, N.D.R., lots 15 and 16. This farm is well water- ed and has good buildings erect- ed thereon good land, and an excellent opportunity for the right man. For further particu- lars. apply on the premises to A. Ford. Bunessan. Feb. 4, 3mpd all'a‘iivl'ilication to Joseph Patter- son, \arncy P.O. 3.18.6pd LOTS NUMBERS ONE AND TWO (1 and 2) Con. '2, N.l).R., Town- chip of Artemesia, one mile north of Priceville, 100 acres. A first- class farm, well fenced, and un- der good state of cultivation. On it are a 102 house, fairly com- iortable, a bank barn 45x65 with basement and stabling under- neath. Well watered, and a never failing well. About 20 ac- res of good hardwood bush and owamp that has never been cull- ed to any great extent. Quite convenient to school, churches, postomce and_ _railv§ay “station. LOT 21, CON. 2, TOWNSHIP OF Igremont, containing 100 acres about 10 acres hardwood bush, 0 acre» swamp timbered, the rest clear; barn 30x50, stable 30x40. Orchard 1 acre, watered by 2 wells and spring. Part of purchase money can remain on mort age. For particulars apply Wiliam Bradley, Orchard. Ont. BEING EAST HALF OF LOT 2, Con. 21 Egremont. containing 30 acres. Well watered by never- failing spring and a running stream close to buildings. Good frame house, frame barn, stone basement stable underneath. aâ€" bout 4:3 acres cleared and in good stateol‘ cultivation, rest good hardwood bush. Also N.E. 1-4 of Lot 3. (.‘on. 3. Egm'mnnt, ‘25 ac- res. about 12 acre-s of cedar and hemlock smamp; balance slash- ed. Well watered by never-fail- ing cn-el<_._ No buildings on this It: native purity and garden freshness is per- fectly preserved in sealed “SALADA” Packets. A PORTABLE SAW MILL IN xood working order. Apply to Box 92, Durham, Ont. 221 ti THE BUILDING OCCUPIED BY P.G.A. Webster as jewellery store, Ild J.P. Teltord as I law office, with show casea,_wall eases, cloqk LOT 5, CON. 1, N.D.R.. GLENELG. consisting of 50 acres of good pasture. On the premises are a good dwelling house and fair outbuildings, a never failing spring and a good quantity of timber. Good fishing. An ideal prOperty for a retired farmer. or any person desiring first class pasture for stock. For further particulars apply to Chris. Firth. Durham. or Alex. Firth. Lloydtown. 123M! -*â€".‘_â€". I AM OFFERING FOR SALE TEN houses in the Town of Durham, ranging in price from ,3850 to 83300. also a ‘25 acre property outside of the corporation limits. I shall be pleased to furnish fur- ther particulars of these prop- erties to any person. I have made several sales 0! town prop- erty during this season, and the deman dtor such property is in- creasing daily. The time to buy is before the next boom comes\ not when it is here.-â€"W.F. Dunnr â€"-.__-,-- 0’!" I AND H. CON. 3. N. D. R. $75 to $100 WEEKLY MADE HAND “10'0", 15 8.19! bDSh. frame barm. ling 0111‘ goods. Salary or com- '0“ watered. must b. 90m° A' “'i mission.â€"Fairfax Refining Co.._ ’““"“ ”“m‘m' _E"_“:: Cleveiand, Ohio, U.S.A. parce-l.‘ V W“? gelâ€"l“ one .. or both parcels to suit purchaser. Terms of payment and otl_1er pgrtjcgyars VV'\' A snap for quick sale. For fur- ther particulars apply .to P. F. McArthur, or Dr. 1. Dixon. Price- vitle. P.O.. executors of the es- tate of the late Johp McAythur. 81X Room-:HHOUSE AND TEN“: area of land in the town of A» Durham. 0n premises me good E “span ,hen house and stable. m rent house without land, it dented. Apply to John 110“ rtt‘ Durham. 3.11. t! GE‘sâ€"ave.” Kt vai'bar'gain. to A. Gordon, Weyburn, 'rnonguogpngn DURHAM, _1o Durham. COMFORTABLE 8 ROOMED brick dwelling, well situated. Apply to Elizabeth Lauder. Dur- ham. Jan. 17th, ’10 t! Avlverflumeltn 0! one inch, or In. nub-mun: inurtion. Over 030 1‘ toWn. Farms fur Sale. For Sale or Rent. Hall for Sale For Sale. 'éri'L-‘evine, Feb. 4th, 1910 SMALL ADS. inch, or Inn, 25 cenh for first i r» "icon and 10 cv-m: for each Over 030 inch and under Hm inn-bu, double the .bovo amount. Yearly rates on "who tum 24 STAGS WANTED. - FARMERS and others having fat stags to dispose of will find it to their interest to communigate with FOR FEED OR SEED PURPOSES Apply on premises to J.W. John- ston. lot 31, con. 5, Be-ntinck. 17.4p Manufacturer of Lumber, Shingles, Lath. also planing and matching. Custom work and chopping a specialty. .Also a quantity of hemlock, cedar. spruce and bal- sam wantedâ€"Norman Kerr. SPIRIT LEVEL. OWNER MAY have it by paying for this \adver- firs. Iamieson Maclaurin. .“V‘PICE IAND RESIDENCE A shun diqtance east of Knapp’n Hotel, Lamb ton Street, Lower Town, Durban Fflia'e hours from 12 to 2 o’clock stairs, Lambton Street. Resident-eâ€" Corner Queen and Geolgémreetaâ€"Nortb ot Methodist Church co hoursâ€"941 gm 2-4 m.. 7-90.11). Telephone No.10. 8 GOOD HOUSES FOR RENT.- Apply to J. M. Latimer. 413tf |U"I°. U 1‘! IV -0 Illa. 0!! 1 ’V . III. “I." ., (11. Special attention given to disease:- ’1' women and children. Residence op . mite Preshvtarian Church. HYSICIAN ANU SURGEON, OF tics in the New Hunter Block. Oflice nouns, 8 to {U}. m.. _to 4p. m. an}! 7 u".- EYE, fiABLTHRQAT - nos: ARRISTEL. SbLlCl'l‘OR ETC 3 3 Ufi'xce nearly onpmite the Registry ofice Lambton t Durham. Anyumoum .x m .nav to 10‘!) st 5 per cent. on farn DR. BURT. Ate Assistant Roy. London Ophthalmic 80. £113.. and toGolden Sq. Throat and Nose Hon SPECIALIST : i.) York .nd Chicago. Datum ol Eyo. Bu Non Ind Throat. Will be u Knapp House. Durham. the 2nd «lam: dw' in anal: month. Hnursâ€"lâ€"fi run. 0 I" V ICE? UR» BRhWN L R. C. P.. LONDON. ENG: {Y RADULATE of London, Now J F GRANT, D. D. 8 .LD 8 HUNOR GRADUAT UNIVERSL ty of Toronto. radium Roy: Collage Dental Surgeons of Ontario Dentistry in all its Branches. “flinchâ€""alder Block. over Post (Nice â€"__...’__.____. , WILL BE AT ABERDEEN EV- ery Wednesday, the balance of the winter to measure and pay for all sawlogs delivered there The highest price paid for all straight, sound logs of all kinds of timber. Custom sewing and shingles done early in the spring. â€"N. McIntyre. May 31-09 tisement. Ker-3'53 gain prepared to pur- chase at highest prices.â€"-John O’Neill. Glenelg Centre. 3108p prnrartv l. G. Hutton. M. D.. C. M. \FFICE. TELFORD’S BLOCK. UP W. F. Dunn, DARRIS'I‘ER, SOLICH‘OR. CHIN l) veumcors, Notary Public. Etc. Mona) to Luau at anast Rama. Qfiepr:Mc_ln3yrg quck. over Standard Bank‘Dnrhunl Out «rin L‘ or, Convoyuncer :-. Insurahm Mat. Money to Loan Inner ot Mar- fix .'0 Licenses. A general financial buni consummated. J. RUDD MATB'EWS,‘"HARK'ISXLE Ont" Licensed Auctioneer (or the_County of Grey. ‘Sales at- A. H. Jackson. 01‘qu PUBLIC, 00m: ISSIUIV L or, Conveyancer. 8n. Insuraum .nded to'at reuénable terma. Arrnngements may .be made at the Chronic]. 011193, Durban. Agents Wanted. Farmers’ Notice DURHAM” ONT. (anr Town flats for Sal“. Medical Dz’rertorv. Arthur Gun, M. D. Dr. W. c. Pickering Dentist. m'nvy M ills. Licensed Auctioneer. Den/a1 Directorv Lew! rszctm v To Rent. 13. My“ ‘-' , ”3-?" din"!!! s‘s all ted . l. P. Telford. (“mind 0 pr .l .l. Huntnr’s balance oxlvvuu uuvu- . . re and pay' In nearly every town and mty 1n vered there! he Dominion. and in many in the aid for anUnited States and elsewhere, are of all kind. men who have saw-ml in the sawing and Queen’s Own. and the Srmi-Cc-n- ‘ Hm .mqno tennial Committee is desirous of ne Bpl'ln o ------ . -"- v. V'__‘ . .1 May 31-59 getting 1n personal touch wnh as; many of them as 1')()’-'.Sii)i(?. To that end. it will greatly farciiita'te ow“- matter-s if the vii-members. who see RENTâ€" this will communicate with tho “gulpermanent secretary, Mi: G. I. JRiddell. 36 Kim: Street. East, To- ronto, and prevail upon all the Sim-..“ Other mamombmw they knuw To . a ): '1‘ ‘," Shingles, do the same. MI. ludtic .1 \.1.1 Several thousands of former members of the Queen’s Own Rifles will assemble from all parts of the (cntinent at Toronto next June,for a re-union in celebration of the Semi-Centennial of the Regiment. The festivities will commence Sat.- urday. June 18th, with a recep- tion at Government House, his Honor the Lieutenant-Govcrnor‘.‘ like many other notables, being: an eat-member of the crack regiment. On Sunday :1 monstnr church par- ade of ex-mem‘eers and the pro "*1? members will be a unique ailaiir. During the week. grand historical nag-3am; on A scale only equalled at the lee( Tercetitenary. will he given by SLVC’.‘dl tlmu'~:md inorâ€" l‘ormeri (:n the Rosedale Athlefic Grounds, In addition. there will be numerous social meetings of old comrades. ‘I 0A It is a question that is being: discussed in the Provincial Parlia» ment at the present time that all bridges over 100 feet in length must be built by the County Coun- cil. Under that they are paid for by either township or county council, but usually if the couniy council can’t manage it by the township, Mr. Hoyle, of North Ontario Wants a bill passed stat- ing just What constitutes a bridge whether the abutments and ap- proaches are counted, or just the span of the bridge proper. Leg-a islation of this kind will go a long Way towards settling the disputes as to the responsibility of muni- cipalities for the erection and maintenance of the bridges. Mr. Hoyle also Wants the length of bridges under county control cut down.â€"-Kincardine Reporter. Pimples, Eruptions and ‘Spotty Cmnplexions ” At this season. scores of people â€"girls and young women especialâ€" lyâ€"find their faces disfigured by pimples‘ dark spots, eruptions, etc. The skin needs attentionâ€" needs renovating after the tyring time it has passed through during the Winter. Just think what it has gonethru! You have been out in rain and sleet and show. You have been at one moment perspiring from skat- ing, or some other exertion. Then you have stood to “ cool off.” You have spent hours of the ; day indoors at a temperature equal to summer heat. Then you have covered up your skinâ€"except your faceâ€"and gone out into a temperature far below zero No wonder that. with all these chan- ges. the skin of the face and neck shows signs of needing attention Don’t forget that the skin has to work just as any other organ of the body, and if you overwork it, it gives out. Zam-Buk is the rem- edy. Smear it lightly over the spots. the eruptions, the sallow patches, at night, and notice how quickly your appearance improves. As the rich refined, herbal es- sences sink deep into the tissue, the hard, scurvy-like patches, are removed. Better color results. The cells of ’the skin become transpar- ent. The blood beneath is able to gimpart its proper coloring to the 'tissue, and the delicate bloom of health replaces the sallowness and palor of disease. Zam-Buk is also of great use for skin injuries and diseases. Ec- zema, ulcers, chaps. ringworm,acne. yield to its use. For cuts, burns, bruises, children’s rashes, etc., it is unequalled. and it is a sure cure for piles. All druggists and stores at 50c. box. or Zamâ€"Buk Co., 'I‘o- ronto, for price. Refuse harmful substitutes and imitations. POR G.T.R.. C.P.R,, AND OTHER railroads. Dimensions of ties;â€" SEEKING EX MEMBERS OF QUEEN’S OWN RIFLES. Ties and Pelt-s Wanted 6 inch face b'y 6 inches thick; Dimensions of poles:-25 to 50 fleet lgng. top irony 6 to 7 _incl}- 7 inch face by _7 inches § Aincâ€"h face by 6_ inchgs SPRING SKIN TROUBLES What is a Rridqo? THE DURHAM CHRONICLE REV. R. W. WRIGHT Pastor of Durham Methodist Church. apply to (MC? 3 The members of the Ontario Ag- ricultural and Experimental Union are pleased to state that for 1910 they are prepared to add Apicul- turn to the list of depar;.men'ts for experimental Work. At present there is no material to distribute. so it is proposed. to take up some of the. more important problem's in the management of bees for profit. One of the greatest of these is the control of swarming. When bees are kept from swarm: ing entirely. more hom y is secured When they are compelled by arti- ficial methods to swarm only at certain hours on certain days at the convenience of the bee- keeper, much 109-3 of time and swarms is avoided. Many of the. most successful bee keepers never ~ let their bees swarm. nec-es-sarv increase is made in other ways which are drir- ectly vnder control. t is quite as important to control the increase of bees as of any other stock on the farm. The etherimejt for 1910 is the control of swarming. Each person who wishes to join in this experimental work may fill out the accompanying form of ap- plication and return the same to the Director of the Co-operative Experiments in Apiculture at as early a date ac. possible. A sheet containing: the instructions for the experiments andthe blank form on which to rehart the. results of the work. will be sent to each ex- perimenter on receipt of applica- tion blank properly filled out. The committee on Apiculture ex- periments desires to ask that each experimenter will followinstruc- tions very pa'timrllarly, and that he will be very careful and a‘ccu- rate in his Work. and forward to Director 21 complete‘ report of the results obtained from the experiâ€" ment. as soon as r-ossible after the close of the season. I would like to conduct an exper- iment in Apiculture, and if instruc- tions for the same are forwarded to me. I will endeavor to If you wish to conduct an exper- iment in apiculture, kindly fill out this blank form and return it as soon as; possible. Address all com- municatiom to Morley Pettit, Ag- ricultural College, Guelph, Ont. 1.~Carry on the work according to the instructions received. 2.â€"Exercise care and accuracy in the Work.’ and 3,â€"Report the results of the ex- periment as soon as possible after Him close of the season, whether successful or not. This sheet when filled out and returned by mail will require 2c. postage‘ whether the envelope is CO OPERATIVE EXPERIMENTS IN BEE KEEPING. 'sealed' at not. Aljoe. Sr. III.â€"~C. McGirr. E. Atkinson, R. Meena, W. McGirr. I. Ritchie, L. Nowell. Jr. III.â€"E. Patterson, E. Lindsay, G. Noble G.A_WbiAtn_10re. H‘VUA -mv-v “Class II. â€"M. Lindsay, E. Meena, M. Bell, W. Matthews, N. Lawrence. L. Aljoe, M. Lawrence, L. Ritchie. Class I..-J Bell, E. Ritchie, J. Meena. Sr. Primer.â€"M. Atkinson, J. Mee- na, G. Bell. A. Lindsay. Jr. Primer.â€"W. Noble. tune all cheap imitations. Dr. de Van’s are sold at 85.00 a box, or three to: 810.00. Mailed to any ad- dregs. _The _Saobell Drug Co., St. A reliable regulator; never fails. While these pills are exceedingly powerlul in regulating the genera- tive portion 0! the female system‘ they are strictly sale to use. Re- Namem ~- Railroad Station... Post Office-.- Line of Railway-.- Township ......... Countym Date of Mailing... Concession ......... Honor Roll- S.S. NO. 9. GLENELG. .Sr. IV.-â€"S. Bell, M. Bell, Jr. IV.â€"-T. Bell, J. Bell, W. Weir, [. Patterson, J. Allen, L. Aljoe, A. Dr. do Van‘s Female P1110. THOS. A. ALLAN, Teacher. Lot ------ Co’i. Some poets sing of mighty deeds While others sin-g of love, Not insubstantial human needs Nor yet the stars above, Will ever inspire me to mount My Pegasus and fly; I sing a song of some accountâ€" I sins: of pumpkin pie! Oh. how it sets me all a-thrill With joy. to be exact! I feel my spirit surge until It pours a cataract. Thou ecstacy! Thou crusted bliss! Thou source of rapture high! I know no greater them-e than this I sing the pumpkin pie. I rise to height-s undreamed before I faint with sheer delight.’ Away with vaunted classic lore! I tread a nobler height. I soar and soar at memory’s beck. I range the farther sky, Until to save my mind from wreck - 'fvéat'the pumpkin pie!. Awakenig' of Mr. Skaggs Jim Skaggs once .ha.d‘the notion VC‘” ~--â€"HH~ ' That a woman’s lot was best, { While he was toiling hard by day l His wife could take a rest. i She had no stern and cruel boss ' To tell her what to do; 1 When beds were made and the‘ dishes Washed Then Mrs. Skaggs was through. Good Mrs. Skaggs the other day Packed up her little grip; She said that as the days were warm She’d take a little trip. Then added, “Dear, while I’m away As my work is so slight. I’m sure that you can do it all When you come home at night.” “’Twill easy be,” said Mr. Skaggs, Don’t worry while you’re gone, That I will do your work each .night. You can depend upon. There’s not enough of it, I swear, To trouble me at all, I think I’ll also decorate The bedrooms and the hall.” That night when Mr. Skaggs came home. He dusted every chair, And then. man-like, he swept the rooms, . , And, 0. how he did tear, iTo find his dusting done for naught. A cut-glass vase he broke, Then he decided that he’d rest And. have a little smoke. His supper dishes then he piled Upon the kitchen sink, “There’s not enough of them to wash. I’ll wait awhile, I think, Till there are more of them, and than At once I’ll wash them all; I guess, perhaps. I will not try To decorate the hall.” He’s eating all his meals down town. ' He has no dishes clean, And never has he made his bed Sin-ce wifie quit the scene. The windows now are dark with grime 4 The floors with (lust are thick; Last .night he sent this telegram: “Come home, my dear, I’m sick.” There is nothing at the present time so interesting to the farmer in the line of building material as cement, and the different uses it may be put to. It is generally ad- mitted by all that much as has been done in the past it is practi- cally in its infancy yet. In these times when the scarcity of timber and lumber is confronting the far- mer and builder on every hand, he must of necessity turn to cem- ent as his building material. The cement show and convention to be held at London. Ontario, Mar. 29th to April lst, will be of great interest and profit to all who can spare the time to attend. The'cost will be but a trifle. as reduced rates have been obtained on all railroads by buying single fare tickets and securing certificates at starting point. The admission to the show and convention is free. No one who is at all interested in the use of cement should miss this opportunity. The different kinds of machinery used in the manufac- ture of cement in all its different forms of bricks and blocks will be in actual operation, beside the artistic displays which will be made by the different exhibitors. Township councillors, county coun cillors, and all officials who have the management of roads and bridges should make a special ef- fort to attend. The materials used in the “D.L.’ Emulsion are the finest the mar- ket affords. regardless of expense. In cases of wasting diseas loss of Weight loss of appetite. it is taken with great benefit. mam-ma: . 89$ Profit: for they.” mas 1' cent. on s Pros-tuna. “Where is my money, dear?” said : IO NOX A COLD he. \ “Tut, tut!” said she, .“don’t' ‘N ONE DAY chat-6‘ . It’s underneath the bath-tum for The Great ““8 '3‘ COUCH Medicine The eggs are in the safe.” GUARANTEED ~Harrisburg Star-Independent. '; 25¢: a bottle st Mada-lane’s Drug Store ESTABLEHED M The Standard Bank of Canada Head Office: TOIONTO . Record of Business as at 31st January, 1910 Cement and It's Uses PUHPKIN PIE Cent of Danger ' ' Tm: (tungsten will be coat to sawtpnm my address. free of pmuu. fl Bates . - 31 00 per your, payable in dun. 41.50 my be ohnrged if not no paid. The “I to whlch every oubmription la ”Id is denoted by the number on the .ddrou label. No ”pa 2 continued to all strut-I are pt“. «coma option of we propriotot. ' ' For tit-Clout «hum-h I AGVOW nont- et line for tho Int * hm . “on; oonhporlinonnhnh. qnent innuuon ninion measure. from anrdn. not exonedin one inch “.(l) per... Advert-menu wit out apedlo (IMO be published an forbid 5nd Gill!“ mad”. Tunnieat noticesâ€"“Lat." ”Found." “For " aimâ€"60 cent- for first final-non. u out tot nub “Montinurflon. ad and b vortioomouta o o a II“ bondnforinndunoe. y W Conflict nus for anyde hr. niohod on application the 0500. All ndvmbomonu. to ensure inuflhn h sun-t wank. should be brown in not but Obn- Most»! nt 0 p. m 18 PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY XOHNING At the Chronicle Printing ”one, Bamfraxa Street. THE DURHAM EHHUNICLE Th3 Job «on: lately stocked with 3 NEW PE th M ”0PM!“ mm. for tmhguomnn ”ALLEN'S LUNG BALSAfiI mm-o’uduhnucunun A 25c. Beetle tor I swore Case. A 50c. Bun: tor 3 Itchy Com. A $1.00 Ionic tor a Deep-sealed Couch. Sold by all Druggizis. _ DAVIS 8; LA\VRENCE £20.. Montreal DURHAM. ONT., Haileybury, Porcupine Matheson and 13 prepared to re- ceive collections, docu- ments in escrow, and to transact a General Banking Business, with such specialties as are incidental to a mining region. 1,, SPRING TERM From March 29th merges int» our Summer Session in m luly 4th and affords continu- ous oppoiunity for bright young people to qualify for Road business p «moms. Our school. The Central Business College. of Termite. invites vnur consideration. Cura- logue nmilei on request: W. H. SHA“', Principal. You‘re and Gerrard Sis, Toronto. Emma AND Pnonum. OF CANADA For deep~seatcd HAS OPENED BRANCHES AT STUART STRATHY, -5”! W. IRWIN Mar. 24, 1 91 O 35...? ' ma74Mr COLD :5. CRU UP. iii" A: . WH+°2°++€°++ ++ '!°+°1"§‘+ § Furniturea If you [handle anything uswa 0f cpwe Ct this exhibition. \Vl'il ' See the newest an i host. mnI m of (“(Dllcrell‘, the modernl Iwuctit‘n to a hitching pm“. 'I layman u for Donnell. ma‘m-n (. 00 the “Nifty of cunt-m, mu ADMISSEON FREE C U M l3 Cement Conve Special attention to Lndcrtaklup. ()l' R Reinember. Wv lmw- a nod We'll guuranu’v mu isfm‘t “’e hive just play-ml in from 25c up. Many ul llwlu much below (110 original rust, EDWARD KR for all kinds 0f grain. unloading“, and “'0 WM very small expvnw times It dullm' sand i thing needing rep ‘ir call and um, it. and you will rocoix on the. “hurled Imth homes in which :u'Lic We always kcvp the at [he Inwmt. [mm-time p! We endeavor Lu treat well pleased. “'9 have around the patience and aw [DH-paw FARME Ask your local ticket agent UPHOLSTERINU Not only does YOUR be! main the uctual moisture. the gamut liquid. longer than ml; but it retu’ns Ah property offaling moist even 3 gm! died of the water W. Of course it doesn't crumble ' sliced even in thin slicxs ; nor it lump off when buttered. Thin I: the wny of It, m. use In ‘Fwe ROSES 61;}. m necessary, you m, Cannot go stale u-qm’ckly u nude from some of the flour; have known in the pastâ€" to your 1083 3nd sorrow. ‘ Became there‘s mom of the umber gluten and betterg‘u- ‘ ‘A_ ‘_ Fun-n “Arâ€"r At the Princess March 29th. 30! Drive your lauds FURNI'I‘I THE IV Milling 200.00 of Oats al of Peas. \Ve are in .Kalm m WI Mix‘ vfil t} ti

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