West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 24 Mar 1910, p. 6

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gm CENTRAL STRATFOHD. ONT. ‘â€" - J rain now-nil. Pfieofifiuâ€"box «Nolan-03.00. mummy“:- mleoben Dru Co, St. mom. ”abundance“. +090M>§0+o§0+o+o+o+o+o HANOVER. WILLIAMS. GREENE 6: ROME CO., Limited By Octuher 15”) our new factory at Hanover will be completed. \Ve will require fifty girls. “We. also‘ havu room fur a few girls in our prem-nt quarters. Applications will be received now by WANTED FIFTY GIRLS \ 1;"! isomer} uxusfmtfilim'fl'y.‘ ill-"08‘ :31!- csvmu-u r-f my scientific )omnal. Terms 10: Canaan, $.75 a year. pustage plepdd. Sold b: m) newsrh-nler‘. mu 8 Begum-v- ""12“ Branch once. 3' 8t... Wuhlluton. Ammo sanding : sketch and description may tummy nu ermm m: r o pmion free widower all Invl-Iefl’ '1 In probably ‘pnwnm ommunlcb w p w.â€" gnyonntm m1? -..1 HAN on Pm m .t. m u tildes: agency for securmmtu” 'vm to takvn throuirh Inna pr. fiat notice, withpnt. 0118130. lathe Write an u once (at out free catalogue and Iran the nature of our courses in Commercial. sum-tuna and Telegraph damrtmonh. We have the loading was timl. turning schmn in Western Unuuio. Cannon are tnmnuzh. i-zstnwlom «xpor hunted am! we- asM-I gradual" m moi Iioma Student-a eomwing «such wwk Yuu nbou’cl enter N U W. S '3 éfitifiié Bmzricm Electric Eaton: for In D. A. McLACH LAN PRINCIPAL T H E ONTARIO {:Xanese Menthol is unequal- as a pain relieving agent. Applied in the “ D. 8: L.” Menthol Plaster it is the most efl'ective remedy known for anbago, Sciatica, Rheumatic Aches and Pains. Try a “D. L.” Menthol Plaster the next time you are sufiering from any one of these com- plaints and be convinced. 25c. Each at drugg All orders sent. to us in town carefuily filled and promptly delivered. Ho Sells Cheap Mrs. Beggs Sons 2 yards long, 25 inches wide, pair .................. ’5c 25 yds. lung. 33 inchts wide. pair ............ . .. ., ...... 50c 3 yards lung,‘ 0 inches wide. pair ..... . ................. 70c 35 3113. long, 50 inches wide, pail ........................ 901‘: 35 yds. long, 60 inches wide, pair .......... . ...... .. .. .$1. ()0 W'e carry a full line of fresh Groceries. Special prices on Best Vaiencla Raisins, 4 lbs. [or 256 Farmers’ Produce Wanted Table yard Ta. h] e. yard Table A Oplendld Tonic Builds up the System Wengthena the Muscleas ) Gives New Life Cream of the West P L O U R yard ....................... 20!: Floor Oilcloth,1 and 2 yatds wide. Squme yard ......... '2.50 Lange- .fl3x60 Smyrna Rugs at each .................... $3 00 FERQ'M “3‘5 Builds up Strength ; brings back the ruddy glow of health by creatin ' a natural appetite for nourishing I Get only the D. I... the original. 50c. and $1.00, at all druggistt Davis I: Lava-cue: Co., neutral. Infant’s, (Ihildrens’ and Ladies" Vests all prices New Prints and Ginghmns See our 250 and 50c Dress Go )ds New lot of Glassware just in Trade or cash and one price for Butter and Eggs Gold by all medicine dealers. Davis brace 00., Montreal. Every Bag Guarantved CALL AND SEE US Lace Curtains Linen, 54 Linen, ($8 Oilcloth, 45 in. wide, ”.2200 ICC... .oooooootoooo. Are you using BIG *Qists. ‘30 inches wide. ....700 50 inches wide, . . . . ............ 90c inches wide, inches wide, 0 o 5 O O ccccc 250 Calder’s Block o! i Selection must be made from the following crops, viz., spring pr :13" Wheat. oats, barle , rye, corn, peas. alsike clover, r clover, poâ€" itatoes. beans. or any other staple crop produced for seed in Ontario. 2.-â€"Competition will be limited to members of an agricultural so- ciety and the fields entered must not be more than fifteen miles from its headquarters. Competit- ors will be allowed to make entry in only one society, and but one entry can be made by each com- petitor. The Ontario Department of Agri- culture will furnish expert judges free of charge. An amount of not less than $50 must be offered in prizes by each society‘ to be divided as follows: $15 $12. $10, 5158‘ and $5. Of this a- mount. the. Ontario Department of Agriculture .will contribute $30. The balance is to be supplied by the society. and this $20 can be counted as expenditure for agri- cultural purposes in the yearly finâ€" ancial statement. thus increasing the regular Legislative grant to such societies. Prizes will be offered by the De- partment for two bush-e1 sacks of grain at both Guelph and Ottawa Winter Fai1s. the competition f0! Wthith will bu co1i1'11113zi to 1117.1» winnms in the S anding Field C1011 competitions. Full palticulamw will be furnished later to the 191ize- -wi11 ne1s. nunmo FIELD can? cont-'3' NURSING MOTHERS 'l‘I'l'IONS FOR 1910. I The standing field crop competi- Show the beneficial d tions have now gone beyond the stage of experiment. Since their; {ccts Of inauguration three years ago, they i have fully justified the expendi- s , ' ture of time and money. and no con 8 Emulsm“ agricultural society which has once taken part in these competition-3 ' ' has failed to continue the good "I a Vny Short time. I work. The Ontario Government not Only builds her ui has therefore. again made a grant for this purpose, and the competi- tions will be conducted under the following regulations: 1.â€"Nature of competition. Com- petitions will be limited to one crap, to be selected by the society. which should be the one of most importance to the farmers of the district. Fields entered for com- petition must consist of not less than five nor more than twenty acres‘ but for beans or potatoes‘ the minimum plot must be not less than one acre. 4.-â€"All the individual entries must be forwarded by ,the secreâ€" taries of the societies to J. Lockie Wilson, Superintendent of Agricul- turalSocieties, Parliament Build- ing's, Torento, on or before May 25th‘ 1910. aâ€"Societies may, if thought ad- visable. char e an ent1anc3 fee of not more thagn one dollar. but this is optional with the Director-3 of the society. In addition to the above, arrange ments have been made with the Directors of the Canadian National Exhibition, to be held in Toronto August 27th to September 12th, to do‘nate $240 in prizes for the sheaf exhibit of grain from the fields in the Stan-Ling Field Crop Compeâ€" titions. '1 hose eligible to enter are the first. mood and third prize winners. For this sheaf ex- hibit the Province has been divid- ed into three districts, and prizes amounting to $80 will be awarded to coml‘retitors in each of the three divisions mentioned below for the following kinds of grain: Fall wheat. $6, $5, $1, $3, $2. Spring Wheat, $6, $5, $4, $3, $2. Oats. $6..$5. $4, $3, .‘2. Barley. $6, $5, $4, $3, $2. Division 1 includes Muslkoka, Parry Sound, Haliburton, Nipissing Manitoulin Algomn, and other districts in New Ontario. 3.â€"Societies desiring to enter this competition must notify :the Superintendent not later than the first day of May‘ and must make not less' than ten entries. Divis ion No.2 all counties east of York and Simcoe. Division No. 3, York, Simcoe, and all counties West and southâ€" west of same. Each sheaf must be not less than eight inches 'in diam- eter, and must be boxed and ship- ped C.O. D. to the Superintendent of Agricultural Products, Exhibi- tion Park, Toronto, not late-r than August 20th. All entries for this exhibit must be made to J. Lockie Wilson, Parliament Buildings, Toâ€" ronto, before August lst, 1910 . In addition to the above, the Directors of the Central Canada Exhibitionr Ottawa, offer prizes for two bushels of white oats, to- gether with the sheaf for the same, to be taken from a field which has won a prize in the‘Field Crop Competitions during 1910. Those wishing to enter for the Ot- tawa competition must communi- cate with E. McMahon, Secretary, Ottawa‘ who will forward prize List The deceased, who was in his 55th year. moved to town from Markdale several years ago, but had only commenced work in the furniture factory two weeks pre- vious to the accident. He was a staunch Oran eman, and the fun- eral was con noted by the L.O.L. The deceased is survived by a widow and ten children, W. J., in Vancouver: Fred A. and Thoma; E. in Listowel' LR” in Owen B’d; .13.. in Markda e; Harold 8., Olive, Gordon ,Weoley _and Walter, at tw- 'Q_L_A__ - An accident with a fatal termi- nation occurred at the furniture factory on Monday morning. Wil- liam Sewell was struck in the stomach with a board from the rip-saw but although the acci- dent occurred about nine o’.clock he continued at work till noon. He' was unable to resume work after dinner. however, and medical aid was obtained. The unfortunate man grew steadily worse. and passed away on Wednesday even- ing at about eleven o’clock. Wm. Sewell Killed. TH E DURHAM CHRONICLE For a considerable period he. was dramatic and musical critic on the papgrs with which he was con- nected and his nom de plume, “Touchstone.” became familiar to many thousands of interested readers. On assuming his present position he dropped this nom de plume, though continuing to do considerable dramatic and musical criticism for the Mail and Empire. -The Globe. Feb. 24. Mr. Hector W. Charlesworth, city editor of the Toronto Mail and Em pire. and orne of the most widely known of Canadian newspapermen is shortly going to Toronto Satur- day Night as associate editor. It was in 1891 that he started his jour- nalistic career on the publiicaiion to which he is now returning. Youthful as he was. the journalist- ic instinct was even then well de- veloped in Mr. Charlesworth, com- bined with real ability as a writer. From Toronto Saturday Night he went to the Empire, and later was on the News and the World, finally going to the Mail amd Empire, where he has been city editor for six years. A newly-appointed Scotch Min- ister in his first Sunday in office had reason to complain about the poorness of the collection. “Mon,” replied one of the elders, “they are clowâ€"vera close. But.” confident- tially,"‘the auld meenister he put three or four saxpence into the plate hissel’, just to g‘ie them a start. Of course he took the sax- pence awa’ with him afterwards." The new minister tried the same plan, but next Sunday had again to report a dismal failure. The total collection was not only small, but he was grieved to find that his own sixpences were missing. “Ye may be a better preacher than the old meenister,” exclaimed the elder, “but if ye had half the knowledge 0’ the world, and o’ yer ain flock in particular, ye’d ha’ done what he did and glued the saxpences to the plate.” in a very short time. It not only builds her up, but enriches the mother's milk and preperly nour- ishes the child. Kidmy Troubles Aim ck Durham Men and Wrmm. Young and Old Kidney ills seize young and old. . Come quickly with little warn- mg. Women Worry, can’t do daily work. Men have lame and aching backs The cure for man, woman, or child\ Is to cure the cause,â€"the kidneys Booth’s Kidney Pills cure sick kidneys. Children suffer in their years. Can’t control the kidney secre- tions. Girls are languid..nervous, suffer pain. . Cure all forms of kidney suffer- mg. Durham testimony proves it. Mrs. H. McDonald, of Bruce St., Durham. O.nt., says: Headaches and spells od dizziness were freâ€" quent and often would render me unable to attend to my household duties. My back was weak, amd a dull heavy pain had settled across the small of it, in the region, of the kidneys. I would be unable to stoop over or straighten myself up. and would suffer with a lang- uid. tired feeling. :Although I had used a number of different remedies I could find no relief and learning of Booth’s Kidney Pills I concluded I would give them a trial. and procured a box at Macf-arlane’s pharmacy. I had used only one box when the lang- uidiness had gone. My back stren- gthened and the pain left it. Head- aches or dizziness have not bother- ed me since, and I can conscien- tiously recommend Booth’s Kidney Pills. Sold by dealers. Price 50 cents, The RT. Booth 00., Limited, Fort Erie, Ont.. sole Canadian agents. Nearly all mothers who nurse their children should take this splendid food- tonic, not only to keep up their own strength but to pr0perly nourish their children. Bond ”0.. nun. of paper and this ad. for a. beautiful Savings Bank and Child's Sketch-Boob Each bulk contains a Good Luck Penny. CURES CATARRH, ASTHMA, Bronchitis. Croup,Cou¢bandC;ldl,or W but. Soldaod muted 53‘ -mmm CO. SCOTT BOWNE 12. Wellington Street. West Toronto. 0‘ Gomg to Tornnto Smut-day Night Larkad Worldly KncwIedg‘e ’03 SALE BY ALL DBUGGM NOBODY SPARED early ”6M““§OOOOOOWW OWW 90999 New Underskirts-EIQ Sateen Underkirts Full flonnce, nicely made, $1. $1.25 and $1.50. Special Black Mur- JAM ES IRELAN D Full flmmce, nicely madv, $1. $1.25 and $1.50. Special Black Moro een Underskirt. pleated fluunce Wlth ruffle. $1.25. Moreen Under- skirts. splendid cloths. well made, 2 and $2.50. Regal Taffeta and Heatherblomu Underskirts, different styles, $2 to $5. These are the spring 1910 umdvls, perfect fitting. They are per- fectly easy and cnmfoitahle. at. the same time giving the currwt figure. A perfect fitting corset is a great help in getting a perfevt fitting dress. These models will please your drvssnmkvr and help her J) please you. The prices me ..... 50c, 75c, $1, $1.25, $1.50 pair New Spring Corsets--The 19l0 Models The best is the best, and it is at our store you will find it. N 0 danger of indigestion if you get; your bread, cakes, etc. from us. Try our ‘Home-made’ specialâ€"very appetizingfi and nourishing. THE BEST; MODEL BAKERY BUTTER AND EGGS WANTED For Flour Feed Seed Fresh Groceries New Fruit and Nuts Choice Confectionery - Pure Spices and Vinegars No. I Family and Pure Manitoba Flours Fine Salt. Farmers Produce Wanted 'GEO. STINSON hc‘so‘: ‘0 ss. . . . ‘ , jflelxfisllr cf/Oflda/I/ (2mm 3 I5 KING 8? EAST Â¥ A A mm.- Com Cure. “I! appliedâ€"cost: but a quar» “Lau W Putnlm’s Com Extractâ€" y '0 My years in use. Inlist on An‘ Ebb” only. What Om'cdnckueot ROYAL PURPLE STOCK m. Which is a little over two-thirds M a (u)? 3 «Ln “but fifty dlys and are given thrcc l.m.r~; a - n R1 “Given butcnceaday. and lusts half spun u-. long mount ofthc fifty cent package will last Mid.l\‘\ Rf d f “06“ M It is an astonishingly un k 1.“ for food. assisting nature to digcvat :md lurn l. .-d t wifluve many times itscnst in vctcrl'ury “Illa. I ‘8 mother Specific for poultry. nut for Um k l hon-Ida .ora pail costlpg 81.50 will Lox". mu m fiw m or only three tunes me am. n m m s- 2”? and wintermggyents fowls IO‘JJL‘. fl. ‘1) a: m: U‘ rand winter revents fowl‘ I. as. ' W J: .«2 ma ”package of OVAL PUR‘PLIBMSTOCK SP am a; ROYAL PURPLE on one on II in the same condition: after (me. I" beat to death. orclse hank Cam” 3 Mr mm or write us“. for our v.11 “bu Lama-t Wu-ner a] Grind. Cz';cui1.‘o6' v _ __ ._--- â€"vu-\nuuun u‘ plummets almost «magically. Cures huts. Cull; . Wurnu Dan McEwanJhehm-uman. savu: ”I have nut-dl persistently in the fee :ing of "Tue lax-U 2.02:. largest V I“. and 'Henry \Vintcrs.’ 2.09}. brother of 'Ach Wm III I“. These horses have never hvcn mf thur {ca-d almost a year ago. m l mu always have It fit “C“ d milk from three to five puunds [u'l‘ L‘nw r- r d Ms. It makes the Mk riChc-r :md :qu H.» :1 9» Young calves fed with R VAL PURPLL‘. are «a Mrs: hi giglqrdigaq materials~ at :«.-n wwkx. Iko Chould be mixed with coal II. In the kitchen unge. It .3 stand!» heat and dimin- I!“ ”d 8".“ Cast/imp and gttllt‘l'u‘t‘ 1% M .Ilppli“. Engines and Thin-In ‘l's. General \Vnud \‘ Mar. 24, 1910 "Tat: ESL" 2:02} WI th 0rd mar materiala m :11 WW M ROYALPU PLE STOCK SPLLXFIC ROYAL PURPLE STOCK SPhCB MC hplo Stock and Poultry Speciffi In stock by 8. P. SAUN The Durha MISS DEC EASTER M Helm Each THE DURHAM C. SMITH SONS. l) McGowan Mi Rolled Oats av 'We haw :1 med flats of Easter trmlv. and day 10 SH] also haw a nu exhibitinn m: wholesulv in our own Wul'k to wait on order eve )onfecuonory, Crockery. FRESH AND HU'I‘ I" For Groceries of all kind them up to the ln at run things. ROYAL PUt Nata “Stock Foo If you cann Imifics from m4 will supply you d on nocipt of M .50 or Stock Specifics like money acting as "district. W'nte for ta '0! sale by a" upâ€"to-dl and poultr) motion rece Stoklni-rm‘ ( um \‘ and! Mn ’ 07 PURPLE STOCI TRY SPECIFICS I. L Jenkins Mg. 00., 25% 0 STOCK AH On 33 Of numl U and a builds w IC. worm I“ (at It ll

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